The Clinton News Record, 1915-11-18, Page 1lt'
No. '19I1 -37th Year
hildren Union Jack
day school in Huron County it should daily be impressed upon the c -
that . the emblem of liberty the world over is The
Rave 7(eu Yin 'Old Watch
fihafi is
Worn and UnreUnreliable
Let ns allow for it towards a Hellyar Watch that is
absolutely dependable and guaranteed
lsat sfach taatd
in�every detail Bring alongtyour
we will give you a quotation of allowance. Ohl gold
pncl silver taken in
exchange e or we will
pry hi hescashpriceshod you goods,
W. Yei1iar
jeweler and Optician P Clinton
Incorporated 1500.
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
Capital Paid-up 11,500,000
Reserve and Undivided Profits 13,500,000
3 500,010
Total Assets
380 Branches, With world wide connection. Interestallowedallowed
on Savings Deposits. General Banking business transact
R. E. MANNING, Manager
- Clinton Branch
MissBessie Porter, t who arrived ' The eontracil between the town and
he re on Wednesday evening last aF- the Knitting Company whereby the
ter a visit Of a year or More with latter has .been supplied with power,
her sister fn Engle,4 had a • suave- lie ht aindsheat
01 5, ti rand the o years
what thrilling expetl hce the first
time- she started haute, being a pass- pany now has a contractor at Work
ongor on the Arabic, one of the home- preparing a building for the .nstalla-
coming boats which Was torpedoed by tion of a plant of its own,
the Germans: I3E'EI{I{PPERS MEET'
Miss Porter left Clinton in Mune of
last }tear, before the war started The Huron Beekeepers' Association
and when the more sanguine among held their semi-annual meeting in the
us still thought a big war Letween council chamber on Thursday last
important nations was one of the when Mt:, Kihsman of the Apiaty Do.
things not to be considered • tor ;a pertinent of the Agricultural College,
moment. It was her intention after Guelph, addressed them on the timely
a visit with her sister at Wigston, subject of "Tlie Wintering ot Bees,
Liecestor, to travel through the There was quite 'a .representative
United Kingdom and see many places gathering of the beekeepers of the
of interest, but -the war broke on, so county and many joined in a discus -
soon atter -her' arrival in England sion' of the sub ect, The old officers
and everything became so unsettled wore re-elected for another term.
in consequence that with the excep-
tion of a trip to the borders of Scot-
land site did not kava for any length The old Clinton friends of the Brew -
(A time the" shirr in wliicli she hap- er family, formerly esteemed citizens
petted to be staying. One ddsadvan- of this town, will be pleased to hear
tage of travelling, especially during of the honors which hale come to a
the first few months of the war, was member oC the family. "Bub" Brew -
the fact that trains were being com-
er, who went to the front with Ns
mandecred everywhere for the trans- brother with the first Canadian con -
port of troops and munitions and no tingent, has recently been promoted
one could be surd on leaving home to the rank of lieutenant for signal
it would be possible to return, bravery uponon
the field of battle.
or even if one's destination would be also came in for much commendation
reached. Then London was dark and from liis superior odflans and cont-
not at ail like the London of former rades. The Canadian boys are cm -
days. e'We felt sheltered and safe in ducting themselves in a way to bring
Liccester," remarked Mies Porter, satisfaction to their friends and hon -
and didn't Leel like wandering very or to the land of their birth.
Liecester lies about the middle of ONTARIO STREET CHURCH.
England, between the busy, manufac-
turingNext 5wvTay evening tic pastor will
beanorth and the setter, more reach on "The Ethics of the Golden
stontiful and cultured south. Wig- Rule as Applied to Men and Nations"
turn itself is a busy little mauufaa with an aside on Greece and. wliat it
t t I bout 12,000, adjacent
The Women's Institute will ;meet a `t,
the home of Mrs. Fairfull, Albert
street, on Thurbday afternoon : next'.
when tile subject will be taken by
Mrs. Icilbride, her topic to be, `!Good'
Form in Public Places," There is
also to be an exchange of ideas re-
garding expensive Christmas Gifts.
At the S. A. hall on Manday� even-
Mg next a special ` sorviOi will be,
conducted by Brigadier Rowling, • the
new divisional commander, and Staff
Captain White, both of London, The
Salvationists are looking forward to
a rousing meeting and invite you to
join them in a welcome to the offic-
Capital and Reserve $8,800,000
96 Branches in Canada.
A General Banking Business Transacted,
[ 1 of Credit
�Csrcular Letters
Bank Money Orders.
Savings Bank Department.
Q E. Dowding, Manager. Clinton Branch.
2 he c4lorrish
Clothing Co.
renal -own o a ought to remember.
to the larger city of LICCCSle1', ands
Junior League
1e a will send some
being well in from the borders gins exhibits of its work to the Conference
been so far safe front zepplin raids. League CCJ venison at St. Thomas
Determining to return home in Aug- noxi neulc
est Mini Porter took passage ou the •
The pastor and family will be
Arabic which was torpedoed by a
German sub when only 'a day out this week t•o the young people of
1 Itwas about nine
Wheat 030.
Oats 350.
Barley 450,
Butter 24c to 25c.
Eggs 32e. _
Live Hogs $8.25,
t his. own.
pitpastor will occupy p
pit on Sunday next at both services,
in the evening continuing his series of
sermons on the "Wonderful Sa}rings
of Clirist." Sunday school at ten
o'clock in the forenoon and prayer
meeting on 'Thursday evening, Stran-
gers will be made welcome at any or
all of the services- t
At Home" on i•rlday evening of
term Literpoo . < 'Turner's 0'1011101.
, e tor- :
and th
oclockinthem° 6 e fchfl
pedis came without the slightest A bat o children's 010111'11g will
c n-
I.S. to
zit by the
When Llie
e se
asked if as ec 3
warning. 11 I may
v a Parcels
� Pa
g Toronto. nto.
Horne 1 U 0
been expecting or peofeaple
we such a
ers Ho n
thing and if the people were wearing he left at the church 1111 pac:,anage
their valuables Blies Porter replied, ' within a week from this date.
"No, I had not thought of it and 4I PATRICYI'IC NOTES.
don't think anyone had, except Pcr-
hals the captain, for many people The Women's Patriotic Society have
lost not only their clothing but also decided that for the next few ' weeks
their money and valuables which they they will make Friday afternoon from
were not wearing on their persons." two o'clock until five a time for seiv-
As the weather was warm and pleas- ing and ask all members to assist,
ant it was not necessary to wear Several machines will he placed in the
extra clothing. "I do not feel like council chamber and the supply and
complaining at all," said Mi50 Por- cutting committee will liave world for
ter, "for while I lost my. luggage I all.
got off without a scratch and didn't Mrs. Axcel and her committee who
even get wet. Several were badly in- looked after the collecticlt of rags
jured, many nearly and some guile and paper are to be eongratulatod on
drowned, many lost relatives and rev- their success. 'Twenty-one Hundred
tial mothers of little families who pounds of rags were donated and
were coating to America to join their sold and will bring to the treasury of
husbands and make a Hoare lost every the Socdety the sum of 542. Four -
thing they possessed. The total loss teen tons of papers were shipped Sat -
of life was about- thirty. "[Tad it urday; which it is hoped will bring
Tonto one hour earlier, said Miss eighty or one hundred dollars. In the
Porter, "the death toll would, have handling of these papers', rags, etc.,
been much heavier.'" She spoke in the assistance was most generously offer -
highest I highest terns ot the captain and the ed by Wren from town and country.
crew, who so quickly got than all Some of the worker[, on Saturday
off in the life boats. The boat in were : Mr. Robb of the Collegiate
which Miss Porter was picked up tate staff and a number of the cadets, al-
•captain, who was clinging with . two so 14less�rs. O'Neil, McGarva, Rath -
er three others to a raft, and carried well, Connell, Middleton and, , last
hint to safety. He lied been thrown but not least, Mr. Elliott, who gave
from the brirge as the big boat sank his time and also the use of his
t reciates very
t a
Society P
but on `1'io S
o !
and was somewhat 'stunned so truck. 7 Y
recovered and busied himself in car- Meigs all the assistance so freely
ing for the passengers of his boat given and extends its sincere thanks.
whom he liad been unable to land at WESLEY CITUR.CII,
their destination. They were some
sixty 'miles from Queenstown, ire- A large number partook of the sae -
land, and after spending some Hours rantent at the close of the morning
'in the small boats they• were picked service on Sunday. Rev, Dr. Rut -
up by, a British torpedo boat and talc- ledge preached both horning and ev-
en to Queonst;iwn• l verybody with ledge to good congregations, the full
whom they came in contact was most
choir leading in the service of song.
hind to the 5Ut' l'l'OtO ; the S.S. nom-
The League met on Tuesday e: en-
pany, the drew of the torpedo boat ing this week when the first of a
which. rescued them and the Hospitable .series, of programs was given dealing
Irish people, Who met them at the
with "Misaions and Workers." • Mr.
wharf and were ready with hot tea, Harris, rite missionary supported by
coSOS and. something to eat' for: the the Goderich District, was the special
i11-ritai'ed travellers as soon as 'they evoricet talked of on Tuenlay. Miss
landed. They left` Queenstown the Marion Irwin gave a brief history of
same afternoon .and going up to Dub- .1 • , lifeact Miss Gladys I{eller sane
lin tool.. the Irish: Mail 'the same
night for Holyhead. From, there
they entrained for different parts of.
England and Miss Porter returned to
Wigston to her rclatices. She. made
the second attempt Oct 23rd, •sailing
front Liverpool to Now York, making
the journey without mishap, As
night be expected there was, a cer-
tain amount of nervousness instil the
ship go'it out of the clanger zone and
the ,lights were kept down, the stew
artlesses going a10ut,antong the, pass-
engers with dark:lantcrns. Miss Por-
ter was nothing daunted, however, by
experience and expresses the in-
tention of making another visit to
He Leads in Aggressive
Christian Work.
Front the firm of Wallis & Lang-
ford, Ford agents for this nisi int;
Mr. Wallis has withdrawn. The teas
ines's Will be continued by Mr. Lang
ford, who has intimated that he will
have a garage of his own. before the
year expires, that is it the wea'lher
keeps open.
Good Morning 1. How does your
label read 'f It tells the story,
Mr.Fred. Lockwood has moved in-
to Mr Harry b`ollard's house on
Mary street.
The Pastime Club gave an informal
dance in their. club r00I11S on Tusday
evening which Was much enjoyed.
The vote on church union will be
x tected
it is e.
kc next Sunda} andI
every member and adherent will cast
a ballot.
On Sunday morning Rev, Mr. Har-
per will take for his .sub;otl, "Our
Blaster at Prayer," and in the cr. en-
ing, "Self Control," the latter being
the third of a series of 'special ser-
The annual meeting of Murphy
Lodge was held last week and - the
following officers elected : Past mas-
ter, H. J. Pengel ; master, William
Walker ; deputy, W. Falconer , chap-
lain, Rev. Wm- Moulton ; recording -
secretary, A.Clarkson ; Ifnaneial-sec-
retary, 1I Glazier, P.
Canlelon -; le.tdrerri, G. B. Hanley, T.
Monaghan ; director of ceremonies, D.
N. Watson. District Doputy South-
resent a
gate of Seaforth was It
several of the brethren from the sister
todl e.
Having bought our fall and winter stock
before the advance in price we are in. a posi-
tion to offer you your winter supply at the old
If you want to get clothing org
will satisfyin every- way, come and'see
the excellent values offer in :
Men's Suits
t° Overcoats
" `Trousers_ •
• Sweater-..Cgats
,,p 8,50 to 125.0.0,
10.00 to 25.00
.98 to 5.00
,50 to 1.50
1,00 to 4.00
1:00 to 7.50
,50 to 2,75
Boys' Department.
$ 1.50 to $10.00
2.25 to 10.00
,50 to 2.50
.25 to 1,00
.25 to • .55
.25 to .50
Boys' Suits,
" Overcoats
of men's
assortment men Y
Extra g.
mitts and gloves. Ask to see our special
at 50 cents. •
Square Deal f`� r Every Man."
Motto : "A Son
A fire was discovered in tie she oc In restonsc to the invitation, of the
Mrs, Bwest, residence, Ra forenoon local and the Auburn Baptist congie-
lartet west, on Thursday ray e origin-gtions a special council convened in
last which is screeping to have a the church on Tuesday to examine
abed from Ilio creeping over from a
pile of burning leaves- Fortunately and, if deemed advisable, to ordain
i• ll he,
• K. Paufu
James �
it was discovered in time to be ex- their pastor,
tinguiehed without the assistance of the work of ing delegates different'11fromntheYClap:-
the fire brigade: chis in the Baptist Association wel'0
A UNANIMOUS CALL. present and composed the ordination
council : Rev. J, E. Pettit, Listowol ;
On 'fuf the
the Quarterly Rev. T. E. Moldrum, Palmerston ;
Board of the Ontario street cliurr, Rev. G. M. 1/01/1110 and Mr, Warner, -
gave a unanimoes call to Rev, Mr, Goderich ; • Rev, J. E. McCauley and
Agnew of Mount Bridges to become Mr. Geo. McKinnon, Glamis ; Messrs,
their pastor. at the beginning of the
next Conference year.
Rev, J. K. Fairfull.
Mrs. ,John P. Joy of Ontario, Cal-
ifornia, a former resident of Clinton,
her husband having for some time
been connected with the G.T.R. here,
died at Ontario last week after about
a week's illness, She was in her sev-
entieth year and leaves a family of
three daughter's and three sons : Mrs.
James Castle, (illi. Castle is a bro-
ther of Messrs, S. 0. and Antos Cas-
tle of town),' Mrs. Hartley Billington
and Mrs, Frank Billington, all of On-
tario, and John Joy, New York, end
David. and Thomas Joy of Los An-
geles, Mr. Joy c1'ed about eleven
years ago, It is about fifteen years
since the, family left Clinton but they
will be remembered by many citizens,
Geo. Raithhy and IVitnter, Auburn ;
Messrs. IL Pennebaker and Guy Jon -
Mr. Agnew is not a 'stranger to es., Clinion, Also Rev. Dr. L. 5.
rho Ontario street congregation, hay- liugitson, Stratford ; Rev, Dr. Nor-,
ing occupied 'rite Pulpit. un rue arca- ton, superintendent of Home Missions,
sioit during the pastorate of •Mr. Cos- 1 and Rev, 0. 1'. Elliott, tit. Thomas„
ens, '' ' who were asked to join the council.
He is said. to be an excellent preach- At the afternoon 0e0;t0n Rev. Dr.
er and a zealous pastor with a taking Hugbson was chosen moderator d, Lha
(fuelled and Rev. ,i: 1.1. Fetal:, cleric,
I and after examining the candidate ,on
ITI5i1RTILY WELCOMED, i his conversion and roll to the minis-
s wer5 and
'�, nit
A pleasant evening was scent on try, and listening to lit, a
Tuesday' at the 110n'IC of 11', and 14Irs, his statement oL doctcfne, the counefi
• un•tnimot
• e It
c n[dr to
'r 1 t o
r tl ec o 6
c ttLl
John up their
who have re e }
taken up their abode On 13110 • [lase 1}c deciding to ordain the eandfdate.
Lino on the farm formerly occupied The examination took up a goon. part
by Mr. E. J. Williams, when some of
the ftelrnoOtt and theeccen ligation
forty of their neighbors and friends At eight o'clock a rod sten eon -
them 136 the community. Dancing gregation gathered for the special and
and cards made the blours 'speed. all solemn service Rev. Cie M. Holmes of
too quickly and refreshments followed Guderfalt and tt v, .l. 1'], MMeC'aubey of
heforo the guests dispersed, lir, nncl Glamis conducted the operbng exor-
Mrs,'McDonald were assisted in re- eises, the ordination sermon beteg
eciving their guests by Mr, and Mrs. preached by Rev, 0, C. Elliott, a
10, .I. Williams, who are well known former pastor of Mr. Faietull's, tak-
ing popular in the neighborhood, 'ing for his text the passage found in
IFleti. 7--25, The ordination prayer
� was 011010(1, by Rev, J. E. Pettit ;
Goderich Townshipcharge to the candidate and right-.
]rand of fellowship, Rev, T. E. Mete
Unity .Club in addition to tile patri- Brum ; charge to the church, Rev, Dr:
otic work which it has carried on for Norton, which closed the exercises
months •past undertook to ,i:IPplement and often Clic singing of a Hymn Rev,,
J. K. Fairfull pronounced the benedic-
b}t private canvas the township coun-
cil's tion and the congregation dispersed.
grant to the Red Cross Fund, 1 Ret,, Mr. Fairfull lids been paster
Accordingly four parties •ntadC up as of the Clinton and Auburn churches.
follows starter. out the other day fol: about a year and., a half and der-,
Mrs, Bert. Murphy and Miss JLulu in that time he has mut tvitli s%
Murphy, Mrs. 1.Junes and Miss Lulu lair a measure of succebs: . Pastor and
Lobb, Mrs, Harvey Jenkins and Miss people are united and he has succeed,
acs Ferguson r uson
Mrs. Jat gcongregations .
s M
Jet n the
it t
L , building u
utld n
Y b P
The summer just past was rather
cold, wet and backward, as summers
go and there were seteral rather sev-
ere frosts in August, but until this
week the fall has been particularly
' 's zit.
Owing L. t
1 .ea a
=r c
warm u P
Un- .-
Hier c of
man a 1 he oc
have been bs,sic
t tbto
third, l a Y lIaggressive
I Fann
a NTissthem in
and Y gg
leading of and g
realm tL
s i the•eneto
ens ine
t :emih
clev e o• dies iu ,
usual l � cienca of 'the la g Christian work•
agriculture, such as a second crop en of our People w is fully surtained for Mr, Fairfull was born in FifC,^Rice,
berries, etc. Whatsterns
e mss tote fact m a few, Hours $150 was subscribed, , Scotland, and was educated at Cas
er flee,
however, 'i n
0101 b
v iv s been
t 1
r unusual,g o ollhr cl on tar b
more rel in d. He England.. la polling P,n ,
'- e
Y -'l n
g •le n g
lOt- 1
t o
Y ,
r i t b , •"t Ch
at. 1 Lnil b
e trees : t . T
mea 1 le .,e b Y r,
tbiaL so PP Tho ted Caan P } m thbs country nine } ea 5,
tom the secnnd time and in one or w,111 it 1s e -Peered he followed bn oth-
ttvo case's in the surrounding or- sent a short time in Canada fourteen
er Part's of the t leas by so that the cars ago but afterwards returning to
chards the trees are being clothed ram total will at least be in keeping Y,`
England. Until coming to Clinton
With a fresh .covering Of liners. If. with the cOntxihui'ioll, from the slater he had made Stratford bis home and
could hardly be that nature had slip' ,township of Stanley. ad been engaged in evangelistic work
ped a cog and deckled that ft wtv The many fr.ends_ of Mr. •Joseph Ig- for seine time: Sinec coming to Olin -
spring 'instead of fall. lard ,iIle be pleased to hear that be toll he has won the esteem not only
THE NEW REGIMENT. is getting along nicely after undergo` of .lis own people but also of those
1TI ing a 00111) ccitIeal aperatiou:
o[ all. the other Churches and one and
A joint meeting of the committee
the homeland in a year or two, Miss
Porter was horst in England but came
out when quite young and this was 13 ).
her second visit home, her sister whom
she visited never: Having c0nee to.
On behtg asked bow the people in
England regard Rio war and the
node ofcarrying it on Miss Porter
said as, far as she could judge there
was almost unanimous sympathy, with
the Government, The people are very
Iry to going o
calmand sec
their business just about as usual..
There is a quiet determination to win.
and everyone seems to be willing to
do a al'iare in bringing about a vie -
taro. Ilei brother -iii -law and nephews
ate managers of gak works and s
doing work most necessary. at h
time and doing it under some ditlicul-
(C'ontinued bottom 2nd cob)
from the Huron and Bruce Battalions
was held in the Armories, Wingliami,
on Monday when the Lollow'ing officers
attended :
Hurons—Majors Combe, Shaw, gree
Taggart and Hays ; Captains eleem1111
and Sinclair and Lieutenants 'Poen,
its a, McLean and Campbell.
A...special offering and quite a seri- Bruce—Major Hay Captains ICiete,
irons one was taken at the S.S. on Langford, Danard, Fowler and Ilous-
Sunday afternoon in aid of this Spec- i ton ; Lieutenants Savage, Hay, Little
lab Temperance Committee: • and Pattison.
The monthly meeting of the W,M.S.
of Wesley 'church took on a somewhat
festive air on Thursday evening last.
When it was known that Miss Bessie
Porter, who had been 'absent in Eng-
land for a year or so, would be -
present the ladies arranged to give
her a worthy welcome, Mrs, McMatii,
'the president, occupied the chair and
the usual business of the evening was
gone through, then Mrs, Rutledge
gave a little address of welcome to
Miss Porter on behalf of ' her felioW
members of the oceiety ,and in her
1Y i
returned traveller told
f the
.n E the enonCot o
something experiences o i
passengers on the Arabic,, of which
she was one, which was torpedoed by
a German submarine off the coast of
Ireland .11; couple of Months ago. "
(Continued from 1st 001•)
ty as they are much handioapPed h}t
the shortage
of men so many of the
the vva
young innong
She also spoke of the many -women
employed doing work formerly done
by men, such asacting as porters at
the railway stations, Al: Manchester
she said the porters all seemed to
be women, at least the majority of
them, and the same thing was noticed
at many • outer large places,
Also Mayor Lippert of Walkerton,
Mayor Irwin of Wingliam and Mr:
Cargill, M.P.P., of Cargill -
The following, resolution was 00an`
itnously and enthusiastically' carried) i
Moved by Ma`ot MeTaggart, t, 10.011[101)
by Captain -Klein and resolved, That
we, rite oomsnittees reprocaniing the
aliecrs of 'tire klnron and Bruce Rogi-
ments, petition the Minister of Militia
and Defense for permission to rake a
regiment for overseas 'service Le be
recruited in the counties of heron
and Bruce .and to be commanded ;bp
offteets drawn from our own units
rut of
the vvoil in
details of organization that a joint
committee be formed consisting of
Major Combe and Major Hay er.d
two officers from each: Regiment, to
be nominated by their,respcctiie c'.;vn-
handing officers.
It was decided ,to ask the .Comity
Councils of Huron. and.:Bruce to or-
ganize a Recruiting
League UO Wbh
reeves of
the miciPaItti s as cH
Lt -
aea, and that grants be requested
from the county councils which meet
early in December.
Enerel member 'present oilerea 1115
services to itis country and were very
enthusiastic in ,organizing the • now
regiment, and when tl'pre is such 110:-
fest unanimity it is bound to s,uueed.
A Clinton Native -Born.
Mr. A. T. Cooper.
Mr. Cooper Ls a native-born.
i, -Ie is able, active and progressive,
And has tlr+ courage of his convic-
140 fought for Waterworks wlfen. .It
' n an
mere agitation was buil 113 g_
h a
the Y
system was being
installed h was
the most active of those in authority.
lie battled in, his most vigorous' way
for Hydro When its, supporters' foriuod
but a small minority,
In short he has' been very much alive
in matters colteel:ning, the good and
welfare of 'his ,ative town.
all join in felicitations to pae.or and
People on this happy c nasion:
The Ladies' Aid of the Clinton
I'3aptist ol•iereh .served dinner and,
n.IPPer to tate delegates in the Salva-
tion Army hall, which had been en-
gaged for: that purpose
Dr. Elliott' of ' LucknoW and Dr.
Gunn of Clinton Were iii consultation
with Dr. Woods on Sunday' last with,
regard to the condition of the form.
er's brothel Mr. Thomas Eli 'Ott,
W110 was' taken seriously, ill :luring
last week,
Rev, J. E. Jones returned io the.
parsonage the past week after an ab-
sence of ;two weeks. Ile Was accom-
panied by his wife who has lust.;' re-
ccoored from an operation for ali];en-
1lcitis at Sarnia hospital about nix
weeks ago.
DLA. II, Drelutvann left .on Friday
,last tor Muskoka to visit itis brother.
David Sturgeon left last week for
Port Stanley to engage 6
ein fishing.
• t tee the
Richard McI)ool, Jr., wiio sl
past summer in the west, returned'.
home the past week.
Mr,, Geaketin Moorhouse of Bay
City, Mich., and . Mr, and biro, Ken-
neth Moorhouse of Landon attended
the funeral of their brother, the late
Percy Moorhouse,. on Saturday last.
.Anniversary.' services will be held in
Sunday church on
n dist
the Methodist
Rev.J. McKelvey
will oe0upy the pulpit at 11 a.m
and 7
Page 5 continues to grow in
popularity for Sale, Wanted,;
Eta advertisenlents.