The Clinton New Era, 1915-01-28, Page 2la Phone Willi Ad' to e The New NewFrro, 0 d Many telephone eabscribere a find it quite convenient and a Z time-saver. Experienced ad - le visesare always on The New • ., ® Era end, Phone 30, p 9 el40(900®(0300B 0006196199 Aa®eaty PAGE TWO, Thursday, January 28th, 1915. Every age Has'Newsy Items. is the canal of life but it becomes a e,, sewer if clogged up. All life consists of builciaig up and tearing down and just in the same manner that the blood carries to the various parts of the body the feed that the cells *.teed for building up, so it is eompelledto nanny away the waste material that's torn down. These waste materials are poisonous and destroy us -ankles the liver and kidneys are stimulated into refreshed and vigorous life. DR. ElIERCET Golden Medical liiiiscovu ry is the balancing power -a vitalizing power. It acts on the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition—on the purifying filters which clean the blood. Thus fresh vitalized blood feeds the nerves, heart —and brain, This well knownalterative relieves catarrh of the stomach and headaches accompanying same, and has been successful for more than a gen- eration as a tonic and body-builder. It builds up the rundown system. You need it—if you are always 'batching cold'!—or have catarrh of the nose and throat. The active medicinal principles of American -Native -roots are extracted without alcohol and you can obtain this u tonic in liquid or tablet form at any drug store or rend 50 cents in 1 -cent stamps for trial box of tablets. Send Siena-centstamps to pay cost of manioc and wrapping for free copy of The Carrmon Sense Medical Adviser, by Dr. R. V. Piercy cloth booed, 1000 Pages, Address Dr R. Y Pierce, Buffolo, N 1 , The elms®' : a.( ew Era 111th Year in the Public Service ' air Il. lie, r et Son, Proprietors. J. Leslie Kerr, Iit3SiileSS Manager New Era, one year in advance S 1 00 New Bra, when not paid i.e rtdv,mucc 1 511 New Bra, to the United States in advance 1 50 ADVERTISI\G RATE 9 ON APPLICATION @fiance Phone 39 House Phone SS Will the war egad 4n June? Some financiers say so and t'te enormous exTeiditure must' he d-spletirg •nanya treasury; at a five'y goi: but the military experts. dont seeps to be 'liguring much on a steady termination to hostilities. `Was it not Lord Kitchener who was cred't ed with saying "sell fighting would commence in May,' When the battering and (destr'uctice comes home to Germany we be- lieve her people .are sensible enough to not take it as e'lie joke it seems of be to the Kaiser 'when the obiteration of towns and cities is located in some other ford. as. hall conquered army wou d be t' metia_es.'+to the world's Peace. United Stated suffragettes wll "have it in" for Woodrow-C-ilscin, the practical, President of the Am- erican republic, on the franchise question. His opinion Ie'egatee She problem to the State l arlia- inent ulnas. ,Poseil:ly '1 e i? d ;et; the issue end maybe ii Ise sat 35 governor 1 e would pass it 00 t. brigressi Tlere are ci Ilti;,; patterned 1t in that side in :tda whether they exist ars r.,; the irdernational line or not. To face t plain issue takes genuine sixty- Mood at 'too little delis iscr%L.-- given the plan or wnlnan -ti\r n he e the courage of their con r , rt.ir Often tit]•? "cotton string" peol it receive the unrleset'v. d t tl'lata.e Tbo Yew v Era is woll plelsctl at the vigor ) e:rig dernonstsu,; d I ti the Provincial authorit'es in the veru important department of Pu'. - lie Health. 'Changed cox d'tions as it relates to the amended law and the composition of tee Board will be. of advantage and better enforce went will follow as tl e -'necessities of the conditions are meth clear. We 'think we are a healthy people in Odtarie, and so we are, but in the past year there ;were 1,427 cases Of communicable disease, resulting in 121 deaths as ,compared with 916 eases, 93 of which had fatal remits in 1913. (Prominent in the ,list was the old 1destroyei —tuber cuiosis—white ]another dread dis- ease was tlepitheria. Every muni- cipality should stand behind the Boards of 'Eoalth instead of harp- ing and sometimes defying them, Under tile new law obedience will be Letter than sacrifice. If figures "wont lie Ontario's rural population 'decreased from 1911 to 1913 by not less than 27,139. That's going some. 'Huron went back 1913 919a. If 500 is 'a popular game to play 499 does not prove to !belong to that .class; 40 Crsun!ties backslid and 5 aenarted increases, but the statistics for 1913 show a somewhat letter con dition and 'reduce the number o1 k True Tonic. is one that assists Nature. Regular and natural action of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels will keep you well and fit, and thisaction ispromotedby 5 BEECHAM'S PILLS ': a,Largcea Solo c{Any ilcdimiae in 5a'C'adi, 5old everywhere In b,,..,. 25 cent: !Counties, 'en tee 'toboggan to 22. You would think the -emigration city ward wou'd rece;ve et rebuff by the trials and tribulations that. are 'L eing put on the ,program in most civic centres just now. Rural depopulation is ore of the serious problems owe. which a more tare fui etude shouldbe gi' el its it gets very close to the heart beats of the countryside in almost every Phase oe lire, church, school, soci- ety, business etc..,all'suffer as the folk move out. How to obtain a permar.ent cure for the exodus the vital question. There are mane theories but "Bogus" could be seri) ed. on most di them -after the test. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1A SOME DATES C+? NOTe IN 1015. -- Clued Friday, Spril 10th. Beater sund:ly, Aril 12ht, Viets,ril las M:1,.• t hig's l:irtl.0 Jaen. : rd. Enerer , Day, Jure card. Dominion Day, July 1st • Lamm. Day, Sept.7th, Christmas .Illy, Dec. 'e5th. 'CLUBBING RITES • w alsa .inU t 1 e Globe..., $1.50 .t• dee. Mad Drily -Mail and • PO 4.55 New Era and Weekly Mail and Empire r 1.65 .v era mei .Da Iv World3.35 New Era and Daily News.-2.85 New Era and Daily Star 2.85 .. .. ra slid Falsely Herald and VS'eeklas Star 1.80 ' w Era and Gi rakly* 1.1'itness 1.85 New Era and "vo:•Lheen lies s nger 1:60 New Era and Canadian Farni 1.35 gel Era and 'reveler's Sun1.85 Naw Era and iDa:ty Free Press,- morning 3.35 Nnw Era - and Daly Free! Press, evening .-- 2.35 New Era and Weekly free Prase 1.85 New Era and Morning Lon- don Advertiser ....- ..-... New .Bra and Daily Advertiser 2.85 TOW" Era and Weekly Adver- tiser 1.50 dew Ilia and Faint and Dairy 1.85 Sew Era and Farmer's Advo.-. 2.35 RARE PLANT AT OTTAWA 3.65 Only One of its Kind in Canada Blooms Once In 150 Vbay.0. To have been in existence for over half a century, to bloom once and then wither away', is likely to be the fate of the "Agave Attenuate," in the Government greenhouse at Ottawa.- The Agave'is one of the rarest flowers known, and the one at Ottawa is the only one in. Canada About forty years ago, when the present green braises were erected on Parliament Hill; the plant was moved there. Very little was known about it, and it was tenderly cared for and curiously watched to see what it would do. The plant at last assumed its maturity, and this is likely to cause its death. The only other known specimens are in the botanical gardens in Washing. ton, D.C. The only times that they are known to have bloomed were in 1897 and 1898. The plant is a native of Mexico, and was discovered by plant hunters there In 1834. It is not known how the specimen cane to Canada, but it is thought that It was through the agency. el - some of the United States plant collectors, However, it was placed In the Government greenhouses some time before 1873, Officers of the Canadian Press Association 11 You Wish to Be Well You Must Keep the Bowels Regular. 1 If the bowels do not move regularly they will sooner or later, become con- stipated, and constipation is productive`1 of more, i11 health than almost any other trouble. The sole cause of constipation is an inactive liver, and unless the liver is kept active you may rest assured that headaches, jaundice, heartburn, piles. floating specks before the eyes, a feeling as if you were going to faint, or catarrh of the stomach will follow the wrong action of this, one of the most important organs of the body. Keep the liver active and working properly by the use of Milburn's Lasa - Liver Pills. Mrs. Elijah A. Ayer, Fawcett Hill, _ N.B., writes: 'I was troubled with constipation for many years, and about three years ago my husband wanted me to try Milharsi s Laxa-Liver Pills, as they had cured him. I got a vial and took them, and bathe ti :ic I had taken three vials f wee cured. I always keep them ort han.l, and when T need -a mild laxative I talse 01e." Minster es La ;,-Liver Pills are 25c a vial, a vials fir '31 111, at all dealers, or ']nide l direct 0.1 . •itst of price by The 'r' afilbert) Co., Li. d. Toronto. Ont. LABOR IN VM[ The Young Dee and the Thief of Her Burrow -home The man, in passing, carelessly swished his cane against the wall- flower, raid she went off from it as though else were a rocket and the cane a match. She was a bee -not very big, being only about half an inch in length; but she was black, with tawny -yellow legs, and she was very hairy, and somehow that made her look larger than site was. Also her hum made her seem more dangerous shah she really was, for there is some doubt as to whether her sting could have pierced anybody's skin. At that mom- ent she was gathering honey and poi- len, aud,to judge by appearances, she was about full up, for the pollen covered her like gold dust, and she seemed literally to ooze honey at every joint—which, after all, is only another way of making beeswax. Then, all of a sudden, and without a fraction of a second's warning, a strange thing happened. The bottom of the floor she was standing upon—that Is;. the. leaf on to which she had backed— fell out. Our bee fell, too, with this. part of the leaf for a space, till she could collect herself. Then an odd face, with huge eyes, looked over from the other side and said ''Bzeisl very angrily, and sho fled. She had been sitting on a part of a leaf which was being out through .from the other side by a leaf -cutter bee—who lines her nests with neat pieces out from loaves—and—well, the piece had collie out. iOur bee went booming away through the hot sunshine, whirring like an aeroplane, and in a direct line.. She wasnot alone, The air was. foil of insects, busy passing' upon their "lawful oceasions:" But it seemed at first as if our bee —who ,evidently ltnow where :ilie 1109 going—was alone all the same. In a moment, however, it was evident Iliac one flew with her, as If guardingher and ,;a.,lfog her through thedngsr. ous avenues of the aerial ways. He was like her, but bright brown, and was her husband, if our insect -may be said to have a husband, and there were men who said that he had never .been known to settle. He certainly was always on the wing whenever I saw him. Presently, after being once chased by one bird, once nearly caught by .another, and once attacked by some big wasp thing,, they let them- selves down to a clay bank. The face of the bank was alive with females of our bee's own kind, rushing in and out of holes --each to her own hole— and the air was alive, too, with males, dancing the maddest dizzy, humming 'dance that ever you saw. Our bee hurried straight to her Awn burrow, only to bump into an- other bee who was coming out. This bee was more slim, and black, with white spots on her body. She hut, tied away, and our - bee, instead of killing her, as she ought to have done, rushed in and placed her store of Honey and pollen beside the egg sho had already laid. Then she cemented the wails' up, and came away happy, But she might have saved herself the trouble, for the other bee was a "cuckoo;' who had already laid an egg there herself, the grub from which would eat up all the honey and pollen intended for our bee's own grub. Machine Juggles Fractions An "interest -computing machine" has been invented by a Hungarian. The instrumeut is said to be com- paratively simple and inexpensive. It is about the size of a watch. .On set- ting the bands at the proper positions on the dial, the amount of interest in each case is indicated oa the face of the instrument. Children Cry f� FOR FLETCHER'S ��aa tai A S Il O R I A BABY'S B ATT' S. Baby's battles ffor health can ee easily iwou i'fthe mohter will con- stantly keep at !hand the means of iaiding her little roes w ,-' 0 ergency may arise. Bak y's .O t'n Tablets should he 'found in every home where there are small chid- ren. The Tablets are a gentle but - 'thorough laxative. They break up colds ; eel -lave creep ; pl e't'ent con- stipation; 'Cure indigestion; pro- mote sleep sand in 'fact cure all the minor ills of li't'tle ones. They are sold by medicine dcalca s or hhy mail at 25 tents a box `front The Dr, Wil- liams' Medicine Co. Brookville Ont. COUNCIL MONDAY. The regular meeting of Connell Will bo held on Monday evening. Paris Uses "Shibboleth.' So many spies have been caught 1n Prance recently, says a` Paris letter, that the possession of papers appar- ently in good order avails a man or woman northing once an accusation has been made or suspicion aroused. It is asserted that no German tongue can ever pronounce certain Preach words without betraying itself. It is failure to pass tests of this kind which condemns- the suspects. Too many women struggle under pains and aches. They are not sick—but weak, nervous, irritable. Such women need that blood - strength --that comes by taking SCOTT'S EMULSION. It also strengthens the nerves, aids the ap- petite and checks the decline. If wife or mother tire easily or Took rum dawn,'. SCOTT'S EMULSION will build her up. SHUN SUBSTITUTES. 1443 1:1, !,$'C1 'erase. etilgpo,, Scene fi'iin* "The.iland oi'ili:ii8" rhe Lloyer•Vinc.ealt Co,: will present ' The Hand ofNati" on Friday night aid "how Baxter T3utied in" on Stiturdi night with a speciril matinee, "The G,ri of the appy Mouth" in the afternoon. Seats on sa'e at Fair's. '0•eeeeee eeetleeeeees00000seee 0 Try us for Job Work in all a ' its branches. •d e •. A trial will convince. you W, that we know our e e business. e SUNDAY SCEOCL Lesson' V.—First Quarter, For Jan. 31, 1915. THE iNTERNATIONAL ;SERIES. Textof the Lesson,. Jude. xiii, 8,16, 24, 25—Memory Verses, 12.14—Golden Text, Jude. tciii, 4—Comtnentary'Pre• , pared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. This is another record of the Lord delivering His people by a strange in strament, strong physically, but very weak spirituallye one who might have been a very .great man for God if he had kept himself wholly for God, yet honorable mention is made of him in Heb. xi, 32. The story of Samson cov- ers four chapters, xiii to sive of which our . lesson chapter tells of the an- nouucemeut of his coming, bis birth and growth to manhood: Tlae other three chapters tell of his doings, and whatever was worth while was by the Spirit of the Lord, who is "mentioned four times (xiii, 25; xiv, 6, 19; xv, 14). It was during the longest period of Israel's oppression that Samson was born and when he came to manhood began to deliver Israel. They aid evil again to the sight of the Lord and were oppressed by the Philistines for- ty years (verse 1). The messenger from hUaven, who appeared first to lhtnoah's wife and later to llanoah, is mentioned fourteen times and is called the angel of the Lord ten times, the angel of God twice and the man of God twice. When asked his name by Dianoah he replied it Is "Wonderful" (verse 1S, margin and 14. V., text). which is the same name as in Isa. ix. 6, so that we recognize the Son of God. whose goings forth have been from of old, Prom the days of eternity (Dile. v, 2), who appeared to .Gideon, to Moses. to.Ioshua and others. As here He appeared first to him nosh's wife, it is at least most inter- esting to note that He is first called "the angel of the Lord" in Elis ap. penting- to ringer. and it is written that 'she called the nameof the Lord, who spoke auto 1tor, Thou God sent ate' (Gen. eve 7-13). This was else In connection with a child to be born, who was the first Hunted before Lis birth, and there were just six others so named. It le worthy of note that asllanoah and his wife bad no child, so It was also with Zacharias and Elizabeth. and in some respects the boys were similar (compare lesson verses 4, 5 and Luke i, 15-17). There is more in these Bible records than any of us have yet seen, and some day in the kingdom we will be !ai',prised at their sigulticauco. We may not be able to toll why this man and his wife of the tribe of Dau were choseu to be thus honored, but possibly they were devout, like the father end mother of John the Baptist. We may judge from lesson worse 8 that llanoah knew the Lord ;tad lcuew how to pray and obtain an answer. The lesson is called a temper• fume lesson because his wile was for- bidden to drink wine or strong drink (verses 4, 14) or vs eat anything that cometh of the vine or anything me clean. The child was to be u Naz• unite unto God all his lire (verses 5, 7). The esseutinl thought of such cense oration was separation unto the Load, and the full requirement 1s given iti - Nstn. v1, where it' Is seen that either 1)110 or woman .might take such a vow, but If they . became defiled the digs of their defileulentwere lost (vel'se. 121. It '11118 a vow only for u time• and when fulfilled the Nazarite might drink wine (verses 13, 20), In the case of Samson he was to be a Nezarlte from birth to death, but be because defiled through his fellowship with Delilah (chapter xvi, 17-20). Tilero were few Nazarltes, and our Lord Jesus was the. ouly perfect one' in the sense of being wholly and al. ways separated unto God. Because it Is so costly to be a disci - pie (Luke xiv, 26, 27„33) there are few disciples. It seems so much easier to be in some measure conformed to this present evil age than to.be wholly sep- arated from it. Yet the Lord is ever looking for any,, willing ones that He may show .)]upsell strong in their be- half (II Ohron. xvi, 9). The Holy Spirit, the same who came upon Sam- son from time to time and who dwells in every true believer, has a greater desire to 1311 us than any of us can desire to be filled, for it is' written, "The Spirit whom He made to dwell in us yearneth for us even unto jealous envy (Jas. iv, 5, R. V., margin), but the previous verse shows us that the great hindrance is the friendship of this world. 1t Is the valley of Sorek or the lap of. Delilah or some such phase of worldliness that hinders us from be- ing what ELe would like us to be. Sam- son was not in appearance a strong” man, for had he been such the Phills- tines would not have wondered at his strength nor, inquired' the secret of it (chapter xvi, 5). As his birth was a special gift from God to WS parents, as in the case of Isaac and John the ' Baptist, so was his great physical strength. Ws must first be born of God, born from above, and then if we are ,willing - to be wholly separated unto Hitn He will work in es inig)stily both to will and to do, It is the privilege of every true be - Hever to lie, theniithenedwith all 01 ight 1.1h4 11111 15 111 the inner' (man; to he Atronit In 11)0 Lord and 112 th2 power of GIh uli;,h't.' But this cab only he Whenwe(know our own weals... rvsv end ',ease to have any confldente in ourselves and yield fully to Ulna., An ar'7r fu@pply� of A Records makes an e enln full of pleasure.).' 101 Ea 11ADlf', IN CAN Aid WORK OF A SHELL. Picture Front Antwerp Shows Effect of Siege On City. Much has been written during the present war regarding the havoc wrought by the great siege guns when once they are turned upon a structure.The effect of the 72 -milli- metre shells is terrible even when SHELL'S WORK IN ANTWERP. turned upon a steel andconcretefort like the Brialmont fortress at Liege, but the damage done in a city beg- gars description. The accompanying photograph affords some idea of a part of the damage resulting from a single ]shell thrown into Antwerp dur- ing the siege. Correspondents say that in order to understand the ap- pearance of a multitude of Belgian, French. and Polish cities, it 1s only necessary to multiply such a scene as the present one by thousands and imaginea score of such -ruins as oe- earring on a single street. In this. instance the shell exploded at the cor- ner of a hotel building and reduced to fragments the stone wall, permitting the rooms to disgorge their contents ors the streets. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief—Permanent Gane CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS neva fail. Purely veget- able—set surely 'tater.. oa dmStop after ar diitrasa — cum Ea& `astfou—improv. ton coo�pplesien—hrigbtea the eye., Smadl PQ3 Small Doae, Small Price. Genuine]] armtbew Signature