The Clinton New Era, 1915-02-25, Page 4AGE FOUR,
Thursday, December 31st, 1914.
Thuieday {I'ebruary. 25tht, 1915.
f -onimmimmositimain,
Desirable Real'Fstaxe'rnay ld at any shrewd'buyers wait for the se_ Called
a°v;otable seasons in which, o• male t eir `
� { h xl�'l,�e�tnrxents
are, watching tiffs
kleolfe• 75,
ller ' Goods
House Fur
x tairrl )f i{�i fs?:;?;
Come in and look them oven; also be sure to
see our new style Ready-to-WearGarments.
Mitchell Aprons -5 dozen•only-50e each
1 Overall Kitchen and general purpoee Aprons. splendid quality
1, in Percale, Print and Ginghams, and' are shaped to Ht the figure, Do
e not judge these by the price as they are excel tieunl value end all
should go in one day's selling* 'l'hey come in light and dark colors
t sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, Order yours early Saturday while assortment
i• is lest. See these in window
ri Ilou6C Dresses SSr;-Ove put en sale Saturday 3 dozen HOuse.
Dresses in mostly light rotors, good quality print and percale and
are fast colors, sizes 34, 25 and 38. reg 1.50 and 1.60, Saturday Pee
25 per cent off all Furs and Fur lined Coats for February
Made in'2anada for Canadian Women 50c to 3.50
For Sale
qu ant'ty of A meriaan Banner
teed"oat These oats ere guaranteed
clean, r5 cents per bushel. Cash
musii,acccmpany carder.
;; J. R. Murdock, Brucefield.
Choir R'aider i'z td,Y}ted
Tu each lino the words in the blanks
are of the same letters.
1.-Ele and his - melte a good -.
2. -Snore people - the danger oth
cis -.
3. -The valley was - lovely; every
thing was so -.
4, -The luggage was so old, ttie,y had
to - some - of it.
Cheer Leader wanted fur St. And 5.-1 hope lightning will not the
rew'a. Pi,esl 'terian chorale Elyth. - building.
Apply to Jos. Stotihers, Sec. Treae. 0. -The - did his work well, but he
hurl :f - time then the veneer.
v Answers. -1, Mate, tenni: 2. dread,
b(,iDfiey dnred gnite, ,quiet • 4, strep, parts:
5, smite, rimes; ti, sower, worse.
re irate funds for farm morieriers.
a Out
Prices of other Ford cars are:-
reT hiring Car a i.)tI¢P
Two. ¢Ailss.s Dger Coup elet $8,50
111 s�Q,sal far „
e t R ,.4 l . ,��`Ql,iii).11 $)l i 4B
A.I1 cars fully equipped 'includin
elet tric headlight. Prices F.O.B.
Ford, Ont. Buyers of all Ford
cars will share in our profits if we
sell 30,000 cars between August 1,
1914. and August , 1, 1915.
'° i ) .,•sa1ri _
A"Violet No. 183 AGENT CI/Viten
x ,t
l; ties 1 ,'I't' segen ey
h',tvleseits" Robeit and"'Petrtr 13elrd,lel ins
yrlean,TJxoinsonlfind' ••Miss Teni:Bided ,.
were visiting friends• and •relatises-id
Detroit, this wvee,,k
Mr ,Jae I+'owier}his df4ughtmeElsie,
rJnd.,so11 fid r<4�d, wh'o lime ryeen
melsIt g in . hdileribrtt,•ad55} 't+ Alai;' lefi bn
eTe esday:to dieit'frieede tri 1)eti"oit be
Lforq geturning to . 'their home h}
>Vlotose,Jtavq, ,
Mass E.lieh„ elconer, Joderlch., visited
at the+liiinte
of Mrs John Gilrnour,thie
;u: Mrs Thos Glrtmpboll bas gone
Melons Obis week, to visit'her sister,
'Mrs Woodsxt,
Alr" }vVrn Craig, 'Hensall, was visiting
old friends on the line last week.
Mr.Hhgh`'MoKenzie, Moose Jaw,
also visiting old friends here.
• 1iaylield
Mr Mustard's saw mill was again in
operation for the past two weeks.
The' river broke open Tuesday last,
for"the fiest:time this year, this is an
neusnal .oeeurence in Feb., but the
river is now .clear of ice, '•which has
also disappeared from the lake making
Feb, look more like April.
The Patriotic Concert was again
deliyered o'u Friday last, to a well
filled house. Tne programme was
considerately unproved on and those
who attended the second time were
far from being dissprointe9. The
proceeds acne -tinted to $37, making a
total of 3130 to he added to the
Batguitn fund, so that we feel that our
little town has done its share.
Mel Uhiop
On'Tuesday an Order was made at.
Osgoode Ball, directing a sale of the
lanes :of William N. McMichael and
sale proceedings will follow in due
sourer. The properties will likely be
offered by public auction some time in
Ma, eb, .. The lands referred to are Lot
34 in the 6th Concession of McKillop.
London Read
Mrs Jae Nott, is visiting friends in
Miss Annie McPhail, who has spent
the last six months at the home of Mr
Frank Grant's, left for her nom: at
Porter's` Hill, on Wednesday. Miss
Erma Jordan, Porter's Hill, is taking
ivies ¥cPhail's place.
League meets next Tuesday at Mr
Geo. Watts.
' Mrs. as. ,Finch of Stratford at-
tended the funeral of her father
'John Llitysoe,:
The funeral -of John Lawson was
held .on, Monday, He is survived
ey 3 app's and 3 diug'hters besides
fits wife whose maiden name was
Mary Stevens. The daughters are
ere hrr3. Willie Mountain Mrs. J.
,Finch, and '.Fanny at home at d
sons are Joseph of the West. Oliv.
and Herbert at home. The
funeral was well at'tend,.d sly
the Forester Lodge.
John -Burgess died tat Bluevale Sun
day at the age of 81. He is one of the
county',s oldest men and had been a
resident for over 40 years. For a
number of years he was a grain 1 uyer.
Litter he was connected with the Blue
vale Cheese and butter Company, and
for a time clerk of Turnberry Town
Cittreue ;were shocked Monday to
learn that J,.G. Murdoch, the Reeve,
had, passed away during the night at
his home on R'ss street. Mr. Mur
doch had officiated as an elder in the
Preebyterben;church in the morning,
acid had also attented the funeral of
late Walter Stewart and on returning
co{nplained of a slight sickness, which
peeved to he acute indigestion, from
which he died before 1 o'clock iii the
morning. He was born in Waterloo
county in 1858. He lived for al.outsix
teen years in Ashlield, afterwards
teaching school for a number of years.
In 1881 he commenced storekeeping at
Lochaleh, and some seven years later
moved;te Lucknow where he has tae
ried hie business, first with R, D. Cana
eroo, the under the name of J. G.
Murdoch. '& Company, and latterly
with Mr, Cameron again as the. Mur
doeh,& Cameron Company. Mr. Mur
defib was for some time President of
the;Weet Bruce Liberal Association,
He;was also, President of the Lord's
Day Alliance and .of the leartnere'
Ele'vato'r'& Shipping Company. He
wee a most enthusiastic curler and
bowler; and always ready to take an
elective Ont pegt,iu the well heing of the
community. He leaves a wife and
reeesalll55s ns , He, :teas nee member
;+ of the I O.O F }vhf b Clecler will
cel diect,„the funeral°servtceseon Friday
4• i„ IGtllett
lPire38i1'+slP9arl, :Toronto, is.spend'�intfi
he week end witp'. Mr and:'Mrs (,Geo,.
ee40 ae , other •,friende, tele 'is
e riyate` ,fp -the B. Company, in the
20th Batalion end contingent. He
snlisted.wfth"3fstRegiment at Owen
• Wert': ,Sirs. 'Frank Gibbs, at d
tw9 ctltent and 3&r. and Mrs. 3,,•
B•i'by'p. Clinton spent Sundae) at.
the hbnae of the former's,
-mother. ., .
Mr, ant} Mrs. Thos, t001e of Water
looeP, Rut tlui
brs weefk wrdi' her
o:thee' Simon McVittie aricf .also,,
attended'tlt futaeral, of hni'ixyyothrij;
Harry Me.Vitti., who died o;1'lpi th .
'Bay and, the funeral was ria ,41
from his sister•,in-•law Mrs,
of ,Clinton,
Mrs. John •Sho :ocl is lai.l ul)
with the meashei at present.
Sw last resort the councillors, who are
bhck of the rural line, i held special'
meeting add met two of the headimep
of the Bell Company and made the
purchase for the sum of $400, the in
hip broken, both b'cots being torn' .%off,
his' feet,.': death° being instantaneous,
McLeod leaves 4 wife and four bhil
-:dreg. An inquest will he field..' ,•l: a
• . IIter'0,epoo1„tpxesclgex.frA,,.;the Cecil
,eglatc'tostiiute conopeneed ,Mod4Stq
orning smoke was seen isstimg fro:
„h a of theleold'itirregteteesiin 1 onet'.tor
the upper rooms. 'alhe pupile iretlred
'fn good order and ho •alatrrir' wee rung
en. The firemen responded promptly
,and succeeded in confining the fire 'to,
the one roorn.•hht not before rhe walls
and ceiling were 'corlsiderahly dam
reed. The lose is full covered by ^in
burance in the Anglo American. The
cause of the;fire is ankaown. •
The funeral of Miss Meetba •"Matilda
Storey, who died at the home of .her
parents, Mr. end Mrs, Samuel Storey,
5th concession of pecKil{op, on Suit
day, was held "Tuesday to Maitland
Beak Cemetery. Miss Shorey was 26
years` of age and had been a severe
sufferer from infiarnmetory rhegma
tism for some years.
The funeral of the late Mrs, James
Coates, who died'at Brussels on, was held on Monday, interment
being in Maitland' Bank Cemetery,
A lad named Gordon McGregor, 10
years old, last Jfi'iday skated over can
airhole in the Maitland River, broke
through. He was pulled out by his
chums and started 10 go home. He
again broke through in a shallow spot
and got out without any assistance:
After two days' rain the Maitland
River is rapidly rising, and it looks as
if Wingham would be visited by a
flood un els the waters abate. The
oldest inhabitant of the towns fails .to
remember such weather in • any pre
vious February. The robins have
returned and there is nothing to do
but believe that it's s ;ring,
Mr. L. Kennedy, who has for many
years conducted a restaurant business
here, has sold it to Mr. 'Wel/Insley, of
Asa result cf the search made in
local hotels last week by provincial'
officers, Inspector Johnson laid iufor
motion ageinet John Lannan, proprie
tor of t he Union Hotel. The case was
to have teen heard on Friday, but Mi'.
Lannan settled the case paying the
fine of 5100 and costs
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will
be held in the Presbyterian church on
Sabbath next.
James McGee, who lately sold his
farm to Mr. Hough, of Blake for $8100
will move to Toronto to reside. Most
of his family are. alieady there.' He
will he missed in our vicinity, but all
wish him a'pie.esant life i•i the big city
Another parcel of • socks was sent to
the army last week and there is more
to follow.
Mies Martha MbDonald entertained
a number of hen friends on'•Friday last
Mr. Scott shipped grain from our sta
tion this week which has gone up to
$1 55 per bushel and beans are about
$3 per bushel Farmers who have kept
their grain will be,rich,
Wm. McQueen formerly of Knox
College is engaged in Y. M. 0, A. assn
dation work among the recruits in
Toronto. r
Many farms, changed hands
here the past few months, Among
the latest is John McQueen, who sold
100 acre farm on the. London road for
the sum of $5,000 to Air. James Mc
Donald, on the same road, Mr. Mc
Queen and his nephew, Jas. O'Neil,
are going to Godet'ich to engage in the
grocery business.
Alfred Sutton has sold his 100 acre
farm, known as the Walter MCBeath
farm, for the sum bf $4,000 to Mr. Wit
liam Alexander, of Hay Township.
We understand tnat Mr, Alexander
intends 'using it for grazing. Mr,
Sutton has not decided where he wet
.dr, John Calvert, l derton, spent
Sunday in town. His wife and child
Lave been here for some time visiting
here parents, Mr. and Mrs, Peter
The 10. 0. F. Lodge, No, 210, Bruce
field, purchase over $300 worth of re
galia from a firm in Toronto. This
lodge is in a prosperous condition. and
have as fine a lodgeroom and reg•itia
as any lodge in Huron County.
The continued flhe weather makes
people think we will catch it later on
The adult Bible Class, members and
officers of the:'Methodist Sunday
School drove out, to E. H. Smith's on
Wednesday evening and spent a social
time in games of various kinds, havi ,g
an enjoyable time:
A deputation frbm the various Agri
cultural societies of North Huron wait!'.
ed on A. H. Musgrave, M. P. ,P,, at
Wingham, tor thejpeerpbee of, discues.
ing„the proposition of the Cheerio
Govhrnment discohtinuing tli,e„ grants;
to iigriceiltural societies. 'Y' stdent
Wm'. Pollock and' Secretary 'William
Jackson'represented' the' Blyth society,
Art' the regular meetingthe
g lar of Meth
()did Quarterly ,Board Rev. G. Jewitt
was invited to remain a fourth year,
whidh he accepted subject to the
action of the stationing corninittee.
Rev. Mr. Richardson, :of . Kippen,
preacheda splended preparatory ser
mon• et the Presbyterian Church here
`on Thursday evening, Sacrament will
be dispenced next Sabbath morning.
The •induction of the three new.
elders: Henry Young R. B. McGowan
and)uncan Laidlaw will'>;aiso,1,take
`JIK4 l Michael's;congregation held a
;very:Successful patriotic supper at the,
Commercial Hotel last night. Many
from the town and vicinity took ad
vantage of this means of assisting the
Red Ovoss movement. Tile receipts
amounted to $55.
A, M. Curthaw, manager of the
Bank of Hamilton here, spent Thum
day in his former home Palmerston
and visited the Masonic L odg'A there.
At last the great question of the
advisability of the I lyth Rural Tele
phone Unn:ipany purchasing the Bell
Telephone Company a interests in
Is lies been settled for the present
at tenet. There have been two meet-
ings of the sal eribet1 to try and
;mine tt> an amicable lesofttruo
settlement 1 r'the
'1 t'r n tel ut a.1 tin nbscrlbers
voted agriest thii p. .ion. As
Neai,tor tin
Den M,:Leed an employee of the
Western Canada Flour 11IiIls- Com
loiiing. aho 10 ocioclt.While
assiet tnr;in Moving ono of the grain
boats at the dock by means of block
and tackle, the center block, fastened
to the nigger head on the cloak, gave
way and the lines Swept hint off his
feet anl he landed ou bra heed. Wh nei
picked up his ckul, was crusne,l ,.t and
terests Co be transferred by Marchi
Now it it, reported that the diesatis
fled' suhecihers have ieterviewed a
lawyei: with the rgspilt; that
junction euay be laid against the 'sale,
and there are prospects ,of a; long
leglitliwaerand 'heitege expenses.,.,.t
1Nailel 9aatpderco'dlt irtteeen.d,'le
}til(n}l, t H
tlttiafa,rn iinsStanitirlorf iced t'htd 5
S. McVittie received the'sad intellir;
gecoe •,that his brother Henry;of.
North Bay, was seriously i11 and was
,to be taken to the general hospital,,
Toronto, to 'undergo an operation; so
he left on the afternoon train for
Toronto. The operation took place
on Saturday, but the patient never•
relied, passing away shortly ' after
word. Tho remains were taken; to
Clinton on Monday, and on .Tues
day the funeral took place to the
Clinton Cemetery.
The users of ice have got in their
supplies, and are very lucky, as the
extremely mild weather has made
the ice poor, while ..the stock they
got was the best they have had for
Postmaster Sims, who was oe duty
for a few days through illness, is
able to resume his duties again.
The roads are now in a very bad
condition from the recent mild weatb
er. In Borne places there is plenty of
snow, while in others the roads are
almost bare. In consequence a great
10 any have not vet got in their sup
ply of green wood
Councillor R. R. Sloan, who is in
attendance at the London barracks
for examinations. spent a few hours
at a cuuncil meeting here last week.
The Londesboro Woman Institute
will hold their regular monthly meet
ing, Thursday, March 4th, in the
Forresters Hail, at half past two. A
woman's view of life to be taken by
Mrs H. Little, reading by Miss
Mr Murphy while threshing clover,
had the misfortune to get his arm
broken, Monday night,
Kirk Lyon spent Sunday with his
friend, John McAllister of Hensall.
A very pleasant time was spent on
Tuesday at Mr. Wm. Hiles' when a
number of their friends. and neigehors.
assembled together previous to their
departure from this vicinity. The
evening was spent very pleasant with
music and games, after which the fol
lowing address was read,-
elr and Mrs Hiles: -
Dear Friends.- We a few of your
friends and neighbors have gathered
here to night to spend a pleasarit
evening with you, before you leave
the old home. We sincerely regret
that the time has come, when we are
called upon to part with you as
neighbors. Some of us have been
associated with you for many years
and have always found you to 'li'e
neighbors in the tree sense of the'
word, always willing to lend a helping
hand in the time of need,and now thlst
yon have decided to retire to a certain
extefit from the active cares of life,
we trust that you will both long be
spared to enjoy a well earned rest,and
we could not allow you to leave our
midst,without m some way expressing
our appreciation of your kindness and
hospitality. Therefor we ask you to
accept these chairs, and trust that
wherever you may decide make our
future home you will not forget your
old acquaintances. Signed on behalf
of your friends and neighbors of the
12th and 13th Ooncessione,
Frank Wood
Wm. Grey
Wm, Miles lead a sale of his fatho
stock last week. Mr. and Mrs.
'Hiles wilt live with their daughter
Mrs. Norman ,Carter for a few
months before they retire.
Norman 'I•Innking has engaged
with 'Frank Woods for this year.
Harvey Sundercock and Miss
Pearl 'Hart were married on We d
nesday at her home.
Mrs A Iyison spent a taw days
recently visiting her sister, Mrs Rev.
Mr 13 Altan, Belfast, was last
week visiting hie ulster, Mrs Robert
Stephenson, of the Parr Line and. bis
brother in law, W. H. Johnston,here
Me Hyde was in Toronto,last week
on business,
Mrs Jas McDiarmid is in Toronto,
attending the funeral of her sister,
who died rather unexpectedly last
Messrs .fas McDonald, Alex Smith,
and Charles Wasmann are going; to
going 'to raise their barna and put
stone or cement fonndatiens under
bhem. , This will add' considerable to
the many fine barns ,and outbuild
ings of this district . .
The numerousfarmers who have'
hyep, growing leans are pleased with
the good. prices': paid for their. crop
this season. Many sold part or all of
their crop at: from 02 to. $215 some
time ago. This wasa good price hut
are shipping this week at $3 a bushel
Fa•rruers hieve -grown , from . ^1.50
hnshel$ . up •to 530 bushels each:
Many,' .,tend sewing .twentyfive to
thirtddires this year. Word conies
now that 'some - American Company
is guaranteeing two dollars a bushel
to all f+itrners who will contract to
grow a colored. Kean for them,
These he'tns ars' said to yield better
then our ordivary white bean.
Many ghenges m,tiho ownership dr
fbhn property beve taken plati in
sine of the last twelve 'months, in
this vicinity: The following are some
eofithe transfers:- -Air Petrie sold his
100 'acre farm to Mr 11 Horton for
167.0)0; John Murdock sold to 'a man
from Elnllett, for something like
87,300, i14r Suttbn sold to William
Alexander, price not known, Win
Fowler solrl to Mr Hyde for $7,000.
Fre,. Fowler sold to Wesley Harvey
for $5,5110, a veil, cheap farm; Thos
Eder sold to Joseph Hayman for
$8,000, Ilia late John McDonald's
farm was sold to hobs Elgie, for
s' meshing like 1;3,100; Mr Hauck,
Blake sold his farm for $7,500 and,
coining out to the mill Rand, east of
Brnnetield, bought Jumps Mc(;ee's for
0,000. 0110, It is said that these, last; two
i s wet Bms cl a a >d>
L in less �s
than of
minute. It was simply named price,
and accepted,
G+LIN'lON, • !MUM/ E,Ti0.,. r t.
Fire, Life• and -.Accident CLINTON
,,reel gsLate.bougut'land sold,
'MOneytO, IOatlY7I'
'u; 111 .
onc ce Isaac Street, next door: to Nerd
Piano Tuiuu ; ';
Mr. James Doherty' wishes to in-
form the public that be is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulatingg,and repairing.
Orders left at W. Doherty's. phone
61, will receive prompt attention.
M. G Cameron, K.C.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.
Office on Albert Street, occupied ty
Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every
Thursday, and on any day for which
appointments are made, CfJice hours
from 9 a.m. to p m. .A good vault in
connection with the office. Office open
every week day, Mr. Hooper will make
any oppointments for Mr. Cameron,
A reliable ,man to represent us at
Clinton and in the County of Huron
and sell our Hardy Canadian Grown
Stock. A good position for the right
man. Write for particulars.
"Fonthill Nurseries," Toronto
Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received by the
Council of Hullett up to 2 p.m. on
Thursday the 4th of March for the
building of a new bridge at Harlock on
5 R 5 and 6, Con. 12, with Cement
abutments and re enforced steel super
structure -length between abutments
to be 33ft and 14ft roadway. The low
est or any tender not necessarily
accepted. , James Campbell, Clerk.
Boar for Service
'Having purchased from Mr. George
Elliott, a thorobred Berkshire hog, I
will keep the same for eervice at lot
34, let Con, Stanley. Terms $100 at
time of service with privilege of rel
turning if necessary. J. T. Ashton.
I offer for sale -possession April 30th
-Lot 35, let Concession, Huron Road,
Tuckersmith. containing 100 acres, leas
Grand Trunk track, which divides it
about' equally. The River Bayfield
runs through the easterly corner of
south half, and the westerly corner of
the north half, making two admirable
fields for pasture. Easy terms,
Clinton P. 0
Wood for
1A quanta of good hard wood
for sale in large or small quanti-
ties. Any length from one to four
feet long.' This 'woad will he sold
' William Wheatley
Phone 94. Huron street
For Sale
Two good Shorthorn Bulls for
sale. Color, red. Apply to
R. R. No. 1, Clinton
For dale
The following -very reisonabl
and cheap; -1 upright piano, in
fair condition, $120.00; 1 upright
{Piano, used less than ayear, $100,
was $375; 1 Edison (Phonograph,
slightly used, with 12 records, $35;
1 coal Range with high shelf and
reservoir, and water front complete
good as new. $20:1 Black Bear Ski
Robe, good as new; 1 kitchen
Cupboard. W. Walker, High St.
A -Carload of Canada
Phone lis tor prices
It will pay you
John � Hutton
Drs. Geo. M. E. Whitley
Ostcopatlulc Pity.
I. Specialists in Women's and
•Children's Diseases
Acute, Chronic, and Nervous
Diem 'dent
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat.
Office=Rattenbury ;Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday. 7 to 11 p.m.
Fein) t ii :til s' +'Glib
We're noty eelling Timothy Seed
(Government Standard.).
Wo also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover.
We always have on hand' -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Bailey and Feed Corn
Highest Market Frites paid for Ray
and all -.Grains.
• Gonne��tyante . Notary, Public,
UOmmissMner, ate.,,'
' ilsener:of Marriage Lpioen'ses,
•Diiil :,$nson Stsl.Clin33ie '.
H. T ., RAN'OE ,.
;Notary Ptiblic, Conveyancer, ,
Financial and'Real Estate,
INSURANCE:AGENT-Repreeeutink 14 Fire In
auranae Companies, •
Division Court OtRee.
Med Lal
DRI 3. W. THOMPS®161
medal attention ,elven sumo.,
sto diseases: of the
Eye.. Ear. Throat, and Nose,
'Eyes carefully aamiaed,, and suitable Wessel,
Office and Residence;
Two doer: west or the Commercial Het.
Huron St.
I➢RS. t Bifid 111,(1 GAIFIIIII:R
Dr. w. Gunn, L. 11. C. 1'.,L. B.C. S.. 515
Dr. ,^,uon's office at residence High Street
It,r. J, C. Gaudier. 11.A. DLR.
Night oallstatio residenos, Clinton.
or at hospital
econcbour, eta„ office and residence on
teabury Street.,
lir Crown and Bridge 'Work a Specialty.
Graduate of C.O.D.S:.; Chicago, and R,O,D.S
Bayfield on lllomlays, Ilay 1st to D
Offices over O'NEIL'S store.
Special Dare taken to make dental Wet
tent as peinless as possible.
Live stock and general Auction se"
Berm show sales a specials;, Ciders et i a
to. Terms reasonable. Fanners l sale note
G. D. McTaggart M. L. MoTaggar '
McTaggart taros.
General Banking Busmen
Drafts issued. Interest showed n
::= deposiie
McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
Perm and Isolated Town Prop.
erty Only insured.
J.13. McLean, Preesidenntt,,. Seaforth,
.1 Connolly, Vice -Pres., Goderich.
2' E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seafosith.
Jas, Connelly, 'Hcimesvflle, John
Watt, 'Hariock ; G. Dale, Clinton;' D.
F. McGregor, Seaforth ; J. `Evans,
Beechwood, J G. Grieve, 'WintbttoP
J Benneweis, Brodhagen ; M. Mo.
Ewan, Clinton.
Each Director is Inspector of
losses in his own district.
Robt Smith, Harlock; �Ed.Hineh-
ley, Seaforth;, Wm. Chesney, Eg-
mondville; W. W. Yeo, Holmeavillee
Payments may be ,made at The
Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or
R. H. Cute, Goderich.
Grand TrunkRailway System
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and Bruce.
North Passenger
London, depart 8.80 a m ;4.40, p m
Centralia 9.33 5.45
Exeter 9.44 5.591
Hensall 9.55 6.05
Kippen 10.01 6.11
Bruceiield 19.09 6.19
Clinton 11.00 6,35
Londesboro 11.18 6.52
Blyth ,... .. 11.27 7.00 '
Belgrave 11.40 7.13
Wingham, arriveI1.64 7.35
South Passenge:
Wingham, depart6.35.a m 3,30 p
Belgrave 6.50 8.44
Londesboro... 7.13 4.0404
Clinton 8.10 4.23,
Brumfield, 8.27 4.39
Kippen 8.85 4.47
Hensall! 8.41 4,52
Exeter 8.54 5.05
Centralia, 9,04 5,15'
London, arrive 10.00 • 6.10
Buffalo and (Sod'erich
Wee` Passenger' `...
Stratford 10.00 12.30 5,2 10.25
Mitchell 10.22 12.55 5.55 10,49
Seaforth 10.45 1.20 6.18 51.11
Clinton 11,07 1.35 13.40 11.2
llolnreseilie 11.16'.1,43 '6,46 11..3
aoderich,.,.... 11.35 2.00 '7.0511,
East Passenger
am pin p,m
Godepich 7.05 2,35 455
iolmesville 7.22 252 5.02
Clinton 7,32 3,03 5.10
Seautnr th 7.51 3,21 5.30
Mitchel] 8.16 3, 44 6 55
Stra,tforc 8 40 4 le 6 26
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