The Clinton News Record, 1914-01-01, Page 16or Siock Takillg Sale,
Starts on Saturday, January 10th
And Will Continue Right Through this Month
Special low Prices on Several lines Given Each Week.
----A Small Listof Specials for Next Week
Ileg for
Long handle shovels .75 ' .50
Lanterns .65 .40
Coal hods 20
1 double barreledgun
1 Stevens rifle
1 Stevens rifle
Morse clippers
.10 .38 Table lamps
12,00 0 50 ..
7.00 6.00
5.00 4.25 „ 60 .50
Reg for
1,25 1.00
1.75 1.00
2.50 2 10
3.00 2.50
2.00 1.05
.50 .40
1 only sort)anvil 4.,50 3.50
1 combination an.rII, 'vise 3,50 2.50
Water pitchers .45 .35
Berry bowls .35 .25
4,piece sets .85 .65
5 boxes hand cleaners for ,25
Mrs. Potts N. P. Irons 1.10 .88
Alluminnm water pails 1,10 .75
double boilers 1.10 .75
Whips .35 .25
Screw drivers .25 ,18
Harland Bros.
• ♦♦♦♦♦♦1.♦♦♦♦+P♦N♦♦♦♦♦ •♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦�♦'�i♦o•♦♦♦♦♦AI
All flhitcrgoods
1 .
January Sale of
Our annual sale of all lines of winter goods starts
Ladies' and children's mantles.
Men's and boys' overcoats.
Fur lined and fur collared overcoats.
Furs. felt boots, slippers, etc.
See our ladies' mantles that regularly sold at $10
and $12, clearing at $4.95.
Don't miss these bargains. i
A Happy New
Year to All!
MAY the year upon which we are enter-
ing be the best and most prosperous
which you have ever known. May cares
be few, blessings many, and health and
happiness abound.
RIGHT heartily we wish all our patrons
A Happy New Year.
Don't fail to call on
when looking for any-
thing in Furniture as we carry a complete and
up-to-date stock of all kinds, comprising many
beautiful and useful articles for the Xmas
trade which we are offering at most reason-
able prices.
Night and Sunday Calls.
N. BALL Phone 110 J. D. ATKINSON Phone 180,
The News -Record is a news
Sincere Expressions
for favors during the past
year the
extend their cordial wish=
es for y our continued`
progress and prosperity
during the year to cone.
Now in Stock -Starters
for 1914.
Hicks' Almanac
Canadian "
Pocket Diaries
Office "
Peloebets Notes
Commentary S,S. Lessons
Gist of the Leascns.
Often Cheapest - Always the Best
etlupunennnneU nib
a....... tmnNli lh,.
Mr. Fred Tomlinson of Brucelield was
in town on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Davis and child-
ren of Toronto were here for the
Miss Ella Lindsay of Regina is visit-
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Mr. W. 13, Taylor of the C. I. teach-
ing staff, Napance, came home for
New Year's,
Mr. and Mrs. L. Lavis and Family
Of Wingham visited friends in town
over the holiday.
Mrs. Ramsay of Plattsville has been
the guest of her mother, Mrs. Gil-
christ of town, during the past
Mr. Thos. Lepp"ngton, Jr., is some-
what indisposed 'this week but it
is hoped he will soon be quite his
old self again.
Mrs. John Robertson of Moncrieff
was a New Year's guest at the
home of her mother, Mrs. E. Moore
of Albert street.
Miss Beattie of 'Truro, N, S., who has
been the guest of Miss Tena Math-
eson, left Monday to visit friends
in Boston, 'Mass.
Miss McRae of Aberdour and Miss
McGill of St. Thomas were guests
during the holiday week of Mr. and
Mrs, Arch. Sterling,
Mr. J. .T. Imrie of 'Toronto, former-
ly of Clinton, was a New Year's
guest al tits hone of Mrs. A.Ilea-
nom, Ontario street,
Miss Eva Rutherford and Miss Pearl
13oyle or Lucknow spent a couple of
days with their cousin, Mrs. E. Aie-
C.'artney, during the past week.
Mr. James Maelaren of Toronto vis-
ited a few days with his friend,
Mr. Dean Cov.rtice, and both re-
turned to the city Monday after-
noon. "
Miss Tena Matheson, who was in
charge of the millinery, department
of a large store in Harriston dur-
ing the past season, is spending
the vacation in town.
Miss Ruby Kitty returned the end of
the wreck to Lloydlown to resume
her duties as principal of the Pub-
lic school there after spending the
vacation at her home in town,
Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Welsh, Chatham,
Mr, and M's. Ed. Welsh, Base
Line, and Mr. Lorre Welsh, Toron-
to, spent New Years at the par-
ental home, Sergeant and Mrs,
Mr. Russel Mair returned Tuesday to
resume his studies at • Albert Col-
lege, Belleville, after spending the
vacation at lila home, that of Mr.
and Mrs. John Mair, and also with
Bervie friends.
Misses Rhea and Eclna Sterling, after
spending the holidays with their
parents, Mr. and Alis„ Arch, Ster-
ling, left on Friday for Ilespeler
and Kirkwall, respectively, to re-
sume their duties as teachers.
Mr. and Mrs. Len Weir and two
childten, I-Iullett, went to London
f r
or the Cestivitics of the 25th nit.
Mr. Weir returned a couple of days
later, but his good wife and the
bairns remained in the city until
MT. Manley Shipley, son of Mr. and
Mrs, George Shipley, left last week
• for Widowfield, seven miles from
North Bay, where he has taken
charge of a school.' .IIe has been
a bright• student and a successful
teaching career is predicted forhigm
Mr. Dodds I-Iollowa.y left Tuesday af-
ternoon. to resume his duties as a
member' of the Royal Ban'. staff at
Sturgeon Falls after a mouth's Vac-
ation at his home in town. Dodds
was looking exceedingly well.andas
if life in the northern town agreed
with him,.
Mr. Peter Ker of Provost, Alberta,
blew into town; New fear's pay
and hasbeen visiting Clinton and
13aylield friends the past week, He
was accompanied by his Son, Mr,
Will Ker of the Oak Hall big
store, London. The genial "Pete.'"
is just as hvely as ever, as lull of
Jokes as in ye olden time and look-.
ing @,illy twenty years }owl cr
titanhe really is. Though Ito has
now beani for Several years` int the
west, still a different enVirorrnentt
and new associations have not
weaned him away „f rem Giinton, or
13ayfieid either, and he returns for
a wee bit visit whenever the op-
portunity presents itself,
Clinton News -Record
Januarg 8lh, 1914
A G'raiid O1cui Up of White Inibroidcrjes.•
1A110 Yards Go on Sale Friday and
Saturday at 5e .Per Yard..
Friday and Saturday we put on sale the greatest collection of white
ed to the hiving public of Clinton and vicinity,one lll, embroideries and insertionsurtmever n
thousand yards in all, collected from our complete stock,
put on sale to clean up this department for stock -taking, lengths run from two
half inch to eight inches. Space will not permit of a further description a o ten yards, ore nn fromleone
will convince you of the saving. AH at one price' Friday and Saturday
a visitto this store on sale days
Y 5c•
The Whole Truth and
Nothing but the Truth
in Ladies' and Chil-
dren's Winter
Last season we adopted the policy of a
fair profit' on ladies' coats (consistant with
the running expense of our business) with
the result that we only carried over one
coat. This season we frankly admit, that
the season has been against this depart-
ment, while we have had our share of the
business, we do not want to carryover our
present stock, and to overcome this ques-
tion we are putting on sale Ftiday and
Saturday every coat in stock at reduced
prices, remember we do not quote Half
Prices as these prices are not in consis-
tency with our method of profit at the be-
ginning of the season, viz, making the
early buyers pay for the clean outs. Come
to this store Friday and Saturday for good
value in ladies' and children's coats.
About People You Know
Mr. W. J. ITuddarit, electrician, (lod-
ericli, was in town yesterday,
Miss Louise Beaton has returned to
Grand Valley and her teaching dut-
Mrs. John Middleton leaves this week
for a visit with her daughter, in
Miss Mabel Chill was home from God-
erich for the New Year holiday, re-
turn'ng Monday.
Mr. Will Bagler, Exeter, spent the
Christmas and New Year's holidays
at his hone in town,
Mr. T. Jackson, Jr., left reste.'day
Lor a few weeks'.. vacation '.'1 Sunny
Florida before resenting business.
Miss E. Tiplady left Thursday for
Vankleek • Hill to accept the posi-
tion of commercial specialist in the
Collegiate Institute, there. Mr. John
Bartley, formerly principal of the
Clinton, Model School, is head of
the bi-lingual training school for
teachers at A, an 11iti.
Mrs. F. R. Tether left Tuesday for
Parkhill, aster a visit with her
parents, Rev, S, .1. and -Mrs. Al -
lin,, and meeting her husband there
they proceeded to their home in
Regina. They were accompanied
by Miss Mayfrid Allin, who will
Spend some time, in the west with
her sister.
Mr. 11, L. Woods of Calgary, Ailsa„
who had been. visiting the 1•rental
home, Mr, and ll'Irs. Joint Woods,
Applegrove Farm, Cloderich town-
ship, was in town Saturday on his
way to New York City • to attend...
the big automobile ':L•rw, Mr,
Woods represents the Chapin Com-
pany, Calgary, by Whom 1.e is sent
east to visit the big fact m,cs and
get in touch with the very latest
in auto construction.
Mr. Ramsay of the Princess Theatre,
returned from Detroit yesterday.
Mr. John liurnball returned the end
of the week to Toronto after a
fortri gliit'u vacation at his home in
Ids. and Mrs, J, E. I -Jac swell were
in town Saturday on their way to
Varna after a visit with relatives
at Port Colborne,
Mr. Robt. Dickson and daughter,
Miss Ruby, • and Mr. Thos, 11'cicson
of Wingham were holiday guests
at the home of Mrs. ,John Foster.
Mr. Henry Toll of East Wavanoeh
was in ('Iftrton on Saturday while
on his way home from a visit
with his sister at Paris, He was
also at Brantford.
113r. Arthur Rean returned to his
studies at Varsity Monday morning
after spendin tha vacation with
his mother in town,
Dr, and Mrs. McGill and bate of
Mitchell ware guests on New Year's
of tho former sister and brother"
in-law, Dr. anti Mrs, Axon,
Mr, W. A. AIcGui,'e was in Sttattord
on Monday on business with the
Corcoran Tea Co. of which he hes
been agent for the past Mne months,
The company was well satisfied
with his work and said so in a
substantial way. On Wednesday Mr.
McGuire left for his new field in
liwucci county. . I
Huliett Township
Mr. E. J. 'Tighe visited friends in
1(enaicott last week and yesterday
left for Sandwich,
Misses Alice and Ire's Carbert of
Seaforth visited in this nciglnerhood
a few clays last week.
Chicazo'Glee Club in Town Hall, Clinton, Tuesday,
January, 1.,tt.=-Doherty Concert Course.
An Unheard of Value
in Ladies' Winter
Twenty-five dozen ladies' winter draw-
ers (open only) perfect quality, good heavy
weight, unshrinkable, satteen trimmed, the
only reason for the following slaughter
price is that we have too many for stock-
taking, sizes 3, 4, 5. These are good value
at our regular price 253, all on sale
Friday and Saturday = sae
"Our Profit Off" Furs
Friday and SaturdaIu.
The same reason as above applies to
our fur stock h'Iiday and Saturday. Off
goes the profit in order to get this depart-
ment down to normal. Far the past ten
years we have guaranteed our furs for one
year, the same guarantee applies tc every
piece of fur sold during this sale, muffs,
ruffs, fur coats, fur caps, gauntlets, etc., all
reduced Friday andiSaturday.
The News From Londesboro
Mr, A. Braithwaite returned to
Detroit ':Tuesday, after spending a week
With his •parents here.
Rev. J. H. Osterl,out is conducting
revival services' in the Methodist
Mr. F. II. .Johnston has received a
carload of 13. C. cedar shingles this
Rev. G. Jewitt of Blyth was in
town Tuesday and assisted in the
special services in the Methodist
church in the evening.
'The local S. U. E. drove to Ben -
miller on Monday evening and spent
a very pleasant es'en'.ng with their
brethren of that place.
We regret to ,report that AIr. M,.
Braithwaite is suffering from blood
Matt Mans commenced taking
out square timber this week.
Miss 1 . Miller, who has been con-
fined to the house t'or the past week,
fs improving and will soon be able
to be about again.
Mr. Win. Bell left Monday to spend
a few weeks in training at the S.A.
barracks, London,
Mt. and Mrs M. Brundson of Blyth
were Sunday visitors in the village.
Mr. Hooper of St. Mary's is visit-
ing- bis friend, bilins Josie Esley,
As III', William Lee, poll clerk in -
number four division, was marking his
ballot on Monday morning he was,
seized by a fainfng spell ,and the
medical man had to be summoned. As
he was in no condition to continue ,,
duties in the !wroth, Clerk Campbell
swore in i1Ir. Matt. Ma'ns as the
deputy's assistant,
Mr. Storey of M :khan and' Mr. and
Mrs. 0, Cowan of Toror'o visited at,
the home of Mr. and Mrs, John.
Grainger over the holidays.
Mrs. J. H. Gra'nger and Jewel vis-
ited the fornier's sister, Mrs, 14. J.
Pingle of Goderich township, over
New Year's holidays.
AAliSS W. Grainger of Ogama,
is visiting Miss M. Grainger.
Hullett Township
James Snell & Sons have disposed
of a Shorthorn bull calf to AIr. Al-
bert Neal of the Base Line. They
have also sold two Shorthorns which,
are dest'ned .fora ranch not fair
from Salt Late City, Utah.
Miss Nora 51. Blake went to Col-
lingwood on Wednesday' where she is
engaged • as Leacher for the •conning•
Each season it is our purpose to clean up
stock while the goods are new and seasonable, so
our stock will be al nays new and up-to-date.
OTo this we will give you an opportunity to secure
Extraordinary Savings in felt and leather footwear,
2nd Serni.Alinual Clearing Sale.
Commencing on Saturday 101h and continuing until Sat,ieday, Jannni y
31st, A few prices awong the ,many lines we have placed on sale,
75 prs men's patent and ('elf blue
Ilegular $2 75 to $1.00 0 1 ((�� 16®
Sale price i4i 1 , t7't1
Prirs 3ovs 0111 Mile
Regular $1.50 to $1.73 {(fi�t 2�}} pp
Sale price tIi 1 .irO
100 prs,:wo's patent and kid nlnc
Regular, $3,00 to $4,(10 Si��o
Sale price tp e7
50 pairs Misses kid Bloc
Regular $1.50 to $1,75 i r,I 8
:We price cp bl
20 percent. off all felt slippers during sale. ,
Successor to J. Twitchell Son