The Clinton News Record, 1916-11-02, Page 1linton No. I96I-37th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, 1916 THE HOME PAPER TiJAaEL. READING JAN. 11 SNOWS THE SUB- IS PAID LIP TO ANUARY 1ST, 1911. • (I "When in 9oubt" kra 9re ent for the !! Srcde to,Jre Vhc6se silver . There is no other gift for the bride that is so' un- iversally 'treasured un iversall certain to be greeted with joy, used with pride,and for years.We carry a large and well assorted stock of 1847 ROGERS linos. knives, forks, berry spoons cold meat forks, pie servers,tea p coffee, desert and table spoons and numerous other useful pieces. Also a ood assortment of silver plated hollow g ware, cut glass, china and clocks. d tt ,: by r ell a Liferveley ana Optician - - - Clinton i oyalrr: i f::ank OF CANADA. Incorporated '1869. Capital Authorized $25,000,000. Capital. Paid-up 11,600;000. Reserve told Undivided Profits . 13.230,000 Total Assets 264,000,000 380 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Savings Deposits. General Banking business transacted. R. E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch TI1E w Capital and Reserve $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada. A General Banking Business Transacted., Circular Utters of Credit Bank Money Orders,, Savings Bank Department. Interest allowed at highest current rate. e-/ •� C. E. Dowding, Manager, Clinton Branch. i 1 INCORPORATEDA 4l CtA[%A( RiAi r-To-wEAsal 2 he alorrtsfi I Or.oncIN{i Clothing Co. oanz•;itnn OLOTHXN{# Yall andW `Overe to n r the in the a . ay. ifferent sure to $25.00 13.50 to 13.50 You'll find here Overcoat you want, the style you like, at _.ceouwant t ri Y top Becauseshow many styles in different fabrics, in all the differ- entgrades, we feel that we can .l please you. Men's Overcoats00 $1.0. ;. 0 ;Youth's 7 s " .Soto ' Boy's y 7.50 Ask to see ourspec- ial Suit ci $15.00. THE MORRISH CLOTHING CO. Agent CP .R Phone 18 for Sunday or night calls. THEY STILL INCREASE. Customs collections for seven months, ending Oct. 31st, 1016 Apeii 1st to Oct. 31st, '10 $27250,60 April 1st to Oct. 31st, '.15' 16673.61. Increase-- $.1,0717,33 THEY APPRECIATED IT. The members of the 'Young Ladies' ,Patriotic Auxiliary wish to express their sincere thanks to the ladies Who so kindly opened their homes for vicieola recitals; the proceeds of which augmented the Auxiliary treasurys to the e tent'of Pinning, secretar}i. LITTLE LOCALS. Word has reached :Canada of: the safe :arrival of several Canadian bat- talions t- ta1i is mEngland, dm among them the 160th the battalion from .the sister county of Bruce. The members of Murphy Lodge, No: 710; Intend giving an At-IHotne in their lodge rooms on Tuesday even- ing next, to which the iwives, sweet- hearts and friends of the members arc being invited A NAME OMITTED. In publishing the names of the contributors, to the 'British Red 'Cross last week 1 Mr, D. T:uilacly's subscription of $li.00 was inadver- tently omitted. This was entirely due to an oversight and quite en n- tentional. An anonynotts subscription of $1.00 was found in one of the boxes placed for the reception of contributions fcr the Women's 'Patriotic' Society. and was handed to the secretary of the Red Cross fund on Monday. AWARDED MIid'C'ARY CROSSES. Dr. Harold Taylor, son oi__Dr, and Mrs. Taylor of Goderich and grand son of Mrs. Keri of Victoria street,, Clinton, has been awarded the Mil- itary C''ross for conspicuous bravery on the battle field. Uhler heavy enemy fire he went out oAa ;.;i ;ted and dressed the wounds of a young subaltern,, who could not otherwise have been removed from where he lay. Pr. Chrtstian, son of Mrs. Chris- tian, riy-tian, and brother of ilts. Gaudier of town, was also lately. given the mil- itary cross for a similar act of cool- ness and self -forgetfulness in the faze of danger. All the bravery is not displayed: by those whose business it is to fight, just as much is often shown by, those whose ministry is to heal. MARRIED IN TORONTO. On October 20th the marriage took place in Toronto of Mr. Wilson El- liott of Clinton to Miss Jessie Hal- bert of Troche Valley, Alberta, who came from her western home to meet him there. The happy couple spent a week visiting ,l friends in Toronto and Brampton and arrived in Clinton on Friday last. They have taken up housekeeping oil Her- on street. Mr. Elliott, who spent several. years in the west, returned to. Clin- told 'n December t t e of last•1 ear ,nil y went into the wood working and int-: element agency 'business i11 what is still best known in Clinton as the Leslie stand. During the past sum-' mer he has greatl3u improved the premises and is building, up quite a successful trade, The friends of the fa -frilly, extend congratulations to h'Ir, Elliott and his bride and wish them happiness and prosperity. ONTARIO'S REAM' IS RIGI•I'r. "The .i he Province of Ontario's re- sponse to the appeal of the British Red Cross has resulted in the subscription of $1,400,000, up to date, with a large number of mun- icipalities yet to report. In addition to the county grant of $211,503, Huron County's contribu- tions up to the present as reported to the central committee, Parliament Wigs., 'T'o'ronto, arc as follows • Hay township .,. ,$1200400.. NlcKillop (%V. I.) 123.00 13ayeleld 380.00 Brussels 755,00 Clinton 110.00 Goderich 2500.00 Wingham 4000.00 In addition to these amounts it is expected that the municipalities not Yet represented will be forthcoming with generous contributions and , that the amounts given by the plac- es above mentionell will be supple- mented by further contributions from individuals,' schools, Red Cross and other, patriotic committees," The above is an official' report irons the Committee of the Organize - tion f Resource for the province. o p ince. " Huron 'County .isnot doing any more than her share, perhaps, unless a good- many more of the municipalit- ies are yet to be heard from, Clin- ton's showing here is nothing "to write• home about," either. The com- plete returns add nearly another hundred to this but the returns wereher tat disappointing, nofntin2• Indeed , there 'has been a good dual of c.l}'tie- ism with regard to some of the do- nations, though 'Phe News -Record considers w s rs it wise not' to publish let - tees of criticism. Ti is a notable fact, also, that some of the town councils augmented the voluntary givings of the people by generous grants, Wingham's giant being, .1,500. TIII3, LOCAL MARKET, Wheat 111,.60. Oats 55c. Barley 75c. Buckwheat 85e, Butter 35e. Eggs 31c to 35e. Live Hogs $110.75. WERE LOOKING' FOR BOOTY, Thieves entered the Jackson •it^,fg. Company's factory, at Exeter a -short time ago, fooled around the office by the light of a, caudle for a' shell and departed, evidently being unable to secure anything in the, way of money or valuables which could be casilf carried away.._ BOY SCOUTS ENTERTAINED. Mrs.' M. U. McTaggart entertained the Clinton mem ersof h the1 nten Citnn p of B Scouts at her home. oy. t on Tuesday evening. A six o'clock Hallowe'en dinner, served wills true fallowo'eu lavishness, was followed by. a visit to the Princess Theatre. That the entertainment was thoroughly iejoy+- ed by the boys goes without saying. A LONG DRIVE. On Motsday mo'ning last Mr. A. Hooper • left town on a trip of com- bined business and plrasue, accom- panied by his brother from Exeter; On their return'shout 9.15 the•same evening they .found- that they lad travelled a little over one hundred and sixty miles. As Mr. Hooper was been. driving his car for four. years he thinks this was a pretty tale record. WILLIS CHURCH. TheRev. David Ritchie of .Crom- arty, who occupied the pulpit on Sunday both morning and evening and conducted the prayer meeting on Monday evening, was the first of a number of candidates for the vac- ancy. Ills sermons were very ac- ceptable and altogether lie created a very favorable impressionwith the congregation. HALLOWE'EN IS OVER. Tuesday was IIallotce'en, the night on which the imps of mischief el a ne supposed to be let loose to wort{ their will upon the earth. A spirit of suppressed excitement prevadeil the youthful population for several days previously and all that even- ing groups of small boys and girl paraded the streets seeking for sonic innocent mischief to get into,. A few gates were carried off and bidden and some steps removed and probab- ly a few housewives may have been startled—until they thought of the date -.by mysterious tappings out windows and doors, but msfaras reported no serious damage was done and now Hallowe'en is over anti put away for another year, ONTARIO ST. CHURCH. Next Sunday the church anniver- sary will be held, the preacher of the day being London C'onference's greatest orator, the , Rev. G,, W, Howson, who will preach both morn- ing and evening. The choir of the church will provide sre i ao music for the occasion. The trustees are ask- ing for a than/so/Tering of three hundred doilgrs. The young people of the church haul a very enjoyable Hallowe'en social on Tuesday evening, The lecture room was' .decorated. 'appropriately for the occasion and a very pleasing program was put on. Those taking part were , Miss Barbara lttcitor, Miss Lillian Fairfull and Mr. 'r. East, who each contributed a solo Mrs. McpItrrray a.ncl Miss M. Walker gave readings a nd several boys con- tributed a cat chorus. There was also the "Witches' Parade" iu tine semi-darlrness, which gave to the occasion the needed touch of mystery. Dainty,refreshments h s.n uts follotvecl the lirograni and all voted the evening a very pleasant one. DEATH OF PM. LII,Pi'INGTON, Many sudden deaths have Occurred in Clinton during the past year or so but none moire sudden, perhaps, than that of William L'eppington, who dropped dead ,While chatliiig to Magistrate Andrews on the latter`s premises on Monde)) afternoon. The deceased tiled net been in the best of health for some months and, it is said, was 'especially worried just noiv on account of the removal to the cast of the Huron Battalion in which his two sons are enlisted. He --ehad goo over to Mr, Andrews' to get some Cement to put around a chimney on his ]rause, and was wait- ing until his wants. could be supplied when the summons cane to bin,•. The deceased was a well-know,l character about town, he having liv- ed here for about thirty-five years, coming from Yorkshire, England, For years he was in the employ of Lha Commercial I-Iotel and '\vas most faithful in the' perfornsanee of his wort{. He was naturally industrious and neat in his habits, as could eas- By be seen by the way he kept his r own l'ittIercr r at p p e t the end of - y Rattcubury street. He is survived by his wife and a family of fours firs. John Carter of Clinten, a daughter by' a former marriage, Thomas and. Wilbert both in the 101st 'battalion and Mrs. J. Willis of Richie, Sask, , The funeral takes place on Friday afternoon at three o'clock to., Clin- ton cemetery, W.P.S.-NOTES, The meeting this week of the Wont en's Patriotic Society will be for business, principally, 'rind will cont mence at three o'clock. All indict will be welcome, Those who are knitting for the Society are asked to being in their finished work this week and next as the Society 'Purposes making a ship anent about the middle of the month. S, AOFFICERS CHANGED. Capt. Webster and Lieut. Saunders, who have been in charge' of the local corps of the Salvation" Army during the past few months,left yesterday for Toronto, where the, S.A.';'eoriceis meet in annual convention 'this wee}{,. and will not ret'un:n to Clinton.' :Capt. Webster goes to Wiarton and Lieut. Saunders toea rtl 'Capt. ,S fo , C apt. Stands of Kitchener will talrechnrge of the work here' after this week. WILL TEACH KNITTING. Although, many ladles have learned the art of knitting since the fall of 11414 there are still ,quite a number who have not yet mastered it. Mrs, J. K. Fairfull of Albert street has been asked by so many for inste tea tion in this useful art that she has decided to, devote one evening a 'week to this work.,. After .this weep:, therefore; Mrs. Fairfull will be at. home every Tuesday evening to all - ladies who"wish to learn to knit. TI-lE YOUNGSTERS AT, IT. The pinus of the Model 'schonl are busy these days mal lug a collection of "Rags, Bones and Bottles" also papers,' magazines, old metal, etc., for the Y. L. Auxiliary and they will dispose of same and use the money for Red Cross purposes. No householder should needlessly des - trey anything in the shape of paper or rags at this time and if the 'kid- dies visit your home and ask for a i r and bentt donation. a c bundle yp a b c for them. It won't hurt yali, will encourage them and will be the means of helping the wounded. sol- diers. THE Ili RO;NS' FARE WELL. Froze Halifax comes ' news e L \,.S that the Hurons have arrived in the An- cient City, where they will be' for some little mine, probably, until they receive orders to proceed over- seas. They speak well of the journey down, having fared well and been very comfortable. Arriving at Lind- say on the journey east the ladies of that town provided them with five hundred lunches„which served to regale them until a stop could be made for meals. Botli officers and men are said to be it good health and spirits. Good luck to the Ilur- ons wherever they go. WERE ELECTED TO OFFICE. Miss Olive Cooper read a paper at. the Fast Huron Teacher's Conven- tion at Wiugham recently, the sub- ject being "Household Management in. the Public Sciheel". The paper was said to be' one of the best at the convention and Miss Cooper canto in for much Congratulationratulation its regret to it, Ttvo- of C.iintoli s teachers Were et- ected to office by the',,. H. Associa- tf Miss s 0 liv e Cooper er beingL o p e c e tad 2nd vice president and Mr. C. H. Holland a member of the exeeuu;ive. Principal B''ack of the Model sabot was president last year, CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. The annual meeting of the Huron County Children's Aid Society twill be.held in 1 C i 1 ural1 on Nov, ot, 1 th. A programme will be given in the ev- ening in the town hail consisting of a talk by Mr. G. 101. Elliott, county secretary, accompanied by about one hundred slides showing the wo:lr of the society in our own. county. An address will also be given by Rev, 0. Wren of Brussels on, "ASquare Deal for Our Boys and Girls." The programme will include several num- bers by the best local talent. The public is retoles-bed'to show apprecia- tion of this worlr by attending the evening meeting. WESLEY CHURCH. The pastor preached at both ser- vices on ,Sunday. Miss Gladys Cantelcn hes been appointed organist, to succeed, Mt, Keller, ,who }' nos. removedfrom town, Next Sten day the socia[ coin•• arge of the League meeting and a social evening was guessing contest was introduced, fol lowed by pumpkin pie All enjoyed the evening. also hadHallowe'en social n u►l aiy, evening to Willa an rge of ten. cents ryas ul be Sacrament ay wlll Sunday. NOW ABQJjT'YD[JR$?: On Monday mittee had ch the result. A and tally, , ,# The Juniors o I' admission cha made. + .F. 4.4- + + $- -1• + + •F' -1' 4 + •8 .F. . .t. •TheNews- Secotd sw - I- sertptiou list has passed 4• into the hands of the nese + proprietor and any sob- + seriptious in arrears should d- be paid without delay, Call •F• at News -Record otnce or q - • F• remit by postolliue or ex- -F- + press order.: •F. .F. d• .y. •l. .l. F. ;. g.. r.1 1 + .i..1 r ,.F..F..F..I ': .F. • , To Our Patrons. Having' nl a purchased sed 'Phe News -Record from the estate of' the late W. .1, Mitchell I would respectfully solicit the continued support of subscribers, advertisers and patrons. The pacer will continue, as in the past, to. pub- lish the news of Clinton and sur- rounding country. ' The job work de- partment will endeavor to keep up to the high standard it bas always maintained for workmanshipand Or advertising' patrons: will receive out careful attention, G. E. l-IALL. People You Know Mrs, John Reynolds of Goderich. has leen visiting tsn g nn town. Mrs. (Rev. Dr.) Rutledge visited friends in Hamilton last week, Mrs. Wm. 'Tighe of. Goderich is ing with relatives and friends in town and Mullett township, Mr. Jack McCaughey is expected home today from Romford and will probably spend a week 'or two in town, Miss Laura Arthur returned to her home in Hamilton anu ton last week altar a visit' in town as the guest of 11fiss Ruth. Walkinshaw. Messrs. Hugh and. David Miller of Brooklyn, N.Y. spent a few days during the past week with this for- mer's daughter, Mrs. T. IV, Haw- kins. Pte. T. R. Shepherd, (Chum), who has been in training with the Army Medical Corps at Camp Hughes, Man., spent the. week-enl with his mother in town, Pie was on his way east and will probably Cthe Atlantic s'cry soon. "Chrossum” i was looking, fine, as if the soldier's life agreed with him. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 1W. Woods, who have been staying tn Clinton all summer, Mr. Woods having charge e of the Wood Motor, works here, left yesterday fot Toronto, They will go from there to Kingston where they will visit the former's father, then to Syracuse, where a brother resides, tr then en on to New York, fre. rt, and her daughter, ;Hiss Lulu, leave this week for Toronto, where the latter has accepted a Position. Mrs, Howe and her fam- ily have been long-time residents of Clinton and their removal from town is matter for regret by a large circle of :friends, who; how- ever, wish them unstinted success in their ,new home, Capt. C. P. Dowding, who was or- dered to England some weeks ago, has been. appointed paymaster of the Canadian 'Military School at Shornclille and, according to latest reports, has between nine hundred and one thousand then on his pay roll. For the time being the has all the work to do himself, though as- sistance had been promised thins, Pits. A. T: Cooper, Mrs. C. ,1, Wa'ilis and Mrs, J. K. Fairfull are in Hamilton attending the Coven -tin Protein - Mal clot Con e v n •' n lYi, of the L . i . U; which is in session 'agll week until Friday. Mrs, Cooper goes as the representative of the County W, C. 'I'. U., Mrs, Wallis and Mrs, leairfull representing h n P g t e local union, Mrs. Cooper will probably, spend the week -end with Toronto friends. To the 161st Huron Batt. From village and farm out boys have conic 7'o the call of the bugle, the roll of, the cirutn. They've taken up farms for Truth and Right Against tyranny, injustice and might. And now as they leave their native shore, To join the host that has gone i,a- fo're, We ask that • God will be their guide Across the trackless ocean. wide, While sailing o'er the mighty deep, 0 Thou, whose eye -cloth never sleep, Watch o'er them and keep -them by Thy power, ' Both in the calm, and danger's hour. And if at the battle . front they stands' Where danger surrounds theta on ev- ery very hand, As the fields of sacrifice they scan, (live each one grace to play the man. If needs be they enter that awful hell With its hail of bullets, and Must• ing shell, Strengthen each heart, east out all fear, Help them to feel Thy presence near, Help each• to be merciful and ]crud, To friend or toe, whet ere they Mid, And prove to 'the world that in al'i they do,. Britain's =sons are'.stattecll and true. God speed them in this awful task, And - ring them safely h u elast, And grant that soon they May sheath the sword. "Give us peace in Thine own geed ttmo , O Lord. O God of Truth, 0 Clod of Love, Look in Thy oteecy from above, Hear 'l'hou our prayer as we ern to 'Pee,, O shield our boys, ori laud and sea. . —M, Livermore. BaDfield. Isle. E. Weston met with a very, painful aceident on Sunday evening last when returning home with a number of others in his auto, the steering gear became displaced and before the car could be stopped, ran into a sleep, ditch and overturned, pinning him underneath add breaking :three ,ribs. The rest were uninjured, Though sulTering considerably Mr. Weston should feel that he had a most fortunate escape, Mr, Robert Penhale shipped a car of apples from Brficeneld station to the west on friday last and on Tues. day of this week he left by ('.P.R. for Rosetown, Bask, Mr. E. A. ,Sander and wife of Kitchener were the guests of the last e x s • parents Mr. and 'Mrs. H. L ;' . Erwin,over o er ;Bandag, lifTs. Brownlee entertained her Sunday school, class on Tuesday e.'• ening. Mr. Harry Marks of Edmonton, Alta., is visiting his, father, Mr. J. Marlys, who fs tying ill. Miss Louisa Parker left on Tuesday for Watson, Sask,, to visit her sis- ter, Mrs. Featherston, Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Crediton 'were the' guests of their son, Rev, J. H. Jones, at the parsonage this week. The Hallowe'en social under the auspices or. the Women's Patriotic Society was held on Tuesday even- ing in Miss Ferguson's summer home. Quite an enjoyable evening oil spent. Rev. A. Macfarlane entertained his brother clergymen, Revs. Rickard and ,Jones, with their wives, on Jeri, day evening iast. Summerhill Mr. and Mrs, Tltos, Mason and Mr. 1, and Mrs. Ton } Lawson of (li itu,A motored clown to Kitchener on 8,1n - day and spent the day with Mrs. Mason's• brother, iir Garnet Me- Drien, Mrs, A. Lawson of Clinton and her mother, Mrs.. r eM1f la _a tt of i last >0 U W. r visited at M1 \\ . ' , , LAw'snll 5 on K' ua„4-. unsay last. Isfr. and Mrs. .13. Stephenson of TCinburn and Mr. and :firs. C, (Tif- ton of I3rucefield spent Sunday with lift. and Mrs. Norman Ball. Mr. H. EeBrie'n delivered a tine horse to a Seaforth buyer, Mr. Cud - more, last week. Next Sundaychurch will be Heid in the evening at 7 o'clock, The following is the report of H.; S. No. 1,2, Goderich and Hallett, for the month of 'October ; Sr. 4th—Mary Wright, Bessie Lind- say, Jr. 4th—Jean Farquhar, Hilda Forbes, Nellie Beacon, Jr. 3rd—blddie Johnston; Norman Wright, Mabel Wright. • Sr., 2nd—Walter Forbes, Robert, Johnston, Pt. 2nd—Ray Masora, Elia Smith,. Russell Jervis, Primer — Violet Watkin, Viola Johnston, o(t stun Clarence Ball, —E, Holland, 'reacher, • Lon desb r 8 n Rev. 0'. G. Koine attended the fun. stat bast Wednesday at Gorr:e of Rev, W. W. Leech, a former pastor of the. Loulesbegro circuit, being sta- tioned here in the years 1892-05. Mrs. John Hiles of I,oti.don is sie- iting at the hones of Mrs, J. Ris- ley and hits, J., Tamblyn. ]t Sampson A T S, pso is recovering wire- ly- from tine acoideait he met 'with' over a week ago by being struck with a crowbar failing oil their gasoline lorry. Mrs. Barry Reynolds of Aurora is' visiting. her uncle, Mr. Jose, h Lyon, Si: Mrs, Frans{ Woods and Mrs, J, Roberton boo received wo.d that their brother, t 1 b of el, alle}7 Townsend of the 123rd Battalion, Toronto is now in the trenches, Constance Mr. and Mrs, tlicAsh of Varna synent Sunday as the guests of their uncle, Mr. Frank hall, ' Quarterly meeting will be -held here on Sunday afternoon at the tfstiaj' hoick. . Mr, Henry 'C'olclough and sons spent Sunday visiting friends, in t'arua. Mrs. Jas. Cook of Yorlcton, Sash,, is visiting, her brothers, Messk's. Erne est and Tout, Adams and other friend's ,hereabouts. Mrs. biclrtht,r and children of Seaforth spent Spitclay ,with heti ,par- cuts, Mr. and tilts. Jas. Mann, Sr,. i• Mr. Herbert Glazier of Clinton, spent Sunday at Mr. T. Pollards, Rensall Mrs. Jos, Hudson hasggone to Mar- . lette, MO., to spend a '.few weeks with hex sots, Miss Florence Bonthrou,a nurse - In -training r at the 'Western Hospital, !T'o'ronto, is home on vacation, Mrs. Reginald Angel visited Camp Borden last week, The members of the Girls' Reornit ing Club filled and shipped fifty - 1 nine Christmas stockings for soldiers last week.