The Clinton News Record, 1915-11-25, Page 9Clinton Nem -Record OUR SPS CIALT1E S ..•t'R.' Sewing, Machines. Ieje not necessary for us:to say anything about the good quality of Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputation for themselves. They are without a doubt the best household machine made. It you:contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over Oster.moor Mattresses are good mattresses. We will give you ,thirty nights free trial and if not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The price is $15. Domestic Vacuum Cleaners, Deere, houee,ehould own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner. They will clean your rugs and carpe(thoroughly and if usedonce or twice a week you will save all your sweeping and dusting, Free trial:given. Price $12,50. Columbia Grafonolas. We invite you to come in and hear our Columbia Grefonolas and you will say they are the best toned and the most distinct talking ma- chine you have heard, Come in and ask for any record and -we will play it for you. Ball .. & Atkinson Furniture Dealers; and Funeral Directors. Store Phone 104. N. BALL Phone 110, J. D. ATKINSON, Phone 186 Special Sale of STOVES and RANGES. At a' Big Reduction for Saturday and,AI1 Next Week. Several Second Hand Heaters and Ranges for Sale at Good Value—Prepare for Winter by using Brantford Roofing -Beaver Board—Window Glass, etc, Good Storm Doors for $1.50 2 Bags of Charcoal for .25 Bring in your old Razors for the the Boys at the Front, many more are needed yet. We expect to make another shipment in a few days. HARLAND BROS. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES. VIEW l 1 1 THE MAN AND HIS 1 SHOES! A man likes to buy his shoes at a store in which be bas confidence-whera he knows that the shoes are the best, and that he will get real honest value in re- turn for his money. In other words, Sir, if you buy your shoes here, you'll get satisfaction, as well as shoes —not an advertised, fictitious value, but real shoe worth. We've,:a just right shoe style for every on n s taste and special requirements. We're men's shoe specialists. Shoes aty$2,50, $3.00, $4,00 up to $6,50, There is no copyright on these prices, Any store can quote them. It's our shoes at the price that tells the story and we trust that we may have your considera- 0 . ' i RED. JACKSON E. The Good Shoes Store. 1Mr.Buyer I. Do -you need, Underwear2 If you do and appreciate good value when buying it will pay °. you well to visit this de- partment of our store during the next few weeks. Although wool has advanced considerably during the past. year we, are still offering:most of our lines at old prices, See our men's heavy pure wool at $1.00'per garment, Men's heavy ribbed underwear, 'mostly wool, at 75 cents per garment. Fleeece lined at 50e and 75c, .A full stock of Stanfield's unshriukable underwear in different weights at lowest prices. RUBB$ Don't buy your r, bbors withoutsOst giving us a call as' we are showing a bigger stock and better assortment than ev- er before and prices are the very lowest possible. We can save, yon money on your rubber wants if you give us a call. Piumsteel Bros. Small Profit More Business o Redingotes Fitted, Draped and Plain Bodices Draped Skirts 1 Bouffant Hips Chin Collar I Gauntlet Cuffs • Many New Styles of Sleeves are the latest up-to-date features, and together with many other beautiful styles will be shown in the STANDARD FASHION BOOK For Winter With each copy you get any Standard Pattern FREE 20 CENTS AT THE PATTERN COUNTER W. D, FAIR CO. Often the Cheapest -Always the Best. i s s nunumu,nintre Rev. S. J. Allis has been in London this week. Mrs. A. T. Cooper returned Last week from a month's visit wlthher moth- er in Chicago and friends in Mad- ison, N.Y. Mrs. G. M. Elliott ,vas at Bayfield last Sunday aaisting the choir of the Methodist church with their an- niveesary music, Mrs. P. Cnntclon, wto had spent some weeks with her son in Toronto, re- turned home Saturday accompanied by her little grandson. Rev, Ie. G Powell was at Arkwrigbt on Sunaav conducting services in the intert.ste of the Dominion Ale Banco and went to Toronto on Mon- day to hear Billy Sunday. Mr. E. J. Howard of London, who was at northern points :l on business the latter part of the week, spent over the week-eud in town as the guest of Mr. J. W. Moore. Mrs, W. Fay Mapes of Seattle, Wash- ington, who has been in Toronto for some weeks visiting her mother, is expected the end of the week on a visit to Miss Florence Cuningliame. Mrs, W. U. Latorne:l, who was in town for several daps of the past week, returned to St. Thomas yea. terclay. She wee accompanied by her sister, Miss Cotnhe who will make her home with her. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Cuningliame re,- turned Fturned home yesterday eeeniag from their extended honeymoon trip. Ttiey traveled by Chicago and Seat- tle to Victoria, B.C,, and home through the Clinadian west, being absent six wee'.ts• Mr. John Rice of Bownlenville was in town for a couple of days of the past week on business combined with pleasure for when oo;asion per- mits it he likes to renew the friend- ships formed when with his good wife he resided in Clinton. Mr. C. C. Hele, who has been Secre- tary to Hon. H. Ferguson, Minister of Lands, Toronto, has Veen pro- moted to the position of Secretary ref the Department. He is a grand- son of the late Mrs. Morley, a for- mer well-known resident of Clinton. Mrs. Kearns was in Goderieli over: the week -end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs, James McClacherty and on Tuesday left for ' Sault Ste• Mario where shy will reeeud the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nott, former residents of Stanley township. Dr. Gunn and Miss Isabel loft yester day? for New York and sail from there for Europe where the doctor will, spend some time among the military hospitals of the Allies. Such a trip cannot but be full of mtereet for a surgeon. Mise Gunn., though not a trained puree, will no doubt also fine, something to do arid' will do it gladly. "• Supt. Chant returned at midnight on Friday last;, from Hamilton where Ise attended a two -days' conferenoa of Hydro exl:erts and as in the electrical profession there are. new developments constantly there is no donut but that the worthy manager of cc:r Public Utilities ereoyed the proceedings for he alway'ie emcavors to, keep abreast of the limes. Mies' Sybil Courtice had for guests over the week -end Miss Crap; lately returned from the miesion field at Simpson, 13.0., and Miss McLeod, who is Rosie on furlough iron japan, and Miss Mattie Baiter of Fullar on Miss McLeod gave aft address on' Monday afternoon in Ontario street church to the united missionary ancillaries nl Ontario street and Wesley churches. mi. A. T. Cooper was at Hepworth oil Sunday preaching in the inter- ests" of the Dominion Alliance and on Monday attended' the Bruce County .Branch coneontton in Ches ley. IIe was .tunable to remain for the whole of'the convention, having to 'catch his train, but on Tuesday morning received a wire to the ef- fect tent the meeting had decided unanimously to bring on a Canada Temperance Act vole -fn Bruce coun- ty; ; . ori November' 25 th, 19% We Are Ready With .The :New Fall Styles for Men. For two weeks past you havebeen seeing them displayed in. our windows; and many of our customers have already come up to the front and made their selection. To -day we invite one and all to come in and get acquainted permanently.with the most complete up- to-date and moderately -priced stock it has ever been pleasure l assure to show. A wonderful showing ! We can only suggest some of the lines. But this announcement is to say that they are here, and that you are welcome. Look at a man dressed in clothes made at Brown's --he will stand right out in a crowd, dressed in one of our handsome Fall Suits, any man wilt wear a mark of . clothes distinction. He will have individuality. BROWN'S TAILORED CLOTHES makes him conscious of good grooming. Why should this not be so—for an expert, high -salaried designer models our garments, while the most skillful tailors make them, on sci- entific principles and in scientific surroundings, No detail so small that it has been overlooked. The fabrics are entirely new, and the best productions of the foreign looms, MEN'S SUITS—OUR OWN MAKE -Those three words, Our Own Make, mean a great deal in the way of satisfaction to the man who 'wants full value for every cent he puts into his new suit, Same important points upon which we can absolutely guarantee you complete satisfaction. FIRST–The materials are positively fast color, SECOND—Inside and out the workmanship is of the best. THIRD --We guarantee a perfect fit. AS FOR STYLE—The latest improved 2 and 3 button S. B. sack coat, with medium or long soft roll, peaked or semi -peaked lapel, rounded front, regular or medium peg trousers, with or without cuffs. Come in— Try us for a Suit, SEE OUR FALL HATS AND CAPS. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF GENT'S FURNISHINGS. Women's Store Dry Goods and House Furnishin Phone 67, BnowN Opposite Public Library, Men's Store Merchant Tailoring and Men's Furnishings Phone 103, I, Personals. Miss Mary Carbert spent a few days last week with relatives in Maris township, Mr. George Burnett, we are pleased to hear, is rccovcrin;; from a severe attack of.pleurisy. Mrs. Wm, Stanlep of Ilolmesvilfe Las been visiting at the hcene of her sister, Mrs, J. G. Medd, for a few days this week. Mr. and Mr's. Claude Fisher, formerly of Winnipeg, hive been visiting. friends in town and at Ilolnnoseille during the past week, Mrs. D. Cantelon and Miss Dorothy returned Friday after spending six weeks or, he with friends in Toronto and with ' the fornier's daughter, Mrs. Weatherwa of Orillia. Mr. Oliver Jervis of the Base Line re- turned last week frope the west where he Lias spent a fortnight on business, :Ie reports a record crop in the wrest and sunple good. Mr. Geo. Burnett arrived• home last week from the west where he bad been visiting his daughters, Mrs. Wm, Townsend of Souris, Man , and Mrs Robert Dunbar, Winnipeg. IIe also visited his brother John at Cooper's. Town, Dakota, wIio'.n he liad not seen for about thirty years. Mr, and Mss. Thos. Trick love re- turned frog» a fortnight's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ilawke of Northwood, wliere they are conducting a good work. Mrs. Hawke, aside from her interest in her husband's work, is also taking .a deep interest in Red Cross el/orations. Mrs. Trick niso eeent several weeks visiting frieads and relatives in different parts of Ontario. ism. Wingham Mr. A. 0. 1111031 01 Mee/faster Unie versity, Toronto, was in town for a few days visiting friends. Mr. H. Davis was in Toronto re- cently visiting his brother, who is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. .2, G. Stewart visited their daughter in Mitchell for a few days recently. Mr, Bert McLean has gone to Kin- cardine, where lie has aeeepted a position, Master Will Hinseliffe, bugle boy in the else Battalion, fell and brd':e his arm recently and is liome from Stratford, It will be some time • be- fore he will be able to return to duty. Belgrave • Mr. Arthur Brooks, a former resi- dent here but now of Centralia, seient last week in the village. Mi63 Nora V•aneamp has been under the doctor's care for a few days but is recovering. Special services were field in the Methodist church labt week. The pas- tor, Rev. Parnaby took charge. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. Chas. Wilkinson on Ti.enlay. Harold Jowitt and John Little have returned from the West where they spent the 'past two menthe: Miss Ethel Bennet, who has been suffering from paralysis, is slowly re- covering, Mrs. A. 0. Dames of Brussels is paying, a shc?rt visit to her friend, Mrs. Janes Taylor. pre, W. L Scott has been visiting friends at fort Huron and points in Mtchigaru. DEt1IOSTR4TIOS OF T"f E "PRC111I;R,, 4 h. p. Air Cooled Gasoline Engine In Grain Grinding and Wood Sawing TUESDAY, November 30th at Potter's Blacksmith Shop, Porters. Hill WEDNESDAY, December Ist at Osbaldeston's Barn, Holrnesviile. From 2 o'clock to 5 o'clock each day, The "Premier" Leads in the Gasoline Engine World in Efficiency, Si mplicity and Economy. l,+armers'Corne and See It Work. We Talk But You Prove. Otk i Makers Hereby Challenged to Competition. The News From Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. James Keeley visited their daughter, Mrs. M. I-Tooper of ,t oodham, over the week -end. Mrs. Lockhart, who has been visit- ing her daughter, Dire. M. McNeil, left Wednesday for Musitegan, Mich., to visit relatives. Mrs. Daer and her son, William Daer, are visiting Berlin friends. Mr, John D. Melville returned from Musfsoka last week with a fine speci- men of a dear, J. D. always remem- bers his friends at such a time and many a table in the village boasted a roast of venison. Mrs, S, Eno is visiting relatives near Lucknow. Word was received last Thursday of the cbath of R. J. Martin at the Vic- toria Hospital, London, whither he went only the day previously. He suffered from a hemorrhage ce the stomach the week before and another owning on after his entrp •into the hospital he never rallied from the ef- fects. The remains were brought to Londesboro for interment, the funeral taking place on Saturday from the home of ,Mrs, J, Lee, Mrs. Ewan, Mrs, Fuller and Mrs. Whitely of Shelburne 'and Miss Benolic of Guelph, Cousins of the eeeeased, were here for -Mr. Martin's funeral. The pallbearers were ; J. Scott, E. Adams, 1r. Johnston, C. Manning, .3. Riddell and, S. Lee. Ia- tertneee was made in Mount hope cemetery on the 13th oencession, _r•. Miss B. C'atley of Mt. Forest spent a few days at the home of Mr. Jos. Lyon. Miss E. Pipe and Mrs, R. Young visited in Brussels over Sunday, Mr. J. Buchanan and Miss Buclta.a-'-' ' "- an c,f Westfield snont Sundap at the Home of their sister, Mrs. W. Gooier. Red. S. J. Ailin of Clinton and. Rev. C. 0. Keine exchanged pulpits on Sunday marning last. Mr, John Scott is erecting a direr, lug shed. Mr. Frank Lee of Seaforth spent Sunday at his home here. Fran* liar offered his services in the Army Signal Corps. His brother Everard has enlisted and is now in training at Winnipeg. The Londesboro breath of the Women's Institute will hold its regu- lar meeting in the Foresters hall on Dec. 2nd. The topic, "The Stranger Within Our Gate," will he talion by' lilies Hill, Miss 1, 'Pipe left Wednesday for Cobalt, Wingham Mr. Meredith Rogers of Detroit was a visitor at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John. Rogers. Messrs. Russel Bloonnifield' and Ern- est Nicrgarth who went west for the - harvest, have returned, R[IUIERS! For Everybody. Every man, woman, boy or girl should have a pair of good rubbers at this season of the year. Wet feet always travel the road that leads to the hospital, and it is quite often a short trip, We've the best rubbers made, we sell no other sort, for poor rubbers are worse than no rubbers at all. All the new shapes and heels necessary to fit the new styles of fall shoes are to be found at our store. We fit your shoes with sort of rubbers that are Just Right in style and price. S. CHAPMAN YoNE mulemer