The Clinton New Era, 1915-12-23, Page 9'l'llttttsday, Dcc,4mller 23rd; 1915
Ontario's Best Business
Our graduates secure good
positions and meet with success,
In two days recently we received
14 applications we cannot meet.
Some calls oitering from $45 per
month to 01400 per annum re
mains unfilled. Write for free
catalogue at once, it will interest
D. A. AIeLac
Iltil, Principal
�v Poultry
We are in the market for all kinds
of Live and Dressed Poultry al top
market prices.
Poultry taken every day,' at
Clinton and every Wednesday
morning at Rolmesviile.
Milk -Fed Chickens
We are prepared to pay extra prices
for properly milk fed chickens ready
to kill, We pay spot cash for poultry
on a quality basis
Winter Ego
We are expecting high prices for
New Laid Eggs this winter. Now is
time to get your flock in good condi
tion, Call at our plant and we will
give you a few pointers on how to get
winter eggs
•ooh -Loo iris & Co, Limited
Hinton Brandt Phone' 190
t►,awarrAAAA rALA d&i&AAA
• See and here our finest ►
,'r New Stylish designs of et
Doherty Pianos and ot
• �l19,tif ti
: Pianos and organs relit
'---• ed. Choice new Edison
e phonographs, Music & ►
variety goods.
A l Music Emporium
4 E
4 a
.4y4 --�--- a
1 C. Hoare
.special values in Art
..t 5. taH,IiYV'NWi,'iiwwww,rfie..WV
f y
Wishing our Patrons
and Friends
A Merry Chaistrnas
41•010111101100.21 )
Ryan & Sutter
Sanitary Plumbers
Phone 7.
n U1 1[uirm's-r LWAhv
Clllti4TMA.S AND
N I11'W II' E ,t It FA:ItISS
Single Fare
Good going Dec 24th and 25th.
Return limit, Dec, 27th,
Also good going Dec, 31st, 1915
and Jan., 1st, 1916,
Return limit, Jan. 3rd. 1916.
Fare and one third
Good going Dec, 22nd, 23rd, 24th,
anc( 25th,
Return limit Dec. 25th,
Also good going Dec. 2911h, 190.5,
to Jan 1st 1916 inclusive.
Return limit Jan. 4th, 1916.
Return tickets will be issued be.,
tween ail stations in Canada ease
of Port. Arthur and to Detroit and
Port Enron, Mich" Buffalo, Black
Rock, Niagara Fells and Suspen
cion Bridge, N. Ye
Tickets and full intorntation on
application to Grand Trunk Ticket
Agents. ..
deet, . ansford 8.: Son, city passen-
ger and ," icket Agents' phone 57
''.A.0. Patie` on, station agent
Author of the "Pillof Light,"
"The Wings of the , Morn-
.• ing" and "The Captail, of the
Copyright, 1909, by Edward J, Clode
eeemen to aaaa,e uer, auu uer mewl
were so uncertain that Hosier sprang
forward and caught her arm. •
"Won't you sit down a moment, Miss
Yorke? be saki. "If yon searched the
whole ship you could not nave chosen
a worse place to travel in than the
iazarette." •
"1 was driven out twice at night by
the rats," sbe gasped,
."Too bad!" he whispered. "Bit it
was your own fault. Why did you do
it? At any rate, wait here a few min-
utes before you meet the captain."
"i am not afraid of meeting him.
Wby should I be? He knows me."
"I meant only that you are -hardly
able to walk, :nut I seem to say the
wrong thing every time. There le noth-
ing really to worry about. We are not
far from Queenstown. We mein put'
you ashore there by losing half a
Phe girl had been M. reeked In body
and dlstrnught In mind, hit she 01011 -
ironed n half laugh nt his Wnrtis
"Von are still saying the wrong
thing, tSr. Hoziet.' she uturn'u"-,i
"The Andromeda with not put Into
Queenstown. From this hour 1 become
a passenger, not a stowaway. My un-
cle knows now that 1 am here. Thank
you Von need not hold me any long-
er. I have quite recovered. ed, CaPlain
Coke is on the bridge, you said? 1 can
find my way. This ship is no stranger
to me."
And away sbe went, justifying her
statements by' tripping rapidly for-
ward. The mere sight of 'tier created
boundless excitement among such
members of the crew as were on deck.
When she reacbed the bridge, where
Captain Coke was propped against the
chart house, she bad lost a good deal
of the pallor and woebegone semblance
that had demoralized Meier.
Coke beard the rapid, light footsteps
and turned his head. Certainly he
could not have been more stupefied
had be seen the ghost reported over-
"They told me 1 should find you
here, captain," said she. "I must apol-
ogize for thrusting my company on
you for a. long voyage, but--circum-
stances-were-too much for me -
and" --
Face to face with the commander of
the ship and startled anew by els ex-
pression of blank incredulity, the glib
flow of words conned so often during
the steadfast but dreadful bours spent
in the lazarette failed e f iled tier.
"You know we," she faltered. "I am
Iris Yorke."
Not a syllable came from the irate
and astonished man gazing at tier
with such bovine stolidity. Els shoul-
ders bad not abated a fraction of their
stubborn thrust against the frame of
the chart house. Ris hands were im-
movable in the pockets or 'Ins reefer
b wisbed toterrifyher b'
coat. Had e w s s
a hostile.reception recti ti n be could not bare
succeeded moz'e completely, though, to
be just, he meant nothing of the sort,
his wits being jumbled into chaos bI'
the apparition of the last person then
alive whom he expected or desired to
see on board the Andromeda.
But Iris could not interpret bis mood,
and she stxove vainly to conquer the
"von SNOW ME,".S1ia FAr:renen. "1 dM
ruts 1oitXL.'
fear wellieg up in Ilt:r breast because
of the grim linger that seemed to blaze
at her from every Vine of Col e s brick
red' coun;enatlee. lu the struggle to
pont' forth the r xcnses and protests•
tionsthat sounded 50 plaualble '111 her
own ears, while secured from observa-
tion behind the locoed door of her re-
treat, she blundered unhappily on to
the very topic that she had resolved to
keep secret.
"W.h'g ore goat so unwilling to ac
Cook's Cotton Root Compound,
A safe, reliable reptuetin,1
,nerlietne, Bold to threo de.
grecs of strength -No. 1, SI:
No 2, g2; No. 3, 55 per bo,
Sold ball druggists, or hent
prepaid on rocoipt of price.
Free pamphlet. Address:
7050550, 055. (F.,sely Wistror,)
Por Tired, Weak, Nervous Women
Bellefontaine, Ohio. -"I wish every
tired, weak, nervous woman could have
Vinol, for or never e
I ve spent any ny none , in
m life thatdid me
f so much o0 y
c d as
that T spent for Vinol,
T was weak,
tired, worn out and nervous, and Vinol
made me strong, well and vigorous after
else had- fails to
d helpme
and can now do m housework with
yy w w h
pleasure," -Mrs. J. k'. LAMBORN.
We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod
liver and .iron tonic, for all weak, run-
down, nervous, debilitated conditions.
.1. E.ove Druggist
Clinton, Ont,
rrnowleuge mer- sue Crreu, wnu a
nervous indignation that lent a tremor
to her voice. "You have met me often
enough; You saw me, on Sunday at
my uncle's house."
"Did i?" said Coke, speaking at last,
but really as much at a loss for some-
thing to say as the girl herself, He
'had recognized her instantly, just as
he would'. recognize the moon. if the
luminary fell from the sky and with
'as little comprehension of the•cause of
its 'falling.
Of course she took the question as a
forerunner of blank denial. This was
not to be borne, She Bred into a di-
rect attack. ,.
"If your memory is hazy concerning
tbe events of Sunday afternoon tt may
be helpful 'if1 recall the conversation
between my ,uncle and you in the SUM -
Doer house," she snapped.
Some of the glow fled from Coke's
"Wot's tbat you're sayiu'?" demand-
ed Coke, coming nearer and looking
her straight in the eyes.
"I heard every word of that interest-
ing talk," she continued 'valiantly. "1
know what you arranged to do, so I
have promised -to marrytir. Bulmer -
when the Andromeda -comes back!"
A light broke ou Coke's intelligence
that irradiated his prominent eyes.
His heavy lips relaxed into a cunning
"Oh, is that it?" he said, "Artful
o/d dog, verity: But why in -why
didn't 'e tell me ,you was eomin'
aboard toil; trip? We 'nventt the right
13ein's for a lady. so you must put up
with the best we can c7o for you, _Miss
Yorke. Steady, now 'Son ain't a-goiu'
to faint. are yoe? Ai. Below
he yelled. "Tumblenp, sone of you:"
Bonier was the Melt to gain the
bridge. Ole bad renewed the progress
Of events wit it sni8eieut nt•t','3(•y to
realize that Hiss Iris Yorke and met
with n distlnr't rebuff i1y the stripper,
ante jndgiter from his own experience
of her physical weakness whop she
emerged into daylight. he was not 501"
p110551 to hear fair she had fainted,
"'ire. 5' he'nitl." gurgled Coke, who
had nearly swallowed the rigor in his
eerprise at iris' ttnfereseen ,otlurwe
"This kind of thing Is more 111 your
line thau mine, young feller. Just lay
'er out in the saloon an' ax Watts to
eip. His missus goes orf regular
Wen they firing 'im 'ore paralytic."
Philip took the girl lntu bis arms,
To curry her safely down the steep
stairway he was compelled to place
her head on his left shouider and
clasp her tightly round the waist witb
bis left arm. Some loosened strands
of her hair toured his face. He
could feel the laboring of her breast,
the wild beating of her heart, and be
was exceeding wroth with that an.
known malt or woman who lied driven
this insebsible girl to snub straits that
she was ready to dare the tliecomforts
anti deprivations of a voyage as a
stowaway rather than be persecuted
iris was laid on a couch In the mess
room, and the steward summoned
Warty. The chief orate' came, look-
ing sheepish. It was manifestly a
untie relief when be foiled that the
"ghost" was unconscious.
"Oh ,that's nothing!" he cried in re,
swam, to bis junior's eager demand
for information as to the treatment
best fitted for such emergencies,
"They all drop In a heap lice that
w'en they're worried, Fast you takes
016 their glores an' boots. then you
undoes their stays cin' rips open tbeir
dresses at the necks. One of you
rubs their 'ands au' another their feet,
an' you dabs cold water en their fore-
heads as' burn browu paper under
their noses. In between whiles you
^ive'em a drink, stiff as you can make
it, It's dead easy. Then: stays are a
bit troublesome if they run to size, but
she's thin enough ,as it is. Anyhow, 1.
can show you a fine trick for that.
Just turn her over till l cast a lasbin'
loose with my knife."
Watts was elbowed aside so uncere-
moniously that his. temper gave way,
Nosier lifted iris' head gently and.
unfastened the neck hooks of her
blouse. He began to chafe her cold
hands tenderly and pressed back the
Bair from her damp forehead, The
"chief," not flattered by bis .own re-
flections, thought fit to sneer at these
half treasures.
"She's on'y a woman like the rest of
'em,", be growled, "even if she is the
owner's niece, an' a good lookin' gal
at that. bs'pose now you think" -
"I think she will want some fresh
air soon, so you had better clear out,"
said Philip.
His words'were quiet, but be flash=
ed a warning glance at the other man
that sel73ced. Watts retired, mutter-'
ing sarcasnns under his breath.
Iris revived; to fid' Philip support-
ing ber with a degree of side that was
remarkable in one wito had enjo3'ed so
little. experience lu these matters. She
heard his voice. corning, as it seemed,
rapidly nearer, urging her to sip some-
thing .very fiery and spirituous. In-
stantly she protested.
"'what are you giving Me?" she sob,
beta "What has happeaied?"
Iris pushed away tbe,gless and sat
"You carried me?" she seid,
"well, 1 couldn't do anything else."
"1 suppose you don't re:tlize what it
means to a woman to feel that she has
been out of her souses under such con-
"No. but in your case It only meant
that you sighed deeply n few times
and 'trier: to bite any angers when 1
wished to open your tnouth,t'
"Wham for? Why did you want to
ow, my, 0100191?"
"To give you a ur1055. ',Lou neenen
a stimulant."
By this time a few dexterous twists
and turns had restrained those wan-
dering tresses within bounds. She held
a hairpin between her lips, and a wo-
man•eanalways s sny exactly wbat she
means when a hairpin prevents discur-
a „
Iamallriht now." w she
g announced.
"Will you please leave me and tell
the steward to bring toe a cup of tea?
If tberees a liberty he might.
put that portmauteau in it which
.brought on board at Liverpool."
Oozier ful6Ned tier requests and re-
joined Coke ou the bridge,
"hiiss. Yorke is quite well again, sir,"
be reported, "She
wantsit cabin-
to change her
clothes, 1 imag-
ine, Tbat bag you
Pretty foxy,
wasn't it?" broke
in Coke, with 1
glee that wus pus
Ong, to his hearer,
"The whole of -
fair seems to have
been carefully
planned,' agreed
"Philip "But, as l
was sayiug, 'she
asked for the pee
of a cabin, so 1
told the steward
to give her mint
until we put into
Coke. who bad lighted another black
and stumpy cigar, removed it iu order
to speak with due emphasis.
"Put into b-1!" be said.
"But surely you will not take this
young lady to the river Plate," cried
tete astonished second otlicer.
"She knew where sue was bound
w'en she ken aboard •Che Andromeda,"
said the skipper, frowning hew like a
nab who argues with himself. "There's
her portnnanter to prove it. with a
label, an' all in her 0530 'and writih',
it's some game played ou me by 'er
an' 'er uncle. Ailerotc, the rust time
she sees Land again it'll be the lovely
'arbor of Peruamburn, an' that's
stralgbt. 'Ere she is an' 'ere she'11
stop, an' the best thing you can do is
spread the notion emcee tee crew teat
ekes ritnnin' away to mold marryin'
a man .she doesn't like :That sounds
reasonable, an' it 'appeus to be true
Verity an' me talked it over last Sun-
day p. m."
"To avoid a marriage:" repeated
Yes, that's it" said Coke. "But look
'ere, me boy, this gal sails under my
flag. I'm-wot d'ye call it? -1n loco-
motive parentibus, or something of the
sort, while she's on the ship's books.
You keep your mouth shut an' wink
the other eye an' leave it to me to
give you the chanst of your life. Eh,
Philip Hofer did not Strive to ex-
tract the precise meaning of the skip•
per's words. The process would have
been difficult since Coke himself could
not have supplied any reasonable anal-
ysis. Somehow, to the commander's
thinking, the presence of the girl seem-
ed to make easier the casting away
of the ship, Exactly how o1 what
bearing her strangely begun voyage
might have on subsequent events he
was not yet in a position to say.
"Queenstown!" he cbuckled. "Not
this journey -not if my name's Jimmie
Coke, the man 'oo is stanniu' on all
that is left of '1s 'ard earned savin•s.
No, sir; I've got me orders, an' I've got
me letter, an' the pore old Andromeda
gets nipped to pieces le tee Recife
or I'll know the reason why. Wet a
card to play at the Inquiry! Owner's
niece on board bound to South Amer-
ica for the good of 'er health. 'Oo
even 'eard of a man sendiu' 'is pretty
niecen shipmeant A 'e m ant t0 throw
away? It's providential, that's Wet
it is, reel providential! 1 do believe
ale Verity 'ad a 'and in it."
"1'1 NTTI' 1 07 ,
WASN'T I'r?"
Is Productive Ot More 11I 'Health'
Than Anything Else.
If the truth was only known you,would
find that over one half of the ills of life
are e ca used .allowing
bybowels to
into a constipated condition, and the
sole cause of constipation is an inactive
liver, and unless the liver is kept active
you y may cost assured that headaches,
jaundice, heartburn, piles, floating specks
before the ey'es, a feeling as ii you were
agoing to faint, or catarrh of the stomach
will follow the wrong action of this, one
of the most important organs of the
Seep the liver active and working
properly by theuse of Milburn's Laxa-
Liver Pills.
Miss Rose Babineau, Amherst,
writds; "having been troubled for
years with constipation, and trying
various so-called remedies,. which did
me no good whatever, I was persuaded to
try Milburn's La:a-Liver Pills. I have
found them most beneficial, for they are
indeed a splendid pill. 3 can heartily
recommend them to all who suffer from
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c a
vial, 5 vials for 51.00, at all dealers, or
mailed direct on receipt of price by The
T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont,
In To gland
It is only recently that electricity be-
gan to play a eorspicnous part in the
Christmas holiday, Of all the electric
toys the little trolley car is one of the
best. It gets its power from the light-
ing circuit and will run on its circular
track quite well, as well as its big
cousin runs in the city streets. Toy
motors and generators to run toy ma-
chinery are especially "interesting to
boys. For girls modern doll houses are
illuminated with tiny electric lamps.
This year Santa Claus will have in
bis pack a new toy for little girls, a
miniature electric range. It is a com-
plete practical hinge that cooks and
bastes perfectly, the very thing for
which little girls bare longed with all
their hearts. It is a safe plaything for
children, and when using it they not
only occupy themselves happily, but
they actually learn to cook. There is
a complete set of utensils furnished
free, 'with a cookbook for cnlldren writ-
ten so simply that they can understand
it without dimmnity. This email range
is fifteen Indies high. with six burners
aud a practical little oven.
Fall Cleanup.
In the war against farm and gar-
arden pests a fall cleanup Is a good
means of attack. Fall plowing is
generally recognized as a good me-
thod for the prevention of insect in-
jury, but rubbish left in piles along
fences or in fence corners or in the
orchard or kitchen garden makes the
best kind of winter quarters for in-
sect pests in various stages. Trash of
thiaillind should be cleared away, pre-
ferably by burning, as such burning
destroys any insects among tbe rub-
Immature Corn.
Short, immature corn should be al-
lowed to stand until nearly miry be
fore putting into the. silo -that is,
the leaves should be nearly dry --the
stack should be, pretty well filled with
sap. If the corn is put In while too
gl:een it. may make sour silage.
Teter ....tine,
"Everybody in England is in khaki
now," said the Duchess of Marmites
ter just before embarking for Eng-
land. - "Thie universality of the
khaki uniform has its drawbacks,
"I know a matt who came home
the other evening and found bis three
children -a boy of 7, and girl of 5,
and a baby -ail busy on the floor
with his new box of mild cigars,
"'What are you doing with those
cigars?' he roared.
"'Oh, father,' said the boy, point-
ing to the brown tobacco remnants
on tbe carpet, 'we are pretendin' that
they was khaki soldiers, and°we took
off their puttees. and now we can't
get them on again,' "
T'S not a cata-
logue but a
book of infor-
mation - brim full
savin. g facts for
the farmer.
It tells how to
construct fire -proof,
and other farm irn
provement"s ofindes-
,tractable concrete-
the most economical
of all building
It is the same book that
has saved time, labor and
money for more than
75,000 progressive Cana-
dian farmers. Let it save
money for you.
Canada Cement
Company Liimited,
Herald Building,
I:f wRAT THE ea
FAO -Mt Ert.
his 'd1uable
x i
Clip tite Coupon
below. Fill in
your name and
address' and
• mail TO -DAY.
541 Gentkmon:-Pleaac rend,rtea frcr0.0, of
W bat -the farmer an0 do wIW (ioncrcte'".
Strecta d,No
"Yule, Dqunhs" end Minos pies,
The Yule dough, mule molest. mince
pies and plant porridge Mow piton pigs.
ding), were old especial Cirnislmns
dishes. 'Die acct. nisi, oohed Yarn
babies, had their origin in nnmc, where
1' the Ulk 1 ti and the h.
Images U (C c
gin Mary were sold by I be leik ors on
Christnns ,ya !on tying •,roa.
's educe a u, 'tmo+de7
r ! I I e
o'tleP t i
t 1 S 1
by au old tee yoke', telly douhiless lie
Jn tereSting to heti otiyes of the pros -
en day: ":'hen every !'Italy r:rnhtst
Christmas made, n famous nlln1'11Pd
nye, called-("trliftnles,ppt, it is a most
1h'nreerl mtxtpee of meals, tongues,
chicken, eggs, sugar, raisins. 4emon.
ors . peel r. Holm kinds s t
n•m ptl and uli l 6nls 1Y
rig'o'rs. rimy also serge n sort or
soup with plums, n'lzit•b is het at all
inferior M the pye, trIltep is ill their
filnetbItS0 milled plum prod e. Her-
ru•Ic,- in his account of the eleI,erliunies
of Chtistm; s err tu11es;
0pire gunrde' This night the Christmas"
rh11 the Nitwt•, though . ne'er slle,
t1'irh pl••fle=h hanks don't corns nye.
To. onto) It ,.
Prom him who all alone sits there.
Nnyh1+ his eyes Millin hys care,
ati 'a deals, of nightly Novo
To watch It.
Tse, Jordan is the world's most
e rookod river.
"Wassail! Drinkaell"
'The wassail bowl, which is still used
n some old European families at
Christmas. succeeded the skull of the
Norseman's foe as a drinking vessel.
in these old wassail bowls, some sued -
wens of which are of brown ware and
others of massive silver, were placed
the ale. the ginger, the sugar, the nut-
meg and the roasted crab apples.
Where the old custom still prevails the
ale is served spiced and sweetened in
the wassail bowl, but the apples are
omitted -
Still Bring In the Boar's Head.
The ancient Christmas ceremony of
bringing in the boar's head is regu-
iarly performed on Christmas after-
noon in the hall of Queen college. -0x-
ford, England, The head is borne in
on a silver dish, shoulder high, at the
0000 Or proeeoo ,ni roru1en 0•,y rue cof
lege choir'augmei fed rot• the occasion
singing "The BoareekHeed Song."
Grand. Trunk Railway "lys(eui
Railwey Time 'fable
London, Huron and Broce.
North Passenger
London, depart 8.30 a no 4.40 pm
Centralia9.33 5,48
Exeter 9.44 5.54'
Hensail ,.. 9.55 6.05
Kippen 10,01 6.11
Brucefield 10.09 6.10
Clinton ..... 11.00 6,35
Luudeeboro........, 11.18 6,622
Birth,:11.27 7.00
Belgrave 11.40 7,18
Wingham, arrive11.64 7.35
South Passenge.
Wingham, depart.. . 6,85am 8.30 p
Belgrave 6,50 3.44
Blyth 7.04 3.56
I Londcahoro 7,13 4.04
Clinton 8.10 4.23
.Rrucefield 8i27 4,39
Kipper 8.35 4.47
13 ensall 8.41 4.52
Exeter 3 54 5.05
Centralia' 0:04 5.15
London, arrive 10,00 6.10 •
Would Turn Black
In The Face.
Norway Pine Syrup.
Mrs. Ernest Adams, Sault Ste. Marie,
Ont., writes: "My little girl, six years
old, had a dreadful hard cough. At
nights she would cough so hard she would
get black in the face, and would cough
for several hours before she could stop,
We tried different kinds of medicines and
had several doctors, but failed to do her
any good. She could not sleep nor eat
her cough was so bad, and she was simply
wasting away. A friend advised lie to
try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I
got a bottle and saw an improvement,
and got another. Now I ata only too
glad to recommend it to all mothers."
Too much stress cannot be laid on the
fact that a cough or cold should be cured
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup will
cure the cough or cold and prove a pre-
ventative f 1
mm all throat and lung
troubles such as bronchitis, pneumonia
and consumption.
"Dr. Wood's" is put up in a yellow
wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark;
price 25c and 50c, per bottle.
Manufactured only by The T. Mil-
burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Bufilalo and Uoderioh
Wes'' Passenger
ata pm pm pm
Stratford........10.00 12.80 5.25 10.25
Mitchell 10.22 12.55 5.55 10.41
Seaforth..... 10.45 1,20 0.18 11.19
Clinton 11.07 1.35 6.40 11,2
Efolmeseille 11.16 1,43 6.46 11.3
Godericb 11-35 2.00 7.05 1
East Passenger
am pm pin
Goderich...... ...... 7.05 2.86 4552
Boltnesviile 7.22 2.52 5,10
7;32 3.03 5.10
7.51 3.21. 5,35
Mitchell ........... 8.16 3 44 5 50
Stratford S 40 145 620
The New Errs.
W. 0. KERR SON, Props.
.1.Leslie Kerr business Manager
New Era, One Year Iliad lance 51,00
New Era, when not paid in ad
Vow Era, to the United States
113 advance _ 51.50
Advertising Rates on Application.
Job work prices advence on July
1st, 1913, in accordance with
the Huron Co. Press Asso,-
elation Bates.
Office Phone 30 Rouse Phone 95
We make these only iron
Genuine Vegetable Parchment
We carry in stock a line printed with the words
Choice D4iry Butter
for immediate delivery. They are sold at the
following prices:
1000 Sheets... ................... $2.25
Soo Sheets 1. SO
25o Sheets 75
loo Sheets .35
Wrappers specially printed from your own
copy, 'we can supply then at the followisng
prices -
1 M $2.25
2to4M.......... ...... 1.75 perM
5 M • I.go per M
10 M..; 1.40 ,her Al
.The., NEra
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