The Clinton News Record, 1914-01-22, Page 8k.
Our All11a til a
And Will Continue Right Through this Month
—A Small Listtof Specials for Next Week ---
Reg for ` Beg for
Oarpent's steel hammers ,50 .35 ,Lanterns • .65 .40
braces ,b0 .88 1 only 5015 anvil 4,50 3,50.
Household handsaws .85 ,27 Horse clippers 1,25 1,00
Kitchen saws iron frame .25 .17 •` ' 1.75 1.45
Improved wire plyers 10in.35 .27 Curry combs .05
34-inchflat files ,35 .25 Cattle coughs .15
8 " " .10 Clothes horses 1,25 .75
1 No: 8 Bailey iron plane 4,75 4.00 Bailey razors 1.50 108
1 No. 5Jack plane 2.25 1.75 1.00 .68
1 No. 4 alley smooth": 2 50 2 10 Barber's razor hones .35 .19
1 double barreled gun 12,80 9.50 A first-class strop .85 ,18
I Stevens rifle ,,,,„ mr, 7.00 600 Steel snow shovels ,25 .18
1 5.00 4,25 Galvanized snow shovels .80 .24
A good discountgiven on the following lines.
Grauiteware Washing machines
Alluminurn ware Clothes wringers
Glassware Willow clothes baskets
Mitts and gloves Pocket knives
Nickel plated teapots Scissors
A Snap on Stoves.
llarland Bros.
January Sale of
Ali flintcr goods
Our annual sale of all lines of winter goods starts
Ladies' and children's mantles.
Men's and boys' overcoats.
Fur lined and fur collared overcoats.
Furs. felt boots, slippers,t .
See our ladies' mantles that regularly sold at $10
and $12, clearing at $4.95.
Don't miss these bargains.
IF you want to wear
better shoes than
you ever :did before,
without spending as
much money as for-
merly, see the re-
markable values of-
fered at
Good Shoes for Everybody.
Don't fail to7 call on
when looking for any-
thing in Furniture .as we carryla complete and
up-to-date stock of all kinds, comprising many
beautiful and useful articles for the Xmas
trade which we are offering at most reason-
able 'prices.
Night and Sunday Calls.
N. BALL Phone 110 .1. D. ATKINSON Phone. 186,
The News -Record is a news
Clinton News -Record
Jae: uary 22nd, 19t4
Waist 7286 -Skirt 7287
This Smart Surplice
Double Flare Tunic
is only one of the lovely advance styles
illustrated in the February Standard
Fashion Sheet.
Call at our Standard Pattern Depart,
ment and get your copy
Often Cheapest Always the Best
r� yyj�,Qtp
pli I
Miss Anna Jenkins is in Toronto
this 'week.
;Miss Webster of Londesb'oro is the
guest .this week of her sister, Mrs.
1:. Saville.
M -s. Livermore, Sr., has gone to
Blyth to spend the remainder of
the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. James Horton of
Goderich are visiting friends in
town this week.
Mr. C. 1✓. Dowding and his mother,
Mrs. Dowding, Sr., wore in Chic-
ago the past week.
Mr, 0. 1a. Dowding provisional lieu-
tenant in the 33rd Regiment, has
retired from the service.
Mrs. (Judge) Robertson of Toronto
is at present the guest of her nep-
hew, Mr. J. Cuninghaoxe.
Mr. John Guest and his son, Mr.
ErneOt Guest of Elginfield, have
been in town yesterday and today.
Mrs. Thos. Kearns spent a few days
in Goderich last -reek as the gue9L
of her niece, Mrs. James McClacbr
Miss Scott, who had been the guest
•of Mr. and Mrs. G, 1). McTaggart,
left Monday for her horse in Mon-
Mr. Harry Morrish has been spend-
ing the past ten! days " with relatives
at Toronto. Whitby and Glen -
Mrs. Angus Cordon called me Mrs.
W. Cook while on her way from
Brucefield to her hone at Part Al-
bert on Friday.
Mrs. G. D. McTaggart and MIies Jean
McTaggart went to Toronto Tues-
day, the latter going on to visit
friends in Montreal.
Mrs. Len Cantelon returned to her
horse in Toronto Saturday after
spending several' weeks visiting Mr.
and Mrs. P. Cantelon.
Mr. T. W. I4awkins spent yesterday
in London on business. Mr. A. Wil-
kin accompanied him and visited
for the day with his daughter, Mrs,.
Mr. David H. Fulton, who Las been
in the west several wecl,rs m the
interests of the Piano Comeany,:e-
turned Tuesday and has re;o:ned
the office stall.
Mrs. Elias Ball and little MissMar-
gare.t, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Nelson Ball, returned Saturday af-
ter a visit of several weeks with
friends at Eberts.
Mr. Gordon Cuninghaine returned
Monday after a three weeks' visit
with friends at Jackson, Detroit and
+rand Ledge, Mich., and at other
points across the border,
Mr. P. Senn of Brantford, well and
very favorably known by ma0y in
Clinton, 'has been in ; ,Wn for a
few days looking atter 11:e business
interests of an old friend.
Miss Beatty, the talented organist of
St. Paul's church, has been on the
sick list for the past fortnight, in
her absersee her duties as organist
being taken by Miss Clete, Ford'.
Mr. S. 5. Cooper was called to lien -
sail Monday morning a fire having
taken place during the night in the,
hotel he owns there which is under
lease by Mr. Carlin. About one
thousand dollar:; damage was done.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. „Clark, Miss Ma
bel and Master Arthur of Toror, o
were week -end visitors in town,
having some up to visit the for-
lnerr's father, who is i11 and, other
relatives and friends. They return-
ed to the city Monday morning.
Mr. Chas. 'Donaldeeni, . general agent
of the big, "C. T. Cl'ase Company
was in town 'Tuesday. 13e had Jus{;
returned from a business trip up
'through the Northland where he did
a big stroke of business. He says
a most optimi,stio feeling prevails
and that big prices are being ask-
ed' for improved farm near the
towns He bought a 160 -ache place
a few Milest out of Cochrane and
expeet9 by ane by to turn it over
at a substantial increase in price
Good Morn'ng,1 I-Iave you renewed
your subscription to The News -Rec-
ord ? 'The label tells the talo..
Buyers Make Big Savings In Every Department.
$10,000" Worth of Winter Goods to be Sold for $5,000.
This is Our Annual Sale and if the low prices we are giving can make it su it will be the greatest sale
in the history of this store.
Here are the, prices on a few of the many lines we carry
Flannelette Blankets.
25 pairs Ibex flannelette blankets, grey and white 11 x 4,
perfect in finish and quality, Sale price $1.50
Children's Wool Hoods.
Children's wool knitted heeds in solid red and grey trim -
flied with red. regular $1.00. Sale price .75
Children's Bear -Skin Goats,
20 only children's cream, red and tan bear skin coats, all size
es, regular $2 50 to $3.50. Sale price 1.50
Ladies'.Golf„ Coats
Golf coats in grey, red and white, all sizes, several styles,.
regular $2.50 to $3.50. Sale price 1.69
All Wool Coatings.
Ladies' all wool coatings, plain and mix tweeds in the new
colors, regular $3,25 and $3.50. Sale price 2.150
Red Beaver Cloth.
Winter weight red beaver cloth for misses' or ladies eloak-
ee, thirty-five yards only, reg. $1,50. Sale price .95
Plain Blanket Cloths.
50 yai'ds phuin blanket clot bs in red, tan. brown, navy, 54
inches wide, regular 51.25. Sate price .95
Wool Sheetings,
50 yards all wool sheeting, wide width, white only. regular
$1.25, Sale price .79
Deep Cuts
on Ladies'
Children's Knitted Coats.
Children's knitted wool coats in all colors, plain and Com-
bination, regular $1,00 and 51.25. Sale price .75
Kid Gloves 50c,
About two dozen ladies kid gloves, odd sizes and makes in
black and tan, regular price $1. Sale pt ice 150
Wool Mufflers 25c.
Ml en's, ladies' and children's mercerized mufflers, close fit
t ing necks, fastened with dome button, all colors, regular
50c. Sale price .25
Knitted Corset Covers 19c.
Ladies' white knitted corset covers, long sleeves, made
from good clean yarns, our regular 25e values, in sizes 2, 3.
4. Sale price .19
Lace Curtains 20 p. c. Off.
500 pairs white and ecro swiss curtains, alt .new designs
this season, prices Me np to $5. Sale price 20 p. c. off.
Slightly Soiled Cartains,
25 pair lace curtains slightly soiled from being used on our
display rack, priced from 50e to 55. Sale price just one
Window Madras.
Two pieces of two tone window madras, wide width, new
colorings, regular $1. Sale price .69
• London Road
Miss Edith .Jauricron of Clinton
spent last week visiting friends on
the Road.
Miss Tillie McClinchcy has b'ecn the
guest of her uncle] Mr. George Watt,
for a few days this week,
Messrs. Jos. Crich and Jos. Shipley
were in London on Monday attending
the funeral of a nephew.
The , League was held on Tuesday
evening at the -ionic of Mr. A. B.
Stephenson. Next week the meeting
will be held at the borne of Mr. II.
Mrs. I. Dodd of Clinton, 15 visiting
]ger daughter, Mrs. G. W. Layton.
Livermore and a temperance literary
program will be given.
The Ladies' Guild met at the home
of Mrs. Lawson on Wedrisday after-
Mr. and Mrs. A. Lovett entertain-
ed a number of their friends on Fri-
day evening f'a,st. All report having
spent a very en.'oyable evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and fam-
ily of Macconn,, Sask., are visiting
friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. Wm. Lawson spent a few clays
recently the guest of Colborn;
Miss Emma Courtice and Miss Til-
lie McCartney entertained the mem-
bers of the Methodist church choir at
the home of the former one evening
last weed: when a very pleasant time
was spent in music, social games,
etc. Refrearncnts were served at
the conclusion and the affair was
Goderich Township
Mr. John Easom, who went west
five years ago and homesteaded at
Ogema, Sask., has returned and has
been visiting with his brother, Mr:,
David Easoui of the 16th con. and
1( acquaintances. I I
olCuaga a s He he has
life on the prairies and he looks it,
About the first of next month he
leaves for hid half section near ...Og-.
A rneeting•in, the interests of the
Canada 'Temperance Act was held in
the. Union Presbyterian church on the
3rd con on Tuesday evening: whish
was addressed by Rev. R. J.:McCor-
mick' of Holnicsville, Nev. 0. 1,.
Langford of Clinton and the pastor,
Rev. Mr. Hamilton,
Messrs. A. 11I. Crawford, A. 0. Por-
ter and J. S. Carr with Mr. Andrew
Stewart of Lucknew attended the
curling bonspiel in Lindsay last week.
Mrs. Ernie Mirrington, while visit-
ing lier husband in London at the
Christmas sea.I.on was taken sudden-
ly ill and has been in the hospital in
that city ever since,
Hullett Township_
Mr. .john Watt of Harlock is un-
dergoing treatment in Clinton hospit-
Mr. Shurrie and Russel Bradshaw of
near Brussels spent a few days at
the hone of Mr. and Mrs. D. IIog-
gart and al:lo with friends in Clin-
A foal arrived at the farm of T.
McMichael & Son on Friday last.
It's a Sydney and. therefore as smart
as a cricket. Mention is made of this
arrival because the general opinion
has been that the Messrs, McMichael
raise only high-class Clydesdales but
no trotting stock,
The Messrs. 'Phomas and Erne Ad-
ams sold and delivered to the Clin-
ton buyers the past week forty-one
head of butcher' cattle which had an
average weight of 1220. Thirty of
the bullocks came from , the stables
of Thomas Adams.
Mullett District L. 0. L. held their
annual meeting in Seaforth on Tues-
day evening of last week and elected
the following officers :
Master, I). N. Watson.
Deputy, W. E. Southgate,
Chaplain, John Scarlett.
Rec.-Secretary, .John B'.dlarcl.
Fln: Secretary, A. P. Joynt.
Treasurer, Chas. Tyner.
Lecturer, Thos, Managhan.
D. of C., F, Welsh.
This was one of the most interesting
meetings ever held -by the District
Lodge. The oTcers were installed bye
County 'Master, Wm. Kenny. Mr.
Johnston, Who is ninety years of age
and has been sixty-five years an Or-
angeman, was present and gave an
address on the working of the oilier.
The newly. elected members each spoke •
briefly and a short musical program
was given being concluded with the
singing of the national anthem.
The News -Record is a ITullett news
. •
The News From Londesboro
Mr. Robt. Gibbs left Monday for
Ayton, where he will- spend a few
days tuning pianos, Being a thor-
ough workman and understanding his
business Robert has a nwnber of
customers who keep their work for
i Miss 13. Webster spent a few days
this week with her sister, Dir;. E.
Saville of Clinton.
Mr. M. Mains is having a quantity
of heading, logs and square timber
hauled to the station for shipment in
the spring,
Mr. Richard Jackson of IIartney,
Man., formerly a resident on the 8th
con., has been visiting old friends in
the village and surrounding vicinity
this week. It is about thirty years
since Mr. Jackson went west so that
he notices many changes in the peo-
Rev. Mr, Miller: of Auburn assisted
the local Methodist pastor in special
services on Wednesday evening.
The Iiarmer'b Institute meeting on
Monday was well attended, all was
also the Women's meeting in the af-
ternoon and the joint; meeting in the
evening. A program by local talent
was a feature of time • evening meeting
in addition to the addresses given.
Messrs. Wm. Bell arra R. Crawford
returned this ween from London.
Mrs. G. Brown of Brantford is.
spending a few clays with her moth•
er, Mlrs, (Dr.) Young.
Considerable. literature objectionable.
to most temperance people has been.
circulated through the mails during
the past week. Besides being inn
educative this literature was unsign-
ed, which made it all the more un-
interesting as reading matter.
Miss Lavina, 'and Reuben and Robt.
Gibbs spent Sunday with their•
brother, Mr. F. Gibbs of Clinton.
Mr. ,las. Shobbrook returned yes-
terday after spending a week with:.
Exeter friends.
Miss I•Iooper of Woodham is visit•
ing her cousin, Mliss Laura Shob-
:1 meeting in the interest of tem-
perance was here on Tuesday even
ing. Rev. S. J. Allis of Clinton was.
present and explained the working of
the Canada Temperance Act. There
was a good attendance in spite of
the stormy state of the weather.
Miss Moran of Saginaw, Mich., who
has been spending slevcral weeks in,
town, rcturnid home last Week. -
MIr. George Smitliers has returned:-
eturned,10 Toronto after a visit with this par-
ents in. town.
I January CAi cow
learing Sale.
51531 FORTH.
Mrs. Robe. Bradford 01 1,ucl;now
visited her daughter, Mrs, J, Pinkney
1itS( week,
Mt Brine Seott of the west spent
t few slays Inst week with his grand-
mother, Mts. Brine.
Miss IT, Isobel Graham was a
week, end visitor wi;11, Clinton friends.
District; Chief Ranger (Us. .Mon
oe Godorleh visited the local lodge
of A, 0, F. on Monday week and in-
stalled the new officers and initiated
e number of members, After the
wort: of the lodge room all repaired'
to the restaurant and intlnlged in an
oyster supper.
Following are the new officers. in
Camp Lady Nairn, S of 5 : Chief,:
Alexander W. Stobie , Chieftain, "Ro-
bert Steele • Chaplain, Wm Ball-
antyne ; Secretary, A. D. Sutherlaeirl;
Treasurer, W. E. IItnchley ; Marshall,
W, R Smith Standard Bearer, John
Gillespie ; 5, Ch., Alex. Sutherland ;,
J. 0., Robert Broadioot ; Physician,
1)r, MacKay Trustees, Wm. Ballan• ..
t;'ne and: W. R. Smith.
Our 2nd Semi -Annual Clearing Sale has to date
proved an unqualified suecess—thanks to our many
patrons and friends.
A final clean-up of broken lines and styles of
,women's and men's fine footwear will be the feature
of our Sale for the balance of the month.
About 100 pairs of wom•
en's patent and kid blue.
laced boots, reg, $2.25 to
$4,50, sizes only 21, 3, 31,
4,:11and 7.
Sale price
Women's felt laced boots
regular $1,75 1 38
Sale price
50 pairs men's calf and
patent bluchers. sizes on-
ly 6, 61, 7, Ti, 8 and 81,
regular price $3 00 to
Sale price
women's felt laced boots,
regular $1.50 128
Sale price •
H. S C
Successor to J. Twitchell & Son PIION5 70 1'.