The Clinton New Era, 1916-04-13, Page 61 PAGE SIX. ilarealtalvivvariamatarmar THE CLINTON INBW RRX. Buy Dress Goods Not, N spite of the war, we have been successful hi obtaining a complete assortment of the beautiful new shades and fabrics in -DRESS C' 0ODS The dress goods centres of Continental Europe are either destroyed or in the enemies' hands. Priestleys' famous looms, at Bradford, England, are now working overtime making cloth for the Allied Armies. The beautiful Spring goods that we are now showing may be the last we will be able to obtain for some time to come. cruise amp lies, ,PRIESTLEYS UMiT'ED r tlfamv3 slit°=' WE STRONGLY ADVISE OUR CUSTOMERS TO BUY NOW, AS THE PRICES ARE LIKELY TO ADVANCE. `., Priesfleys° showing includes many novel and very beautiful fabrics, in the latest and most fashionable shades, as well as the more staple l"mes that are always popular. See them in our igmess Goods Department. WOMAN'S STORE Dry Gourds and House Furnishings Phone 67. ® Neixt to Royal Bank rown's MINOS0ITR MEN'S STORE. • Custom Tailoring Mn,e'-Furnishings. Phone 103. Opposi loPu bl ieLibrary JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed ' Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA CLINTON ' tetra®° Fancy ��) furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in con structiou and design but ex- tremely well made in,every de• tail. Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer, The Chcaliest Spot in Baron to buy alll.iatals of Furniture • BALLez r.`.'.r •d�wt Fnrnitarc Dealers and runeral I9irectors-Phone 101 N. Ball 110 —RESIDENCE IPRitONES-- J. D. Atkinson 186 otiustinommatzsigisimssins OLD MAN Di "'.af Will be on the run when the busy housewife gets these lines of clean, ere, For the annual Spring House cleaning buy the articles that will make it most effective and`decisive. By way of suggestion we mention our Big Bar of Soap. weighs 21 poends and for quality -once tried always used -15c per bar, Other Soaps-Oomfort, Surprise, Gold, Victor; Sunlight, Ike. Scrub Brushes, Stove Brushes, Shoe Brushee, Whitewash Brushes, Brooms, Whisks, Borax, Armnonin. Gil)et,ts Lye, Washing Soda, Bine Caustic, Mack No Rub, Chloride of Lime, Bath Prick, Naptha Powder, Dustbane, Etc, Etc, ,HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AICD; EGGS. j . A THE STORE OF IflUALITY Phone 111 SP:! J1NG FOOT AWEAR OU CAN secure all the new toes and x shapes In New Spring Footwear here,, We have all the new lasts and leathers put together by some of the best makers, We sell SHOES that are the best procurable in stylish appearance, quality, material, and workmanship—the best you can possibly buy for your money. A Large Range of Women's and Men's Shoes Select l +, e� to �C.1�'Gt frOm Fist Gua,runtled to be a<ll you could desire. 14. `t . e1-1,711?MlAN Pho ne 70 Clinton wi�raw,rre� SOME THINGS TOT) MIGHT DO, Enlist. Write a 'better hand Support the jird Cros;t, Stay home more evenings Help your ,wife house clean Attend ehurr:h more regularly. Supply newsy items to The New Era ONLY A TRIFLE CHILLY HERE Clinton can't kick much on the b,.and'of weather it gots. All there was 1'o complain of'Saturciay was a cold wino}, while an April blizzard raged in the n'orthcr.n part of New "York slate. to Ottawa the of- ficial regard was124 inches heav- ier !banally previious snowfall dm, i1(g the winte.r, DESTROY TiL E :FLY. The bright sunny clays of April are ,an inducement for the }louse fly to appeal', art early start in destroying Utes.: pests should Le mail'• on the first '1ty seen, anti he good work should lies consistently and Cfdeotively carried on, The ode structiou of Ute early fly will mean the wing of valuable lives, as tiled is no 10000 persistent carrier and distributor of disbuso than tile 111 Use ily :CO, CLERK RETURNS. Cltaderich Signal—Mr. Wm Lane, econnty cleric, returned home on Saturday after a trip Of several weeks and is again on duty Wet his office in the court house. He went as far es the Coast, staying •031 at malty places "route and looking up the 'Pluton '^olcl boys'' but the greater part of the' .thine, 110 was at Vancouver, where his don, Mr, W. Stewart Lane, is prac- tising law as A member Idf 'one of the leading legal firms of the city, ,Mrs. Lane, who hand been at Vanc,ouver since Now Year''s returned with him as far as Deb'oit, where she rismained to spend a week aw two with her son, Mr, Chas. Lane. METE OROLGCIICAL li 1'.;1'0RT 10.1.1 MAL:C3I 1910 The highest maximum tempera- ture during the month was 51 , The lowest minimum nu. tempercrtur,. was 19° below zero on 3rd The high- est "ange was 33° on 3ra thud the lawest re age was 6° on 9th and 28111 The means for the month were ma0imam 38.35' min10 nm 11.,71° and range 17.64' The snowfall was 1.5 inches incl the rainfall 10as 0,00 Inchon. The ground was near, 1 t'h'e n ,y a f snow on stet. A. thunder storm occurred 'our 6th, Auroras were seen on 211t1 and 29th. Robins re turned on lot 0, Pin Vara on 25019 song sparrows .on 28th and black- birds ,an 201b. There was golol•1 sleighing 01I .5 L UR th. b g MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION MEETING, President 'Harper presided at the meeting of the ministers of Centre 'Huron 'on Monday in the schctetlroomn of St. Path's church. Those vvI ioaLt attended were, Re v Messrs. Robinson, AllitRutledge, , 'Maulto.n ai' u , d+ rf 11, Powell, IVIaCor- nick, Ricicard and Jboen. The pas - per .for the day was ;pre prepar- ed by Rev, ,S. J, Allin an °`ilei}gig ons Bducatiton''. There was i gen- eral agreement ,with the speaker in the discussion 'that followed M with ' ' I t. Allan's claim latmtltat the Bible should be n'orle ,genera@1y and widely read in ail the sclto!ods. Rev. Mr. 315119ns'on will be the es'- sayist at the nest meeting in May. SPEND $100,000 TO ADVl)R9'ISiE THRIFT, The Dominion Government is going to spend a hundred thou- sand dl flare 00 adv.ie, ne Lite neo pie of Canada to practice thine, ,and rr,tre•9se production, ..A rege I lar newspaper advr,i ti9i rig S ant- . paign 19 being undertaken• With, in a few days advertisements will appear in all, elle newspapers of the: country telling. the people that they should srvu, and how they i can rave. In the pap ers, 'which teach the rural proportions of the •, county. .berg will 111 be advice re and a directions upon the 'way P ay ag'ricul, turSil production Pan be increased, 1 The venture is on the lines of the apple advertising campaign of the 'government two years 'ago. '47rand,Trunk Itallway System Time Table for Clinton Buffalo and Gordet'h h. ' Going to Stratford , .. 7.33 9 to 8,0tipit Going tri Godericb 116.0 7 p pi m 1.,85 , , 0.45 p 11.1.8 p London, Huron and Bruce Going to Lctndoii., . 8.05 a.m 415 pm Going to Wingharn ,11.201 1,.09 0.40p01 Local News t AMikkiRAP PPRAPIMR 40.0 .MOVING TO STRATI'ORD, Gocler'ich Signal. --Eli', J. A. Oamphcilj'has putohaeedthe com- fortable red brick residence o,C Mr. L. E Doherty on Ethel street. 1111. Doherty expects to movie Uo Stratford shortly OFFERED HURON JUDGESICLP. Lieut. -001. B. A. 0, Machin. M. P. P. for Renters, at Port Arthur as Commanding Officer of the .04th Battalion was 'offered the Jueige- ship ,of the county of Huron, with headquarters at Godcrich. He re • - plied he would tiecept if a•iven, leave of •absenco s» that he might goito the front. That was re- fused, and his answer to Ottawa was that he was in khaki until the end of the war, 'HURON MEN IIN,VALID.ED HOME Pie. W l:ittox, of C3rucefield left Iloudon with a detachment from the 33rd Battalion in September 1915, rurdwas trasferrert to the let hattalilon. 'Ile was wounded first (on October 13 at 111assines in ,an explosion of a shell 'and was again w;oamded in a heavy bombardment by the Germans on Nov, 5th Ole S. 0'. Ward 'of Goderioh 101)8 t'ormerly amember of the 71st Bat tali0rl , He was tvaa'ifci',- 1 to the 36th Reserve Battali'oe,, and taken seriously ill after arriving in E,tlgland, MINOR LOCALS. It may not be generally known that ,anyone found guilty of hin- cierir(g or pissmenlin; ,jai any way mor, from enlisting is guilty of feloryy and is 1ia110 to two years- 1mprisoayneot. Good clay„ 01ave you taken your sulphur aid ,n e5A4a as yet? The robins may he }sere, 'but cleat't start hauling 'out the 'hal- lotigg'a,0 stuff yet:. When the old speckled hen starts to Muck We high Limn to put a bort.-1 over the rhubarb patch. Robins are becoming quite plen- tiful, but It looks as though swal- lows were going 10 be mighty f-ew after the new temper.tuca act gets sifting. MISS LAURA CLIME D111D Stratford boa -on;-The 019111 at an early age of Lauri termly.• (',tuff only daughter of Rev, ,tinct Mrs. W. T. (cuff, no StJ9alnos' remora, at 10 ;p.m. Sunday pight, April 0th, w'11he1"901)e1 with gone1`.1 rc- glad, Although death .was 1101: uo- expcc'tecl coating after >aprolonged illness, the realia,tti011 '.tone as a sin) ek :o all who I:110011er, Of a sweet nrrf loveable dispoeitio11, she will not sour beforgtlon. Her per- sonal qualities anda"t,vity fn chareli and social work cnclea^ed her • to •all, act 1)1•rdem tee Will icee_n1y felt. Sho 10590 member of the C'haneel Guild Ladies' :1111 of St 50110 9 Church. and 0011 ,1 special int0r•1at i11 the 5011day School, by which. her ser- vices as a tonc'rer aryl in other ways were much valued. The children whole she was accustomed to teach lose inhet akin 1and sympalhetic frientd, In the social lif''• of the city she was well]:rro'vu, entering int o its , ti\it,i'a -With.al, enthus- iasm which, char At tori -ed her Life S'1 . was prominent ra theT:F, club a,y)u,vig lvdi•s' social club to the city, Her death brings too. close short though acti\'e'ancl,asufct .life. The sympathy of the corn nmrtity at large wall be. erton'S 911 to , the. bereaved parents. Rev. AIr. Chuff loot two of his Moth ors last sum- mer. The twv'brothels of the de- eds.d are in the fling's .servic et Lieut. II. R. Cluff With the list Battalion, which left for ,England, ever a week ago 11311 Ole, Rex Chuff of the 1.6151 Battalion, who is r.{ow taking an rifflee t's col:u'se in Lon%Jen;t Ghee late Mt $9 Chuff \vias q � ' rn l] .ls 1 1 ixs c On coming to Stratford with the family from Strathroy, Ont„ whenh,.r father was wade rector ,of St. James Church,. Besides her parents and 191'otioq1-s he is euro ivecl 1:y her g1ra $ atllr.r r ri f M . J.D. Ronald .of \Vrn(tser, and aunt, 'Mrs, Sinclair ,andfamily. et Brussels, and four cousins in Clinton -Mabel, ;Eva Minnie 'and Robert Cluff, Funeral' -Wednesday. • The funeral services of the late Laura Annie ,Cluff, daughter of Rev. ,and 'Mrs. W. T• Cluff, to -v er keen death carne Sunday ' Wyenut at the early age of Moen ty e'igly . years and seven months, were hold in. St. James' "Church, Wed-- nesday ,afternoon. His Lordship • Bishop Wilham,a, farmer reecor 'of St. 'lamas' Church, conducting the ingressive servieeS, assisted - C9n'1In Craig, both of London, The attend•tace , was large, the ele- ct aced tieing •dearly belaveed. 9.71 001We d,etply touched and anxious to pay .a last ttiblite to a firief 'but useful life f'ro'm St, Jam'es', Church the cortege wended its way tip Avondale ecineterw, where in. d'0010reat was 1010(15. The Dalll'ear- ers were., --Messrs, W. J. Anderson ' Ton) Brown, Dr, 'B. W, ;Baler, ;EI. IH Dempsey, . A. Henderr.son, and Capt. J B Alien of T,drouto for- merly of Stratford. Tbc relatives present from out of the City were 11I1 s 1 P. •Gardner of Chicago. a cousin of the deceased; Mrs. W. 7/14' lSlllclall', of Brussels. anti Mt's. R, J. Chuff of Clinton, aunts; Mr. J. D, •Ronald, of Windsor grand-. father, and Miss -Mabel C11uff and Mise Miss Matnic^ Cleft of. Clinton, Messeevie.. L r Sinclufr, Brussels, and. S:eigt R. M. Sinclair, 161st Bat- talion,. o.f the t'f' v r leer straining s`eho,l;f1,' Lordon c'omsins. Others Iiresent were Mts. 'Horning of I),e- troit• Mits. Geo J)ufton,`Mitehell, .and B.ev.,Mr. Lang,-I+oru; Berlin. HERE' GOOD I9'.RIDA:Y, It is expected that Capt. Ditneey will address a Recruiting meeting 11 the town hall Obi (fond Friday. Fuller par•tievilaa's neat week. COME TO CLINTON ON THE lith. 73y ae Advt. elltewhere it will be te,n that • Cliotoo is planning fora big day ,on May 2415*, Benue and reserve that date for to she the soldiers ber'e, (Puller ..particulars will be given later, INFANT GIRL DEAD Last Thursday the in'faret daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon 2ohn- elone passed away at the par0111a1 borne at the ago of 1 year ,and 5 nroulths A' ,private sc.vice' was held at the .home on Saturday ?interment ,was made at the 'Union cemetery, Blyllr WREN THE LI7.T.LE PIGS BEGIN TO 1P:L', Is pretty nearly true' 1n this seC- Lion liar the prfee offered ' these days by the hog buv rs. Last week R. 0Pitzslmons & Soo paid the fa:,'rner $10.00 for hugs and. ,!his week have hung up the price at $10,50. This is. a pretty good price these clays, OFFICE BROKEN INTO Last week the office of Mr. 0.13, Hale, Ilurgn street, wits br•tiken rt{to, and dra-e ere upset and pa- pers seatterod around A couple red dollars' worth of stamps were taken. It's about time +9471 example sons matte of these light-din,gerea grin t s: L. 0. L, AT ]HOME, 119urphy Lodge L. 0, L, No. '710, of Clinton, 19 giving an At Home to the members and their wives and sweet hearts in the lodge room nu Pi iday evening, April- 14th, The committee is in•eparing /L good program. All the members 1(10 inv,Leu and requested to bring a basket, The lodge 19 in 1L very floutisbiug condition and they have found it necessary to put on two meetings a ,noulh, the 'lad 'Tuesday and 41h Friday. GEO11GE FREEMAN PASSES AWAY Last Thursday rimming Mr. Geo, Freeman, aged 1115 pears tin( 8 Months, ,passed a)15ay at the home lof his daughter, Mrs Berman, Vic- toria street after .an illness of 3 weeks, Deceased wa'q !'horn, .11 England and resided there ttbtil 35 years ago when he eavne to Clinton to resicte. Since his wife died' ie has resided with his daughter for .the, past 15 years. He was a healthy neon all 1118 lifp, but suffered, from the loss of eyuaight attout six ,years fango. He was a member of the ,Anglican church, sand a Conservrative in politics, The funeral Was held on Saturday 1,000000 being doncluctect in 89, Paul's (quirclt hp Rev. Mr. ,Robin- ((00, The late Mr. Freeman. is sur- vived by twto children, Mrs. IIer- man 'of town and Mr Praek Free- man, of Toronto. The pallbearers were all brother bandsmen of Pte. Tlem'Herman.-rtes, Bert nnu'f'heo tFreralin, Nlnndy, Scott, Cooper and Cvlok, Tlitfrsday, April 11111, 1916; Choice WALL PAPER Cleaning time is here for some, it is corning for many more—this suggests Wall' Paper—the largest and most attractive department in our store. Its outstand- ing features are its large variety of modern designs;. Its wide range of prices, and its GOOD VALUES The W. De Fair et). .ieften the cheapest--ntways the crest nowlimmusiminzacas caw IMIDWIIMISICIIEWIMONOMMErammsleMeltrECUManatallIDZISMAYIIM Poster Mite Pine and Bpruee Balsam What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a dqubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever sold. Nothing else will so readily relieve a cough. Try it- T4 ,: ,. V .> ..C.i ..�. J.,1.� V Dispensing Chei list -....-2- TRE PENSLA1i, bitti(3 STORE "if;r:.�,ni�,� Co fort AbWWeih In the well furnished Monte. It makes it a place where everybody 1{kes to come and stay, For furniture that means comfort combined with beauty. and curability. We invite attention to our splendid co11901101 of Srtitee and Separate Pieces D' Good Enough for a Palace yet priced so ate tWl► '' Within leach of all rilfEt The Tempe e1 viDeeS"leu •1a419a tDe*Se eln"000224 alt; 5,11 s. Thompson of Brussels was Dhc guest of A1rs, W'ui, Cooper for a row days, Airs, (trdfff attended the funeral of bet' siste.t imlaw, Airs, (Jud01) Elliott, at London Mrs, h I, (Huff and Alis M91)111112 town anti hiss Mamie Chifr of Godo- ririt township, )llloruled. 1)))' I'u ','sl u1' 1Lss La1u'a Cauar. at Stratford un 11 cdn4'tdny, t{ov, S. J, Allin was a visitor 91 London this lynch, Air. Lack Kennedy of Winghant was a visitor in Lown on Tuesday, Mr. 1{. ,l S. Weatliovstone or the G. 1'. R„ Stratford, tondo a business trip iii to C nLot. 071 Tuesday. BHr. J W. Irwin or Lindon was e9illiirg 071 111911110 i.n town (Mt Seel:. Mr. and Mrs, Ray 17,wnball of Gode- rieh were in town Show Day. Mr. Thomas Thowpsml 01' Sea forth was in town last Friday, Mrs. W. 13. McKibbon and Mrs, L. Kemtedv of Wiughani took in the soldiers )9>rac1erhere nn'Thursday last. Mrs, J K'Vise returned from Sar- nfa last week after speeding a eo'uple of weeks with hes mother and sister, Mr, Thos, McLean of Wingllanl was a 1151+ Iu. '' to toavn lust Week. Mr;. S Malley Holmes olulls of Winghrtru visited her .sun, .Pte.. Jack Volutes, in town last -Week. Ctbpt..V1>fstone and Capt •Ulin of the.101st Headquarters, staff were «oek mid visitors at London, • Mrs, 1 rte Coss s 0f .Lon ( l CION was calling 0u old friends in town on Sat- urday and Wednesday. Rev. Mr. Cosens has been invited to Cornwall this coming year, and •1b11 DeWitt expects to enter the Methodist College at Montreal in the fall. 13,ev. Frank dietitian returned to his home at Caledon East, alter ' spend - Mg -the past week with hs mothe=r. Mn. 001118 of • G0derLeh mane down 10•atten1 the Spring Stoor. Shove and Wits a visitor at the home of Ver, Wan, Jervis of the'Loudou Road. .Miss Etta Cole of Goder•ich township has taken a .position with J. Y. Shep- herd & Oo. • Sergi. Stewart Pox 11 its at Brelssels ' la week, st when the citizens of 'the village presented their soldier boys Ri111 either ret t tugs or Wvatclies, Aft, and NUS. Wil1jm Jackson re- turned last Wednesday evening from their holiday hItip to Florida, Mr. Jackson reports having hal:a pleasant time at Jacksonville Pain) Beatch and other southern towns, Mr, P. W.'Iierr was in Woodstock on Monday, attencli:rcg a Masonic Meeting. Mis':Frecln Vlunstone of Wingham was the guest of Masi Joie Baw'tli3T MasIi''lie woek, c tetany friends of Nfr. '1'iunu)s Mason • are glad to see hint ab1e to get (1091 u'strect again, lured he looks tae natural as ever, In speaking t0 The. New Era, Mr, 1)191500 slates he only lost 14 p0ntida during, his sreknoes, r o and brit f the ixse•of acrntch, no one w/ntlal oyer know he had been ill, M'.A 11.. r , lI" ,'?411 eI d was a 1%isl. . te5 n ri MIAMI) Sol' • ushorty tints oa) '1711- day last,• • Mr. IPrank Vaast+one, of Winghaa'ta Was a Visitiosr•to town last week Undertaker and 111311eral Director. 9i16(,t. and Sunday Calls answered at, Phone 95. ]residence over store Sap P:.Fn's and Buckets Order your Sap Pans and Buckets now so you will have them ready when you want to use them. Thos. i awkins Plumbing and Bleating Tilt„ dor :er Store "Live and telt Live" Savers of 1'`octor Bills The earlier the house is given a. thorough cleaning the better. During the long.winter, with stoves and far- naces going all the Limes duet and dirt acnnwnbdes in every nook and corner. In the winter, ton. there is usually an. insufficient ventilation in the home,. and disease germs find choice breeding places, just because they cannot be seen, 'fake no chances but get your supply of house cleaning necessities at once, Read carefully these suggestions- IClinzie Powder Furniture Polish Powdered Ammonia. a. Silver .ah Polish h Sweeping Powder Dustless Mops , Chloride of Lime Liquid Ammonia, ' Soan Brushes and Brooms. Sink and Tub Cleanser Lye Mops. Washboards and Clothes Pine Agents for Hecht Furnaces ' Es E. Hunniford Shop -over Rowland's Hardware I PHONE 45. alltelentitirko y+�a' I'�'� F+Oi�+I+d+' ��� I!+P!ttfi+4'°p'I' COlistP1/011VC Shoes -,A E We have the very latest models, of course— but for.rnen who are contentedly wearing the same style 01 shoe, year after year, we show sorne splen- , did conservative styles and splendid values 330, Black or Tan Leathers Broad Toes, Low Heels, :,,road Shanks Ideal Shoes for the Man of affairs t Come Here with any Sort of Shoe Trouble you have—we will relieve Them. FRED.ampunamatimmismimommemeammonesommi Jr4eICSON EO Use C OF BETTER S'1-1 ET ER OSS • `ai