The Clinton News Record, 1915-07-08, Page 41-1rrr..r: Clinton News -Roma July 8th,, 1915 `-• Bayfield. The Orangemen will in a body t- g l a tend divine' service in the Anglican church next Sunday at eleven o'clock, the rector to be the. preacher The members of other lodges ere invited' to attend, ' 181111,On Sunday, July 181111, there will be no, service in St, Andrew's ohutch,. as jubilee services will be held that day in Bethany church, 0oderich. township,' Thornton Mustar Mr.and lura,d and family of, Toronto arrived last week 'and have taken possession Of their:, summer residence on the river bank. Miss Edith Spackman entertained a number of her friends to' a beach par- ty on Monday evening week. • miss Garret of, Washington, D. C,, arrived last week and is now enjoy- ing the balmy breezes of Lake Hue - Dr. anti.. Mrs. Aberley of Cleveland, Ohio, are•guests at Mrs. Spackman's•. Mr. and Mrs. Williams and family of Galt° arrived last week and have taken ma cottage in the White City.' Rev, Mr. Jones 'and wife arrived at the parsonage on Thursday evening last and on Friday evening a number of -the numbers of the Bayfield Cir- cuit Met there and spent a few very enjoyable (hours' with the pastor and his wife. • Rev, A, Macfarlane spent a few days this week at tho summer school at Goderich. MMrs. Ada Wilson of Boston,'' 112ass,, is the' guest of Miss Myrtle Stinson of the Sauble Line. Mia. J. Love, Seaforth,' Miss Tda . L. Love, Todmorden, Miss Ei'a M. Lore, Port Colborne are summering in the. White. City. Mrs. George Woods and her daugh- ters,: Nan and Bell Woods, of Sea- -forth are spending the summer in the White City. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McMillan, Mr, and Mrs. W. McMillan and Miss' Mu- riel Qtto, Stratford; are summering in Mr. \V. J. Elliott's .house on Louie sa street. Misses Bessie E. Hiller, Olive Mon- teith, Marion Dunsanore, Louise Mon- teith,' Elsie' Dickson, Maud Monteith, Myrtle Layton and Margaret Hislop of S. 13. A. C the athletic club of S. S. No. .1, Downie, Stratford, are guests at Mrs. Green's on Louisa street. Mrs. Whalen and family, Masters Jack and Misses Helen and Jean Marin of Toronto, have taken the cottage "Blind Pigs" in the White City for the summer. Messrs. Bort Hannah, Clifford Mar- tin, Harold Payne, Roy Rain, Cecil Webbe, Jack Mills, Mrs. Rain, Miss Foster, Miss Wardrope, Miss Holland, Miss i1aiser and. Miss Cousins of Western -University, London, are sum- mering in 'Deer. Lodge Park, Mrs. Livingstone and family of Tuckersntith are the guests of Mrs. Stanbur'y at her summer cottage. Miss F. ' W'oolway of London is a guest at Mrs. Brandon's,. Rev. Mr. Ross, wife and family of Goderieb have taken a cottage in the White City for the season, Bayfield„ . Conductor Troyer and wife of Ter,' onto visited friends in the villa e last g 'week;' Mrs. Wilma and daughters, Lon- don, are,,summcring in Deer Dodge ;Park., Rev, Mr. Stuart and ' Miss Stuart of. London are spending a few weeks With, their sister, Mrs', Stanbury, Mrs. Rev.)i Toimje and data liters [; y . 8, - g Misses Margrey , apd Per -aro enjpy• ing, the breezes at their simmer cot- tage on the Terrace. Dr...•Aberley and wife,' Cleveland, Miss Baxter, London, are guests " at Miss'Ferguson's. Dr. Tillman, wife and family have taken Miss' Simpson's residentia on the Terrace for the summer'. Mrs Farnham • and family, Sea - forth, are guests at Mrs. Reuat•t; s. Miss Ruble Fisher of Berlin • is the• guest of her 'aunt, Mrs. F.A. Ed wards. Mrs. Collyer and • family of Clinton are summering in the White Citty., Mrs. Jamieson and daughter, Miss Wilma Jamieson, of Brooklyn, arrived on Tues:lay and have taken a cottage in the White City, Mrs. Fisher>and Miss Eva )Elements of Berlin, Mr. George Fisher, Wife and child of Waterloo were' the guests of Mr. and'Mrs, F. A. 'Edwards on Sunday'. Mrs, Mulholland, Miss Holmes '•'- of 1-Iolunesville anti Miss Council and Mr. 5., -Dempsey) of Clinton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stanley on the 1.st. • Master" Frank Erwin is seendiug his holidays with his sister, Mrs. E. Sander at Berlin. Mr. and Mrs. W..1: Blackie and son, Will Robinson, wife and child, Lon- don, J. Wesley l3eattie and wife and the Misses Ebhel and Florence Beat- tie, Sealortl(, Mrs. F. S. Beattie, Gola, Kansas, J. L. Harland, 1:. Seboenhals, J. W. Ma.Ewan and Cl. Witte, Clinton, L. Williams and An- drew' Hess,' Zurich, John P. Mertz, Cavalier, N,D., E. Hinds• and wife', Niagara Falls, Wm. Gibbs, Mrs. D. C, Wilson Allen Wilson and Mrs. L. McGorham of Parkhill were guests at the. Albion on Sunday last. Misses Maud Mitchell, Jean John- ston, Vera Laur, li'leda Smith, Helen Lahr, London, Vivian Laur, Toronto, are enjoying the balmy breezes of Lake Huron at Deer Lodge Park. Miss Gower of London is a guest at the Commercial. Stanley Township Mr, Fred Davidson of Kippen spent Sunday at the Home of Mr. James McC'linchey. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. ltueston of the Lake Shore Road has purchased the home of the latter's father in Hay- field and intend moving into it iii the near future. Mr. Harrison, Mrs, F3ucston's father, intends residing with tient. Mr. Iiuestan has leased his farm to his son Carrel. Mr. Alex. Parsons was in Clinton on Saturday last, Varna. Tuesday, the -20tH inst., hal been decide on as Varnal's• civic'holida a even holiday and itis proposed on that ,day to hold a is., at Bayfield The annual garden party under the auspices of the Presbyterian church will be held on the evening of the 23rd inst. • Rev: Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and family motored' to Vanecle last, .Wea- nesday, . The brethren of L.O.L. No. 1035 will attend divine service, in the Pres- byterian echurch_ next Sunday .: even- ing, the brethren, to assemble in their hall 'al 6.30. 'Membe'rs of surrounding lodges are cordially invited to attend, Service in : We Methodist church will he held next, Ssutday morning at, ` 11 o'clock instead of evening, owing,to the Orange, service,' ' es A large number of people picnicked at. Bayfield on Dominion Day, Miss Pearl Zaplie of Blake spent the weeic-end with Miss Flossie Stephenson.. Mr. and •Mrs. Win. Reid and Misses. Maggie Reid and Roxie Palmer . mot- ored to Goderioh on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. • James McClymont en- tertained the Bible Study, class of Methodist church, last Tuesday even- ing. 'After a social time being spent, refreshments were served consisting of ice cream and cake, to which all did justice The. young people enjoy- ed themselves very much, Stanley Township Mr, and Mrs. Carrol IIus:ton of the Salable Line visited over Sunday at the latter's parental 1•nme, • that of Mr,, and Sirs., James Mose of Walton, Messes. Went and Geo. Armstrong ate busily engaged building wire fence for the farmers. Mr. Chas. Parker was busily en. - gaged buzz -sawing wood for ')hos. Cameron, R. Elliott and others of Hayfield last .week, Mr. Wm. Clark has • purchased a good driver from Mrs. Wnl, Woor(n for .Which he paid .a good figure. • Miss Maggie Peck, who has been teaching school hear Leamington, is i sl1 curt ng led• holidays together with a girl friend front the same place under the parental roof, Spackman k Son of 'Hayfield are busily engaged putting in cement bridges- in the township at present, Mr. Win, Taylor shipped a ear - load of cattle Irma Clinton on Sat- urday last. Mr. Ed. Johnson has imurored his residence by the addition of a beau - Wel verandah. . Mr. and Mrs. John Sherrill of Stephen township were visiting friends on the Goshen anti Babylon. Linen last week. Mr. Sherritt's many friends will be pleased to hear that he has got a government job 'oto supply all the cattle needed ,for all the provin- cial institutions, such an asyln as, jails, prison farms, etc. Mr. Sher- ritt expects 'to make his haru7a in Guelph in the near future, as being most central for his work. Miss Mabel Clark, who has. been teaching school. near Zurich, is'spend- ing her holidays under the parental roof. NIcssrs C.W 'it• utand • Roy ( o nsf o It 3 lady some fricncls spent Sunday as guests of rifr. and Mrs. David J. NTc('li whey. Mr. Albert Alb it I3 'c o s e is c i engaged rCfl lit � )a I ting a new roof on his barn. The many friends of Mrs. Robert Elliott, formerly, of the Goshen Line, but now of Hayfield, who had not enjoyed very good health Before leaving tie farm, is improving and is enjoying a. large .Portico( of good health. We are hoping and looking to see her fully restored to good beialtb in the near future. Mr. Wm. Reid of the. Bayfield Road is improving his beautiful • residence by having it painted. '1'he trustees of No. 3 school have engaged Miss Capling of Blake for the baia,nce of the _pear. Mr. John Walker of Guelph and son of Rev, Jas. Walker, formerly pastor of Varna circuit, visited at the house of kr. Beni, Wesons of Kipper' over the week end. Mr. J, Fiwuirick and sister of St. Joseph were guests at the home of Mr, Henry Peek on Sunday last, Goderioh Township University Club picnicked at For- ster's flats on Canada's natal day, Everyone seemed to entce heartily into the spirit of the occasion, con- sequently the hours were very enjoy- ably spent. Tile next meeting of the Club will be held at Mrs. James, Fer- guson's' on Thursday of next week. Hullett Township Mrs. Connors of Detroit has been visiting her sister, Mrs. James Rey- nolds). Misses Marie Jordan of Dahlin and Winnie Long, of Brussels spent a few clays at Mr. Doeninic Flynn's recent- ly. Mr. A. J. Holloway of Clinton and Mr. Paul Freeman of Port ;Colborne spent Sunday at Mr. George Car- bert's. - Mrs. L.Purcell ell and children, John, nccie las Robert and Mary, of Strat- ford are visiting at the Slone of Mr. Geo. Carbert and other srelatives. Mr. R. J. Blake of Winnipeg and Miss Nora Blake of Collingwood'are halidaying at the parental home, .NIr.. and Mrs. Richard Bl'oke's, Mr. Ernest Reynolds; ,of Peteeboro and his sister, Miss Mary, s Ma y, are, visit- ing at their home, Mr. and Mrs.. Dt Reynolds'. Misses Mary and Vera Carbert of Clinton 1Stlnaayed wills friends in this vicinity. Mr. McCarthy and Mr. Austin Quig- ley and his two sisters of Kings- bridge returned )some on Monday af- ter spending, a few days • with rela- tives in thl neighborhood. s nerg bo Hood. Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Reinhardt and, children of Berlin visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Morrison, Mr. Reinhardt left for his duties on Stoll- day omday morning but the latter madea longer visit. Hullett Township' The barn belonging to Mr. Angus. McDerrnot of the 2nd on. was de- stroyed by fire yesterday afternoon. How theta) originated is not known.' Mr. Peter (4 -lazier, the tenant, lost tons, of . hay " and implements and had no insurance. ' ORANGE CELEBRATION ION LU -CAN. A R T As a special train'' hasbeen arrang- ed from Goderioh ' to Lucan via Stratford, and as there) will ; be no accommodation via L. H. & 13, ex- cept xrept from points south of. Clinton, no excursion ticicets will be sold for Lucius except via, Sinai/ord.-John Ransford Si Son, Town Agents, Olin Clinton P. S. Report for June. Promoted from Junior 4th to Sr. 415, Total800. Honors 000. • To Pass 480. Honors, -Willis • Cooper 729, Beryl Cooper 709, Stewart McBrien 701, Hel- en Ross 587, Alma MacCorvie 684,.Ag- nes Walker (170, Leighton Walker 658, Mildred Livermore 035, Annie Law- rence625, Ambrose Maguire610, Win- nie Nelson 011. Merritt Nediger 611, Hattie Livermore GCS, Willie Bell 001. Pass. -Celia Hamilton 579, Bert Slo man 574, Alice Flukey 570, Archie Mac- Kenzie 564., Phamie Oree 500, Leslie Buller 556, Mary Walton 533, Charlie Cole 532, Earl Cooper 510, Frances• Yes - bee 510, George Shipley 484, Absent on account of illness, passed on year's work. -Dara Schoenhals,--M. E. ()Wil- ley, Teacher. Division 111. Promoted from Sr, 3rd to Jr. 4th, Minks obtainable 750. Marks to Pass 450. Marks for Honors 562. Honors Agnes Reynolds 601, Harry Ball 688, Amy • Slellyar 674, Gordon Hall 070, Netty Twyford 660, Jabez Rands Bessie Morrish 655, Fergus Rey- nolds 1155, Dorothy Rorke 610, Josephine' Yeshec 1315, George Car-. ter 045, Willie Mulch 011, Bessie Mur- phy 030, Kenneth Carter (127, Etta liar- dy 600, Asa Bolton 505, Earl Johnson 502. Pass. -Earl Crich. 555, Katie Lader 555, Fred Elliott 552, Marjorie Beaton 551. Stewart Taylor 510, Aetna Geealis 536, Eva Boeck 5'53, Lottie Judd 521. Jack Bawden 402, Jean Bell 100, Cora Miller hod, Hugh McGuire 404. James Walker 401.-J, Wilson, Teacher, Promoted from Div, 4th, to Div. Sed. Maximum Marks 750, Honors -Harry Munroe 715, Eleanor -McTaggart 701, DaisyNediger 003, Gordon Powell 083, Ivy Plowes 075, Emerson Libby 671, Nisbet Cook 670, Gertrude Fowler 059, Frank Seenten Otis, Lula McCartney 655, Barrie Oombes 65.1, Winnie Mc - Math 652, Frank Mutch 050, Jean Mil- ler 037, Stuart McDonald 634, Harold Lawson 633, Malcolm McTaggart 020, Helen Greig 017, Willie Malpagie 613, Gladys Wiltsie 610. Pass -Nellie Rut- ledge 591, Hilton Butts 594, Geo. Dixon 590, Audrey Coll ver 589, L. Taylor 590, Margaret Cane 570, Stanley Kennedy 509, Helen Roberton 503, Charlie Greek 6555, PercyLivertnore 553, Anion Hill 552, Herbert Holtzhatter 5.15. Margaret Mennell 581, Ruth Evans 523, )Marian McIntyre 521, Joseph Carbert 500, Gladys Holland 505, Mary Argent 500, Ohara Carbert.192, !Zeta Hamilton 480, Gladys McGuire 480. Promoted irons J r. 3rd to Sr. 3rd iu Div. 4. - Joseph Yesbec 450, John Taylor 118, Donna Mulholland 1-13, Gordon Lawson 429, Amy Gould 381, Charlie Fulford 351, Reggie Hamilton 321, Lucy Levy 320, ---L, Stevens, Teacher. - Division V. Promoted from 3rd Book in Div. 5th to 3rd Book 0l uit • J)I 1th Maximum t lI t ut Mat ks000 To Pass 300Piouors 450. honors M Irjorie 13alernan 840Ruth Hale 531 Kenneth .Rorke 533, Isabel Johnston 528. Leo Reynolds 4110 Roy 1 Livermore e.8O . Ethel Boucle "•1 Y • it Mar. ion Morris 174,1 ack Wigginton 403, Agnes Coelho 102, Swilzee Gracile 459, Battle Blacker. 401, Mary McTfiggarl 450, Pass, - Bessie Lockwood 410, Robert Nliddleton 442, Willie Miller 412, John Yesbec 858, Pearl Carrick 376, Lawrence Wheatley 300, Mervin Deeves 300. Proinoted•frous2nd Book, in Div. 5 - to 3rd Book in Div, 4. Maximum mark 0(19. To .Puss 360. Honors 450. Hon- ors -Katie Beaton 189, Audrey SHims- tyre 455, Percy Procto,' 482, Albert Killuugh 401, Norman McNeil 4513, Hel- en Lucid 451, Harry Cochrane 451, Pass Henry Sloman 440, Douglas Ball 435, Boland Walker 428, Violet Huller 420, Edgar Witse 411, George hlennel 100, Walter Osbaldeston 408, Jean Ford 402, Ernest Bateman 402, Blossom Powell 380. -Ii, Courtiee,Teacher, Promoted from 2nd book in Division 4 to 2nd book in Diuision 5, total marks 500, honours 375, pass 300. Honours- 01fveSchoen Mils 478, Norma Treleaven 447, Wilfrid Grant435, Ferguson Car- ter 418, Charlie Shipley 410, Coleneo Salter. 408, Wilbur Nelsen 406, Fred B eT agge rt 398, Eleanor PI nmsteel 301 Pass Normans Counter 373, John Ned- iger 372, Charlie Mennei 371, Myrtle Bell 368,'Sig l°Sweet861, George El - iott 301, Beth Mc0uire 300, Sadie Gibbs 300: Promoted front let book in Division 0 to 2nd hook in Division 5, Total 600, honors 450,pas `'860. 'honours -Puny' once Johnson 501, Robert Hunter 504, Kenneth Roberton 408 Rase. 'Carter 490 Nellie McNeil,480, Wallace Wheat- ley 482, Eileen Atkinson 478, Willie Ar- gent 475, Donna Cochrane 466,• pass- Jean Simpson 445, Beryl Salter 445, Bert Marshall 438, Russel Peckltt :432,. Carol Evans 428, Oliver Murphy 424. Promoted from let book in' Division 0 to 2nd book in "Division 0, Passrt Olive Lawrence 422, Jack Britton 4£), Elsie Cooper 412, Kathleen Livermore 412, John. Livermore 409, Ernest Ford 405, Clifford Cooper 401, Clyde Ken- nedy 391, :Kathleen Taylor 389, Howard Gould 360, Vera Gould 360, Albert Car- rick 860, --Olive Cooper, Teacher. The follow'i g are promoted iii m Division 7 to D ivtsian 0, Sr. let m'lliv- ision 6. Marks obtainable 300, requir- ed to pees 180 -Beetle Cole 261. Lian;e Nedigev250, Clarence Glazier 257, Myr- tle Wiltse 243, Madelon Hawkins 212, Helen Cook 234, Viola Livermore 232, Oliver Stands 228, Catharine McTag. gitr't 225, Francis Baines 204, Janet Lockwood 202. +1t1QPromoted from Divieion 7 to Sr, 1st in Division 0 -Edith Hill 267, Hubert Reynolds 258, Edgar Magnire 247, Lor- is Collyer 242, Burton Bolton 242, Frank Latter 23$, Margaret Rutledge 221, Arthur Hessian 216, Tom Jackson 211, Lulla Crich 203, Alec Osbaldeston 200, Reeser Forster 180, Promoted from the Primer to 1st book in Divisions 7. Total marks 300, required to pass 180 -Billy Hovey 270, Olive Watkins 270, Elmer Paisley 207, Carrie Pickett 204; Edwin Maclrenzie. 202, Phoebe Bolton 25$, Harold Liver- more'958, Dorothy Mason 2511, Ruth Ball 213, Rota Elliott 240, Douglas Car- ter 240, Arthur Fultorcl 220, Frieda. Schoenhals 218, Howard Greeks 210. Howard Mulholland 206, ViolaHalriil- ton 204, Violet Lapraik 201. -SI. Wiltse, Teacher. From Div. 8th to Div. 7th - Margie Hale, Clyde Wheatley, Dorothy Streets, Douglas Kennedy, "Wilmer Deeves; Cecil Cooper, Nettie Taylor, Frank Howard, Jack Mulch, Bever- ley Butt. Marion MCBrien, Clarence Menne), ArthurMnguire, Ross McEw- en, John Rand, Hugh Ladd, Sybil Proctor, David Miller, Joe Twyford Eva Cole. -W, Thorn pson, Teacher, Hammocks for the good old summer time, They are not only to give you comfort and pleasure but keep you out in the fresh air, an assistance ' for good health, Come and get first choice. Prices range from $1.50 to $6.50. CooerC CLINTON. L 11 UEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON,- ONTARIO S EDUCATION MEDICINE SCHOOL OF MINING HEMICAL MINIMECHANICAL5 IVIL ENGINEERINGTRICAL i1RO. Y. CROWN, Realstrar HOME STUDY Arts Courses only. SUMMER SCHOOL JULF and AUGUST A NEW ISSUE of the Telephone. Directory is now being prepared, and additions and changes for it should Sr repnrled to our local manage, at one,. Have you a telephone? Thomwho have win toll you that it is the most precious of medics conveniences. Why not order to=day and have your name in the new directory/ The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada The New, Transcontinental, NEW SHORT ROUTE to WESTERN CANADA sl Can. Govt. Rya., T. & N. O. Ry .• Grand Trunk Ry.. System TORONTO WINNI,PEG via North Bay, Cobalt and Cochrane, Through the Scenic Highlands of Ontario. Across New Ontario. Route of innumerable Marvels, Finest Egaipmentr-:. Splendid Roadbed. Commencing Tu nday, July 13. ,_ by Toronto 10.4513.m. Tue. Thu. Sat Lv. Winnipeg. 6.00 p.m. daily North Bay 7.15 m. Wed. Fri.. Sun Ar.: Regina 8.05earl, C chrane 4 45 p.m. Wed F i. Sun Saskatoon 9,38 a m ' Ar. Winnipeg 3,50 p.m. Thu. San Mon Edmonton 10.00 p.m. 6 Through tickets via; the "Canadian Rockies at - their best" to Prince Rupert, Yukon, Alaska, Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle. O Electric lighted coo h s, dining, tourist &, standard sleeping cars; 6 Time tab) s sleeping ear tickets and other in. cot formation from any Grand Trunk, Coo Govt. or T. & N. 0. Ry. Agents on apo) cation. , ttf ile'i] tr Constance. 'Quite a number of young people from from hereabouts • iieniok it at Hayfield 1 A y on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Will Woods spent Sun- day as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Nicholson, Mr. Fred Wakefield and family have moved into the house formerly occu- pied by Mr. Wm; Clarke. News -Record lip end of year for 6Oc. mismormmus, 'somas Constance Mr. Jack Milson of Florence epenk few days visiting Iris mother, Mrs, Milson, and other ,friends here, Dr. Wm. Sloan 'of Torontovisited � his niece, Mrs. J. Taylor, over Dom- inion Day. News -Record Means News -Leader., Are. you a subscriber ?' Safe and d Timet y Investments store nts At no period in our experience of over a quarter of a century, have there been so many new in- vestors in Government and Municipal debentures as during the past six or seven months. This is due to the fact that these securities con- stitute the safest class of investment, and that owing to present financial conditions,• they are now obtainable at most advantageous prices. They are readily resaleable, and are being constantly purchased by such discriminating investors as Banks, Insurance, Loan and Trust Companies. Our latest list contains full particulars of such high-grade debentures as: GOVT. PROVINCE ONTARIO CITY TORONTO GOVT. PROVINCE MANITOBA TOWN NORTH BAY GOVT. PROVINCE ALBERTA TOWN WATERLOO CITY ST. THOMAS TOWN ST. LAURENT CITY SYDNEY GREATER WINNIPEG TOWNSHIP RICHMOND WATER bIST. TOWN Investments NEWMARKET Aso MAI, OTReaO l are available n small as well as large amounts Write for our latest list and pamphlet explaining fully the nature of debenture security. A. E. AM ES & CO. VP:I er{�,ent Established Union Bank Building, Toronto - <aas '.' '. Ames H. R. Tudhopo ' T. 6raetshaw Coombs C. E. Abba womminnwrommil "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $590 Yarn' neighbor drives a Ford -why don't you ? We areleelling more Fords in Canada tris S en r than ever below -because Canadians demand the best in motor car service ae the lowest pos- sible cost. The "Made in Canada" Forel is is it ur.cesstt t c t a luxury. y S. Prices quoted. F.0,13. Ford, Touring Coe $000 ; Town Car price on appliea- trou. All Ford. ears are fully equipped, includ- ing electric headlights. No cars sold unequip- ped. Buyers of :Ford cars will share in our profits if we sell 30,000 cars between. August 1st, 1914 and Augtist 1st, 1015. ,BERT LANGFORD. Dealer Clinton, Ont. Phone 183. De Laval Cream Separator The World Standard. Ideal Green Feed. Silos, Alpha Gasoline Engines, .0e Laval Oil and Wendott Cleanser. Stock of repairs kept at my house 3 doors west of Commercial Hotel and ropail ink; done Saturday afternoons. Also Agent for Newcombe Pianos. D. 1W, Hamilton, Phone 207 Clinton, i FURNITURE, RUGS AND LINOLEUMS We can assist your in selecting your frn'niture if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces you will find it to your advantage to inspect our stock and see the bargains We are giving. We also carry a good Slue of violins, pianos and organs. Our undertaking deintetusent is up-to-date in every re- spect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Night and Sunday calls answered at residence over store, 28 "'Phone ' 28 i NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT 'We have just received a carload of the same old brand of Portland Cement which has always given you such eom ''plete satisfaction, It always fills your requirements, . You cannot make a mistake using the National, S. J, ANDREWS" Clinton 1 Ready-, To -Wear Garments Dry Goods and )louse 000H .C CO. advantage immense items Ladies' Ladies, Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Flowers, Flouncing Children's' Children's Cream Cream Cream Lisle Cloth Raincoats Ladies' Dust Flowered Dress COME week. ..,Three, }u; Gat�isl' r64rc. u 1iT a9, fie Hose Skirts, Coats trimmings EARLY Out' and •+ r ,t c' : ui Spr Spring Emb, Cotton Tr..immed"Hats reg Scrim Madras Dress Odd Ore BEST mid It is of discounts come ,, r rr. t ing Coate, Suits, Dresses, Dresses .40, Em. 1,25. Sox, Ropers goods (Tan) Small Suits 'es. R/ CHOICE. -summer a huge this stronglfrarne, regular value quality worth .50a for sizes up to on its of people still Read over 98c. dresses washingcolors and $1,50, and sale price quality handles, She. 98c,. Underskirts would 79c, made 10, 12 and ctidt 2 ''� - F/{Prii .- n n•_l1@■, uI<i TI Cl9°r i %;fins°r,"G1 ° s i t fs1P yell eC�l mRnriyrir l{. ,..,. re, 6 h.'°t' eeoo ro'a elele .. II I second mailing ade $1. 75 black $1,50, top, black be of 14 , ;. -, e,-� � tcs4/�r' r .°l�rr. +■,° 111'1)) nor 1 a°P,° Milt 91 4 CFOR \''' \1, took these . for 08c nett good only, good good year, A°. .o,. ils ■ of in sale now enters success. Hundreds sale Saturday. We are on summer goods, with the crowd Saturday. TERMS --CASH. House Dresses dozen ladies' house good print and'fpercale goods, sties 31, 36 and 38, regular $1,50 Nett Waists Fifteen only cream, white waists, silk lined, regular $3.75, Parasols 89c. Two dozen • parasols, good good range of $1,25 and $1,50, sale price Satin Underskirts One dozen only Ladies' Satin Navy, Tan, Cerise, Paddy Green, at $1,50, sale price 98c, Children's Dresses Four dozen Children's Dresses Gingham, sizes 7, 8, up to $250 for 70e. choice 4 price choice 4 price choice's price", $.60 for .39 choice 1.98 bunch at .10 .69 a9and reg, .20for 11` .25 for .19 .25 for .15 .30 for .15 .60 for .39 V .35 for .24 1.98 6.00 for 4.29 15.00 for 5.00 $,00 for 3.98 .15,-.18foc.11: .35 yd. for .05 ` Varna. Tuesday, the -20tH inst., hal been decide on as Varnal's• civic'holida a even holiday and itis proposed on that ,day to hold a is., at Bayfield The annual garden party under the auspices of the Presbyterian church will be held on the evening of the 23rd inst. • Rev: Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and family motored' to Vanecle last, .Wea- nesday, . The brethren of L.O.L. No. 1035 will attend divine service, in the Pres- byterian echurch_ next Sunday .: even- ing, the brethren, to assemble in their hall 'al 6.30. 'Membe'rs of surrounding lodges are cordially invited to attend, Service in : We Methodist church will he held next, Ssutday morning at, ` 11 o'clock instead of evening, owing,to the Orange, service,' ' es A large number of people picnicked at. Bayfield on Dominion Day, Miss Pearl Zaplie of Blake spent the weeic-end with Miss Flossie Stephenson.. Mr. and •Mrs. Win. Reid and Misses. Maggie Reid and Roxie Palmer . mot- ored to Goderioh on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. • James McClymont en- tertained the Bible Study, class of Methodist church, last Tuesday even- ing. 'After a social time being spent, refreshments were served consisting of ice cream and cake, to which all did justice The. young people enjoy- ed themselves very much, Stanley Township Mr, and Mrs. Carrol IIus:ton of the Salable Line visited over Sunday at the latter's parental 1•nme, • that of Mr,, and Sirs., James Mose of Walton, Messes. Went and Geo. Armstrong ate busily engaged building wire fence for the farmers. Mr. Chas. Parker was busily en. - gaged buzz -sawing wood for ')hos. Cameron, R. Elliott and others of Hayfield last .week, Mr. Wm. Clark has • purchased a good driver from Mrs. Wnl, Woor(n for .Which he paid .a good figure. • Miss Maggie Peck, who has been teaching school hear Leamington, is i sl1 curt ng led• holidays together with a girl friend front the same place under the parental roof, Spackman k Son of 'Hayfield are busily engaged putting in cement bridges- in the township at present, Mr. Win, Taylor shipped a ear - load of cattle Irma Clinton on Sat- urday last. Mr. Ed. Johnson has imurored his residence by the addition of a beau - Wel verandah. . Mr. and Mrs. John Sherrill of Stephen township were visiting friends on the Goshen anti Babylon. Linen last week. Mr. Sherritt's many friends will be pleased to hear that he has got a government job 'oto supply all the cattle needed ,for all the provin- cial institutions, such an asyln as, jails, prison farms, etc. Mr. Sher- ritt expects 'to make his haru7a in Guelph in the near future, as being most central for his work. Miss Mabel Clark, who has. been teaching school. near Zurich, is'spend- ing her holidays under the parental roof. NIcssrs C.W 'it• utand • Roy ( o nsf o It 3 lady some fricncls spent Sunday as guests of rifr. and Mrs. David J. NTc('li whey. Mr. Albert Alb it I3 'c o s e is c i engaged rCfl lit � )a I ting a new roof on his barn. The many friends of Mrs. Robert Elliott, formerly, of the Goshen Line, but now of Hayfield, who had not enjoyed very good health Before leaving tie farm, is improving and is enjoying a. large .Portico( of good health. We are hoping and looking to see her fully restored to good beialtb in the near future. Mr. Wm. Reid of the. Bayfield Road is improving his beautiful • residence by having it painted. '1'he trustees of No. 3 school have engaged Miss Capling of Blake for the baia,nce of the _pear. Mr. John Walker of Guelph and son of Rev, Jas. Walker, formerly pastor of Varna circuit, visited at the house of kr. Beni, Wesons of Kipper' over the week end. Mr. J, Fiwuirick and sister of St. Joseph were guests at the home of Mr, Henry Peek on Sunday last, Goderioh Township University Club picnicked at For- ster's flats on Canada's natal day, Everyone seemed to entce heartily into the spirit of the occasion, con- sequently the hours were very enjoy- ably spent. Tile next meeting of the Club will be held at Mrs. James, Fer- guson's' on Thursday of next week. Hullett Township Mrs. Connors of Detroit has been visiting her sister, Mrs. James Rey- nolds). Misses Marie Jordan of Dahlin and Winnie Long, of Brussels spent a few clays at Mr. Doeninic Flynn's recent- ly. Mr. A. J. Holloway of Clinton and Mr. Paul Freeman of Port ;Colborne spent Sunday at Mr. George Car- bert's. - Mrs. L.Purcell ell and children, John, nccie las Robert and Mary, of Strat- ford are visiting at the Slone of Mr. Geo. Carbert and other srelatives. Mr. R. J. Blake of Winnipeg and Miss Nora Blake of Collingwood'are halidaying at the parental home, .NIr.. and Mrs. Richard Bl'oke's, Mr. Ernest Reynolds; ,of Peteeboro and his sister, Miss Mary, s Ma y, are, visit- ing at their home, Mr. and Mrs.. Dt Reynolds'. Misses Mary and Vera Carbert of Clinton 1Stlnaayed wills friends in this vicinity. Mr. McCarthy and Mr. Austin Quig- ley and his two sisters of Kings- bridge returned )some on Monday af- ter spending, a few days • with rela- tives in thl neighborhood. s nerg bo Hood. Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Reinhardt and, children of Berlin visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Morrison, Mr. Reinhardt left for his duties on Stoll- day omday morning but the latter madea longer visit. Hullett Township' The barn belonging to Mr. Angus. McDerrnot of the 2nd on. was de- stroyed by fire yesterday afternoon. How theta) originated is not known.' Mr. Peter (4 -lazier, the tenant, lost tons, of . hay " and implements and had no insurance. ' ORANGE CELEBRATION ION LU -CAN. A R T As a special train'' hasbeen arrang- ed from Goderioh ' to Lucan via Stratford, and as there) will ; be no accommodation via L. H. & 13, ex- cept xrept from points south of. Clinton, no excursion ticicets will be sold for Lucius except via, Sinai/ord.-John Ransford Si Son, Town Agents, Olin Clinton P. S. Report for June. Promoted from Junior 4th to Sr. 415, Total800. Honors 000. • To Pass 480. Honors, -Willis • Cooper 729, Beryl Cooper 709, Stewart McBrien 701, Hel- en Ross 587, Alma MacCorvie 684,.Ag- nes Walker (170, Leighton Walker 658, Mildred Livermore 035, Annie Law- rence625, Ambrose Maguire610, Win- nie Nelson 011. Merritt Nediger 611, Hattie Livermore GCS, Willie Bell 001. Pass. -Celia Hamilton 579, Bert Slo man 574, Alice Flukey 570, Archie Mac- Kenzie 564., Phamie Oree 500, Leslie Buller 556, Mary Walton 533, Charlie Cole 532, Earl Cooper 510, Frances• Yes - bee 510, George Shipley 484, Absent on account of illness, passed on year's work. -Dara Schoenhals,--M. E. ()Wil- ley, Teacher. Division 111. Promoted from Sr, 3rd to Jr. 4th, Minks obtainable 750. Marks to Pass 450. Marks for Honors 562. Honors Agnes Reynolds 601, Harry Ball 688, Amy • Slellyar 674, Gordon Hall 070, Netty Twyford 660, Jabez Rands Bessie Morrish 655, Fergus Rey- nolds 1155, Dorothy Rorke 610, Josephine' Yeshec 1315, George Car-. ter 045, Willie Mulch 011, Bessie Mur- phy 030, Kenneth Carter (127, Etta liar- dy 600, Asa Bolton 505, Earl Johnson 502. Pass. -Earl Crich. 555, Katie Lader 555, Fred Elliott 552, Marjorie Beaton 551. Stewart Taylor 510, Aetna Geealis 536, Eva Boeck 5'53, Lottie Judd 521. Jack Bawden 402, Jean Bell 100, Cora Miller hod, Hugh McGuire 404. James Walker 401.-J, Wilson, Teacher, Promoted from Div, 4th, to Div. Sed. Maximum Marks 750, Honors -Harry Munroe 715, Eleanor -McTaggart 701, DaisyNediger 003, Gordon Powell 083, Ivy Plowes 075, Emerson Libby 671, Nisbet Cook 670, Gertrude Fowler 059, Frank Seenten Otis, Lula McCartney 655, Barrie Oombes 65.1, Winnie Mc - Math 652, Frank Mutch 050, Jean Mil- ler 037, Stuart McDonald 634, Harold Lawson 633, Malcolm McTaggart 020, Helen Greig 017, Willie Malpagie 613, Gladys Wiltsie 610. Pass -Nellie Rut- ledge 591, Hilton Butts 594, Geo. Dixon 590, Audrey Coll ver 589, L. Taylor 590, Margaret Cane 570, Stanley Kennedy 509, Helen Roberton 503, Charlie Greek 6555, PercyLivertnore 553, Anion Hill 552, Herbert Holtzhatter 5.15. Margaret Mennell 581, Ruth Evans 523, )Marian McIntyre 521, Joseph Carbert 500, Gladys Holland 505, Mary Argent 500, Ohara Carbert.192, !Zeta Hamilton 480, Gladys McGuire 480. Promoted irons J r. 3rd to Sr. 3rd iu Div. 4. - Joseph Yesbec 450, John Taylor 118, Donna Mulholland 1-13, Gordon Lawson 429, Amy Gould 381, Charlie Fulford 351, Reggie Hamilton 321, Lucy Levy 320, ---L, Stevens, Teacher. - Division V. Promoted from 3rd Book in Div. 5th to 3rd Book 0l uit • J)I 1th Maximum t lI t ut Mat ks000 To Pass 300Piouors 450. honors M Irjorie 13alernan 840Ruth Hale 531 Kenneth .Rorke 533, Isabel Johnston 528. Leo Reynolds 4110 Roy 1 Livermore e.8O . Ethel Boucle "•1 Y • it Mar. ion Morris 174,1 ack Wigginton 403, Agnes Coelho 102, Swilzee Gracile 459, Battle Blacker. 401, Mary McTfiggarl 450, Pass, - Bessie Lockwood 410, Robert Nliddleton 442, Willie Miller 412, John Yesbec 858, Pearl Carrick 376, Lawrence Wheatley 300, Mervin Deeves 300. Proinoted•frous2nd Book, in Div. 5 - to 3rd Book in Div, 4. Maximum mark 0(19. To .Puss 360. Honors 450. Hon- ors -Katie Beaton 189, Audrey SHims- tyre 455, Percy Procto,' 482, Albert Killuugh 401, Norman McNeil 4513, Hel- en Lucid 451, Harry Cochrane 451, Pass Henry Sloman 440, Douglas Ball 435, Boland Walker 428, Violet Huller 420, Edgar Witse 411, George hlennel 100, Walter Osbaldeston 408, Jean Ford 402, Ernest Bateman 402, Blossom Powell 380. -Ii, Courtiee,Teacher, Promoted from 2nd book in Division 4 to 2nd book in Diuision 5, total marks 500, honours 375, pass 300. Honours- 01fveSchoen Mils 478, Norma Treleaven 447, Wilfrid Grant435, Ferguson Car- ter 418, Charlie Shipley 410, Coleneo Salter. 408, Wilbur Nelsen 406, Fred B eT agge rt 398, Eleanor PI nmsteel 301 Pass Normans Counter 373, John Ned- iger 372, Charlie Mennei 371, Myrtle Bell 368,'Sig l°Sweet861, George El - iott 301, Beth Mc0uire 300, Sadie Gibbs 300: Promoted front let book in Division 0 to 2nd hook in Division 5, Total 600, honors 450,pas `'860. 'honours -Puny' once Johnson 501, Robert Hunter 504, Kenneth Roberton 408 Rase. 'Carter 490 Nellie McNeil,480, Wallace Wheat- ley 482, Eileen Atkinson 478, Willie Ar- gent 475, Donna Cochrane 466,• pass- Jean Simpson 445, Beryl Salter 445, Bert Marshall 438, Russel Peckltt :432,. Carol Evans 428, Oliver Murphy 424. Promoted from let book in' Division 0 to 2nd book in "Division 0, Passrt Olive Lawrence 422, Jack Britton 4£), Elsie Cooper 412, Kathleen Livermore 412, John. Livermore 409, Ernest Ford 405, Clifford Cooper 401, Clyde Ken- nedy 391, :Kathleen Taylor 389, Howard Gould 360, Vera Gould 360, Albert Car- rick 860, --Olive Cooper, Teacher. The follow'i g are promoted iii m Division 7 to D ivtsian 0, Sr. let m'lliv- ision 6. Marks obtainable 300, requir- ed to pees 180 -Beetle Cole 261. Lian;e Nedigev250, Clarence Glazier 257, Myr- tle Wiltse 243, Madelon Hawkins 212, Helen Cook 234, Viola Livermore 232, Oliver Stands 228, Catharine McTag. gitr't 225, Francis Baines 204, Janet Lockwood 202. +1t1QPromoted from Divieion 7 to Sr, 1st in Division 0 -Edith Hill 267, Hubert Reynolds 258, Edgar Magnire 247, Lor- is Collyer 242, Burton Bolton 242, Frank Latter 23$, Margaret Rutledge 221, Arthur Hessian 216, Tom Jackson 211, Lulla Crich 203, Alec Osbaldeston 200, Reeser Forster 180, Promoted from the Primer to 1st book in Divisions 7. Total marks 300, required to pass 180 -Billy Hovey 270, Olive Watkins 270, Elmer Paisley 207, Carrie Pickett 204; Edwin Maclrenzie. 202, Phoebe Bolton 25$, Harold Liver- more'958, Dorothy Mason 2511, Ruth Ball 213, Rota Elliott 240, Douglas Car- ter 240, Arthur Fultorcl 220, Frieda. Schoenhals 218, Howard Greeks 210. Howard Mulholland 206, ViolaHalriil- ton 204, Violet Lapraik 201. -SI. Wiltse, Teacher. From Div. 8th to Div. 7th - Margie Hale, Clyde Wheatley, Dorothy Streets, Douglas Kennedy, "Wilmer Deeves; Cecil Cooper, Nettie Taylor, Frank Howard, Jack Mulch, Bever- ley Butt. Marion MCBrien, Clarence Menne), ArthurMnguire, Ross McEw- en, John Rand, Hugh Ladd, Sybil Proctor, David Miller, Joe Twyford Eva Cole. -W, Thorn pson, Teacher, Hammocks for the good old summer time, They are not only to give you comfort and pleasure but keep you out in the fresh air, an assistance ' for good health, Come and get first choice. Prices range from $1.50 to $6.50. CooerC CLINTON. L 11 UEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON,- ONTARIO S EDUCATION MEDICINE SCHOOL OF MINING HEMICAL MINIMECHANICAL5 IVIL ENGINEERINGTRICAL i1RO. Y. CROWN, Realstrar HOME STUDY Arts Courses only. SUMMER SCHOOL JULF and AUGUST A NEW ISSUE of the Telephone. Directory is now being prepared, and additions and changes for it should Sr repnrled to our local manage, at one,. Have you a telephone? Thomwho have win toll you that it is the most precious of medics conveniences. Why not order to=day and have your name in the new directory/ The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada The New, Transcontinental, NEW SHORT ROUTE to WESTERN CANADA sl Can. Govt. Rya., T. & N. O. Ry .• Grand Trunk Ry.. System TORONTO WINNI,PEG via North Bay, Cobalt and Cochrane, Through the Scenic Highlands of Ontario. Across New Ontario. Route of innumerable Marvels, Finest Egaipmentr-:. Splendid Roadbed. Commencing Tu nday, July 13. ,_ by Toronto 10.4513.m. Tue. Thu. Sat Lv. Winnipeg. 6.00 p.m. daily North Bay 7.15 m. Wed. Fri.. Sun Ar.: Regina 8.05earl, C chrane 4 45 p.m. Wed F i. Sun Saskatoon 9,38 a m ' Ar. Winnipeg 3,50 p.m. Thu. San Mon Edmonton 10.00 p.m. 6 Through tickets via; the "Canadian Rockies at - their best" to Prince Rupert, Yukon, Alaska, Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle. O Electric lighted coo h s, dining, tourist &, standard sleeping cars; 6 Time tab) s sleeping ear tickets and other in. cot formation from any Grand Trunk, Coo Govt. or T. & N. 0. Ry. Agents on apo) cation. , ttf ile'i] tr Constance. 'Quite a number of young people from from hereabouts • iieniok it at Hayfield 1 A y on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Will Woods spent Sun- day as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Nicholson, Mr. Fred Wakefield and family have moved into the house formerly occu- pied by Mr. Wm; Clarke. News -Record lip end of year for 6Oc. mismormmus, 'somas Constance Mr. Jack Milson of Florence epenk few days visiting Iris mother, Mrs, Milson, and other ,friends here, Dr. Wm. Sloan 'of Torontovisited � his niece, Mrs. J. Taylor, over Dom- inion Day. News -Record Means News -Leader., Are. you a subscriber ?' Safe and d Timet y Investments store nts At no period in our experience of over a quarter of a century, have there been so many new in- vestors in Government and Municipal debentures as during the past six or seven months. This is due to the fact that these securities con- stitute the safest class of investment, and that owing to present financial conditions,• they are now obtainable at most advantageous prices. They are readily resaleable, and are being constantly purchased by such discriminating investors as Banks, Insurance, Loan and Trust Companies. Our latest list contains full particulars of such high-grade debentures as: GOVT. PROVINCE ONTARIO CITY TORONTO GOVT. PROVINCE MANITOBA TOWN NORTH BAY GOVT. PROVINCE ALBERTA TOWN WATERLOO CITY ST. THOMAS TOWN ST. LAURENT CITY SYDNEY GREATER WINNIPEG TOWNSHIP RICHMOND WATER bIST. TOWN Investments NEWMARKET Aso MAI, OTReaO l are available n small as well as large amounts Write for our latest list and pamphlet explaining fully the nature of debenture security. A. E. AM ES & CO. VP:I er{�,ent Established Union Bank Building, Toronto - <aas '.' '. Ames H. R. Tudhopo ' T. 6raetshaw Coombs C. E. Abba womminnwrommil "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $590 Yarn' neighbor drives a Ford -why don't you ? We areleelling more Fords in Canada tris S en r than ever below -because Canadians demand the best in motor car service ae the lowest pos- sible cost. The "Made in Canada" Forel is is it ur.cesstt t c t a luxury. y S. Prices quoted. F.0,13. Ford, Touring Coe $000 ; Town Car price on appliea- trou. All Ford. ears are fully equipped, includ- ing electric headlights. No cars sold unequip- ped. Buyers of :Ford cars will share in our profits if we sell 30,000 cars between. August 1st, 1914 and Augtist 1st, 1015. ,BERT LANGFORD. Dealer Clinton, Ont. Phone 183. De Laval Cream Separator The World Standard. Ideal Green Feed. Silos, Alpha Gasoline Engines, .0e Laval Oil and Wendott Cleanser. Stock of repairs kept at my house 3 doors west of Commercial Hotel and ropail ink; done Saturday afternoons. Also Agent for Newcombe Pianos. D. 1W, Hamilton, Phone 207 Clinton, i FURNITURE, RUGS AND LINOLEUMS We can assist your in selecting your frn'niture if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces you will find it to your advantage to inspect our stock and see the bargains We are giving. We also carry a good Slue of violins, pianos and organs. Our undertaking deintetusent is up-to-date in every re- spect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Night and Sunday calls answered at residence over store, 28 "'Phone ' 28 i NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT 'We have just received a carload of the same old brand of Portland Cement which has always given you such eom ''plete satisfaction, It always fills your requirements, . You cannot make a mistake using the National, S. J, ANDREWS" Clinton 1