The Clinton New Era, 1916-09-28, Page 2PAGE TWO. CLINTON NEW HRA.. Thursday, September 28th, 1'916. Millinery Ready" to -Wear Garments Phone 78 Couch&C Dry Goods Furs house Fur nishings �r000se Your Fall Sull From the magnificent assort– ment we are showing at $J 6 to $35.oO Cleverly designed models in Serges, Gaberdines and Cheviots and other favored fall fabrics, in black, navy. African brown and other colors, DIS MiIIiaerg In our Millinery Department we offer many hats of distinction at $5 to $10. Every hat a splendid model, made of rich Lyon velvet and hatter's plush with trim- ming of gold, silver and steel ernbroidered flowers, buds, etc Be sure and. visit our Millinery Department 211111,11•11113a1211061111181111.11=1/1. An Impressive Showing of Women's Distinctive Coats Dainty or dressy models with large collars and deep cuffs of fur, plush or self ma- terial.Full flare, belted and semi -fitting styles; In wool velours, broadcloths, chin- chillas, plpshes, and English tweeds. Remember—We are show- ing one of the largest range of Ladies and Misses Coats in the county.' Every Day is Always Some Fashion Day thing New ®ears ��''1i'i4: ail ,is nn s1,m .: ar•[n�i'lii6uiii'•Llili,ll,idf Iss m'i'L--osa li The foundation is not the most important thing True, you cant have a good barn without a good foundation' but don't forget either that the roof has tostand most of the punishment. Upon it falls the burden of resisting the destructive influences of weather and changing seasons. Now, the question is "Where am I going to find a roof which will meet these conditions?" Certainly not in wooden shingles which have rapidly deteriorated during the past few years. Not in anything so perishable as wood, nor yet iron, which lets in driving ram, but rather in a permanent mineral composition such as Brantford Roofing. Now, let us look at a section of Brantford Roofing. First, you notice it has a pure, long -fibred felt base. This is thoroughlysaturated with a filler coat of asphalt or mineral pitch. Then it is given another coat. Finally, the surface is thickly covered with crushed slate. You can imagine what a job rain, snow, fire or heat would have penetrating a roof like that As for comparing rantfor Nature's • Water- oofing proofing with shingles on the score of permanency, or protection, or appearance, or even economy, there is no comparison. You put a Brantford Roof on once, and it will last as long as the building; it will always look well and it will never need repairing. Why not lot us send you samples, also a copy of our booklet which explains how Brantford Roofing Is, always on the Jobe; Or, if you w111 give us the dimensions of your barn orhouse roof we will gladly submit estimates without charge or obligation, Brantford Roofing Company, Limited' Brantford, Canada a5 FOR S .LE M HARLAN D BROTHERS The Nuron Presbyterial Third Annual Meeting' 0f 1No lnen S Missionary Society. The third annual meeting of the Huron Presbyterial Society was held in the Union church, Bruce - field. There was a large attend- ance of delegates, and the, Sessions were very profitable. The reports from the different missionary' so- cieties were read at the morning session, and a suggestive paper, "The Efficient Of icer," was read by Mrs. E. as. ivieL. Smith of Ben - sail. This was followed 'ny an impressive nremor al service for the late beloved president, Mr's. Colin S,'letcher of Thames uRoad, in -which high and fitting tribute was paid to her beautiful life, character and work, by Mies Thompson, representing the Gen- eva Council Mrs. C. Robertson, the provincial; Mrs, ,Jas. 'Hamil- ton, the Presbyterial: and Mrs. Cameron,. 'the congregations of and Kirltton Thames Road T1]a ' and si- also by former Presbyterial pre dents and officers of the society. Nlrs, Greig gave a report ,.shoW- ing that, notwithstanding the un- usual sacrifices members had been called upon to make, the offerings were a. little in advance of last year. Although there SS' a deficit in the receipts of the GeneealSo- cioty, if each Auxiliary would make a special effort, the whote amount would be made np before the end of the year. The offer- ings from and five Circles a -ere sa210. Ccar forth Auxiliary igave the largest offering for the year. ' Mrs. Wm, Gunn, secretary of sup - piles, urged all Auxiliary supply .secretaries to be prompt in send- ing in their bales, and if possible all secretaries should send them on the same day to Clinton. Mrs, Hamilton, literature serre tary• gave areport showing that 7.41 Messengers were distributed. She would Lopleased to give Any in- formation este suitable pamphlets for afl. byl members (if the literature secretary of auxiliaries would cor- respond with her. There has not been as much at teotietI pada rt t the work. , ;nf strangers' secretaries in the dif- ferent auxiliaries as theta -se -night be, Reports were not sent in to ,tl]e secretary. Auxiliaries should nail for reports regularly. Much good work can be done by strang- ers' secretary in making strangers welcome, visiting the sick 'in the hospitals, sending delicacies to same, keeping in touch With young People Itheoing aftternoolnla r Model Mis- sion Band "'was conducted by Miss Clare Preston, -.o1 Stratford, ,and Miss Irene Gemmell, of Brucefield• Miss Granger of Brucefield, ren- dered a beautiful solo and Miss Beatrice Thompson, of the Wo- men's Missionary Society offices in Toronto, fol;owel w.t't an i"trr- esting address on "Our Work. • .A discussion of "Ways and IVisans of Raising Money" to be led by Mrs, ;If, Kere y of: 0:3de1llrh.:h id 4:0 he Left over. The SolIowing ladies led u1 prayer, Mrs, Smith .of Hen sill, Mrs. Janes McKay, of Egtnon- ville, Mrs. Neil McGregor of Bruce field, Mrs. Strachan of Goderich, Mrs. P.M Larkin of Seaforth, Mrs, D. Carswell, of 1Vtc1illop, Mrs. Poplestone oft Myth, and Mrs. Johnston of Varna. Unfortunately time dict not permit of the giving of Echoes from the general coun- cil meeting at Winnipeg, by Mrs. Hamilton. The delegates Were very hospitably entertained to dinner and tea by the ladies of J3rucefield. Rov. Hall Woods presided at the ev,oning meeting :,'fid cont'eyeld the greetings of the Presbytery. Miss B. Argo of 'Egmonvillo, and the Brucefield c coir rendered s- teal selections thatmc] were tench en- loyed and appreciated The Pres- bytcrice report was read by the secretary,. Miss Graham, Seatorth: Rev. G. C. Pidgeon, D. D„ of Blom St. church, Toronto, was the principal speaker and gave an able a•cich'ess on the fight: for our ideals, which was listened to with deep interest. A nati:on's moray convictions he said, determined the whole course of its policy and destiny. T1](; loss right a man has to any privilege the more vo- ciferous he is in asking- for it. A German statesman said. "We refer - ed Belgium two alternatives and, to our surprise. she chose the path of honor?' Mrs. 3. C. Greig on behalf of the Presbytery, presented Miss H, I. Graham with elite membership in the General•society in recognition of her efficient services as secre- tary. ; Next year the annual meeting will beheld at Eippen. , The following officer's were ap- pointed ;— Honorary ppr��esidents. Mrs. 7.10, Larkin tinct Mrs. W.IS 1(0118'. Goderich. president. Mrs.E. P.McL 'Smith, 'Hensall 1st vice - presider( t, Mrs. D. Carswell, end Vico president, Mrs W D. '.Pruner; 3rd vice president 'Mrs. 'H. I, Woods; 4th vice president Mrs. Laing, Auburn; secretary, Miss H. I, Gra,ham• Serforth r, trea • ur: r, M. s J. C, Greig; Seaforth; secretary of literature, Mts. James Hamilton, Goderich; Secretary 'of Mission Bands, Mes L I DeLacey, Sea - forth, s(ecretaayeeepuppeies, Mrs, Gunn Cliliton; secretary of ]tiome h.eipers (Mrs, C. Monteith Kip - pen ; Strangers secretary, Mrs. S Pt Sharp T,xeter, press and lit- erary • secretary, 'Mrs W ]1. Kelly, Goderich. The following are the amounts contributed by the Ala wtliar]es:— Auburn 0093; Bayfield $13,2 ;Blake $55.50; Blyth '$196.50 Mahon Oliver Cir do, Blyth $05;:Biseefield$181.13 Brucefieltt Kellty t,rrele 13156223; Clinton $37e.35; C£419olt $97 Duff's church, McKielop, $15.07; Egmon- viL10 $203.25 Exeter 1917.0; Logic M S Exeter $134.00 Goderich Cele 15Goderich Arthur Circle $26; Goderich Township ;Union $4275; Grand Bend $i00; Hensel! $130 Mc Gregor Circle 7.Iensall $85 Bills Green $115.71 ; Kipper(' $110.25 ; Kirit ton $110,75; Leeburn $18; :rendes- bore $17250; Seaforth i$302.95; Thames Road,.1,525.37,; Vs rna $19.95, Winthrop 144 Phe 1VI]ssin❑ Biiide in the Presbytery contributed as follows; Blyth, $48.85; Brucefield $11.75; Exeter $21.90 Goderich $88 Hensa411 $17; Seaforth $15. The amount of the collection taken at the animal meeting in Erne( ;d was $46.96, ••••s••••••••o•••••••••••• • , • Town and Country • It s eowoNreao•wN000000•••• A. Js Holloway dials had' his coal office painted which adds greatly to the surroundings. A' 7-M1LE' WALK. The Wanting Club took a tramp of about seven miles on Tuesday evening, and on their return the Girls Club of Willis Church served 'Lunch. BOOKS 0. K. The Inspector orDivision Courts 1VIr, Ellis ' of Toronto, was in town and inspected the booksi of the court officials a,nd found _ every- thing in A 1 condition. THE POULTRY MEN. The Clinton_ poultry. men who are interested in the. coming Poultry' Show to be held here, met fort the Shoay.glt They mo eetreagain on Friday of this week, NEW ELECTRIC RANGE. The Hydro -Electric !staff have recently completed the installation 10. ti n electric-. G t 1 w ^MeC ar cl c of. fine new 1 y Tango. lithe home of Mr. W Jaclr- son, and is said to be avery con- piete outfit. This is the second' electric range to be installed In town. Dr. Shaw being Ibe first one to introduce this np-ito-date system of cooking, HOMESEEKERS EXCISIONS Have Your Ads. ita New Era of gin, But when he got there he could n't get in. 'He ordered some. Whiskey,• -tor use i Scientific . They sent him wood spirits; the d ;smell was terrific 1 TO WESTERN CAN'CDA., Tho Grand Trunk RailweY Sys- tem issue round trip 'Houleseekers tickets rat very lots fares from stations in Canada to :points in Manitoba, Sasktachewan and Al- berta each Tuesday until October 31st, inclusive via North Bey, Cochrane and Transcontinental Route or via. Chicago, St. Pauland Duluth and are good returning two months from date of issue. Thro- ugh tourist 010001ng cars are op- erated each Tuesday for Winnipeg leaving Toronto 10.45 p. m via Transcontinental Route without change. Reservations in tourist sleepers may 'be obtained at nom- inal charge on application to any Grand. Trunk Ticket Office, The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg. Saskatoon and Edmonton, wits smooth roadbed. electric lighted Bleeping cars. through the newest, most picture- sque and most rapidly developing suction of Western Canada, Be- fore deciding on your trip ask Grand Trunk Agents to furnish full psirticdls'•isor (write C. E. -Horning.,D strict Passenger Agent Toronto, Ont.. He wenit o a Vet. to prescribe for a calf ; Some brandy would do—say apii t and a half, He found on returning the Vet, played: him false;' The bottle contained only water ,and saltz, He went to a doctor for rum for a, boil, But Doo prescribed sulphur and 'sweet caster oil. He wentt o a druggist without a prescription, So couldn't get liquor of any des- cription. ( 'Ho sought ablind pig( as his only resort: But when it was raided he landed in court. Ha went to the term out at Guelph A well defined law with its pro- visions- generally Understood should not be violated with im- punity or!i.f it is the exacting ►,f the extreme Penalty should not be complained against. Some folk appear to alwyas be trying the experiment of 'seeing how close they can steer and escape.. loyal citizenship should 'abide by the Statute, even if they tread on your corns. September Morn Old (Father Hubbard went to the Cupboard , ► To get him a bottle of beer Bit when begot there the onp- boardi 1011,5 bare Alas 1 Prohibition was. ]]ere. ria went to the tavern to pua— chase some ale, But when he got there the place Was for sate, 1 He went to the shop :for a:'bottle Mortgage Sale Mammoth Ani tion, Sal' for ar'est; 'He' 'thought when releataed, dvibition was best, 'He's glad lobe freed from King Alcohol's power' So -now thegoes thirsty , i s y of drinks (lemon sour. Farlu for Sale Farm for 'sale, containing 55 acres of good clay loam, Suitable for agriculture or grass, Being north half of lot 77, Maitland con- cession, Goderieh, with five acres of choice hardwood (bush, and a Consisting 'mg of goods that have o ton rents used Li]i myown home, and others taken iex- change. all in perfect eonclitic:M. on the 'evening of Saturday, Sept.. 30, at 7 o'clock sharp, in the store formerly occupied by W. A Mc- Connell, opposite -the town hall;— Buffet, surface oak.; -linoleum, kit- chen; Range, new, 'Happy Thou- ght; 9 rugs each 3s3yar^ s; library table, mission oak ; solidoak(lesk solid oak bedroom suite; surface oak dresser; hall seat and mirror solid oak; large Turkish rocker, davenport, socia oak:. walnut bed room suite; 3 -piece living room suite, upholstered in leather; 25 mirrors, British plate, framed in solid oak, size '0x16 inches; 10 hall mirrors, solid oak frame, size 12x24 inches, British plate; Pipe top; organ. a very fine instrument suitable for home of small church; Heins I3ro., Square piano, a very fine toned instrument; extension table; extension table surface oak: sideboard, elm with g]s,ss; set of dinners; verandah rockers; 3.5 yds stair carpet; Brussels carpet; hall ;linoleum; (bath room 1'(+noleum ; Standard sewing machine; lawn mower; lawn seats; large cage suitable for animals; ;book case, mission; 2 tables surface oak; 15 cot mattresses; Typewriter, Em- pire; Stretcher avoven wire; 25 pillows; 2 kitchen tables; dresser and stand White enamel,'• steel oange with water front; oak side- board; oak buffet; quarter cut oak extension table, TERMS—Ca•sh or a satisfactory note WES. WAL- KER, Prop., Thos. Gundry, Auc, Under. and by virtue of the Pose - ere contained in a cert ,in merle gage, which will be produces at the time of sale, there, will 'be of- fered for sale by public auction, by Thomas Brown, at the dwell- ing! house on the lands. on Settle - day, the 11th day of October, A.D., 1910, et the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon,. the following property :— Park -Park Lot No. Eight in the Vil- lage of .L'rncefieid. containing ten acres of land, more or leas, On the property are a good six -,roomed frame house and kit- chen with !brick cellar, it frame stable, one acre of geed young orchard, and (a Montreal supply of water. • Terms,—Ten per cent. of the purchase money in cash en the day of style and the balance in thirty flays 'with interest at six per cent per annum. For ',fur- ther terms and conditions of sale apple to R.1, Higgins, Bruce - field, or to f W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Solicitor for the a endor Dated Sept, 281h, 1916. never -failing, 'spring creek run- ning through,' all under grass at present, possession can' bo given at once. Apply tq' WILLIAM BEDOUR R. R, No lm Clinton or phone 12 on 143. Back to Ike Land 108 acres •Goderich township $7000 .100 acres, Colborne township 5000 90 acres, Colborne township 4800 50 acres, Colborne township 2200 5 acres, Goderieh limits , 1000 40 acres, Goderieh township 2600 All these have good 'soll and buildings and are "real" bargains. Write us about 'others. If thiek- ing of malting your' home in the county town, don't buy till you see us. We,can place( you at easy prices. Wo are Huron's( largest dealers. O'NI7IL & COMPANY, The Real Estate People, Goderich, Ont. Was Troubled With Stenigoh _ aild Liver FOR SEVEN YEARS. MILBURN'S TAXA -LIVER PILLS CURED HER. Mrs. Thomas Sargent, Berkeley, Ont. writes: "I have been troubled with my stomach and liver for the past seven . years; also ]rave had constipation, caus- ing headaches, backaches and dizzy spells, and at times I would almost fall down. I, tried all kinds of medicine, without obtaining any relief. I com- menced using Milburn's Taxa -Liver Pills, and they have cured me. I have recon• mended them; to many of my friends, and they are all• very much pleased with the results 'they have obtained from their use." Milburn's Taxa -Liver Pills have been on the market for the past twenty-five years, and can be procured^from all dealers. The price 10 25 cents per vial, or five vials for $1.00. If your dealer does not keep them, they will be mailed direct on receipt of price, , by The T. Milburn Co., Limited To- , mato, Ont. ( I•oung Hen' Young men or others who are unable to enlist for overseas ser - work, EVERY MAN SHOULD 1,3E DOING HIS BIT. Steady 'work to good Yuen. Apply to The Robert Bell Engine and Thresher Co Limited, Ont Court of Revision, Voters' List, Toon of Clinton Smaller Coal Bilis Let us reduce your 'coal bills. We can do it by sup- plying you with a coal that lasts long, gives a steady heat and leaves only a small amount of ash. This coal is LEHIGH� -VALLEI ANTHRACITErl The Coal That Satisfies It will save you money. Give it a trial. A. J. Holloway, Clinton Western University, London --0-- ANOTHE18 GREAT ADVANCE Income Doubled—Now 9575,000 Another large addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment in view' Write for particulars to: I]. E. BRAITI•IWAITE, M,A., Ph.D. President. Notice is hereby given that a court will be 'held Pursuant to the Ontario's Voters' List Act., by Hie Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at W the Council Chamber,linton, on Saturday, the seventh clay Of Oc- tobor, 1916, at ten o'clock 'a,m., to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Vot- er's List of the Municipality of the Town of Clinton for 1916. Dated this ,21st clay of September, • 1936. 1 D. L. MACPHIIRSON, Town Clerk T11E FINEST WHEAT GROWN t ®.. 11u,rm�,... onU2sdri't�{ 41"' 111, , lll�i nv ,l'3i, r`� relit The finest wheat grown' is used in making our flour. And each kernel is carefully scrutinized be- fore using, the slightest fault or defect causing its rejection. This accounts for the fine nourinhing quility of our flour. The care used in milling and packing in- sures its absolute eleanduness. Why not test our flour by try- ing a sack ? I Highest Prices paid for Grain W.Jenkins &8on Phone 109. Residence 9 on 142 Fat Hens and Chickens Wanted Token at any time. Highest Market Prices MARQUIS, CLINTON Phone 14 on 160 Wanted, Machinists and Iatlhe wanted'. AA]k1y- to. WcitOD MOTOR Co., ( Clinton, Ont. hands House for Sale "House on Rattenbury Se, formerly occupied' by the late Mrs. William Murray. Apply to G. D. MCTAGI'1ART For Sale Property ,occupied by Dr. Dan- dier, including two lots, house, of- fice and stable. Will be sold sep- arately or together. Electric lighting throughout, water in the stable. Hard and soft water in bath -room, kitchen and summer . kitchen. Apply eo DR. GANDIER. Farm for Sale 150 ACRES of good clay land, iib • miles north of Londesboro, being lot 26,, concession 13, Hullett. Two houses, bank barn and driving shed; oievel-tfailing well, and spring at back of farm; silo; or- chard; convenient to church and. school; rural mail and telelihone. Price and terms reasonable. HOLTZHACJER BROS., R,R. No. 1, Auburn. Painting & Paper Hanging Painting andlPaper N tieing neatly and promptly done, Orders left at H'unnitord's Grocery Store or at my residence, Victoria Street, THOS, GRAELIS Pfay"s All Standard Records The demand is here and must be supplied. We help you with, our big advertising campaign. People are enthused over this musical in 1laovation, Sales' possibilities are' immense. Our arrangements are, liberal. You must act promptly as' territory is being rapidly taken up., Write or wire. Ari COMPANY OF CANADA .59 Yange Street &sited TORONTO 1