The Clinton News Record, 1915-07-08, Page 9Clinton News-Recod' July 8t 191,x:; Onr .Prescat Specials WE HAVE A 00oD SUPPLY Scythe, Spathe, Hay Forks, Hay Fork Rope, Pulleys, Turnip floes, Beet Hoes, Screen Doors and Windows, Galvanized and Tin Watering Pots, Garden Hose, Garden Sprayers. Perfection 011 Stoves, Small Oil Stoves $1,50 and $1,75, Plower Bed Border, Lawn Trimmers, Sherwin- Williams' Paints, Pure White Lead andLinseed 011, Berger's Pure Par- is Green and Motor Supplies, Gasoline 18e. per gallon. Coal Oil 15e. per gallon. a few 40 gallon heavy Galvanized Tanks at $6.00, 40 gallons of Oil at 14c 40 gallons Gasoline at 17e. See the DeLaval Cream Separ- ator at our store. HARLAND BROS. STOVES, - HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES.. Special Values In Searce Goods. Table Linen Specials—Scarcely any line pertaining to the Dry Goods trade has been more affected by the' present war conditions than Linens. Linens are scarce and Linens are fast becoming very expensive. At the present time however we are fortunate enough to have a good stock of popular priced Linens, all at the old values. See our special Linens at 85e, 50c, 75c and $1.00. LADIES WHITE WARE—Never before has our showing of La- dies' Whitewear been larger or values better than at the present time, Ladies' Gowns from 50c. up. • Ladies' Oorset Covers 25e. and 50e, Ladies' Drawers 25e, 35c, and 50e. Ladies' Skirts 50c, up. Ladies' Combinations, Princess Slips, Etc. Try us for Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Etc, Plumsteel Bros. ISmall Profits — More Business PLAY SHOES f and BAREFOOT SANDALS. We've a tine.. showing of Barefoot Sandals and Play Shoes for the little feet to wear during the hot summer months. They are not expensive and the comfort to the child is great. Soft Tan Leather or Canvas, Soit Soles of Leather or Rubber Soles, a complete line of all sizes, 50c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, Fit out the little feet with these comfortable Play Shoes and let them enjoy themselves all summer, FRED. JACKSON The Good Shoes Store. Exceptional Offerings in. Furniture. During the quiet times caused by the war the furniture manufaetnrershave been giving some big discounts on fur- niture. We breve been able to take advantage ot these dis- counts to stock our store with some of the best Values we have ever offered and we invite those who contemplate buying furniture to come in and inspect, our stock andget our prices before buying elsewhere. Bali St Atkinson FURNITURE DEALERS anti .UNDERTAKERS Night and Sunday Calls. N. BALL .Phone 110, J, A. ATEINSON, [Phone 186 1 Blouse with Jabots Jumper and Suspender Skirts Draped, Gathered and Tucked Skirts Sleevesin Mitten sad Leg -o' -Mutton Style These are new styles, and with many other up-to-date features are shown in the Standard Fashion- Sheet for June A free copy awaits you at our Standard Pattern Department W. D. FAIR CO. Often the Cheapest --Always the Best. err', slh d y SIU,. Mr. W. Jackson was in London on Friday. Mr. Nixon Welsh is home from Toron- to for the summer vacation. Major Bance has been up from Len - don for a few days this week. Mrs. (Dr.) Cunningham of Toronto is visiting her mother, Mrs, I-Iessian. Miss Edna Lavis has returned from I-Ieatheole for the sunnier vaca- tion. Mr. John Cantelon of the • Molsons 'Bank staff, Norwich, is holidaying at his Home in town. Miss Olive Harland of 'Toronto is holidaying at the home of Mr. W. S TIarriand of town. Miss •Ross Levis, who has been in Seatorth during the millinery seas- on, lras returned home, Mrs.. W. R. Stanley of Lucan was a guest over Dominion Day at the home of Mrs. J. J. Maguire. Mr, D. S, C:luff, who has beery in the west for some months, has been spending the past week with his family in town. Dr. and Mrs. and little daugh- ter aug-ter of Mitchell were guests 'over the holiday with the foriner's sister, Mrs. F. A. Axon, Mrs. John 1!. McEwen and her daughter Grace_ofStanley .spent Sunday with her parents, A'Ir. and Mrs. Geo, Stanbury. Mr. Eddie Miller of tlo mechanical staff' of the Listowel Standard spent Thursday and Friday last with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mill- er. Mr, and Mrs, I. Barr and Miss Dora left on Monday for the old home- stead on the '12th of IIullett.where they will rusticate for a couple of months, Mr, A. Blackwell and two children of Woodstock came up for the holiday, spending most, of the tine at the home of Mrs. Win. Col - (dough, Goderich township. Miss Mary Carbert returned hone last week from Merlin where she had been teaching for the past term. Phons]e is feeling somewhat happier since the holidays started. Mrs. Mary Cantelon returned from Streetsville this week' after a stay of some weeks. She, was accompan- ied by her bro;,rcr-in-law, Mr. S. Cantelon, who is remaining for a little visit. Miss Mary McKinnon of Caledonia was a guest at the home of Me, and Mrs. W. T. C.'Ne]i over the week -end, going on to Godertclr to attend the Presbyterian Stunprer school now in session there. Miss Edna Jackson of Buffalo: is spending a vacation at the parental home in town, "that of Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Jackson. Sire was ac- companied by Miss Edith Smith, who retbrned to Buffalo Monday, Mr. N. A Phoenix came up from Ifanrilton last Week And on his reteirtr on Friday was accompanied b1i his wife and babe who have been spending the past few weeks ani guests of the lady's parents," Mr, and Mrs: R. J. Oluff. Mrs, W. S. Downs and children accom- panied by their guests, Mr. and .Mrs. Geo•. Fennell and little dough - ter Bernice of Cobalt, and 'Mrs, E. Gilkinson and daughter, Miss. Mar- iorie of 'Chicago, visited with friends at Clifford over Dominion Day. • Mrs. McKay, of Los Angeles, Ca];, arrived last week on a visit to her Sisters, Mrs, Watt and the Misses Thompson of town and Mrs. Hamil- ton of Iirillett township. Tho sis- ters had a happy reunion ', at the home of the Misses Thompson one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Plumsteel and family left on.'1`uesday on a visit to the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs.. G. W. Hill of • Oxbow, Sask. Mrs. John Gibblngs Left the same day to, visit friendh at Virden, Man., and Mrs. Nott of town and Mrs. 'Crich, of Tuckersmith," for Ed- monton. They were all ticketed through by Agent W. Jackson of the C.P.R. mai Apparel for l� S Children. With the return of the sumHier months comes the question,of summer clothes. It is the natural desire of every woman and girl ,to be dressed as attractively and is well as her means will ,permit, Especially so in, the summer when light, dainty and pretty dresses may be bought at very low prices, For Afternoons and 'Dress" Occasions see our splendid display of plain -and figured Silks,' Crepes,i and patterns,which � � Voiles, Organdies, .Etc., in all the leading spaces v have been chosen with special care.and forethought to please and meet, the needs of our Gusto taus, , with prices that are sure to satisfy, The Ever -Growing -in -Popularity Middy, More than ever this summer we see Middies an'd Middy Suits in the foreground, Our range of material used for these suits is complete, including Indianhead, Duck, Repp, White Corduroy, Shantung, Etc.. Fancy Parasols and Sunshades to add the finishing touch to dainty summer. attire. Fashions in parasols change, as in everything else. We have them in all the latest fashions, in Alum and colors. Summer Underwear '= 'Fr. Our stock of summer underwear is More complete than ever before, Plain and lace -trimmed Princess Slips, Gowns, Skirts, Corset Covers, Drawers and Combinations, in the latest+envelope style,inn cotton crepe and nainsook, In the Children's Department CHILDREN'S DRESSES CHILDREN'S fiIDDJES We have just received a shiprnent of these dresses for little ones. ! Light, cool and easily laundered in in plain, figured.and checked materials at exceptional- ly low prices. Just the thing for hot weather wear. White 13n- dianhead and Duck trimmed with red, white- and blue collars with ties to match. Children's Parasols Children like to intimate grown-ups and nothing pleases the little tots batter than to finish their summer outfit with a dainty little sunshade. Our stock of these consists of all shades, plain and fancy. We cannot give a full list and description of all the requisites and necessities in stock for summer wea ther but Come in and Inspect Our Stock, We Cannot Display it all in Our Windows --COME IN. BUTTERICK PATTERNS FOR THE 11O11E DRESSMAKER AT THE PATTERN COUNTER, Women's t&tireiblen's Store Dry Goods andnowN7s 11Ierr,hant Tailoring and House Furnishings Men's Furnishings Phone 67, Phone 103, About People You Know Miss Nora McCaughey of Myth is visiting relatives hr town. Mrs, M. D. McTaggart left last week for a, visit with friends at Morris- burg. Miss Margaret Wiseman is home from Ottawa for a vacation at the par- ental home, ' M1. and Mrs. J. D. Atkinson and Miss Eileen visited Exeter friends on Sunday. Mr. Belt Mcllvecu of Toronto, was in town this week visiting at the maternal home. Miss E. Stevens is visiting with her sister ,and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Israel Taylor of London. Mr. George Hollinger and Mr. Cr. H. Mitchell, editor of The Post, Han- over, were in town Monday and 'Tuesday. t Miss Marys Jenkins of Woodlands Farts spent from Wednesday until Friday' with her sister, Mrs. Cann eron of Guelph. • Mr. A. Forbes is spending a week with his son at Waterford and his daughter at Guelph, ole, was ac- companied by this little grand- daughter. Messrs. M. La France and C. Oberly of Walkerton have •been spending a few days in town during the, past week. The former was for a tfine a pnennber, of The News -Record staff, Mr. and Mrs. W. I3, Agnew and fam- ily of T]ysmesford were in town during the past weep, having come up to be present at •wile Phelan— Agnew wedding on Wednesday ' of last weedy. Pte. Will Greig, eldest son .of Mr. and Mrs, T. A.• Greig' . of town, who is in training at Toronto., spent a few days at the, parental home during the past week. FIe erpeots soon to leave for the front. Miss Maryt J, Holmes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Rohl', ' Holmes of Toronto, formerly of Clinton, has been appointed Laboratory ., Asses - tent in the department of House- hoid Science, University of Toron- to. oronto. Mr. Will Maguire of Springfield, Mass., after spending a week as the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. J. Maguire, left for home on Monday accompanied'by his nephew, Master Ambrose, who 'will spend the vaca- tion.season there, Misses Isabel Gunn and Winnie O'Neil- have beer; in,'Goderich this Week vtptending,, the Sampler School. Miss Miin1d MatMill`an'oi Toronto, who had -been. Miss Crunti's gueetr for a few days, accompanied them. Rev. A, MacMillan rfs . one of the speakers at the gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Wxi. Stanbury spent Dominion Day as'. the r guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. MoQtleen of near Brucefleld where four, sisters and one brother, Mrs. Stanbury, Mrs. Clark, of Dakota, Mrs. McQueen and Mr. and Miss Landsboiough, had a ‘happy family gathering. All the living members of the family" were present except one; hrotbr,, who resides in Michigan. _lir, Wallington Cook was irk Toron- to over' the holiday, Mr, D. A. Cantelon.. of IIcnsali was in town on 'Tuesday. Miss Louise Beaton is Ilonre from Grand Valley for the holiday per- iod. Miss Iluby Wise leaves this afternoon for Sarnia, where she will spend a few weeks with friends. ]Afiss 'Thelma Connor of Exeter was the guest of hIiss Eileen Atkinson for a, few days this week. Miss Stephenson of the Public school teerinng staff, Port Arthur, is home for the long vacation. Mrs. J. F. Wasmann and Miss Ethel left ou Monday to visit the fornier's daughter, Mrs. Little of Essex, Mr, and Mrs. James Young, who lived at Walton the past year, have moved to, Dungannon where Mr. Young will engage, in business, Mr, R. W. Reed, Toronto, who has had several years experience in the manufacture of thigh class clothing, has joined the staff of the Jackson Manufacturing Company. Mrs. R. 0. Emerson and daughter of Winnipeg, who are visiting relativ- es at St. Catharines, will next week he the guests of Mrs. II. B. C']sant, a sister. of Min. Emerson. Principal Boueir of the Model school is again at Bracebriclge in ohr,rge of the Summer Model there local eel and where he will remain. until the middle of August. His 'laughter, Ione, is with him: Mrs. S. T. ' KCennpthorn and little son of Saskatoon, Sask., and Miss Ethel Doherty, superintendent of the hos pilaf at Holyoke, Mass., are vise iting at the parental home, that of Mr. and Mrs. 11l, Doherty. Supt, Chant of Public Utilities. left yesterday morning to visit his father at Unionville and from there he goes to Go Homo Bay., Muskoka, to spend a .few days with his brother, Professor Chant, at the .latter's summer home. Oux worthy Supt. has certainly earned a holiday and The News -Record ]ropes he may thoroughly enjoy it. Captain Henderson.,, one of the .most talented and popular: of the . S. A. officers yet stationed in Clinton, has received orders to farewell on Sun- day next and Hauch regret is ex- pressed about town, in and out of Army circles, at her corning de- parture.. Lieut. La:yeoclt who, though' comparatively new to tine work is pr:oviing to be a very) effi- cient officer, will remain, at least for the prevent. Mr, Lee, proprietor of the Princess Theatre., will bo one of a party of moving picture exhibitors, who Will leave hr a week or so to visit Universal City at Los Angeles, Calif e the hone of one of the largest of all the filbi produc;ng companies. , The Universal i, etude have an iaulnense capital and employ almost three thousanel people in- cluding many of the highest, salar- ied actors of the day. The : party of visitors Will be the guests of the Company: The News From Londesboxo. Mr. A. S. Kunkle oame up frorii Niagara Falls on Saturday .and join - cd his wife and little child, who have been visiting the lady's parental home, that of Mr, and Mrs', E. Craw- ford, for the pant few weeks. They return to Niagara Falls again the end of the week: Mi$s Barr left On Tuesday' for a two months' trip 'to Shoal Lake, Man., Calgary, Banff and other points , in the west. Miss L. Young returned from Re- gina oh Monday to spend her holi- days with her mother. Mrs, Whitehead and Mrs. J. Young of Clinton and Mrs. McIntosh of Mon- treal visited at the hems of Mrs. (Dr.) Young on Monday. The Orangemen attended service in the Methodist church Sunday evening. Rev. C. C. ICaine very ably discussed the merits of the Order, being of the opinion that every true Canadian should be an Orangeman and every Orangeman a true Canadian, Miss 'Edna Lyon and Miss Myrtle Phillips are visiting 1Tolmesvitle friends this week. Mrs,; Mills add daughter Mrs, (Rey.) Clydesdale of Blyth were guests at the parsonage Monday ot this week. Mr, M. Hooper of Woodham visited at the home of Mr, Jos. Elsley over the week -end, Mr, Jas. Shobbrook spent a few days last week with Exeter friends. Mrs, 11. Manning spent Tuesday with Blyth friends. 4.01 ilituisom. Mrs. D. E. Dewar and son of dor is visiting her mother, Mrs. E. Lyon, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Brogden' attend- ed the funeral of Miss Brogden ol: Mitchell on Wednest]ap of last week. Mrs. A. Stringliam of Woodstock spent Sunday witlr Miss A. 13h11. Mr, and Mrs, John Cunningham ofv-'e Milverton visited at the frame Air. D. Geddes a few days this week, Mr. W. 'Tamblyn and Mr. C. Eaton. of Toronto are visiting at the form- er's home. Mr.. W. W. Tamblyn of Toronto visited his brother, Mr. J. W. 'Tani- blyn., this week, Miss S. Barr spent Tuesday of last week with Clinton friends. Mrs. Rev. N. M. Leckie returned to Galt Monday after spending a few daps with friends here. Mr. Johnston ot Buffalo, a one tune resident of this village, visited frIeeds here over, the week -end. Miss Elsie Millar is visiting friends at Bay City, Mich. ' Constance. Mr. Bernard. Hall was in London: for a few days recently. Miss Margot Love sent a week with St. Flelens friends. Mrs. Chas. Dexter has been very ill with pleurisy but her friends. will he pleased to know' that she has taken, a change for the better, July Shoe Sale. The seaso.l is here once again when we must consider the clearing out of a large number of lines of our stock of footwear, These are not old shop-worn stock stock, but new and up-to-date shoes that we do not wish to carry over to the next season, and the prices will con- vince you that we are in earnest. Come and see for yourselves. ' This Sale will commence on Saturday, July (Oth, Women's Patent Boots, Buttoned o' Limed, Regular $3,56 to $4,00 Stale Price 2.48 Women's Patent or Kid Oxfords Regular $8.00 to $8.50 2.8 A Sale Price L 'fO Women's .Patent Pumps Regular $8,00 to $8 00 Sale Price 2,48 ,See Our Windows. Boy's Fine Boots Regular $2.50 to $3.00 A few parrs only .98. Sale Price U Men's Tau Boots Regular $4,50 to $6.00 '1 i1 Q Sale Price 4. Children's Slippers Regular $1.00 to $1,50 Sale Placea4 W Don't. Forget the Date, r H. S. CHAPMAN PHONE' (O