The Clinton News Record, 1916-06-29, Page 8Clinton News -Record We Furnish Everything in the Hardware Line. And our stock of the following staple lines is complete : Perfection Oil Stoves New Home and Ideal Washers GardenHose Lawn Mowers Spades and Shovels Scythes and Snaths Dustbane in cans and barrels Coil Spring Wire Barb Wire Brace Wire Black Wire Poultry netting all sizes. garland Bros. HARDWARE, STOVES AND NOVELTIES. Put Your Thumb on This. Just put your thumb on the fact that this is a Shoe Store with -never a shoe disappointment i It there is anything the matter with our $4.50. $5.00 or $6,00 Men's Shea we'll make it right, for we back them for all we are worth ! If there is anything wanting in style or dura- bility in our Women's Shoes at $3.50, $4.00 or $4.50, we are not aware of the fact and the purchase money goes back ! If there are any better $1,50, $1,75 or $2.00 School Shoes than ours, we have yet to see them ! If there's anything wrong with our Shoes or our Shoe Service, we'll make good. Bank on what we say and buy your Shoes here I FRED. JACKSON OUR SP CI � ALTIES. Singer Sewing Machines. It ;s not necessary for us 'to say anything about the good quality of Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputationifor themselves. They are without a doubt the best household machine made. It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over with us. Ostermoor Mattresses are good mattresses. We will give you thirty nights free trial and if not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The price is $15, Domestic Vacuum Cleaners. 'Every house should own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner, They will clean your rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a week you will save all your sweeping, and dusting. Free trial given. Price $12.50. Columbia Grafonolas. 'We invite you to come in and bear our Columbia Grafonolas and you will say they are the;best toned and the most distinct talking ma- chine you have heard, Come in and ask for any record and we will play it for you. Ball & Atkinson Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors. Store Phone 104. N. BALL Phone 17th J, 1). ATKINSON, Phone 180 Sporting Shoes Do you bowl, play tennis, la- crosse or any of the numerous sports that demand a light, el- astic shoe ? , If you do it will pay you to see our range . of New Fleet Foot Goods We have all the newest lines in men's, wom:ea's and children's, in both high and low cut, Our prices are the lowest possible. See Them in the North Window. Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits Phone 25, -- More Business. ENJOY Your VERANDAH. You can make it into the pleasant- est room of the home, a cosy, com- fortable, homelike gathering place for all the family, a cool, shady, out- door play.room for the children and an ideal summer outdoor sleeping a- partment—by equipping'it with wood slat shades. We have them in stock, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 feet wide, they have a no -whip attachment that pre- vents them swinging in the wind, will' beautify the home,. slut out the strong sun but let in the air, They will make your rooms seven degrees cooler. W. D, FAIR CO. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best. f ,.•, t, 1 r IIIINuttanuuunmgelp,,. 16. if Messrs. Byam and Sutter motorcycl- ed to Stratford and ” spent the week -end with friends. dirs. F. W. Andrews Spent the week- end with her husband, Sergt. An- drews of the 161st, London; Miss T. Crooks has returned from Smith's Falls, where she has been engaged during the millinery season. Mrs. Bawden and her son, Mr. lirgnk Bawden, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Emigh of Blyth on Tues- day. Miss Maud Pypher of ()Mlle arrived Saturday on a visit to Miss Beat. rice Greene and other friends in town. Miss Clad, teacher of No. 0, Coder- ich township, wan the guest over the week -end of Miss Edna Innis of town. Mr. and Mrs. J. C'. Greig and Master Billy of Seaforth motored up on Sunday and spent a few hours with friends, Mrs. John Hawkins and little son William returned Saturday after a visit of several weeks with friends at Hamilton. Miss Jessie O'Neil leaves iliouday for Toronto to take a special sum- mer course in physical culture at the University. Mrs. J. Twitchell and Messrs, C. and H. Twitchell attended the Fun- eral eral of the late M'Irs. Emigh in Blyth on Tuesday, Mrs, john Forbes and two daughters of Huston, Texas, are guests at the home of Mr. Forbes' mother, Mrs. -A. Forbes' of town. Mr. and Mrs. W. Powell and their son, Pte. Heber, were guests over Sunday with the former's sisters, Misses W. and S. Powell. Miss Ruby Kilty, is in Toronto this week reading examination papers and will remain to take a special summer course at the university during July, Miss Dollie Spooner of 'Vancouver, B.C., who has been spending some time with relatives in Ontario, is the guest this week of her aunt, Mrs, Wm. Robertson, Mrs. Phoenix, who with her little son was spending a vacation at her home in town, was called to Ham- iitan on Tuesday on accodnt of the suhden death of her sister-in-law. Rev. T. A. Robinson, Miss Clete Ford, Misses Alice and Susie S10 - man and Miss Mary McIntyre were in attendance at the Summer school hctd at Huron College, London, last week. Mrs. J. T. Clark, Miss Mabel and Master Arthur of Toronto were guests at the home of the farmer's sister, Mrs. T. :Jackson, over the week -end. Miss Mabel is • remaining during the week, Rev, S. .T. and Mrs. Aflin, Miss May- frid and Master Shurwin left yes- terday for Ailsa Craig. They will motor there to Parkhill and from there go on to Wyoming, their oew field, -where Mr. Allis will take up his work on Sunday. Mias.Olive Cooper and Miss Elizabeth Chidley leave on Monday for Tor- onto to finish their course in household science at the University. Miss Chidley, having resigned hex position on the Public school stall, intends residing in Toronto in fu- ture. Mrs, Couch Sr., Mrs. Ross and Miss Helen spent several clays over the week -end at their summer cottage at Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ilovey and Rev. J. A, and Mrs, Robinson have taken this cottage for July and take possession the end of this week; Mrs. H. M. Swaveley of Philadelphia, who has been visiting leer mallet, Mrs. Richard Irwin of Toronto, ar- rived Friday to spend a fortnight with Clinton friends. • Mrs. Sways ley has quite recovered from her recent severe illness. She is while in town the guest of Mr. anti Mrs. E. Saville,— Mr. Mr. and Mrs, D Kemp and three children and Miss Grace Shepherd of Ottawa are expected tomorrow to spend several weeks with their mother, Mrs. James Shepherd of Townsend street. Mr. Eddie Snep- herd of Toronto and Mr. Clarence Shepherd, of Irignois are exuected for the holiday and week -end. 0 June 29th, 1916 MEN'S WEAR SUIT/NGS ARE A SPECIAL FEATURE OF OUR Dress Goods Stock. OUR' CONSTANT ENDEAVOR IS TO MERIT YOUR PATRONAGE. SERVICE FIRST ---YOU'LL -FIND US ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. - OOL Wool is the clothing of the soldier and it is estimated that -the fleece of one billion sheep will not supply the army now in the field for one year, while the total number of sheep in the world falls short of this number by two hundred and fifty mil- lion. When ordinary commercial requirements are also considered, one wonders where the surplus wool is coming from and how long it will last. During the past year wool has more than doubled in price. In the face of the above mentioned facts we are offering in our Dress Goods Department two Indigo specials, the one a serge, the other a cheviot at $3.76 per yard. No extra charge for sponging and shrinking whether we make up goods or not. This offer expir- es when goods now in stock are sold. SPRING COATS. Balance of ladies' and children's coats half price. FANCY PARASOLS. Ladies' and children's summer parasols at less than wholesale price. Women's Store, Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67. Next Royal Bank. EROWN' Men's Store Custom Tailoring and Men's Furnishings Phone 103, Opposite Public Library, Personals. Mrs. John Bayley of Stratfard spent 'l'desday with Clinton friends. Mrs. Fairfull and Miss Lillian are spending tie week with Pte. Fair - full at London. Mrs, James Crich visited her hus- band, Sergeant Crich of the 1.64st at London this week, Mrs. Will Hamblyn and son Oswald are visiting friends at Bowman- ville, Toronto and Galt. llIaster Jack Bawden leaves the end of the week to spend the vacation with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MacLennan, Miss Ida MacLennan Sud Miss Eva Clod motored to London on Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Garrett have returned to Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. • Boyers and Miss Ruby Cook to Toronto. Mr. N. McLeod of ;Woodham has been appointed to the ageocy of the Prudential Life Insurance Com- pany for Seaforth and Clinton and will make his headquarters in the latter town, Mr, and Mrs. Northgraves and little daughter and Mr. Mathieson, St. Marys and Dr. and Mrs. McGill and little daughter and Miss Dalton of Mitchell were guests an Tuesday of Dr. and Mrs. Axon, Mrs. W. SI. Brownlee, who has been spending some time with nor bro- ther, Mr. Gordon Perrin, visited relatives at Brantford during the past week. MIrs, Brownlee intends returning to her home at Gooding, Idaho, -next week, Mr. Oliver Jervis of the Base Line received a telegram on Friday tram Weyburn, Sask., stating that his brother Edwin, who has been teaching out there, was seriously ill Mr. Jervis left the following clay for Weyburn. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Cranston of Port Arthur arrived in town Tuesday on a visit to the lady's parental home, that of Mrr. and Mrs. J. Torrance. Mr. Cranstan goes to Toronto 'for a week or so, having work in con- nection with examination papers. Personals • 17ev. F. C. Harper, Mrs, Harper and Misses W. O'Neil and E. Torrance visited the military camp at Lon- dob on Friday last, motorieb down. Mrs. Thompson and Miss Jessie Thompson are visiting at myth this week,, being guests at the mar- riage of the former's granddaugh- ter, Miss Tierney, to, Dr. Miel'ag- gart. MIr, I. Ratteobery, Mrs. and Miss Rattenbury, Mrs.. Clara Rumball, Mrs. and tiliss Holloway, motored to Goderich. the first of the week and spent the day with Mr, and Mrs. Ray Rumball, Miss Jean Scott returned Saturday after a somewhat encoded visit in the west. She spent some' ti e with Dr. Donald and Mlrs. Ross at Swift Current, Sask., god ..,also visited several other. points. __ Constance. Rev. Mr. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. S. 'P. Cole and lir. and Airs. D. Cole of Ethel called on their sister, Mrs. T. Pollard, on Friday on their way from Clinton where they were atten- ding the funeral of the late H. W. Cook, Lieut. C. Hall of the 1,51st Battal- ion, London, spent the Week -end with his parents. Quite a number of young people from 'this vicinity picnicked at Bay- ffald on Saturday. Mrs, Thuell and son James spent a few clays as the guests of the former's daughter, Mrs. Henry Col - dough. et Hullett Township Mr, Jos. TI. Brown spent a few days last week in London attending the C,O.F High Court meeting. About twenty-five of our young People motored. to hayfield last Sat- urday and spent a very enjoyable day. No less than four radiating surfaces gather up almost every scrap of heat and send it through your comfortable rooms. (aro hlne rummy Drop in some time soon and hear about IV,IcClary's special installation service that gets out of every ton of coal all the heat there is in it. ser Sold by BYAM & SUTTER. Londesboro. The. anoual Dominion Day garden party in connection with Knox church will he given in the manse lawn on Saturday evening. Strawberries and cream and other good things will be 'served for supper from seven o'clock to nine and a good program of music, addresses and selections by the Clinton ICilty band will Jill up the evenin Ou 'Thursg,day epeniug next, July 6th, the Methodist , Sunday school will have their annual strawberry festival on the parsonage lawn. Tea will be served from six o'clock to eight and the program will be a pleasing one of vocal and instrumen- tal music, readings, gddresses and lso the Kitty and piper band. Miss Nettie Woodman left Wednes- day to spend a couple of months with her brother Leslie at Sudbury, Rev. J. Abrey and Miss Abrey and Rev, C'. C. Koine motored to Bay- field on Monday. Mr. and Mfrs, Win. Geddes of Bel - grave spent Sunday at the home of Mr. D. Geddes. Mrs. Muller and little daughter of Toronto left for their home on Mon- day after spending a Week with the lady's sister, Mrs. R. H. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. IL', Brunsdon and daughter of Blyth spent Sunday with friends here. Mir, E. Ashley left Wednesday for Kingston. Rev. Mr. Egerton, Anglican minis- ter at Grantee, with his wife and daughter paid a visit to )Rev, 0. 0. ICaine and Rev. J. Abrey on Wednes- day. They were on their way to Lucknow. ' , Auburn A pretty but quiet wedding took place on Wednesday aY last week at the home of Mr. and Mlrs. James Carter when their younger (laughter, Eliza- beth A. • K., was united in marriage with Ml3•. Nelson Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hill of Hallett town ship. At eleven o'clock in the fore- noon to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Sadie Carter, the bride's sister, the young couple took their places before a bank of ferns, palms and orange blossoms and the ceremony was performed by Rev. A. Laing, pastor of the Presbyterian church, Auburn. Only immediate re- latives were present. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a beautiful gown of white duchess satin with trimmings of ninon and seed pearls and carried a lovely bou- quet of bridal roses, lily -of -the -val- ley and maiden hair ferns, 'i'he groom's gift to the bride was a. handsome necklace of pearls and to the pianist a lovelier with amethysts and pearls, After the register had been signed and the bride and groom had received the congratula- tions of those present a dainty wed-» - ding luncheon was served at a table decorated in pink and White with touches of orange blossoms. Mr. and Mrs. Hill left the same afternoon on a trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls and othc^ points, the bride travelling in a tailored suit of navy blue with black picture bat. On their return they will be at home to their many friends ett their residence in Hallett. .The numerous and beautiful gifts received manifested the popular- ity of the bride and groom and the high esteem in which they are held in the community, 1111111111111111 New Issue 1L lice 1lIt11llfL l#i1IfluI Telephone. Book. ti Copy for the next Telephone Directory, closes on the above date! (11 Order your telephone now,` so that your name will be in the new issue! >g( Report changes required to our Local Manager to -day. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada.