The Clinton News Record, 1915-01-14, Page 2• G. D. MeTAGGART M. D. MeTAGGART •McTaggart Bros. BANKERS • • .A GENERAL BANKING BUSI- NESS TRANSAGITED. NOTES DISCOiJN'TED, DRAFTS iSSUED. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE.. POSITS: SALE NOTES TUR• CUASED. ' — II. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- • ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE. INSUR. ' ANCIE AGENT. REPRESENT. ING 14 'FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION COURT OFFICE, CLINTON. Bran, Shorts W. II IIVDONE, I3ARRISTER, SOLICITOR. • NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Office— Slonn Block —CLINTON and Flour 'From the Best Mills at the lovroai possible Pelee. CHARLES B. HALE, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses • HURON STREET, — CLINTON WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE for OATS, PEAS and BAR- -LEY, also HAY for Baling. Ford 8z McLeod ALL KINDS OF Slat Headaches are not caused by anything wrong In •the head, but by constipation, bilious- ness and indigestion. Headache powders or tablets may deaden, but cannot cure them. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills do cure sica head- ache in the sensible way by removing the constipation oe sick stomach Which caused them. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are purely vege- table, free from any harmful drug, safe and Intre. When you feel the headache corning take Dr.,Morse's " Indisrs Root Pills DOAL, WOOD,. TILE BRICK TO ORDER. All kinds of Coal on hands CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE • CANNEL COAL FURN,ACE COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD 234 in., 2 in. and 4 in. Tile of the Best Quality. DRS. GUNN & GANDIER Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S., Edin. Dr. J. C. Gandier, B.A., M.B. Office—Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. DR. J. W. SHAW —OFFICE— RATTENBURY ST. EAST,. —CLINTON Dil. C. W. THOMPSON PHSYICIAN, SURGEON, ETC. Special attention given to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suit. able glasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St. DR. F ANON — DENTIST — Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of C.C.D.S., Chicago, and R.C.D.S., To. ronto. Rayfield on Mondays from May to December. ARTHUR FORBES 'Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone 52. The IlleKillop Ilutual Fire Insurance Tommy Farm and Isolated Town Property only Insured — OFFICERS — J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth- P.O.; Jag. Connolly, Vice-Presi. dent, Goderich P.O.; •T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Settforth P.O. • —Directors — D. F. alcGregor, Seaforth; John Grieve, Winthrop; William Rinn, Constance; John Watt, Harlock; John Benuewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood ; M. McEven, Clinton P.O. — Agents — Robert Smith, Harlock; E. Bina ley, Seaforth • William Chesney, Egmondville; 'J. W. Yeo, Holmes. ville. Any money to he paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing CO. Olin. ton. or at Cutt's Grocery. Go'clerich Parties desirous to effect insur- ance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on ap. plication to any of the above officers addressed to their respective poste offices. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of, 'Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangernents can be , made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by 'smiling Phone 1 on 157. Charges Moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. ,81.,,• tin ;Lady , — TIME TABLE — Trains will arrive at and depart, from Clinton Station as follows:. 13UFFALO AND GODERICH DIV: 1,83 a. m. 303 p. m. 8.15 p. m. 11.07 a. in, 1.35 p. m. 6.40 p. tn. Mee P. tn. Going East, 14 Going 11 11 There is a Cold Day Coming LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV : Going South, Ging North, 8.10 a. to. 4.23 p, m, 11.00 a. M. 6.35 p. re, •OVEFi OS YEARS'. EXP,grVENC,E TRADE MARKS' _ DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &Do Anyone senclIna sltetekand dasemptIon mar' sidetoy nocerteat our °lemon free whether an woo:eine is rrobably patentable Communtert- 1 ions co I Istly tontidontial. 111116111006 sit Priroto "gl'at Olfloqt ir,V451:1i0figgi'r CPci.".ToVive *yoga1 noilMt, without, charge, lathe A handsomely Ilmatroted weekly. largest mr. meatus, ra nim etiolates 10114.4.1. Tunis for Canada, 0'75 a Year, postage prepaid. Ijold by aOlneyede.ders. PON 3,1Broadvm, New York nreuen ornee. OS If Si.. waohinaton. 0.11. • IPPINGOIT MONTHLY IVIAGAZINS. A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best In CilriCIA Literature 12 COMPLZTE NOVELS YEARLY MANY SHORT STORIES AND P,APERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 PER YEAR I 26 Gaeta COPY, 110 CONTINUED STORIES ' EyERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF Why not prepare for it by ordering your winter supply of Lehigh Valley Coal. None better in the world. House Phone EL Office Phone 40. A. J. HOLLOWAY Clinton News -Record CLINTON, -- ONTARIO . Let Us Interest You in a Watch Of oourse if yam NOW own a watch that is a day -in and clay -out reccurate :timepiece, you may pass this Ad by But not otherwise. Every MAN, especially, ehou•ld know the peaee d and, the independentness that . comes from owning a Watch that he KNOWS is. righrt. Thie store handles ALL the really reliable makes of Watches. We sell them with a double guarantee—our own andethe makers. We are here to show them to you, ao explain their rela- tive merits, and to give you ALL the needed information The prices run from $L00 up. And at every price you get your :money's worth to the last cent. Be a visitor. W. R. COUNTER JEWELER and ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES. - YAL.LXFA V ?•;,- ,:vo• sgte;:o diteod irertitioSot • 0811100 1 01018 RHELEMATISM GOES and I clonIt think I um. She -is just her ' mother over again, Mrs, Gray lived on in limiting her lite easy and pleasant: IF HOOD'S IS USED her friends for, years, They showered gifts ori her; they vied with each other she had a Pretty eharmIng way , The' genuine old reliable Hood's and why? Was it because she WaS incira descrying, .inerri to be pitied than Mb- ' erS1 NOt a, blt of 1 1. It was because atirsaparilla,coerects the flOid 001171i - me could resist., :I know the typo—t1O' tion of the blood arid builds tip the h•nek;0:: •• 117;1;117wba,:1:011.:.:ewlIts177ti."I':::;10'!: tieM bpauge it rielinses the blood. It driversiolut rhomxia- . :.:::11117 y100511', jtues ts:susecti: 10.0e DI107alied,'°'"f Pthk r.3-111 1:01::: 7,:atie, :Lin el any temseens of , - A 1.0k of inteame pain came into the , ,,, .., L., CHAPTER I. .-.. go 'on my own.' I rather think 1 shalt C100 11' race; then, es if ashamed 01' ee- eases nie' wOrie over. "Fancy, leaving me a" - farm:" FelicttY There is no better remedy for skin itsstoVall the qatives—if there are anyci • 1,1;to•pljeg XIV, IlEcelingi 10 l'+8 Cbcsi4i. bc- disgust on her PrettY facie. WhY not sweet voice anq with a gafetyoth'at waa friend's heart, folloAd her lead. ana tile, rheumatism, stemma: and kid - a publie-house while he• NjIaS about it? ' t"gell'er— nee; tronbles, general. debility and all cos tee next hour—their last the other." . I am. sure" one would be as suitable as "That doesn't sound very "grateful," Miss Chester said rather sharply, "Why nishaotttiled,1he deaVe you anything for that Or, Felicity's Intieritance. 11 • to • • ee• and I don't It has been successen y used for exelairhed, with an exaggerated look of seal's' '11 leheul6se itinikete 141 awed 1)11; 1t1g1t1'. ;.1/e'l.,4,1 and blood diSeases, for less of appee Infectious -- "She's a pretty little glrl frOM 'No- where, Nowhere at all" In a house very small, , T'Ini.es ten, miles from a railway station, No .nathe or nunilser, so lovers never call, On the pretty little girl from ' Fel c. ty (Itto 101111 11,1 .1111110 101.10 100 mentioned ; ills •arieing f rem impure, irrspever- ', 4shIct6isatei‘ninteniciezses(alrly)lotood:saffer, Start tatieultVlit°011elee ecB)c'illt(ly 00,s9ots'a pr7117,elit:iiisessitCc011a.0 ter's words. They consecl her to hest - and repealed her offer, though her coax- treatment at once. Get a bottle of "Because I'm his sole surviving rela,' tive—or 1 think I ara. And I'm not grateful—I don't Pretend to be. Do I look like a farmeress, Alias Cliester? Can you imagine me worrying over chickens andcalvfts, and playing about In a damp dairy?, Miss Chester glanced disaperoVinglY at the lovely petulant face, the idle white hands, :the graceful, rounded fig- Ure—eVery mirve of which spoke of In- dolence. Felicity, -had perched., herself 'on the and 'sat Swinging 'tier little feet, In their dainty buelcled• shoes With a coolness arid delf,,possession that se- eretlY amazedthe third'. ocCupant of the room—a girl about Felicity's own age, with. a ,thin expressive face , and somewhat wistful dark eyes: Mil RAID PLANNED LAST OF JANUARY Both girls had been under Miss Ches- ter In their High School days. .1 0Yee Hamilton loved her with a devotion that* only seemed to Increase as those days beerune more remote, and was proud that she could call her friend; but she would not have dared to behave •as Fe- licity was doilig,Felicity, whom at times Alias Chester. seemed almost to I can't imagine it," that lady said dryly, "Do you think your 'Uncle George did when he left you the farm? I fancy, not. But vehy look so aggriev- ed? A farm means money whether you want it or not, You can sell it or let it. "That's juSt what I can't do! You Nowhere at alit Big and entreaties • were vecy Ilattei;ing He dr , „ema frm yourono„.1„.. to the 10.1101y 001) perplexed yirl. 1110)'0 S !•• ctl3, eIn took away from her satiafection in get- est druggLit. You will be pleascd • ting onl of an awkward for the results. Felicity was not long in F/t110,11011 getting her with • consent. :tad the,v sobered, hoi .1 3 •11 1150 She laughted go happily, so mischlev- , pi °apart of EL free and happy Month. 011815', that even Miss Chester found She had to take Felicity into her con - herself smiling In sympathy. 0118,00 and beg he, not to tell her "No lovers oyer call!' 0110 echoed, friends she wae going 'with her. Mr. "That will be something new for you, 1111 lison took It for granted she Was 110- Child.” Mg straight to London, and .01. was "Won't it?" gaily. "Well, I'v0. made best that others ahould think 00 too. up my mind to one thing. IC 1 have to "You are a goose not to have him," lose my farm—and I shall if 1 . can't Ives Felicity's frank comment. "You 'stick it'—1 shall come back and marry could have packed those odious children Mr. Carmichael, for I'm tired of being off to school and had a :splendid time. poor and•doing without things." Isn't it funny • that we should both Mi. Carmichael was the 'Mayor of •Wilminster, a rich bachelor consider- ably 'over 'fifty, who made no secret of the fact that he had fallen a victim to Pelidity's blue eyes anti WaS only wait- ing for an opportunity—and a little mOre encourligement—to offer her all his worldly goods—and himself. At another time Miss Chester would have had aomething to say to this speech, but to-nifr,ht her mind WILS full of Joyce Hamilton, of the short time they would have together, and it was with relief she se, that Felicity WaS about to take her departure, "Good-bye, liliss Chester," said she, offering he' cheek to be 'kissed. "I hope the Brisbane girls won't be such Mae haven't heat•d eVerything yet. I no not nends as we were, la -tit, oNc.e. live there." to have it at all unless I consent to YOU change your mind and decide to "That's rather an odd condition," Mies share my exile, let me know. 10 would !dr? yoN good --you look all eyes to - Chester said thoughtfully. ' • n ght. 'Odd? I cell 11 a mad.idea. The silly 'When the door had closed behind her. old thing thought his precious farm was Bliss Chester drew Joyce down beside a second Garden of Eden—I've heard her on .the couch. leave it to any one who wouldn't value . "What's the trouble ? • Another pitiful "Well, dear?" she said gently. mother say so—and he didn't want to lawyer Writes. The whole thing its a littie Ellisons getting too much for letter from your mother'? Or aro 4110 it.' He SayS as much In his will—so the PlVe of spite. ' it •!" ! echoed have the °bailee of mar . men? I wish Mr. Carmichael 'were holt! vies ut the world have (1011hbed wha- lers. Graven Image ---wouldn't it looit ther the perfection attained in tar - A lovely With ll hbetteryphen?—youfor e wo't. I • • ice in geb practice ot peace could !mow you. the m,nso I won't quarrel with you about it." be approached in the stress of a •S• (To be continued.) battle -The Engineering, News NAVAL MARI{ S 31 AN Sill Woderful Skill of the Man Behind the Ginn. Many persons Who itre familier with the wonderful marksmanship of the gunners of the leading ne- as nice as yours! Well, If you won't he GE points to e recent nmatiteuv:aotlim.a'a.ptnifiE.2.0ei RII.AN AIRMEN rnwhenatt.e'asmaaelliriavlellyoubse by a fighting ship at long range. FLY OVER CALAIS Aside from the problem of attaihine the exact range there are many otheigJie considered, such as inaeetiracies in the gun, or in Fire Wes Opened OR Them by the projectile itself, the influences Emir Freneh Gunboats in of wind, and the changes in the ele- • . the llerhor. vation of the gun catteed by rolling A. despatch front NOrth-western sea's. 'The engineer," says the "Engineering News, "takes off his France says: German .airme-n seem hat, metaphorically .speaking, to now to have inasignrateel eannething vreani,ei, 'the man behin.d the gun,' whose like a daily air service, wonderful skill and .careful use. of YOu 7 times they .cl-rep a few bombs, and an.,,oeir :.gai 4, ,, Jaya. ,aey, kin a,.feiv. saulttess.tin1134tthteclee.ti.eesimiltaszv.aeli,e4sa.alsey . and other circumstancee.. permitting, his instruments achieve such re - along the northern ocaet line. Some- woine - and. -children.: On other: ui,!a'6.Y(4,w7h(4.i.•edt ;1,1=11"1:e-ithnioc.(41,710:9:4ar.I...4;11n- •-.. occasion's- they einiplae flutter along facture, capalale of,euch•clese_shoeting. The • 'marry Jilin last night. - •Of - course and heel: again, witheat doing any Modern hiahenewer rifle may al- calle. gee'eleeee •' • '' - - . a h - .`i . . mealis that •I• roust leave—as soon as I dame e even to no 1-comba. tan s mos e compared 0 .an .astrono- Mies Chester was silent. She .ivas an '-•!..- ___,•:_._____ , hiplaner, app earea ve.„3, mical. inetrument in the..aelcuraey.ef. unworldlY woman, with lofty- Ideals .of. over .i...altrie reaentiy, ilsing .„-„, its svorkmanship ; .but although th life and Old-fashioned' iiewe or love•am! high. ,F•our Freach gait:boats in th astronomical 'instrument ,is eare• harbor man:ne,d their guns and sent them a volley weieb1 fully protected againet stresses tha.: of welcome, might interfere with its accurate apparently was sufficient to keep spot, work, the gun and its mounthe ate. them out of range of any - subjected to enormous stresses aad worth bombarding. waited quietly. for the Geemans to must maintain its accuracy unini- The airguns i.n the fortifications thocks, notwithetanding. wheii it • ,.--.—..4. tome within raege, het they never paired." got a chance, nor etEd the soldiers: N'ature Study. on hied and the s.ailers in the hex - bee,. whese fire sva.s held in pre - School Teacher—"What little bee parallels.. Dunkirk Wills notified iCit the, Gee- cau tell me where is the hume e: the man visitors. aerival, ana Coreman- swallow I" . der Samsoe and a Fruich aviator Bobby --"I ken. please." them out; 'On their .return voyage, Bobby—"The- home af the swal- Robby." went aloft. in the hope of elating Teacher—"Well, but the .air ens. not clear •enough, low is in the stommick." and the Germans managed to get awa • quite :lately. Turkey 'Ignores Protesta of Greece. Once•more the color rushed into the was quite little, and mother wrote to . 1 girls cheeks. You see, father died when her uncle George—he was only my great ' !011, Miss Chester, what sharp eyes her. He said if she would go. and.,liVe you have! I meant to keep it from Yoh Wftli -him. at the Valley ..FarM -he..iyould, 1-f,cuI......coyuml,cli: .1aisttaee,ereinneidngtot000biatutot .1bohath,%. uncle, you know—to ask- him to help he had. Mother wrote. back t that - she. been wretched all day, Something would rather starve than be burled allve• dreadful 'holo happened!? She hicl her glye us both a home and -leave her all —Or something like that, and he never face against the other's arm and lower - forgave her. They • never got • on . to- ed her 'voice "Mr. Ellison .asked one 11 to gaiter. Alother had no patience with uncle George." . Miss Chester thought that a different VieW might be equally true, retnembem ed the Pretty, frivolotie Widow. and gaieties of a big town and her own so- marriage, She would Moe 1 del triuniphs before move solid bene- but contempt for Felicity's little could well imagine her putting the " d im- 110W he has paid me schemes; yet she caught herself won- dering if Joyce had acted too hastily— fits for herself and her child. out," Fe- for it was eviden't she had refused her d ever for a menient Count Zeppelin to to in Person a Flea of 'Vein A despatch from London says: The Amsterdam correspondent of the Daily Express reiterates the mueh predicted story of am, attack by a -fleet of Zeppelins and aero- planes• on England, 'wad -says that preparations are nearly complete for carrying out the 'project. Ten first-class Zeppelins Wal 00/1s1(itute the attacking fleet, which will be under the personal command of Connt Zeppelin. Hon 1180(10 of pro- fessional and .amateur,airmen have volunteered to take i,art in the at- tack. A large number of 'aero- planes, hydro -aeroplanes, destroy- ers, torpedo boats and submarines will accompany the big airships. The orders will be to cripple the main British fleet and attack LOB - don. It is hoped that the expedi- tion will be ready to start in the last days of January. Sound discretion is not SO 11111011 indicated by never making a naii- take as by. never repeating it. Terms of subscription—all per year, in•advance; $1.50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper discon. tinued •until all arrears are paid, unless at the option o?.the pub• lisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted ea the label. Advertising Rates -- Transient ad• vertisements, 10 cents per nom. pareil line for first insertion and 4 cents per line for each subse• quent insertion. Small advertise ments not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., inserted once for 35 cents, and each subsequent in. sertion 10 cents. Communications intended for pub• lication must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor, CENTRAL &./S Betty went on. '"rlic farM has been in the family for hundreds of years and Ile didn't mean me to sell or let 11 — which 1 should have done like winking. 13tit 18 l'in.harcl up lie 1111.0 given 1110 the chance 511 having it—see?" "You always are hard up, Felicity," Joyce said with a smile. "AlwaYS. But I'm 10 posittve pauper this year. Two of my cottages are empty. and I had to spend a. whole year's reitt on Laburnum Villa before that horrid lilt's. D'Arey would talce it. So hillatt wouldn't let me refuse orr- heee—as 1 wanted to. She says we must go and see what It , 001. Velicity, would it mean gtvIng children had grown to love and olio "Yes—to live In the loneliest valleY last time she met him for sending Mies her, Mr. Ellison had thanked her the up your pretty house?" ti ow the unexpected had Don't let itrun too long, it will lead to chronic indigestion. In the meanwhile you suffer from miserable, sick headaches, ner- vousness, depres- sion and sallow complexion.Justtry C H AM BERLAIN'S STOMACH& LIVER TABLETS. They re- lieve fermentation, indigestion — gently but surely cleanse the system and keep the stomach and liverla perfect running order. At ail (hoggish, 2Se., or by mail from 11 Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto STRATFORD. ONT., On taxi o ' s Best P rectica I Training School. We have thorough courses a.ncl experi- enced instructors, in each of our three departments. Comm eroi al, Shoe t`hand and Telegraphy. Our graduates succeed, and you sheukl get our large, free catalogue. Write for it at once. • D, A. MeLACI.I.LAN, • , „Principal. ' Give. Belgiorn—the woes you hear Of that unhappy land— Don't merely lend an ear But al.so lend a hand. THE CHIDREN OF TO -DAY just as they are—in their in door play. ()Oat their outdoor play—they are constantly of• foring temptations for the KC) AK I.ct it, keep them for you a.: • they are now, l.et it keep many .other hap. penings that are a 80117'10 nf pleasure to you. 0112 TO $12 KODAKS, $7 TO $25, Also full stock of Films and Supplies. 'We do Develeping and .Printing. Remember the place: . THE REXALL STORE eon , thought of doing anything else. He wart a good man, it a somewhat grave and silent one—characteristics that had caused Felicity to dub him the "Graven Itnage"—and almost any w0111011 WOUld have lieSitated before saying "No" to the ease and luxury she would have tts his wife, Aliss Chester had considered Joyce very lucky when she had got her the post of reSident govertiess to the governess to the solleitoes motherless children; for thougd they were spoilt and tiresome, the girl's somewhat dell - nate health had improved during the 11 • she had been there. 11•10e Imaginable, where thele 0601 09 010 a neighbor. and the nearest town is miles away. And 1 loathe the country! But It won't come to that. Teliza say.% We mUst try it for a month, but at the end of that time I feel convinced 1V11,11111 - stet. Will see Inc back again, It's a good thing it M june. There may be some compensatiOns." "Compensations!" Miss Chester ex- claimed. "I. wish T could go into the country for a month. Think' of the peace and beauty of it, child—the soft airs. the wild flowers, the laughing lit- tle brooks, to say nothing of the bliss of getting aWay from one's felloW creat- ures, 'What do you say, Joycer' "1 should love it," she said with fel.- Ifer eyes glowed, It11(1 a. delicate pink flushed her cheeks, making her loolt for 10111111 happeocd mid spoilt everything. Alias Chester's thoughts new rrom his beautifol house in the best. part of "Wilminster to the shabby I 1 111 house at Camberwell, where Joyce's motile' struggled to bring up six children on her tiny pension with the doubtful hell of lodgers. TheY had removed to Lon- don 1.910 years before on the specious ad- vice of friends, but it had been an un- lucky venture, and Joyce, Who had been left behind to earn her living, with Alias Chester's help, had been equally unfor- tunate—till this hist sithation. Miss Chester found herself thinking what a splendid thing it would be for Joyce's detu' onea it only the But here 8110 pulled herself up with a feeling of e • me bricks and mortat•—and. if I could," shame, "1 told him I should like to go 11(onCe the 1110111ent RS pretty as Folic .', somebody to Miltlatter said, "end lie—he a• • il ii t I' • b ' Joyce'e low voice went. on, to ee . . u Ne cell won- " 'ileaVen sends haval-M1,90100onds to those who db,e,legn"nileg l,.__wIteels.eidies'",°11(iimgy% nie• teagne't laughing. she turned away, and went on' with' my fare, rt may be months bel'ore r get another post—especiallyu as yoare go - e no teeth,'" Mime Chester under her breath. the worlc that the entrance of the IWO Ing.:Dai0d1aisVf;:. milso„ 0eem angry. clear?" hirls had Interrtipted—tidying her writ- •••Well, he Wasn't exiwtlY Oleased, 1 Ing,table. She toolc no Tart • Or a time In tlic talk that followed, but there Was 9V0010 1111 en tinxiona logic on her face as she sort- think he ...was hurt. He .aidalitihih„e1, send the .children to their aunt.'s to- ed papers and. tore 111) letters, Surely morrow; the servants cou gone with them, or was taking. my holt.' .005100 looked more "fragile than usual in ca,„0.,,,,,t. day—whichever I liked. He seemed to -night --or was it only very sensitive about 111 and I MITI sure with the other 511)8 bloom and fresh- 1 ano (mite es anxious that people 01100111neSs? They were the same age, she not know its he is. 13ut what shall. I do, knew, but to -night her favorite 10011511 fully five .Years older than her careless AtIss C,hester?" laughing. friend. A veNied expression "It hs iitiatqy the end of the month— vent:teed- the (1111110115 one as SI10 glanced YMA will get your salary then." - 1,5 0:11„ts pi talt.i.: Hamilton to come rolincl for -1t?i10110, inn'tilicht1.1.'"Jien-:.„'•(cleitl.till'01 It.te,eatd•eYti, a innd ., day ing tone.. "I had to ask 10!,',Allison to at the clock. She had sent I, n nd to say good-bye. for the she \‘'10 StMl`tIllg for Brislatb, , 11 11 advance It last .week. It was fol' itio 'the post of head -mistress in toi lin- rates—Mettler Was nearly frantic, L portant :school there. Her patticing 10 110 have only a few shilliags for myseif," all doneas the bare sitting -room bore There was a look on Miss Chester's 'witness—and she had looked forward to face that few of the Nigh School girls a 11411511 110U1' With her old pupil, but the had ever seen there afS she stroked two girls had met at the clooi.,end joyee'a hair with tender fingers. entered together, and ever sine. F celicity "You make me Wish 1 Netts not going Gray and her affairs had pu1 eVerything away to -morrow, 91' else 11110,1-1. could else n the background. take you with me,' she said,: "Is Ai ".1dasyour unele George been r. I (lend Ellison quite 0101nf the question, dear?" • long?" she heard Joyce ask. "Oh, quite. 1 .could .1101 do it — it ''No'—only ii, few weelca The 1010' 501' would be wrong. And It wouldn't mulc wanted me to go to the funeral—theritany less wronc e0,,,,,e 11‚411" joirt;, o. would it?'' wam s rib one 'elSe. it- seemed—but .they're . fr other people such, doleful thing8, 00 T. had a, con venl- ,,Ne, aic„hildJo.yeeNa 0111illnees. I didn't think there Was . . o? Tvme inydou orthIoumgl1 vt 111,111110141 to be gained by it. or I shouldt,thpe „beamhe,im4,'mothei0r,gyf. lliativye seoene. mT. w islh I robPar edrtyno, wan; dT caeUctiildd- 1yH„1.1i0ee8o11h,, Mistaken, D.o ed whether it Was worth giVing lip ? everything else for t" m,m,,,ehe0,Qi,, y, o11 u0 w1,111,110.nt a0ny0 1. 111 MISS Chesters 101' curled, end she igt o with Peilei Le• IA walkI ie Pigeon -holed sonle papes 1111110 VitIOUS- LICh (11 el Loget 110111 nw.v I mighT- t ly. How characteristic Butt speech 10,11 0„ 0°1110,10111I10100e the month was wasor relict tyt . up if I entered one or two registry 01'- "01010 Will Ilea 11188 the month in the 111091 but—but 1 can't stay 10 AVIIrn111- country?" :Joyce's soft:voice werit on. • at! " ... • . . 1 like it. m- 1.11 1 I do Ite—lic woman. would It be selfish of mo to go?" "Not ot all. She hates change at any . time, and 1'01 afraid She will he lost ".:61fish?" Well, I shouldn't be earnitig any, , . • wIthotit her shopping', and the bustle and, noise of the streets; 'But .0115 ha.s - th 1.1110, iincl I can't 'really idford to be dle. When.' think of mother T feel I got. it 1,110 her head that it Is 10 mY i . advantaae to go, and I can't move her, Ought to go us a servant rather than Tt's 1131 her foult,--and I shall tell her,80 that, But this is such a chance. I Sh8. grambles." shotild love te go with Felicity." Eliza Wilkins was Felicity's servant An anxious look came into Miss Ches- il' and honsekceper, as she had been her 10108 face, inother's• befoae her, -a. faithful but I "I cannot underfitand why yoti ace ,,co fond of her, Joyce," she said. "Never , A despatch from London says; The Daily Telegraph's Athens cor- respondent reports that the Greek Government is aeavely concerned with the increasieg strained Grieco- Terkieh relations. The Greek &p- ip:natio and Consular representa- tives. in Turkey, the correspondent says, are receiving.intolerant treat- ment, being sh.adowed by the lice and spies, arta that the °frit:jai' protests by the Greek Minister arc ignored. The Earl of Derby in a speoch Liverpool eaid he believed a raid by • • Great Britain on a Clematis on comparatively large scale was like- ly, He thought the enemy would land ie this country, but would be N[tir HcgR3,-i [-Fig ASTHMA COUGHS ' WHOOPING CONCH SPASMODIC CROUP • .. DRONCIIII15 CATARR11 CCLDS '..p.4„,00,-•1 ,1.' i p.. 0.,,,,,5 ti [ .4.::.„ ' 60 Ea li B70 ......, . . ,613.01:1C3 thelION41hZ11:11,,, A simple, side:and ell'set1ii..tie,Itilt,rfest men(les; init dregs. Used with saccesa far ZS corn. : with every breath makes tocaching 001•. rho sir carrying ttic r.ncisept!e V o t 01, 11 lielen , r ...----TA:::Ir and sums tac cougin nssurlegreadalnIghts. Crcoolenciaitivalunbiti • to maniere With yoUng children and Lome" sufferers trent Asthma. Send us poard for deaaripeteo Loci:act soma ny eounrocvn VAST - CRESOL:ENE CO. ve,r.. • - clefeated.and clestroye.d. Neverthe- less the raid wou141 certainly 111.011.0. 1 ROilinalail to latilke 'Without Italy. A despatch fialn: London says : The 'ilk:ming Post's 13ucharest cer- respondent ,F.ays,: "Roumania iz mobilizing 750,000 111511, of w1iich number half a. million form.s the field al nl. 11,_nil,rnani;_t will 0.1yike, even should Italy decide -not to ee- tee the war." What Ile Escaped. ,, -wealthy man (110110 11 e. 01010 oi" I -'imes in one of which lived a CLUBEING fArl EO3 1914 . %VP:HELLER rr ,c1t8 :A, 0‘,1:1 80 ten: ev • 1,1 6:01!)rit, ( I 1 1 111 1 V ,1* ' 1 '''' ' ' i'47S.1.:44.441.11 II MI ti lor ..r.'1„,;:,,,,::0;.13t.toete,o(orr,:itt 4;1:1: ;It 1\1.1:'11.111.:::11a 1 1: Y51: K,„6::_looecord 1;:a,Crn't"'1•:.1 1)• n -i " Nerlh,'roI 51000010108 1 51 ord 51181 hirbl, 11 8)0 Ne,'o-Rororcl 00111 01,10 '10100 '01001.", nod »0,i,11111 ,iod :onto:math • t. his Eat'ller had been un a:ble to get ' [AY,' 111g ,1 1 A.s diel 11.1t w a u to take a single penny of 119 rent due to zine 1,18 5 20 InInliSreVrile;1 if -1'02113i LE(1! '1114Sri'S n101181'171 gfo°-61. .NetzT,•lecoril and 07, lisdlan Snarl, 11 ON1.111.117:';', . 01181.1 pkell that for several years harsh measures be 1: last went to 0520,1101 Moraine. fIrve Prem. ttoo taf.3trl:consies(e1 of mine. so 'I've decided to !..Ove 't News•nocoill naTitt 11;!‘77rnoli7 -1.- —41 • 1.0'.0 1:0ew,g-Rocord and Tortoni% • : 11; :on tobs.en,i • Inotal Note • 80 I "'sin'. tt , es,: Or, or av • 1 le er and addres4 his son and sal .1 :—" Look here, r.,`i.•:--11,e`o,1 nr"1 ''' ' • Tom ; it's pi:lir-11,v no use my trying 1;:sa-liecoril n • 1.6.n " ' • 1,,,Ittban ilto at it.. W0 ran sanolv ynit 11 uo I.. inVoll,,f,lt,,y0011 want ig not in into llst le: ibe S.0 11 , "I shan't have 314>11 it." "Why 3ray ?'' exclaimed the astonish - en "Because then, repliec the unabashed, "I'd have to pay. the trying woman, who slaN es wilneered Over her young mistress by Were lwo airls more unlike. I would 'tiller you went with anyone than with Here Miss Chester InterVened. her, thourh I don 1 see tI111' help t or i 1, 11.11' IV. "if 1010011 doesn't intend In 0,111110 the and I wouldn't for the world add to best. of things you 111051 spare your- your trouble." • solves the trouble of going. It will he Joyce sat silent for ti, moment, 100 n ruise"able month for you MAIL and 11011 to spealc. There were tears in her you will be tlionkful to gel back home." eyes when tit length she looked up, and leelicity turned' a pith' of aliPealing her volce trembled, blue eyes in her dh•ection. 1 "Why do you dislike her. 'Aliso Chester '0 111,0110,, ATMs Cheater—that's just --for you de, 1 have. often 11511 It. To what; 1 say. 0)111 what can I do? Iilliza me she seems so sweet. so dear. 1 11111111 must go to do the work, even if she hor vory faults are lovable, 15 it b0 - would consent to lie parted from me. catise She is such a bottertly font never I which she NV011i(111' 1. She'll have 11 (30(a1,1 all Y tlli Mg useful?" frightfni lot to do, 1 expeet. 00 She'll be "No, ;Joyce. It's because she's 11011 -ail vigil!: but 1\115.1 will become of me true, She's false and shall OW, 11.:, her• 1 with nor n, person' to speak to?" She mother was before her, 1111en she's sel- I up that horrid teaching. and come w.tli 1...1:00110, 0 Al iss.10,0,0,11 essotegr,,,,,iiei,lolua,,v_en'8.11t, e 41>011>1., I turned impulsively 1.0 .1105100.Do 11,100', lish to the core—" me, 'I: want 79111 111500 than the Graven Ss Tmafr,e -and his spoilt khldles. 11 would Ln make people haPPy-,--" make f' a different thing°- - it a11-°det her' W "hen It sults her," the other inter - 'We'd haVe quite a g00.11 time. .i.,0 saY you Come. Once rnore the light came into Joyce's eyes, the color to her cheeks. 'Micro 1011.0 something abOut, her to -night that Miss Chester could not understand Mao anything impoened to tweet her? Had she had bad news from home—Lhat home in London Bat lay so near .licr heart, that was suelt a constant drain upon the grave and unselfish "eldest girl?" She found herself lisLerling 1011N - thusly for her 11.11SWer, 11 crime at length—almost with a soli. "011. if I only coold, Felleityi ''You don't know what it would mean to me. T have never livocl in 1115 COU 11 1.11Y, oVen 1011 a day, Mit 7 have dreamed of it, and have longed for It all my life, BLit I can't go with you—it's no use asking me. , Only 1101000 1 soulIl," l•Ter voice was so charged with .01110' (1011 that Miss Clicolfor wag afraid she seas gang. to,breaa down. But Felicity that mattes her a little selfish, but I did not seem to notice .1 1. 0115 slinned don't think She'S false. I think you graCeftIllY from. the table, and shoolc miejudge her, Miss, Chester=indeecl nu,t,whAri, Rt,hheinte. Ills'euSpril.)0se I shall hiove to do,,,ew.ell h ope 1115 wrong, dear, for .• lol. "But she's so lovely, I'm ne-or Ltrecl of. looking at her." "You 11111011 with Shakespeare— 'There's nothing 1 1 I can dwell 111 011011 a temple,'" Miss Chester 0011111 not help spoiling. "Prettiness is 110,1111'a virtue, my dear. It's more of ten an nd 1010.1101)of pure selfishness. If Felicity had liv- d fey others—had thought of any one beside herself, she wouldn't have such roses in her cheeks. The right path is an upward climb, child, and Pilgrims don't have dimples." • She 'drew her fingers lovingly clown the girl's thin but delicately -curved 1110011. "I think it's just a matter of tent- perameni.,” Joyce Sald thoughtf,ully, ,"IfelicitY can't help taking things easily --any more than I can keep from worry - '11 Then everyone spoils her—perhaps ,Aclies and pains would not be so had if they 'didn't get 'busy at the 11 1.1113 tiro 2 .,11,13. 1 b11.11 place. W. J. MINI/1117.U_ Publisher Maws-E.:ear a CLINTON, ONT ARID THE AWE ''01111511,, 8" 1 ed tills Horsemen.For twenty-one Years (118Y have waged a: suceizesiful campaign against tho army ol Ma, calm. 10700:1por, To 0108110n, Catarrhal and Shipping Favor cl !mot noual y oft hy ''04510100" 5115010110151 »tto for ,--11 ages. Doti, preventiyo. Sold by all 5015551.11114, terf goods lienOcts or the manufaoturers. .1,)ohn Medical Co., Goshen, Ind., U.S.A. LABATT'S STOUT The very best for use ill ill -health and convalescence ele Awarded Medal and Highest Points hi Atrierioa at World's Fair, 1893 PURE—SOUND—WHOLESOME JOHN LA.13ATT, LIMITED, LONDON. CANADA 20 7-e. •