The Clinton New Era, 1916-02-03, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 50, No. 32 C LiNTON OMNTAf IO THURSDAY FEBRUA,R Y 1016 W. H. Kerr 8z Son, Editors and Publishers The IOist 'Hurons' Are Calling For Men. Do YOU I Tear the Call? vovvvvvvwVvv nivvvv wvvvyr ori* n►�n�iivo' - TRIED AND TRUE �. That is`whiewe advise you to use HOLMES' LUNG TONIe Its the lightning cure fop coughe rind colds. Its the hest remedy for the worst cough. It has cured others it will' cure you. 25c per bottle. No war tax. Sold only by Best Quality brim Store The Rexall Store W. B. R' , 0 [ E3 • vvvvwrvvv'vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvwvvww' wvwvvv VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV NVVVVVVMOAAM\AMMMAAMAAAAA WM11, TIN Royal a , k\ 3 •. D OF CANADA Capital Authorized .. 9125,000,000 • Capital paid up °11,560.000 Reserve and undivided profits 13,500,000 Total Assets • • • 1$5,000,000 With VVordd-wide Contiecrioxrtt Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits General Banking Business Transacted, R. E. MANITINGy Manager, Clinton Branch VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWWvvvvvvvvvvvvvvVVVVVVVVVVVVt+ .• .........: INCORPORATED 1855 .......: ---- niE:-',MOISONS ' i i c:ANTAL AND RESERVE $8,590,000 96 Br:n►ehes in Canada ;t General Rannking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OP CREDIT BANK MONEY OWDERS -cavi gas, Bank Department Interest Allem rd al lifrlicst Cuireni • C,E Dldll'diai3',: M:lnaw4'r 'f'liilton iRate !brooch C + 4 • 4 • 4 + 4 • •4 • 4 __ ._iA Monday Jan3I • e •• •e • e We want to make the last Three Days Record • • I reat;ers and are offering special cut prices. Space A will not permit a coni'lete list. We quote only a few 4 of the many bargains to be obtained here. • • 0 44'0•1e6aOV9ocbG 4,9•••••• 0444.0••••••C+osfi•• •r rd ® red e Clothing Ready -to -Wear Clothing IE1p: fc h, T. SA a.•w,t .. ..a'1. 2 4 4 • • z • • 4 4 4 ••• • • 4 • • • • 4 MEN'S OVERCOATS $10 (0 to 12 00, sale price $6 00 13 00 to 15 00. salgpriee '• • •... a 09 18 00 to 251)0, sale price 14 90, Ro3s' Overcoats $ . 50, sale price $ 2 25 (i 00 Reefers. sale price 8 00 10 only odd lines, sizes 28 to 33 regular v r 00 to 7 50,sale pr ice ., 2 50 1 �Ien' s Whiter 50e, sale price 35 75e. sale price 49 1 00, sale price.. .. . ........... 60 Men's Heavy Milts and Gloves 50e, sale price .. ...... 35c 75, able price 40 1 00, sale, price 09 Boys' Suits 8 only Boys all wool, Hewson Tweed 6 50, your• choice for. .. .... , , , 1 90 350 to 5 00, sale price 1 60 <` a7epyyCt�.Igll, Vest,; . •Meds tlegfigee'Shrrta'• •7 ."'29e Mere Snits at I3ig Bargains Hens Raincoats as Big Bargains 2911 If y'' u want t Save M In ey—Get Busy. Only Three ; 1 s Mre. • • rn>. ( �, Morrish �o��go 4 Agent for C.11'. R. Telegraph Co. 1 A Square uare Deal tor Ever Math •• • y -,4 4 't •F 4 4 k 4 a 4 1 1 1 e 1 1 Trr/ The New Era for Job Work in • some*••o••eseeme••e•rower ose.4.•oeeoe•oee••o•ooeo••• e _•, :: Clinton's MilUarylife :- ••• , 1, Movements of the 161st Battalion Wintering Here -4111°n I County Recruiting Notes --Activities by the Huron a_ Battalion i o ,• �t u•e•8es0•i••••O•••• ooeee •ooe••0000•olseo • eoorgoseee•e moot -Col. Combe and W. Bry- e e e done, President of the war Atte- ilillary .attended Inc reerui(ing Big eCriliting meeting tat toderieh on, 5'rid.lya night Last, Meeting S 0oda. Sergi', See:ey is back on. duty ,after 'fighting Capt. la grippe. 1 Lieut. Chas 1-lall, now stationed 1 'at rlensall was at Ifeadqmar tem On Wedi1,C`:(lay - Corp. Wyatt and Serer Oiled e' both rehired sr ldiers. a•' 0 ;a' headquarters helping in h ee ruit- ir'-g. They are addresiing neeiiag all over the county. ' OIWEIGLD I'\ STRTJMEN1 S Pandma'ster Grant of the. roest Band, has otd.'rcd the instrument;s for the band and they should be here in a sllortt time, 13y the 111 e spring comes ;the Bendtuastcr- hopes to have a band, of 30 t.ie^es or more. Pte. Rielly who has enlisted at Wr'•oxeiler with the 101st has six brothers serving with the colors on the other side of the .Atlantic, Five of the SVestLalte boys have joined the 161st ,P,altialion a , Wrox ate.. This is 0 pretty germ show ing from one family. CANTEEN. There will shortly be established connected with the Huron Over - vets Battalion in Clinton, a can - n orderthis+f a can- teen. An to effect hes 1.6 OD issued by Headquarters asaf- fecting tho comforts and entertain •nlent of enlisted men. The Can- teen will be eoducted entirely in the interests of the men and although the nrena'remen is in the hands of aU committee of officers of the batt!,il'on Tile fits are are to be used altogether fo'• the benefit of the men, A num iter of proposals as to where the Canteen wilt Le 'Vocated the DOW under eonsjd.Fration unci it is ex- pected that It will _be well uncle:: way by the first o: Fel mart'. Next Sunday evening at, Seel p.m, a recruiting meeting will be held in the. Town Hall after the church services. are over. The meeting will be ad- dressed by an old Clinton boy, Leese, Cul. John A. • temper, of the 186th Bette Toronto, also two rewired: soldiers Setgt, (randy and Corp. 'Wyatt, of Toronto. Myr. \'•VJ3rydone County President of the War An xi - Rimy will be ('1119.1(1100, A. large at- tendunee 1s expeeieil. Lives there ,a man with hour mfr Ant hull, Who 1101'er h(e•is his comityy s' call, Who'd serve tris lllatien not at ell bland idly Ill and 'catch her far? Continued on Page �4 Rare' Comity Council Votes . $21001) For Recriltia A elelm tatior, lop) e': en ting the Huron County War :auxiliary e 'rl In the pt.i or , or W,B � one , CAM ton, Rut J. E. it otlteringh,a,n, P. 1 Hodgins and others of ,Goderich, Waited on the county council apt its session 'last week and outlined l.rielly 1bYa objet t of this newly - forme d ewly-formed organization and its needs Within the confines of Hutton. The n fact that the county has been asked to raise a battalion to ennsist of 1,150 mer, was stated, and also the fact that a concidt:rable nulr,terof of reeruits lase yet recju'red to reach this total and will hive to be raised, r'egarcllese of expender The Council listened tatteneively to the speakers and a motion i moved by Reeves Naf n of G odee 1 it I] `and Stewart of Seaforth that the eountY council grant the sure cause of ^f.0 towards this c u,c w1S , ras.'rd. .Among the matters coming up before the council is the proposal for the .appointrnent of a 0001'1 y •agricult;a.ral representati•.e, .A lettjer from W. H. Johnston, ac.c- pi Es Here aro a fete suggestions for Pies California. Peaches, very special 3 the for. 25c Ctitifornie• Prunes per lb., 15c .Raisins 2 Reefer 25c New. Dates "per lb 100 New Figs per lb 10c Spy Apples Fresh Rhubarb Special for Saturday— Green Onions Fresh Lettuce and I Celery a q, he Store of Quality Phone 48 rotary of the West Miran '1'011011 Cre1 A.880Citai210 1:1 enc)osect copy of of resolution passed by that body at the late meeting in, Recto esfting the county counee to 11 - point• an sgri,ulturai 11 presrnta- tive for this county. 'I h ..'0 is a' - so a letter from A.11 Doupe•. sec- retary of the Sleuth Huron Faro - era' Institute asking for the ai- pointment of such ,,elm otficiat, a resolution having 'been passed at the annual mooting Juno 22nd. Mr. Doupe's 1tt`er says "We th'i k it wou'd be to the 10v:tillage of the farmers of 'Burton County to have a district 1epre'scntative, for Furon C:'oanty, and when the cost of maintaining is only abort S cents per 100 acres, the 'e 45 110 t farmer in 'Huron County mat would receive mere than 7 emits worth 1 valuable inf nalsti , of ort. if v ( t or , 1 benefit' a t x � s benefit to fla.rnnrg m e � t,.,, These comieunieai )ons wet a sent to the special committee. Mr, John 139, Groves et Winghom wrote !stfating that a ;'eso•1(u'taon ha'd been passed in the town c;un ell of that town unaninlons1y' •rslc- ing the county council to 01301e.a liberal, grant to the 1.61 I battalion for thelose ur off re lune r. P 1 6 This was sent to the executive coni nrttee, it b nnj, 'stated Mat a' de;plitatioii from the `IIui'on boli , ty W'ar Auxiliary \yoeia be on hared 00 Thursday to lay the, mat- hter before the council. ' Another mutton touching the 15lst was moVed by 'R. Harding and secol\dled.'hy 3. C. Lain waite that ,the council insure the lives of ,all who enlist in the 101st to the extent of $1.000 trona the time they leave Canticle till 'they return or form the term cif 1i•ar, Sent to ;exccut,ve comrnittre. The p•'opos'ed 'Saperannaittiom Bill for 11aclycrs seems to 00 the oaose of difSfcreilee of .opinion as to its merits. '.'171. county clerk of•:Wantwor4h. wrote that the county had .ap- pointed a cenenittee to. oppose the passilag of the B111 and askeo the county of Burton to rho the same. The county clerk of Grey i continued en Page 4 W T O'NEIL . 3 THE HUB GROCER Recruiting Meetings The 'renewing recruiting meet- ings h1t-e been arranged for. At each meeting a, , returned sold e will be. in atteni'(1ne Also sev- eral). 'gond speakers. Tuesday Teb, ism, Porters 11111, Thursday •Feb. Ord, II rlinesvrlle Thursday !fele 3rd Constance 'Friday .Peb. 4t'It, Bayfield. Fridey Feb.9111, Lord1000re, Sunday evlening t^eb, 0111„ ton. • Monday evening iFeb. 7111, Bruce field. Montltayeepeb, 7, Dungan nen, Tuesday evening'Feb, Stle '4a flat Tuesday, Feb. 0, Port Albert. Wedne day, IFeb 9, .l.(intaif. Tburs lily, t3eb. 111, St Helena. 19'ricllay, ;Feb, 11, St Augustus. Saturday, (Fele 12,'Leebni'n. Mondlay, lPeb. 14, Nile. Tuesday, tPeb. 15, 13enmiller, • 9009021609Q4200.669l steeitee e Oiler Me Tecco a! • e i\lr. Gordon eleOartney has l'aken a position in a .fur•niture factory at Stratford, 5116 O. Constantine, of Teeswater spent a few days the guest of her mother, Mrs. Ohidley. nor. A., Morris of Lown has had a S •u n11S c time with elven; pneumonia ia11(1 is still critically ill, Mrs. John Wise returned house last we(.k•from Sarnia where she was call- ed owing Lu the serious illness of her mother. Mr, Win. Johnston, of Blyth war, in town on Saturday, Miss Annie Retell has been visiting with relatives and. old 111110ds at Brus- sels. Mr. Wesley Walker has been ill at his home with the grippe, MIS. Oliver ,Tehnson of Godet•icli wac renewing old friendships in town last week. Rev. W. T. Cleft, of Stratford 9.9.1(9 in 10W11 last week. The Misses Guiana returned to their hinny in London oft S;9Luri103 last, \Vinghanr Times; --bliss De'lsnrorr left on Tuesday flir Clinton where she will visit for sometime with her sister. A cable has beer roc, ived (.'on, I1.", Edna 11. Guest, who to on her lea hums from retia, ettying she had arrived s::fely i•1 Fran en, after havbee visittt1 the war• h1Spita(1S in Egypt, lh C' Inst will also o lr, the. hospitals in Franco tnr o mid England before coming back te Canada Brussels '1o,,1 - George Grirnolby 11'aS here on r v Ieit this week. It may not be generally known that. he'and MissRoth,111, Addie ]tutown, We're to • l tall Married by Ret. R. Page, Retctu� of Ste JoinC5 C1lnr011last month, - The bride is the adopted. daughter of the late limpccter Rubb, formerly of Clinton, Mr. Adam Foster, of (loderieh and Ah'. Jas Foster of London, wire here ;attending the funeral of their sister, Mrs. J. 1)11.ynent. on 5fouday: Misses Ward and Stnn.e and Nurse McLaren ntt1111,1ec1 1111 funeral of the late Mrs. Milne at elortericl( to Mon- day. Mrs. 360(18ch, of Sl] i tfurd, was here ler a few (lays attending. the fere ial of her f ager, Teen Cordell. Messrs. David Herrington se. and Jr. of Duneanno r, attended the funeral of the ftiai, Mrs. Dayment tin Monday. Mr. Alexander Fraser, of Portage La Prairie, is visiting his two aunts, 1'lis. Kennedy and Miss Fisher. Mr. Charles Foston of Plenstell, at- tended the funeral of the trate Mrs, Daynrent on Monday. Miss Marty Bromfield is able to be nut again ;0(01 having had the grippe and quinsy. 11r, Donald :Kennedy is once more attending to his duties after. having the grippe. Miss Clara Daymont aceonipanied by her 6 year 01(1 nephew, Allister Rim; , George hu ef73cssrlvauneylcrivecton I, f, Mondayafternoon to attend theft n- eral of her mother. Miss Dayinent w'as held up by a u Ushnnt on the lint: and also the severe snow storm up between Winnipeg and .011, \Willituly. Adjt. C. 0. Vaustone of the 101st Batt.. who 16 taking a special cour•ee at London W118 cep al- .Eleedgntlrler li on Monday. Dr. and Mrs. Stewart left today for Toronto after spending a fortnight tvith old friends in town. Messrs. Chas. McGregor and Frank Hall of Constance, were in toWn on Ntonday,attenrliug the funeral of the 11110 6y i e ,Qtly lllal),tl Mn Alfred Cordial., of `:160ntoka,,, W115 called here on 'Saturday awing to tine serious illness of his father. Staff Capt. White 111(1 Resign Nlar- 1111 of London, vrere here twee the week enol to lion out Che local Capt. of the S. A. :Ensign M•al: t iu gave r111 i11nst1l4tt'd 21114.10s0 011 (tttrnday 1118144 and Capt. 'White cou-clucted the more in6 sett ice on Sunday for the ,fillet Barth ' Pte. and Mrs, Nelson Cole entertain eel their friends lest Friday evening tit their hone. • Mee Harold Whitmore has taken the position of junior at the Mo,,on's Haus., •Miss :Lily Akan] sang twice tete snared concert given by the baud of 7)11951003 Overseas Batt. nt. Winnipeg recently. • "mfrs: W. Graham entertained a uunbeir of lice friends last week hi honor of • Dr. tend Mrs; Stewart, of Termite. Zrl Mr. Oliver Johnson ire, son of.Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jolinson, of Goderich and formerly of Clinton has donned tho 'King's uniform. Continued on Page 5 Oki Clinton 1 ty to Command New Batt. Toronto is yet to have the oppor- tunity 00 recruiting :mother over rens battalion,' The lafest is to be known as the lSlith Ovens, as Ba- ttalion, land Capt. John A. Cooper an old .Clinton b(ty, tat present with', the 114111,. Oversees Battalion, Ilald,, irn un 1, 'lyes been officially gazetted as 0(11001' commanding. Capt. Cooper is,asoldier of 20 years' expetior.ce ' wU:fi the Queen's Own Rifles having joined' the University Company 11 Comp- any in 1b00, 136 a private and has risen from the• ranks so to speak. Ile ,vas .one of six members 01 that company when it t1 vs iransfer•r'Flil from the lire ersity to the city. A.f tut serving as a. eergeant and col or -i crge.tnt, 11,0 i•eccivd l commis %ion in 180G and, Wats actively con- necte:l'wviih the regiment until 1911 when ': 110tran:;fexred to the reserve Last month Capt. Cooper was-ap.p0intedby Gen. ,Endre special recruiting officer for the Halilimiand Iiettal.ion, where he is 'note aetitei.y engaged, Capt. tjooper was the first f'rresi- dent of the Canadian Club of To- ]'mote, is a ,I ast-pros:i;ent of the C.analh5n Press Association and is vic(-pees:deut and editor of the Canadian Courier. , Active recruiting for the 116th is not expected to he commenced by. Capt. Cooper before '16011'1 1st,. but in the me'intime he ''ll pe: - feet his organisation. • Chrstmas in the British Navy Another Letter from Ted Rigsby .61.11.5 Iticanstant, D. c '20, 1''15 Deer dad. -This is Christmas Day and a truly naval. Christmas ft has balm. By a naval Christmas I 'mean -that et'lerything is re- O evee.1 on this day, The jun_or 1 oy be.::mes captain and the s'. oke, engineer commander, 'anti ie each mess the junior hand ae s 51 chitf w hile the 110196 doers the tfuty of the junior. It's a • "proger' nifx- up all 'around. Our shin, had a Christmas service on the 1orw,ard moss t:eelc at 0 a re., and follow- ing .ft all work tor the clay was "piped down,' or, in other word', everyone Put the auxiliary .vat h- lrt sneers knocked oft. 10.39 a.10 the captain 511(1 Il e olficers carne through the s'eip 1:- specting the decorations, '11 hich had been accomplished by d,nt o11 cons,derahle preparati.>ns in an how,. He •\vas faecontpani d by the pro tent" shift of burl0csqu'r?, and ,at each stop they chimed in with their comments and 1111(1 to It was extremely ,amusing;, bee 10 e most of them hued cal settice:1e sense of humor right 0. t 0 1 the thing, and reeving tit ece.epie e uniform, with a monslatth ..d lent to dis;'uis'1 the wearer, the effee in some cas,•s was most ludicrous. There was an exeltanee; of pet - Yale � ;c ct cd the s to eat \1 S.0 s geed rl 3 hat Sit ase a tie - in ou, , ( t p 1 thing one could Im g ue. levely- ont had 1W1190 q1 h IL th y 00.11 have hoped foe, a:111 to -eight we shall have enough. for 3110111 r such feed is thee ship has 11(',Vnr sc,en. This speaks \mean1 1),• We are nottd "1s 1 hungry c •ow't, with unfathom,ab:e 0 pacitbOs. Some of us outdid curselves, one I ! cnnur perilously near eating my share. Smoking wag allowed l'etwieen clacks to-Iday ,inn all users of the wec(d had their only opportunity of getting ent,ugh of it • fo r a w•Ihet° Iyear, They smoked with an'aban'on and were for once supremely happy. . To- day was an ideal sp, ing d • y, with plenty of sunshine ,Jo life on a. cic was ,quite enjoyable„ It gave the officers "pro tem" an opportunity to show thenrslelyes in the pre- sence of the slip's company. One chap, wearing the engineer com- mander's unlfarm, heard the pleas of a canssderable number of dee, faulters whoop two marines march ed up to his table. The way he .dit.pensed justice was quite oti;in -al, if not aced, cling to- the kind;•s regulations, Thu snips eerpot'?1 Tommy London, was 'brought be- fore hint charged 1011(1 t coming abcnaid drunk, He let :him off with a caution as he remarked, "I've been drunk niyrelf," I got a few pictures of the best of the "make-tups." The skipper read the king's ('1l(5(1nas me s+.ge to :11' 1 my 0(6 navy 51 8110 cluu•ch see :ice this morning. It was very well here Ed, and, I am sure, t u'•110d every L his h'de w, e heart, ll nl<s lllan I , of the 1 hinoccrua 11':t' d, iWe stele "God Save the 'King' with 1 fere" seldom 'felt or r 'ern. It v:ou'd Ole your heart goon to hear a church to:1 of sailers 6:11•;, for into it they, pat the fee'inf9 they Continued on d'age 3 ho's 3 ho dal t e Battaon With recruiting in the air evt'r,v- whe.fe and soldiers for oversee; ser Nice being ;rained almost any- w here you go, theciviliaa is of Let, ataloss to know wives wl o -•what the ranks are and w=hat the miller ent badges stand for, Per the benefit of those who don't know and want to, we give the informa- tion. When the recruit enlists designs OD as Private and his; uniform is o;j r close ];kaki serge, tlletunrc fitting o at the neck and fastened by 7 i 1 the same t 's e'in His greatcoat. t e Its ttnn Ll single-breasted. After Tie hes been infor awhile, if'heshows au. ity and energy, heir promoted to the rant: of Lancet -Corporal, which entitle.; 0111]1 to Weer 011 his righty sleeve a chevron or •"strip'• -•a V -{shaped piece of braid, worn above the elbow on the tunic or an the cuff of the greatcoat, with the pur{t tur el tcvn I' snext step is to Corporal when he cane wear a • double ,che1'rou, of tie) "stripes?' wi ol'ti' illt'he shine' wry 4306• promo, titin to the rank of sergeant en- titles him to "three stet Des'. If ,he is esperdelly (smart and .teen 11e will rise to be Company os attalioti 'Ser t. ;Major --the h'g1'- r g est rank ,a man can held without a commission, H's un'for.rnrem01116 the salve, but in ,adcli(ioil to the "stripes" he ]clears i>, (:row•i) placed above the chevrons. Staff-gerga,nnts-thoea on Bete talion Stlatf-are distinguished by diltei•ent badges worn above the chevrons, Quarte:ma$' er Ser- geant a sever- ,po,iltetl stat, T io i see -Sergeant crossed ,ages, (Far, rier••15ageant crossed hammer and pinchers and so on, Stazf l.Serg;a , ns Also may wear 'ins^cad of the three bar chevron, one of v fiei' bars, worn on the cuff with the point turned up. Between non-eomntissi ivied and commissioned ;1';t.nk eonle9 ''w,:u•- rent mule" so-called bemuse the leiter gots his Yank by warrant from the 1 31115(01' of Nutria -coin mitsious con>:ng direct item the of fw'.•,n- Kung. The 1, der o a ltalttaa i. weals no eh,evrrns-that ie, a Ser- geant-Major _holding wart ant rank will wear thte crown alone on his right cuff;. Commissioned. Officers The lowest commissioned rank is that of ,. ' extant ,onl the holder 1 is distinguished by two stars, ,cont on the sheolderatray: 'n the Canadian militia, on the Cu(in the I'npei•ial Army and Overseas forces, The cuff is also f riunme,d with one band of. ,bitatyd around sle;e i'e. Promotion to the rani: of Cap, twin entitles the officers to an- other star on the shculd01' of cuff and .another band around the r.leev0. If he becomes a Maier he adds t pother band; ' ro aid the, a s u sleeve and discards the stars, sub- stituting-e crown, A\ Lieu''enant- Ce1oiel carries ra stn' above the crown and on tattalning 1_]e rank of Colonelanother sitar is added. Nowt we get up aiu1ng the Gen- , orals, The •F.Irig,adier- Gener^are badge is the crossed sword. and baton;, that ,ef Matirt+Cien:eral crossed sword and baton with star above of Li'eutein4.nt'.Geneh41 crossed p11'ord and baton 'with crown above; of Generatl crossed sword and baton with star and Crown ,above., A Field Massha11 wears crossed batons mounted on wreath with cl'ow'n above. Th,: uniform of an 0t'ieor differs from that of a private 01, non- commissioned officer- in that, be- sides being made of ;incl mater- ial -the officer has to buy it 'Men - Self -the lien-self•-the (epic has !a; 1030 collar with lapels ,and is fastened with wyitla four .buttons, and the groat •c:at Co. -Ahmed 'on pag" 2.