The Clinton News Record, 1915-01-14, Page 4Clinton111111111111ENNSISN MEN News -Record January 1915 Annominnininnunimiras ?h,.tii4.Zi:4 S,a, V340, rt i4iS7, �%' 44a ay Greater Bargains for Satur- day, Jan. 16th. Phone 78. All Gi A Big Bargain For Everybody. Advertised. STILL GREATER BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY, JAN. 16th. BE SURE AND COME TO THIS SALE SATURDAY, IF SOMETHING ELSE HAS TO WAIT, We wish to impress upon the people of Clinton and surrounding country that we will not carry over this®season's stock to next season, it must be got rid of. WWe have made the prices so low as to be absolutely sure that we will accomplish our object during the January Sale. OUR LOSS IS YOUR G IN. Flannelette Blankets. 2 doz, pairs flannelette blan- kets, large size, pink or blue border, regular $1.75 1.59 for Ladies' Cloth Dresses. 0 only cloth dresses, made of wool serge, navy brown and black, sizes 34 and 36, 6 .49 reg. $9.00, sale price �.I9 ItllIapsaa�•f� I��21I!JmIIUIu III II VIII Sweater Coats. 9 only ladies' sweaters, navy and white, plain red and brown, reg. $2.50 and $3.00 for each 1.49 Mantle Cloth. 40 yards only of elf wool mantle cloth, in red and black, and blue and black cheeps, 72 in, wide, regular $1.85 .98 sale price_ Embroidery and Laces. 300 yds embroidery and laces all, widths at :l price. Saturday, Jan. 16th, Dress Goods Less Than 1-2 Price. We put on sale ',Saturday 400 yards all wool dress goods, in all shades, regular ,39 75c and 85c for 400 yards dress goods, all shades, 48, 50 and 54 in, wide, reg. $1.25 per yd.) sale .69 price Black Silk Waists. 1 dozen ladies' black silk waists, good quality silk, reg- ular $4 00, sale 1,50 'Bice White Lawn Waists. 1 dozen ladies' lawn waists slightly soiled, reg. 1.50 :49 2,00 and $2,50, sale price Net Waists. 1 dozen only cream and white net waists, silk lined, regular $4,00 and $4.50 ' 1' ' for ' Tailored Waists. (3 only ladies' tailored waists, slightly soiled, some of these are made of linen reg. 2,50, sale price .84 White Vesting. 200 yards of white vesting 27 in, wide, small neat patterns, regular 25c and 35c, sale .15 price Children's Toques. 1 dozen children's toques,, colors -reds white and .39 blue, reg. 60c for Every Coatin the Store at Exactly 1-2 P rice. $35.00 coats for 30.00 coats for 25.00 t.oats for 20.00 coats for 15.00 coats for • 10.00 coats for Now is your chance to buy all new this season, $18,00 15,00 12.50 10.00 7.50 5,00 a good winter coat, They are Odd Coats. Just 4 odd coats, these are not new styles, just the coat for scuff or make over, regular $12, Sale price 1.50,: The Greatest Cloth Skirts. Just 1 doz. misses cloth skirts in good wearing cloth, small sizes, reg, $4 Sale price 2.00 House Dresses. 3 dozen print house dresses, mostly light colors, nearly all sizes, regular .98 $1.60, sale price Children's Cloth Dresses. Ci only children's dresses, made of serge and panama, navy only, sizes 0, 8, and 10 years, regular $4.50, 1.4An 9 sale price Black Silk Dresses. 2 only ladies' blach silk dresses, gocd quality patette silk, sizes 34 and 36, la gular $10,00 and $12,00, sale 49 price Ladies' Suits. 5 only ladies' cloth i trite, all new, navy and black, 9.00 reg, $20.00 for Ladies' Odd Suits. 4 only ladies' suits, last spring styles, sizes 34, 36 and 38, regular $15,00, sale 6.49 price Collar Supports. 20 dozen celluloid collar supports, white, 3 cards .� for Wire Collar Supports. 5 dozen wire supports, white and black, regular 5c a card, now 3 cards . for 05 Curtain scrim reg 40c for 14o Plain cream madras 35c for 14e Colored madras 65c for 32c Bungalow netts 30c for 15c White lawn handk's 6 for 25c Needle cases 25c for 15c Cottonade 25c for 19c Gentlemen's ties 50c for 39c Children's toques 35c for 21c Sales, Rain Coats. 1 dozen only ladies' and misses' rain coats, fawn only. This coat is guaranteed a n d would be good value at $0.50. Sale price 4.99 Ladies' Fancy Collars. 3 dozen fancy collars, some of these sold for 75c, none less than 35c, Sale .14 price Gimp Trimming 500 yards, all colors, all widths, some of these sold for 75c, Sala price .05 Your choice of any fur or fur lined coat at 25 percent. dis- count. Now is your tame to buyyour furs. Tapestry Curtains. 3 pair only tapestry cur- tains, plain red and red and gold, regular $3,50. Sale 1.98 price . Remember the date and come with the crowd.