The Clinton New Era, 1916-02-17, Page 4PAGE roue. MINIM MIR 'Millinery Ready to. Wear Garments Phone 7$ sesemitsswasw Couch: ,■ttrseert■i■m Co1 Dry Goods .• ud t douse Fir ni.shing% The Last Call for Coats Winter Coats We are determined not to carry over one coat to next season: Every coat on our racks—about 15 in all to be cleared this month, no matter what the for- mer price was. Wake your choice Saturday foe— .... ...... . ...: ......... Children's Coats i.5o About eighteen Children's Coats to dear—all good cloth and good styles, sizes 4, 6, 8, to and 12 years, while they last ..,.............. I,50 3.98 LADIES FURS Y...fA � Y We are anxious to clear upour Fur Stock to. make room for our new spring goods. We give a discount of 25 per cent off regular price. x..77 6� i1.00e000m.64141 r et Price • $15.25 e 9 to il pv Neo PI- 0Oon'il►a. es with the Best by Actual Test . Er A. Phonograph second to none, yet at a price no home ono p afford to he withoutit. its beenty of .tone and clearness of O reproduction are marvellous. Play any sized record, vocal, O • instrumental, hand, etc. For Sale at ® Jas. ✓L7n 1 J i Furniture Clinton Storen ei Price $15.25 LA'1'ES'r WONDER IN PHONOGRAPHS the . 0 0 etaso®Ga`.1.eagrainoCW®8t+tboma.o00n.aCL®>it&Seaaa••m•eet➢ccoaemee • CL1,NTON i NOW W , SEA. 7hurt.d&+y;(Q1ebruttry, 17tie .1916. •e••Oe•oe'••tip••teeeee•eseekmee•.e•O?••esimme••sesee ���' R �: 'r� � : • M r g e, 1I • tobae rvati abet al Press Views rye • k.tlD,...mean•q•mil•••!•••S•••••••O•••!f•S••S••••••••!••' • ,she Berlin' Teleigeaph) r (Orillia Packet) It 3s teeing eSonie,[tolks quite, 0 If lir. Failrsof..Peel had inade tone while to really approgietethe his,resignation first teed with - feet. that Oneida is at was for the drawn from public he would proteeti<:n :of tho freedom a.nd 1io, have shown more -horse. sense. city,, which mates t eleeeer(✓lc , for<. , hher ' to s ty_;t1 rt (tits., is a . f•?.ltt.e ttr, '. ° ( 1dtThbmas eout try}, _ ... , •e:m, .. e—; M. J. R. 3+allts, tt^ho resigned as (7 oronto Steel' inconher for Peel in the legislature Should have let it go at that. Tile The anion of the Farly eonseu fact that the C'oxserv'ative;associa- tion in Peel ie re-nomin glint J'. 12; tion of the riding whiteevash ed ▪ his wee',eV:dcinily due to the him because he heeded over , the rt.seeco from the :convention of a profits mide'fn her'se deals for flew_ men . ^with enough. force of patriotic purposes does not fit him character, to stand up and ' sneak Lor. re.fdection.° Neither does his •what ,was :in their minds. The eatignation exculpate hint. le is Managers managed matters. , charged' that"before hebought the horses from the farmers be knew that the government insreptor had passed them anO'that be 'was,tek- Mg no risk at all. We ogre'o'ttvith the Toronto World, that if . Mr. ;Paths comes back. to the legislrr there is n whitewashed oandi]u;e' tare, Mr, D Wit'Poster will come back to the commons from Nova —o-- Scotia and Mr. Garland from Ca 1_r (Guelph' Mercury.). ton; and Hon, Mr. Hearst land Sir Robert Borden 'and 'the whole (inn 'i' at'til'ng of Kanteral slys lervative party will' be Gtgatt much that God Save the King' is; rt Ilymm and a /mayor, .and net 5diecrodlted. If an Ontario consiit sign for putting on coats. Sad,uency stands for whitewashing so but true, but the, averffee Guelph will Ontario and Cenada have rte audi,eneel prefer to do their prey- stand for many other while this leg ort the way home. war lasts. i e • CANADIANS !! ATTENTION ! - We appeal to you to take up at once your share of the burden, not only because by so doing you will be defending your own inter- ests, but because your action will preserve the vital interests et the Empire. MARK TIME ! Are you 5 feet, 2 inches or over?Did you say yes? We want 1000 fellows like you forttthe:; ^I'bl'2it'OwH el!"Sri' `andf we want YOU . NOW. Pay from date of enlistment. Uniforin issued immediately. Good Fellows, Good Food, Good Quarters FORWARD ! There are thousands ,of your kith and kin CALLING YOU. At no time in the. history of our nation has it been laced with a crisis ot such gravity as the one which now exists. HALT ! Are you doing your share IF NO1', WHY NOT ? :' Enlist To=day With the' 16ist `Hurons" VtDl.,l.. n'WE tBAeTALION. 1.11,021. (Tor)nto Globe:) As one of the speakers said at Brampton yesterday; '517irst thrte. was a i,a'inted horse and re,i.' On wiring your House for Electric Ligh's. My prices are as low as is consistent with 'good work. All work guar- anteed to pass inspection. W. J. Nedigerer Phone 13E:..:.,i . :•Y., IN"THE HOSP17'ki Prb Mr. David Caiitelon '¢'eceite'i word from his son Pte. Ray Can telon, who went to Englend with' the McGill. Corps. that he is at present" at the hospital owing to illness. • WORE1NG OVERTIML." The Doherty Piano Co have.. been working: overtime ,since }set 'tuck irnd are rushed with orders, este reports from' the office state. This is a healthy sign .for any concern to have; A GOOD GAME", Those who ,,. Lo the .rink oh Tuesday cvenwirg of this Meek got the worth of their money when the teams of the 71st Ratti. at Galt rand the 16ist met. The first two quarters' were inclined to be rough and illy referee Pte. Deleon, ol. Galt, was very easy. with 'them. The last ,quarter W.il Johnson went on acid 'the game was played 'as hockey should tee played. Galt led tall first quarter 4-3 but Clinton had a draw ' the second porion 6-6 and won out in the last. Ofollowing was ,the tine up,— aefit litst /rico ratten goal Watts Reid' 1st '.defence. Chisholm Fox `End deflence Harrison McKay rover Ferrol Dick centre Colborne Draper r wing (Melly Mairwing h 1 Wilson � b How:I— goals were scored,— the t l 1 go 1st Guar teri. 1 Galt, Obelly. 2 Galt, Harrison. 3 Galt Harrison. 1 Clinton, Dick. 2 L'lintcn, Fox. . 3 Clinton Dicke, 4 Galt, Farrel. 2nd quarter. • 1 Clinton, Draper. 1 Galt Wilson. 2 Clinton, 2 Galt, Wifson. 3 Clinton, McKay. 3rd quarter. 1 Clinton, Dick: 11011 0l 110110r. Ont. St. Church Sunday School hlembers of t,he, Senior Class ot bore taught t Stevens , M`� W. t Miss ,r'i even and Walker,ywho 'have enlisted tor' the Winte'W+slker James °rich ' Ulmer Beacons S. Newcombe Lawis Manning' W, Littiewood FledThorepsou : Will Brit ton Chas. Thompson Arnold Parker 'Geo Webber, ', ^ Geo. 'Tehbutt U F Lockwood W. Brockett Leslie iNasntanni (leer Morris,. Rcjbt,°'t'tatier' Tom Morgan „<M J pita for Sale.. 100 ACRES of very ,chuiee land within easy dietance to`Loudesboro, Soaforth, Blyth and Clinton, on the 11th ooncessioo'of iiunette Rich clay loam, free from stone and very fertile, in a high state of cultivation. About eight acres of• valuable hard wood. Comfortable brick 'house on a stone fouudatton with een,entcellar, Wind mill with water flowing through pipe into kitchen. Soft water cement ole. tern, Large bank barn, good steeling and,out.buildings, Alsosilo, Altogether a desirable farm. For further perticu• late apply to ROBERT REID. no danbt in numbers of imp' giant gig} p Q� iel'ters, deposited betwe,e•n 0 anti Will Increase Revenue., ' 9.30 being left until the next atter- noon, again showing nogli ,fence of a public servant. Innovatt nts in - Provincial Auto Tax Will Net tended to be.fer ;the conveniente r About $500,000 More This Year of worse than nscrless(ness or the public may easily IMthe reut- de -- allowing uersonal con eeniclnco o The increase in anlle license come first on the part o t the pub- lic servant, and liy person lack- tfees which lutes been decided npun by in�• the necessary qualifications for the O till" (i""nmentfor 1.916, it is, 4,. 0ling those duties 'honestly expected, will swell Lhe revenue from this branch to runout $500,000. The accurately, end with 7 e >mona('L'• sc.le of tees, is increased all around. civ'iIityy, should be r eaucsoele to Iiere,l'tei owitei•s of smell ears, that is step out artd gie e someone else a chance, up to 25 horse power, will pay an run neat tee of surer): over 25 and less than Is bnrse=poiver the license Will he $15 00: un cars over 85 and less than 50 horse power the f„e will he 525110 and for cars uverdlt horse -power $80.00, What Is perheps lust as important as the scaling np of automobile fees is the anr.,,nt`e'Inettt that the ttul'.omo Nile license branch is to he transferred from the Prevurcjal Secretary's De partment to that of Public Works and p aced under lion. le. G. Maccliar mid. As the Department; of Public Works(. 1, d is •hsr+e with the construe ue tion 'tit improved highways through out the Province turd the new pulley will see this a ork becoming of Moretti; ingiinpottance, the question of auto molt a r..gnnt00n :mei bus is n; matter thitt dirertly coneerne 1 he road policy of the Government and co operation between the two 1 ranches is necessary and deeirahle, The Voice of the People Re Public Servitor and Duties of Public Servants. • —The Editor is not responsible •for an views ie tele column To The Editor of the Nuiw Ertl:, - Whcn we first had occasion to patronize the Clinton :Pubtic Lib- rary tho public .had ,auee,e to the sa Me every tt riei5 day from 2.0e to 5.30 and from 17,00 to 10.2. ivf. Pineal do on the walls ddsignat- tug; thodehtours. It was only alt er• fied;ng the banding closed on sews al occasions When tilling evening earlier than 7.30 or later th:vt' !wet .fatally made in- quihies at the desk and were Amid that the evening hones were 7.30 to 9.30, .ts they had f1dwnyc tent, and, as we noticed dust the pin- reeds specifying 7,011 to, 10.00 had disappear ed from the. walla, there appeal eel :nothing more. to be .Raid but We are still of the opinion that the curtaiinvrdt in the emirs was mot made on the initietivc ofthe. library hoard, ,end arc 01e) posd- tive that it was not •suggetied by the patt'one of the library, ptany of whom have been inconvenience led bythe change. , . , Nova's believe s in the pinc!l,nl that the convenience of the public sltoula take pl eccdence of that of the public servant, ••being in the ratio of hundreds to. one, We make the suggestion to the library hen• d that on the completion• of the. fee teretioes now -being made in order to; utilize the new wing, the bun d arrange to heave the literary oven leach eveniu Min'1,00 to 10.00 as Eo>m(eely; •Oa>,e '.disidventag;e to thl stores :and 'Po s Office dosing. attft b0. pttei•uf cittz¢ns 1 tit Me (cagey, to shop atlei tin, ghl• the 0.30 mail, and visit the. 1'brery, they, must •vv ai,t. around street for a lith hoar before getting access, to the. library, the only other al- ' tlereetivo heist; to make +iisec01)11 trip down' town litter in the even- ing which is cense Sly an incon- venience (to many, particu'.aIly during the winter months. Also; we would like to engiii:r whose duty it is to have sched- ules Planed on the urall boxes eie round Cowie stating, the hours col- lections see !mode. Of course we recognize that time is required t install these conven eln,,.es, nu d get to em adjusted. in, every pnt- tieular, but as our mail boxes have been on the streets :for • many months and .lhe1 a is still no mesas of knotting the hours of collect- ing without 70alcieg enquiries, it would appear tli,rt some public rel, vant is neglig,enf in les Antics Again ; after the boxes were plee- ed, the general Public in lime got the fief rma,,oie, 'by enquu,:ng•, that collocliohs •were made .at 1216 and 9,30-p,m. on week days, tanrl• at 9 p.nt. on Sundays but we have observed on more .than one occa- sion, the mail being taken from' the box in our neighborhood nt 0 p,tn, 013-0 week night, resulting R TEl•'Al'ER 'IN PIMA ' Local News 1rU u'p tf'15'1t'i l POULTRY AND 10008 This subject will het discussed in the Town Hall, Clinton, on Sat- urday afternoon (alt 2 o'e10015 Feb. 10th. Addresses will be given by; -Prot, :i.C. Elfurd of Ottawa, Mr. J.I, Brown of Marcel; 1411 A• E. Sile?erwood o'f ;Loudon turcf 11lr, Porter of Toronto, Government R,epnesontatite. Every lreteon in- ter'sisted in poultry raising , 's strongly urged to be present: In the evening a Creating will he held at 1lolmosvihe.at 7.10. TWO STAR•I WERE CENTRE OF [NM REs2 The presence of two exeeptiorally bright eters id the sky Senility even tug were the centre of much Interest and speculation by church goers, for it was that time they were most die timely to be seen. The result was the steenthraernpline scare. Strange as it may seeln. they seemed quit e close but in reality were 400,011),000 miles apart. As viewed from the Sahli the planets Venus and Jupiter seemed in cone motion and it was this "conjunct time” that was viewed in Clutton Sunday night, Jnp.ter is moving to 1 ward the sun, with respect to the earth, .chile Venus is moving east ward and setting et little Hater each evening to the sun. When the plan eta "passed' Jupiter was one half•of a degreecouth Lf Venus. or, in lees tech rugal terms, approximately the size of Pat. Hens and Chickens the moon's diameter. The fact that Wonted.loth p`auets were almost in line with the earth nettle them seem . close to gether. Just to offset this "near: ea"' ,facv figures taken from the author Taken at any - time. ilea may be quoted, Venus was Highest Market Prices 118,000,000 miles from the earth, while .1npi.ter was 4.00,000,000 more, or 513, W. MARQUIS. CLINTON 030,000 miles, ' Phone 14 on 1011 Patriotic Tea The Girls Club of Willis Church will give a ten cent Patriotic Tea from 3 to 7 o'clock, at the home of tips. J. John stun, RettenhnryStreet, Wednesday, Februrary 23rd EVERYBODY WELCOME Partners of Huron For Stile—Feed corn 701 to Hee bran and shorts, eood fall wheat 1.10 to 1.12 oats 48e 10:44c. if more going wben you come in you will get it. Second storehoeee off' London Road south side traok, o5 come to my home opposite passenger station, always bene ItfN Home Blade Cooking The Ladies Aid of Wesley Church' are going to hold n, sale of home made cooking, on. Friday afternoon, Feb. 18111. in the Ounncil Ch'unber, from 3 to tl.o'clock. Proceeds for patriotic purposes. For Sale Several well bre- d bottle Pups for sale, Phone 17 on 180, Clinton. A. E. MATHESON Londeshoro R R. No. 1 McKillop rural phone 15.un 170 Notice to Creditors Lo the Estate of Robert John M.mrtin. NOTICE is hereby given • that all persons having claims against the estate of Robert John Mar- tin. late of tthc Township 'ofe 'Tiullett, in the County ol Ilurione Selmer. deceased. who died on or t t the 18th 'day of Nevenibe , 1'31' are requires to deliver to the undersigneu exeou4tors, br their solicitor, '00 ,or before tin 4th day of March, 1016, a full. statement of their claims togeth-. or with particulars ora th eretf aridd the natole cf the securities. eft any, held by them, all duly verified by affidavit. And Take Notice that after' the said just nientioned. , .late, the said executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled 'thereto. having regard only to such claims :as they shall have received due notice and in aceoldance therewith. Dated at Clinton, 'Peb. 5111, 1916 John Soott, Alexander 33. Macdonald, Executors. W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont. S'licitbrr for the liixecutors. STAR LAUNDRY S atler' Coal Bills 'L t us reduce your coal n by ti. lls iNec cansup-., p plying you with sl, coal tli.t lasts',104,.. gives -a steady heat and leaves only a ,stall amount of ash: This coal is , l�E/H i'•G•;�� yHA • VpALgpLrE' i'�1 i 11RACI'F E The Coal That Satisfies It will save you money. Give r7 a trial. 111. J. ,Holioltwtay, Clinton Western t)iijversit.. London 'ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE Income Doubled' -Now $75,000 .p, Another large addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment in view Write for particulars to: a. --o— E 15. BRAITHIWAITE, 1V1 A., Ph.D. President. • Nona, TO CREDITORS. in the Estate of Catherine Moffatt Deceased. We wish to inform the publio that we have bought Moore's Laundry, next to Scruton's butcher shop, whem we will carry on a Ftrst•Class nand [Alta l•Y and solicits a trial on work which will he executed by hand without the use of acids, lime, or other chemicals to destroy the clothes. Compare our price with what you have been paying [fele are 0 few :-Working shirts 7o, flannel shirts 7e. undershirts 5c, under' drawers 50, sox per pair 4c, linen coats 1Oc, pants 15c, blouses 100, sheets 50, shirts lUc. Ladies collars 'and cuffs done the best in town. Collars 2o, Shirts ironed ate they will not hurt the neck, vests 10c Standup collars ironed wlthottt he. ing broken in the wing. Goods not called for in 0]'days will be sold to pay charges Goods called for and delivered. Purely U. C. D. Charlie. Lee, t'ropp'ietor Wanted. 80 reeds of 10 inch green hard wood for Willis Obeech. Apply to WM. GRANT, Clinton Reliable Man Wanted Wanted—A reliable man with some business experience with farmers, to represent us in Clinton and Huron County. A permanent position for the right man, Highest Commissions paid. Territory reserved, Nsw specialties for season 1910. STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. +11::: •. -:r, Valve -in - Head Motor COME AND SEE THE CevIN)IeI . "Our-Nine1g" at the Clinton Motor Car Co. Show Rooms e Powerful' and Quiet Running Price eomplet , $675 F.O.B. F.O.B.0 ,,, awa Regular E ul rent Mohair Tailored Top, Envelope and Side Ctfrtains, Electric Horn (.rteir Vision Ventilating Wind Shield, Speedometer, Electric Spurting and Lighting System, Ammeter and License Brackets. ' NOTE—Owing to the great de'mamal tor this car,. we would suggest placing your order badly to ensure delivery. We use the Stewart Speedometer. Two. -unit "Auto -Lite" Starting and Liphting System with Bendix Driv sante type and grade as used on the high-priced cars. A COMPLETE LINE OF REPAIRS ALWAYS KEPT IN. STOCK W. J. NEMER9 Age it, Phone 1 ' 9 CLINTON • -,008 8 00>0>68 rY'SiLT. Y. 5.w"�,n••t. ,.;•.,,fir; y' NOTICE is hereby giver that all persons having claims against the estate of CatharineMoffait',lateof the town of Chilton, in the county' of 'Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 11th day of Jan., 1916, are required to de- liver to the undersigned xe- oetttors, on or before s day of March, .1910, a the t r y t 4 their! ime a full statement o th iv eta together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the seeu_tties, ifany, held by them, all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOT'W1il that after the said last mentioned dile, the said 'executors ,will proceed to distribute the estate of the said dseeased Amongst • the persons entie lied there to having regard only to such claims as they shall have received clue notice in accordance herewith. . Dated at Clinton this 3rd day ortiPeb..; 1016. W. B13YDOVE, Clinton. Ont. John T. Moffatt. Kippen Shorthorns for Sale Here is your chance to huy a right good 2 year old Bull from an "imp. sire and a record milking strain, Also three calves from 5 to 11 months old. Ad good feeders and in exeellentcon- dition. Conte and see them ED\'VAIID H. WISE, 1L It No;3 eiluton Phone 12 on 11i5 Logs Wanted Highest prices paid for all .ltinds'of good logs delivered at Doherty's mill, Clinton. For particulars apply at Peed & McL'eod, AP. G. RUKBALL . For Sale A white brick 2 story house of 10 rooms with good cellar; Town water; acre of land with apple trees; also a suable. Corner of Princess and Spen- cer street. Por terms etc. apply to Mrs. E. l'boltzhatter, on premises. Painting, a*u Paper Harming Painting and Paper H urging neatly and promptly done, Orders left at Hunnitord's Grocery Store or at my residence, Victoria Street, THOS, GRAELIS ssae•s©as esssavesse•eeeee • •, e • : • • Winter e ss�®n Opens January 3rd in all depart- • w • meats of Shaw's Business • • Schools,Tnronto• Our Oatalogue 0 • explains our superiority in Equip • meat, Stale Methods and Re. • • sults. You are invited to write• • for it if interested in the kind of •. • school work, which brings best • • success. Address 0 • W. R. Shaw, President e • • 8 Yonge aid Gerrard Sts, Toronto • ge••••••••o•e•••••••io•••0. e e. Headquarters for Flour New is the tine to buy your Winter . supply of Flour, We carry a full stock of the following brands,-- Purity rands,—Purity Five Roses , Exeter Milverton Tavistock London Listowel White Plume (pastry And also a brand of Breakfast Forel, 'made from °beide Manitoba wheat,,at. 0 nouucts for 250 '1't► Make Your }:lens ➢ ay This winter, we recommend our L•,vinw_ Meal, Beef S.m'op. Oyster Shelli, Bone blear, Grit aed Oharottal. We always marry a.fuli line of Bran LoW Grade Flour Shorts M0105805 Meal' Oil Calle Dairy Meal liighcst Prices Paid for all Kinds:of Grain Flora and Peed. 'phone 199