The Clinton News Record, 1915-04-08, Page 6REPLENISH YOUR BLOOD IN THE SPRING Just 'now you are feeling "out of eorts"—notyour usuel iself. Quite exhausted at times, and eannot, de.: vote seal energy ta your work. Sleep does .net leg:. you and you wake up feelint "elil tired' but." Perhaes rheumatism, kflying through your neuseles and joints, or be yeur skin ia disfigeree by rwsies, boils or pimples. Heed:- achee, twiegee o nettraigia, Ate. of nervouenese, irritability of teMper aed, a disordered .stornach erten in- crease your disteinfort in the epeing: •. • , The cause—winter has left its mark on you. These tioublee. ere .signs that yens blood is poor and watery, those your nerves aie, ex- hausted. You'.must renew ante ee- rieleYene blood' atemoe tied reskie ione to; yesek tired nerve,e, or there maw be a complete breakdowns The • most. powerful remede for these epring eihnests in tmen, women and children is Dr. Williams' Pink pins for Pale People,--,becaarse these• - Pills cleanse had blood and • strengthen ' weak nerves, ' New, rioh, -red , blood—your. • greatest need in spring—is plenti- fully Created- by D.r. Williams' Pink Pills, and with this sway, -pure' blood in your vein's you quiddy regain health -and in your strength. Then your sidu becomes .elear, your eyes bright, yoke. nerves strong and you feel better, eat - better, sleep better, and are able to do your work. 4 Begin your spring tonic treat - anent to-cley for the -blood and nerves -with Dr. Williams' Pink that strengthen. 'These Piles esre eold by most dealers; but do net •be persuaded to take "eonnething just theses:nee.' Ie you easee get .the genuine Pills from your dealer they -will be eent • you by mails poet paid, at 50 eente a box or .sax boxes or $2.50 by writing The Dr. Wiltliaree Medi- • eine Co., Brockville, Ont. Cure for German Measles. 'Recruiting Sergeant H. Chapman of the East Kent Buffs, stationed ab Canterbury, Kent, England, sends to his brother in. Buffalo, Cbris. Chapman, the ,following "cure foi Ce man . measles" some 'Woolwich powders with tincture of iron or essence of -lead, and admin - i.. ister le pills (or shells). Have ready a little British army (a little goes a long way). some 13russels sprouts 'and French mustard, Add a little Cantsdia.n cheese, some Australian lambs; and season With Indian cerise, Bet it on a Kitchener and keep stirring until reek- hob. If this does nob make the patient per- spire .freely, rue the lest Russian bear's gre a se on his Chest, -and wran in Berlin wool. Dr. Cannon's pr ripti on P . —T e patient must. 00 no ace° un t take any "-peace-seep" enbil-the swelling' in the head has quite disappeared. Causes of Strange 'Worries. HOW manytimes have yeehearcl , people say, 'I knew :something is gqing to happen." They 'belong to that class oE humans who seem to keep in .a, chronic state of worri- ment for which there is DO apparent reasen. Now, when you hear a • person say the above quoted words, make up your mind tlia,t 'the cause is usually nob `something -that • is going to happen," but something that has actually hapeened, or is happening, in the patient's ow'l system, it may be a badly•working liver, a, weak heart, or any of the • 0112.11 5,0r, Perhaps, sorae difficulty in the, intestinae tract. The, diem - die may not give direct evidence of ite, existence, but still be respon- sible fee this apparently causeless 'W13 S 0 E HARD NOC S 'Woman Gets Rill of liabit„ The injurious action Of tea and • coffee on the +hearts of meny per- sons is well lanown by plieeiela-ne to • be caeseci by caffeine. • This is the drug found by chemists in tea and aeffee. A woman suffered ae hong time • wi 1,41 severe beast trouble and finally her doctor told her she • must give up coffee, as that Was the principal cause -of the broil -Isle: kilns writes: • "My heart Nees: so weak it could - not 60 i ta week peopesey. My bee- . band would, sometime -.have to • carry me from the table, and it wouldseem that I would never b rea t , n agaSet. •"The doctor told me that eoffee was causing the 'weakness of my, heart, 'Ide' said I must stop it,. but it seemed I could, not give it up un- • til I was down in bee with nervous • prostra tion . "For elle.ven weeks- 1 ley there and eufferect. Finally husband brought home some Postai:In and I started pow and right, -Slowly .I get Wee.. Neeel de not have ane headaches, nor iliose,'`-spells with weak heart. WelorrOw it is Poste= feat eelpeet •ni4 DY. ,said th:e . "day: 1 never thoUght yosi • 14,:.11Id'he What ' you are.' 1 used • to -.teeth 92 ponntla and now I • weigh '15d. "Postitd,' must be Prepared no- ' cording to directicins -on pkg,-, then it has a rirh flavour and :with cream is finfe:"- •Nanne given by Canaellen Poseern • 'Go., Wtieldseee Ont.. Reed "The Road to WeRville,," in plzgs. Postmn gonna in two forms • Regular POstum roust he well boiled. 15a and 25C packages. Instant Pestum — a• eokble powder. A teaspoonful dissolves - quickly' in a cup of -hot water and,' with :creain and sugar,. makes a dchieiou,bevexage inStantly. 30c and 50c tins. • Roth. kinds ere equally- delicious •paid eest per ,enp allsout.the same; ':"Tbere's a Beaton" for Roatalln. —eolci by Groceiss CHIEF OF IMPIlltiAt STAFF. Lieutenant - General Sir James Wolfe Murray. Chief eif the imperial staff of the Brieish Almy is the proud title of Lt-Geneiral Sir Ja-ines Wolfe? Mur- ray, a man in , WIlOin , Canadians should be interested beeause of the fact that he is a lineal, de-scenclan1 of Col. Murray oi the Black Watch, in whose arms General JausesWolle died upon the Plains of Abraham • 'before Quebec in 1759. Col, Murray named- Ids son Tames :Wolfe, and the two names'of England'e great hex.° have beep headed down from generation to generation. The present James Wolfe was born. on Maeda 13, 1853. This by in due time had to „,en't his schooling, and began- at the suristo-eratic Gilenalmonci- in Perth- shire, From ,there he went to Bar- row, thence to the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, getting 9, commission in She Gunners in 1872. At the "ehop" no one supposed that the young Scot would have a particularlybrilliant career. It was recognized tamt he could work for ten hours at a .stretch and- was ..extresnely long-headed, but his Sooteh*sturies required a Scotch sense of linnior to be found amus- ing. 'For instance, he WAG fond of the knowing: One day, he relates, he chanaed to meet a "native" up in town and asked him how he liked Lonidlon. "Man, it's a grin' plece,". replied the Soot, "but for "pleesere commend me to Peebleee On the other hidit is told of 'Wolfe LE: - ray that 011 'seeing the Pyramids for the first titie be was observed to be pondering deeply eves, the spectacle. Everyone believed him to be vastly impressed by their an- tiquity and -grandeur until he sol- emnly delivered himself -a,s fel- lows: "Only to think of these things 'standing -here all these thou- sands of years. Give sue a couple of batteries and: I would guaran- tee to locock the rubbish to hits in a weelc." The "Ravening \Voile." Why he should eves- have been called the "Ravening Wolfe" .is not clear. There is no record in ,eny auess of his ever 'having attack- ed a eheep-fold; on the contrary, he 'hes always been known as a most staid, and respectable member of society who has been twice mar- ried, and brought up two sons and, three daughters in the way they should go. In the had old days en. Sir James Wolfe Murray, when Wolfe Merrity ereti ,entered the eel -vice, subalterne considered ,that it woes the eloper thing fo play baled and work not et all. -Bub Wolfe Murray was a heretie. Play ite did not greatly'care about, but he worked al day, 'studied Russian, -and passed for the Staff College. It was probably there learned lilsat a rifle is amore or less s-ervice- able arm- for lite destruction nt one's -ellen:deg. In his -early youth he, like most -gunners, --had a fine co-ntempt for that weapon; and on an inspecting Officer questioning him about this battery's musketry progress, Oooked vague and aston- ished. On being pressed for an ariewof 'he' admitted to knowing that his Foxe had ,Sente hand -gens, bet added that "lh,e did eel, know what they tteed them for." Ills Chance Came. On leaving the Staff College he went to the Intelligenee Depart, - Mere at the Near Office, and then on to Aldershot. At last a chance came. We -had trouble with a dusky potentate. A email British gaereoh was thut up in Cemassi, efel Sir James Willeocks was des- eittched with a fusee to relieve it. Mejoe Wolfe Mus -ay wale a,ppoint- ed as vernmandant Of the lines' of eommuntication. Detail awl hard work meted hien excellenely; got a decoration and a brevet. His job in .Ashanti [had clone hineso ivell that when the South African Wee came along lie got a simile]: oeie in Nate!, end was metneened in des- p.atches both by Sir George White and Sir Redvers By. this time he. was ci major-gednerail, abd, went oub to India as Quartermee- ter-General. The' little tin gods • with the braes hate looked en weal Ise hie 'done gm:eke/el -.that it was good, aesthey reviee ao ancient 141- let, b'y name'Master-Generee of the Ordnanee, and tele they .gaee to Welk:X.11May. The chief clay of thy person holding ,thie job was fp give .tips.10 -the in eethority over bee and, let :theme know: when guns, „rifles, 'and ampunibion were ,reaching vanishing point in the ‘aisena2s--7-isi, other *axis, to .der,' ardent economists out of scrapes. lquirray could do this' more than becauee detail and oegenciea.- lion were us the 'breath of eis nos- trils. Ingratitude for eel he had eassed evevybedy ilw was made a divisional general in India., arisl now he has suceeeded tee late Sir Ctherles-Doeglas as chief of the Imperial Seeff,- No Bills to Pay. She (reproadifully---"You didn't meld speeding money on me before we were inarrie-cl." He — No; ; ba -ch it then to spend, " EDICINE T." • Ren' the Rising >Young City Ob- tained •Its Name. Not saa-ny nemesis know what was the origin of the strange name borne by the Canadian oiti that Mr. Rucis tied Kipling once oalled {Ile city born kicky.'' %tie word ``naecticinemeans more to an Indian than * We think of it as meaning senrieths»,g nasty that is good for us, but the Indian distinguishes as "good medicine" airiX "bad medicine" anything that he fancies will change his fortunes, for better or 'for worse, Imagine that Lois hunt- ing an antelope arid meeting with no success, Presently he finds an empty 'cartridge shell or the top of a tomato tin, and' 'shortly after- wards he'gete n amb athis game. Oan le doulet teat the piece -of tin or the ,thell gave the luck'? Net he. fls wease time fregrant of emote, tin or erepty :shell about his neck with his other j7wetry, and it is 'go e medicine. ' ' Several yearseago there was a Beackfoot :thief who lived in the vi- cinity. cif Seven, Perkins River; where now steeds the oirty of Med- kine Hee He and his tribe were fond of bunting azssi of making war on their enemies, the Crees. This chief always wore a headdrees of feathers that he called his "med- icine hist;" for be thought that it brought good fertilise. It was e dirk day for the &lee when he last met the Creee at the place wheee now stands the growing •city. Be and bis mem fell upon the enemy .with great ,bravery, and evem put them tet ignominious flight. But just then a gest of wend whirled out of the west, caught the magic hat, :and tossed it into the swe b - reaming Saiskaeeliewan River. In- stantly elle poor chief lest all con- e.dence in huneell and his cause, wed with victory in Ibis hand he forebore to grasp it, but fled over the plains to,weed the Rockies, fol- lowed by his tribe. • MOTHER'S PRAISE .°. BABY'S' OWN TABLETS Mrs. S. E. 'Aerie, Grafton, Ont., writes: "I have used Baby's Gem Tablets evee sines sny baey was two weeks old and wined net) be Without them as I -consider them the eest medicine in the world ter little ones." What Mrs, Laurie says thousands of other snothees say. Simply because they haxe found- 14 Tablets safe ape sure tend pleasant for the little ones to take. They aire sOld by medicine dealers or by mail -at 28 cents a hex from Mlle Dr. Williams' Medi - eine Co., Brockville, Ont. 1 AN INTEREST] NG CA SE. Heavy On An Ameri- can Railcoad. elh.e elsese eupereision exeecieed by the Interstate Commence Com- mission over the United States railivitels is illustrated by the heavy Lino Impesed recently by the federal courts on the Michigan Central Railroa-d of $24,000 for failing to collect demurrage -charges from the National Fireproofing CompanT, In the case of these demurrage charges the unfortunate railway is sometimes between the devil and the deep sea; for the shipper,. par- bicularly the large shinier, le of- ten slow in paying, whereas the watchful emnuession, :sweet -hag' a concealed rebate, is ever threaten- ing punishment. A fine such as the one justimposed will probehly force ethe railroads to insist on proutpt collections, and the Cana - <lien Board of Railway Commission- ees may :follow suit. Shipper.% wave have been storing their goods on freight eame at the rail:reed's ex- pense will then Do itpoger" be able to -escape payment by putting up excuses or playing on tile saot, thee they ere good eustomers of the rail road. • Good Hi tri s. Eves in lateness it is ,well to be fired with zeal, People who rule the roost like to crow about it, He Who hes a bee in his bonnet often gets stung. Scene people take, bush- els .of pakete keep out of a peck of troeble, People who do things by halves secure fractional re- sults. It iS 'enthral for a man to desire to stutter wben he pro- nommee his own doom. Conscience may make cowards of us ale but it is the gallery that snakes a lot of heroes. It is sheer nonsense to claim that truth hies at ehe bottom DIE a well. Truth never lies.. l'liisNurees' Reward. The following story is tolcl by leed,y Roberts, concerning a smart answer made to a remark of hers by a soldier in India. She Nvas visit- ing some military hospitals out ,there end Nvas so delighted with 'whet she saw that she exclaimed, "I think the retirees deserve temedal for this eempaign cia tiouells as any- one, .ancl I hope they will get one." "I don't know about a medal," seed a witty officer who was in at- tericlance, "but they are sure to get silenty of- clasps." ' Getting' the Cider. . Johnny was sesit to 'the cellar to draw a pitcher of eider. When he .got bade the guest comthended him. "You [must have good judgment -NS fill the pitcher so accurately in the dark without running it over," "Aw, that ain't herd," replied Yoleiny, "Yes see, weee the °ides ob rip -to the. first joint of my theta See:Ted." you the ,clefericlan 11' ' asked the Judge. "No, hoss,'' replied the man. `I ain't -dorm nothin'tO be called names like dab. • I'se got a lawyer here," "Then who eve you'? 'Why, Ise the gen lemaii, 'at, took de chickens '' minaret Liniment Cures Denman. I Never !ant to Be Without Them ee.geet nee. A. A:171410N, SA YS OF' e ODI)'S 'KIDNEY PILLS. Alberta. Lady 'Feels: it Her Dirty to Tell Her Friends of the Bene- fit She Hee Reeeived from Doild's Riffne.y Pille. Faith; Alberta, April ete (Spas ciate.—"1 never want to be without Dodd's Kidney Pills," so says, Mrs. A; Avalon, OLIO of the oldest and seost highly respected citizens ca this:place. ' ,atre :an old lady, sixty --eight years of age," Mrs. Averon con- tinues, "end had Kidney trouble for twenty yeaes. My, heart' bot? Ise erect -me, my muscles would -oPam, and my hack ached. Nestrelgea 'was added to my troubles. • oni`13,9Dmodedd'isci, nICeielt,heaeyt ehPaveleeshooirj,ced. mthe e, and I; easiest recenemend them too highly. I feed it my duty to eve my friends seleat DodeVe Kidney Pille did for me." — "Dodsle Kidney Pills are the faverite re-medy of the old folks. They cure the Kidneys, which ere tee first of the organs of the bode te feel the strain of yeaas. By cur- ing the Kidneys Dodd'e Kidney Pells engem pure blood and pulse blood gives renewed energy ell over the body. Thaee. -why the old folks say "Dodd'o Kidney Pills Make me feel yoeng agaie." CURE BY "MEDICINE MAN." Glutton Ceased Groaning- When "Doctor" Found Cause. - In the Wide World Magazine P. H. Godsell writes of- 'The Lend of the North Wind." He gives an account eif liee among the Crow Inseams, and -relates how while the wife and children attend to the fish nets set in the lakeand snare the rabbits in the surrounding Woods the head of the fainily goes off in quest of larger game. Should he in the -course of a :few days return successful (having slain, perhaps, two or three moose) the whole fam- ily onove camp to the spot where the meat lies, leaving only the wig warn pules to mark the Paco of their previons habitation. Any other families that may be in in the vicinity will be immediately called upon -to share in 'the spoils., and all will gorge -themselves -to their utmost capacity until the late der is -nein empty, when it Neill be thee for anothee hunt. I remember upon one oeeesion arriving at a, camp weere the hunt- ers hed been sasecessful. The Crow had dined too wee and WdlE lying gremlin on the floor of the wirem, no doubt 'mamentarily exPeceng to find himself on the darksome train to the happy hunt - grounds. Aceendingly, the eer- vices of the local ceneteer or medi- cine man were talled tor, -and lie arrived very shortly with le druan, rattle and medicine bag. Tbe con- jurer spent; et least an hour sin Shouting, gesturing end. singing round the reeking shak- ing 11115 rattle and beating the drum the while. Suddenly he shot his hand behind the Crow, and, cry - mg that he had dieven out that wineh was causing the ,sicknessi isa prodaced for the inspeetioe of his patient .a piece of ancient meat, wbich he had "palmed" in les hated, and whide !he explained had been seated in the man's stomach and hail caused tbe imitation. Be ferther informed the Crow that was now quite well and eould rise from the floor. This faith eure was evidently sue- ceesful, for the Cro.w ceased lee groaning :and stood up, and after having presented the medicine enen with what, wee practically a, new rifle as his fee, left the wigwam to expliuin to his frienee the suecess of the 'treatment afforded, by the "doctor." Will Quickly Cure Any Sour Stomach Relieves Fullness After Meals. "When I was working around the farm last winter, I had an attack of inflammation," writes evIr. 33. P. Dew - bins, ,of Port Richmond. "I was weals for a long thne, but well enough to work until spring. But something went wrong with my bowels, for I had Lo use salts or physic all the time. My stomach kept .sour, mid always after eating there was a pain' and fullness, and all the symptoms of intestinal in. digestion. Nothing helped me until f used .Dr, Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurting, like other pins, they acted very mildly, and seeMed to heal the bowels. I did not require large doses to get results with Di. .Hamilton's Pills, and feel so glad that I have Pound a mild, yet certain remedy. To- day I. am wen—no nein, no sour stom- ach, a good appetite, able to digest anything. This is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I can saY lIamilton's.Pills are the beat pills, and my letter; I am sure, Proves it. Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamm ton's Pills -ot lvmedrake and Batter - nut, sold In yellow boxes, 25e. All dealers, or The Gatarrhosone Coe Kingston, One Art Expensive Set. "Mamma," exceaimed Benny as lie rushed in ftom school, "our new teacher has esoli fine teeth I" "Has she, dear 7" eyes, eedeee 1 Tthey arc nearly TOWED BY A SWORDFISH. Exciting Adventure of Two Fisher- men in the hlexieun Gulf. theileing fishing eeperience is cleserkeld by M. (Merles Frederick Helder in the Outer's Book. Bun- ning through heavy iseae e Mende Mr. Holder epproacberi the two feberrnen who- had ihooked tee swordfish. They were, in a iskiff that could no.b have weighed over two hundred pomade, end in alenese pitchy, starkness were going out to zee, &Wed steels first by the fish, which gave no sign of weeleening. They had been, Playing ,hirrefor tw,o lesene. He tells what followed,: Pinchot 'bent beck, stroking at the rod; eis, feee, -wee drenched with :spume. The fish, tyro hundred yards away, towed thean isy a thread of twenty-one Wends that would break the moment that Pin- ehet iperesitted etrain of. more than forty-one pounds terfael on it. Now on tam crest of a, wave, ROW deep. clown in a,ghastly abese, they rushed en behind that vigerous steed. My eraft wee tee fest, stnse I eon tieually merged ahead. I sat with my right heed on- the elute -le -of the engine, Ween I came dengerou,sly neer I threw off the, clutch or beeked; when 'they got beyond me I eame ore again. As the leee, g-rew hem -vier and, the sky darker, I clow - ed down, end had to sheer off to avoid them; when I did so, the big seas would caech me side on and n.earde roll the leitheli ever. Tirae are again that /happened but we always Vlerne to --time and got round neer the ekiff. Going stern first, I fear -ed the skiff might foender, send I wiehed to be on the spot to pick Ciba .fisheranera up tit once, for from_ what I knew of Pinchot he would not Ile! go. of the rods It was a weed ante wonderful sight to see that light beat toss, leap and seniem in the phosphores- cent sea that set up its blaze of lemlbent ligebs ell about, end the (Zenker it grew the more brillient tee exhibition bee:sine. At lase the stems felled the sky, ,ancl I -mule see thetwo in the tiff plainly. How many times I ,elnit off that long- steeeriug engine and backed away into outer darkness I do not know; bet it was six or seven miles -out in the. -channel in an ever-rieing sea that heere the cry, "I've got him!" Pinehet had drawn the boat up °vex the swerdfish, and now held him while eo.e sieaelied Inc hine with the 'gaff. 1 eame .up astern, an,c1 ehut off my engine, as I theuted my congratulations, \Alen si big sea amok me, and I went bowling into them. As the launch sninshed into there, Joe lost his hold of the gaff; but Pinethot reeelle-d ever and grabbe'd the tail ,of the ten -foot, eleinst three - hundred - pound sweedfiele seixed it and lay back, holding on until Mexican Zoe -could again get his gaff into action. It wee a brave ciot. end we let out' e cheer. I beaked eff as, they killed the fish, healed him into the siciff and lashed him to the seats; then I went alengsicle ante took them k, and with the skiff in tow, we hauled round until the North Star was astern, a-nd headed dead away km, it in the direction we knew Sam Clemente to be. The esverdfish musteheve towed the ang- lersagetinet tee ease of Meeker: Joe five or six miles. Corns Applied 5 $econdS Sore, beeteeng feet Cu red tees can be owed f rota eorn-pdnohed Quick by Putnam's E. tractor In 24 h"Putnam's" soothes ours. AWay that drawing pain, eases instate - makes the feet feea good at 011,Ce. Cset a 25t. bottle of "Putnam's, today. The heart of a pretty girl may be as chilly as a clog's nese. Minard's Liniment Cures surns, Eta. Eike the Waiter's Head. Diner—"See there, waiter, this chop is all fat." Waiter (coolly)—"I think not, sir; there's a, good deal of bone about it." LOW FARES TO THE CALIFORNIA EX- POSITIONS VIA CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RT. Four splendid daily hail'i tram the Mow Passenger 'Terminal, Chtea.go to San Praia:11300, Los Angeles and -San Diego, Choice ef &onto and direct routes through the 'beet et the West. Soinethinn to see all the Ivey. Doable' track. Age. twain electric es fety signals all the 'wet'. Let 'nu oken your tote and Juenish folders and lull particulars. 55 81. Bennett, 46 Yonne 85, Toronto Onta,74 Incon g tiouS. Meanie—"That Mrs. Flipp is e great matchmeker, isn't she 1" Tessie—"I used to think so un - 3 -til she bought her red-haired bus- . band n purple necktie. ` , I was cured. of A.outo Rronch i tie by 11:11611tD'S LININLENT. Toy. of Iolanda., J. 11. Galina -161,4 -vas cured or ra,cial Neuralgia IITNARVS LINIMENT. 14.E. Wet. 'GAMBIA ‘WLIG cured of Chronic Ithenniollem by MINAN,D'S LENEMENT, Albert, Ekr,, O. GEO. TINGLEY. all giltsedg-ed.':' Ninard's Liniment 'for sale everywhere, The :Waiter Was Correct. A customer, nft,er waiting sever- al in -Mutes lot an oxtail soup, call- ed the waiter to him, ncl sl- I the , a ,11. ,„et , reason why' it Was beeps" " The waiter, who -was Irish, -gently an s wered !`0xthila' a r e always, behind, sir." Some men arc good because they fin ib cheaper; thee being bad, Sliort.:Cironited. "I we 110 man e. cent." "Gee. your credit snust 11.7 ten. YOUR OWN 7.111UOOISt WILL 'FULL YOU Try Ifurine Ey e Reawaly ier Red, Weak, Waters,'.. KyeaR,ial Granulated Eyelids; Inc Smarting—. just lis Comfort. Write tor Book of the Eye by mail Free. Muria° Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, It's a poor keel -tee that: won't men:sure. 120 Ell way -S. Minard's Liniment nanaee? Neuralgia, SIX BANANAS A DAY. Entire Tribes bit African Jungles Subsist on Them. &manes ere 'rich in nuteiment, pmd because of :their heretofore little 'cost they have been indulged in extensively by the emir, ciecllarea foo.ct expert. They would'alessbe mere generally coneumed ±1 reot.hers recoe;nized, how very much "meat" there is cersteined in teem In the jungles of' Aeries whole tribes subsist prinelpelly, on, bana- nas; they are their staple food; their bread, in, fact. A savage will carry le pounds weeeht on his heed, merehing from sunup to oundown on 55 diet ,61 • six loaner:as a dee. Jueb think of it, onle tin bananee clay, to &meek a man doing the haedest kind of week, head portag,e over the' oneenuanspatths of the al- most inaccessible eungilee. And the men ere the eardmet ,ereatueee you cam imagine. As most of the Afri- can products are transported to the coast on the heads of men and women the impertheee of a strengthening diet is a great one, eerd tele big trading faetonies and governments allow their carriers and -soldiers ;six banatealss,dee, three taken at night, when the day's march is Over. The savage bakes, no breakfest; the latter civilized test/At-Leon Tortures of Rheumatism Yield to This Remedy A Marvel of Speed, an •Unfalling cure for Old Chronic cases. GET A TRIAL BOTTLE TO -DAY. With reliable old Nerviline you can rub out the pain of Rheumatism, Scia- tica, Lumbago, or Neuralgia—rub it away so completely that you feel like new all over: . It matters not how deeply seated the pain is, or how long you have had It—rutting with the king of all lini- ments "Nerviline" will cure you. Nerviline is highly concentrated— about five times stronger than -the or- dinary white ammonia liniment— therefore it penetrates quickly --sinks in deeply—and gets right at the core of the pain at once—draws out the lameness, takes away the stiffness eases the joints that have hurt you so much. Out comes the pain every time you rub on Nerviline, which contains some of the most valuable pain -subduing remedies known to science. Worth its weight in gold to every family in the land, and sure to cure the .emergent and minor ills of a hundred kinds that constantly arise. Get the large 5.0e family size bottle; small trice size 25e. Nerviline is sold by every dealer cre- erywtere. es Shaves Our Every Pain. God ottes. efis love for each one of es is so deep, so personal, so tender, says the Rev. J. R. Miller, that Ka sthare,s OUP eeseey pain, every eistress, every. struggle. "Like as 41, father pitieth his chil- dren, -so the Lord pitieth them. that feat: 'Him." God is our Faeher, end His ewe is gentler than a, human 1 love. Much Intinten *axe hes no power to help, bet evben God cares He helm omnipotently. Tesussafid . that when His friend's would leave Hen alene yet Ho would not , be alonc--"because tho Fatitsq is with me," When human friendship comes not with any relieeethen God will come. When trio one en ell the weed sins, ilt191e3riodGo..dcares. Mamma—And you actually .ate a. little toadl What in the: world made you do sal Litble Lester Livertrioye — Willie Kiekover bet I dassieb. The Invariable Loses.. "Did you ever play cards for money I" "Yes, bet I never got it." ENGINE BARGAIIS MARINE: - 2 hp. at $40, 9 hp. at.$50, 5 Ism. at $60, 'I 11,p. at $80, 9 Isp. at $90, Buffalo 8 h.p. $135, 4 Cylinder Buffalo e135, 24 h.p. engine at $175. STATIONARY: - 215 h.p, at. 965, 4-55 11,p, at 985, 8 h.p. at 9145, 355 h.p. at 960. Send for complete list, also nate- logue of new ones. GUARANTEE MOTOlt Ha mil tote Cana ?la. The ebild.'s 'delight. The picnicker'S choice. Everybody's favorite. POTTED MEATS— Full flavored and perfeet(y cooked make delicious Sandwiches. If/miss POD SALE, H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. lr-P YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL *A Fruit, Stock, GrEan Or Dairy lrarnt „j Wri to W. Dawson, DraMpton, Or. aa Colborne St Toronto H. W. LAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto. NURSERY STOCK, TRAWBEERIES, RASPBERRIES, PO. TATOES, Catalogue free. McConnell & Son, Port Burwell, Ont. 38HEICELLANE0110. CANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC., Internal and external, clued' with. out pain by our home treatment. Write ne before too fate. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited, C011ingwoodr Ozit: HAWK BICYCLES An tip -to -date High Grade l3leyclefittedwithRolierChaio, Nets .174arture Coaster Brake awl flubs, Detachable Tires, high grade egttfpinent,iticlud., ing Mudguards, $22.50 Pump, nnol Tools Stt4 FREE 1915 Catalogue, 90 pages of ./Iiryqes, Sundries,. anstRefrasrillaterua. You can buy your suppltea front us at Wholesale Prices. T.W.130YD & SON, 27 NolreDameSI,West,Moniresi. ' 70,446.4 -ow IMMIX MIS. CO. Owl." POO, Nc- THE CHOICEST SUGAR No choicer or purer sugar can be produoed than St. Lawrence Granulated White Pure Cane Sugar. Made from choice selected einic Minn, by the most modern and perfect machinery, it is now offered in three different sizes of grain.— each one the choicest (mann/. St. Lawrence Sugar is peeked in 100 lb., 2816. and 2016. scaled hogs, and also in 5 lb. and 1 lb. Ondons. and 0311Y be had at all first class dealers. Buy It by the bog. ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERIES MOM, MONTREAL. 'Strange,' said the first tramp meditatively, "hosv few of our youthful dreams ever come true 1" "Oh I dunno " said . his compan- ion ; "I remember I used to dreani about weerin' long pants, and now r guess I -wear 'em longer than any- one else in the country. ' Canoes, Skiffs, t--otor oats THE PETERBOROUGH LINE. 31 any canoe Can give you satisfaction, it is a "PETERBOROUGH." Always and ever the acme of service, model, Strength and fin- ish, Over fifty styles and sizes. Write for catalogue. The latest canoe is the Peterborough canvas covered. Ask tor illustrated folder. Skiffs for the popular Outboard Motors. Powet Launches, all sizes and Pow - ere Get folders telling all about these, THE PETERBOROUGH 0140E compfinv, LIMITEP, PETERBOROUGH,. ONT. RanliKO01111111MMIONIMI 0"Overstern"V Boit in tp.13 "7-70—...212:1:AoLnd J , es er.eight Prepaid- to as y Railway Statiou 115 Onberio. Tepee 15 fee Beam 8- Fie 0 In., Depth 1 'Ft. 6 In, ANY MOTOR FITS. -Spetsification, No. 233 *lying enguie prices on I•eqqu uest. Get our otation e on---"ThIll e enetang Line" Commented and .Pleasure Launches, Row, ' 'boats anckesnoes. . TliE GIDLEY BOAT CO., LIMITED, PENI$TANG, GAN.