The Clinton News Record, 1915-11-11, Page 1Jo. 1910 —37th Year
Does every dad s
in Huron County'
every morning sing
Save the
B. METS TO Sudden
Shocking Death
One of Clinton's Pioneer
gave X11 11 `�ld Watch
Said the Ridgetown Do}ninion: "On
Saturday ,all the. old electric light
poles were removed from the bnainess
Oats 35c.
Barley 45c.
A meeting of the Board ' of Trade
will be `held on Friday evening. ,
Of Good Arthur Forbes.
Clinton .citizens were terribly she k
Business Men.
5'i at .is Worry and Urtre iab�e .
parts of Main and Erie streets,' in
preparation for the installing of an
ornamental lighting system. The re!
niioval of the, poles has greatly o" aug-
ed the appearance of Main street for
Butter. 24c to Bi°.
Eggs 30c.
Live Hogs $8,25:
The ballots for the vote on Cliu.eeh
Union will be distributed this Week
avoting the take place on the
lith and 21st lasts.
on Thursday forenoon on learning
of the sudden and tragfe, •deat}i of Mr.
Arthur Forbes wile was run over by
a train at. the depot. Mr. Forbes was
crossing the track being hard of
�' I
Let us allow for it towards a Hellyar watch that is
/ absolutely dependable and guaranteed satisfactory
in epery, detail. Bring along your cid watch and
will ire you a quotation of allowance. Old gold
:lid silver taken in exchange for goods, or we will
pa highest cash rice should you prefer•
pay S p
trio better. The street now : looks
much wider."
,P+,S meets for work
The W o againa,
tomorrow afternoon in the council
chamber, The following is a list' of
the supplies sent in last week. for
the Red Cross a 175' towels, 13
On learning of the: fatal accident at
the 'depot on Thursday morning last
:whereby Arthur Tcorhos lost his life,
Coroner W. O. Thernipsan ;went at
onoo• to the Scene, and a jus con,-'
listing of Foreman J, A. Ford, J.
W. Elliott, Ti. Barthel, .James Steep,
E. E. I3unniford and 13; Fitzsimons,
was immediately inipaaclled. After
Rev. Mr. Harper will on Sunday C
ening take. for his subject "Virtue ad
Knowledge," this to be iris second of
a special series of sermons:
' •
Mr, and Mrs. R. Hawkins, Hama-
ton, the parents of Mr, , "Tommy"
Hawkins, received word the other
hearing and also somewhat shot'tsight-
ed he did not notice that the Toron-
to train was backing down into the
y <ud , to allow the London train
to load up and the Grew in chargewe
were .unable to stop the train in
'OM and the wheels • of the parior
coach passed over his body, A doctor
was at once summoned but death was
e ra ti
W� � ��� �/
f ea weles and Optician - Clinton
sheets, 48 hospital shirts, 38 pyjama .viewing
suits, 31 day shirt, 228 • pillow slips;
36 wash cloths, , l pair pillows, ?
guilts, 127 quarts of lair, 122 pints
of ,rami, 1 bot canned pork and Means.
And the following were , shipped to'
the' Field (01080115 Commission: 204
pairs socks, 0 scarfs, 1 cap, 2 Pair
wristlets, 10 packages of tobacco, 2
the body they adiourned Tin-
til nine o'clock this• morning-'
• ^
Rev, Geo. McAllister of Exeter
occupied the pulpit '•'at both services
on Sunday; preaching thoughtful star-
At the literary meeting of the Lea-
day of their son, Pte, R. R. flaw-
,kips, of whom they had not ]tears
for meths, sayingthat lie was
re cited wounded and missing April
23rd. 1t is probable therefore that
lie is prisoner in Germany, He was
a, P y
but nineteen years of age and was
engaged with a Hamilton hardware
company previous to the war.
instantaneous. A very sad feature of
the accident was the fact that Miss
Mao lrcr_bes„ who wast r father's
hook- keeper, was at the office just op-
posite the depot and if not an actual
witness of the accident was '. immed-
lately aware of the full horror
Tlw late Mr. Forbes was born in
Galt sixty-four years ago. - Part of
er K
S F Yt
a' rr,y
z. =
boxes sweets,, 48 greyflannel shirts, 1
gee on Monday evening Mr, 0. D.
his childhood was spent in Stratford'
fruit cake. ,
Bolick gave a most ?' interesting ad-
"Women 'Empire
but later he came • to vesicle
dress on as Build-
Miss Olive Cooper
• Mrs. Ray R.unball" received for the
with all uncle at Varna and
thhr° his boyhood and y ming
Mr. Chas. E. Hovey.
TeRoyal Ba�
t{, '
T;ucbz gratp� ! °.;
p `
Capital Autiibrized Y q'..- $25,000,000
Capital Paid -lip >, 11,500,000
Reserve and Undivided Profits` 13,500,000
Total Assets . 185,000,000
- 380 Branches. With world wide connection. Interest allowed
on Savings Deposits. General Banking business transacted.
R. E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch
Mrs. James McGill of the Huron
Road, just east of Stapleton, lost
uhreo'of Ler best geeseiat :hent five-
thirty an, Sunday evenng last and
suspicion Points very strongly to a
party of autoists driving in the dir-
ection of Seafc+rth. A neighbor saw
the car stop and remain for some
time, but supposing it was a puncture
or a mishap. of that nature paid no
further heed: But a young man on a
bicycle happened along and noxi lug
that the inen from the car were etas-
ing the geese, eeidently trying to
catch thein, lie shouted a warning and
then hilted off to, the McGill home to
notify them. This took a few mita-
rtes and in the meantime the car dis-
appeared over the hills. lairs. Mc-
Gill though is minus a trio of her
er:s." presided and
Messrs. Lloyd, Wilken and Clifford An -
Brews each favored the audience with
a solo.
A short limo ago Rev. H. M. Man-
Ming, formerly pastor of Wesley
church, Clinton, retired from the an-
tire work of fir ministry and took
up his residence in North Toronto.
He found, however, that idleness was
not in keeping with 'One who had been
active all his life, and he opened a
mission, using a .discarded Hotel
therefor. ft has grown in interest
and usefulness "and promises to de-
velop into a progfess;ve Methodist
first time since her Marriage • at her
On I3i(rgn street on. Tuesday af-
ternoon. Mrs. Clara Rumball received
with her in file pretty drawing roosunnylivery
prettier and more Suy by antit
abundance of big, sunny 'plums, lairs.
A. J. Tyndall, Mrs. J. A. Ford and
Mrs. A. J. 1-Iolloway assisted at the
tea table, which was done in pink and
white with lovely rose colored 'mums,
while Mgrs. 13oxom of Stratford and
Miss Mattie Holloway served the
There are few of the older people
a „
of C hnton who twill remember, "Lon
Macdonald (Alonzo), son of the late
Jo'.ln 3alacdonald who was connected
with, Glasgow, Macpherson k Co.,
manhood was spent. In 187(1 he
event to Seaforth and went into the
business which lie conducted un-
1 01. Ile then retired from Mus-
Mess for five years but growing weary
o: that lie move's to Roxboro, v here
ho farmed for five years, or with
3` < " '>
Aprilof 1911 whew he bought out a
coal business and came to reside in
Mr. Forbes was a man who l,y bis
consistent life and upright method of
doing business gained and field the re-
spect of all with whom he canto la
contact. Ile was a Presbyterian in
religion and was seldom absent 1ron1
church on the Lord's day'. Though
for years he was so hard of hearing
that the greater part of the service
lost to him et he regularly at-
fir, Chas. E. Hovey, whose poi
trait appears at'the head of thi
article, is one of the best known oil
izens of Clinton and was until a fel
years ago when he retired ono of th
most active and influential husines
men of the town,
Mr. Hovey was born in Locipor"
N.Y., on. Oct. 0th, 1840. In 18.47 hi
parents removed to Fiugr&L where lo
father was a partner in a basilic(
for the manufacture of all kinds :
agricultural implements, plows, etc
but which a little later began man;
facturiug threshing machines ecclusi,
el ) . Th° firm was known as 11
Macpherson, Glasgow A Coiupan:
In 1807. a branch was started in Clic
ton and in the following year Mr, (
E. 11°ve • came here to assist In 11
ver' best geese.
y g
Captain Henderson, who for a short
on threshing machine fable. When the
New Era used a hand power -press,
lettded the services of the church of
management of it. In 1882 Mi Gla
time was in charge
6 cif the local corps
and it used to Produce 'a pretty good
his choice and in spirit joined with
the his
ow died and the old Dim was dig
•-•• ••••••••••. INCORPORATED 1$55 •••••••••••••••••••••
of the Salvation Arn13, and who left
sweat to run off the issue; Lon used
:worshippers, and example was
not }est upon those among whom i+^
and a new one forme'
Adjutant Gamnlage, who arrived
dere for Moo=s Jaw le July last, was
to turn in anis help, and he did ot}•r-c
the new name being Farren, Maoplie
A General
PeseX Ve
Thursday to tale charge of the local
corps of the S.A., is said to be the
smallest officer iu Canada, She has
beer an officer for twenty-seven years,
however, and has. had charge of sew,
eralstations during that time and has
no doubt gained :Hoch esperienr°.
This is her second commission in
Cliniccl, she having been stationed
}tare twenty years ago as lieutenant
fora few months. Though only:
recently married to Captain Sidney
Cox of Winnipeg. Captain Ilenderson
ryas tnosb popular caliile here, her
bright and winning personality mak-
ing friends wherever she went, and
many will be the good wishes :wafted
to her on tt:e occasion of lier marri-
age, Captain and Mrs. Cox will be
for the time being stationed at Win-
things around the office that gave
hint a taste for Printer's ink, Later
lie got employment on some of the
big New York papers, but recently be
has been living in Louisville, Ky. Ile
has returned to Canada and Is note
engaged as business manager of the
Toronto News, a panel whose editor-
ial views are opposite to those lie en-
In 1870 lir. Forbes was married to
a daughter of the late John Me:\llis-
ter oC the Tau; Line, Hay, and
•i1° and .1etr f• i ) of five
sons and fere daughters survfr'0
John of Hueston, Texas ; Arthur:,
Dunnville ; .James, 'Waterford ; Char-
les, Brantford Ross, Kearney Iris,
Ceoil Russ, Hamilton, 11tou, and Miss Mac
at home
Four brothers
son and 1100(1; lair. (Perm on'
remained a member of the Drnt for
few years and after his retirement :
became Macpherson IIovcy, the ilii
n•htc'lt fol: ratan}` years did bus}ne.
here, After 511 1t7aaphersun'n deal
Mr, Ilovey still continued the btu
mess, selling out 01113 a few year
(igq to the Clinton Threshing Co.
Mr. Hove has thus been a resider
fora great many years, coating het
Circular Letters Of Credit
Bank Money Orders.
Savings Bank Department.
C. E. Dowding, Manager, Clinton Branch.
for a short she ,remembers
some of these who were her' right
hand helpers then, only a very Eery
of- whom are still here, Adjutant
Gammage is at present alone, Capt,
Moffat leaving today for Preston, but
Probably later on a lieutenant will bo
sent to assist her, In the- meautinie
the officer in command, though smallhouse
PIt0WLIN�} -,.-
Into 1101use on the exist side of the
town, a liloek south of Ontario
street, and occupied by a widowed
lad a sbcan °r obtained admittance
y s
one night recently on the plea that
lie was a relative, He used improper
language but the good woman ktapt
iSS Hazel Became
the Bride of Dr. Donald
Ross Yesterday.
1\n interesting event oeems'es at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T, O'.Nmi at
° .anti one aster also
«,»., ,-
51113 sve ..-n. T. reifies of Lees rile,
La. ; William, Santinonia, Texas ,
Robert t of Vancouver, B.C'., and John
Forbes and Mr's, (T)r.) Robertson of
The funeral took place Sunday tf-
terugon, a service being Bald at the
at one o'clock lifter which the
, g ays to +
al, y.aun rnan. Ile has ahv
a keen }merest In the affairs q
the town and Has been as all affairs
good citizen. ' He is a member of Si
Paul's church and Is a Liberal i
politics. Jae has three sons : J. l
and 1I, A. of town and Rev. Fran
!Towey of Burlington. Mrs. hove
died several years ago.
o£ stature, looks to be quite capable
her nerve and bluffed him so well that
11e took Itis departure.
ono ,:1101,001f yesterday, when their
remains were conveyed to Seafortli and
of Carrying On the work here,
third daughter, Hazel, was united In
to Dr. Donald E, Ross
interred i(1 illuitanflbank cemetery.
another evening after eleven
two in
marriage of
Swift 'Current, Sask,, son Mrs. 1).
Rev, F. (1, Harper conducted the ser -
Bagfieid. •
he c'MO/'fish CLOTHING
Clothing Co.
The members of the Girls' Club and
a few Friends; numbering about forty_
live, gathered at the home of lair. and
young women wlio residea
cottage on the west side, sap on
Maly street, were' alarmed by men
about. ')sing lie telephone.
they called in a friend who saw the
Ross of Brunswick Ave., Torcato,
formerly of Clinton•
The bridal couple stood before a
foliage in the
vice at the House. and Rev. Mr, I,ar-
kin of Seaforth, a former pastor
who held the deceased in high es-
teem, conducted the service at. the
The y
Rea' A. Macfarlane goes to S
Mary's on Thursday to attend
meeting of Public: Libraries represel
Mrs. 4t. T. O'Neil on Thursday even-
ing last and gave Miss Hazel, who:
two leen and ordered them off, Ser-
bank of patens and
drawing-r0om Alicia was bright with
graveside. pallbearer's were
John Torrance, ,John Sparrow, Stan-
tatices of what is lcnoavn as ti
Stratford District.
� I ES
was martied yesterday to Dr. Donald
Ross of Swift Current, Sask,, a
shlwer of lnisLcellaneous artialas suit
ab a for:ho se eeping, ]inen, efiina,
etc. e\ pleasant half ,hour ox so was
spent by file young people and before
the evening was over Mrs. McHardy-
Smith favored the com any with
some music.
The Sunday school of Willis church
sent to Miss O'Neil handsome '
',mat Welsh was summoned but •by
this time the prowlers had disappear-'
Olt tie sante night an attempt was
made to break into M A3'iltse gree-
ger store.
Tlie communion service on Sunday
morning last was largely attended,
Sole stewards, Messrs. Tyndall, Wirtse,
lovely yellow 'mons, The bride
wore her travelling slit of navy
blue cloth with collar of seal, French
hat, bronze boots and gloves and la
Opltar res-
es and }ioquet of Gold were
es and violets, ''!'here were r.0 ntten-
(tants. The ceremony was performed
} 1
by Rev. Frank C. Harper and was
witnessed only by the members of trie
two families and a few intimatelast
friends of the pride. Miss Jean
ley ; John Stewart, Seafortli' Dr. A.
McAllister, Georgetown, and John
and Chas, McAllister, 13ensa1l.
All the sans were present for Clic
Forbes coming all
funeral, fromTexas..
the way from Texas. 14Xr. and Mrs.
Russ were liar° from TIam}iter. ; Mr,
and Mrs. Jelin Fo:hes and their two
sons, Messrs. 1), and J. N• Forbes
and Dr, -and 1VIrs, Robertson, Strat-
ford ; also Mr, and Mrs, Char-
His Lordship the Bishop of Hama
will conduct trio service in 1'rinsl
church next Sunday at eleven and at
minister rho rift of confirmation
quite a lar a class from the Um
1 g
ch'arelies •in the parish.
Mr, A. T. Cooper of Clinton tot
the service in the Methodist 011Uri
Sunda evening and ave
Y g . g
much appreciated address. Ile w:
in charge the other two
Navin bought our fall and winter stock
Having g
fore the advance in rice we are in a post-
be P P
tion to offer you your 'Winter supply at the old
price. y
If you want to get clothing or furnishing
that will satisfyin every way,' come and see
the excellent vaues we now offer in :
Men's Suits $.50 t0 $25,00
Overcoats 10',OQ to 25.Q0
1t Trousers 98 to°5,00
' cr Ca S ,50 to 1.5U
• �° Hats 1,00 to 4.00
cc Sweater Coats 1:'00 t0 7:5q
+ Underwear .50 to 2,75'
.also a
mantle clock and the members of the
choir a set of butter spreaders and
eofTee spaces.
Miss O'Neil has been a zealous
worker' in all hese departments of
church activity and will be much'
missed in. all. She is also a Popular,
young lady whose friends, though
sorry' to lose her from, their circle,
wish her unstinted happiness in ilei.
new liome•
There was a meeting of the officers'
of the 33rd Huron Regiment in Cim-
ton on Friday mewing last, the oh-
jeet being to discuss the 11c+gsibility.
of raising a battalion for overseas'
service in the coliritsc of Huron and
I3ruoe, to be officered by the 33rd and
32nd; officers and to be trained m the
Pltunateel and 'Gibbings, assisted the
'Ilio astor i 6_san
P • P:aaohed in }ie evenin
to a largo congregation on Fatlssr-
hood and Sonship," A 011 char
rendered excellent Music.
On Monday c+,'ening there was'a
sad attendance at the young people's
meetin . Miss May preided and 0
specially D adclxese was • inen h r
rylissuSy' it eCourl;ice. 1VIissg Mar -:.ret
Walker song quite acceptably and Miss
Spindler presented the 'tropia
Pho Rev, S. Jr \llin will nrcaah
Stuie}ay m°ming on the question :
''Did Christ des:end into Bell 7" and
on Sunda. evening the topic will be,
i,: Y •g „ i
A question of life an death, with
,a reference to the recent statement of
Sir Edward Grey.'
The Sunday school attendance last
Sunray' was two hundred and twenty-
Cliidlcy played the wedding march
and during the signing of the register
vex } " '
g y sweet) , Love's Cor°na-
The groom's gift to the bride was a
gold bracelet watch and to the pian-
st a cameo broach,
At the conelus`oii of iha aerenzonyrn
dainty wedding luncheon was served
and Dt.:ne1 Mrs, Ross fait en tine
afternoon train for their llomo at
Swift Current, going via ']'°ionto and
Both brise and groom are we
known Ind o alai un,, eoplo }71
l no a p P Yo g p !
town, this having been• Dr. Ross'
honkie also until a few years ago.
Their iii n' friends here wish . them
man)` happy years. of wedded lift,
and unbounded prosperity to the Doc-
for In his chosen pr(ifession:
les McAllister, ITay ; Mr, and
Mrs. John McAllister, Heus1il,
and Dr, Arthur McAllister of George-
toalh, t]ic latter tlixee being brothers
of Mrs. Forbes; and Mr, and Mrs,
Peter Moir Of Pfriorue, a sister and
brother-in-law. A great matey of the
old friends and neighbors mkt the fun
eral anch accompanied it to the cem_
13100' on the bank al the :NIaitlanr1
where ton remains were reverently
laid to rest.
'Po Mrs. Forbes and fancily the Fin-
core sympathy of the community goes
Out in heir: sudden and terrible bar-
Mr:s. Forbes• and family wish to ex-
tend their thanks to all the: friends }n
Ciluhton Seaforth and vicinity for all
the kindness shown them in their sad
also at a'
Pointureabs, Bethel and Sharon. M
Cc+taper very kindly tookthe work
y .)
the absencelof 14h. Janes who w;
visiting his wife at Sarnia where s1
underwent an operation 05111111y',
The football club 10 now wither
funds (raving cheerfully Silen the ba
mice ell Band to the itesi Cross S
eiety, 'Three members of the (11
aro now wearing the King's uniform
Lieut, (Dr.) Smith of the R.A:M.1
at the seat of war, Lieut.. Alex. Ai
ails of file 33rd Battalion and Cor
I3arold Pollock of the 02nri nig
lenders who have been in training :
Niagara for some nl0ntlls33rst. B
Pia. Ed. :\diet'+ of L10 d at
was in Bayfield fora few clays of. ti
Past week.
The fo-]lowing f(0115 Bayfield atter.
ed an entertainment ,given by tl
Hensall L,O.L. on Friday mail
two counties named.
five. Mr: J. W. 1`releaven an in-
last : Cco. L. Greenslade, Robert M
Boys' Department.
• UOyS JliltS'1,10 to
Boys' Suits ' - $ q -5 o $10.00 :
+( D
Overcoats �.2� to 10,00
The idea fs that at each point where.
twenty-five mew are recruited they are
to be trained at that point du :ing:tllo
winter months, thein `toward spring t°
he together to complete the
{;cresting address ali the close,Popular
Mr. J" P'turn .i t
ohn c on of torn 11x8 a
a More PO Officer
on' Carling- Heights Than
People YouKnow. .
Messrs. Otto and Eddie Fink ; 'spent
the the Home
Ansi A , George Castle, Wni. 14IcDa
.and Array Atwood.
Until next 8:aring s:rviee wilt
held in Trinity church at seven in '11
11 Sweaters ,50 to • 2,50
" )'Major
Underwear •2o to 1.00
(, :2 to1D
Hose.. J 5v
�` Toques u'J to' S0
regimental unit and training,
f\ OomnLlttee COnl osed Of iha, 101
rowing officers was appointed to
meet tie ca ems of Rio 32nd Regiment
and discuss plans . Ll.eai,. Col. (00556,;
Mayors Shaw and McTaggart; and
letter last week ,from his. nephew,
R; Ernmerton, who avant with
iSa scoond, Canadian C ilt1R1�'Cnt
y o t a and
ho has bean •at,tI fon for some
; • r
lame. Major Lmanelton,s company'
was the' first of the battalion to have
a baptism of fire and some members
�. �. �xmz> f, :,,
- �`„:�.'.
t ` a ;
:';$r?�;,".^ s ,> t<yy
�� i <i n t n ;,
��lt% ' b 4t
s. o <
over. weep -end at old
at llanolTt;
Miss Rudd 1 1n St. 1315iys today at
tending a meeting of the Public Lib-
nary Association of file `Stratford
evening, in Varna at eleven a.m. :t
at Goshen at thceo. o'clooc,
O�ei Women's Patriotic, Swami,
which is indeed attire in good worn
presented box containing sin
has a
useful. articles ?s homemade sock
toavels, shirt's, etc. to each of 138,
Extra Large assortment of men s heavy
s. Ask to see our special
mitts and glOVe p
at 50 Cent S'
Captains Sinclair' and IIeanlan: •
There re 1 iiuro lui I3ruce . no
a n n a
cities r large t s centres f o-
t oown , e o P p-
' t• , 'thought et
ala ion, so that it b
er combine . 9' 't vo f is this pm -
.the t o 1
t toP
P ose.. A battalion consists of eleven
ln1183011 and thirty-three men of all
of it distngaished themselves, by their
Mtatezy. m carrying the
''wounded tq,
the dressing , station , tinder ' a
}icavy fire from the enemy. He
speaks :oF being in the best,
of ; health and spirits and thou li
having been thLOugh, iolne:i; ettys ]rot
; � �
a 3
J, Ezr s
t,.,., '
;; r t H r �",., <n
„ :^
a. . �'r ti � ,�
� a �+, • < ,`34 t
:Ili �: 3,1'I til 5. I A rCE
Tl ,lis hI R,. 1V LL n 1\
the Pastime Club intends holding
informal. :- it „and
an dance in thea club -zooms
next 'Tuesday eventing,
field's soldier boys, TC+n:oltl''Pollgclt
the 921111 Edward Adle • and Harv,
Currie to of file 3314, Edward SParlis
Robert McLeod of the 718t.
Tile main street was liberall r to
cued this wean, The sxtewa,lks .f ,
have been •treated in the salve, ma
ranks and if hese two western On-
scenes and having had some close
z �
:sac }«
, ' '
ler. The, gravel about Bayfield pa°
tt f 1
¢ 'Every j�j
M 0 A Square Deal for aEverJ M
MQtt q
tario counties could Muster that ram-
er f i1 and v them read for
b t o ten a have y
tile. field b spring it would be a
worthyoffering. Of course the matt
. g
in. i :s initial . •e .,
is only 11.,. Initial stages_]put more
will be heard of it later
Mout.-Col. .G-ombe presided 'at lint-
d •ill's liteaLtn and the follow-
ay •n g g
,' odious- . present : Idaj-
ing lluron efii ers vete P c J
ors •McTaggart, Shaw and Hay s, Oap-,
calls e _says thins are going favor- r-
• h 3 g �, g °
ably: This letter was Written statue-
: Bel }int" 0°tuber 10th
whew .m Palmerton
i 011 n : riven an
but as MaJo> n m o 6
. , p
English adda.ess -he was probably tom-
tag back fol a shelf respite.. .rhos
harsships of a 'soldier's life ho: spear
of as unavoidable. and t0 be taken as
a matter of course not at all to in'
`terfet'(Y }viiiri the, performance of oniv"s
c .� = l
n = :� _ * :�
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Miss hazel 'O'Neil, 101105e marriage
k'place 1^sterila was eonnec.Led
too ) - Y,
with almost every, organization of
Willis church and active wor,cer in
• appreciation,
all. As a token of thei>, app
earlier cheerful services the, se i(n'
Presented her with' a handsome,1 t
sanding, it to her :with a mcss<t,e of
good -will on the eve, of her. marriage.
The members' of the S. S. orchestra
, well and so makers ;a good job,
The authorities are after: the I
: who have been trying to pull r
tions ,of the fence about • the
probably with th intention 01.
westing 16 into a cow Pasture.
evaporator Isnot operating 1,
The. evapo ato op g .
week .but will not Shut ,down
all We available stock is put t
The News -Record' leads for
J , (;R
tains• Var:coe, Heacnan, Rundle, Nat-
and McPhail, and 'Lieutenants
ury, ''Nesbit;' T3eatlieringiom,
(}wins• and Robinson...
'work. 7 udl serene .devotion to duty
,in the i ce of danger and ..diseomEoxt
'is,ju'st w" twill:bring this war to
1... silcco nclusion. :
or Torr •Ranee of the
03rd Batt.. (”
Presented herr with a silver :site_
knife, ,and their hearty good avin`aes,
I in aclditiontt7 the gifts fro�tl 'uthur
departments. 1
Mr, T. II, hardy; of C
iha. village on Monday
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