The Clinton News Record, 1915-07-22, Page 8Clinton News -Record July I5th, 1915 Getting Down to Faots., ,We think our;Shoes take the topmost position in vveryparticular ! , FOR STYLE, PIT, QUALITY, DURABILITY We believe our Shoes are generally conceded', even by our competors, to be SHOES OF,`UNUSUAL EXCELLENCE 1 The same careful attention is given to the style, fit and dependable quality of our $2,00, $2.50 arid $3.00 shoes as is given to our shoes costing $5,00 and $6.00. Getting down to facts we believe your shoe money will do better work here than it will at any other store UST CO lE SEE t Shoes for, men, for women, for the school boy and girl, for the very little people and for infants, FRED. JACKSON The Good Shoes Store. Wit Sale at Reduced Prices OF PRESERVING KETTLES1ALL SIZES. THE OLD ENGLISH GRAY GRANITE. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY ALL MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Gasoline 18e per gallon, Coal Oil 15c per gallon, A few 40 gallon Galvanized Tanks at $0.00, 40 gallons of oil at 14e, 40 gallons gasoline at 1 ie. See the DeLaval Cream Separator at out' store, —Tbe best on the market.— OLD OR SPARE RAZORS are required for the troops at the front. We are asked to receive them and forward to headquarters. Look them np quick and Leave them with as, HARLAND BROS. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES. Special Values In Scarce Goods. Table Linen Specials—Scarcely any line pertaining to the Dry Goods trade has been more affected by the present war conditions than Linens. Linens are scarce and Linens are fast becoming very expensive. At the present time however we are fortunate enough to have a good stock of popular priced Linens, all at the old values. See our special Linens at . 35c, 50c, 75c and $1,00. LADIES WHITE WARE—Never before has our showing of La. dies' Whitewear been larger or values better than at the present time, Ladies' Gowns from 50e. op. Ladies' Corset Covers 20c. and 50e, Ladies' Drawers 25c, 85c; and 50e. Ladies' Skirts 50e, up, Ladies' Combinations, Princess Slips, Etc, Try us for Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Etc, Piumsteei Bros. Small Profits — More Business Exceptional Offerings in Furniture. During the quiet times caused by the war the furniture manufacturers have been giving some big discounts on fur- niture, We have been able to take advantage of these dis- counts to stock our store with some of the best 'values we have ever offered and we invite those who contemplate buying furniture to come in and inspect our stock and get our prices before buying elsewhere, Ball Sc Atkinson FURNITURE DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS Night and Sunday Calls. N. BALL Phone 110 J. A. ATKINSON, [Phone 188 Blonse with Jabots Jumper and Suspender Skirts Draped, Gathered and Tucked Skirts Sleeves in Mitten and Leg -o' -Mutton Style These are new styles, and with many other up-to-date features are shown in the Standard Fashion -Sheet • for June A A free copy awaits you at our Standard Pattern Department W. D. FAIR CO. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best. amt au umtuntll ft ' imuulr lir. Barrister Brydone v/as in Goderichon Tuesday. Capt. C. E. Dowding has been in town for a few clays this week, Mrs. L. Greig has been in Seaforth visiting her son, Mr. J. C. Greig. Mrs. D. B. Kennedy returned Friday from visiting relatives at Caledonia. Mr. and Mrs. le, Kemp and Miss Nel- lie visited friends neat Belgrave the forepart of the week. Mrs. Cranston of Port Arthur arriv- ed last week on a visit to her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance, Miss Eleanor liartleib of Zurich has been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cantelon during the past week. Architect Fowler of Goderich was in town on Monday in,conncction. with the new addition to the Public Li- brary. Mrs. 'Edward Cotton and firs son, Eddie, Detroit, are visiting with her parents, 1Ir. and lefts. Thomas Mason, Sr, Misses Ruth and Carol Evans, little daughters of Dr. J, S. Evans, are spending a few weeks as the guests of Mrs. A. Bowes of Tiverton. Mr . Kearns left yesterday morning to visit her neice, Mrs. L. Carpen- ter of Buffalo, and also friends at Niagara Falls, Canadian side, Mrs. Walter King accompanied her sis- ter, Mrs. Poulton of Cleveland, to myth on Saturday where they vis- ited with another sister, Mrs. Ben- nett, Mrs. Melville Torrance and little Miss Audrey leave today for their home in Toronto after a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance of town. Mr. McRoberts and his daughter, bliss Flossie, of London have been visit- ing relatives and friends in town and in Goderich township during the past week. Mrs. W. P. McIntosh and children, who were here from Montreal visit- ing the lady's mother, Mrs. Young, for a fortnight, returned last week to, their home. Miss Kate Scott spent the week -end in London and on her return Mon- day was accompanied by her sister, Miss Jean, who had been spending a fortnight in the Forest City. Mrs Webster of Goderich township and Mise Gladys Cantelon of town left Saturday, for Flint, Miele, where they will be the guests of Rev W. H. and Mrs. Cole. Mr. Chas. F. Libby, .manager of the Knitting Company, accompanied by his Western Ontario traveiler, Major H. B. Combo, spent a couple of days in Toronto this week on huffiness. Mr. and Mrs S. C. Andrews and two children of Alix, Alberta, are spend- ing some weeks. as thin guests of the farmer's parents, Judge and Mrs. S. J. Andrews, and with other fri- ends in town. Mr. Chas. Parker, the veteran Uret- er of Bayfield; was in town Mon- day making arrangemients for the coming season. IIe does good work, so anti therefore, ends little difficul- ty in getting lots of it. Mr. John Torrance left on Monday for Toronto where he intended visiting his brother's before leaving for Leta - bridge, Alberta. He liad been spend- ing a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance of •town, ,Mrs. Emerson and her daughter, Miss Hattie, of Winnipeg, whim are spend- ing some time in the east and whet have been ghosts ' during, the past week of the former's ,sister, Mrs; H. 13.. Chant, leave the end of the week. They are also visiting friends in Toronto, St. Catharines and oth- er places before returning home. Messrs; Ben Cole and John and How- ard Sterling are at Aliso Craig where they are erecting a dwelling for Mr.' Clatworthy who motored up with them Saturday. On hit return trip lie was accompanied by Messrs. Arthur Whittingham and Jervis who remained with hint until the follow- ing evening when he Caine back for his carpenters. ABILITY. The attitude of the purchasing public determines the success of any establishment ; for the moment sustained •sensational special selling may reign supreme—but in the end actual merit and unvarying excellence find practical appreciation, Great Price Concessions on Fancy Parasols and Cotton Dress coeds. Parasols Newest shades and shapes, regular •$2,50 and $2.00 for $1,779. Regular $1.60 and $1,25 for 98c. Cotton Dress Goods Silk stripe Voile, Brocade 'nicotine and check Ratine, Regular 60 cents for 39 cents, Two Extra Specials. These lines are limited in quantity and if you would share in the offerings you must act NOW. Plains Cotton Ratines 92 inches wide, 4 colors only, regular 90c au.i $1,00 for 69c.. Black Pailette Silk Ask for "Empire de -Luxe" purple edge, 36 inches wide, $1.00 per yard. Ladies' Rain Coats. If the present season does not suggest a Rain Coat a sudden downpour catching you unprepar- ed, WILL. The Rain Coat can be worn anywhere, at any time, the most useful garment a lady can have in her wardrobe. These are all "Made-In-Uanada" garments, are most generously cut, and most carefully tailored. Buying them at any time here you pay the lowest market prices, when the superior manufacture and fit as well as quality of material used, is considered. We are showing an Extra Special at $6.75. Agents for Priestley's Dress Goods. EROWN's Agents for Butteri ck' Patterns. i About People You Know Mr. Frank O'Neil was in London on Tuesday. Mr. Wilmer Wallis of Toronto is hol- idaying ,at his hotue in town. Mr. C. J. Wallis has received the ap- pointment of county constable. Mr. Oliver Johnson was in town on Sunday attending the funeral of the late R. J. Chili. Mr, and Mts. James Connolly of God- erich were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Morrish. Miss 'Hattie Courtice is spending the week at Sum—R—In cottage, Ray - held, as the guest' of Mrs. Couch, Mrs. (Rev.) Hilty is spending the summer with her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) H. P. Westgate of Shel- bourne. Miss Margaret Mahatfy has returned from a holiday visit with her sis- ter, Mrs. Was. Sparks of the Bron- son Line, Stanley. Mrs, Walter Morris and Miss Marion have been in London during this past week visiting Mr. Morris, who is in the training camp there. Mr. and Mrs, F. Murch and family and Mr, and Mrs. Will. Murch ,aid family spent Sunday among rela- tives at Auburn and Goderich. Mrs. J. Ilodgens and Miss Edith Hod - gene left on Monday after spending several weeks with friends here, to visit the former's two 'sons in 0•0.1- erielu. • Mr. and , Mrs, . Joshua Cook and little Miss Vera and Elmer returned Mon- day after: a fortnight's • visit with friends at London, Sarnia and De- troit and other places. Mr. Clarence Paisley of the Royal - Bank stall left • on Monday to spend his holiday period with his • sister, Mrs, at her summer cottage at -Tecumseh, • • Mich. Mrs. Harry Josling who, • accompanied by her two, sons, Charlie and Har- old, 'spent ass enjoyable fortnight with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mason, Sr„ left yesterday* for her home in Detroit. Mr. Alex. Elliott of Philadelphia has been visiting his brothers, Messrs. W. J. and David Elliott of town, and alto with his brother, Mr. G. H. Elliott, and relatives in. fender- ich township during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Holloway, Miss Hattie Holloway and Mr. I. Ratten- hury left. on Tuesday morning on a motor tour to Peterboro, going by Toronto. They :will spend the week with Dr• and Mrs. Holloway at Pet- erboro, Mr. Atkins' of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Somerville • of Acton niot- oeed up fron>, Toronto on Sat- urday and are the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cook. Mrs, 'Atkins and little son cane a week earlier, Mr. L. E. Doherty came down from Godericli for the week -end and_ on his return home' on Monday was ac- companied by Mrs. Doherty and Miss Mary, who had been spending a week or so with the lady's another, Mrs.. James Smyth, Miss Clota Dunford left on Saturday to spend a fortnight with Lucknow friends, Miss Ruby Kitty is in Toronto. taking a special summer course at the Un- iversity. Miss Mary Turner of Tuckersmith is the guest this week of Miss' Marion G i bbin gs. Miss Richardson visitor et the home of Mr. and Mrs. '1'hos..Churchill the. past week. - Mrs. Annie Colclough of the Base Line is visiting her son, Rev, J. H. Colclough, Toronto. Misses Wanda Curtin and Vera Craw- ford of Ripley are the guests of Miss Hattie Greig. Mr. Wickham of Bobeaygeon was the guest over the week -end of his 'sister, Mrs. Dowding. Mrs. W. S. Lawrence of Ottawa is the guest • of her sisters, the Misses Whitely, Huron street. Mrs. I-Ianrley and two little neices of Toronto are visiting the former's 'sister, Mrs. T. A. Greig. Mrs. Bristowe and little grand -daugh- ter Mary left Monday to spend a week or se at Point Farm. Mrs. (Dr.) MacCallum of Kingston is "spending a few weeks at her Par- ental home, that of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wiseman. Miss Edna Jackson returned to Buf- falo on Monday after a fortnight's visit at the parental home, that of Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Jackson, Mee. J. W. Elliott, returned Tuesday evening after sending a week at. "Lighthouse Cottage," Goderich, where inspector Oliver Johnson and family are spending the summer. Rev. J, K. and • Mrs. Fair - full anti Miss Lillian Pirated!. left lent week for a, holiday visit with friends at Leamington, Har- row and other points,. They ,will be absent several weeks; Mr. H. B. Chant returned home Tues- day evening after spending a couple of, weeks at the suummner home of his brother, Prof. Chant, .. at Go Home Bay, Georgian Bay. Ire was in Toronto over the week -end. Mrs. Edward Ilamuhr"d .mid her two children, Ottawa, who have been visiting. et the parental home., • "Whitehall," G-oderich township., is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs, Chas. K. Taylor of near h. Dr.Blyt1V, and Mrs. Gunn arrived home Friday evening after a most! enjoy- able three months' ' trip through 'several of the States of the Union and also Western Canada. They went down to New Orleans whore they spent some little time then went west to California, spending several weeks in that .flowery State and, of course, visiting the Exposi- tion at San Francisco, and• came home. through British Columbia and the Canadian west. Former citi- zens of Olinton•were met at almost all points,. the weather was ideal, and as it 'was a trip taken prin- cipally for the pleasure iof it, was most thoroughle enjoyed The News From Londesboro. bliss il', Bell spent a few clays this week with Woodstock friends, Mise L. Mains is spending a feev weeks with friends in London, nulls Weirs of Hamilton was the guest •for a few clays of Miss Maud Lyon. Misses E. Lyon and A. Braithwaite and Mrs. W. Lyon retailed Tuesday after spending a, week at St. Thomas at Die summer school, The Misses Turner of Blyth were guests at the manse for a few days this week. Mrs. le, Ball of Clinton spent a few days at the home of her brothel, Mr. 'Phos, Samp.+m. Mr. John Johnston is fixing up lits threshing machine in readiness foe the season which will soon lie upon us, Mr. John Nott has engaged with him as engineer and Mr. Geo. Craw- ford to draw water. Mr. and Mrs, D. Geddes spent Sunday at Grand Bead; going by motor with Dr. and Mrs, Allison from Blyth. The Londesboro branch of the Wo - niece's institute intend holding a pic- nic in Mr. Ernest Adams' grove on Lon.desboro's civic holiday, ilvgust 5th, and everybody wishing to *mend the. clay pleasantly will be made wel- come. Come along and bring a bas- ket and enjoy the day in the woods. Miss r., Taylor returned last week from a, visit with her mother in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Marsh of Auburn. spent Sunday at the home of Mr' Geo. Lyon, Miss Maud Lyon has been appointed as deaconess at , St. Johns, New- foundland, and leaves to take up her work in August, Miss Lyon's many friends will heartily wish her sae, cess • in her chosen work. Jelik Mr, and Mrs. N. Carter, Mr, tee Mrs. W. Hiles •and Miss Annie of Seaforth spent Sunday with friend:. here. Good. Moping 1 News -Record meane. News -Leader. Are you a sumieriher'r' Constance. Mr.. and Mrs. Love of Walton visit- ed their daughter, Mrs. Eel, Britton, one clay last week, NLS. John Carter, Jr., is now under the care of a doctor. Mrs. Peter Papineau and slaughter of Strathroy are visiting friends iv.. and around the village. Postmaster Rogers and daughter -h Toronto are the guests of Mr, Chas, McGregor and of other friends here. abouts. Miss Marget Riley returned on Sun- day from a visit with friends in Tuck- ersmitli. Mrs. Adam Glazier. and children of Clinton visited the lady's mother, Mrs. Cole, one clay last week, JULY SHOE ANEW SALE. Our fifth semi-annual shoe sale is proving a greater success than we anticipated, and to make it still more interesting to you, we will this week place on sale ad- ditional lines at prices that move them out quickly, Women's Patent and Kid Oxferds,regular $3.00, sale price $1.98 Women's Patent Pumps, regular $2,50 a nd $3,00, sale price 1.98 Women's Kid Oxfords, sizes2, 2, 3, 8t, 4, reg. $2,50 to $3.00 s,p, .88 Men's Tan Calf Boots, regular $4,50 to 5.00, sale price 2.98 Boy's Fine Boots, regular $2.50 and $8.00,, sale price .98 Men's Canvas Boots, regular $2,00 to $2.50, sale prise .98 B. S. CHAPMAN PmQNE 70