The Clinton News Record, 1914-01-22, Page 3Fier Great Love;
Or, A Struggle For a Heart
(MAPPER XX)re,-(Continued).
Docirea's hand went to het heart.
"Ile did not dot!" she said. "I know
-1tere1on sikeeretl,
' "ah, r ve xo doulitt'they have kept the
!Ikea kora you, or as rauele of it aa they
could. You haven't read the evidenee."
Yee e every word," the said, The're Wee
a ,straneee llht in her,eyes,'-itud her vow!
scented to havo gained a nekton serengta
Every word; and still I ear that he Was"
innocent! X know '
glaneed ab her tk,ngrilen
"It le a lucky thing'kr him hthat he es-
caped having to boa a Jura,' e (laid, wibh
Her lir,e quivered:and her One closed,
and. a low enolitenntion of anguleh broke,
from her imvoluntarilee ' .' •
"Even-even.eif lie lead •lived and the.Y,
had found him guilty; even if I Were con-
vinced that he had done it-"
She otoPped and 'looked beyond him as
If she did not see him,
"Weill?" he demanded. She lowered her
eyee to his .feee.
ehould love him etilli" oame EdowlY
from her white lips.
lierehon ragas end jealousy overniKter
ed him.
"Ton mut be mad!" he said, hoareely
"After that ehameleen confession, there'
nothing foreme but to take niyeelf off
He snatehed up beg hoe and looked to
ward Gee door; then Ve eyee seem(
drawn toward her unwillina1Y.
"I -I suppeoo you haVe oounted th
cost of-oe thio rupture of our engage
meat?" he stammered, "You don't, forge
that your father owes me a large sum o
money? Perham your brother -your pre
clous -brother, he eneercel-"line puede th
coneequences met plain to You?"
She looked at h if she were try
lug to aetend, nneleretantl,
"/ Geo you <toe he eaid. "Well, Of
course, / stand by my word,. and I ex -
peat you to stand by youre. I undertook.
In tho event of your marrying ine, to take
over your fatherea liabilities and to pro
vide for your brother. As the marriagi;
• le off -es 7011 break the engagement, and
-and insult me by the ointment you
have tut made,. you emit expect me to
carry „oat my part of the contraet. You
oan undenetand !enough a treinere to
comprehend' that.'
"Zet. urnlerstand," she said in a low
voice. "I am eorry-yes, am sorry that
I can not xaarry you. Mut, I can not! It
would have "men hard before, but novae'.
Rhe turned away se if oho felt that it
would be impoesible for him to uaderstand
what that now meant and Mershon, with
• au elmkast audible oath, left the room
His deg,cart -was waiting for him, and
he leaped into it and cleave home to The
Fire at a gallop. As he tore up the Maim
and entered the hall, hie eieter came out
from the drawing -room. She had tolo-
wraln in her hand, but in his fury,ho did
not ace it.
"Where are you going?" ho demanded,
for she had on her outdoor things.
"I-1 was going to The Woodbines ta-
to inquire for Docima-to see if she was
*well a/lough to- see me,' she faltered.
• 'Then yea won't do anything of the
sort!' be /marled. "You won't go there
again -do 'Yen hear?'.'"What-what hae hanpened, Theodore?"
she kinked, tinildlY.
"The engagement's broken ofet" he said,
• huekily„ es he flung his hat aside and
drew his hand teems his sweat -covered
brow. "She's-ehe's behaved shamefully!
SheP disgraced heaself She's not, fit for
a docent man to marry! She-" The
words attained to choke him, and he broke
off' with an meth. "But rn punish herl
rn punish her! I've got 'that old fool of
a father of here under my thumb -and
that Young ruffian,' the brother. rn nun.
felt her tbrough. them. Yee, ru. have them
turned out into the street within a week!
I've told Gilsby to act."
"Oh, Theodore!" elm faltered. "Poor
child -poor child! You evill not-"
"Won't I?" he bnehe In, with a. mmHg -
neat (sneer. "Poor child! A. pretty child!
To admit, to bonet, that if -if that beast
were proved guilty, 'she'd -she'd love him
im Whatl do you thinle I'm a dog, a
'ear, to be kicked aeide and not .rerkent
itf ril haw nay revenge! rn turn them
into the'stneett 'What, aro you having and
-trembling- ab? Here, what's that?"
BS snatched the telegram from her
hand and tore open the envelope.
She was going hack to the dra,wing,roam,
when she heard niin utter a ory, a my of
rage and baffled fury, and she turned
• back.
Mersren wag leaning against the vvall.
;daring at the telegram. He raised hie
head presently, and 1110 lipe moved, but
no Round oarne. Tbe telegram fell from
• hie hand. Mule in fear and therableg, she
went forward and picked it no. we eie
kkot prevent her, n nd 0110 read the wire.
It was from Mr. Gileby, the lawyer, and
It ran thus: •
"All lens helle met Some one hest under-
tokeri .to ditcharge all Ms liabilities, Will
Nershonaneemed to ;vette from Vs stam-
'or and snatching the. telegrast from her,
he'' went itnetaine. She watt:bed him fern
• moment than her Dee moved, 'and. she
brenthed. softly:
"Ten nk God!"
Mershon, es he went nretenclily up the
etaire. holding be, the beaketrade and
etumbling .110w and again, like 'a. nine
preitten with palsy, lied no need to nslc
who the "sortie one" woe. He know that
Gaunt. had ethetched oue re hand, frem
1110 gl'OV0, so it woe. to Oland and Protect
the girl he had loved.
• •
On. tho evening of tlie mune day, Re,
Belford was aaratiging hie peetere on his
dolt re ara,kry to goinghome. •
Ite had a particularly na,rel clan,
and looked tired and worried, and so the
door opened, and his partner, Mr. Lang,
put his head xound it, Mr. Belford glanced
up \nth a frown.
"Nearly ready?" asked Mr. Lang.
Tltey had both handsome houses Dua
with, and, whou practicable and conveni.
ent, journeyed homewaxd together.
"Yes, I think ea," replied the senior
partnete with a sigh. "lei Just indorse
these lettere. No Atoka% I mippose?" .
"NoWe" had cote to mean to Idessre.
Belkrd al Lang tidings of their client,
Mr. Lang thook hie bead.
none. I'm afraid. that it 10 hope-
• . lees to expect any now. Ito must have
been ,bot,'
Mr. Belford nodded ad Sighed
"Poor fellow! Though, after all, Ian
afraid one ought to feel more relief than
regret at his death. lle might have end.
• eel PO -no tnneh worse."
Mr, Lau,g assented with a gesture,
'Tye written to young Lord Naseby, the
• next heir -Lord Gaunt, I eneporte ho is
now; but len doubtful Whether my lebkr,
• will akeeeelt him. -Whet a singular thing
it-ifi, Cho lova of traVel and wandering
running through the faMily! Oh -ankle
. Takata that fellow, Thorpe, has been hero
agate to -day 1" -
'Oh I what diti you der
"Well, TM afraid it 'MU! weak," replied
the venior partner, apokaetically, "but I
atlyaneed him eonie money to take him
out of the tountrY.'
The foototepa stopped °Monde the 41001'
and there came It knock. .
"Opea tbe door, ,Lang, and toll them that
we OtfU not Btaye field 13elferd.
Mr. Lang opened .the door. Then he at.
tered an exeluinatiOu and fell:. beck, and.
Genet walked in.
f/fr. Behord dropped his hat on the deek,
and it rolled unheeded to the floor.
"Ikord Gaunt!" he gasped, and he etared
and gaped the tall figure and haggard
"How do you do, Mr. Belford?" said
Gaunt, 'quietly -very quietly, with that
selfpeeseelion and eang-frold which had
often aetoilished nis legal advieere and
not seldom puzzled and annoyed them.
"How do YOU do, Mr. Lang? I aen afraid
I am latea.
"Geod. gradate, My lord, do YOU know
..-when did. you -come? Where?" demand-
ed Mr, Belford.
Gaunt stood on the other side of the
• "One raoment," he said, -"I want to artk
you a question. Is Miss Deane in Londen?'-'
"Mese Deane?" ethoed Mr, Belford,' amaz-
ed at the queetion meth a, moment.
"Y ler
"Er--er-Xise Doane ite-ie at home at
Lea.imere. I believe. But -lent, Lord
Gaunt where did you came from?"
• "Is she -well?" broke in Gaunt, almost
el sternly.
- The lawyers stared at him.
; "Er -or -yes. Thee is, she de bolter, She
hae boon -very BI-" -
Gaunt's pale face wkorked.
O -"But she is better. Site te at home
But -but -my lord, -where have you oonie
'from? What -why-"
"Prom Southampton," said Gaunt, vouch-
' eafing the information, itow that ne Ined
° learned ecnnething of Demme,.
"From Southampton!" gasped Mr. Bel
ford. Thon-then--you were saved? Yo
are alive?"
"Yes," said Gaunt, as quietly as before
'I week picked no by a. yttcht--the 'Se
W1110' -and the owtker Icindly turned bac
and landed me in England.'
eThe two partners exthanged. glances
the sharp legal glatioe.
"Themathen perhaps you do mit keen
-that ls-you have not learned that
Genet regardea gravely.
"Yes," he said. "I saw theanceount in
the newepaner on board the yacht. You
said that lilies Deane -woe better? DO YOU
mean that elm is out of danger? I gather-
ed that elle-hod been very 1.11."
11r. Belford ignored the queetion.
"Then -then you know that -that -
Won't you nib downeeny lord? Lang. there
is a small Seek of brandy irk the corner
of the eak; perhaps hie lordehip-"
Gaunt declined the small flask of brandy
wbich Mr. Lang proffered.
"0 know." he said.
"That -that a murder was committed,
and thret-"
Mr. Belford could not go on.
"That I auk deemed guilty? -yes," said
Gaunt, as quietly' as before. "I did not
do it; who did?"
Mr. Belford Gunk into his *hair. He
had, he thought, grown aconetemod to
Gaunt's sane-froid, but be felt that he was
mietaken. This snrpaesed till hie previous
experience of 11.
• "You --you did not-" he stammered.
"No," said Gaunt, not. sternly, but quite
eoolly and gravely. "I MaY be a fool. but
.1 am not fool enough to tommit a murder
and then cover my victein with allY own
11r, 'Belford gasped .for breath.
"But -but ,yeu. are aware, TOY 101'd, that
there is a verdict of willful murder
against YOU: that --that there be ft warrant
for your arreet?" he stammered.
"Yes," seed Gaunt quietly. "And have
come back to meet the charge. There was
a policeman °Weide as I canes up; shall
I eall him?" '
Ile wont. to the window; but Mr. Lang
seized hint by the arm and drew hint back,
You did?
”vren, yes. 'YOU ewe, if Lord Gatinte-I f
Ineali oar Gaunt-shouln turn km, but too
th ibl ef
Fresh fro the Gard Eta,
IMMIZYZWISMOVM11.1.1 11•Motsmn...e. ors......mianutarourawrovagmmosmms
pf the finest Tea-prodacirig country in
'c.he world.
Ceylon Tea. Sealed Lead Packets Only.
Try it—it's delicious. • BLACF,
rested. before Yon Come, 1 Will Gond for ,amiegiyig. ve,iyeygg, Agoio.,41,0
"hue' shoolc hands with them and went,
with hie light, firm step, doevn the stairs,
inTh,bei,,tnwho d'liaewntalkyr, gaped ab each other
"I alwaye maid that there was madnessLHO
in the family!" exclaimed 11r. Beleore.
"He- takers it as coolly ae if -if it were .
case of a month or forty ehillinge."
don't behove 110 0111 it," remarked ale!~,e00-1111001.0164111.‘s..1D,O-lalara,lb
Mr, Lang.
"Then who did?" Yetorted Mr, Helfer
and Mr. Lelia could not ansiver.
Gaunt went down into the tarot. rt
ceolnese and eang-frold had been qui
Tested Recipes.
is Banana Sillail,-Out -bananas in
free From affectaleon. Now that Deeirn
cubes and dress French chess -
01 ing, then put back skin. Clop
1: parsley and nuts together • and
to sprinkle over it allfi Se:aye on lettuce
'101,1 laltafice'and A-pples.-One cup of rice
end five large cooking apples.
Wash the -rice well in several Wa-
lt, tors, pare. and elice the apples
cover with avatar. When :boiled
1, sweeten to taste. Eat with cream.
g To Make it look nice , whip the
6- whites of two eggs, sweeten, cover
t"„ the dish, bedlam in the oven for a
O minnth, take but, azici put drops of
was better, it did not in thi way lea
degree matter what bootime of TO
lamps had been liglitea. and the Mine
of the largest and wealtblest eity in ti
world were wrapped in their lanai glom
That gloom is one of the things w1Mili 11
the in tellig en t foreigner, visiting 00
0. dfiLir tybe first time, with amazem
It Was rather a long wan: fuen Belfor
de Lange; office Morlet'e, but GAM,
welcomed it. 'It gave bino time to thin
Mr. Dobson, nck twi thstaa die g the eV
mato against Gaunt, bad aeon 00 MUM
ea of Ine tnnocence, thee, he had trim
. with nattering eagernease to diesuild
u Gaunt f rom returning to En gland an
giving himself up, _but (leant Earl refit
, to be die.suaded. The Gaunte, wee
a, ever their sine, and as a family then ever
k peoultarla rah in thee reepect, had neve
lacked courage; and Gaunt hall resolve
- "f 1 ."
rIe theisted upon Me. Dolmen malting for
o Southampton, and Mr. Theme had at leet.
driven 'to it by entreatieks and arguments,
As ttresult of his env/ender, Gaunt Iv: -
perfectly indifferent, ele was wenry o
the game we label "Lire," and theugh 31
would have preferred to finigh it at 60111
Other plaell than th0 scaffold, he did no
ettre vary math. go that it was finiehed
He had ket Decima forever, and, for him
life with 111 its MB •
Leaving Belford & Lang's oMee, he walk.
el slowlY and thoughtfully toward Mar -
tees mane.
Is, be .entinued.)
New Cunard Liner A quit:tido Ifits
Inner and Outer Shells.
The new giant Cunard line steam
ship the Agnitania, which is now be-
rapidly prepared for sea, having
been launched on .April 21, 1913
from the -yard of the builders,
lHessrs. John Brown & Co., Clyde-
bank, Glasgow, Scotland, combines
in her design and construction the
experience and invaleable informa-
tion deduced from the oonetenotion
and performances of the Lusitania
and the Mauretania and the many
other famous ships •that have pre-
ceded her under the Cunard flag.
Each succeeding vessel built for
the company during the seventy-
three years of its existence has la
one way or another marked an ad-
vance :on its immediate predecessor.
The principal figures of the Agnit-
ania, according to information sup-
plied by the Cunard Steamship
Cempany, are- :-Length, 901 feet ;
brea,c1th, 07 feet; depth to boat
clock, 92 feet 0 inches; gross ton-
nage, 47,000 tons; speed, 23 knots;
aceommodation for 3,200 passengers
and a crew of nearly 1,000.
The unprecedented weight,
length and other striking features
of the great steamship involved the
consideration of unusual conditions,
ancl, like 'everything else connected
with the construction demanded ar-
rangements being made on a scale
of magnitude never before.required
by the Clyde.
An inaportant feature of the Aqui-
tania, as in the Lusitania and Mau-
retania, is that extending through-
-0mb the most valnerable parts there
is that great desideratum, a ship
within a ship., In other words,
there are two -shells, the inner as
well as the outer .shell being water-
The specie between the outer and
inner skins averages about fifteen
feet, and at shdet inthrvals there
are bulkheads dividing this inter-
vening space into relatively small
eamportments„' It will be under-
stood, therefore, that any fracture
on the outer ehell clue to collision
will result in the ingress of the sea
being limited to a small alma at the
side of the ship. In addition to this
important prevision there are six-
te,en bulklie,ads extending athwart -
ship from the port to starboard side,
It might be thouglit that this
eombined system of transverse and
longitudinal watertight subdivision
was in ithelf sufficient safeguard
against flooding, but further pro -
Nemo. has laeen ma -de by the devel-
opment of the system of fitting wa-
tertight clecics which was introcluee,d I
into the construction of -the Zits'- 1
tania, and the Mauretania.
- From the point of view of
strength, therefore, the 11 quitania
minbodies the main features of the
Eusitania and the Mauretania, with
additions eonsequent upon increas-
ed beam a,nd length. The , Acm
Ilia is also fitted with Frahm's anti;
rollingita,nks, -which have 'proved 81
uceessful on the 'Laconia.
The passenger accommedation is
rovicled on a scale commensurate
ith -the great silo Of the ship. The
Mr. Lang dragged Saant frail the win-
dow and almost forced bira into a chair.
"Don't -don't do anything rash, Lord
Okeuntl" he said. "Give us Mine to -to
thee*. coneideree
Moth 'melbas were very much agitated;
and not without renson. It was as if a
ghost had walked into the room.
Gaunt shrugged his shouldere.
"It muSt come sooner or later: •kvby
not to -night?" he said,
llis coolne,ss and indifferenoe almost ex-
asperated Mr. Belford.
"You do not appear to realize the grav-
ity of your poeition, Lord Gaunt!" he
said, agitatedly. "Perhare it will help
You to do so when say-egravely and ein-
/kinetically-thee-that we are sorry to soe
you beret"
"You gam not be reore sorry than I
am," said Gaunt. quietly. "It would be
better for me if were lying Ett tho bot -
tone of the sea. But I itut alive, and on
lend, and the music must hag to be Inc.
He spoke almost cheerfully. Now that
he had heard that Deohnet was safe at The
Woodbinee, and better. nothing oleo
eeereed 'to 'mattet' nkuch; eertainlY '110.
thing that concerned litinself.
"I can't understand how You have been
ablee-been permitted -to reach us," said
Mr. Belford.
Gaunt shook life head.
"I 01100060 the police have given me up
for dead," he said. "I empected to :end
eomeone waiting be !threat me at South-
ampton; but I was not Mopped or inter.
fermi with. I had some difficulty in get-
ting here, for the owner of the yacht, -
a good follow I -wanted to carry eue off to
some place where there was no extrada
Mon, notwithotanding the evidenee "
"I wish he bad!" exclaimed Xr. Belford.
"Seekuely, Lord Gaunt, the evidence is-
le -
"Very strong," mid Mr. Lang under his
Gaunt looked from one to the other.
"Do you inhed my =eking? Thanks."
Ile lighted a eigerette. "I have road it
at; there was it newspaper, several, oe
board the 'Sea Wolf,' and I got all I
could ab Southampton. Yes; it 16 11100k
On01101.' lie palmed. • "I suppose • nine
penmen out of ton, Mean -nine out of a
lumared, would consider me guaty?"
Mr. Belford 'wee a truthful man, and did
not reply.
"May I task if you dor'
Gentle put the question quietly, and
vithout, a trace of resentment,
Mr. Belford looked at him in silence) for
vlint .seerued long- time, then he said:
"Thanks," said Gaunt. "No, I am not
✓ Uil!Y; end vet all the evidence is true
and urtheetrainerl, I sup -epee many a Man
has boon hung for loss.
Mr, Lang rehaddered.
"per goodness sakel don't -don't take it
so coolly Lord Owlet!" he said.
Gwent was silent kr a moment; then he
asked, no if hie thoughts lued taken quite
another clireetion:
"Did you attend to that 'matter of lfre
Dearke's-dlecharge his debte.f"
"Yes.-yesl" said 'Mr Belford, 4Mo-et but-
11,1tDiatlY. "We carded 'out your instrue
aerie, my lord. Mr. Deapo's
;,:re discharged; peovided tor, et any
"Titank yea," seal Gaunt. "end now,
enblemon, I am at. year despoekel, I ern
tirml-1. have not, slept, much of.
TI;k) parenere oonferred whiepere, then
r Pelford^said•
"Is there any place you could epend tbe
in-miclisturbed, Lord Gaunt? Will
you coano home with ono of Us?"
(1P t, thought, for a moment.
"Tbaelc you. very much; but X don't
dot ok 1 IVOU..<1 be weee of you. Wouldn't,
lie rather ntipeofeeelonal, lierboaing
riminel? I don't know ,,,,,v+1,0 bo,, of the r,
dee, that you would run tho risk of en \I
upleneentness, No, thanks. I'D go to f
Genet will be glad to got rid of the ?ea
low. He .hes spent the time sines • the be.
.q,uest going the round of any of the clubs
that would Rama lint, and telling the
• stoiky of hie arid eleterei wrongee'
"In exchange or free &arias, I sup.
planer said Mr. Lakng.
112. --yes. r. gave him enough to take to
sw regarding 600h inettere. but I've' an
maim" remarked Mr. Lang.
torleta, They know 711n, aud'-he mei,.
him to Monte Cark."
"Where it is to be hoped he Will re. i
Mr. BeHord indoreed the last letter, rem ke
Ivith a sigh, and took his overcoat from e
current jelly on top.
Cranberry Conserve. -Four cups
cranberries, four cups granulated
sugar, four cups water, 0118 cup
seeded raisins, one cup English wal-
e nut meats, broken in small bits,
t one orange and one lemon Cut in
. small pieces. Mix ingredients, an
e-oolc until it thickens then pour
mto jelly gla,sses. Cover with. par-
affin. ,
King's :fitin.-Four pounds of
grapes, two pounds of sugar, three_
quarters pound of raisins, one-
quagtea: pound of •English walnut
kernels, pulp a Vivo oranges, one-
half pound of figs, seed grapes, cut
nuts and figs in small pieces, stir
all together and cook until thick.
Put away in glasses. This is a de-
licious conserve.
Nesslerode Padding - On cup
whipped crea,m, one-half cup pul-
verized sugar, one tablespoon gela-
tin, one cup chopped candied cher-
11:St el ass publ ie morns i tide
ii-aavie- give me shelter fer to -night, To. fl
the nog behind the door: ,
"Dad YOU .see ear. Gileby?" he inquired, r
. en ;accent on the name whieb Mr.
elleby ;kyoulel not have oneoyed hearing,
"Yee.' alr. Ikang smiled. "1 neVer saw
before in my whole life 05 1015.0 (terry at e,
av that he will do all 11 e BA) !S
orroW I will elve reveelr as, after ln-sk: 11
rat. if I'm nermitted to gel. through tiot
The erriesrs Th!s, • o,
,b1,1, Lo.r.1 Oslo!! "
lid. Mr: Ilelfn•d, reed resr.,,I,
receiving money. And lar. (lilsby waS s
rowing iscrom, hall and galleries,
,u 0340, sinoking room and veranda
arcs, on deck .A • foyer, restaurant,
rill room and cbning room en deck
3. There ere also a gymnasitan
nd a swimming bath,
The, second class public rooms in -
clue drawing room, lounge smoking
room amd dinieg .roone There are
altogether eight decks On which pas-
sengers are carried.
The ,divission of the- .ship into:Wa-
tertight compartments is much mere
extensive than is require(' by any
rege 1 ation s, and exception al co n -
ti tions might therefore have been
obtainable in connection • with the
lifeboats, but the 'Cunard company
early in 1912 submitted its designs
to the Board ,ef Trade for an instal-
lation of lifeboats, including mo-
tor lifelodsits, to aeeommodate all
the passengers on board,
very sorry!, there is no doubt of that II, a
01)1000053 nfteinet tee at the inquest. ),to
Woe rets1ried by .311'. Merehon,"
Gennt heel heana 00 the famous Old
Bailey berriek,er. He emiled
kendere tee ," he said.
"Bub ,1c3,,e11 1" demanded lee. Ileleakel,
desperately. "Do you realize the -thea -,v.
ereitioik in 'which yon stand, Lord
Gann ti,"
Genet Pot, nu from the chair and light-
ed P., fresh eicaretts.
"I think so." he said. "At any rate,
know that you will eo your beet for me.
r. elfo,l; slid [1111 crateful. I will
go now, Yon 6:11d that Dekthe was--
oyes--yee." rut -died lir. im»a•
fissily. "We will go )vith yea to the
• do not " said Gaunt, "You aro
hpf pr now,/ thtl T alas mist at -
St 15T+ e ea candidly, r fthoul
vats to raven', letkiieekt, s egfrogootolOo
1+.d. ever if T, 'loo not, stone. G.okka-eighb.
Come tO me in ebe morning, /f 0 ant are
lo evident then that man MeTphon wee
b nt u r D
IdeIford shrugged Ids shoulders -with
'a 111-110 10000)' gesture. He had had -a hard
dav, and any reference to Lord Gaunt,'s
teminded him of the 'tremble and
anxiety' the murder in Priace's afatielons
herd tamed - .
'The whole affair is. le mystery," los
Heed; "but it Is very eVident thatmr.
Merebon luthed.poor Lord Gaunt',
"A.ral, of cotorso, the vont; lady, Mies,
Deane, was the reaeone said Mr, Long.
"Tbeee are your glove, oak that, deed
"Oh, thanlok, thanks! I feel an woeried
-are you veady? If eo, ru turn out the
He had hie hand on the key, eviler' they
both hoard a tithe on the staire. .All the
olerke bed wine, and the two prieeipale,
were altme in the Mike.
'Nov, who 'can thet, be?" seill Mr. Beh
ford, teetely. 'Whoever lt IS I shell met,
stay. We shall lose our train,'
ory best man 'lly the wev Boakebi
ries, pineapple, and English wal-
nuts. Dissolve the gelatin in one-
third cup hot water and mix. all
lightly together. Flavor with vanil-
la and pour into mold and stand on
ice for several hotirs. Serve with
whipped cream.
Dormers. -There is a good way
of using up scraps of cold meat.
Boil three ounces of rice in salted
water until tender. Drain. Mix
with half a pound of minced cold
meat and two ounces of well-ehop-
ped suet. Add chopped parsley,
salt and pepper to season. FOrnI
Into little rolls, dip in beaten egg
sprinkle with bread crumbs,
fry in boiling fat to a golden brown.
Duchess Potatoes.-iSelect Smooth,
flat potatoes of medium size. Scour
thoroughly. Bake in a hot oven.
Pierce the potato with a fork to let
out the steam, work it with the
fingers till the inside is soft and
mealy. Cut- an opening in- the
flat top and se,00p out the potato.
Season with salt and pepper, and
butter and beat, return -to
the shell heaping up lightly. Smear
the top of the mashed potato with
nielbed butter, return to the oven
and leave until the surface is gold-
en brown. This makes an excellent
dish' for lunch or supper.
Cabbage. -,Cut a small head in
four ports, .soak for one-half hour
in salt water to drive, out easy in-
eeets which may be in leaves. Drain,
cut in slkes, put into a large quan-
tity of boiling wa,ter. Add one ta-
blespoon salt and cook twenty-five
to forty-five minutee, depending on
the age of the cabbage. Drain in
a colander two minutes, chop fine,
season with butter, pepper, salt.
Allow 0110 tablespoon butter to a
pint of the cooked vegetables, Cab-
bage cooked in this manner -will bp
of delicate flavor, and may be gen-
erally eaten avithout distress.
Fish Clhottiler.-Two pounds fish
(haddock, cocl or a whitiefieh) tavP
oups potatoes cut in cubes, oneehalf.
onion eliced, one -inch cube fat salt
eneffialf tablespoon salt, ono
mid edialf tablespoons be liter,
one -tablespoon flour, two cups milk.
Renaove head ancl tail of fiah; boil
ts m one pint salted water for
twenty minutes, add potatoes five'
minutes before remOving fr.ona fire •
remove skin and bones of fish, sav-
ing water. Cut salt pork and onion
in small pieces and ,fry five minutes,
strain kat into 'fish and potato stew.
May add onions if wished. -Make a
white sauce of butter, flour and
milk, and add to stew. Season with
salt and Penner, and add brolton
crackers, if desired,
'lints for the ;Rome.
When making a cake always mix
the spices and baking powder avith
the flour before ±11 10 sifted.
A,good black ink mixed with the
white of 9g will restore, the celor
of black ktd shoes or gloves,
A little alum added to the water
in which children's clothes are
washed will render them fireproof.
To prevent carpet from ravelling
when cut run bite 00108 of machine
etitchieg where 110 15 to be cut,
To whiten cloths Which have be-
come yellow soak in bate/milk for
one week, then wash in the usual
Rice may be substituted for mac-
caroni as a diener dish. Prepare
it with grated cheese and bake it in
the Oaten.
A fow drops of ammonia in the
water in whic,h silver is washed will
keep it bright for a long time with-
01•1VInh101001010elleaanig‘la difficult to
kaise pour a little melted lard be -
ween the frame ald the castiog,
ncl put a little, also, on the cord.
To remove a lishbono from the
hroai, out a lemon in loilf and suck
the juice very slowly. T10 will dis-
;.0elliveef.the fishhone, and give instant
To distinguish cottoh from linen
t're,..ismteanteariasP1°Ibveotfs ttililerolu7ltieriniasIttan11-
it is pure linen cotton floes nob
take up moisture so quickly,
131ack walnut furniture or furni-
ture made of any dark rich- wood
shbuld be cleaned occasionally with
,a soft rag dipped in paraffme 'oil,
then polished with another soft
There is always a cause for a
flick.ering kerosene oil light. Either
the top is clogged, the wick or
ohimney is a misfit or a draught of
wind may be blowing into the room.
To clean velvet stretch it taut, -
pile uptrard, over 11, basin of boil-
ing water. As the steam rises
through the velvnt have a second
person brush it briskly with a clean
When the eyes ache reliev4 them
by closing them for a few minutes.
If there is a burning eenation
bathe them with'hot water to which
,a few tbsopa of witch hazel has been
adTdo'xit'est silk, fray out the threads
and break them. If they snap eas-
ily, i101 net good. The warp thread
running lengthwise should be of
equal strength with the wool thread
running crosswise.
When frying doughnuts it is a
good idea, to have a dish of boiling
water on the stove. As each eake
is done, lift it out with a fork and
dash it quickly into the boiling wa-
ter and out again.
If your kitchen is small and
crowded, take out the kitchen table
and have a hinged shelf made, A
Xohn A. Stewart,
exeoutive chairman and chief or-
ganizer of the American xnovement
for celebrating a hundred years of
peace between Great Britain and
the United States. His home is in
New York,
shelf answers every purpose of a
table and can be put down out of
the way when not in use.
An ordinary pie -chimney placed
in the centre of a pan of milk pre-
vents it boiling over. When it com-
mences to boil it does so through
the little chimney, and there is nob
the slightest chance of its boiling
For a bad throat put some gly-
cerine on cotton wool. Put it on
the front of the throa,t, then a piece
of flannel on. There is nothing bet-
ter than glycerine poultice. .
To flower pansies in the home,
sow the seed in shallow boxes :if
sandy soil. When they aro rooted,
transpl'a,nt them to witglew boxes
or. separate .pots. Keep them
quite warms give them abundance
of water and a great deal of sun.
When darning table linen it is
best to use a ravelling from the
goods. 1Vhere there is a hole, not
under it a piece of the same materi-
al, carefully matching the pattern.
If the darning is carefully done the
hole 'will not be noticeable,
Crean/ alpaca is a splendid wear-
ing material for blouses, children's
dresses, eto.,' and alw.ays looks
web. Most women object to male
it up,. as it, is so springy and won't
he down nicely, To prevent this,
when cutting out a garment place
the selvedge across the width in-
stead of the length, You avill find it
makes up bea,utiful in this way.
When creamed potatoes are be-
ing prepared you will boil them,
to get oold, and then slice them,
sprinkling them well with flour.
Add some milk Om -MI/ or little, ac-
eording to the quantity of potato),
and Gbh' them over the stove in the
stewpan. It will become a soft
creamy consistency, and all it needs
when done is seasoning of salt
and pepper.
Breaking it Gently.
"I hev eeine to tell yuz, Mrs. Ma-
lene, that yer husband met with an
"An' what was it, 11010w 7" wailed
Mo'. Malone, ,
'He was overcome by the heat,
'Overcome by the heat, was he.
An' how did it happen V'
"He fell into the furnace over at
the foundry, mum."
Commit (Limited).
Post -Thinks he's the whole
thing, does Im
P-arker-Well,0 I'd, hardly go as
In as that; but he certainly con-
siders himself it quorum.
The Exception.
'Patience is a virtue,'' quoted
the Wise Guy. .
Yes, especially in the people we
owe money to," amended the -Sim-
ple Mug.
Cool Work of Doctors in hospital
While Building Was
few weeks ago workman en-
gaged on the top of the roof of it
tall building at Springfield, Masso
dislocated his shoulder. ' It was im-
possible to bring him clown, so a
surgeon climbed up, and, coolly sits
ting astride a girder, hundreds of
feet above the crowded street, pro-
teeded to chloreform the injured
man and reduce the dislocation.
To the ma.n in the street the skill
of the surg-eon is always something
of a miracle. To carve living flesh
with steady hand and sere eye, to
seeure each streaming vein, to re-
move diseased organs, and then to
mend up the wound so perfectly
that ha,rdly a sear remains, seems
to hint to require almost superhu-
man skill.
• Snprone Test.
And there 11 no doubt but that a
big operation calls for the very
highest qualities that man posses_
808. Even an the perfectly lit and
perfectly appointed operating thea-
tres of a great hospital, with e00e13'
possible aid ht hand that modern
science commands, the task is Ft
severe one,
Yet often and often the surgeon
is called 1113011 tO perform opera-
tions widiout any such aids and
then the ordeal may he almor:t as
severe for doctor as it is for pa-
For instance, in a railway acci-
dent. One raw winter morning,
two years age, a passenger alight-
ing in a hurry from a, train at
the little station of Earlestown,
near Warrington, slipped and fell
between the still moving train and
the platform.
A doctor, summoned in haste,
found that the only possible meth-
od of extricating the unfortunate
man was to amputate one of his
Instruments were fetched, and as
it was not yet daylight, a ring of
porters ethocl round with station
lanterns, while •other persons
struck matches to assist the sur-
'What made the horrible business
more terrible was the fact that 11
was impossible to give the injured
man chloroform. He renaained con-
scious all through the operation.
In spite of the cramped position
in which the surgeon was compelled
appliances, the operatioa was
quickly and .successfully finished,
toitsavtork, and the lack of light and
and the sufferer removed to a hoa-
operating 'Under Fire.
Often in ,war time strgeons have
Wail to operate on the battlefield,
sometimes actually under fire. But
it was. under fire cif a different sort
that two doctors pert:armed an op-
eration at the hospital at Bidde-
ford, in the State of Maine. The
•eperation was to remove an inter-
nal ulcer, but five minutes after
they liad begun it was discovered
that the hospital was afire. .
To meve the patient was to kill
her. The surgeons stuck to their
work. The roar of flames was
plainly heard, anti the hiss of water
from the fire hose. Presently wa-
ter began th pour through the roof
and pieties of wet plaster to fall
thudding to the floor. The nurses
put up umbrellas and held them
over the patient and the doctors.
No one dreamed of moving until
all was finished and the wound
sewn up, hen the patient was re-
moved to a place of safety.
oOtimo-ruf.i. 611./10.11.1..',
In February, 1911, a similar case
occurred at the West London Hos-
pital, but here the fire- broke out
pet betere the operable/1 was be-
gun, so there was time to remove
the inan to another department.
New Maid-WouId yez mind ,iv-.
109 tne a rikemiliadation, muml
Mistress ----Why, you've only just
New Maid -But yez may not want
to give me wan when I'm lavin',
Had Heard of Burbank.
Brown (to his neighbor Jones) --
He says he's experiraenting with a
vegetable which will bring hiin in
thousands of dollars.
Jones-11%ot is it 1
Brown -He's trying to rear an
onion with a violet scent.
Much Worse.
"What's the matter 7"
"My wife found a.letter in my.
"I see. One you had forgotten to
one I had forgotten to
When Sir John Millais was paint-
ing October," among the
reeds and rushes of the Tay one
afternoon d. voice from behind a
hedge asked, "Man, elicl you ever
try photography?" "No, never,"
said Sir John, and he continued to
paint slowly. "It's a hantle
quicker," said the voice, "Yes, I
suppose so," the painter agreed.
Then the voice said bitingly, "An'
it's mair like the place."
A roam who had been absent for
O considerable time, and who dur-
ing his travels had cultiva,ted a
great crop of 'whiskers and mots -
taches, visited a, relative whose lit-
tle girl had been his opecial favor-
ite. The little girl made no offer
to sallite him with the usual kiss.
"Why, chilel,," said the mother,
"don't yon gm your old friend a
kiss?" "Mother," answered the
child, "I don't see any place."
s •1.1,7071 e
Concrete Hog Houses
and Feeding Floors
Enable you to raise bigger hop and
better pork without heavier feeding. A
concrete feeding floorpermits the ani-
mals to clean up all tbe iced without waste, and
elii.nina.tes the possibility of your hogs contracting
disease. To you they
Mean Bigger Profits
Hop; houses of concrete are sanitary, easily cleaned,
- maintain an cven temperature and give plenty o(
light and air, which tend to better the quality of
peek, Concrete aill not teat or rut Neve" needs repairs
or palutine. It will outwear any oilier material for farm
structures, Write for this beautifully illustrsted free bora
"What the Farmer can do with Concrete." It shows bow
to build Rog Noma, feeding Floors and many tither
ilIt things the farener needs.
Farmer's information Bureau
Casiada Cement Company Limited
sei Herald Building, 1,110etreal