The Clinton News Record, 1915-09-16, Page 8Clinton News-Recordf September.I6th, f9I tonenen Jackson's •Fall Style" Show WINTER FOOTWEAR ARE READY!' We invite an inspection ot the Season's Newest and Best of Shoes for Men, Women and Children—the Choicest Shoes and the Best. Values the Country's Best Maker's produce ! 0'44 Come to see what we are showing in Footwear for the Fall and Winter Season! It will afford us great pleasure to have an oppol- tunity of showing you the many styles ! Our expert Shoe Service is always at your com- mand and we solicit your consideration ! FRED. JACKSON The Good Shoes Store. 1 Better School Shoes 1 Does Your Boy Need New Shoes? If he does let him try a pair of our boy's heavy solid leather school shoes, They will not disappoint you in wear and are very moderately priced. We are also showing a special line cf girl's shoes which cannot be equalled in town. Try a pair, they are the best value your money can buy. Men's and Boy's Clothing. Our stock of ready-to-wear clothing is now very complete. We have men's tweed and worsted suits from $6.50 to $15,00 and:black and blue serge suits from $10 to $18. Boy's Suits From $2.50 Up. Boy's Pants from. 50c to $1.50 per pair. Men's odd Pants from $1.50 to $4.50 per pair, Having placed our orders for our clothing before there was any decided advance in woollens we have all our clothing at about old prices, Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits — 'More Business New Fitted Coats, Which have full flared hips I! Norfolk and Sports Coats Nipped Waistline in Coats and Dresses Smocked, Shirred, Tucked' I and Gathered Dresses Princess Dresses Jumper Skirts styles and are the " latest up-to-date features, and together with many other beautiful styles will be shown in the STANDARD FASHION. BOOK For Autumn With each copy you get any Standard Pattern FREE 20 CENTS AT THE PATTERN COUNTER W. D. FAIR CO. r" -T COME AND SEE -OUR-FIRST COMPLETE DISPLAY. l OF THE' LOVELY • NEW AUTUMN FASHIONS - Often the Cheapest—Always the Best. ay' 1 , lL t 111Maiueuittoe11114 Ih; I nuenl 14,. Mrs. Kilbride was a visitor last week with. Port Huron friends, Mrs, D. A. Ross of Nampa, Idaho, is visiting Mrs, W. J. Ross of town. Miss Jessie O'Neil intends leaving shortly for Toronto to- attend Faculty Mr. and Mrs. W. T. henry and Mr, amid Mrs. James Cornish Spent last week in Toronto. Rev. 3, K, FairfUll and Mr. D. Prior were in Auburn on church. business yesterday. Mos. James Shepherd was in Toronto last week visiting friends and tak- ing in the Big Fair. Mr, C, Witts has been in Toronto during the Exhibition time assist- ing in the piano exhibit. Miss Vera ('arbert left , on Monday for Heaslip, New Ontario, where she has accepted a school. Miss Blanche McIlveen ot Granton has been the - guest of Mrs. Mcdlvecin of town during the past week, Mr, and Mrs. A. Seeley, Itilfrid Seeley and Merrit Nediger and "Toots" West motored to Landon today. Mr, A. G. Virtue of Lethbridge, Alta., has been a guest at the home of My. and Mrs, J, Torramce cin:rmg the past week, Miss Bell Agnew has gone to Strat- ford to take a course at the Bus- iness College. .IIer friends wish her every success. Mr. A. T. Cooper was in Cliadiann over the weekend and on Sunday spoke there in the interests of the Dominion Alliance. Mr. Saanuel Agnew, who has, been in Fort William for score time, has returned cast and has accepted a position in Stratford. Mr. H. A. hessian returned to Tor- onto Monday after spending a few weeks at his home in town during hits mother's last illness. Mrs. G. D, McTaggart is in Toronto this week, having taken her daughter, Miss Margaret, down to I'avergal Ladies' College. - Mr. and Mrs. Ray Runnball returned Tltursllay last from their lioney- moors, trip and have taken up their residence residence on Huron street. - Mrs. C. W. Robb was called to Ham- ilton of Monday owing to the ,s,r- ious illness ot het brother, who had undergone an operation last woes. Mr, and Mrs Fred. Weir left this morning on a short honeymoon trip. They will return to town before leaving for their hone in the i 1 OUR SPECIALTIES. Singer Sewing Machines. It is not necessary for us to say anything about the good quality of Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputation for themselves. They are without a doubt the best household machine made. 1t you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over with ns. Ostermoor Mattresses are good mattresses. We will give you thirty nights free trial and if not satisfied return to us and get your tuoney back.- The price is $15. Domestic Vacuum Cleaners. Every house should own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner. They will clean your rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a week you will save all your sweeping and dusting. Free trial given. Price $12,50. Columbia Grafonolas. We invite you to come in and hear our Columbia Grafonolas and you will say they are the best toned and the most distinct 'talking ma- ehine you have heard. Come in and ask for any record and we will play it for you. n., Ball sc Atkinson Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors. Store Phone 104. N. BALL Phone 110. J, A. ATXINSON, Phone 1S6 iI 1 De Laval Cream Separator The World Standard. Ideal Green Feed Silos, Alpha Gasoline Engines, De Laval Oil and Wendott Cleanzer. Stock of repairs kept at my house 3 doors west of Commercial Hotel and repairing done Saturday afternoons. Also Agent for Newcombe Pianos. D. W. Hamilton, Phone 207 Clinton. NATION -AL" PORTLAND -GEMENT We.have just received a carload of the sane old brand of Portland Cement which bas always given you such com- plete satisfaction. It always fills your'requircments, You cannot make a,tssistake using the National, S. J. ANDREWS, ress Goods :Ready -to -Wear Garments :Furs All women want to know what the Fall and Winter Fashions are to be. Therefore, all wom- en await with considerable interest for Brown's announcement that the new styles, are in read- iness. Keeping in touch, as we do, with the authentic sources of inspiration, the fashions are always new -and correct. For months we have been planning, studying, working—on this dis- play. And now we invite you to enjoy the hospitality of this store, in its gale dress of rich aut- umn tints and fabrics, and to view the new styles in all their freshness and beauty. Are you in- terested ? Of course you are, and we shall be glad to have you attend this Display. A,,'Magnificent Showing of Women'..s Tailored Coats. That the styles of the new outer garments are already popular, is evidenced by °the fact that so many of our customers have already, chosen our naw coats, And we aresure that, after an inspection of the many models on display, you will agree with us, that the showing isa most satisfying one, in point of variety, beauty and price. • The New Coats are here in more wonderful variety than ever, Great, cosy coats, of soft, warm fabrics in autumn colors, many mixtures and softened plaids and over -plaids. Then there are the handsome coats of plush and fur -fabrics that bid fair to have first place in Fashion fav- or, for the many occasions when a separate coat is the only garment that meets your need. And no' matter what the material, coats are all on generous lines with flaring skirts, some with pleats, many with broad belts, some with military touches and nearly all designed to be worn either open or closed at the throat. RICH FUR SETS IN ARTISTIC NEW FASHIONS. One touch of fur transforms the whole costume—adds beauty and style as nothing else can and Fashion insistently demand furs this season., Therefore our stocks are abundant and unusually well assorted. Animal effects lead and muffs and neckpieces' show varied arrangements of heads, tails and paws. In neckpieces the stole made from a single skin and worn with the head and tail hanging over the shoulder, promises to be yery fashionable, The new muffs, are in round, pouch and pillow shapes, all varied in a number of ways. Long-haired furs—notably, fox and wolf—are extremely fashionable, but not to the exclusive of the ever– popular Mink, Hudson Sable, etc„ some very handsome sets being shown in these. New Goods That Will Also Add to the Interest of Your Visit. The:New Dress Goods and Silks --The New Velvets and Trimmings The New Coatings The New Waists The New Rugs and House Furnishings --The New Smallwares, Etc. Women's Store Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67, Men's Store nnowisT7 Mer(.hant Tailoring and Men's Furnishings Phone 103, Personals. Mrs. S. 13. Clarke of Ilanover is spending a few days in Clinton. Rev. S. J. 1\llirt returned on Tuesday evening from a few days holiday. at Toronto. Mts, I1. 13. Chant returned Tuesday after a visit in Toronto, St. Cath- arines and Unionville. Mrs. J. Johnston of Rattenbuty street was in Toronto for a few days last week, Mrs, 0. 13. Hanley of the London Road spent a few days haat week with Detroit friends. Mrs, L. Greig leaves today for Tor- onto to spend a fete weeks with her daughter, Mrs, Clark. Mrs. John Derry is spending a few days in Lcetdon with relatives and Iriends and in visiting the Fair,. Clinton Amionmipos The News -Record to an address in Canada to end O1 1915 for 25 cents. Mr. Earl Palmer of the Royal Bank staff returned to his duties yester- day after a fortnight's holiday; at southern points, Miss Jennie Robertson of the Molsons Bank staff has been visiting with relatives and friends in Brantford the past fortnight. Mt. Alex, 'Viitchcll has returned from sev- eralGuelph, where be has been for e v- oral months, and will now etiloy a well -carped holiday.. Hensall Mr.,Garnet Smallacombe of dueil'li has been holidaying with his ...other here. Mr, Hugh Buchanan of Guelph has been visiting in town. Mr. Kenneth Pore renn'ned last week to Merlin after speeding a ea cation here, Roy Neelands was in Tor Alto for a few days recently. MIr, Lloyd Davis of the M,i:rens Bank staff, Chesterville, is holiday- ing at his home here, Mr. and Mrs. II J. D. ('ocdse anti family, also Mrs, Shixray and Miss Christina, have returned to Tortnto after spending the summer at their residenee here. Hensall citizens are kerning in- terested in bringing in Hydro. :In up-to-date town like this should be hooked up with the Peoples Power, Mr. Cleve Joynt has returned after a business trip to Montreal awl. '1 or - The New Moderator of the Huron Presbytery. west. Rev. .T. A. and Mrs. Robinson ar- rivedin town on Saturday and Mr, Robinson conducted the serer es in St. Paul's ehureh for the first tune, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McFadden and little, daughter of London have been tine guests for a few slays this week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R. Jennison. Mrs. Robert Attridge left Tuesday morning for her hone at Brown City, Mich,, atter siending a cou,ple'. of months with her aunt, Mrs. Wm, Cantelon. Miss Jean McTaggart played tennis with the Godcrich club at, the tournament at London _last week and assisted therm in carrying oft the Weststn Ontario trophy, which they will hold for, a year. Mr., W. „A. I.,apraik, formerly head'I dyer at:the Clinton knitting mill, was in town yesterday on his way back to Toronto from Kincardine where he may accept a position similar. to the one he held here, Mr, F. D. Henry, son of Mt, W. C. Henry of town, who hasheld the position of choir leader in $t 13.n- dre,w's church, Blyth, for sover.al months, has gene to New York Oity and intends engaging in opera work. Mrs. Win, Stanley of Hcllnnesville, who was injured' by a fall some weeks. ago and who has been stay- ing with her sister, Mrs. J. G. Medd of town even since, is tecov- ering nicely but is not yet well enough to be reniovcd to her home. • Rev. Alfred Macfarlane "' of Bayfield: Hullett Township in the death of Mr. 'rhos. Fairser- vice, Sr., on Mondays Ilullett loses one of the oldest r:esislent.s. Ths late Mr. Fairscrvice wa's of Scottish birth but he had been a resident of this township for over half a century. He was twice married and is survived by his second wife, who was a sister of the first Mrs, p airservice, both being daughters of the late Anthony Tay- lor. Ho was a good neighbor and a staunch friend' and by the exercise of his Scotch thrift 'and untiring indua• try he had succeeded in gatheringtl- getlier a fair share of this world's goods. In rcifgion lie was a Preiu- byterian and a Liberal in politics A largo family of sons and daughters survive, several of who are resident in the township. The funeral takes place from the family residence on the 11th con., interment being mads in Burns' cemetery. I Mr, R. Morrison has disposed of L consist:13 of 18* acres onto. his proper y a of land with frame house and barn at \Valkerburn on the lith con., the purchaser being his ne;.hew, Nit, Robert Melrose.The frame though of what •vvas formerly', the carding mill ire reserved to sell separately. The flranx, is a splendid one. Mr, , Mor- rison or-rison purposes leaving next month for: Manitoba where, most of his' seaforth. Mr. (:leo. Mulholland has returned re e had been where h Hamilton � Item taking an officer's coutsc, He has offered himself for overseas service. Balyfield. Misses Josie and Late Stirling are spending the week in 'Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Tough and Miel:s Maggie Campbell are visiting friends at liyde earls this wcuk, Miss Jennie Erwin. left this week tot Midland, Mich., after spending the son have been Here from Glos�elans- past, few inoaths visiting friend's in visiting Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jani Bayfield and Clinton. Mr, C W Mk' Risen has gone to 'relatives live among whom he may visit friends at Willow City, Northhmake his home. Mt, Morrison has lived in this township for ov-el forty years. Hullett Township Mr. and Mrs. Mika McCauley and their little Nephew dross Up last week from Stratford and are spend -t ing a few clays among relatives is the township. Auburn Mr, Charles Asquith is now run ring an evaporator down. at Water vilic, Nova Scotia, where tliere is ss bigger crop of apples than in this Province. With his knowledge of the business and his well known energy he will undoubtedly make a success of the business. Just prior to his departure for the lower province he was united in marriage with Miss Amy Moughton of Churchill, the, este- mony taking place in St. Jude's church, Toronto, -and being performed by two brothers of the bride who art` Anglican clergymen. Dakota, Miss Ruth Vast Egmond has 'return- ed to Bradford, Penn„ to resume her: duties as a nurse -hi -training in the hospital Mere atter a vacationspent at hes: home in town. Miss Stella Purcell, daughter: of Mt, James Purcell of town Wa$ 100 17 - tied recently to Mn. Wm. Kelley of Oakville. They will sesidc in Soson- to Mr. ,Junes Carmichael of Wilton, N.Y., itas been here visiting his mother. Miss Fact Grieve has gone to 13er- liu to take a nursing course. Miss Vera, hunt is spending a fele weeks with friends in Cleveland and Detroit. Wingham Mr, and Mrs, Norman L. Brandon and child motored Ir:onn. St. Marys to visit the fornser''s parents last week. Mrs. Wilfrid Reich, Mr. Brandon'ssis- ter, accompanied them home. Mt. and Mrs. John Reid of Lower Winglsans have gene to Marengo, Sask., where they will spend two or three months. Mr. Jos, 'Pugh Isar, gone up to Kin- cardine to do a couple' of jobs of masonry. 'r:, and Mrs. Fred esl 'Taylor of Min- nodosa, Man., were visiting last week with with friends in town. &Ins. Fred Morris bas gone to O's - haws to join, Mn. Morris who has, taken a position there. Mr, and Ma, ; Edwin Cas'pell' aril Colborne Township. • Thos. Pennington of the Mait- land concession has decided to retire from fanning and will have an auc- tion sale at an early date. In thirty; yearn Mr: Pennington ltas has- scarce- ly a holiday and he feels that the time has now arrived when he should take things easier, News -Record Means News -Loader. Are you a swbs.etiber'1 New. Fall Footwear. The New Fall Shoes we how- mgaforre c t h e new season faithfully reproduced all the style features of the highest priced custom made, We can meet every possible requirement you may have in our line at moderate expense and guarantee thorough satisfaction with every pair. They are refined styles, made of the best materials and easily take the lead for quality and value, showingWeare an especially good line of wom- en's en's shoes in all leathers, buttoned or laced, at $3.50 These we have received and placed in stock. S. CHAPMAN PRONE 70