The Clinton News Record, 1916-11-09, Page 5November 9th, 1916 Clinton News•-Recnwd Hallett Township Miss Mary Snell, who is, taking a 1 .coui:se of training Ina Hamilton hos- pital, spent a row days last Week at the parental Itotne., that of Mr, and Mrs. James Snell, The' many, friends of Mrs. William Farquhar will be glad to learn that .she has returned home after 'spending ,a few weeks in the Goderich hospi- -tal, Mr. Junk Quigley, Miss Florence "Tighe and Mr. Joe Quigley attended `the lateral of the late John tl u:glcy at'Mingsbridge on Tuesday. Constance ' Mr. and Mrs. Scott Such spent; Sunday as the guests of their broth- ers, Messrs. Andrew and Ben Snell. Mr, Love and Miss .Margaret Love .avid. Mrs. Davidson of Walton spent Sunday as the guests or the foruter's daughter, Mrs. Ed. Briton, ' The imps or mischief,were let loose .for, ;atr'hour or two on Hallowe'en :night. 74Ir. McCool: will collect taxes: our village on Monday next. 11101 London Road Miss LIMBS. hair ofClinton Clio Mt.,ss eJlallalkins t :spent the week -end with her aunt, Mrs. J. McKnight, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Iloggarti, 01 'Ftullett have been visiting at the home of Mr. Fred. Pepper, TheWestEnd Beet e t Ring will hold their annual meeting On Monday ev- •ening next at the home of Mr. Hugh Hamilton at the hour of seven o'- clock, sharp, for the transaction of the year's business. Goderich Township The following is the report of S.S. . No. 11 for October : Sr. lth,-Elsie Ferguson, Ruby Churchill, Francis Powell, Bruce Hol- land. Jr. 4th, -Glen Ferguson, Clifford •{;astle, iloward Currie, Jr. 2nd -Elmer Trick, Laura Cur- rie, Oliver Ferguson. Pt. 2nd -Verna Coleleugh, Melvin Elliott, Primer -Viola Holland, ;Mervyn I3adicih, -Erma Diehl, Teacher. Crop Conditions in Canada. In a bulletin issued Out. iritlt the Census and Statistics Office pub:ish- us the second or provisional annual estimate of the yield of the principal grain crops of Canada In 1016, a :statement of the quality of these crops at the tine of harvesting and the condition of root crops on Sep- tember 30th. Yield of Principal Grain Crops, In general the reports of correspoit- dients on September 30th confirm those of a month ago, but the aver - .ago yields per acre arc for most crops somewhat less. The reports al- so indicate, that the areas estimated to be unproductive of grain are if anything larger than those already) .deducted ; but pending further inquir- ies no change has been made in 'tile harvested areas . as reported last .month. The results now provisional- ly estimated are a total yield of wheat of 159,123,000 bushels from a harvested area of 10,085,300 acres, a yield per acre of 15.78 bushels as •compared with 29 busheld last year :and 15.67' bushels in 1914. The total yield of oats is now planed at 388,- 469,00a 8.3;469,000 bushels from 9,795,000 acres, .a yield per acre of 34,55 bushels, as 'against 45.76 bushels last year and 'n,-13 bushels in 1914. The yield of barley is 32,299,000 bushels from 1,- 328,800 acres, or 24.31 bushels • per acre and of rye 2,058,501) bushels from 181, 420 acres or 20.30 bushels per acre. For the three prairie prov- ittccs the estimated yield of wheat is 138,3412,000 bushels, of oats 232,- 409,000 bushels, 'of rye .659,000 bush ejs, of barley 22;862,000 bushels and of flaxseed 7,707,000 bushels'. The yields .of remaining crops are report- ed for the first time this year as fol- lows ; peas 24,166,000 bushels from 150,280 acres, beans 58.1,400 bushels from 32,500 acres, buckwheat 0,720,- 000 'bushels from 3411,500 acresi and corn for husking 6,27.1,000 bushels from 173,000. acres. For peas, beans, 'buckwheat, mixed grains and corn 'for husking these acreages represent the ares actually harpested after de- duction from the areas sown in On- tario ntaio and Quebec of proportions es- timated to have been entirely; unpro- ductive through drought. Quality of Grain Crops; aea Correspondents were asked to re- port on the quality of the grain crops at the time of harvest, as meas- ured aggiust a standard of 100, rep- resenting grain Well headed, well fit- led, well saved and unaffected to any +.• Zppreliab e extent by, frost, net, smut, etc. The average results for the whole of Canada are as follows:. Fall wheat 78, spring wheat 68, all wheat 70, oats 75, barley 72, rye 84, beans 74,uck he ' i peas 66, b w at 7 , mix- ed grains 74, flax 76 and corn for busking 07. .In Manitoba the quality ¢ti spring wheat is 44 per cent, in Saskatchewan it is 00 and 'in. Alber- ta it is 73. The estlmrttes of qualityy are high it the Maritime provinces and in British Columbia, the average for Canada being reduced by rust in - Manitoba and Saskatchewan, and by drought in Ouehec and Ontario. Condition. of Root and Fodder Crops. The condition of rhot and fodder crops is about the same as a month ago, the average paints in percentage of a standard or full crop ranging fox all Canada from 7.1, for potatoes and. .sugar beets to 77 For fodder 'corn. Parcels for Prisoners. The Post OOice Department has. been notified by the British Post Of- fice that many parcels sent from Catr- ada 'to Prisoners oaf War in Gertnaoy are being received iu London in a damaged condition; so that frequent- ly they have to be repacked before they; eat be forwarded 'to IIo'llantt, for transmission, to Germany. The ilrit- isit Post Office adds that in most'cas- es the damage appears to be Clue to the fact that the parcels were inad- equately' packed by the senders. ?Phe' public are warned, ,therefore,that parcels for Prisoners of Bar, unless they are very stroogly pack?tl, will probably arrive its such a condition. as to be of little or no use to the recipients. Ordinary thin cardboard boxes, suds as shoe boxes, and thin wooden boxes should nob be used ;' nor docs a single sheet of ordinaFy brown paper afford sufficient protet tion, Even where proper, materials are used, it is important that the contents should be tightly packed so as not to shake about during trans- it, The following forms of packing are recommended ;-(l)-Strong dou- ble' cardboard or strawboard boxes. Those made of corrugated cardboard and having lids which completely en- close the sides of the boa are the most suitable. (2) -Tin boxes such as aro.used forpacking tta biscuits.curis. (3) -Strong wooden boxes. (4) -Several folds of stout packing paper., The British authorities advise that par- cels for Prisoners of War in Germany must not be wrapped in linen, calico, canvas, or any other other textile ma- terial. Parcels posted in Canada forr Prisoners of War in Germany which have not been adequately packed by the sendelts will not be forwarded but will be returned to the senders, as the British Post Office has notified the Department that parcels which are inadequately packed must be re- turned to the senders. Marriages GRIGG - ROGERS - In Winnipeg, Man., on November 4th, Muriel Rogers to W. Roy Grigg, younger • son of Lieut. A, J. and Mrs. Grigg of Clinton. ANDERSON-DOYLfi--At Auburn on November 7st, Margie, eldest dau- ghter of Mr. Thos. Doyle of Au-' burn, to harry Anderson of Dun- gannon, ungannon, \TRITELY -MOSS -In Goderich, on November 4th, 'Margaret E. Moss to J. Benson Whitely, M.D., both of Goderich, • CARTER-JARMe1 \ - At Seaforth, Mary J. Jarman of Tuckersmitb, to James Carter of I•lullett, BARNETT - hIRIMO;LI)BV --A t. Sea - forth, on October 31st, Marion Gritnoldbyt to C. R. Barnett, of Toronto. Births IIUNKING-fit Mullett, October 20th to Mr, and Mrs. Win, Bunking, a son, OR'I'Il!-In 0odcrich township, on October 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. North, a daughter, I)IJFF-In Goderich on Oct. 24th, to Mr. and Mts..Jolut Dulf, a soh, Robert Edward. McCOOh - Itt Mullett, en October 24th, to Mr. and Sits. Harry Me- Cioo1, a son, Deaths JOHNSON -In Clinton on Nov, 'ith, Clarence Bruce, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Johnson, aged 26 days. 14fo'GWAN-In Bayfield, on November 7th, Sarah Emma Peck, wife of Mr, Frederick Mel wan, aged 30 years and 10 months. TAMBLYN---In Mullett, on November 4th, .Joint 'Tamblyn, aged 60 years. LEONARD -In Goderich, on October 30th, James Alexander, son of lylr. and Mrs. James Leonard, its his 24th year, THE LADIES' GUILT) OF ST. Paul's church will hold their annual sale of work in the Sunday school, Thursday afternoon, Dec. 14th, 62-1 OUND.: IN L.O.L. ROOMS, AFTER At -Home on Tuesday evening, a pair of lady's black kid gloves. Owner can have same bNca ling at Sheppard & Co's grocery. .-02-14 POULTRY WANTED. -EVERY Tuesday morning. Highest prices paid-1-Torner as Iogs, Varna -00 B A Z- A A.R ! The Young 'Ladies' Patriotic Auxiliary purpose holding a bazaar in town hell, on Saturday, Nov. 25 Sale of Homemade Cooking, Aprons, Bags, Dolls, etc. Afternoon 'Pea, Served, RAFFLE 0'li" CHRISTMAS CAKE Sale of Home=Mad'e Cooking TIIll WOiIIEN OF WILL1S PRI S- BVPERIA.N CHURCH latentl putting on a sale of • homemade cooking IN TIUI COUNCIL CIJAM13ER , SATURDAY,' NOV.' l doth MUSIC -MISS ETTA A McBRIEN IS prepared to accept a limited num- ber of pupils for instruction in piano, For refernce calf tr phone •I. Conucee,'Clinton. -02 FOUND -- IN E. Ii, l:-IUNNIBY)RD'S Grocery, a purse containing a sunt or money and a fancy. pin. Owner can have same by, proving property" and paying for this edeertisement. Call at Ilennifoi:d's, 62-1 F 0 12 SALE - LARGE OXFORD steel range for coal or 'Wood to better make, -suitable for farmers. Apply before November 14th, to- John May, Rattenbury St., East. Clinton, -tit-h AUCTION SALE. -SIRS, 13'0 W H will oiler her house anti furniture for sale atthe premises on Satur- day the 18th day of November at 3 o'clock p.m, For particulars see posters Or apply ' to -C, B. li[ale, Agent. -82 FARM FOR SALE, - 100 -ACRE farm for sale, 3?. -miles north of Clinton on the Gravel Road, Hal- lett e ttownship. . On the premises are a bank barn 50x00 with stone stab- ltng underneath and .ft storey. 8 - roomed frame house with good cel- lar. Rural telephone. 5 acres hard wood bush ; first class soil. This far ist et en schools cozy t t to schoo s and churches ; will be sold on easy terms; possession to suit purchas- er, For particulars apply to -John Reynolds, 139 Nelson St., Strat- ford, Ont. -62. AUC'LION SALE OF FARM STOCK and Implements. -The undersigned has' been instructed.by Mr. John H. Dattbyu to sell by public auction at Lot 32, Con. 8, Mullett township, on Wednesday, Nov. 15th, at one o'clock sharp, the following :-Hor- ses-I. 3 -year-old heavy draught gel- ding, It 5 -year-old mare supposed to be in foal to Balmerino, 1 heavy draught mare 12 years old, I. driv- ing mare 8 years oh!, guiet, any one can drive, 1 driving gelding ris- •ing 3 years, 1 filly rising 2 years by Balmerino. Cattle -7 caws suppos- ed to be in calf, 6 2 -year-old steers weighing from 1000 to 1100 pounds, 1 2 -year-old heifer, 4 yearling steers 1 yearling heifer, 6 calves, Pigs - 1 brood sow supposed to be in pig, 1 brood sow due in December, 1 sow and 9 little pigs three weeks old, 5 store pigs weighing about 150 Its., 1. registered hog. About70 hens, -Implements - Massey -Harris binder, 7 -ft, cttt, nearly new, ebur vator, Massey -Harris mower, near- ly new, Massey -Harris drill, nearly new, lend roller, Sulky rake, bob- sleighs, nearly new, cutter, good top buggy, wagon, new, hay rack, twin plow, single plow, seedier, 4 section harrows, pulper, fanuieg mill, chura, Capital creast separa- tor, cutting box, water trough, ear, fork, pulleys and 150 feet rope, set heavy team harness, set plough har- ness, set single harness, hocks, shovels, chains and other articles too humorous to mestioit. Terms : -All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount ten months' ere - slit will be allowed on furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of 3 percent, on credit amounts. John IL Danby, proprietor ; Thos. Gundry, auctioneer. -62-h' TENDERS FOR PULPWOOD AND PINE LIMIT, Tenders will be received by, the un- dersigned up to and including the 1st day of Decemhet: next for the right to cut pulpwood and pine timber on a certain area situated on the Pic River and other territory adjacent thereto, in the District of 'Thunder Bay. Tenderers shall state the amount' per cord ort pulpwood., and per Oohs - and feet, board measure, • on pine, that they are prepared to pay as a bonus in addition to dues of 40 cents per cord for spruce, and 20 cents per cord for other pulpwoods, and $2.00 per thousand feet, board measure forine or such other rates p , as may from time to time bo fired by the Lieutenant-Oovernorin-Cebu til, for the right to operate a pulp mill and a paper mill on or near the area referred to. Such tenderers shalt be required to erect a mill or mills on 'or near the territory and to manufacture the wood into' pulp and paper in the Province of Ontario -the paper mill to be erected when directed by the Minister of Lands, Forests ant Pin- es, Parties making tender will be re- quired to deposit with their tender a marked Cheque, payable to' the I -Ion arable the Treasurer of the Province of Ontario, for twenty-five •thousand dollars C$2 5000 which amount wtil 1 be forfeited in the event of their not entering into agreement to carry out conditions, etc. The said $25,000 will be applied on account of bonus does as they accrue, but the regulation dues, as mentioned above, will re- quire to bepaid in the usual manner as returns of cutting of wood anti Umbel:. are received, The highest or any tender not nec- essarily esessarilyn accepted. For particulars as to description of territory, capital to be invested, etc., apply to the undersigned, i. II. FERGUSON, Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines. Toronto, August 28th, 1010. N, f3, -No unauthorized publication of this 'notice will be ,paid. for, LOST NEAR .CANTELON BROS. Store. -A parcel containing boys' overalls, shirt, and underwear. The finder will confer a Favor by leav- ing Salus at Plumsteels' Store. -59• STRAYED. -FROM 'LOT 21, CON. 0, Mullett, a yearling heifer with -a mark on. dewlap, A suitable re- ward will be paid for information leading to Its recovery. -Thos. Tighe, R. R. No. .h Clinton. Phone 18' on 13115. -59 FARM TO RENT -100 ACRES 0 - Miles south of Clinton, on 13 a y ii e 1 d Road, brick lof,tse, • bank .barn, young orchard, bearing, two wells on farm. Possession giv- en April 1st, 10.17. Tenant can go Oh farm to do fall plowing. For particulars apply to -Mrs. Wiggin- ton, Clinton, or James Switzer, Bayfield. -59 FOR, SALE OR TO RENT. - A house and lot on North street, and house and lot on Cutter St. -Apply to Mrs. Butler or to C. B. Hale. -58. DR. W. J. GLANFIELD, M.A., l,1. B. Ph3 sictan etc. Honor Gradu- ate, u- ate, Toronto University, six years' experience, Brucefield, Ont. -58-12 NOTICE -THE CLINTON. EVAPOR- atorbeing open o en for business it will pay 30e for cider apples and 40e for paring apples, delivered at the Evaporator. -57 HOUSE FOR SALE OF FOR RENT. -On Dunlop street, eight rooms, good cellar, town water and cis- tern house in good state of re - ,pair ; quarter acre land ; apple trees. Will be vacant Oct. 1st.- For particulars apply to W. Bry- done, Clinton. -55 WANTED.-IIAID FOR GENERAL bousewovlr; Apply to James Scott, High street, Clinton. -54 FOR SALE OR TO REN'r.-AN g- roomed house on Princess street. Furnace and bath. Now occupied by W. Collyer, -For particulars ap- ply to W. S. ilarland, Rattenbury street, Clinton. -55 FARM FOR SALE -LOT 30 IN TIIE 7th con., Goderich township, con- taining 80 acres aII under cultiva- tion: barn 50 x 50 with stone foun- dation ; small house ; good well. For particulars apply to -Mrs. Pet- er Cantelon, Huron Street, West, Clinton. -48. FOR SAL.C,-HOUSE ON FATTEN - bury street formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Wm. Murray, Ap- ply to G. D. McTaggart. -32 BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE. -GOOD location on William street, near the Model school 'Ten rooms, electrie light, waterworks, bathroom, etc. - T. T. Murphy. -14. McCORMIG'K AGENCY. --I HAVE taken over the agency for the Mc- Cormick Implements and moved it to my place of business, the car- riage and repair shop, Huron street, where I will keep on hand a full line of implements, repairs, twine, etc. An order from you will receive prompt attention.- Wilson ttention-Wilson Elliott. -43 FOR SALE -THE PROPERTY ON Rattenbury street occupied by Dr. Gaudier, including house, office, barn and -two lots. Will be sold separately or together. Electric lighting throughout. Water in stable. Hard apd soft water in bathroom, kitchen and summer 101: - diem -Apply to Dr. Clandier. -40.. FOR SALE, - TME 14 STORY house with acres of land on On- tario street lately occupied by Mr. Baines. The garden is in excellent condition and there is ; acre of raspberries and small fruits, The house contains seven rooms with cellar full site ofhouse. Furnace,. electric lights and waterworks. I have also for rental the office late- ly occupied by John Medd as a bather shop. -Jacob Taylor. -35 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED, RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes, We guarantee to do good work. I am Prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All ordets promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jew.elery Store. -Win. J. Jago. -55 6f1 LIVE POULTRY WANTED We are prepared to handle all kinds of live poultry. Highest market price. paid. -Phone • 14 on 1.06. Pullets Tot Sale. mw. W. MARQUIS. s iFOR SALE. -A SECOND HAND the Ptbhc•Ford Automobile, thoroughly over- hauled, tires practically new. Very cheap. -Seeley & West. -31 -We are now prepared with better facilities than ever to Re -Cut Crusher. Rolls. Ginn Circular and Cross - Cut Saws, Do all Kinds of Lathe and Machine Work, Do Rubber Tiring for Bug- gies. Repair Automobiles. Do Blacksmithing, Do Wood Repair Work:' Sharpen Power Cli:lnpers. Sharpen Hand Clippers. WE SELL Automobile Tires. Hard and Cushion Tires for Buggies. Gasoline and Oil. Ignition Batteries, Telephone Batteries. AUTOMOBILE GARAGE IN N CONNECTION. SEELEY & WEST GIRLS WANTED ! ease.. WE CAN. GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC,: APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. MISTY VISION Domes with advancing years, but can be cleared by properly, fitted glasses, Spectacles are our specialty when we fit them they give satisfaction, Eges Examined Free Let me show you how quickly I can do your repair work, no waiting, work always ready. when you conte. Silverware of all kinds 18.1'7 in- cluded. A beautiful 'line of genuine cut glass. No imitation, anything we haven't in stock we will gladly send for, R. H. JOHNSON, Optician and Jeweler Cream Wanted Highest price paid for oceans, which will be taken in every WEDNESDAY morning and weighed, tested and paid for while youavait. Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted. Fowl received Wednesday, morning each week. T. E. MASON, General Merchant, Cool Weather We have now swung into fall and almost before we know it winter will he u on us with itschill days. Here is where we believe in PREPAREDNESS Every house wife should be pre- pared to get rill of the accumulation of dust of our hot and dry summer. Some suggestions' we offer that are helps for House -Cleaning : Soap Naphtha Soap Soap Chips Dustbane Brushes Gillett's Lye Dutch Ceanser Ammonia Starches Pancakes and Syrup Most of us like something more appetizing at this time of year. Why not revive the pats cake hab- it, its heaithy and good for young and old. Our Pancake Motu: is all ready to use with Corn Syrup will recreate old memories. Conic in and See ,Us. We are here to. Serve You You Know the Store. Highest Market Price for Produce CREAM WANTED. - DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay, the high- est market prices consistent with sal honest test, Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned,. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here, Write for cans and give its a ,trial, Patrons in the vicinity of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and it will be taken care of there -The Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 480, Seaforth, Ont.' for the coming poultry season is 100 tons of Poultry. To ship the above amount will- re- quire at least 20,000 chickens 20,000 hens 6,000 ducks 3,000 turkeys 1,000 geese. We are in the market for all your live poultry of good qualrty at top prices. Enquire for prices before you sell. It will pay you to give your best attention to your laying hens as new laid eggs axe expected to reach re- cord prices this winter, GUNN, LANGLHIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. THE CORNER STORE ai Live and Let Live For Your Christmas Baking. From many lands there have been gathered together in our store the finest and most tempting ingredients for the Christmas baking. We welcome one and all to inspect these goods ; they, - will bear the closest analysis for we selected them from only the most choice of sam- ples. Kindlyv order all goods for holiday baking as early as possible' as some of then are' going to be shoot this year. Let us suggest a few of the more important lines : Seeded and Valencia Raisins Currants from Patros Almonds, Walnuts and Filberts Peels -Lemon, Orange, Citron Mincemeat and Extracts., Canned Vegetables - Tomatoes, Peas, Corn, Beans, Sweet Potatoes and Asparagus. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET 'LIVE GROCER, IT MAY BE NEWS to you that there is any great dif- ference in flours. But we assure you that once you try a 'sack of our brand you'll recognize that there is a great tiillereuce and that ours is so far superior that there is no com- parison, For the interest of better baking order a sack today, W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED. Phone .199. Highest prioes paid Johnson & Co. Grain and Wool. Elevator: The Store of Quality. Phone orders promptly attended to. News -Record means News -Leader. muelsaialiaie BargIains a gams These aro a fervor' many tar. geyfns for one week only. Best Valencia raisins per lb. $.11 Good cleaned currants .20 Shelled atltnottds .50 Shelled walnuts .50 New cooking figs " .10 New mixed peels " .30 New Dromedary dates pkg .15 .Wegstefi'e's mincemeat (in2lb. tins) per tin .25 Sterling lea 1 lb 30c. • 5 lb 1.40 Clark's peanut butter, we are selling large quantities of p Granulated sugarthese inat 125c00Itter sticks at wholesale price Rolled oats in 0011, sacks tib - wholesale price 3 bottles any kind essence. for .25 Oivsta1:Domino syrup per tin .20 Christmas Cake in one south window will be raffled at Bazaar-Y.L.P.S. Tickets, 3 for 25e -For sale here ....orenromiame,mor maw \V1T1O'Tell1 Brucefield and Bayfield Lumber, Coal and Cement Yards, Coal is going to be dear, scarce and harts to get, .so let us have your orders now and we .will supply you with "The Coal that Satisfies" if at all possible: We are going to stock a few cars of Coke which will come considerably cheaper than coal and if you would like to try a load of this, let us know at once so that we may, place our orders. We also handle all kinds of ' logs and Lumber, Lehigh Valley and Scranton Coal, Canada Cement,, Dressed Lumber and Shingles, Can-. ada Fibre Board, Metal Building Materials, Tile, Cedar Posts, Etc. If in the market for any of the above items it will pay you to tel ephone. JOHN B. MUSTARD Head Office I3RUC'EFIELD, We have added a stock of New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be found in a grocery store,; We also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a stare of your patronage. All kinds of produce taken In ex- change for goods. D. N. WATSON Victoria St., Next the Hospital: It Will Pay You to Order Now. Owing to the great advance in the price of all kinds of metals Furnaces are soon to advance. If you are going to instal a Furnace or have any, Plumbing done this year you Will save money, by getting prices at once. '1} THOS. HAWKINS. Farms for Sale FARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT 24 on the 5th con. of Goderich, Town- ship consisting of 120 acres, 111 acres in fall wheat, 40 acres ready fon spring plowing, 7 acres of bush, remainder under grass. Small or-' chard. Concrete Souse, Good barn 55x80 with stone foundation, Cement silo, Water tank and Wind- mill at barn. One quartos mile from Porter's Hill, -James Hamilton, Clinton. -09 • -- . An t,hl n b•O you want done in the line of Eavetroughing, plumb i ng Tinsmithing and Furnace Work, Corrugated Roofing, Steel Shingles, Felt Roofing and Slate. Call or phone for prices. Estimates cheerfully given, BYAM & SUTTER or Sanitary Plumbers, Phone T. The sub to The News- Record is $1 per year..