The Clinton News Record, 1915-06-17, Page 8'est Our Better Shoes !
^»You'll find here not only the late models in ehoes-the best of
s esthe shoes you'll like, but you'll find that buying shoes here is a
pleasure -both for the reasonof the excellence of our shoes and our
splendid painstaking, service in feting!
We spare no pains to see that you are fitted with just the right
sort of shoes, and that you are
if yon buy shoes here once, you'll do it again. We've a whole ar-
my of patrons that have met with this experience and never think of
going elsewhere. • `"
Men's Shoes at $2,00 $2.50 $300 $3.50 to $6.50
Women's Shoes at .. 1.50 2 00 2.50 to 5.00
Boys' and Girls' Shoes at 1.50 2.00 2.50 to 3.50
Children's Shoes ' at .85 .50:.75 to 1.50 -
There's note ath'ng new or startling about our prices ! You have
seen the same figures quoted time and again and they'll continue to be
quoted for all time to come! '
• BUT I.
' We ask you to come hereto see and learn how much better shoe
value.. yourshoe money will secure here than ,it will if you buy your
shoes: "Most Anywhere I"
The Good Shoes Store.
� Special Sale eu tie Folio!iBg
1 only Lawn -Mower Regalar $5,50. ..for $4,50
i(` 1 only Lawn Mover 5.00 for 4.00.,
1 only Volmer 7.50 for 6.0q
1•=only. Wheel Barrow . 3.75 for 3.00'
1 only 'Wheel Barrow ' 4.00 for 3.25
1 only Portable Rubber Bath " 0.00 for 3.00
1 only Refrigerator -- * 12.00 for ,,0,00,
1 only No. 2 Daisy Churn- 6.75 ,for, 6.00
1 only No. 4 Daisy Ohnrn 8.75 fee 8.00
1 only Grind stone tnb'1'r'eteel frame 6.00 for 4.50
3 Hammocks at cost. 'Out Glass .at a good _discount
for balance of this month: Headquarters for a com-
plete line' in all kinds of Hardware:
Tub Dresses
Our stock of wash dresses is very complete and
pretty and the very best value' that your money can
buy. We have the little dresses and rompers for the
wee tots at 25c, 35e, and 50c to $2.00. Ladies house
dresses to $2,25. See our special value at $1,00.
At the present time we are showing some won-
derful values in women's and children's patent colt but-
t62a boots and pumps. These goods are made of the
Keit of stock and will give excellent satisfaction and at
tire same time are very moderately priced.
We can save you money on your shoe bills. It
will pay you to try us.
Full stock of sandals and tennis shoes now in
Plumsteel Bros.
ISmall Profits - More Business
Exceptional Offerings
in Furniture.
luring the quiet times caused by the war the furniture.
mannfatneera have been giving some big discounts on fur-
niture. We have been able to take advantage of these dis-
counts to stock our store with some of the hest values we
have ever 'altered and we invite those who contemplate
buying furniture to come in and inspect our stock and get
our prices before buying elsewhere.
Ball &,' Atkinson
Night 'and Sunday Calls;
N. BALL Phone 110, . J. A. ATKFNSON, ,]Phone 186e
Clinton News -Record
Blouse with Jabots
Jumper and'Suspender'Skirts
Draped, Gathered and Tucked Skirts
SleevesinMitten and Leg -o' -Mutton Style
These are new styles, and with many
other up-to-date features are shown in the
Standard Fashion" Sheet
r for June
A free copy awaits you at out Standard Pattern
Often the Cheapest -Always the Best.
r''T it nanlfanpantlnNnNintt ,
IIII �Ilf ll
'Mrs. Shannon of Toronto is , visiting. ,
her many old •friends, -n town.
Mrs. Dodsw.o.rth and Mrs. Swan are
spending.. a waeek, with .Exeter.
friends. '
Mr., A. T..Cooper was in Mitchell'
taking a preaching service on' "Sun-
day evening. '
Major McTaggart returned Saturday
from a trip to the 'World's Fair at
San Francisco. ' •
Mr. Earl O'Neil left on Friday for
London to take a course of mil-
itary training.
Miss I Melrose of Stratford is' a,
guest at the home o_f her- uncle,
Mr. Oliver Johnson. t•
Mr. Knox Mair, ",Vaikeiville, is holt-
dayiug at the parental home, , that
of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Mair.
Miss . Mae Forbes is attending the
retail coal dealers' convention be-
ing •held in. Buffalo this week, .
Mrs. Moore of St. Maryte has been
visiting her cousin, Mrs. D. S.
Clint of town. -She left on Monday.
Mrs. ee. Gosleigh Iwent to Toronto on
Monday owing to the death of her
mother, the late Mrs. W. IL 'Watts,
Miss Amyl A. Andrews returned Sat:
urdey from a month'svisit with
her cousin, Mrs.,fFred. Gillies, Wat-
Dr. Shaw was in Toronto for a few
days last week, being called . there
by ;the serious illness of Miss Arch-
ibald from pnezunonia'
Mr. and Mrs. Moore and a, party of
friends from Detroit have been
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Davis this week.
Miss Margaret McLaughlin of London
was a visitor in tcjwn this week,
having come up , to be present at,
the Williams -Lovett wedding yes-
Mrs. J. Irving and Miss Rose Clem=
ens came over from Detroit on •the
Greyhound excursion and are this
week the guests of the former's sis-
ter, Mrs. A. J. Grigg.
Mrs. Pinning and Miss Idinlou were
in Mitchell over the week -end owing
to. the death of the former's son-
in-law, Mr. Wilfred Iludeen.
Mrs. 5, J, Allen left yesterday to
visith her daughters, Mrs. Turner
and Miss Mayfrid AIiin of Regina.
She will he absent several weeks,.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dowding and fain -
fly left for their home in Chicago
on Monday after spending a week
with the former's mother in town.
Rev, Fathers Fester, Ridgetown ;
Fuerth, West Lorne ; Fallon, Wing -
ham, and, Stroeder, Zurich, ' were
guests of Rev. John Hogan last
. 13. McVittic of North Bay
has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
Kilty of town, andwith other
friends in the vicinity for the past
fortnight, or so.
Mrs•. Rumhall of Flint, Mich., and
her daughter, Mrs. Dixon, and lit-
tle grand -daughter of Detroit are
guests this week of the , former's
sister, Mice,Rudd.
Miss Stone 'returned Monday after a
ten 'days' visit at her home at Es--
s-sex. Miss Bell of London assisted
on the teaching stall of the School
of Commerce during her absence,
Mr. Albert. R. Mitchell, reprebeating
the manufacturers of Lion Brand
Clothing, returned on Wednesday of
last week from a trip to the Soo
and intervening points and was this
'week up north.
Miss Effie Snowdon of Yarmouth Cen-
tre has berm spending ,the past fori>-
,night visiting, friends in Clinton,
Holmesville and Varna. While in
Clinton khe was the guest of Miss
Beatrice Greene.
Mr.' Frank O'Retl of Moosejaw,
Sask.; who has been visiting, at, the
hone of .his brother, Mr. W. T.
O'Neil, is improving in health the
many friends hereabouts and in the
WOO :Mill be glad ,to hear,
Mr.".and • Mrs. Aordon Rutledge ,of
Winhipeg are the ,•guests of the
former's .parents, .:Rev. Dr.. and
,Mrs 'Rutl'edge, at the Wesley- par-
sonage..} tic. Rutledge ie. manager
'of the Winnipeg branch of the. Mee
Lean Publishing 'Co.
June I7th,'' 1915
nusuai values in:.;R:titS..
The past week has been one of unusual activity in the Rug section, owing to the exception-
al character of the values presented. We have, freshened up the assortments with additions of
many new colorings, patterns and sizes; thus making choosing as varied and interesting as before.
' . 7$!"" rash Rods Can't San -Never Tarniah
Curtains and Draperies are used in every home. Get the most pleasing effect by using the
KIRSCH FLAT ROD. It makes it decidedly easy for anyone to secure charming window decora-
tions --the kind that convoy the impression that they are the work of an expert. Made in Standard
sizes and extensions, there is one to fit any window and a special style for bay windows.
affords the• best choice, best values and the widest range of patterns in the County.
These are of matting and very durable -will stand exposure and can be washed without
injury to colors or fabric. Green and natural shades, Reversible.
Women's Store ..,
Dry Goods and
Men's Store
House Furnishings
Phone 67. tom•
nOWN s Merchant Tailoring and
Men's Furnishings
Phone 143
Personals. Brucefield
Miss Laura Wilken spent a few
days in Gotierich this week.
Mrs. W, Biggart and two . children
vis#ted friends in Goderich this
• week.
Mi. Terraceil3iggins of Bruceficld vis-
ited over the week -end with his
aunt, Mrs. Win. Graham.
Mr. J. Lester. Davis, , Toronto, rep-
resentiog a syndicate of papefsl,
three, in this province, was in town
yesterday. hie is a brother-in-law
of School Trustee S. Kemp.
Mr, Wm. Scott of Rostock, Sask.,
who canoe east as a delegate to the
General Assembly, has been visiting
the Melewan families in town and
friends in Stanley during the past
More Locals.
Mr. Ed. Tighe, who has been attend-
ing the College at Sandwich, returned
to the homestead in Hullett last even-
ing for the holiday period.
The ns,. C. T. D. will hold their an.
nual meeting at the home of Mrs. O.
J. Wallis on Friday evening.
A lawn social uncles, the auspices of
the Orange Lodge will be held on Mee
Peter Oantelon's lawn this evening.
1; The Women's Institute will meet at
the home of Mrs. Thos. McKenzie, Jr„
on Thursday afternoon next.
Mr. Bert Langford delivered three
new' Ford cars yesterday to three rep-
resentative fanners, Adam Stewart,
Ed. Glen and Eel, Wise.
for the good old summer
They are not only to give
you comfort and pleasure
but keep you out in the
fresh air, 'an assistance
for good health.
Come and getfirst
Prices range from
$1.50 to $6.50.
A pretty "wedding took place at
"Pine Grove," the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Dickson, on Saturday,
when their daughter, Mande, became
the bride of George -A. Glenn, of this
place. The ceremony was performed,
by Rev. A, 1V, Barker of Seaforth,
her father giving her away, while
Miss I•lortot \played the wedding
march. The peung couple were un
attended.- and the bride wore a simple
gown of white silk and carried white
roses. The groom's gift to the bride
was a pearl and gold handled par-
asol, to the pianist s,2 pearl and ame-
thyst bar pin. Immediately after the
signing of tine register e Rev. Mr,
Barker sang "Oh Perfect Day."
Guests were present from, Elmira,
Brussels„ Seaforth and .I•Iensal 1. There
neotorloads went to Brucefield to
catch the evening train for the south.
The bride's' traveling suit was. of navy
blue with sand -colored heat, gloves and
shoe:;, A short honeymoon will be
spent in Detroit. They will reside on
the London Road, near here,
Gotierich is to have an old-time
Dominion Dalt celebration. A pro-
gram has been arranged which will
provide a long clay's amusement and
entertainment. In the morning, on
the Scfuare, there will be a proces-
sion of decorated autos and bicycles,
floats, etc a baby show, with suit-
able prizes, and a series of children's
games. The afternoon sports will in-
clude football, lacrosse, speed tests
(gentlemen's roan race, running race,
and 2.50 trot or pace), athletic con-
tests, Higha
awl dancing, etc. A
special feature will he a motorcycle
race, which is expected to be one
of the most interesting events of jibe
day's program. The 33rd Regiment
band will furniser music • throughout
the clay. All school children, in pro --
cession, ' whether •from, town or town-
• ships, will be admitted free to the
afternoon sports. ' Goderich is a
delightful spot at this season of the
• year, and many visitors are expect-
ed on Dominion Day.
The ' hood physician occupies a field
of great useldlness in the world. No
one questions this, and no one ?would
think of eliminating him.
It is equally true that the good
proprietary medicine occupies as wide
a field of usefulness, not only bemuse
it is cenvenient and economical, but
also beeguse it is most carefully com-
pounded from the . best quality of in-
gredients, by, the sami processes and
by the same experienced chemists,
whien gives it an advantage over the
ordinary przscript'on in uniformity
of strength, quality and effect.
Anyone what reads the letteps that
voluntarily Bell, of cures effected by,
Hood's Sarsaparilla, .' e;en when or -
cep other meant of relief, otter med-
icines, hcseital treatment apd physi
clan's prescriptions-has'e been ex-
sgx at value. but be convinced of
'its g
The News From Londesboroe
Miss B. Brogden returned to . Lon-
don Monday after; spending a few
weeks' holidays, at her home here.
Miss L. Mains. has returned from
London where she has been spending
a few weeks.
Mrs. Frank Little visited London
friends over the week -end.
Messrs. Thos. Millar and F. Woods
hape had a stegm ditcher working on
their farms the past, week.
A number from here picnicked , at
Gotierich on Monday.
Mr. Walker of Toronto spent a
few clays. this week'. with Me. John
Messrs Ford & McLeod loaded sev-
.eral cars of :baled, bay here this
Mr.. John Spindler of Lueknow
spent a few days this week at the
Monte of Mr. Joseph Lyon.
Mr. Wm. Gorier is attending the
annual convention of the C,O.F, at
'St. Catharines this week. )
Mrs. (Pr.) I•Iamlin of Detroit is
visitinee her sister, Mrs. •J. Lasham,
btr, J. W. Taenblyn is visiting
Chatham friends this Week,
Mr. Frank Brown of London spent
a few days with friends here, re-
turning to the city Wednesday,
Hullett Township
Sir. Thos. Carbert has purchased a
Hullett Township
The football match, between the
" West -end Tuckersmith " and the
"Alma Alerts" resulted in a tie, no
goals being scored on either side. It
was a good game and a large crowd
of, spectators turned out to witness
it, The return game is to be played
on Councillor W. J. Miller's field next.
Monday evening at 7 o'clock sharp.
The match last Monday evening be-
tween the "Bachelors" and the `Ben -
edicts," resulted in a victory for the
Iatter, the score being 11-s. Anoth-
er match is called for. Thursday ev-
ening of this week at seven o'clock
between the same teams. 'rite un-
attached are confident they will beat
the married men as '+hep slid on the
evening of May 24th, but the latter
are just as determined not to let:
+hent do so,
Mr. Frank Reynolds returned hone
Monday after a short vacation with
friends in the East,
Cow For Sale.
I have a good cow, guaran-
teed, due to calve August 1st,
which I will sell or exchange
for a fresh milk cow.
Summer Footwear.
KEEPING COOL -We can help you solve
the problem of keeping cool and comfortable
during the warm days of the hot season.
ready for your inspection the newest in light
summer shoes to suit every need you may
have for street, house or sports.
-In Plain, Two Strap or Colonial Styles,
$1.50 to $2.00 per pair,
CHiLDREN'S- SLIPPERS -A full range
of Infant's, Child's, asd Misses' Slippers and
...Pumps from 85C. to. $2.25 per pair.
A complete assortment of shoes always in
stock for all the summer sports.