The Clinton News Record, 1915-11-18, Page 4,Clinton News -Record
November I8th,:1913
' s "' lg;ide suc,'ss t
lIcat's Da' uta c d ua
in.11olmcsville last Sunday. Twenty-
five male ,voices constituted the cwor=,'
'Us and every number'was well leech,-
u8, T110 congregetions.were iutusual)*
large both morning and evening, Phe'
pastor preached' et both services, In •I
• the morning his subject was "More
Than Men" or the, divine eleim+ent In.
• Character: building, ' 4n the evening '
le spoke of "Compelled
St.Paul's wade, rhe lova -ef God
votnpcllelus" Enid "Neeeasity is iaid
open se:'
:On Monday evening, despite the
storm,•a Very, large oompant. ,attend^,d"
the Red Cross dinner, An cscellont
upper • was ser, ed from, 5,30 until
shortly after 8 o'clock when the pro'-.`
gram began, The Forest City Male
Quartette were on hand and captere,d'.
the audience right from the beginning.
• They are a marvellous combination
and every nuniher ma's received with
persistent aim sustained applause.
Rev. Mr. Moulton, the Anglican; cier-
g)rnan of the Ilolniessille parish was
also present and contributed largely
to the pleasure of the evening,. Re is
a young man of great versatility and
evoked great laughter with his hum-
•oroua readings. All agreed that this
was the most successful event ever
atndertaken by the sten ni ]-lolmesville
church. Tlte`proceeds et the dlniu : to-
talled almost $223. '
The Goderich Motor truck stalled in
the cold flours Monday night and the
Victoria street choir had to go home
on the midnight train,
M1 A, C. Coed:ice assisted at ' the
morning service and Mr. Chas. H.
Holland at the evening last Sunday.
Mr. 1[..S, Walker of the Forest City
Male Quartette is abrother-in-law o
Chas. Cleo. Holland and Holland.
o and.
Mr. and Mrs. Walker of Springfield
and Mt s. IL 5. walker of London were
guests at' Mr. Holland's last Sunday.
A good many of Fortner Hohnesville
People were boon last Sunday for
"Men's Day."
The e rtsn faact tv having
down for 50 season a large quantity
of cream is being .,.hipped to the Sea
forth and Wall erton creameries.
Re.. R. J. Mn"ortnic.c preaches at
Dungannon on Sunday next, hfs walk
being talrn by
Ie J. Jones
Bayfield Ret Tfr. McKelvey of Dun-
gannon will conduct anniversary .el: -
vices at 13avleld.
The Women's National
Yellowing is the Women's National
:Anthem now sung, throughout the
Save our splendid men,
Send them safe imine again,
God save our nen.
ICeep them victorious,
Patient and chivalrous,
Tiny are so dear to us,
God save our men."
Moss Gram. 'Stephenson of the 1}on
den Roadis ttsitin6 het cMiss
Flosoia Steplienson,
• the `3 adies' Patriotic Settiety pack-
ed a>;d• stripped a barrel of ` CL'Ult •to
`'the soldiers lint Weer,
Quite a 'number of our people .atimil-
ded tlte'ICippen Methodist' church an-
niversary, services last Sunday.
14Tr, W m, Tap'or' ShipPCcl a carload
of `cattle and hogs last Tuesday'.
Mr. Thomas Reid has engaged with
Mr. Geo.' Ellie -it of the .Bayfield' Line,
for a short tern).
Rev, George MoKinley of Seaforth.'
ie to preach next Sunday morning and
evening in the Methodist •church," tieing"
their anniversary': day.
DTs. Johne Reid, who has' `a positictt
in Hamilton came home last Monday
to look after his sale h'ikl on Tees -
'day. ' Sir, azul Mos. Reid intend mov-
ing their belongings shortly.
' Mr. George Clarke. had the Wafer -
tune to lose a good hone last:, week.
Misses George' Johnston and Lee
McConnell are busy shelling out the
'beans fn this district.
Mo. and Mrs. Alfted Ings stent last
Sunday at the latter's parental home
ID IIay township.`
Mr. Won. Willey, who was operated.
on in London last Monday, has
brought home a corpse 00 Saturday.
The funeral was from Inc late resi-
dence to Hayfield field eeme cry on Mon-
day afternoon.
Another pioneer' settler passed
away 0) rte penton al Mrs, Robert
Dennison, whose Maiden naive was
Susan Dottltswo',l• She was born in
Wiltshire, England, and came to this
country' when a child with her par-
esis settling ,near' Scarborough, below
T0roiutahyinging there Until ether bar
marriage 'to Robert Dennison. Short-
ly after their marriage theyt mo -'o1
to, Walton wet'e they lived for a few
year's when they moved to the Bay-
field Road, Stanley, :•otne forty --three
years ago. Her h simnel predeceased
ht' r ten years ago last May. She
afont[1 Uf 10.1 sons
three daughters lolls Morrikon of
Toronto, Mrs. Scott of Chicago, Al-
bert of Souls, Man., John, Thome,
Williatn and Miss Jane, all of Stan -
5 She was Stan-
ley. a a n tenml
>eLf the Meth-
1st c u
ort h rc h for many ware and .
a a s3 was
a woman much attached to her fam-
ily. She lied to the ripe old age of
eights ,even years, and retained her
memory and mental faculties to ' a
remarkable degree. She died Novem-
ber 2nd and her remains were laid to.
rest in the Bayfield cemetery on
Thursday', November 9th,
Don't,' forget' the Character Sketch
entertainment in the Methodist church
next 'l'uesday evening,
Angus ,Juhnstcti, an old resident of
Stratford, is dead, aged 90 years,
TWO Sarnia sten, James Kane and
&partes Doughty, are back from the
front with wounds,
Red Cross work is being carried on
actively at New Liskeard and another
Good Morning ! News -Record means shipment of supplies has been tirade to
News -Leader. Are you a subscriber? Jthe headquarters alt Toronto.
Dry Goods
and Goose
-pectsve fur pur-
chasers are advised Ihnt
although our stock was
never so large tow so var-
ted 1r1 i155011111>110 as It is
now --there 'tire A.- great
number of: novelties izi
mink, tux, sable, lamb,
wolf sad other favored
furs. --1 bat will be quickly.
sold before I. he real cold
wencher sets in 0115 there
will be delay in duplicat-
ing these novelties.
Be sure and see our
i nituense' rangeof high
elates furs before. buying.
We put on sale' one
table o tradncw' 1i'iunited
hats, 011 new styles, values
up to $4 00, Your choice
Just to hand this week
fivedozen ladies' black moire
uoderaku'ts, eines 38 to 42..1E.
these were bought in the reg-
ular way they would sell for
$2 00. Special for Sattjrday
The coming of cold win-
ter makes you think of a nice
warm snug fitting Coat doesn't
it ? Have you seen the big
values we are offering in those
smart new abyles in our coat
department ? Several male-
ers' choose hofs and
everyammo armentai�'•brand•
net 13. v
up-to-date style,
.Stapled Township
11x1 ..wllhc'Joniisott visited oaer,Sen
day 1s'it$t friends io bioderioh town
Quito;' a number of •flits tow ts',iip
have sold their beans 'ati a remarkable
high ligure and there are prospects' et
higher puce's, 0111, •
Mr. Nelsen Reid sent;Sundal with
i 3
friends on the Parr Lint.
Mr. Will Stepifenson his resulned tits
position at 'S•talia.
1 Mrs; Thonrast Blake Cretin; ltrafelein
Lias 'been. visiting at the . hone of
Mr, George Coleman,
Miss Flossie Whitmore secn t a few
days with Miss Ruth Reid.
Mr, David - McNaughton, who was in
Hamilton attending the funeral At a
friend" last week, has returned Monte.
Sorer to report the serious illness;
of Mr, Alex, Parsons but hope lie wilt
soon be around again..
Mr, 'Fred. Watson of the hake Shore
Road has bought 1 the Montague. farm
on tite Brownson Line, now occupied
bye Mr. Artiiur Evans as tenant, for
the sum of $3,000 which is very cheap,
Fred has got the cage so no doubt
the bird will he forthcoming. •
Ih writing home to his mother, Mr,
James Watson of Fiske, Sask., says
the three grain elevators in that
Place are all full and that a half
mile from town there is a great
tvfieat pile which contains 17,000
bushels. 110 added that unless there,
as a great rush of cats to Fiske there
will be nothuog for i1 but to. make
other bigpilas for tha yield has, been
great and the weather has faired for
•14Iiss 1 uta Davidson of Bayfield is
the guest of AJisn Edith Rathweil this
teak. ,
Janice Illeftlenr.ghan, who has
been spending a short, time with
friends in R ingham, has returnees
Mr, and Mrs. D..1, lteilienson
spent Sunday at the hide of the
foriner's brother, 1Tr. R. Stephenson
ofthe Parr Line.
The following is the percentage re-
p 6
sults of tit . weekly examinations in
S.S. No. 4, North Stanley, for Oc-
tober ; 5t11 Form -1 d:la Seotchmer 75,
Havel SPat;sr9 Ali eSt1nSn 51,
John Watsonson 50. Sr.
Sparks 80, Maggie Tough 82, Elva
Dewar 82, Harold Scotchmer 70, Ber-
tha Westlake 70. Sr, ?rd—Annie Dc -
war 70, Bessie Watson 73, Roy.
Scotclnner 60. Jr. 2nd -David Dewar
09, Charlie ],cotchnier 00. Pt. 2nd
Dorothy Scotehuaer. It. — Jean
ieIossop.-11Jary 5. MacDougali, Teach -
St. Helens
Miss Susie Webster of Zion spent
Sunday at Mr. Joe Anderson.:s.
Miss Margaret Miller spent the
week -end with Miss Lizzie McIntyre of
DMks, 1MIary. Little, teacher at Morn-
ington, spent Sunday at the manse
with her parents, Rev. •Mr. 0115 Mrs.
Mr,- John. Webster has • mooed into
his new hone this week,
svrr. Stewart McGuire, who spent the
summer months in the west, return -
00 home on Saturday looking tine.
Mrs. 1 s Saipan of B.C., wbo bas been
visiting her sisters Mrs, W. Gordon
P 5 F 1C • lifllct, went to God
erich last heck
Miss'Myrtle Phillips attended the
contention in. connection with the
Public Librate A.n oeiation at St.
Mary's last week, •
Oft Monday caning last about twen-
ty of the St, Iielena boys attended a
farewell dinner tendered to Pt'e, Earl
Cranston, t inn. 71st Os crackle Batt„
R Robing
on. ou. \fL
el a bountiful
repast the guests adjourned to the
parlor where a splendid program of
eonigl, and aeorehes was much, euicyett
by all. Rev. ITt'. Little spoke glow-
ingly of the man who worsen bis'
country's call. Songs by Messrs.
Macey, 'fas:or and, 110binsgn were
151011 enjoyed by all.
McKillop Township.
A snow storm. 'hit us on Montla3i
morning 'and it might' be Bald to • he
the first saow of the season in, 'these
• Mrsi David Boyd, who underwent an
oleraiion, is gabbing around nicely,
Mrs. George Belmar Wes, who • +vas
under the care of a pitsi.cian, is re-
The fall ploughing Is ueael coma-
Plettld so farmers can approach Win-
ter with an easier 111111(1,.
The death of Mrs. Thomas Murray
is Much regretted. She had about
reached middle age and Icarus a hus-
band and young family to mourns her
The box social ^ on Friday evening
last at No. 9 %alioof in aid of the
Red Cross was a complete success.
The hexes were all sold at a good
figure and a very -nice. sum of money
was realized. The people of McKillop
are fully alive to the situation` and
aro displaying commendable generos-
ity and patriotisli,
Edward Rothwell, Brookville, with.
the machine gun section of the : 21st
Battalion, was injured in • the 'head
with a piece of slrapneb, •He was
laid up For two .days.
"No shads,, no shine,ng: trait,' no
flowers, non leaves.— November 1"
Many Americans would add no free-
dom from, catarrh, which is so aggra-
vated during this' t
g i lopth float sty Be-
conlee constantly troublesome There
is abundant proof that catarrh is a
constitutional disease. It is, related
to 'scrofula and . consumption, being
one of the wasting diseases, Ilood's'
Sarsaparilla has shown that what is
capable of eradicating scrofula, 'com-
pletely cures catarrh, and taken in
time prevents consumption, We can-
not see :how any sufferer can put off
taking this medicine, in view 51 the
widely published record Of its radical
and permanent cures. It is "undoubt-
edly Aluorica's Greatest;. Modlcuie for,
America's Greatest Dts ecce-_Cinl nr135--.
_Miss Leila Slebort bas taken a
position on the local postoill • yiiaff,
Miss S. Siiiith and tier neteoi,. Mis's'
Farwell, have' returned after a visit
with Dunnville friends: ,
Mrs. M. Geiger and Mee. II, '.•, L+'cla..
stein have returned irons .a visit.
with friends in the State of Michigan.
It looks as`if • Zurich would be link-
ed up with Hydra before the passing
of many Moons. Tile council recently
adopted a prdvislonal ''by-laly which
will he voted upon at the' Januarys
elections and it may' be the money:
by-law wihl also be voted on at the
same time.
Mr. P. I;, Denontnm, who recently
sold his seven acres of land on the
S' ublo, has purchased fifty acres on
the Drysdale corner from Mr, Henry
Howard and willget possession the
first of the year.
Mr. 5, Deitz and. famil3rl'tave moved
into their fine new 'brick house at the
north end of the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kalbfleitscli and
family of Detroit are spending a low',
weeks with friends here .prior to leav-
ing for Florida where they intend
spending the winter.
Messrs. S. E. Faust, A. Pfaff, D.
Bedard F. Bess and W. Bender mot-
ored to Sarnia and Detroit last week,
Mr. John Jeffrey captured five coons
in a tree on his farm one day re-
W ngham
itbr, and iI[rs. Raymond Patterson of
New York have )read guests at tate
haute of the former's parents, Mr.
Mrs. Patterson.
and M s W. Cr Pa tet on.
Mr. d Mrs. - IT'' n were
M . 1 W. 1' . 1St elan
an 6
at Milverton Last week attending the
funeral of the fornier's mother,
Miss Annie Flatter has gone to
Guelph to take a course of training
as a Mine,.
Mr. and Sirs. Alex. Reich have' been
at Kincardine attending the funeral
0f stn R mother.
edS 110th
Mr. Meredith Rogers of Detroit has
been in town •vikiLing his parents,
Mr. and Ilirs: John Rogers.
Scrgt. Bugler 1Villis of tho 75th
Battalion spoilt a fL5v days withVin,hant friends last week. Flo n •
among those who marched ftoat Nia-
gara to 'Toronto recently.
Mrs. A. Thatahor and datlghter,
Micas Olive, of South Wellington,
B.C., left. on Friday for Chicago after
a visit in town with the former's sat -
ter, ItIrs, nut. Fry.
Mr. Russel Lane of Warren, Sask,,
i'isited at the home of 74 Ir, and Mrs.
5.. G. Snlitlh for a•' few - days lest
week. 141r.' Lane was a former resi-
dent of Iluron township. Ile has just
completed an aerial course at Toronto
an5leaves at oncie for England.
Mr. L. Fender and family, have re-
moved to Palmerston.
Mr. Frank Galbraith of Stratford
has been at itis Irmo here laid op
with a dislocated shoulder.
Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Pattis,n of
Port Elgin and a couple 01 friend;
visited relatives in Wingliam for a
few days last week.
The Soldier's Solace.
Tommy Laves his lips.
John Hassell, the famous Poster
artist, was recently at the front, one
of a purl}' entertaining the troops,
and recounting his experience in a
London paper, he dwells on the im-
portant pelt 'iohnccu plays in the
life of the Army. We reproduce Bast
of his article hero :
"1 hat e. r:aceOLly 801)15 hack: thorn a
n 1
t toh front, 1
the deeply 'airs
U ( I impressed
by the need for ti lirge and constant
supply of tobacco and cigarettes for
our soldiers. (101. ,stall parte includ-
ed Allred Lester, anti we didour
hest to entertain the wounded. Wher-
ever we weut: 100 found thele cheery.
'l'he first place we played in was
cr.ammtd' with '1'olnn,!es, Tummies
prnseed up against a ridKety stage,
Tolnnues tilled the doorways, s, Tom-
nties peering through the skylight of
the irwf. 1 was due to appear as a
brokers matt in f ester's funny sketch,
"A Restaurant Episode," but I could
not get on the stage. The 'audience
could neither tom e '. back i),ards nor
forwards, so .bbrr sketch Thad 'Let go .on
without me. 1` didn't get on Ci}fall
was all over and then 1 did some
slacaches. '
"The stage had a piano at the back
and just on the edge. When we had a
clanger and the stage rocked, the piano
would loan oscr, but it was held up.
all the time by some of the Wounded
"When T finished, they • made a
great rush for the stage for souvenirs.
5iterwartie the party. distributed all
the souvenirs they, could possibly
think of—sty sketches went and so
dict trip eollar and tic, and in return
the 'i'ommies gate their: badges and.
their buttons and ribbons, and they
gave the most p1ec1005 thing to every'
Tcninmy out them ; they gave us • oig-
arettes: No man who ;has not been
out there can realise what that means
to Tommy. 1 -Te lies long and monot-.
onus Hours spent in the trenches with
nothing to pass the time away except
tobacco. It's his one solace, boon
companion, call it •what• you like. 31
he is onlp kept goring -with, a`reason-
able supply he is happy.
often receive letters froom Tions
hies and Bluejackets. • They Bever
fail to give me a remainder: about 'to-
baeco. • 'here's a letter I -'have • just
'Sir..—Being at one time In your
employment, I thought i would - let
you know 1 am in this hospital, I
have'' been invalided froom France
through chest, trouble, This is a
very fhno place,. plenty of fine walks,
the grounds and, gardens at present.
are lovely,. Sir, would 1 be, asking
too much it 3.bcgged of you to, send
me sonic tobacco, as I• receive no Pap
white I am a patient,"
"I .think • it is one of the finest
things we can do, for the stall who
are 'fighting our battles,
"Ail these things crake 010 think
what an impel; tot peat . tobacco docs
play in life just think ltoW very
much more 1nm irtant it .15 to those
W ingham
Dr, Adonis,. ms rrue'
o Ll a
a .0 1 alias
o Y
�' g !.
who went to England bill the firs
b 1 t
ecint}agent, is ill with diphtheria.
Mr. aNsi,. Blatihfford is• in 1'1'oronto
for afew. weeks assisting the. Davies'
. Dr. and Mrs. Re'dmcutd have return-
e urnod ]wine from a visit of some 15eeks:
at Prescott and other points east,
Mr. A,. II. Wilford mane a business
trip to Montreal .. and Ottawa lash
Captain -Peacock dehyeCsdi' an ad-
dre:n at the patriotic concert on Mon-
day evening;. •
Postmaster Griffin was. uit i11 last
week put lia3 almost entirely recover-
. Doesn't Pay to Joke.
(Kincardine Review i
A. man named Peter Bruss, who has
been working with 'l'licena's Bushel
near Berrie, came into town .last
week and was staying with Gordon
Skivenski, a Russian, who works at
Frank Sellery's as a shoemaker, He
dian't stay long, because the two got
a conversation about the war.
Brims said he hoped tate Germans
would soon get. to Constantinople and
come to Canada, too.
"What would you do •11 they came?"
asked Gordon.
"1 would hold up both hands for
them," said Bruss.
That was more than Gordon could
stand. Ile went down town and saw
C'irief Leithead. J3russ was arrested
and appeared next day before
trate Quinn he is rather illiterate,
but said . h
at he was born in Russia
but rafted
in Austria 3It, declares
himself a let, al Canadian and says he
was only joking when he talked as Ito
did to Gordon.
'P1",magistrate commandeered $00 of
J3rtlss' money and then }et him go but
le must lie.
1 U t
- Hensau
bits: m.s W t "'Viotti' t
has beenu'
quite i1
t3�itti pneumonia.
t •
MI',Ctrti� t'
, U 81Campbell
t ( h•
1 ofa
township ' `..;
has puitchasc d Mit, lieeoii-s
residence and lobs on the • ,London
The total votetaken -'in". G rine)
'church with regard to. 'church.,, 110100,
was 295..,Por,union 265, against 80.
There we're six, spelled .halloos Fifty-
eigIyt,Roted against union in 'IRO.
Miss E. Johnston of. the London
]load has returners from a'vial i jwltbtt,
Strathroy 'friends.''
Mr, and Mrs, •David Hamilton of
1Vittghaum were tt, totvir recently. .Thep
had been spending a week -end • with
Mi. Clarence Shackleton of - the (-tray.
el Road.
Mr. W. M. Reid of Bossevaine, Man.
i5 Here visiting his- father, who is iu
very poor. health.
• Mrs, Deeves is ::ending a , fete
weeks with Goderich friends,
Mr. Cecil Ryan lies returned from
the west where he spent some tijne.
Mr. E. Durgin of Kincardine visited
his horse here last week.
Mr. J. R. McNab had no insurance
on tote evaporator de .its contents so'
the fire which destroyed it proved to
be a severe loss. Sixteen: hands
were also employed so it is also a
osis to the village.
Mr, Fred. Errington, son of Mr. D.
S. Errington, who enlisted at Toron-
to, was 'v
a given a good .send-off from
old home fetus. At a meeting in
the Methodist church the cttizens,pre-
sented trim with an address and a
wrist watch.
The Treat takes navigation" 'Com'
anies r u
are s 1• f '
p a p b t tt itlt ret lft Par-
both way's. '
What .t A ..
Raper • .P e •
,'.ou l
W d it d . s' •
Christmas. Present ?
d think a
while, is
it not likely that "Christ-
bias presents this year
will be of'a less friviloue,
nature than in'former
yeah ? Something that
will brighten the home
longer than just during
the holiday season is what
will be needed, something
that will bring cheer to
the recipient for months
maybe a year or two,
Whether you want pa-
per for parlor, dining
room, hall, bedroom or
kitchen, we can supply
the goods,. The prices
too are much to your ad-
0o er
ort e'•cr}. fortnight to the
Mr. George[ Ste
'Chicago was
here for a few clays visiting his par-
Mrs. Kelleher and Miss Kelleher
have gone to Toronto for tite winter.
The congregaL on of Knox church
has rjgistered against the church on-
ion proposal, the vote being counted
on.Monda}'.. , The figures are : For,
members 92, elders 7, adherents 37 ;
against, members 458, elders 8, ad-
Resents 122. Majority against, 453.
Talo "drunks" Were fined• $10 and
costs Monday morning by Magistrate
Kelly, under the town by1•law Ar -
Lica was not taken under the Liquor
License Act as in former cases of
late, as word is atdaited from the de-
cision of the Supreme Court at Tor-
onto, arising out of an appeal made
by L. E. Dancey of town to have .tho
sentence passed on Wm. Davis 'thrown
out oe the grounds that the Liquor
License• Act cannot he applied to this
county where the Canada Temperance
Act is in force. Solna time ago Win.
Davis was ilnecl 820 and costs or 8'0
clays, under the Liquor License .lot.
o paying his fine he was cotitmilicd
to fail last veer and his count, l has
taken Cn l,`s C"rS t Toronto. he re-
L o to onl '1' -
sult of the appeel is expected on Fri-
day' and will be awaited with interest
throughout I-Iuron Catlntp. If the ap-
peal is granted same further develop-
nmenls_are expected..
Mr. J', 1V, 11arvey, a former resi-
dent f Brockville,
1 as dtect
0t in Somer-
set, England, where lie went a )tear
ago to take up his residence
Wm. Bishop, for sixteen years post •
master al: IConlika, is dead, aged
so0eutyeiglit years.
The National St::el Connally, Ilam-
iltee, has receite:l an order front Ot
tsnva for $500,000 worth of shell
Alfred Clare hes been appointed re-
cruiting officer to receive • enlistments
at Preston for tla ,South Water[o
Battalion. ' ' •
'Harold' MCDonafd of Sarnia, while •
Working at tilt • ltii;ti-table at the •
Grand 1'tiunk • roundhouse had his foot
badly cruslied.
It, is 'reported that upwards of one
hundred recruits, will be locate'cl in
Carleton Place for the winter and be
billetted in ,rd:vate houses. There are
twenty -eve there already.
(KNOWN AS 110011011E)
Mr. Egan ,s new appliances are rapidly taking
are place of the old-fashioned. troases bceanse
these new inventions aro constructed .to assist
satirarres.e Compind ete comfort. allcumbersome you, COrreor
holwilllenjoythetab experienced
a of hong able
to do anything at any time or anywhere, This
Will relieve you of 100111al unrestand worry.
This make 1
should s r alto
you fool Intended
v leo a ne
w >erson.
Those sewn, canons aro hildr,to mewear-
seeds of men, ei non and trusses wear-
Ing -useless foreign made trusses andlend-your
dangerous re us; tear of small copon ()est Delays May be
dangerous; tearoff coapoa now..
upon presentation to.); Y. Egan, V0011014448A Yon+o street, Toronto, who ,will visethe towns belolv,entltle9 bearer io free demon-
stration and examination of samples. Ask'
allow Wilco for room number. Note dates.
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Monday and 2 uesday,
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