The Clinton New Era, 1916-08-03, Page 3,Thursday, August 3rd, 1010: ew Fal Term from Aug. ZSIh CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Commercial, Shorthand, and Telegraphy Departments. Our graduates are placed in peels• tions, In 3 months we received 210 applications' for trained help. Write us at onee for our tree catalogue.; D.A. McLachlan. Principal Broilers o s n kiy a u D E l�iT We are in the market for 2,000 Young .Chickens, and 1,000 Young Ducks per week. The chickens to weigh loot less than two pounds, and the ducklings three pounds each. Now is the time to take advantage of the extraordinary prices paid for live poultry. Non-ferliteNew Laid Eggs Now that the hot summer wea- ther is approaching, we are inifor Position to pay a premium Non-tFertile Eggs not over tfour days olld. It will pay you to sell or kill all the roosters after the breed- ing 'season is over. Glin-LuI.iois & Co,, LiIDited Clinton Branca Phone 190 :AAAAAAAvaaavAAaAAaaAA: Pianos t 41 4 See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianus and Organs, .special values in Art Cases Pianos and organs rent • ed. Choice new Edison • ' phonographs, Music & variety goods. yy Music Emporium 4 C. H Gare 4 ► itivevevvvvvvirrywvvvvvvvvvv% ROOFING Corrogated Steel Shingles Felt Roofing and Slate Eavetroughing Tinsmithing Plumbing and Furnace Work Call or Phone for Prices Estimates cheerfully given Repairs Done Promptly Byam & Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. telVVSAISeaslefe/VaftWasserefleaskAraaarer GRAND,T.RlNN*- P THE CLINTON NEW ERA PAGE THREE ATTRACTIVE TRIPS; Muskoka Lakes Lake ot Bays Georgian Bay Algonquin Park French River Kawartba Lakes Maganete.wanRiver, Temagami, etc. Round Trip Tourist Tickets now on sale from certain stations in Ontario at very low rates, with liberal stop overs. W. BREAMS L0 BARRLSTER SOLIOITOR NOTARY PUBLIC, ETU (MINTON CHARLES B. HALE Conneyance, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Huron .Ste Clinton, H. T. R;AN Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGENT—Representing 14 Fire Ing surance Companies.. Division Court Office. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, -repairing. tone regulating, and Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention, M. G. Cameron, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied by Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made. Cflice hours from 6 a.m. to 6 p m. A good vault in connection with the office, Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointmentsfor Mr. Cameron.. Medi..aJ• DR ce. W. THOMPSON Physician. Surgeon, Etc amnia] attention given to diseases of Ylie Eye. Har, Throat, and Nose, Eyes a °fully xamined, and suitable glasses prescribes, Office and Residence. Two. doors wont of the Commercial Hot. Huron St. DES. Gt1' 1 and CA 1L11:11 Dr. w. Cann, L. R. e. 1'., L. D. C. N., Edi Dc dunes since at residence High Street Dr. J. C. Gaudier. D.A. 111,70. Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Nightoall, at residence, Rattenbnr• St or at Hospital DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST Crown and Bridge Rork u Specialty, Graduate of. C.O.D.S... Chicago, and P,O,D,S Toronto. Hayfield on steadiers, Slav lot to D DR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. Oftioee over O'NEIL'S store. Special ogre taken to make dental treat ment as painless se possible. THOMAS GUNDRV Live stork and general Auction lei' GODERICH ONT NEW ETU office, Olie000 pn.m• sllyrs att of to, Terms reasonable, farmers' Pale not. detonated'. Drs. Geo tt M. E. Whitley lleilenlann Osteopathic Phy. Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Bye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office—Rattenbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m, G. D. McTaggart M. 11. MoTaggar MMUSKOKA t:XPRESS Leave Toronto 12,:01 p m. daily except Sunday, and 2 0 arm. daily. for bins koka Wharf. Connections are made at Muskoka W hart for Muskoka Lakes. Leave Toronto 10.15 a.m. daily except, Sunday, and 2.05 a m. daily for Hunts vine, for points on Lake of Bays., Equipment the Finest, Further particulars on appliai- Cion to Grand' Trunk Agents. John Ransford &Son, city passes - gm, and Ticket Agents, phone ii7 i. O. Pattieoa, station. agent McTaggart Bros. BANNERS ALBERT ST , CLINTOF General Banking Business transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed n deposits The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Perm and Isolated Town Props arty Only Insured. Head Office—Sea- forth, Ont OFFICER- S. J. 'Connolly, Goderich, President Jas Evans, Beechwood, Vice -Pres., Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, See: Treae Directors—D. 1'. McGregor, sea - forth; .7. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W. Minn, Seaforth; John Benneweis, Dublin ; J. Evans, Beechwood ; M. McEwen Clinton; J. B. McLean, Seafor!-h i J. Connolly, Goderich: Robt !Ferris, Matlock; Geo. Mc- Cartney,_ Tuckersmith Agents -Ed. 'Hinchley, Seaforth; W. Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo. Bolmesville; Alex. Leitch. Clinton.; 11. S. Jarmuth. Brodhagen Payments made at Morrish dt Co Clinton, and Cutlt'o grocery stone Goderich and Jas. Heide store Hayfield. A'Carload of Canada Portland Cement Phone us for prices 1t will pay you John -Dutton LONDESBORO FORD & McLEOD We're now eellinggtimothy Seed (Government Standard.). WELL-KNOWN ONTARTO WOMAN SPEAKS. Welland, Ont,—"I am most pleased to say that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preeorie a s tion has proved iii itself a first-class • ff�ljj run-down weak and played out, and ti,, 1!,rtt,t needed a woman's j ,l( tonic. I have Met to, _ =l, + • finished using one �, bottle. I feel much > stronger and better. a Can eat better and am less nervous. � You may say that Lir 'Favorite Prescrip- tion' is just the medicine for tired -out, worn-out women. It does wonders for them."—MRs. Gao, FLANIGAN, E. Main and State Ste., Welland, Ont. THIS PRESCRIPTION IS FOR YOU. If you suffer from hot flashes or dizzi- ness, fainting spells, hysteria, headache, or nervousnessy ou are not beyond re- lief. Y Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is directed to the real cause androm p tl removes the disease, and thereby brings comfort in the place of prolonged misery. It has been sold by druggists for nearly 50 years, in fluid form, at $1.00 per bottle, giving general satisfaction. It can now be had in sugar-coated tablet form. Sold by all medicine dealers ot trial box by mail on receipt of 50 cents in stamps. Every sick woman may consult us by letter, absolutely without charge. Write without fear as without fee, to Faculty of the Invalids' Hotel, Dr. V. M. Pierce, President, 663 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are unequaled as a Liver Pill. Smallest, easiest to take. One tiny Sugar-coated Pellet a Dose. Cure Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Dizzi- ness, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangement of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, • +t w+s+++++s+O+•+A•++N+++. District News Brussels Intended for last week. The whole entrance class nt Brussels public school, numbering 11, were su ccessful in passing the recent examina tions. Six tock honors, Margaret Wilson, wife of Duncan Taylor, an old and well known resident of this locality, died at her home here after an illness of several months, at the age of 05 years. She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Mrs. 5, n. Wilson, of this town. Three sons of the deceased were smothered in an oat bin several pears ago. The funeral took place on Wednesday of ternoon to Brussels Cemetery. A telephone at the home of James Bowman, M.Y., was smashed to atoms by a bolt of lightning on Wednesday evening. No other damage was done. Mr. and Mre. Gerry, of Fort William are renewing old acquaintances in town. Rev, A, J. and Mrs, Mann lett for Bruce Beach this week on 0 six week's vacation, Rev. E. G. Powell comity temper ance secetary, occupied the Presbyter ian pulpit in the morning Miss Pearl Baeker has been engag ed to teach in one of the departments of Berlin Public school. Children Cr�r FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Goderich Intended for Last Week. In a collision between William Driver's buggy and Charles Penfold's automobile on the main street here, Mr Driver and his daughter were injur ed, Mr Driver was driving access the street when the collision occured, and he and his daugter were thrown out. His hands were badly cut and bruised, and Miss Driver suffered a serious cut on the head. Frank E. MacDonald, probably the hest known cigar and tobacco dealer in Detroit, died at his home in Eliza Neth apartments, last Thursday night from heat prostration, Going home he complained of feeling ill, and told bis wife the heat was almost unbearable' to him. Shortly of erward he lapsed into unconsciousness and died in a few minutes, He was horn in Goderich, Ontario, and was 44 years old, He made his home for the last 25 years, and was one of the veteran members of Detroit lodge of Elks. He is survived by his widow and one daughter, Irene. Two sisters, Mrs, C,L.Ayton and Mrs. Crycb, live in Clinton. "Mac" was one of the greatest baseball fans in the country, and was a prominent figure at every game here: Cook's Cotton Root Compound. d safe, reliable repu,atino medicine. Sold in three de• grecs of strength—No. 1, 81; No. 2, 53; No. 3, 55 per 1,ori Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on rocorpt of price. Free pamphlet. Address; THE COOK MEDICINE SCO, W TORONTO, ONT. (ftrmulr Maur.) We also have on. hand, Alfalfa!,' Alaike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn.` Sigheat Market Prices paid for Hay aadl ell :Greens,. Better Pay The Price Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewelery. Far better to pay a fair price and know exactly what you are getting, Yon will never be sorry—for as a matter of money, it is easily the most economical. That has been said so often that everybody by this time should know it—and yet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to get personal—If you would like to miss that sort altogether— COME HERE' If you would like to buy Where nothing but high qualities are dealt in—COME HERE And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair Edison Records and ' Supplies jj t. e�ounter I?OJIll & Mei E on Jewee, r and Optician: I 1j Issuer el Marriage Licenses oimmimposesesommeestimme Thetowaway By'LOUfS TRACY 00t110000u00o11/00111a0000soeeeee inuocent she would know. If he had merelybeenmade the sport of a de- signing ,woman she. was ready to for- give, In a more amiable mood than she had displayed at any moment since her arrival at Las Flores, Carmela hastened along a dark corridor, crossed a hare hall,passed throng% a porch and searched the shadows of, the pateo for the form of uer one time A voice whispered in 1+rench; "Come quickly, sen horn, 1 pray you!" It startled her to find San Benavides talking French until I !t occurred to her that Iris and lie must converse in that language of hnrdl,y at alt. The thought was disquieting. The volcano stirred again. "Senhora, je vous prier' again plead- ed the man, who was on horseback under the trees. She did not hesitate, but ran to him. Without a word of explanation he caught her in his arms, drew her up until she was seated on the holsters strapped to a gaucho saddle and wheeled bis horse irito a gallop. Filled with a gram determination; she -uttered no protest. Not a syllable crossed her lips lest he should strive to amend kis woeful blunder. She noticed that they were not going toward the camp, but circling round the inclosed land in the direction of the hills. Though the night was dark, the stars gave light enough for the borse to move freely. Carmela's bead was bent. But San Benavides wondered why the cold Iugleza had surrendered so silently. He expected at least a scream, a struggle, an impassioned de- mand to be released. "One word, seuhora," he muttered. "You must think me mad. 1 am not. All is lost. Our army is defeated. In an hour Las Flores will be in flames." The girl quivered in his arms. A moaning cry came from her. "It is true, 1 swear it!" he vowed. "I mean you no ilk 1 fought till the end, and my good horse alone carried me in advance of the routed troops. Dom Corrin may reacb the Snca alive, but even so he and the rest will be ;tilled. I refused to escape without you. Believe me or not, you are dear- er than life itself." Carmelo, with a sudden movement, raised her face to his and threw aside her veil. "Salvador!" she said. His eyes glared into hers. His fren- zied clutch at the reins pulled the horse on to its haunches. "My God, Carmela!" he almost shrieked, "Yes. So you are running away, Salvador—running away with the Eng- lish miss, deserting my father in the hour of his need! But she will die with the others, you say, Well, then, join her!" During that quick twist on the horse's withers she bad plucked a re- volver from a holster. She meant to shatter that false face of bis utterly, to blast him as with lightning, but the loch snapped harmlessly, for Setr 13e- navides had indeed borne himself gal- lantly in the fray. He struck et her now in a whirl of fury. She w.iaced, but with catamount activity drew back 5 i \ ttze ,,i'' �l �JIYQN.Mq .7 RAVE amino mei." her arm and hit him on the temple with the heavy weapon. He collapsed limply, reeled from off the saddle, and they fell together. The frightened horse, finding himself at liberty, gal- loped to the camp, where already there was an unusual commotion. Carmela flung herself on the man's body. She was capable of extremes either of grief or passion. "Salvador, my love, my love;" she screamed. "What have I dope? Speak to me, Salvador! 1t is 1, Carmela! Oh, Mary Mother, come to my aid! 1 have killed him—killed my Salvador!" He looked very white and peaceful as he lay there in the gloom. She could not•see whether his lips moved. She was too distraught to note if bis heart was, beating. It seemed incredi- ble that she, a weak woman. should have crushed the life out of that lithe and active frame with one blow. She rose and ran blindly. Long before Carmela reached the Hnca San Benavides stirred, 'groaned, squirmed convulsively and raised him- self on hands and knees. He turned and sat down, feeling his head. "The spitfire!" he muttered. "The she devil! And that other! Would that 1' could wring her neck!" A. sputtering of rifles crackled in the valley. There was a blurred clamor of voices. He looked at the sky, at the black summits of the hills. He stood irp, and his inseparable sword chinked on the stony ground. "Ah, well," be growled, "1 have done with women. They have had the best of my life. What is left I give to ;razli " CONTnruED NUT Irani . GILLETTE" LYE EATS DIRT" wwos ®ANYL„MImTEO TO 000000000l0•l00o0004090040 _ Men and Events. 3 • few0soe moo00s 00b0oommesse MR. IF. B. McCURDY, M. P„ for Sherburne and Queen's (N, S„ who has ibecu appointed' Parlia- ment Secretary ifor the Militia Department and will act in that capacity during the 'war, In the absence od General Hughes be will direct the affairs of the Mil- itia Department, with Sir Robert Borden as acting Minister. 000000000000000C'901110000000 Huron Co. o00os0000o0000000oesso0000 Messrs. Roy 31.' Geiger and Alvin Surerus, of Zurich, lett for Toronto, where they will join the signalling corps. The voter's list of Bay Township for 1010 contains 700 names in part one, being persons entitled to vote at both municipal and provincial elections; 141 names in part two, �t persons en being p titled to vote at municipal elections only and 43 names in part three, being persons who can vote at provincial elections only. The list contains 535 names of electors who are eligible to serve its jurors. Mr. William Oke of Ushorne recent ly received a letter from his son, Ernest T, Oke, who was wounded at the front and is now ii. the hospital in London England, and is recovering nicely. Sharpnet injured his left shoulder. Mr, Ed. Treble, of Exeter, has receiv ed another letter from his son Leon, in which he states that his foot has been badly smashed, but he is receiving every care. He does not yet know whether his injtu•v will keep him from getting back to the front, Corporal Lorne Pethick, an old Sea - forth boy, was selected as one of the Royal Guard of Honour when hi { Ma- jesty King George presented t he Cana than troops with colours. This guard was composed of 1110 men selected from the whole aivision of Canadian troops and was inspected by his Majesty on the Sib of July, in London, England. Corporal Bert Dennison, a Walton boy is now in the Kitchener Hospital, Brigton, Eugland, where he is making favorable progress. Capt. A. Watt. of New York, spent a week at the home of Robt, Coutts, McKillop, He is taken a cargo of coal oil back to Shanghai, China. The vis- itor is a cousin of Mr. Coutts, and is a most interesting gentleman to meet. Monday morning of last week David Dickson died at the home of Mrs,Elias Dickson, on Con. 11, Grey, dropping dead in the yard white attending to the cows, He was as well as usual and was in his 6`2nd year. For the month of June 470 boxes of cheese were made at Ethel factory and were sold to the Ingersoll Packing Co, The last half of June was shipped last week. Price was 167 cents, Last week 208 boxes of the first half of July shake. were shipped to same buyer, the price dropping 2 cents, Norman Nichol!, son of AJ,Nicholl, Wingham merchant, who has been serving with the Army Medical Corps in France for neatly two years, arriv. ed home Monday on leave of absence. Mr. W. J. Wallace, of Springbank, Howick township, is nursing a very sore arm, the result of a little accident while cranking his auto one day last week, On. Friday morning July 7th, there passed away at her home on the ninth con„ one of Bowick's most esteemed and respected residents, in the person ot Emma E. Corbett, beloved wife of Win. Barr. Robt. and Mrs. Earls, of Howick re- ceived word on Friday that theireldest son, John Earls, has been wounded in France. Mr. James B. Gibson of Wingham received the sad newsy, on Saturday that his brother, George Erwin Gibson' had been killed in action somewhere in France on June 25th. Pie, Gibson enlisted at Winnipeg in the 52nd bat talion. Mr. 'Herb Henning of the 6th con. of Turnherry, uiet with a painlul accident on Thursday last while assisting bis neighbour, Mr. Cheater Higgins, in buiidin'g a new silo. As he was rais ing a block of cement, his hand was drawn into the pulley and three fing- ers were badly lacerated. Mr. Norman McNeil of East Wawa- nerh losta valuable horse on Monday He was starting to mow and let down' the tines to pick up an oil can when tho'team started. They only ran a- bout fiteen rode but had such speed that, colliding with a tree. the mower was smashed and one of the horses in- stantly killed, A. Stretton, of Mieeiseippi, is visit ing his sister, Mrs. John Mooney, 6th line Morris Township. Forty years. ago Mr.Stretton worked at the black-' smithing business in Brussels and this is the first visit to this locality since, 4111111110 Wooidg Sleep When For Good Looks Nights are Hot a woman must have good ---- ' health. She can do her part by ('Toronto Starr. 1—If ,you are a healthy person, and think that your !bed;room is so waren that sleep is out of the question, try sponging your body all dry oitveroffw,itol• h put colcfon water.anyclothinDong't t. Lie down ou your beet without any covering wad you will ly experience adelicious coolness. If you are not "asleep in Mn hour or less (but don't keep your mind fixed on the amount of time that. is olapsing,. repeat the sponging. This will cool the body downand' produce drownsines,s. helping natureto keep theblood pure, the liver active and the bowels regular, with the aid of the mild, vegetable remedy BEE M5 CHA quick- ly ness. PILLS Directions wtlh Every Box of Special Value to 'Women.. Sold everywhere. le bole•, 25min 2 -Water and butterin�lk are the lbest ,beverages, but itflis .heathy making lieguiatmns advisable to drink Water "by the quart;" take just enough to keep the perspiration flowingDon't drink too. rapidly. Sip the ;writer o1 the t In most cas s a w t- ing of the palate is sufficient to take, away the feeling o1 dryness, and pit is not necessary to swallow the water, 3 -Don't [worry about excea=(ive perspiration. Ir 13 a sign th?t y u system is holding' its own against the temperature. t 4—Shut down the windows and limits of Your house or office on the, east side le the forenoons and, open these on the ;west. In the afternoon do the rev,rse. G000 DIGESTION for Standard Hotels Toronto, July 1 5—Regulations to Septembey overn lath standard he9OOntario Temperance Act becomes oPerat ive, 'will he issued next week by theOntario License Board. It :was made clear by V ce-chairman, W. b,. Dingman yesterday that the rules would t 1 no be drastic or onerous, but 'ivi,ll deal with the questions of aeeolnmodatinn, -cleanliness, seed- tition, service and management of the province. As it will be illegal to sell ,liquor an the hotels, the (Masten ofhon•'s'WiI, not rise. The proprietor will, an accordance with the provision of the Act ibe free to sell non -intoxicating drinlr,s A SOURCE Of HEALTH When the Stomach is Out of Order the Whole System Suffers. Indigestion '15 one of 'the most distresising maladies addicting mankind.. When • the stomach is unable to perform the work: nature spills for the result is severe pains .after eatingDanser, heartburn, fluttering .of the heart, sick head- aehe, And often a. loathing eon food, though the sufferer is really half ,starved People, with poor digestion, too frequently try all sorts 'of experiments to aid the process iof digestion, but there is only'one way in which the trouble can actually he cured, that is through the blood. That is why the tonic, treatment with Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills cures even the most .obstinate cases of indigest-• fon. They pana,lto rich, i'ed blood that strengthens the stomach end the nerves, thus ennobling it'to Ito its 'work, • The process is simple, Mit the result (means good ap- petite and increased health and pleasure in life. In proof of these statements„ Mrs. Albert Rail, Sen- ya,,Ontario, says; ".I have used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with wonder- ful results. For two years I was a great 'sufferer from indigestion. which almost made me a physical wreck. At times my ,sufferings were so great that I was unable to attend (to my household •iuties I had smothering spells at times and was afraid to lie down to rest. After every meal, no mat ter flow sparingly I ate, I suit-' ferect great distress. 1 tried sev- eral doctors bat their medicine wle of not 'avail, I saw Dr. Williams' Pink Pills advertised to cure this trouble an I decided to t, y them. I tad not been taking them long when Ifelt ,somewhat improved, This improvement continued and after taking, ten boxes I could eat and digest all kinds of toed end felt better than I .had done for years, You may be sure I am very grateful for the wonderful relief !these pills have given me, I know they are also a cure for an- aemic 'sufferers, as iso intimate friend of mine was badly affected with this trouble a.nci after tatting several 'boxes , she was entirely cured?. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail, post aid at 50 cents abox or ' six boxesfor $2.50 Brom The Dr. Wiliams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 1 then. cigars cigarettes sand ire cream and to teen his restaurant or cafe open at any hours he sees fir. Moreover, 'by obtaining a provin- cial license the Tee which 'lvill'be $l, the hotel keeper will avoid the necessity of secu ing any muni:ipl1 license. Mr, Dingman expects there will be a large number of appl6ca;tions foe standard hotel licenses; but does not think he many will be issued as were issued under the Liquor License Act. He suggests that applications should be sent to the board by August 15. Commissioners Ayearst and Smith will probably reeve for Western Canada this week. They will seek information he to the success of the prohibition laws in Manitoba, and Alberta and of the Saskatchewan Act, which abolished tavern land shop licenses and in- troduced a.system of Government dispensaries for the retail sale of liquor. Doty Engine Co. May Sell or Rent Plant Toronto, July, 24—The folowing Western Ontario ,case was up at v. Doda ;—Town Osgoode Mal • To n of Goderich oty 'Marine Engines • Boiler Company. Gosler, for Doty Eng:no' Company, 1ti oved to fisib1Ne in- junction. W. Lour, for Plaintiff, opposed motion and moved to con tinue injunction granted by local judge. Injunction dissolved in so far as is 'nece:R4ary to permit sane or rent of the machinery and plant by Doty Engine Company, who are permitted to sell or rent, paying purchase money or rent money in- to court (;o credit 'of action. with liberty to the company to move for payment out of any tme and for compensation for Belling. Costs of all proceedings in cause, unless otherwise ordered 'by trial judge. A STIFF FINE FOR . MOTORCYCLISTS Guelph Herald—Athan nameaS Gunn appeared before the magis- trate on Friday 'charged With ride ing his motor -cycle on the side- walk. He pleaclecf guilty, "You motorcycle riders must 'under- stand that you cannot ride your dangerous .machine on thetside- walits, You will be fined $10 a,nd costs,"' said Magistrate Watt. UseWa er -Save Co You feel warmer at 65 degrees when the air is moist than at 70 degrees when it dry. Keeping the air mellow is just another way the Hecla saves coal. A heating system with large air ducts, to keep the air moving freely and with the gener- ous moisture supplied by the Hecla Furnace gives the most healthful—and most economical—heat you can buy. We can help plan your heating. Ask for plans and figures. Burns and Spencer Heater town Representatives of CLARE BROS. & CO. Limited, Preston, Ont., Makers of the CLA MELLOW A I R FUR.NACE Thos. Hawkins, Clinton D1