The Clinton News Record, 1915-01-14, Page 1No. 1867 -36th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY I4th'.1915 THE HOME PAPER 1110'. Wag Have you looked over the Clubbing List and selected what you want ? If so come to The News�Reeo�� The "Hellyar" Watch Z'he mo'bement of a "Hellyar" Watch is as nearly as perfect as possibte-that is why: it has brought to our store so many people 2Pho must have accurate time. There are several =rides of "Hellyar" movements all trusLworbhy, We ha'he to be articular about.the finish and pf time keeping qualities of the lo2vest priced watch that bears our name. "Hellyar" watches must .satisfy the purchaser. W. Yei1qar Sewelet dna Optician - - Clinton The Royal Bank ..OF CANADA. Incorporated 1869. Capital. Authorized . ¶25,000,000. Capit'lal Paid. -0p 11,560,000 ' ' R'eserve`and''Undividerl Profits 1:3.500 000 'Total Assets 155,000,000 320 Btaiolios,'VtGh world wide connection.,nnection. Interest allowed llowed on Savings Deposits. -.General Bankingbusiness transacted, R, E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch I' i 1 I 11= ' 1 1 1. 11 ry IncorporatedTHE 1855 1 c e A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS E TRANSACTED INCLUDING E CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT E BANK MONEY ORDERS c - - - 1 CAPITAL AND RESERVE 1 .g $8,800r000. _ __ Savings Bank Department e At all Branches r Interest allowed at highest current rate E - IS' Clinton ,Branch e __ C. E. Dowding - Manager - 92 Branches InCana da -7 1 JI III... 1 , ,111 „ f 111,.,IIL.,111,ei1Le116.11L,d1b,11 , 11, II „ II 11 , d r READY-TO:WE,AR, CurrstNo MUTUAL ENEFIT SALE ORDERED CLOTHING SaturdayIlls of This Week. Big Reductions in All Lines, SEE PULL PAGE ADVT. ON PAGE THREE. THE MGLOTHIN6 CO. Motto a "A Square Deal:for Every:Man." m q DIED IN WINNIPEG. On December 28th William Downing died in Winnipeg e of which he had been a residentsince 1 ' s n o Sbl, 1Ir. Downing, W110 was born hn Bayfield andspent polite time of his early manhood in Clinton, was a nephew of Mr. C. W. Williams of Goderich 'township, AN ACCIDENT. Miss Prances Whitely of Huron St. slipped on seine. ice in front of the E'xipress.office on Friday lastand in falling struck, her head on the hard walk' inflicting a nasty wound. She was carried into: the Express office' and a medical man sent for, who dress sed the ;wound and she' was driven home. Though somewhat stunned she soon recovered and is now going about as usual. It was a wonder . there were not some serious accidents as the streets were for several days after the thaw last week in a very danger- ous condition. GORSES DROWNED, Mr. John Tiplady, a teamster of Toronto, and nephew of Mr., David Tiplady, of Clinton,- had the misfor- tune to lose a fine team of horses by drowning, last Friday; and narrowly escaped the same, fate himself, He bad v drien across the bay to the island a distant of about a mile,- eand was re- turning -to the city when the, ice gave way and the outfit was prccipated in- to the water. With difficulty Mr, Tip - lady saved himself, but the team was lost. .The ice was about six inches thick, and had been considered quite safe for teaming. • HE THRESFIDD'DER KAISER. Mr. W. II. Vette, formerly ;of town but now of Bolton, who. ' has been spending a few days with his son, Mr; Thos. Watts, said to The News-Res- ord on 'Tuesday : "I remember a little incident that happened in my native city of Ilfra- combe, England, when 1 was a boy. Ilfracombe, .as you know, is a great watering place and people flock there from all parts for the sal bathing. One morning a. foreign party a 0consist- ing f young man and a number of a , attendants appeared upon the scene and alter a plunge in the sea the young man uyent; into a bathing house to dress, his companions the mean- while scattering about the beach •in. search of emusnime:it. After dressing the young man began shying rocks al the house and remonstrated with by Alf. Price, whose Talbot was the own- er, he said : "Don't you know who I am ?" 'No," replied Alf„ "and I don't care, you have got, to stop" and with that they were into each other's wool. Alf. was the younger of the two ;but he was a, husky boy and when the attendants hurried to the scene they were horrified to s.e that the Prince -The was the grandson of the then German ).p peror and the present Kaiser -was badly marked and was be- ing soundly trimmed, To prevent the fight getting into the papers they gave Alf. quite 0 sunt of looney. No, the papers didn't use the incident, but it was the talk of Ilfracombe, Alf. Price is still a resident of my native city. It is said the Kaiser has never since been at Ilfracombe." TIIE NEW COUNC'IL. The new council met on. Monday and at the first item of business -the elec- tion of the striking committee -there was for a time a deadlock. Eventu- ally Ford, Wallis and 1Viltse were chosen and these three made up the standing coinnittees, .as follows, the first mentioned in each being chair- man Street; Ford, Fitzsimons, Miller, Wilts(. Property-Wiltsc, Wallis, Ford. Fire and Water,'Salkcr, Wallis, Fitz- simons. Cemetery -Wallis, Sheppard, Miller. Charily. Sheppard, Fitzsimons, Walker. Park, -Millen, Ford, Fitzsimons. Bylaws, -Sheppard, Walker, Ford. Finance,-Wiltse, 5liller, Sheppard. Court of Revision, -Jackson, Wallis, Sheppard, Walker, \'filler, Special, -Ford, Walker, 4Viltse. Mr, A. T. Cooper, secretary of the Boardof 'l'rad r oa e, mol M . W. Brydwne , of the Public Library Board, inform- ed the council that, as the result et- a somewhat lengthy correspondence, the Carnegie Corporation would give $4900 for an extension of tine Publie Library building. The Corporation stipulates, however, that $940 be ex- pended annually) on maintenance which has been about the average outlay for, years past. The council listened with interest to the addresses and promptly expressed its appreciation and its willingness to go ahead at once with the proposed addition, 14Ir, D, A. Forrester was returned to still another term, on the Collegi- ate Board. Mr, D. L. Macpherson was appoint- ed the third member of the Board of Health; the other two being Mayor Jackson and M. H., 0: Shaw. Principal Treleaven was re -appoint- ed to the Library Board. Dr. Gandier having resigned 'from` the C, I. Board Mr. Brydone was chosen for the unexpired portion of the term . Messrs. J, Wiseman .and P. Cantelon were re -appointed auditors. The Chief reported that he had of- ficially dealers facially visited the local bread deal s and found them complying with the law. To. the Sick Children's hospital a grant of fifteen dollen, was made, There is one Anglicain the council and seven Methodists. Five of the mentbers are "Conservatites and-, tytree Liberals, • HELP SWELL TEE KINDS. Mr, A. Forbes bas oltcred to give 50c for each ton of Coal ordered on January 22nd Friday iof next week, to the Women's Patriotic Society. Those needing, to replentish their coal bins will, therefore, if ,they wish to assist the ladies who have been Kiork ing so hard' and enthu$iastically, en- deavor to leave their foal orders in on that date. Do net forget it, Fri- day of next week. CURLERS Al' SEAFOR'ff-I; A couple of rinks of curlers Went down on Saturday .afternoon and play- ed' a .couple of rounds; of the roario' game with a couple of rinks of Sea- forth's crack players.. 11e local rinks consisted of J. Dodds, J. Wiseman, B. J. Gibbings' and W. Jackson, skip. C', J. Wallis, 0..D. McTaggart, H. P. Paull and C. E. Dowding, skin, The result cs was that 1VIr. Jackson's rinse was four, up while itIr. Dowding's was one down, Clinton being three up in the round. A BAD ACCIDENT. The many friends in C'lint;in and vicinity of Mr. Seth Fisher, who Mow- ed from here to Egerton, Alberta; last spring, will regret to learn 'that he met with an accident :.last autumn which threatens to prove serious. Whale engaged in work at his trade of carpenter he was driving a nail when his hammer missed and the nail flew back ,striking him in the eye and in- juring the member badly. So closely are these organs connected by delicate nerves that the injury, to one eye has ef1(ected the other and .at last reports the-sight''01 one Was 50110 •itid that of the other • was feared fur. Mr. Fisher was for several yeafrs e reerecte(t re- sident of Clinton and his friends ltop- ed that when 110' left here to farm in Alberta . he would succeed fn gaining for himself and family a'eomforta,ble home out there, but with such a han- dicap his task will be a difficult one. It is sincerely hoped that the trouble may not prove quite so serious as is anticipalcd. BAPTIST CII.UR(.'II. Services were held as usual un. Sun- day, the pastor occupying his own pulpit. Iris sermons were earnest and helpful. The subject in tie c. ening was, `Other Sheep," 01( 1111 was Par- ticularly interesting. At the close of this service the Lord's Supper ' was itdminiet7'red, when lite new members recefvrd the right handset fellowship, On 'Monday evening at the Inane of Mrs. ,1, K. h airfull the Mission Cir- cle and Ladies' Aid were re-organizq.i and new officers Were c'e1ted as fol- lows : President, L. A., Mrs, C . I?. I1all. President Mission Circle, Mrs. Pair - full. Secretary, Mrs. Thos, Watts. Treasurer, Mrs. James McIntyre, Collector for Missionary Fund, Mrs. A, Painter. - C'ollector for Baptist Visitor, Mrs. I1. Bennebaker. {considerable work was planned and undertaken by the Ladies,' Aid, On Thursday evening next the annu- al business meeting of the church will be held when the Ladies' Aid will serve tea. . Next Sunday evening the pastor will take for his subject, "Our Obligation to Belgium" and the offering will be in aid of the Belgium Fund. it will he augmented by some five dollars or so ` from the Sunday school, part of the proceeds of the Christmas entertain- ment, IIUL• LIE'"l' DISTRICT L.O.L. 'I'hc annual Hallett District L.O.L. which consists of the primarylodges at Clinton, Summerhill, Seaforth and Winthrop, met at the latter place on Tuesday. reedy. There was a large atten- dance and., the different reports pre- sented were considered o1 a very sat- isfactory nature. Mr. D. N. Watson of Clinton, who was District Master for two years, re- tired but was retained on the list of officers as Director of Ceremonies. The oldest member present was Mr, Davide e B a om of Clinton wino is now in his eighty eighth year. IIe made . it sparkling little speech calling up some ofthe,incidents in his long period o1 membership. The, next meeting of the District will be held at Summerhill. The elec- tion of officers resulted as follows : Master, W. E. Southgate, Seaforth, Deputy, J. I'Iagey, Winthrop. Chaplain, J. Scarlett, Winthrop. Secretary, J. Bullard, Winthrop. Pin Secretary, J. Montgomery, Sea - forth. Treasurer, T. Rance, `Seaforth, Lecturer, C. Tyner, Summerhill. Lecturer, T. FI, Kent, Seaforth. D. of C., D. N. )Watson, Clinton. The following resolution was autani- mously adopted : "We, the members of the district duly assemblei -of the Loyal Orange Association,, desire to place on record, out high appreciation of the members. of the Primary Lodges who have gone totine front in the service of the Empires. We recognize, and appreciate their loyalty to King and Country and. that in fighting the battles 'of the Empire they are also fighting our battles as Canadians and we desire our brethren at the front 'f know that although, distant from ` g t o tlsthey, are not forgotten. We pray the God of all battles to watch over them, guard and keep them. and bring then safely again to us. And further, we desire the Primary' Lodges from which they are gone 'to send a copy: of -this to each one, WESLEY CHURCH. Rev. J. .Greene occupied the pulpit 011 Sunday morning owing to the ill- ness of the pastor,I h the. evening ' tenun� 6 Rey. Mr. Snider of Toronto, • mero- tary of the Lord's Day Alliance, gave an address in the interests of the Load's Day, The special offering a- mounted bo nearly $30, ONTARIO ST: CHURCH. The "Resurrection of 'Lazarus" was the pastor's topic on Sunday morning.., "The Stilling of the Tempest," was the subject in the evening.; .Rev. Dr. Snider of the Lord's Day Alliance addressed the school -in the afternoon, Next Sunday evening the pastor's topic. will be "What of the Night Watchman ? The Morning Cometh.'' Rev, P, G. Powell addressed the League on Monday evening; on "Dan- ngave el and an interesting topic to the young peoples. The pastor. presided. The W.M.S. mot on Tucsaay after- noon and held their quarterly tea anis backed a'box of clothing for distribu- tion among the poor. PATRIOTIC SOCIETY MEETING. The Women's Patriotic Society met on Friday afternoon last for the first timesince n c Ohc Christmas recessher• t c tieing a good attarda en Eight new. members were added to the roll bring- ing the membership up to 190. It was decided to co-operate with tit -e. Queen 11Iary Needlework Guild in sending to the Queen a New Year's gift. That is to send clothing of var- ious sorts children's warm clothing, socks,, etc fol,. distribution among the poor. Mrs. 'l'orcance•and Mrs. W. O'- Neil will receive these contributions' and on application to rather of these ladies anyone wishing to contribute can find out particulars. The dona- tion issuppesed to go -through in Jan- uary so the, stuff should be sent in as soon as possible. A large amount of oonlpleled work was returned last week and as the la- ' dies wish to mance another shipment all finished work should he sent in. It was decided that the ladies un- dertake l o keep the soldiers from herr completely out fitted with liel(1 com forts throughout the winter, sending fresh supplies m:nitl❑p. Any surplus will he sent to the Red Cross, , THE HONOR .BOLL, - Mobiltzalion' Masan un Monday for the third contingent Cuplsulian p:apodi- tiouary Force. Clinton is 1± recruit- ing station for Huron and there has been a prompt response. .1 time of writing the number has reached tw'at- t}three, and there are a 111/05/00 who 11(0ire. In go but who are unable to join the force immediately. Tho ate,- lion tartion will be kept open fur 50111' time. longer. 1h, 'Phos. 1]. Britton Is act- ing in the capacity of Recruiting Ser- geant assisting Recruiting OMcta. Ma- jor 111(110. h'ollot'Cng is the list of those volun- teering to date : Normans Behauan, Seaforth ; Isomer A. Cantelon, Clinton ; Orrin E. Cart- wright, ('1011011: Wm. 1'h Ede, Clin- ton ; '('hos. Grisbrook, Seaforth ' Maurice Id., (tray, Clodericlt Edward G. Cracks, Clinton ; Retry Groves, Wingham ; Gordon Holman, Seaforth ; Joseph A. Leonard, Wingham ;, Thom- as W. :Morgan, Clinton ; Cecil K. 1loores, Clinton ; 7.1. Harrison, C. Mc- Donald, ('ranbrook, ; Alex. A. Mc- Leod, Walton ; John 13. Nesbitt Clinton ; Harry Seymour, God- ; John II, ,Smith, Wingham ; Edward Thomas, Wingham ; Al- fred J, Taylor, Wingham ; John 'I.itei, Blyth ; Wm. R. Lilting,, Wing - ham Frederick M. Wilson,Wingham; Chas, F. Wood, Wingharu. WILLIS CHURCH, 1. a Last widay was fend's Day Alli- ance r anc.e Sued ay in Clinton. 13eu D. W. Snider preached in Willis church at the morning service, and the congre- gation evidenced their continued inter- est in the preservation of the Sab- bath by contributing 11 collection of well over 130 for the work of the Al- liance. On Monday (tight the annual meetingof the "Covenant Bible Class of which Mr Harper is teacher, was held in the Lecture room of the church. Mr. Thos, McKenzie, jr., president, being .the chairman, The meeting was opened with devotional exercises by Rev. F. C. I-Iarper. Re- ports \vete given of splendid success and progress by this class during the fou' months of its history. Member- ship has grown from twenty-three to fifty-seven, and the average attendance has been about forty, The duplex -en- velope for revenue and Missions,. was unanimously adopted, and plans dis- cussed for the maintenance by the class of a missionary in the 'foreign field. lloi.-President, Rev. P, C harper,. President, 'rhos. McI(euzie, Jr. Vice. -president; Glen Cook, Rec.-Sepretary,, Miss. L. Cantelon, Sec. of Statistics, Miss Bessie Watt. Treasurer, Miss 'Luella Walkinshaw, Look -out Committee, Gordon House (Convener,) Misses Forbes and Ma- haffy, and Messrs. George David, and Glen Cools. "The Covenant" Bible class mute in the school room with the Sunday school. on. Sunday afternoons at 2.30 The "Catch Myt 'Pal" plan is used for the increase, of the membership, but Visitors are always, cordially welcom- ed.a. 'e Next Sunday,.the subjects on which the' minister, Rev; F. C. Harper, 13. D.,,wil1^ preach will be The Origin of Man and, its Consequences" 011 the morning, and "Has Every Man His price 1" in the evening, THE LOCAL MARK{ET. ' Wheat $1.20. Oats 480. Barley 62c. Bu Butter 230 to 24c, Eggs new laid 35c. Live Hogs 87,25, HELP 'THE BELGIANS, All those wishing to lend a helping hand to poor, stricken Belgium by do- nating clothing, flour, etc., for the use of heir unhappy people will kindly leave sane at the council chamber on February 2nd. Everybody try to give something; the need is sore, 80 that tine bale may be as large, as pos- sible. • A 51(15(1 SHOW, A moving picture exhibit of the Provincial Board of tIcaltla will be shown fit the town hall on .January 25th. Two exhibits will be given, one at 3.30 and the other at 8 o'clock p. 1n. The District -Officer of health will be present and address the meetings. No charges wilt be made. Everybody welcome. "TOMMY" AT.I, RIGII'1`, A a Clinton dinner table •the other day the war was under discussion' and someone, om one r v •k C fat C[I. that Y at M . Thos. Britton was going to enlist. "He'd be a real 'Tommy',' wouldn't be 3" re. marked the thirteen -year-old daughter, ' 1'es, fuel a 'Briton' too." chimed in her six-year-old brother without look- ing, up frpm his plate of pudding. ENG AGEMENT ANNOUNCED. The following from the Los lngelcs, Cal,, G arette refers to a former eitt' zea . of Clinton, a 'brother of Mr. T. 1J. Cook 'At an.n, infprmal gathering at their home OIi Parker . stre:t last. evening, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 111. Darrell for- mally announced the engagement o1 their, daughter, Margaret:, to William -Wellington Cook. Tile news was told to a score of the young friends of Miss Darrali and came as a delightful surprise. MisS Darralt is 10011 lmown in musi- cal circles 08 a singer and pianist of a11111Ly. Shut studied under Roscoe Warren Lttiv ani(Ialso under Jessie Dean Moore, and -leas been hoard on netne1'On4 occasions about the bay. Mr. Cooke formerly made his home in Canada but has been in Berkeley for the past three or four years, Iie is it present connected with the Pacific Gas and h:lcetric Li5ht company. The wedding is being planned for af- ter the fowt of the year." .131 .100i11?SS ON ,Silt:NK1,0, On 'l'utsday evening, the members of Mc Clinton Club and t' cir friends were very highly gratified by a lecture delivered by bfr. W. I3. bale, former- ly a resident of Clinton, but for some years a resident of Mexico, on the subject of Mexico, its people, its cli- 1 1o, politics, manners and customs, Mr. Hale, by a long residence, cou- pled with good powers of observation and description, was well qualified to entertain the company. 1(0 gale a very lucid account of the causes that led up Io taede; osition of President Diaz and the subsequent events, in- cluding the interference of the [hilted States' forces. Mr. Flale also gave very humourous descriptions of the various customs pertaining in tine 00(ulbr}', not forgetting the curious manner of courtship, which for obvi- ous reasons is known in MuoL c, as "playing tine bear." The ;,coat Pas- ant: of the Mexican, especially of a Sunday afternoon, 1110, : the hull fight, was described ed V L3 1C1lIStic Y Altogether, a fey pleasnat e101:ing was spent and a hearty vote of thanks proposed bp Rev, S. J. Ailin, second- ed- by the Rev. F. C'. I1arre:, was duly presented by• the president. PASSING OF MRS. CASTLE, tis Mrs. Saniuel Castle, Sr,, passed in- to the (Treat C'nknowu on Friday 0v ening last at the agci of seventy years and ten months. 'l'lle deceased was a native of Stitt - fold, Bedfordshire, England. She was married in the Old Country and came to Canada with her husband and young family in 1870. They came to Clin- ton theta and have since continued to reside here. Besides her aged hus- band she is survives by a fatally of seven ; Mrs. George Beeiley and Jas. Castle, Ontario, California ; John, of the Canadian west ; Amos at home, S, 0. also of town, Herbert of the Bayfield Road and Edward of Guelph. Mrs. T. J. C'oopes of CCi:nt0(1 is a sister. A year ago last March Mr and firs, Castle celebrated their Golden Wed- ding, when as :many of 111010 family as could do so gathered :home and the occasion was one of pleasure to all. Tito, lath Mrs. Castle was a Metho, dist in rellgioin, being a. member of Ontario street .church. She was of a quiet, home -loving natureand much devoted to her family. She has been enjoying fair health and going about her usual household duties wat11 early Friday morning, while dres- sing, she was stricken with .par- alysis. She was e0I1nCiOlIS and able to -converse for a couple of. Hours after the stroke but gradually sans;, and passed away, the sante evening. The fimerat took place- from the family residence on Monday afternoon Clinto cern- , interment, cin' made un n m e being eter3?.' Rev. 5. J. allin-conducted the 'services at house and graveside. The pallbearers were four; of her sons A- mos, - S. 0,,_ Herbert aod. Edward ; a nephew, George Cooper, < and Donald, Kennedy. I WILL RECEIVE. , ' . Mrs. H. B. Chant and her daughter., Miss Mary Chant, wilt receive on Tuesday next rOOafte•n . n at n and evening., ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. "v "I:- wish to sincerely thank all thu friends fortheir sympathy and kind- ness during my recent bereavement." -Daniel Eckmier. L1TT'LE -LOCALS, The Choral Society is preparing la Cantata., (Christ and His Soldic's) for presentation al Easter. District Deputy McKay of i-Iensatl wi11 officially visit the Oddfcllows: Lodge on 'Tuesday evening next. Bayfield Mr. John C'alwel( of Kincardine is the guest Of his sister,r , Mi s Wui. Sterling of Bayfield. Mr. John Stalker of Cleveland is the • guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dupee, A meeting of the Women's Patriotic Society of Bayfield and vicinity will be held in the town hall on 'Thursday• afternoon of next week. The imeeting commences at four o'clock, • Mrs. Thomas Sanderson and her • son Mr 'rhos“ Sanderson, Jr; are. • spending the week with friends in. `Por - onto, A Social will be given by tato, St. Andrew's Ladies' Aid- on the evening of the 27811 inst. 'Phe council stet on. 1londey at oleo- en a.n,,, members preeent being las. Thomson, Reeve : Councillors.: I9, 3Icrner U. Parker, George Weston and 15. Ward. The statutory declaration 'Of office was snthscribed to after which the:fallowittg officers- were appointed for 1915:: Clerk, I1', W Erwin ; Aut. ditors, .1, A. Falconer anti A. 18. 1de- w(Thn. e clerk was then instructed to post up notices asking for applica- tions for the remainder of the offices. The meeting then adjourned until Monday, February 1st, at 7.30 p,m, As will be seen in the advertising colunmis the afauIal meeting of the Rayfield .agricultural Society will he, hells in the town hall on 'Wednesday next at 1 o' - cloak. The (1iiectors are anxious to see a large number of tl.n members present and thus show that th:'y have an iutereal in the welfare of the • ;`U-• cielt, If you have any augge5tious to make that will tend to any Improve. ments they will he glad to hear frond '3'uu: C'0011 and le ere;`ared to tat. something. - 'l'he following front the Whinipek Free Press Bulletin will be of interest to Netts -Record readers : • "William Downing, for many wags widely known as a railroad conductor in western Canada, and later as pro- prietor of hotels in Winnipeg, died at his residence, I111 Atkins stares', yes- terday afternoon. ale was 51 years of age. 511.•Downiag, who was a native of Bayfield, Ont., came to Winnipeg in 1881, and entered the sorvicc of the C.P.A. as brakeman ; one year later he was promoted to the position of freight conductor and he became a passenger conductor in 1888, his prin- cipal run being between fort William and Winnipeg. IIe was one of. the leade•s•of the condectors's order, and on several occasions Was • elected to represent his division at international conventions, 100: twelve years he wan member of the committee 01 adjust- ment in disputes between the conduc- tors and the railroad officials. About (ice yews' ago .h0 became pro- prietor of the Vivian hotel, which he afterwards named the "Downing, Lombard street, and later he became • the 'proprietor of the Oriental hotel. He was a member of the Masonic or- der, and also of the Shrines: he was pro0linently connected. too, nvitli the Odd Fellows, In politics be was a Conservative, and had taken an ac- rive part as member of the North Winnipeg execittive for several years, Mr. Downing also, look a keen interest in civic politics. IIe was married twice; and leaves a widow and five c htld ten. The, funeral will he held Thursday afternoon frons the rosier encs to St, John's cemetery," Holmesville Prof. F. (1, Elford of Ottawa drop-' pod off for a short visit at Holmes - villa while on his way to the Cioder. ich Poultry Show. IVir. and Nlrs. Stillwell Phipps of Welwyn, Sask.,are visiting in the vicinity, They have been living in the west for fifteen years and appear to like it well. The annual streeting of the Holmes- ville Cheese'and Butter Co., was hold Thursday and reportsshowed , Ori day a c es ery thing in good condition. Mr, George Holland left on Tuesday, afternoon for the southern counties to make a personal selection of another carload of cows and young cattle, which he purpose$ placing on sale ei- ther here or in Clinton about the last ofthe month. It Will Pay You. As '(he News -Record covers this district thoroughly, going into a great majority of the homes; -our merchants areg reh is making striking rikin use of its advertising space, The Morrish Clouting Company-. are taking .the who'e of page 3 and Couch, & Co, page 4. A careful persual of theirant nouncements will pay you.