The Clinton News Record, 1916-11-23, Page 88
Clinton News -Record
November 23rd, 119/6
Prepare for Winter!
Brantford Roofing
Roofing Paint
Tarred and Plain Building Paper
Beaver Board .
Sherwin-Williams Paints
Glass and Putty
Cow Chains and Horse Clippers
A Big Assortment of
Stoves and Ranges
Stove Boards, Stove Pipes and Elbows
Perfection Oil Heaters—just the thing for chilly
mornings and evenings,
Mitts and Gloves Galme.
Rubbers! Rubbers! Rubbers!
Are you -getting the very best that money
can buy in Rubber Footwear?
Are you buying' these Rnbbers at the
lowest possible prices ?
T. Give us a call for your next pair.
We handle only the best and sell them at
the lowest prices possible for high-grade goods
Smallofits piumsteel
Shoe Cost !
Everybody is aware that there has
been a universal increase in the price
The advance in the cost of Leather
and of everlvthing else that enters
into the construction of Shoes has
compelled manufacturers to advance
their Prices—it could not be avoided,
However !
Please remember that this Store of
Good Shoes will continue to give its
Patrons the very limit of Shoe Val-
ues for their money, anis still says—
A Beautiful
Art Square
lends a charm to -the room.
It has other advantages al-
so, being easy to clean, easy
to remove. We have at
Brussels, Axminst ecu, Wil -
present an excellent show-
s I ing of fine rugs including
We would he most pleased
o tons, etc., that we have
priced at attractive prices. to show them to you.
Undertaker and Funeral Director. .
28 .nZtiff Phone Itfgazb 28
The Newssitecord Fo
Neal, Well Executed
Job Work.
Use .Cotus .Cawq
'Stationery for all
your social corres-
moderately •priced, it
is of a quality that 01
delights botit sender
and receiver. A'
rqui. Paper Envelopes Lff;
! '94 Invitations 6.e.
Weit6e temileis geroiriv•
9 Correspondence Cards
Initialled Stationery
Gentlemen's Club Note
and Envelopes
Of ten the Cheapest—
Always the Best.
Ii r. T. Cottle is taking in the Hor-
ticultural Show in. Toronto this
Mrs. W. D. Fair is in Toronto this
week; attending the Horticultural
Miss MacRae and Mrs. Stewart' of
myth visited Mrs, W. Cavter this.
Mrs. Soitley of Niagara is spending a
few weeks as the guest of her mo-
ther, Mrs. Wigginton.
Bishop Williams was while in town
over the week -end a guest of Rev.
.7. A. and Mrs. Robinson at the
Mrs. .Jos. Emmerson and Me IL
Stewart and tiwo children of Ber-
vie are visiting their cousin, Mrs:
R. J. Cleft
Miss Kathleen Crandle, manager of
Couch & Co's millinery department,
spent a few days in London during
the past week. •
Mr. C. F. Bell of Stratford, former -
of the G.T.R. here, spent the
week -end. v,ith his wife, who has
not yet re),Joved from Clinton,
Mrs, 70. M. McLean of London left
last week to loin, her husband, Ma-
jor E. M. McLean, Who has been in
'England for several weeks past.
Mr. Jacob Taylor who has been in
town attending 'to his many busi-
ness interests here for the past week
Or so, returned to Toronto yester-
terday afternoon.
Messrs. G. B. Harris and J. Brown
returned on Saturday from Trout
Lake, where they had been on a
hunting expedition, and brought
with them a fine deer.
Mr J. Cuninghame went to Toronto
on Saturday and is taking in the
Horticultural Show there this week;
He will also visit in Peterborough
before returning.
Corp. L. D. Arnold of the Canadian
Mounted Rifles is' here for a few
days recruiting for his regiment,
which lacks 250 men to complete
the unit. 'Hi's headquarters are at
Hotel Normandie.
Mr. Arthur MacRae of DeWitt is
visiting his 'mother and sisters in
town this week. He returns home
tomorrow and will be accompanied
by his mother, who will visit for
a time in the City of Straits,
where 'two of her sons are located.'
Mts. W. E. Moody, after .a six weeks
visit at the parental home in town,
that of Mr. and Mrs. H. 13. Chant,
left yesterday afternoon for lager -
:soil, ,where her beshand, Lient,
Floody, •is stationed for the pre-
Lieut. Alex, C. Bowles, son of Mrs.
I. R. Bowles of Toronto and cou-
sin of the Messrs. Steep of (Jlin
ton, has recently' been awarded the
Military Cross tor saving the' lines
during a counter attack and break-
ing up a Berinan battalion.
Pte. Douglas Goodwin, younger son of
Mr. A. Goodwin •it former resident
of Clinton,, is another of Clinton's'
old boys who is doing his bit for
the Empire. Mc,' I member. `of
'the 152fid Battalion, which reached
England a few weeks ago, and is
probablp at the front by. this time.
London. Road
Mr. Byern Rowelifte was' in 7,ondon
yesterdays attending the funeral of his
brother, George, who died as the
result Of injuries received some mon-
ths ago from a fall from a building
he' was constructing.
Mrs. Geo. Stanbury of Craton is
visiting bey (laughter, Sirs, W. Fat -
Rev. W. Moulton of Clinton attn.
ded the meeting of the League ca
Tuesday evening, assisting with the
program. His add roes on the sub-
ject of 'Tams" was most interesting
and he also gave a- couple 'of read-
11:11, • rsets
0 k , No
Oo account of the constant rise in the cost of all materiels and labor, it became necessary for
the manufacturers of 1). & A, Corsets to advance their prices. They thought that the wearers of
their product would prefer them to do this with the understanding that the high standard of the
Le Dive and D. & A. Corsets is to be maintained. From time to time they have issued price lists
showing the advance on their many styles. The price list taking effect Oct. 25th was an enormous
advance, only to be followed by another sharp advance on Nov. 1st. In order to enable everyone
who wish to secure a pair of the above mentioned corsets at the old price, we offer them for sale from
now until Saturday night, Dec. 2nd, provided our stock lasts that long,
is stayed at the vital points in such a way that the shapely lines of your gown are accentuated and
retained. At the same time this corset is so pliable and easy that absolute freedom of movement
is assured. It lends a youthful grace and elegance to the figure.
Not one woman in ten thousand can really have a "figure"
without a corset, D, & A. Corsets furnish the actual support nec-
essary to every lady. A few light strips of the peerless D. &
boning give as much control of the figure lines as the stiff, heavy
cramping corsets of former years.
Whatever the design, style or price of the D, Sr, A. Corset you
buy, it is the best value, best fit and quality for the money.
We illustrate two styles of D. & A. Corsets --there are many—
and,' whatever your physical type, you will find a "D. cL A," to
please" you.i A Corset that will keep its shape and beau-
"Will not breb,k, or rust, or tear, D, & A. Corsets made for wear"
DECEMBER 2nd, at
, Women's Store
Dry Goods and
House Furnishings
Phone 67. ,
Next Royal Bank,
Men's Store
Custom Tailoring and
Men's Furnishings
Phone 103,
Opposite Public Library,
Mrs. E. Crap leftlast week for
Detroit where she intends making her
home in future.
Miss Little, who has been conduct-
ing a millinery store here for some
years, has decided to return to Tor-
onto shortly,
.Mrs. A. B. Carr is spending a few
weeks in Toronto.
Miss M. McTavish has gone to the
west to pay a lengthy visit to her
Mr, Blau. 'Herrington, returned last
week Irons a deer hunting expedition
td the Parry Sound District,
A gluons was cast over the town
oh 'W:eduesday of last week when the
sad news was passed around that
Councillor 'Joseph Carter had died at
his home during the night. He was
in his usual health the previous day
and was up town during the evening
returning home about eight o'clock,
ShOrtly after going to bed at Mime
o'clock, he awoke his wife, stating
that he had a severe pain in his head.
She telephoned for her brother, .and
also for a doctor, but as Mr. Carter
had had a streke, he was past med-
ical aid; and died at nine o'clock In
the morning,
In the death ol Mr. Carter Blyth
loses one of its best cieizens• : one
whim has always had the interests of
the town at heart. For the past two
years he had not been as active as
formerly on account of failing health.
He was born in Tuckersioith town-
ship, in the year 1,550 and in 1870
cause to Blyth, where he followed
contracting and building for a num-
ber of years, mutt] he began work on
the invention of a boiler cleaner,
which resulted successfully. His in-
vention is used on a great many of
the boilers in Ontario and the
ed StateS.
While a resident of Blyth lie had
always taken an interest in munici-
pal aitaire, having sat in cesium
both as reeve and councillor for over
thirty years, being a member of the
board at -the, time of his death. It
was while be was reeve' that the ce-
ment sidewalks were put on. the
streets. lie supervised the work.
Anything that Mr. Carter looked al-
ter was sure to be welledone. Ile was
bound to see that contracts were
ed up to. Mr. Carter was a member.
of St, Andrew'Church, and in pol-
ities a Conservative.
Dr. F. M. Deans of Preston has tak-
en over the dental practise of Dr. G.
IL Ross, who MIS Mined the. over-
seas' forces and is with his battaliMs
in London.
Mr. Sherry of Belleville has been
spending' a few days in town.
Mrs, patterson of Chicago has
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W., CF:'
Mr. and Mrs. Won Filikerell of Lea-
mington have been renewing old fri-
endships in and about Wingliam,
Mrs. R. T. Kemp of Listowel has
been 'visiting her daughter, Mrs. R.
A. Currie.
-Mrs. Lasham still continues very
low. Miss 13. Taylor of Toronto has
come to wait upon her,
Mr. and Mrs. John Brigham of the
Boundary Line were guests this week
at the home of Mr. T. Millar.
Mrs. R. J. McGee and son Harvey
of Auburn spent Sunday with the
former's sister, Mrs. D. Geddes.
Mrs. Sturdy of Auburn is speeding
a few weeks with her sister, Sirs. It
The members of the Red Cross So-
ciety intend having -a ten cent social
on the evening of December 8th. It
Ls, to be in the Fenn of a social ev-
ening. They are preparing a good
Program and at the close will serve
The concert held last Friday
night ender the auspices of
the Red Cross was a great
success. Although the weather was-
n't just what we would have liked
most. The ball was well filled and
the proceeds amounted to over forty-
six dollars. The Auburn Dramatic
Club gave the entire program, and
after it was over they were invited
down to Mrs. Geddes' and were ser-
ved lunch in her dimming room,
Rev. C. C. Baine exchanged pulpits
with Rev. .7. E. Ford of Goderieh on
Sunday last, Mr. • Ford taking mis-
sionary services •Sere and at Con-
Mr. Mal Mrs. john Cartwright en-
tell:allied, a few of their friends on
Monday °rename'.
Mr. Robert Scott had the misfor-
tune to MU horn an apple tree one
day last week, hurting las shoulder.
Mrs. Themes Sampson and Miss
EEO and Master Fred are visiting
friends is Mount Forest. *
Mrs. Simon Crawford waS its Clin-
ton this week,
For Missions
Mr. F. G. Itassard of Toronto
preaches in Wesley church on Sunday
morning next and in Ontario *street
church in the evening, in the, interests
All Trades Needed
Recruits are being enlisted in 911-
ron county for tee Army Service
Corp, Engineers, Artillery, Mounted
Rifles, Ammunition Column, and Mo-
tor Ct7clists. These are very attrac-
tive branches of the service and
peal -to men who do not- care for
the Infantry. Men of the different
fitades arc needed by the Army Ser-
vice Corps arid Engineers. Men are
also, wanted for the 211sii
ors to bring this battalion u'i to
Pull information and traesportation
will be given recruits by applying to
Lieut, A. .7', Grigg, Recruiting Of-
fice, Clinton.
Goclerich Township
School report of S.;4. No, 10 for
the month of October, names in or-
der of merit :---Sr, 11,11—Edward lint -
timings Jack Pegh. Jr. 4th—William
North, Viola Hutchings, Frederick
101Isvood, Sr. ard—Bert North, Har-
ley Pugh, Stewart Middleton. Jr. 3rd
-,Mary Stewart, Carl Pugh, Edward
Lindsay. Mid. 2nd—Shirley Deacons.
Jr. 2nd—Charles Groves, George
Groves, Randal Cole, William Hutch-
ings, Marion Lindsay, Lewis Ellwood
1st Class—Flossie Lindsay, Marion
lVfiddleton. Primer — Kenneth Whit-
more, Reta Beacom, Muriel Rathwell,
Edith Middleton, Joan Groves, Doro-
thy Rathwell, Number on rol, 20.
Average attendance.— Al, Culbert,
Stove Pipes
Also a few second-hand.
Stoves, in good repair
for sale.
Agents for 111cClary's Famous.
Sunshine Furnaces.
Call or phone for prices.
Estimates cheerfully given,
Sanitary Plumbers: Phone L
LEAVE TO110111 1J11011 STATION
10.4 5 p.m.
Monday, Wednesdal, Friday
Far Parry Sound, Sudbury, Port Arthur,
• Fort William, Winnipeg, Breadoa, Regina,
Saskatoon.' Calgary, North Battleford, •
Edmonton, Vancouver, dr Piscine °cast points
Tickets and Berth Reservations fro A, T. Cooper, G.N.W. Agent, (lin-
ton, or write to R. L. Fairbairn, Ge nem) Passenger Agent,. 08 King Si.,
L. Toronto, Ont.
Cleani smokeless and odorless oven means perfect
cooking and baking. This is assured by ventilation and
the nickel -coated non -rust steel lining in
M r
coat ydora
It won't be hard re decide what range you want in yout
kitchen after X show you the Pandora s special, features..