The Clinton New Era, 1915-09-16, Page 1T
Established 186, Vol, 50, No. 12
e 71st
W. H. Kerr & Son,, Editors and Publishers
Coflof IOP Siock--r o ii for VOR
Spray, your the coresu t w l ben 1flORE Nati.Wies Fly and tDestnoyer
Spray your hen house, the result will be—MO E JG(:S
:Cry a package of our own Special Pooltrn Spice
Use it and you will not lose your turkeys or chickens
Best Quality Drug Store The Denali Store
W. B. Vii, =.o rIXMi$ Phm.B,
e Royal Baroi
Capital Authorized . , .. . $25,000,000
Coit t
Capital aid t . .
p p p .. ....... 11,560.000
.Reserve and undivided profits 13,500,000
Total AssCts ... 185,
with World- ide Connections
Llterest Allowed on Savings Deposits
General Banking Business Transacted.
R. E. MANNING, lamer, Clinton Branch
96 BranclteS in Canada
A General Banking Business Transacted
Savings Bank Department
Interest A11o't ed ai Ilig1i st Intent Kate
C.E. Dowding, Manner Clinton Brooch
vscs4. * 4.04,0e4+• +..•e.t•••d•o•
dJlot hitt .
I You can Buy a 20n
Ready -to -Wear
r $i5.00
35 only Sample Suits
Worsteds, Serge and
Not a single suit is
worth less than
and some of them
Take your Choice.
of either lot
Every Suit Should
Go Before Saturday
Come Early
and Get the Choice
• The IV�oll"rtsh Clothing c,�
Agent for C. P. IC. Telegraph Co.
1 Square Deal for Every Man —
•••••••.••••••...•...•0.•, 1.1•.,•......•.•.•:.....11•..
0cempo egos!ooogO®oosecoCTE98P®emseoectoifeceeeee om4tsII1oeoso.
Big Success at the Pyr t s
Director Stephenson, a "big Chief" at Fort William re
000e000000000®Oto.*®00es eteire00ss®e+w6essoeserIDnesgse 5seee,
From the Fort William Daily Times -
Journal of Sept, 2nd wereprint certain neengineeine;eteinetlOnetattenenee
parts of a lengthy report upon the success e
ful day of the children - of, Fort Williamm Men and .Events, 0
at the playgrounds. Mayor Young issued o tt
a signed report to the newspaper and in 0eeeeee+ eeeeieeell cacor;A"eeeel?d
the editorial columns a tribute'is paid to
Director Stephenson, who is a son of Mr.
and' Mrs` Jno. Stephenson of town,
The Mayor's Trihute,
City Hall, Sept. 2.-1 wish to make
use of the 'columns of the Titnes-Journal`
to express the hearty thanks of tto play-
ground commission, as well as my own,
to all who assisted in any way to con-
tribute to the splendid success attending
the presentation day exercises yesterday
I would make particular mention of the
efficient services of the ladies who judged
folk dancing, the members of the city
council in the kite flying, She official's
Iia he r
t numerous
athletic events, an •
d the
men w
who prepared th e
e grounds for the
The efforts of the 100 volunteer work-
ers in the different playgrounds, who
gave of their time each week during the
summer played no small part in supple-
menting the work of our directors so ably
marshaled by Supervisor Stephenson.
These have earned the praise of every
citizen interested in the - playground
(Signed) S. C. YOUNG, Mayor.
All signs and proverbs seem to fail
this season, and the bromide of ' a posts
poned event is never a success" gave way
yesterday to the sulphide of such a tri-
umph of the soul of play as has never
before been witnessed an this city. The
gospel of play seems to have taken a
good British bull dog grip of our citizens
for not only the Jack
and Jill of tender
years but the married men and -women
professional men, bankers and bakers,
clergymen and khaki, pooled their time
and money, brains and ability in spread-
ing this gospel with true missionary zeal
The playground association, through its
staff of zealous directors, under the jurie.
diction of Supervisor Stephenson, provid-
ed refreshment for the multitude of sight
seers who filled the outdoor theater, in a
feast of combined art and play, for the
whole city was turned out for the general
Play Worth While,
The Times -Journal made the following
Editorial under the above heading.—
The dose of the playgrounds season
has demonstrated that the movement
whatever its critics may say, has become
firmly rooted in the hearts of the children
and of a large_ section of the people of
the city. In spite of the fact that no
public holiday had been declared for the
occasion of presentation of prizes, which
took place yesterday, the grounds and
grand stand were filled with spectators
and Director e or ) rest Stephenson na •
satisfied with the evidence of popular
MR. W. E. SM1&LLFIELD. editor
and proprietor or the Renfi ew Mer-
cury, one of the hest weeklies in Oan-
ada,.w", at: the annual meeting of the
Canadian P,•ess Association, elected
president for the ensuing year. Mr.
mallfeld has served faithfully in
various minor offices. and be will
doubtless discharge his new duties
with credit to himself and the assooia
tion. Mr.Smithfield
hxa had a wide experience and is altogether
a high type of man,
character, Added to which it fosters a
spirit of comradeship between the chil-
dren and the schools which would be
difficult to bring about in any other way,
and which has formerly been rather
weakened than made stronger during the
holiday season, when school associations
have as in the past years, been broken by
I the two months' interval.
1 Congratulations to Supervisor Stephen.
son, the man Who put `organize" in
To F. Stephenson, Supervisor, must go
the lion's share of the success of yester-
day's presentation events. A. born or-
ganizer, he got his training in his special
work in the 1.5 S,,, but is a Canadian by
Letter from the front
approval that was accorded to hint. j i
Miss`: anl;gmond of town, who
has been kniteing socks tor the
srlcliez•s, reeeiveci. the following
leti<er Isom the front last ewe,* ,-
Fort William has been very fortunate
in having the management of its first
years of playgrennds activity in the
hands of a man who combines with en-
thusiasm for his work so much organiz-
ing ability as the general director has dis
played for it is no light task to take
several hundred children and control
them as a drill sergeant controls his
disciplined ranks. Ile has also received
good backing, from outside among which
theinfluence uence oI Mayor las count-
edY gt
for much, the mayor having a very
soft spot in his make up when the inter-
ests of the children are concerned while
the capable staff of assistants that have
been in charge this summer has been
augmented by the really inestimable ser-
vices rendered by volunteer workers who
have freely donated time and enthusiasm
not in any spasmodic way, but regularly
and with as much method and devotion
as if they had been entered upon the
playgrounds payroll.
The result of all this work is seen in
the conduct of children themselves, who
not only showed themselves amenable to
discipline and organization, but gave an
ocular demonstration that the best sys-
tem of play and the greatest amount of
enjoyment can be developed under Intel.
ligent supervision and direction. That
they should be able to carry out what
was really a complicated and 'varied pro-
gram, for which their rehearsal has been
the ordinary round of playground activi-
ties, and that they should display
throughout such keen interest and sym-
pathetic intelligence, makes it very plain
that the work of supervised playgrounds
can be made a very valuable factor in
the training and development of child
If you will not try Roman Meal
To aid indigestion,
How about some fruit
To increase your indigestion
To help you we have all the
Fruits in Season
Watch for Peaches now
Special prices rend
Especially Good Quality
The Store of Quality
W. T. O'NEI ,
,Phone 48
Hautot Remount Base, .
June 27th, 19111
Dear Friend.—1 must asst you to par-
don me for being so hold as to write you t
On Saturday the 20th I believe it was
while getting my weekly supply of cigar-
ettes 1 was given a pair of socks also and
1 was more than surprised to see a lady's
name pinned on the pair that I was for- a
tunate enough to get and also a scripture
text inclosed. I felt it my duty to write
a few lines and thank you for your gener-
ous gift. You haven't any idea how we
appreciate a gift of that sort, and I am
sure the ladies of Clinton, Ontario, are
rendering a good service to the Empire
by these voluntary gifts such as we re
ceaved on Saturday. As we all know
it is not the value of such gifts that
count, but the patriotic spirit touches us
all at such times as this. And to my
mind the British women are, hraving
almost as important a .part in this war
as the men that go in trenches and try
to keep the old flag flying. Although
things look kind of dark at the present,
the price we are paying Inc liberty and !'1
tjustice such as is not found outside of
he British Empire. I am convinced that Clinton
there is brighter tunes in store for us and
we will soon see some indication of a '
lastingpeace. I am from British Colton
bia, a ry fair. Province, it wouldn't do
for meto sayit isthe finest Province in
the Dominion, but to my mind it is one
of'the richest as well as one of the fair
est. I have been in the east a bit but
not in Ontario. I should much like to
see old Ontario, and especially the city
e r
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Locals and. Personals
ineenosimeennoeseas avaa0m2oeni 4,coev.®tai®asociadoees3e4,0aeetoo000o000e10sessettosteeccese6
THANKSGIVING 01':C. filth WILL P. SS 735-L kV. Mrs. Pope, of London, who bee been
visiting 'her sister, Mrs. Searle, and
Mr. and Mrs. Murray of Detroit, re-
'home last Friday. -
Tnamksaiving I) iv this year will The Town Council will pass a
he ubservr,(1 on hiunday, October 11. by^law, that wall, force all persons
CHAPLAIN OI 70th. they
street watering twhren
r y Petition for same, and if Mr, Ike Rattenbury wns.a visite])
Rev. Mr. Collins, Exeter, hae not paid to the collector, will be at Toronto last week,
been appointed chaplain of t the;., added to the rases.,
117th. He is ,an Bpieeopali'an
clergyman, QUIET WEDDING.
FOUNTAIN UP A quiet wedding was solemnized
Workmen have put td the new at the home of the ..Jli par -
p encs, nuptial
Rev. S, e Al(n tied
was:ex•1'omitainat the Library' park the nuptial knob' 'bet•sgen Mr.
and waterhas been turned on to test Fred Weir of Lang Ont., and Mils
it out. When the grounds are fixed Phoebe Jennison 'daughle: of
up it will be an ideal spot Mr. and Mvs. .li\ichaad Jennison,
WON PRIZES ON 1 t Street
Miss Agnes Middleton wan 1st. A Lawn Serial will be.held on
Prize again 'at the Western Mur, :Friday evening, lith, •at,ilte home
and at Toronto Exhibition her of Mr. Chas. 'Se11, Mary street.
work met with good success. Tea will be+ i seryrE;cl Intim 5 till 7
c'� 'o
1 cic A
NEW DIRECTORY DELIVERED. good programme has
been arranged for the roin'ainder
The official Telephone Directory of the evening, Admission Adulte'
for Western Onutrio of the Bell 25c, ehfldren 15:' Pi oceeds to be.
Telephone Co.; was delivered last handed over to Pasonate Fund,
week. Clinton now has 171 phones
besides the rural conap,:ttons.
Mrs. Adjutant Russell of Berlin,
will, give an interesting lettere
entitled "11'ourteen Years in India
and Ceylon", on Wednesday even-
ing, Sept 22nd, All ares invited to
ab:(encl an the SI A. Hall.
The Dominion Cabinet has not!
yet 'decided 'upon the; date of
Thanksgiving Day. The two dates
under consideration are Monday,
October 11, and Monday, October
184 . �'
The W, C. T, TT will hold aparlor
meeting at the home of Mrs. Geo.
Lavis on Friday evening of this
week and a good progixu,i is pre-
pared and Miss N. Formant who
has worked among the foreigners
in the West, will gitre' an address.
A silver collection will be 'tlak,en,
The women of the guild of St.
Paul's Church 1n\ite all members
of the congregation to the Owen
Memorial Hall} on Monday evening
at 8 o'clock, to •an inforn tl re-
ception to meet 'tiro Raptor and
Airs, Robinson.
The Clinton brandh of the Wo-
men's institute will hold_ it's regu-
lar Monthly- meeting at the honer
cf Mss Chas. Holland, Albert
street, on Thursday, September 23,
at .3 o'clock. A paper "'The Wo-
sten "
of the Bible
will bb read by
s. 'Fairful. Theme willi also be
On Sunday at the home, of the
parents ,Florence Beatrice Hicks
Only and beloved daughter of Mr.
anti Mrs. H. W. Graham—passed
away atter a slxort illness of 15
hours, from meningitis, The fune-
ral was held on'I'uesdo
and intermen 1 was Tuesday
afternoon at Cl
ton Cemcliury.
Mrs. Martin Forrester, mother of
Mr. Charles Forrester, Supteirnten
dent of the Cr, T. R. passed away
at Wanstead, near Sarnia, Fri-
day, aged 77 years, The dciceased,
whose maiden name was Maria
Price, loaves a husband and sever
a1 children. Mr. Mareester was
called away 'Friday and will remain
for the funeral which takes place
on Monday at Wsinslleacl, A broth
er of Air. Forrester's Dir. 'Barry
Forrester, of Buffialo was killedrr,f
in an auto ,aenldeet in Buffalo sev
eral weeks ago
After an illness of several years
and following n pcaralytie stroke,
Sarah Foster Martin, relict of the
late Thos, Ticssian passed away at
ii ,
ci home on 'Huron street'on u`ti-
clay of last week. Doi &vied was
Learn in
England d
z g a d an in 1866 •cans
married to the late lir:IHH'essi�an who
passed away '
p at. yinDIay of lass year. A
COhCE13'L' AND ADDRESS, grown up family survive t.o hold
7'Ito liilIle Band, in Pull uniform, 40 loving memory a gnocl mother.
gave a ,patriotic ,concert^ an ;They are—Dr. Barry Hessian anti
Wednesday evening,and dtu'in and Mr's. Cunningham, of Toronto.
Yg "
• Ilessi• n
intermission bit. A. C. Collins, re- R D AI a p etNew e�,� orlt; Mrs.
and Mrs, A., G. lleacl, ofPit�tibutg
Pa. The funeral was held on Sun-
day afternoon, and the body was
laid along side of her life part-
cents from England, addressed uiz', o NOW
ocltclle N.'Y
the y
large crowd in,;the intere6s<
of Cept. Dunlop, for recruits fair
he 71st Battalion.
P1 N
Mr, John A. Cooper Of Toronto, and
an okl Olint'on boy, was nominated by
a'Permito Alderman for the position
of Chief of the Fire Department in
that city:
Dixs. Lfiidex, o:f Toronto, is here for
a slxort• visit' with loci' mother, 141]x,
Holmes, Raglan street.
Mr. mud firs James Smith spent a
few days at Woodstock.
Mr, A. T. Cooper spoke in the in.
terests of the Dominion Alliance in
Kent Oo. on Sunday.
Me. and Mrs. 3, Becker with their
dais 1 C r •
g i e Miss D J. were in London
this week at
r a e attending •1 e
.o the xl]lbltlan.
Dias Maty Willis of Newark, N. T.,
and her sisters the Misses E. and Cr.
Cadzow of Buffalo, N. Y., returned to
thole homes on Wednesday after a
three weeks vacation with their
aunts Mrs, M.'' Watt and the Misses
Thomson of town and Mrs. G, Hamil-
ton, Hallett.
Mrs, . James Hawkins and chiidtee
of Hamilton are visiting at the home
of Mi', Thos, Hawkins.
Airs, J:1', B. Chant has returned Mom
her visit at TorontoauclSt. Catharines
Rev. Mr, Tones, Methodist minister
at Bayfield was iu town on Monday.
Mr. E. E. Hntinieford tock in the
sights at London this week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cult, of Blyth
announce the engagement of their
youngest st daughter, Gladys Irene, to
Mr. Thomas H. Taylor of Belgrave, -
'.191e niarrfago will take place the last
o:f September.
Stratford Beacon — Dir. Rex Clnfi
has returned from Northern Ontario,
where he spent the summer fire rang-
Mr. J, Ashton topic in the Fair at
Loudon for a couple of days. He
wonlrl not miss the Western Fair if
he had to walk all the way.
Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Cornish were at
Toronto last week attending the big
Lieut. R, R. Sloan, of the 33rd Batu
spent the weelc encs with his sister,
Airs. Wes. Walker.
Airs. Ralph Tipiaely was a visitor at
'Toronto Fair.
Rev. W. L. Diehl, of Paisley, and a
son in-law of Mrs. Me:Garva, of town
was elected second vice-president of
flume College Alumei Association
which met at Loudon this week,
:lir. W. 3 EMMA; of the London
Free Pines ss axhtorial staff, a young
man well-known known in Clinton' hasen-
listed to
t service is at the front. ro t. Tire
young gentleman is a yon of Alin G.
Al Elliott of Gocleeich, County Agent
of the Children's Aid Society.
Mr. Dick Tasker is able to move
around with the aicl of aL cane. '
Miss i i - Annice 73artliffe returned to
her duties at the hospital in London
after' her vacation here.
Wroxeter News --Mr. A. H. Moffitt
was m Clinton on Monday.
Dungannon News—Miss Olive Grey,
of near as the rues f Mrs.
t u �Ii.s.
H. Bellamy on Clinton,Tue Tuesday.
he following will k e of inter- ' MRS. THOS. FZ) _NIbIING y s uy.
est 'to the local sportsmen who
Miss Clara Ttviteholl returned on
t tele to lznoty the open season for , Last Thursday Mrs. Thos. :Filen Monsey after visiting her aunt in
the varic,us gaolers; Luck, Irani ming Passed away after. an illness' Stratford,
Sept, lath to Dee 15, both days in- - extending over the Inst 8 or 8 Mrs. R. - i1IoCounetll and Diaster
c Frank retiirited from their Western
trip this \week. They spenta few
days in Toronto before coning to
Mr. H. Plunisteel and Mr. Will
Plunxsteel were in London 011 Tues-
day. -
:Inspector Mitchell, of North Huron
was in toren on Monday, -
Mr. and Mrs. Ray 'Rinnball returned
Roza their honeymoon trip last week
and are now. getting seteled at their
house on Huron street.
,lusive; geese, Sept. 15th to April 1 months• Deceased's maiden name,
550 ; grouse, Oct. 15511 to Nov. iSth 1 wee Margaret' Perdue: '.fifer bus -
both clays inclusive; plover and band passed away over 10 years
snipe, Sept. .5ll0, to Dee. 15th;
aTa. A grown upfautily.entvive;
bare or rabbit., Oct, 15th. to Dec, - xi's. Guy Joned and Mrs. Proctor
15th; black souirrei, Nov. 15th to of Clinton, Mrs, Harper of Toronttt
Dee. 1; mink Nov. 1st to April 30th � Mrs. Leber, California, Miss Nona
muskrat, Dor:ist to Mareb 81st. '�nnmm 'gi o£ London, and 2'
No muskrat can beshot or Lxapped William Sail. Robert of Brit
the month of April 1sh Columbia. The funerttl cv-as
held last Saturday afl'ernooti from
BEAT BERLIN BOWLERS the residence 'of her son-in-law
Mr. Guy Jones, and services were
Two Berlin minks healed by lix• conducted by Ile v, .1, K. Fairfull,of
Mayor :Euler, who is one of Uanade'sBaptist chureh The pallbearere
lest bowler, carne tip on 'Wednesday
and played ,t friendly game with the
bo,vlere, Atte[' the scores'
were counted up it was found that.
Clinton was :1 shots to the good Fol
lowing were the playeie and scores
Clintons Berlin
sir, Jackson, els. 20 Euler, sk. I7 Nona Flemming D, A. Forrester, sk. 15 Sims, x 14 of. deceased from 'melt -now
The visitors, returned by auto to
Stratford n here they played in the'
The Clinton players were W. Bre
done, J. Wiseman; J. Nediger, W,
Jackson, J la, Oantelon, Dr. Shaw, J.
Etarland and I). A. ]]arrester
were old friends of the Rev. F. C. and Mrs. Ha1•pe.r called
on Seaforth friend ont
funnily ;- i friends T Lesday.
Prior,J.Cook,,, l�enn T. Archer,
et', Uutleddg , D. Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr returned on
Among the relatives from doss- Monday feonz a short visit with her.
trince who attended the fwne ial,— .parents ut 7.ormito.
Mrs, Harper and 'aurin Harper of DIF. J. Silioenliats and Mr, Edward
Toronto Corp. Britton of .the 33rd ,9 boenhals were visitors at Brussels
13a1t1, Miss N '1 of on''''""ay.
London and 14Ir. Perdue, abrotlier Me and Mrs. 1'Vixa, Taylor of
Chicago, arc guests en Mi•s, Wm.
Miss Jennie Rands and Mrs. Beacom
were in Loudon on Tuesday.
of Toronto, which I understand is the e
best planned city in the Dominion.
There are quite a few boys here from
different parts of Ontario.
In this war that we are now engaged in
Canada as responded nobly to the
Mother Counitry in her hour of need and S
we have had to pay pretty dearly for it,
but the Canadian soldier has shown that
the can take his place anywhere, and the
Canadian soldier is honoured today e
wherever he is placed. I hope this short
note finds you enjoying the best of health
and many thanks for the socks,
I am, yours truly,
Edward Newman,
40474 liautot Remount Base
efo Army P. 0., S. 8., B. E. F
Several from hea?e, attlend.edtthe
Presbyterial meeting at Seaforth'''
on Tuesday evening,
The fall fair season has oommene
ed. Farmers are measuring up th!e
pmnpkine and squashes, rind keen
vie ably is every\vh•eto noticed.
On Monday evening of this week
She young friends or Mr. Ray
Ituanball called op the yoil fig
oom andheld, a kitchen shower,
Ilay's speech was short land swept',
The following 'students have
ren enrolled as studcin+tfs at the
chool of Commerce for the pores
nt tears.
Miss Annie Maines, Blyth
Miss Effie, Jamieson, Clinton
Miss Minnie May, Clinton
Sties Colette Carbert, Clinton
Miss Anne Brown, Goderieh
Miss Margaret Cowan, .Blyt1i
Miss Anita Graham, Kippers
Miss Emily' 'visor), Kippen
Miss Lottie Stamen, Clinton
Miss Gladys Petty, Hensall
Miss Ruth Sproat, Seaforth
Miss Fremona Taman, Seaforth
Miss Margaret Mair, Clinton,
Miss Elizabeth Eckert, Seaforth
After an illness extending over
the past year, and during the last Mr. an,1 Min J. Stone, of i+,ssex,
three months being bedfast, Ag- were guests of their daughter, Miss A
nes Mary Barry,wife of the laio Stone over the weers .encl.
James 1i. Comb, passed away at Miss Helen Bell, director of the
home e onSt
nt ur
R ib
ak >
>f Uurnsior. ,
on Sunday evening The late Mas Commerce in town this
Combe had been a iiesad5nt of \\ „„k.
Clinten for a great many Yens LoxMiss
don Beatrice Britton is visiting in
and held the resp.en of'a large'
circle of friends. She was a,good Mr. and Mrs. Fred Livermore were
mother and the home and t le'wel- London and St. Thomas visitors this
fare of her jammy ~rias her oy \week.
through 'Her husband e -
Miss Maty Corbett left on Tuesday
cr asecl tierlife: 77 years ao-o pnpre
for'Deer Lathe, Perry Sowed District,
Ind of this meninx. T ere wag < where she has taken a school.
family of three sons and three
daughteia, bnC oruy three survive Mrs. G. la•Mac1'aggart and Miss
td hold i ,long iliemory a k nv; DMarg.aret twist \vent to Toronto on
and good mother. 'They -are Ma- lihoiaday, Miss Margaret will attend
jot A. 13, Comho connscted wj,t,h i Havergal this year,
tlxe Clinton Knitting Co; Mrs, Lat- Mrs O. vV. Robb was called to
tornell, of St Thomas and Mi: , Hamilton this week owing 50 the
Maggie at home who hea bdem a serious illness of her brother who has
faithful atltendant at the bedside i iideiraone an operation there.
of her needier during her illness Mrs. Hugh Ross is visiting with her
Mr, Rill Appleby, Clinton The funeral was held' on Wladnoe- sisters and other friends at Chicago
Mr, F. S. Moore, Blytlx' day afternoon from St. P'awl's and Zion City. She will be away for
Mr. c• Ii• Utlley, Blyth several months,
•Mr. (xeorge A. Sloan, Blyt11 church, wheae cleceased had been a •Miss Jean Ross bas taken a position'
Mi. Silas Reed,, Exeter.
faithful member, Rev. Mr. Robin- at Kenpville.
Mr. Milton, i'ydd Exeter son, the new rector having charge Mr, and Mrs, W. S. Downs who
Mr. Leo. 'Flynn, Clinton oft the Service, The ,call bearers hitve been visiting at the home of the• ..
Mr., Alva, Ingram, Hensall \vete;—YIessrs Joe Ratttenbur A.
forrnei's brother Mr. 0111. M Downs,
Mr, Robert Clark, Goderieh 8, Lnlleloii, also taking in the fan awl
Mr. Walter Cowan, Blyth J. Holloway, C. 1,ibby,'C. Hale, II, military spectacle, Stewed home last,
Mr. Elton hoist, Seaforth B. Chant and 3. E, Hovey, night,