The Clinton News Record, 1915-07-22, Page 5July 15th, 1915 Clinton -News -Record mismarim There Is Still Plenty To Do. • The, following is a letter reeeiveil bY . , he Londesboro branch of the Vtionten's. Institute, which has been doing a large amount of patriotic :work, from the atom -Secretary of. the Canadian .i War Contingent Association and it 0011- .tainsinntination which will be nse-a lei to any similar body 61 women ea- . gaged in such work : • , Dear Madam, --Among tha largo num- ber of eases unpacked by :its this week, is a consignment from your Sateiety. I am directed by the Ladies.' Cont-. mitten to say that the things reeeived froth you are not only of a very high order but most uaeful. and beautifully packed, We sometimes reeeive.- eases with no list or any indication, .of ithe• .punabers of the contents whieh, makes the counting, sorting and entering of the things into our books more dif- ficult than it need be. You may :have noticed that the British War Office ,hak requested that for the pre- •sent no more comforts other than kooks and handkerchiefs be, sent W -the front and we arc storing our •garnients for the, 'simmer season, but • we shall continue to need , as many socks and handkerchiefs as the , Cana. - •..than people can send us, We forward to the front on an average 10,000 pairs ot socks a month and large quantities of handkerchiefs. You would •••seareely believe the huge consign- ments of tobacco, candies, chelving gum, soap, stationary, games outfits, , etc. which go to the men at the front. •This Association has equipped and maintains the (teen's Canadian Mil/ - tarp Hospital at Shorneliffe. This hospital was Beachborough Park, the residence of Sir Arthur Markham, who presented it to the Association. Sir Wm. Osler and Dr. Donald Ar- mour , are the Chief Surgeon and Phy- sician. We are at present adding, two mew wings to the hospital which will :give us an extra, 100 beds. We have at present Canadians front all parts of the Dominion and their splendid pa- tience, courage and cheerfulness make us Proud of our countrymen. In a let. -ter recently received from Queen Mary •after thanking the Ladies' Committee for all they have, done she asks us to 'concentrate all our present energies on the hospitals. Therefore if your In- stitute and the other Institutes in the surrounding parts are so lcind as to continue their interest in the ef- forts of the Association. 1 must say that for the next few months socks iand hospital supplies will be very use - qui, more so than anything else. Sheets should be 116 inches in length • instead of 110 inches on account ot the new surgical beds whin have been installed throughout the hospital. In thanking your Institute, for its splen- did donations this Committee would ibe extremely grateful if you Would spread the above information in pour neighborhood. With grateful thanks, Siacerely yours, • ELEANOR McLAREN BROWN Hon. -See. Ladies' Com, C. W. C. A. A Much Respected Resident of Hullett Passes Away. There, Passed away at her home in -.5.1 Mullett on Saturday week, one of 'th.:t. 'highly esteemed residents of that see- ition, in the, person of Mrs. .Jaeob rungblut. Tile late, Mrs. Yunghlut, whose maiden name was Isabel Patterson, was born in the township of North if *age :East Hope, Perth County, hi the year 13,17, and was married to her new 'bereft Inehand at Stratford by the Rev, M, McPhereon, on the 23rd of March, 1876, and immediately; after- wards came to lot 32, 000. 1,1, Mul- lett, where she has sinee resided. She was a woman of ashnirable qual- ities and much esteemed in the neigh- borhood in which she lived for so grimly years. ' In religion she was Presbyterian ;and a member of ;Vulture church. . To Mr, and Mrs. N'ungblut was born a family of eight—two boys and tsix girls., namely, Mrs. ,John Nott of Londesboro, Mrs. George Westbrook of oderich, Miesea Elizabeth, Jessie Ann, Maggie Jane Mice and Messrs. •'William and Henry! at home. •'Besides her immediatefamily dee 'ceased leaven to mourn their loss brother and sister, Air. Robt. Pat- • terson on the homestead near Shake. .speare and Airs. Fred Yeneehlut eof *Mullett. The funeral 'was conducted by Rave bit. Lang of Auburn, and interment, rbook place in, rho linion cemetery. The pallbearers were William and • ItIenry Yungblut, sons ; John W., 'Robert and Jacob Yungblut and R. Pattersen, nephews, Farmers Are Warned to • Beware of Strangers. 'Toron to, Jul y 5.—That Ontario 'farmers may lie proteeWd, the, city police today made public the details of a huge swindle perpetrated by a man who made. Toronto his head- quarters mntil a week ago, when he vanished. Againat the man scores. of 'compltiints have been regiStered by 'Ontario farmers. Thousands of dol- lars are involved in the swindle. This man, under the name of Kelly, opened t business at 221 King street east, same foul: weeks ago, according to the police. sant out six agents on motor cycles to purchase produce ,to he -paid for on delivery at `Por- to/Ito. The ageets, according to the police, were instructed to meet the farmer as to prices. In some cases they dealt directly, with the farmer, and in •other Motances worked through • Tillage and town stores. The goods were obtained froin the express companies and freight offices by o, man who signed the name of. StanleyTownship Miss Maggie Claris of Berlin is spending her vacation under the Par- ental roof. Mr. • Wm. Taylor has improved his residence by adding a beautiful vee- andah, Mr. 'Amos of Stephen visited friends in this vicinity last. week. Mr, and hire. Wilson Ai:nista:011g spent the Glorious 'Twelfth M Lon., tr • Goderieh, • Miss Christie -of Bathilton IS a , guest at the, harhe of Mies Ruth Hans- ilton, Mrs. James Strong and her grand- son, Harold, are spending a traV weeks With friends at Leamington, Windsor and Detroit. Mrs, J. E. Mitch and little daugh- ter visited the lady's mother, Mrs, Aitelieson of Winghaan, last week. Mr. F. W. Robinson has gone on a holidap.trip to the, Canadian West.. Rev. J. B. and Mrs. Fotheringham and littltt daughter are enjoying a hol- iday at Parry Sound. Rev. G. E. Ross and family are holidaying at their summer opt:barge at, Bayfield, Mr. A. E. 13radwin is taking over the Sarnia Post, a weekly paper in that city, and left last week to as- sume his new duties. The local Knitting Company has re- ceived another largo order,, for the Government, MeOsrs. Will T. and Ben Smith of Chicago have been making their annu- al holiday visit to their home in South street. Mrs. W T. Smith and her mother,' Mrs. Herr, accompanied them, Miss Florence 0 raharn of New York and Miss Nellie graham of Toronto are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Graham of East street. Miro, A, Carrick, who, was within a few weeks of her ninety-sixth birth - dap, passed away on Sunday week after a Short illness. Mr. E. Belcher, who hes been leader of the choir of Victoria church for the past fifteen years and ‘010 has re- signed, was presented by the choir with a gold -headed cane at a social gathering held at the home of Mise Brace froggarth last week, Chief Constable. Cliaseatt warns On- tario farmers agaieslr answering ad-, vertisements inserted in daily papers by strangers regarding the purchase of their produce and -cautions them_ not to do business with men of whom dltcy ktoitV nothing. Seaforth. Mrs. Appleton and daughter of Seat- tle, Wash., and Mrs. Francis of Min- neapolis were guests at We home of Mrs. Thos. -Daley for a few days int, cently. Mr. James 13urrows, who. came up from Dorchester to visit his son, Dr. Burrows, was taken with a slight at- tack of paralysis while here and has been. unable to return home. Mr, Arthur McLean is down front Grand Prairie, Peace River District, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Y. McLean. Mr. Herrick of the Bank of. (om- merce has been transferred to the branch at Sudbury. Mrs. (Dr.) Mulligan of Grand Forks, North Dakota, is 'spending a tow weeks with her mother, Mrs. T. Mc- Quade. Mrs, Frank Beattie of Iola, Kansas,. is here visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beattie She spent a few' days loot week with Hamilton friends. Mise Annie McLeod of Detroit is spending her vacation with her mother in town. Miss Norma Earthy is visiting brother, Dr. Russel Hartry 'at Wiar- tom Miss Kate McDougall, who has been here from Grand Forks, North Dako- ta, for some Weeks visiting friends, left last week accoinpanied by MiSS Crosby and Miss Mary Crosby to vis- it at Montreal, Ottawa and Vankleek Hill. They went by boat from Tor- onto to Montreal, Hensall On Saturday morning while all the members of the ,family of Alex. Buch- anan, who reside about a mile east of Hensall, were engaged in milking and other duties ab the barn, some of them noticed smoke and flames arising from the summer kitchen. They at once rushed to the house, but the lire had gained such headway that nothing could be done. A tele- phone message for help was sent to Heneall and in a short time several auto loads were on the. scene. The furniture and bedding 'was carried out -in a very few minutes, but not a sec- ond too soon, as the flames made rapid progress and soon .destroyed the house, The. residence was of brick with metallic' roof, and Was built many years ago by 1Vir. Stone- man, who formerly owned the farm., The insurance on the house was small ^only $1,000—which will go but ra short way towards replacing the building, An Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan had a son killed by accident a sisott time ago, much sympathy is telt .(00 them ia this second misfortune. Zurich IVIr. Roy Appel of Stratford, is spending a vacation at his horne,' in town. Dimgannon Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Treleaven of Toronto visited friends in the village over a week -end recently. The dates of the Dim -gab -nen fall fair has bean fixed for October 7th and ,81;11. • , FRUIT BULLETIN' A Warning! If you have not ,ee- eurecl your Raspberries, see your grocer at on ce, Niagara Pen inenla, grown Black Caps and • Onthberts are 51 then, best. For can ningthey ,can't be beat. Next weeks ends Raspberries. Black Currants a few Read Section 141' of the Liquor License Act. The Ontario Licenee Board ot com- missioners have now instructed their officers, to lay all informations for drunkenness in Canada Temperance Act counties as well as other ito license municipalities under section 141 which reads 'as follows :— Sect. 141 :—V11:4ere In a municipality in which a Local Option By-law is in forceor hi:which no tavern or shop license is issued a person is found upon a street or in anypublic place in an intoxicated condition •owing to the drinking of liquor; he shall be guilty of an offence against this Act, and upon any prosecution for such an offence he shall be compellable to state the name of the person from whom and the place in . which Ile obtained such liquor, and in. case of his •refusal, to do so he shall be im- prisoned for a period of not exceeding three, nionBiS or until he discloses Filch information. 2 Geo. V. c. 55, s. 13. Sect. 79 --Provides the penalty for violation of above clause and imposes a fine of from .$20 to $50 and costs for the first offence, $40 to $00 for the second offence and for a third of- fence three months in jail without the option of a fine. Since May 1st some cases have been tried under the municipal act but in future all eases. of drunkenness in dry territory will be severely dealt with and aloe made to tell where they got their liquor, , A. T. COOPER, President Huron Counry Branch Dom- inion Alliance. Myth Miss Maude Ring of Berlin, N.J., is visiting her parents, Mr. mid hirs.. George. King. Mrs. Carter of Sault Ste Marie, Mich., who has been visiting his par- ents, at Auburn, called on Blytli -fri- ends last week. Mrs, D. 13oyd and daughter of Chi- cago are visiting the lady's parents, Mr: arid Mrs. Richard Adams. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. McTaggart and Master Mark visited last week with theformer's parents at Exeter. Mr. Robt. McQuarrie and family are here from Manitoba visiting the for- mer's mother, Mrs. H. McQuatrie. Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Taylor and Mrs. Hepburn and daughter of Port Stanley were guests last week at the home of Mr, N. A. Taylor and with other fri- ends ie the vicinity. Happenings of Fifteen Years Ago. Happenings in Clinton at the Opening of the Centrcy. Taken- from the Files of The • News -Record of the date indicated. • • • Clinton, July 19t1i, 1900; Mr, W. U. Latornel of the. Molsons Bank staff left Saturday for Fat Wil- liam to visit Itis ,brother, who is eon— meted with the IVIbisons Bank there. He went by boat from Sarnia being loined there by Mr. Rand of the C.I. staff. Mr. W. Jackson ticketed the follow- ing persons to the west 'during the past week : Mrs. Oliver ;Whitson to Winnipeg, Man ; Mrs. Robt. Moore to Nesbitt, Man. ; Mrs. john McMurray to Weyburn, Assa. ; John Lovett and •Dr. •Ball to Carndaff, Assa. ; and Mr. T. Jackeon, Jr.; and Miss Irene to In- dianHead, Assa., : where the lat- ter , will visit 501110 weeks while her father makes a- tour of •the Ter- ritories. • IVIr, Albert Seeley has bought out the Onward Bicycle Repair Shop from bit. William. Downs. While operating a jointer in I4cKen- zie's mill the other day Mr. }leap MeBrien bad the misfortune to have the second finger of his left hand bad- ly out. The Market Report. Wheat 70c to 710: . Goose Wheat 68c ta 70e. Oats 28c. Barley 38c to 40e. Butter in erode 13c to 14e. Butter in Tub lle to 15c. , Eggs 9c to 100. Live Hogs 60.10 to $6.25: Wingham Mrs, A. E. Simmons of Brandon, Man., is spending a few weeks with friends in town. Dr. .1. A. 'Irwin and daughter, Misn Oneida, are Making quite, an extended tote Or the Western States and will return via Vancouver and the Cana- dian west. Aliso A. Haines, who has been lit Ilaileybury for some time past and who has been holidaying at her home here, has gone to Sault Ste. Marie to take a Position as operator for the 0.1',12. Mrs. .J. E. Mitch and lit tie daugh- ter of Goderielt and Mr. Thos. Aiteh- eson or Hamilton were here last week visiting their mother, Mrs. Wm. Alt- clieson. Her. J. W. Hibbett, was in St. Thomas teat week attending the Sum- mer Schaal. • Mrs, Robb. Lindsay and dnughter, Miss Alva, . of Winnipeg are the...guests of Mra, Geo, Spotion. Mr. and Mrn. L. Ponder are spend- ing a week or so in Detroit. Mr. John Kaiser, operator at the G.T.R., hais gone to Georgetown to take a similar position. Mr. S. H. Milne of Alma succeeds his here. Miss Marguerite Homuth received the gold medal in vocal work at the Whitby Ladies' College and obtained her A.T.C.M. with honours in two years. Pte. "Lochle" Aitcheson, son of Mrs. Wn. Aiteheson of town, died in hospital in England last week after being ill for many weeks. This makes the, rah death among the twenty-sev- en men who •onlisted from Wingham. Mr. Chas. M. Ewing, who held the position of classical teacher in the Wingham High school for the poet cou- ple of years and who resigned to en- list, was sant a handsome gold watch fob by his old students in Wingham who received a reply of warm thanks from him. Rev, S. Sellery, a former popular pastor ‚of Wingliam Methodist church but now of Na,panee, has been' calling on old friends bare being the guest while in town of Arr. and Mrs. F. (4. Sperling. Dr. Lloyd Fox. of Battle, Creek, Mich. has been in town viSititig his brother, Dr. J. A. Fox. MiSS Nellie Thorp of Detroit i', spending, a vacation ani the 'peat of Miss, Florence Jarvis. Zurich Miis Eleanor I-Iartleib of Toronto has been home spending a vacation, • 1VIrs. 1./eichert and her neice, Miss Inez Yungblut are spending a few weeks with friendei in Detroit. Mrs. W. L, Seibert has gone to via- ili in the west and will prob- ably he absent some months. Rev. A . D. and Mrs, Gisehler and family , of Milverton • were here last week visiting friends. Rev. Mr. Miller, who has been pas- tor of St. Peter's Evangelical eburch here for the past two years, has ac- cepted a call to a church in New C9.stle, Pa. Miss Miranda Brown, daughter of Rev. G. F. and Mrs.Brown, has been engaged by S. S. No, 4, Hay, for the coming school term. Dr. 13. A. Campbell and family are holidaying in Toronto. Mrs. Jacob Brawn and Miss Ada We been visiting friends at Berlin. 141isfi Ellen Pope of Itiensa31.., was the guest last week of Miss Dorothy Zurich - Mrs. John Sehilbe of Detroit is visiting friends and relatives hero - abouts. • Marriages WALKER—NORWAY— At Niagara Falls on July 13th, by Rev. A. K. Birks, Frolic E. Walker, son of Mr, Robt. Walker of the Huron Road, to Margaret Norquay. KINDERSLEY—CAMERON—At the home of the bride's parents, Brueefleld, June 30th, Harriet Cameron, to William Henry Kin- dersley, Saskatchewan. Births MO 011E—Tn CI i n ton on July nth , 10 Ole, and Mrs. Robert L. Moore, a mt. CRAWFORD—In Mullett, to Mr. and Mrs. R. II, Crawford, a daughter. WESTGATE—At St. Paul's rectory, Shelburne, on. July 19th, to Rev. 11. P, and Mrs. Westgate, (nee Kiltp) a son. WEBSTER—In Mullett on July 18th, to 'Mr. and Mea, Joseph Webster, a daughter, FARRIER—In 'West Wawanosh,, on July 13th, to .11/Ir.• and Mrs. W. R. Farrier, a sem NAFTEI—In Goderich township, on July lith, to Mr.and Mrs, 1' T. E. C. Naftel, a datighter. LITNBY—In Goderich, • on july 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lumby, a daughter. Deaths MUFF —itt Clinton, OS. July 16114, Rolst1 J. Crl uff, • .-aged 64 rears. GRAY — in Winginua, on July, 12th, William Wesley Gray, aged 75 Years and 4 months. - WHYARD—At Dun.gaamon, on July . 14111, .tames Whyard, in his 8151; year, CARRICK—In Goderieh, on .Tulp 10th Isabella Hill, relict of the late Andrew 'Carrick, aged 85 years, 10 months and .13 days. FOR SALE AT BARGAIN PRICES. —Large Gurney Range, Singer Sew- ing Machine, Iron Bed and Met- tress.—ApplyE. D. Holland, 102 Princess St. —94 poR SALE, — jl YOU14'C1. DRIVER three years past. Well broken and not scared of autos, they don't bother her a bit.—Also one buggy in good shape.—George Ladd, Section Foreman, Holmesville. • TENDERS CARNEGIE ANNEX. Tenders for Contract No. 6 - for the Metal Work and Roof- ing and Contract No, 7 fon the Plastering will be remixed up to the 51111 day of AligtISL. Plans and Specifications may be 55051 at 111j1 office. No tender necesoarily ac- cepted. W. BRYDONE, Chairman Public Library Board. —93-2 FOR SALE.—A NUMBER OF 0001) fresh cows and springers will be sold privately. Time will be 'given .with bankable paper. Apply to—W. Marquis, 5, R. No. I, Clinton. Phone 14 on 08. —86 HENS AND. I3ROILERS WANTED, highest market iprice will be paid.— W. Marquis, R. R. 1, Clinton, Or Phone 14 on (36. —87 SUMMER HOTEL, KNOWN AS THE bormhercial, situated on Lake Mar - one will be sold reasonable as the Proprietor intends 'to give up the business. For particulars apply to H. 'Darrow, Bayfield Ont. FARM FOR SALE.--TBID ,JAMES Boss farm on the London Road, part lot 13, concession 1,„Stanley Tp., 42 notes will he sold at am - lion on September 3rd, 1915, Pot particulars apply to The Canada Trust Company, London, Ont., or W. Brydone, Selicitor, Clinton. • Dated this 29th day of June, 1915. HOUSE AND THREE ACRE'S OF Land: foe Sale on the London Road, one mile south of Clinton, better known as We Jackson. properly, Two story frante house, small bank barn. Small orchard, hard and soft. water. Reasonable terms.—Ap- PlY to Mrs. Philip Roweliffe, 'R. R. No, 5, Clinton, —92-3 HOUSE FOR SALE.—THE PRO - pertly of the, late Mrs, Thos, East, Frame, 7 rooms, good cellar with cement floor, wood shed and efficken pen, all in good repair, 11 fruit trees, applee, plums, cherries and Par.—Apply to H. WiItse, Phone 10. —86 CLOTHES CLEANED, REPAIRED and Pressed and at the' shortest possible notice. Both Ladies and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Room over Mr: Grigg's Jewelrp Store.—Wm. Jago. —55. CREAM WANTED..— DAIRYMEN having main to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par, We pay the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test. 'resting done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial- -Tho Seaforth Creamery, Box 486, Seafortla. ” ROUGH ON RATS. " CLEARS out Rats, Mice, etc. Don't Die in the House. 150 and 25e. at Drug and Country Stores. —85-6 PAPER HANGING. ---I AM PREPAR- ed to do Paper Hanging and Paint- ing promptly and at moderate cost. I guarantee my work to give satis- faction. Let Inc have your order early before the spring rush begins. —Wm. A. Mason, Princess street. —74 News -Record to end of year for 50e, WANTED 10,000 Dozen Non' Fertile New Laid Eggs Each Week We are prepared to Pay a premium for eggs from flocks where there are no male birds, eggs to be not over 1 (lays old. BROILERS AND FAT 'HENS WANTED. ; Do not hold pour poultry un- til tall when the market is glutted and the price is cut in two. Sell now while the prices, ate high. SEED BUCKWHEAT AND MILLET. We nave a good supply of buckwheat and millet at reas- onable prices. Have you tried our Quebec Maple Syrup 7 We have only a few cans left. A carload of Shorts and Bran .due to arrive this week. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm, Jenkins A Biscuit for Every Taste and Prices.„1 Right, 'With 30 or 40 varieties of fancy biscuits 1;o choose from,. There is no need heating up the oven and kitchen during hot weather making cakes and codiries. Therc is a dainty and wholesome wafer or biscuit in our store for every taste, Here are a few suggestions, a bargain while they last: Molasses saps 3 lbs. for 25c. Pine apple sandwiches, Vanilla Bar and Lemon biscuits 2 lbs, for 28e, And other varieties of dainty and delicious taste). When you are going camping or pic- nicking look over our window and put will see our suggestions for your picnic or camp Johnson & co. The Store of Qualtiy. Successor to S. Barr. Phone 111. ?hone orders pronaptlyj attendisd to THE CORNED STORE Live and Let Live Why bother with the hot fire. When you can get such delicious and nourishing cooked meats ready, to serve, • Now that the warm weather is, at hand we would urge that. you •use more of those wholesome, cooked meats. All of out: meats are of a selected quality and we can confi- dently say that you will be greatly pleased with them. Here area few suggestions Cooked Ham—What is more delici- ous than a slice of it, Veal Loaf—A creator of appetite ia itieelf for a warm day. Cooked ,Specialty—This is a 1110S1 appetising cold meat line. Breakfast 13acon—In the cool of the morning these arc splendid lines to nerve. Bologna Sausage'—Nicely Savored and made by a reputable firm. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Anything You WANT DONE IN TSR LINE OF ROOFING, EAVETROUGH- M.G. PLUMBING, HJ1iATING, LIGHTNING RODS, ETC. CALL AND GET OUR PRIC- ES, ALWAYS BEST, OFTEN CHEAPEST. BYAN1 & SUITTER Sanitary Plumbers. Phone 7. Western University, London, Income Doubled—now $75,000. Another Large Addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine. GREATLY INCREASED ENIIOL MENT IN VIEW. i• Write for particulars. to E. E. BRAITHWAITE, M.A., Ph. D. PRESIDENT. The Clinton Garage Open All:Night. 9'he season is now on for Gasoline Stoves. Why not buy filtered gasoline out of our Bowser pump, which passes the gasoline threubh fine screens and a filter. Prices always the lowest. We keep on hand a stock of Automobile Supplies and. Bicy- cle Repairs and do all kinds of repairing promptly and at a reasonable charge, Auto Livery in connection. J. H. PAXMAN CEMENT! We have on band a'ear- load of Portland cement and all"orders for same will° be filled promptly. • . JOHN HUTTON, LONDESORO. Tufla Fish makes the salad the season. . Something new and pleasing to the taste, very r i c h, chicken meat, just the thing f o r summer salads. Ask for Tuna Fish or Chicken of the Sea, only tic per tin. W O'N111 CHIMNEY TOPS. It's a trade to build a good chim-t ney and to repair a roof. It takes more than a sheet of metal, a hot iron and solder, it requires exper- ience. If your chininesi does not draw well send for us and we will put it In order ; if your roof leaks we'll mend it. ALL KINDS OF TINNING we do well and reasonably. , Do You Know Wh at Th is Label Means ? It is your assurance of perfect satisfaction in old or new work. In- sist on getting, Canada Cement. A full stock on hand ra all times. Hemlock sills cut to order., Shingles XLKX and xxxx. Spracc and pine dressed sidings and floorings. Metallic building materials, Lehigh 'Valley coal, all sizes, Steam coal. Smalling coal. 9711e, all sizes, either in the yard or delivered on the job., Cedar poets all sixes., i 1 1 11 • 14 -inch slabs, a bargain. Anyone in the market for ani of the above lines will. do well to get our prices. JOHN B. MUSTARD Brucefield. Phone 11 011.145, ,1 i• THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 63. ARTISTIC J. G. CRICH, THE RELI- ABLE DECORATOR, MAKES A: SPECIALTY OF CHURCHES, LODGE ROOMS AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES. HIS ADDRESS is 400 DOWNIE St„ STRATFORD Monuments ! Finest stock in Huron Coun- ty of "Made in Canada" Mon- uments. Best British and Foreign Granites in up-to-date fsntsli and design. Come and see them. Prices right. At Doig's OPPOSITE, THE POSTOFFICE A Granite Base goes with each Mont ument. —843m A Drop in Kindling A LARGE STOCK ON HAND WILL BE SOLD CMEAR THIS MONTH TO CLEAR FOR CASH ONLY. Leave your orders for Fer- tilizer and Potash for your root crop. We will mix it for you at the store. North End Feed Store. Prank W. Evans A General Delivery Done. Terms ; Cash. Phone 1.92. Are You Troubled with Headaches ? If so the cause nsay be eye strain and in that event a pair of properly fitted glasses will bring relief and cure. It is worth trying. Conte to us and we will make a careful test of your eYas and tell you what is the matter and what you need. En our long experience in the Optical business we have made a great number of examinations and: it a source of much pleasure for us to know that our fittings have invariably given great satisfaction, your eyes bother pan come to us and learn the reason why. 1 1 J., GRIGG Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage Licenses.