The Clinton News Record, 1914-01-22, Page 9,
N. I$I8-4th .Year
The campaign preliminary to today sk \ttle of the Ballots need not be renewed tomorrow, the next day or the day after, either.
For .tirgh Class Watches, Clocks -and
fewelery go to Hellyar's.
Watches, Clocks and felDelery
well repared. All ,work left
22)1th me is guaianteed to be
satisfactorily done.
W. /11IYi •
• /mete ana Optician - Clinton
I The Royal Bank
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
Capital Paid-up 11,500,000
Reserve and Undivided Profits 12,500,000
Total Assets 175,000,000
. - 325 Branches. With world wide connection. Interest allowed
an Debosits. General Banking business transacted.
R. E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch
ii Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855 Established in Clinton 1870
Capital and Reserve - $8,700,000
T3A,Nre Motez-z ORDERS
At all branches, Interest allowed at highest current rate.
C. E. Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch.
Alteration Sale !
Only 8 Days More— ,
Sale Ends Saturday, Jan. 31
••••••••••••••• •
We harbe to • mas. ons will be
vacate a poi'-' : at work in our
• tion of store : big storethe_first
by Feb. 15th.
; week in Feb.
...ft **see 0.44* 44400
* Carpenters an d
ment in store
reduced fro m
; 15 to 50 •p, c.
DURING the last week we have had hundieds of
satisfied customers—many of them being moth-
ers who have taken advantage of the Big Bar-
gains we are offering in our boys' department. We
still Lave thousands of dollars worth of winter good
tbat must be sold during the next 8 days. Profits
will not be considered—every winter garment must go,
It will pay you well to buy your next winter's supply
******** .+...,• ..*•••••44.44•••• • •••• o..•*.
See Large Bill For Prices
. ...
..,......**,......••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••
•••••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••
• • 25 Boys . ; 1'6 'Doz. Men's
• •
' , • ,j'his is your op-
* , portunity to save
1 Overcoats at :. money—are you Cokred Shirts ;
Half -Price. •
*• * or
• . _ ' • • _ _
•••••••• •••• s••• ••••••••••••••••
Mrs. Rutledge and, Mrs, •A.,T.
Cooper entertained their Sunday
sphool, Class of young .ladies at he
home of the former, 'Wesley parson-
age, one evening last week when a
most enjoyable time was spent.
Rev, W. W. Wylie preached on ;Sun-
day morning, last and Rev. John Reid
of Londesboro in the evening, the
pastor, Rev, D. K, Grant, being 0(1-
sent.'I110 Sunday school held their annual
meeting on Monday evening when the
old staff of teachers and offieers were
elected. The annual sleighride will
be held on Tuesday afternoon next.
The auetion sale. of cows and young
stock held at the Hotel Normandie
barns on Wednesday was a success,.
The eighteerf cows sold at an avetage
of $70.03, the first 11 averaging $78.
A fine roan COW was bought by Mr, G.
Leitch of Hullett at $92, the highest
price paid. The young stock also lold
well. Mr. Holland, who attributes
the success of his sales to his ad-
vertising and the guarantee, will have
another sate' about the middle of
Mr. A. Hooper has sold his Al-
bert street pruperty, the purchaser
being Mr. C. H. Hollend, principal of
S. S. No. 2, Hallett, who enters in-
to possession in a few weeks. On
the part of Mr. Hooper this merely
means that he desires to get closer
to his office in the centre of the
town so he has bought from Mr,
John Guest his cottage on Huron
street west of the Royal Bans,
which has been under lease by Mr.
D. S. Cook,
"I renew my sulifseription to The
News -Record with pleasure for WO
would feel lost without it down here."
,—E. Ball, Toronto.
"Please find enclosed my re-
newal of subscription.' I Always
look forward to the arrival of
The _News -Record on Friday, it keeps
me so closely in tcrach with the news
from my old home town."— R. 13.
FoSter, Toronto.
'I will enclose you Postale° or-
der for my renewal of sub. It seems
to me that I couldn't get along with-
out The News -Record for it is better
than a weekly letter, yea, two letters,
from my WA home distriet."—Wm.
E, Graham, Marlette, Mini.
Mitis Annie Isabel Cooper, daughter
of the late Mr. Thomas C'ooper of
Clinton, Passed away suddenly at her
home in town early Friday mornimg,
Miss Cooper had net becn in the
bal. of health for some little time but
few were aware that she was at all
seriously ill and no one was prepared
for such a sudden developement of her
troehle, which was an affection of. the
heart. She had retired .about the us-
ual time Tleirsday even'ng after hav-
ing spent the day going about her
household duties. During the night
het sister was awakened by some
sound and called to her and on re-
ceiving no answer went to her only
to find that she was fast sinking.
Medical aid was at once summoned
but lite had (led before anything
could be done.
Miss Cooper is survived by two
brothers and two sisters : Homer of
Helena, Montana, Ogle 01 Coiling -
wood, and Mrs. A. J. Parrish and
Miss Minnie of Owe.
The funeral took place on Monday
afternoon, the Services being conduct,
ed by Rev. Dr. Stewart, formerly
pastor of Willis church, and an old
friend Of the family.
Friday last being the twenty-fifth
anniverSary OE (Inc marriage of Mr,
and Mrs. Peter Cantelon number of
their friends and relatives took ad-
vantage of the occasion to give them
a little surprise, and they gathered •Last week Mr, H. E. Rorke receiv-
together about eight o'cloeli •and ed word of his mother's serious ill -
Wheat 83e to 85e.
Oats 30c to 33c. -
Barley 50e.
Butter 216 to 28e.
Eggs 31e to 30C.
Live Hogs $8.50.
Rev. W. W. Wylie addressed the
League meeting .0a. Moaday evenieg,
the Citizenship committee being, in
charge. e . •
The, Sunday sehool intend having
their ''annual sleighed° Friday after-
noon of this week. The drive will be
followed by supper and an entertain-
Mr, E. Kemp of Londen, formerly
of Clinton, passed another milestone
0111 the 18,th and is now in his 75th
year. A thorogoing optimist is our
old friend and ! the passing time
makes but' little impression . upon
him. Here's hoping that he ,may
have many more happy birthday an-
niversaries. • •'
Additional operatives for the Knit-
ting Mill arrived on Tuesday and
some seventy people are now cm the
payroll. Nine new knitting machines
are on the way and -when installed
the Clinton Knitting Mill will proba-
bly be the most modern • and best
equipped o[ its size in Canada.
New lines of goods are being placed
on the market, 001 .01 the latest be-
ing a silk and wool hose known as
the "Weatwell Scotch Heather" brand
which the travellers report is being
eagerly snapped up by the trade. This
is the only mill in • the Dominion
which makes this class of hose.
A number of the young matrons and
maids of town gave a dance in the
town hall on Friday even'ng which
proved to be a most enjoyable one.
The invitations were unique, being
sent out from the "Clinton Suffragette
Association," and very few who were
favored with one failed to ac-
cept. The brilliant music, pretty
gowns for the "suffragettes" and their
friends do rot underestimate the value
of pretty gowns, and a similitude of
good dancers, all combined to make
the affair pass off pleasantly. A
buffet luncheon was served at eleven 0 -
clock and the dancing was kepi up
101' 5101715 time after that.
Rev, Canon Crhig of St. John's
church, London, for eleven years
rector of St. Paul's, preached two ex-
cellent sermons to good congregations
on Senday. Many of thoie who re-
membered him welt as rector were
present to hear him but still, so many
elnInges do a score of yeaes' make in a
congregation and it was like preaphing
to a strange one for Canon Craig, ex-
cept for a familiar fare here and
Prof. Wright will have charge of
the services on Sunday next and uti-
til the new rector arrives.
The Guild will hold their regular
Mputhly tea on Monday afternoon
next the school room
Mr. C. G. Middleton, Jr., whose
Cann adjoins the coporation and whose
residence is about three hundred yards
from the line, now has not only his
house but his barns electrically light,
ed. De has as well a lamp at the front
gate, controlled by a switch in the
house. Mr. Middleton purposes, when
the hydro system is, rightly installed,
to iese electricity tor power purposes
to churn, run the washing machine,
cut straw, etc. This indicates a pro-
gressiveness of which The NewseRecordi
is pleased to take rote and sets an
example that others will ee doubt
follow. 111 a few yeaes the Clinton
hydro plant will be furnishing light
and power to many tanners not too
far distant from town.
proceeded to Use 110118C. Mr. sod
Mrs, Cm -Acton were completely taken
by surprise, care having been taken
to keep them in the dark, but they
cordially welpomed their frieruls to
their home. When the company hall
gathered an addret,s was read so Mr.
and Mrs. Cantelon !and th gi were
presented with a very handsome sil-
ver baking dish. Mr. D. Cantelon
read the address .and Mrs. II. W.
Cook made the presentation. Mr.
Cantelon replied In behalf ' of him-
--self and Mrs. Cantelon, thank -
'Mg their friends for their
thoughtfulness in remembering the in-
teresting anniversary, yor •the kind
sentiments expressed in the address
and tot the beautiful gift, assuring
them' that they would both long re-
member the pleasant oecaslon.
The reit-minter of the evening was
pleasantly spent in garnee, music and
social chat and the enjoyment of the
excellent refreshments provided by the
ladies of the compaay. The party
broke up in good thne atter express-
ing good wishes to the host and hos-,
tess tor many •more anniversary of
the happy, event.
Mr. and Mrs, Mulholland of Holmes
though not among the company
on Friday; sent Mr. and Mrs. Canto.
Ion a handsome pie leniM to mark the
Mr and Mts. Cantelon have resided
in Clinton all -their married life and
are held in esteem by a large circle
of frieeds, who will join heartily in
ness brought on by a fall. Later a
long distance call on the phone, sum -
moiled to ber home at Owen
Sound as the end ebeined very near.
Death came quietly and peacefully on
Friday evening.
Mrs. Rorke was born, in York Coun-
ty in the year 1828, being in her
eighty-sixth year when death came.
Fier parents were Rev. IL'H. and Sa-
ra Wilson. She vms married early in
lite to Witham. D. Rorke of Newmar-
ket, who died six years ago. Of a
family of eleven nine still survive :
J, of Owen Sound, Mrs. John Bo-
gen of Le Marr, Iowa,' Mrs, J. Moore
of Colbert, Wash., Mrs. T. R. Har-
wood of Alberta, George A. ot Mark -
dale, Miss Eva ot Owen Sound, H. E
of Clinton, Mrs. John Privet' of
Steveston, B. C.. and Mrs. Thos.
Envie'', of Bognor -
The funeral service which was helcl at
her late residence 671 8th street A.
East, Owen Sound, on Saturday al-
ternooti, was canducted by Rev, Dr.
Daniels of the First Methodist,
Interment took place at
IVIeaford cemetery. on Monday.
The pallbearers were three sons, II.
J., Geo. A. and II. E., two sons-in-
law, John Bogen and Thos. Fniazelle
and a friend, Mr. E. P'. Healing of
Saskatichewan, '
Among the floral tributes of spit-,
pathy and affection was a beautiful
wreath sent by the machine depart-
ment of- the Doherty Piano Company
• The League meeting on Monday ev-
ening was under the direction cif the
Good 'Cit*iiship department and was
led by Mr. George Webber, '
The regular quarterly communion
service will be held on Sunday morn-
ing next. • •
A special sermon for men, but not
for men, only, will be held on Sun-
day evening. The service of song will
to led • by a Male choir.. The Lobb
Mole !Quartette will also sing,
A GIFT TO THE 0.11. S.
The Women's instil/ate have puesea-
ted to • the Model school , nine pretty
!pictures, all neatly framed, one for
each ot the rooms. The pictures are
on various tiabjects, several being "ins-
toral scenes and many being copies of
the old masters. One is an histori-
cal seem, the meeting of Wellington
and' Blutcher. The -pictures have been
on exhibition in Fair's window during
the past week but have now been
removed to the Model school. The
Board, the staff and.the pupils are
grateful for the interest thus shown
in the school by the W. I.
There are few, indeed, who carry
-their years, as lightly: as does our es•
teemed citizen, M. Wm. Robb, who a
few days ago -passed his eighty-sixth
birthday. T•here • are few days
throughout the: year that he is not
down town! and his step is• as spright-
and as light as that ot most men.
twenty or thirty years younger. Not
only sp, but Itts mind is just alert as
Isis bogy, he takes as keen an interest
in all things passing about him as ever
he • did and by reading keeps .postedas
to current events, which he delights
to discuss with kindred spirits from
time to 'time. The News -Record joins
Mr. Robb's friends in congratulations
and good wishes for still many re-
turns of hio birthday.
The members of the 'Huron Old Boys
Association. of Toronto are looking
forward to a very interesting and
pleasant time at their lath annual Al
Home,. which takes place on the even-
ing Feb. 20th. Some of the .very best
talent in the city will take part, a-
mong this being Miss Honinth, for-
merly of Wingham, who is regarded,
as OM of the best soprano singers or
'Toronto, her services being in great
demand. The At Home will be held
in the new Odchellows Mall on Col-;
lege street, a very commodious and
list'Asome hall, centrally situated,
with all modern accessorieS, whiCh
has just been tompleteit The - Tor-
onto members of the Association will
be glad to welcome ilurotilans
from any part of the county at this
TIOCKEY AT. sTrt•ATvonn,
• A very exciting game of hockey was
played in Stratford. Monday night hp.
tween Clinton and the home team.
This was one. of the cleanest games
played this aeaWn. Only one man was
ruled off during the game, a Stgat-
ford player,. for a -trip. At halt time
the score was 2-1 in raver or Strat-
ford and at the. close the odds were
2-5. Stratford' had been playing in
Syracuse, N. Y. and claimed that
they Were hardly awake yet, but they
sure had to wake up and do some
For Clinton•ltumball and Draper
-played a star game.
The line-up was ihe same for the
local. team,
On Wednesday evening of this week
the home of Mr. and Mrs. ! Robert
colplough, Goderieh township, was
the scene of a quiet hut pretty 1veci-
ding when their daughter, Harriett
Bertha, became the bride of Arthur
Elmer Fineh, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James .Finch ot Clinton,
As the wedding march was Stayed
by Miss Lulu Clolelough, niece of the
bride, the bridal. patty took their
place before! a bank or evergreens,
The nuptial knot was tied by the
Rev. H. J. Condell, vector of Trinity
Church, Bayfield, in the presence of
only the immediate relatives of both
After congratulations the co,egpity
sat down to a samptuoin) bridal feast
and the evening was pleasantly spent
in Music and social chat.
Alr! and MLS. Finell will 1111(0 UP
their abode in Clinton. -
The Ontario Health Exhibit Made
in the town hall yesterday Spread
much useful information on subjects
of vital interest to people at large.
Not only the bidet citizens but the
• generation at; wets watched the
"movies" and listened with evident
a tio tl t II E tl
The hockey match—Stpatford , vs.
Clinton—to have been played this ev-
ening has been postponed, owing to
the state or the ice, to next Monday
The St. Joseph Dramatic Society
will present "An Irish Eden" in Dub-
lin on Wednesday evening next. This
three -apt drama comedy is exceeding-
ly well presented, assuring lo the
good people! of DubVin and vicinity a
very pleasant evening's. entertain.
Rev. Dr. Dielcie of Chatham will
present the famous Passion Play in
a series of line pictures in the town
hall on the evening or Feb. 10th un-
der the auspices of the Travel Club.
:itre:iisis6ct.he opportunity of seeing
this beautiful play. Athnission 25e.
"The Light of Tndia," is the sub-
ject, or an interesting illustrated lee-.
ture which will be given. in the. local
Salvation Army hall on Monday
evening next by Major li'rank Nor-
ris. This lecture is based on My.
Harold 13egbie's book and will be il-
lustrated, by one liundred colored pic-
tures, Major Norris is ne stranger in
Clinton, having appeared before an
andience liere or; more than one oc-
casion, and no doubt many who have
heard him previously will be glad to
avail themselves or auother opportun-
The Girl's Club held theft annual
meeting on Tuesday evening when
the following list of officers were el-
Hon.-Iiresident, Mrs. D. K. Grant.
President, Mrs, L. 0. Paisley.
lst Vice, Mis0 Winnie
2nd Vice, Miss Maude Torrance.
Secretary, Miss Bessie Watt.
Treasurer, Miss Luella Walkinshale.
Miss Hazel O'Neil.
'1'lle reports Mowed the Club to be
in a ,good state financially and it was
decided to use some ineare; to raise
money this year to provide 15.tent to
be presented to the. morality depart-
Mr. N. W. Trewaetha left on :Fri-
day last For Montreal Lo transact
'business at, the head office of' the
Gaon, Langlois Company, whoie af-
fairs he so capably mainges in this
diatrict. Mr. Trewarlha 1g:tinned on
Miasi Maude -Hale cif Goderich is
visiting Holmesville friends.
The nice tirfes of the Farmer's in-
stitute and the Women's institute
held her6.• on Tuesday of last week
were a decided success, in the after-
noon the women held their meeting
at the home of Mrs. Mulholland and
the men met at the hall. Clever and
Practical speeches. were .made at each
gathering and they were onty adjourn-
ed in time to partake •of the excel-
lent slipper which the local branch of
the Women's 'Institute provided at
'Mrs. .MUlh011and's, AGM! flipper a
social hour was spent in chat uatil
the oenng of the • evening session,
which wag a joint meeting Ex
Reeve Sturdy occupied the chair at
the evening session and among tile
speakers were : PreAdent Mallough
. of Dungannon, Reeve Lobb, Mr.
Swynn of Mabee, Mr. Gee, Acheson,
N. W. Trewartha, Miss VICKODEie and
ppiecia to re a cs o mec
ical Man in charge.
Tuberculosis, its coatagiotis and fat-
al nature was illustrated 111 a series
• of pictures in a way to be remem-
The "movies'slmwed how in many
ways milk beeemea impure and of its
tdahgeroits nature when in that state,
especially to. young ehirdren,
And the fly, the coninion house vat'.
lefty and others, received attention in
a series of pictures which allowed
how it carries disease from putrid
spots to happy homes :
trhe lessons to he derived were :
Guard against the "White Plague!"
with as much care as against small-
pox or scarlet fever,
• making the best
• at Half -Price. ;
Motto "A Square Deal for Every Man."
Handle the milk supply in • the
most sanitary way.
Banish the fly by cleaning up the
magiggimmommion 'the congratulations and good wishes. of Clinton. • • sougees of fly life,
`` We Are in Dead Earnest."
To th_s Editor of Tuz News -Record,
Dear Sir,—We have read in your pa-
per of last week Rev. Mr. Wylie's !et -
ter in regard to the conduct of the
crowd on the 020R0i011 Of the Goder-
ich—Clinton hockey match in your
town, and we wish to state most on -
piratically that. the statements he
makes are outrageously exaegerated
and their general spirit grossly un-
true. It is a shameful thing that a
man—let a'one a clergy man—sliould
be responsible for Stich a piece of
wholesale slander. As officers ot 'the
Goderich hockey team, who , know
-What they are talking about, SVC state
that Mr, Wylie's; censure, so far as it
may be held' to refer to members of
this team, is absolutely and wholly
undeserved. We are not reaponsible
for the conduct of, the crowd, but if
Mr. Wylie saw, or thought he saw,
seven persons under the iafteence of
limier he must himself have been "see-
ing double." There were possibly two
or Vireo and 110.1 07/0 OE 00111 con-
ne6ted With the Goderich hockey
1011171. ‘,Ve resent the publication ol
such a letter in a newspaper going'
broadcast thgotigh the country. How
would Mr. Wylie likb it if WO eireulat-
cid a statement that a party of clergy-
men, ot whom he was known to be one,
had. IV/311 indulging in improper pra6-
tices while away from home ? 'Our
boys lia,ve just as much right to
their good name as, Me, Wylie or
anybody else. We trust you will
give this letter equal prominmee in
yotir columne with Mn. Wyll 35
ter of last week. We ere in d0fUl
'earnest, and we do not intend to
have our team wantonly slandered.
Yours very truly,
;President, Treasurer.
• • Goderich Hockey Club,
AGoderich, Jan. 271,11.
Good Morning, Mr. Warden!
David Cantelon, Esquire,
Apple King, Warden of
Huron County.
The new warden of Huron Comae',
whose photogravure appears at the
head of this column, is a native of
Stoclerieh township but has been a res-
ident of Clinton for well on to forty
years. .
He was a son of the late David
Cantelon and was born on the old.
homestead en the 9th con., the farm
ROW owned and occupied by his bro-
ther, Mr. Adam Cantelon.
Coming to Clinton as a young man
Mr. Cantelon went into the grocery'
business, which he conducted until
bought out by his brothers, Messes.
Cantelon Bros. After this he devoted
his entire time to dealing in apples
and hogs. He was the first man ia
this part of tha country to buy elp-
pros for export and he has sucpeeded
in building up quite a trade.
11 15 a good many years since Mr.
Cantelon first began to take an in-
terest in town politics and he sat at
the council board for several years
before he was elected a county- com-
missioner, representing the munici-
palities of Clinton, Goderich town-
ship and Hallett. For three terms,
of two years each, be represented
these three municipalities at the
county council, when a return was
made to the old order of things and
each municipality again had the priv-
ilege of sending its °wit' represerile4-
For some Hine again lie served as
a councillor, being returned on every,
occasion on which lie offered himself
This is his third successive term as
reeve and so accustomed has he bfecome
10 the proceedings of the county
council that he is almost as much at
home there as sitting at the local •
council board.
A genial, good natured Irishman,
"Big Dave" has made a host of fri-
ends wherever IL; Is known. On both
sides ot polities and among all sorts
of people 11010 held in. esteem. One
woman, whose name.• was by 501115
1(611115 lat off the voters' list this
year, was full al regret that she
could at cast lier vote tor "Dave"
whoin she had) always " supported.
Happily, for both, the vote was not
needed as his majority was sufficient
without it, but she still was .sorry
that she couldn't have added one more
to the number.
Mr. Cantelon declared this year that
this was the last time he won't' of-
fer himself as a candidate For reeve,
sog it was fitting that, after sitting
so long at the • board, he should oceue
py the warden's chair beforo his re-
tirement, and so his fellow -members
of the county council seemed to view
The News-Recoed congratulates him
upon his election and the county
council also and is sure 1)6 55111 pre
SW 0 over that important body with
tact and dignity.
A number are enraged this week
in cutting and storing their summer
supply of ice.
The young people's guild of Trini-
ty church entertained the A.1'.P.A.
of St. James' Church, Middleton, on
Tuesday evening when a very pleasant
and enjoyable time was spent.
Mrs. James Campbell is visiting
friends in Walkerville.
Mrs. William Stirling attended the
funeral of her brotInr, Mr. James ,
Colwell of Goderich an Saturday,
Mrs. -Young, end Mrs. Edmoiton
spent a few days with friends in Clin-
ton this week.
Mr. John Torrance, License Inspect- •
or for South Huron, 5005 111 OW
lage on Monday. •
Mr. Rol)01:100R, 56i01506 IIIRS1017
the 0 cideirich Collegiate, occupied the
pulpit of St. Audrew's chinch on Sun-
day morning; last and that of the
Met bo dist chureh M the
evening, preaching interestieg sermons
in the interests of the Canada Tornperanee Act.
An obituary sketch of lite late"
John Whighlon, a much insect:died-
citizen 01 Beytield tot' a great many
years, appear on page four, Ills de.
parturo leavo8 o gap in our cone!
iminity that will he hard tO
Ntr. Geo. Holland returned Satur-
clay to Elgin to select another car-
load of stock, but nothing will pre-
vent hlin from returning in time for
the voting on the Canada 'temperance
• -11