The Clinton New Era, 1915-07-08, Page 9PAGE EIGHT. THE CLINTON NEW RRA. Thursdays July, .14 1915. 'Summer Apparel for Women, Girls and Children` With the return of the summermonths comes the question of summer clothes It is the natural desire of every woman and girl to be dressed as attractively and as well as her means will permit, Especially so in the summer when sight, dainty, and pretty dresses may be bought at very low prices, For Afternoons and "Dress" Occasions Etc.- See our splendid display of plain and figured . Sills, Crepes, Voiles, Organdies, in all the leading shades and patterns, which have been chosen with special care. and forethought to please and meet the needs of our customers, with prices that are sure to satisfy. The ever growing -in -popularity Middy -More than ever this summer we see Middies and Middy Suits in the foreground. Our range of material used for these suits is complets, including Indianhead, Duck, Repp, White Corduroy. Shantung, -etc. Fancy Parasols and Sunshades -To. add the finishing touch to dainty summer attire. Fashions in parasols change, as in everything else. We have them in all the latest fashions, in shape and colors, Stimnit;r Undei'nellr-Our stock of Summer Underwear is more complete than ewer before. Plain and lace trimmed. Princess Slips, Gowns, Skirts, Corset Covers, Drawers and Combinations, in the latest envelope style, in Cotton, Crepe, Nairtsook IN THIS CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Children's Dresses -We have just received Children's Middies -Just the thing a shipment of these dresses for little ones. for hot weather wear. White Indian Light, cool and easily laundered, in plain, head and Duck, trimmed with red, figured and checked materials, at exception- white, and blue collars, with ties to ally low prices. match. Children's Parasols -Children like to imitate grown-ups and nothing pleases the' little tots more than to finish their summer outfit with a dainty little sunshade. Our stock of these consists of all shades, plain and fancy. We cannot give a full list and description of all the requis-Ices and necessities in in stock for summer weather, but come in and inspect our stock. We cannot display it all in the windows -Come in. Butterick Patterns for the home dressmaker at the pattern counter Men's `tore Women's Store Dry Goods and Hoose Furnishings Phone. 67 0N Merchan`tuTailoring Men's Furnishings Phone 103 OURS JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready' to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA,' CLINTON rata Gel Vous wpm of Tea NOW Before the Next Big Advance, Loopie over our window, and you will see our .lines Of Teas and Coffees: Ourt big special is a regular 40e per Ib Tea for 35e or 3 lbs for $1.00 We can recommend these Teas to Our Patrons and Friends /for Quality` and 'Flavor. Wer also Travel Red Rose Tea at the olds price. The other wall known Brands such; as Salads, Grand Mogul. etc. HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER ANDS EGGS. JONS Phone 111 Successor to 5, Barr. THE STORE OF QUALITY Phone orders promptly attended to Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in con etruction and design but ex- tremely well made in,every de. tail, Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Huron to buy'ailkinds of Furniture BLD t& gT INSON Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 N. Ball 110 -RESIDENCE PHONES J. D. Atkinson 186 D U R A 13 LE --Fire grates are three -sided; last _three times as long. Shaped in the w�i��Qi to grind up clinkers when "rocked".0 See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. 32 BYANI & SUTTER LOCAL AGENTS 4 AAAkAAAAAAAAAAU AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAOAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAA ► I L.Oe.� t 111. iyyyir IVVVVITnmVYTV TV VVVVirTwV®vwwVirvvvvv®vntit: ► esaDomeoseeefoseoseeeaseseems A BREAKDOWN Owing to our type setting machine having a bad break Wednesday and the new part not arriving yet from De trait, we are forced to leave out a lot of good readable newe and condense other items to save time. We hope to have eyerything running right next week. There is on EVERY page of the New and Eta newsict EtaBe sure and look inside 0000660000090000080000000. BASEBALL TO MORROW The Seaforth Baseball team will open the bezel] season here on Friday night GODERICH'S ASSESSMENT The ?rimier Investment One of the wel1Jknown Invest- ment' Houses of Toronto Messrs. A. E, Ames & Co., states that in a eaperien:e extending 'over a quart- er of a century, there has. net been ,such a wide interest in Govern ment and Municipal Investment as atthe present. Discriminations in- vestore\'of all classes, su ch us In- snrranco Compani.s, B..nks, Loan Companies and' private investors; are) all taking advantage of pres- ent opportunities. This' is due 'to the past, splendid record of Cana dian' Municipal` seucrities for abso lute safety and present attrac- tractive prices, See advt. on page 6 of CONTINUES, TO RULE.According to the assessor's roll for 1915 this issue. the population of Goderich is 4,676. The safe( arrival of the soldiers The total valuation is, $2,29S;g12, as in England; is more ,presumptive against 82, 258,499 last year, proof, 'that Britannia continues to rule., the ways. STUDENT GETS POSirION Clifford Hunt of Seaforth who grad uated last month from the School of Commerce, has been employed by the Lluminating Engineering (Jo., of De- troit. Mich. at an initial salary of 560 per month METEOROLOGICAL REPORT FOR JUNE 1715. The highest maximum temperature for the month was 85 degrees on the 13th. The lowest minimum temperature was 32 degrees on 24th. The highest range was 40 degrees on 14th. The lowest range was 11 degrees on 3rd, The means for the month were maximum 71.23 de grecs, the minimum 48.43 degrees and range 22.8 degrees. The total rainfall was 2.18 inches. A cold month. The frost on the 24th did considerable dam age to beans and tender vegetables. Thunder on 7th, 13th, 15th, 16th, 18th, 21st and 300. Grain crops looking well THE FOURTH CALL. The Militia, Department his is- sued the call for men for the Fourth Overseas Contingent. Who will answeht the call from. here? A note added says; -Unmarried men who, are the sole support oftheir Parents, and unna:u'ri; d men nndar, 21 year 'of age (meet have the consent, of their parents. harried men must have the written cues sent of their wives, Any mili•- tart/ man will give YOU Iblhe,nee essry information. IS YOUR N )ME ON THE LISTS. The Clinton Voters lists have been printed' and we would advise the V otersI to see if his name is on the lists. Don't expect the other fellow to attend to it.' An elec- tion may be held this fall so you had better do it now. SPECIAIL TRAIN TO LUCAN, As will bd. seen by an advertise menti in another< column of. The New Era theOrangeman have secured Era the Orangeman have secured a special train to run from Goclee rich to Lucan on the 12th, The train is due here at 1.00 a. m. MUCK COPY DELAYED. Manu, of our correspondents for got about the holiday last weeds and sent in 'their'. usual budget!. on Wednesday 'afternoon tool,' late for that week. However all the items) may be read' on the various pages. A SPECIAL TO TIiOROLD? The fireman from Kincardine, Lucknow, Wingham, Clinton and Seaforth have been making prep arationsl ear 0 special train to run toi Thorold to the iFiremens Dem onstration' in August, and it is ex pectedl a train will be given. Full- er particulars wilt be given later OFFICIAL C. T;, A. .1.111110 11 Our Present Specials WE HAVE A 000D SUPPLY MIIIIIIIIMACION211111111111MTLISINGZIM Scyths, Snaths, Hay Forks, Hay Fork Rope, Pulleys, turnip hoes, beet hoes. screen doors and windows, galvanized and tin watering pots, garden hose, Perfection oil stoves, small oil stoves 1.50 and 1.75, lawn trimmers, flower bed borders, Sherwin-Williams Paint white lead and linseed oil. Gasoline 18c per gallon Coal oil 15c per gallon A, few 4o -gallon heavy galvanized tanks at $6 4o gallons oil at 14C 4o gallons gasoline at 17c. See the DeLavell'-Cream Separator at our store Bergess pure Paris Green and motor supplies I-IARL,AND BR'OTHI3RS STOVES, HARDWARE' AND NOVELTIES MAJORITY 175. The official count by Sheriff Mag Wood; returning officer, of the vote 'oma the Canada Temperance Act a Week ago, was made last Wednesday- morning, at Stratford and shows the pleasure to have carried by a majority of 175. There were 4,373 toted favorable and 1,137 opposed. This is somewhat less of a majority than was esti mated after.theS election, There was however, ran great change anywhere. MINOR LOCALS. Council- met on Monday evening. Dominion Day was ideal Cana- dian day. The Voters list for Clinton has been issued. The Canadian' Casuality list is grovling: Advertise! in The New Era. The 12th of July comes newt. Many spent. the holiday at Bay field, It was a fine dray att'the lake Band concert to -night. A few. Liberals attended the annual meeting of Centre Huron Liberals at Seaforth on Tuesday READ THE FACT BOOK Ir( other• words, the advertising in this newspaper. It is full of. -Facts about places, -iFactet about men. -.Facto about ,places, -Facts about merchandise. These faotg are marshalled at tractively. They are dressed • in interesting words. They are frequently( illustrated with deft touch. No part of (the newspaper is more interesting than the adver taint columns. Certainly no part is more 'tactful In the Early Days AUXILIARY BUSY The. Stratford G. T. R. auxiliary was summoned to Goderich Friday afternoon to rerail a yard engine, which had be come derailed while switching. ORANGE CELEBRATION LUOAN As a special train has been arranged from Goderich to Lucan via Stratford and as there will be no accommoda tion via L li, is B„ except from points south of Clinton, no excursion tickets will be sold for Lucan except via Stratford J. Ransford & Son Town Agents NEPHEW DIES e"o FROM INJURIES - Mr. Peter Cole, Goderich Twp. re ceived word that his nephew Elmer Oole, 13 year old son of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Cole, of Fenton, Mich, died from injuries received by being knocked down by an auto. Owing to hick of space we withhold the obituary notice until next week • 000ete00000fl:000o ori®0 0 0 0 WITH THE CHURCHES. 0 WILLIs CHURCH Next, Sabbath the minister, Rev. F. C. Harper, B,A , B. D„ will preach morning and evening The Sabbath School will continue meeting an Sunday afternoons at 2 30, during the summer months The Covenant Bible Class has dis continued its sessions until the end of August BAPTIST CHURCH. of The New Era Next Sundry there will be no service in this church in the morning, Sunday School will he held at ten o'clock. '.Che choir and pastor's Bible Class and a number of the congregation will at tend a union service at Auburn in the afternoon, the Clinton choir will assist with the singing. The Auburn con gregation intend coming to Olinton some time in the near future, when another union service will be held, These services should be much benefit to both congregations Quarterly business meeting will be held to night. All members are re quested,to be present. WESLEY CHURCH. Rev. Dr. Rutledge took his own services last Snuday and took as hie morning text, Psalm 23 His evening subject was "At the Parting of The Ways" Epworth League has been with drawn for the summer rhe annual picnic was held to Bay field on Tuesday. The pastor will preach next Sunday morning and evening. SALVATION ARMY. Capt. Henderson has received march ing orders and will hold farewell sery rtes on Sunday. Cape: Henderson has been in charge since the lash week in March and has been a very popular officer and the orders Kaye been a aur prise to her friende in town. However we hope good work will continue to follow her. Lieut. Laycock will re hit family; could eat. main, as far as she knows now. 5) d the plsasui•o . given by tlje refined ex - valence of lotus lawn stationery is added the dabisfaction derived from the fact that it 1s "'Jllade in Canada. Not P per Envelopes Invitation. Writing Tablet., neC td, Initialled Stationery Geotietnena Club Note and Stationery The W. D. Fair eo. Often the cheapest -Always the Best mgraggENEVAINZISOF osiseinsismanismonsoloorma Tha following was sent of Mr. R. Holmes on 1ar,sday;- The first issue of the New Era made its appeu'ance on July 6, 1865. Prior to 1365 these bac! been two papers in Olinton-The True Britain published by J. H. Kell and the Courier, published by George, Laycock. After a some- whall precariouc4 existence, both papers died. The late Edmond '13olmes,-who had been foreman of the, Hamilton Times, bought the plant of the True Briton, and Mr. Laycock put in the plant of the Courier and for the first 'six months of its( existence the New Era was published by Holmes & Laycock, in the office behind Mr. Layeoeks which( vas, these situated about book store which was situated about where the McTaggart's bank now ise. At thend of six months MVIr. Holmes bought out Mr. Laycock's interest. In these days all the' stores', took any kind of pre( duce in exchang d for geods,.,.and the newspaper did the same. lc is. reported that one subscriber goat very indignant and stopped his papery because the editor draw the lind at !turnips, in whichthe ,subscriber wanted to pay. The editor said, it would take a 'wag -t gon load and that was more than GET• RICH SCEHMES. Is we are to judge by the thous andl4 of peoples who' are lbeing swindled by the numerous get rich sehemest drat infest the country, the Canadian people - are becoming particularly easy. AF - most every large city seems to be a fruitful for the swindlers opera tions, and thepoor dupes almost fall over each other in their effort to get; something for nothing or fab utous returns for a small . outlay, which anyone of average intent - genet( ought to know 'was a swin die without being apprised 01 the fact. Aside from this press of the country is eontinyally warning the people 'of the dangerous character of those swindling operatins and whoa have learned by dear experience of the fraudulent na ture of sd'many concerns in which; they,.intrusted their a11. We would say it served them right were it not for the fact that the victims in manf cased, are poor people who can ill afford' fd Jose their ,dimly' earningtl in this manner. hosier White Pine and Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting.' with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, \as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever. sold. Nothing else will so readily re.ieve a cough. Try it - Dispensing Chemist THE PENSLAR DRUG STORE ate® -- TRY _- CONNEL2'S UTTLR = CRUST' SMALL BREAD The Bread of Quality • Wrapped to be Clean and Sanitary Made in Clinton, Ontario 5c Loaf Phone 202 Furniture, Rugs & L inoleurnb We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only w ant some odd pieces. You will find it to your advanta to inspect cur stock and see the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of.satisfaction JAS DUNPORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store DOLLARS COUNT 1 The corner Store "Live ..''lid Let Lire" Let 'us give you a price On your plumbing( or 'Furnace and see the t Dollars! we can save you, Specials Agents for Hecht Furnaces Strawberries, Oranges. Lemons„ Bananas, Pineapples, Ripe Tomatoes. Green Onions, and Lettuce Are You Going Camping The season 18 here again when we begin to think of lake and stream and the pleasures that go along with camping and pienicing If you are going camping, see us re- garding your supplies. We are special- izing on this trade Sandwich Materials Sandwiches are handy and appetizing for the picnics and little jaunts that campers frequently, take. We have Cold Meats, Jellied Meats Potted Meats and Peanut Butter, Salmon, Sardines, Olives and Cheese Thos.lawkins Plumbing.and Heating Es E. 1unniford Shop -over Rowland's Hardware Phone 53 PONE 45. tis 14.4.44+ +++4-1-1.4"NSF!!i'+'F 4.4.44401.414+2113'! .1.41F4+1 .4. i'4 4.44+4 41 hoes and 4. PlayS t 4. 4. - refoot Sandals I• Via .. ._.� 4. We have a fine showing of Barefoot Sandals and Play Shoes for the little feet to wear during the hot summer months, They are not expensive and the comfort to the child is great. Solt Tan Leather or Canvas ' Solt Soles o; Leather or Rubber A Complete Line of Sizes Prices 50c,' 850. $1.00, $L25 Fit out the Little Feet with these Comfortable Play Shoes and let them enjoy themselves all Summer. FRED. JACKSON F+t•.'1h4��'�'t!�'k.:iF$!1"II'_'t^F�'3:3'�'A� ., _ �, � ,