The Clinton News Record, 1916-04-20, Page 2G. D, McTAGG-1itT M. 11 McTAG1,lART ciaggart Bros. GENERAL BANKING BUSI TRANSACTED. NOTES mISCOUNTED, DRAFTS NTEREST ALLOWED ON DE ()SITS. SALE NOTES "UR. 'HA SED. R. T. RANC1: —= — 'NOTA Ry PUD 1,10, CONVEY- ARTCSl3, •FINANCIAL, REAL ESTA(TL ARID FIRE TNSUR- :ANG.Is AGENT, REPRESENT- ING 19 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. IVI'u1ON COURT I CE, CLINTON.. 1V. fIRYDONI:, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. (Rice Sloan Block—CLINTON M. (l. CAMERON R.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, ETO. ,on .Afbrrt Street uecuped by > Mi. Hooper. In Clinton on every Thursday, and.,on •any dayfor which ap- pointasents are made,' , Office hour from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. A gc,,od vault in connection: with the i office. Office open every we ik-day. Mr. Hooper will mare any appointments for Mr. Cameron. CHARLES IL HALE, Conveyancer, Notate, Public, Commissioner, 'Etc. STATE and INSURANCE ssuer of Marriage Liceneea URON STREET, = CLINTON RS. GUNN & (IANDIER Dr, W. Gann, L.R.O.P., L.R. 4.8., Edin. Dr. J. C. randier, B.A., M,B. Mee -=Ontario St,, Clinton. Night calls et residue. a_tennu y or nt,H Hi►k R. J. W. SRAi'/ —OFFICE -» RATTENBURY ST. EASTe CLINTON R. C. W. TffOMPSON BHSYIO!AN, SURGEON. ETC. 'Special attention given to dis. eases of the Eye, Ear, Noss and Throat. es carefully examined and enit. able glasses prescribed. flee and residence: 2 doors west of the CommerciatHotel, Huron St, . F. A. AXON , -- DENTIST �. Specialist in Crown. and Bridge Work. Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and R.C.D.B,, To. route, Hayfield on Mondays from May to December. ^1i GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements oanbe made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by selling Phone 18 on 157, largos moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. he ItUtllal ire Insurance Gom pany bead' oft?ce, Sea ort!:, Ont. DIRECTORY. , tweeze; 1, A. McLean, e,,k,rth, Prceident; J. con. Dolly, Goderio1 Vice -President; Timed E. Saye. Sealorth. Soo.-Treae, Direotere: D. 1'. McGregor, Seaforth• J. 1, Grieve. Winthrop; Wm. Dian Sea• ern i John Bennewele, Dublin; 1. Evans, 3 iwood: A. 1doEwon, Bruceneld; J. B. d8Lenn, neaforth; I. Connolly, Goderiehl tobert Ferrht, $ariock. lgeute; "Ed. $fnahlo7. 'Seafortb; W. s,eeney, Eirmendville; J. W. Yeo, Relined/.Blot Ales Leitch. Clinton; R. S. Jar Huth, Hrodbegen. Ani money to be paid in maybo paid to lorrreh Clothing Co.. Clinton, or at Cutty ;recery, Goderioh. Parties .desirous to efeet Mauranee or ransned boon limn/lees /lees will be promptly Menpplleatton to any of rho hove Orkee'e addreeeed to their reepeet• me poet•oRioes.: Goeser inspected by the !rector who 1ivoe'neareet the Scene. GDA D RUN RA LW SY,$Y. TIME TABLE. Trains will arrive at and depart ora Clinton Station as follows: 31IFF4,LO AND GODERICH DIV. ring East, dept art 7.33 a.m.it its .. ,, „ $.03' pan,' 6.15 p.m. ming West, ar. 1:.1,00, dp. 11.07 a.m.. depart 1.85 p.m. ar 6.82, dp. 6.45 p.m. " departs, 11.18 p.m,.. NDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV. sing Some, ar, 1,33, tip. $.05 p.m. departs 4.15 p,m. ing North,rinr. 10,30, dpi 11.00 aim, r departs 6,40 p.I1I, Fertilizer We , earry a Complete Stock of Stone's Natural Fertilizer. No beftdfon the market. Hay We pay at all seasons the highest market prices for Bay for baling, Seems Americiln Feed Corn, Red Clo- ver, Aleilce, Timothy and Alfalfa, PORD fix liefct..EO[i CI',t1NTO N. ALL [BINDS: OP COAL, WOOD, TILE BRICK TO ORDER. All kinds of Coal on hand] CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE 'CANNEL COAL FURNACE COKE BLAOItalifITHS WOOD 2% in., 3 In. and 4 in. Tile of the Beat duality, M. & M. FORBES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Koos 69. Row is Your Cutlery Supply ? You know that Jewelry Store Cutlery is out of the com- mon class. At least, OURS is. It carries a distinetiveneas— an air of superiority, that comes front, being made with the greatest care and ut- most 'skill from the highest. priced materials. If you can use some of`this Cutlery in your home, you will be proud of it every time you see it on the table. Carvers, cased, Sales ep Parks i d Spoons, $1.00 doz, up. Knives and Forks, steel, white 1 bandies, $3.00 doz. up. Let us show you our Cutlery line. Let us tell you more about why it is the moat desirable that you can put, sour money into. lira Ra COUNTER JEWELER and ISSUER of MA1tRIAGE LICENSES. NEWS -RECORD'S NEW CLUBBING1 RATES FOR 19 � b WEBELIRS. 6:ewe-Record and Man & Empire ,,.,81.16 Neave -Record and Globe 1,4. Nawe•Reaord and Family Herald'''' 1,11 Weekly Star News -Record and Canadian Countryman. 160 Newe•Rccord and Weekly Run .. 1,85 mtewe•Record and Farmer's Advocate.. 2,35 Tewe•Record and Farm & Dairy .,.1.115 Newe•Record and Canadlan Farm .,1.M. Iiewe•Reeord and Weekly Wtmees , 1,M Ncwe.Record and Northern. Messenger 1.61 Neweltecard and Free Press. Newe•Record and Advertiser1•M News -Record and Saturday NIRht..!50 News•B,ecord and ,Yohth's Companion. 3,23 Newe•Record and Fruit Grower" and Farmer . , .,,......,, 1.71 MONTHLIES. News -Record and Canadtaa Sport& Newee $ecord arid LlppintotE a sena •,......,.. ... ..... 3,25 DAILIES.' Fewe•Reoord and World,.,, Neme-Record .and Otobs. .. 80 News -Record and Mall & Tffmpire 5.61 New.Record .and Advertiser e Prete. 3.335. ?ews•Reeord andMorningFreewa•Record and Eveuiog Free Press. 2,83 %R Neaveecord- and Toronto Star ,... 2,85 Newe,Reco rd and 'Toronto . New e .. .-,2,35 If what' you want 38 not in this list 1et. tie know about It. Wecanenpply you et leer than ft would cost you to send' direst.'. In remitting t t pie, Express pr r er R c. Order Pcete Note, Atr.Order er Kelp.' Istorwl letter one! 'Atreus. W. J. MITCHELL, Publisher News -Record. CLINTON ONTARIO RiQ_.�_-- Clinton News -Record CLINTON, ' — ONTARIO Tcrmx of subscription -411 per year, in advance; $1.50 may be charged if nut so paid. 'No paper discon. tinued until all arrears are paid, unleee at the option of the pub. lather. The date to which every subscription isi paid is denoted oa! the ,label. Advertising Rates — Transient ad. rertieements, 10 cents per nod. pareil line for first insertion and 4 cents per line for each subse. gnent insertion, Smart advertises meats not to exceed one inch, such ae "Lost," "Strayed,'" or .•'Stolen,". ole., inserted once for, 25 cents, and each subsequent M. sertioa 10 cents, Communications intended, for pub. Ration must,.. as a guarantee of good faith, he accompanied -by, the name of the writer. N. J. 'MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor, Bp®lls iK-k irpeOrpo tai4 P[ncre s tui eke" patine oil h: hne Is and plasters to curt that stile , , yteit hila tit {.;ick the trouble ,s inside Your kidne s 1r c out of order. GIN PILLS go riobt to the masa of the backache and heal and regulate the' ludnl:y and bladderaction. ,'Then you' get relief, permanent relief t Many a man and woman who has been doubled up with otootbatf gains ,n the beta: having to stop work and fie down to gel xx1itl9e relief, has foundnew health and comfortin ib o FOR THE te,•. 1,11»1E fiS Two bower completely turedArnold McAskell, of LowerSelma, N.S. "1 have neer had ally trouble with my back since," lie, says. if you have a larme•baulo—or any sign of Kidney trouble et GIN PILLS 20.431)'mad start the cure working. gut. a box, six boxes Fat So.go—anti every box guaranteed to give satst•tctiou or your money book, 'irial treat- ment free if yon write ,. National Drug t z Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited Toronto Orth. is HOW WE ARE PROTECTED. Air Saves Us Prom the Celestial Bullets. is it not strange that we never hear of•an'accideut from ordinary meteors, though accidents from aerolitee have not been altogether unknown? Here is this great vessel, tate earth, sailing through space, and saluted every twenty-four hours by 400,000,- 000 of missiles, each flying toward her with many tiiues the velocity of the swiftest cannon ball, This, comments Proctor in "Expanse of Heaven," goes on day by day and by night, when liv- ing creatures are far from shelter, as. well as when they are protected in their various abodes; and yet the in- habitants of the earth are perfectly safe from all danger. If one in n thousand struck at human being the t inhabitants of the earth would be al -la a most decimated In a single year. 1 It is not merely that they have !seem • so far fortunate as to eeeyeee'"liitherto, fn but- ttait.,tlla See q 0 a9. re as sate L though the earth were protected by to amber plates. ma The real protection of the earth is th the air which surrounds her, Soft as l d the air is, the resistance it opposes to aw•Ift:notion 12 very great, The swift- er the Motion the more effective is the resistance. In the case of the meteoric missiles failing on the earth the resist - ante is so great, owing to their enormous velocity, that they are con. smiled and presently vaporized In their rush through the upper parts of the air. 'DRUGGED BEFORE BA`FTLES 'BEGAN (E1'RMMAN SOLJ)IERSi- WERE GIVEN Condition of, the Prisoners • lama rad Northcliffe's Assertion, •1'o',,' gran 311/ inont3,s ihysteelot uldffinrtc repomrts halve Come t battlefields of Europe that 0 m ul-in fant:ry were, being, sant ' out of the trenches. tinder til once of drags The filet st€ttement as to. the exact ne the drug which 'was being' use the other clay from Lord Nor the proprietor ler the London and Daly 'Mail. This drstviguisheil British was given the unusual ptivile visiting the battlefront atSo complete an -opportunity o£ \ration z1 is given'I,ofd Northcli he. was, permitted to go forwa,• into the first• line of trenches. This statement is i'rom Lord clifl'e's 013111 written, words: Undoubtedly Drugged. "The ether with which they drugged before :facing the Frenc the ,giaet guns, 2,000 in maniader whose fire they advanced, enabled them to.survive the tinder the ittIuence of which so them • were almost unable to s Still further Lord Northcliffe "This week Thursday, was a day for Germany, when, drugged ether, the men: came on in gas =don to be mown down by French 75's and machine' guns." Another significant observation his remark that ' the German p era who escaped the raking fire French •?5's presented a wild, hag terrified appearance that would " a heart of stone." is ani! ft the he Ger- omelet o 'inlu definite tune of d came thcliffe, ('10:62 editor go of 'arcane obser- lfe that d even North - were h and r, un - alone terror me of peak." says: black with s for - the was risen - o1 the gard, move Has Desired Effect. If the German troops are drugged, is there any drug which would pro- vide a temporary false courage and indifference to daniger and yet not re- act with . disastrous results? Doe's ether fulfill the requirements? A distinguished New York pllysi- eian with wide. experience in surgery and the use of anaesthetics, when questioned, did not' hesitate to say hat ether would have the effief g_ eribef�l•_ ,ging alt American of some - pro -German sympathies, he was caned to resole the suggestion of ord Northcliffe that it was necessary drug the German soldiers in this miner, but nevertheless he declared at ether in liquid form in small ores could certainly be administered to give men an abnormal recklessness. Abnormally During. The important point about ether is that it stimulates a man's motor centres and depresses his sensory centres, thus making him abnormally active and daring, while rendering him =rear less unconscious of im- pressions of pain and terror. A person who has suffered from severe and habitual ether drunken- ness exhibits shivering or trembling of the hands and feet, muscular weak- ness, cramps in the .calves of the legs, pain in the breast and back, intermittent headaches, palpitattion, singing in the ears and vomiting, The French newspapers have stated many times that they have found Ger- man prisoners presenting all these symptoms. It was supposed that their condition was caused by the poisonous 'gases of shells, or the con- enssion of shell explosions, .but -the medical evidence shows that it may have been due to ether. USE TUB ASAPIED PIPER. Englishman's Scheme for Ridding a Community of Rats. Thus the air forams a perfect pro. tection to our earth. vst, 'b S'jcHr< HEADAaC.HE Nearly everyone bas ripping, tearing headaches at times. Disordered atom- ach—einggishliver does it. Cheer up I here'sthe reel • relief —Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They put the stomach and bowels right. All druggists, 25e., or by mall from 9 Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto CHAM BERLA! N'$ TAB LETS There. is a Cold Day Coming Why h not prepare for it by ordering your winter supply of Lebigh Valley Coat. None better in the world. IIoaec Phone 18. Office Phone 40, A. HOLLOWAY O•r ' Av THE CHILDREN OFTO -DAY AY fust as they are in their in. door play, or at their outdoor play—they are constantly of- fering temptations for the KODAK' Let it keep them for you as they aro now. Let it keep matey other hap- penings that are a source of pleasure to you. BROWNIES, $2 1'0 $121 EOII!AII S, $7 'T0 $23. Also full Stock of Films and Supplies. We do Developing and Printing,, Remember the places THE STORE REXALL t.. Let mo give You an itnfaildne method . for, gathering in all the rats for miles around, says .1.1t,II'• in the Pall Mall Gazette. Get a iarge tub; 011 it about three parts full with wader. Stand a brnek on its end in the, middle of time tub. Get some brown !:aper as a bridge stretching from the rim of the tub tothe brick,. all around 'the tub, so as not to let the water be seen; The., put a slab or board up against the tab for the rats to run up, Put a piece of meat as a ba -3t on the o top r the brick ck a nd saturate it with oil L o' rhodium. The rata will Scone from all quarters at the very emelt of it. The first r• at ti the tleUri dgo Cries to get at the bait, and falls through the brown paper into the water. neaten. 01im15 on to the top of the brick and starts to squeal Ail the other rats' for miles around come rushing to the aid of heir dis- tressed comrade, and each one tap - les into i•o the :waiter and is 'drowned, Only one can; occupy the top of the bt'Ick at, a time. , ,By this means whole neighborhoods could• be cleared very, rapidly, "WHIRLPOOL BATHS," The, Latest, -Medical, Invention. for ,, Wounded Soldiers, The "Whirlpool hath" is the latest medical invention. il: Is descriliecl hi a i3Ouden medical periodical ars fol- lows: The wounded soldier whose wound has become stiff furnishes 0110 of the greatest problems of lite present day. (.rile probes his been approached. fro!n various dire titans, but so far the most hilec:ossiul work of alleviation. seems to he that carried on at the Grand Palais, which consists ilt the use of the soicalled 'whirl -pool bath,' The bath is designed tor the arms and the leg. )3y means of It a whirl of water at Vem'' 111511 telnpera.t7lt'e-=-i 0 degrees fahrenlroit—orad pressure 13 applied 'to the limb for about twenty nmlalul;es' The relief of pain Is remark, Able, After the bath time 1lin b can usually be manipulated 'tydth freedom," "I've chonog "(+1315 "IVo, have ono water evcnbm et home", I; Renate. Brief • pite. borrowed cur neighbor's raph foe this evening," ng a party?" but by thunder I'm going to ng their then, es `\\ \4 \ \ \.. \ \1\1 dt�j'.J: k $Y� l h)!41\�+4, \L,q -.. .�. .._ '\ ,1 NFta0a1.\ ,\i ,\tit` \d ' la\ du. ., t\aura ,�... " ..,.,;�'- A Matter of Moment, "What was that, Bill?" "Trench mortar." • "Ours or theirs ?"—By• Captain Bruce l3airnsfather, in London standee. ' ood'e'Sars.par'flla a 6'pairii Tonic- ' Medicine, is Ideceaaary. Everybody erybody id tc'otlbled et .this sen- soil with loos of vitality, failure of appetite, that tired feeling, or with bilious turns, dull headaches, indi- gestion 'end other stomach troubles, , or with pimples end other ereptions on rho face and body, The reason is that the blood is impure and itnpov:,':. ensiled, hood's Sarsaparilla relieves all these sihuents. Ask your druggist` for this medicine :and get it today. Ti is the old reliable madictue that ' hes stood the test :for forty years,— that nines ptu'c;' All blood—that' : t tmn ' lie as every ifrann and builds up the whole seateta, It is the 111- 15111-1501011)5 bloom -purifier 14 114 heath -elver. Nothing else acts like it, for nothing else IS like it; so ha sure to get Hood's. BRIITIFI HAVE FIVE REASONS. TO FIGHT HER AIMS AND IDEALS IN P0111 PRESENT CRISIS. Viscount Bryce has written an By- " article on "The Attitude of Great aria Bin in the Present War," in which he says "We in.Biitain who respect and val- ue the opinion of the free nenttat peo- ples of Europe and ArnerIea cannot but desire that those peoples filleted be duly informed of the way in which we regard the circumstances and pos- sible results of the present'condliet." Lord Bryce says there are live prin- ciples on which the aims and ideals of Britain in the present crisis are es- sentially different from those of Ger- many, namely, as to individual liberty; as to nationality, which sympathizes with the efforts of a people against a foreign domination; as to the stain- cost s" tenance of treaty obligations; as to ctions the regulation of the methods of war— ' •MY ENGLAND. STEEL NETS TO TRAP An Antedate Tribute By Wnm.•Winter BRITISH SUBMARINES. in New York Times, , Germans Guarding Entrance to Bal - My England! Not my native land,tic Against Allies' Boats. But dear to me as if she were, A despatch from Copenhagen says: How' often have I longed to stand Norwegian Shipping Gazette says With those brave. hearts -who fight the German navy has stropped the dn- for her! ternational passageway south of The Sound (the strait between Denmark Bereft by Fortune, worn with Age, and Sweden) not merely by the usual Mir life is all I have to give, mine obstructions, bub also, by steel But freely would that life engage nets designed to trop British subma- For those who die that she may live. eines seeking to enter the Baltic- Danish torpedo boats, says the Ship Mother of Freedom! Pledged to Right! ping Gazette, are watching the oper- From Honor's path she would not stray, Bu Stet fiy'failhftrl, used het might: To lead mankind the nobler way, Her task was hard, her burden greet, But 'round the world her edict ran That reared and ruled a Sovereign State, Securely, on the Rights of Man. No vandal foot should tread her land, No despot hold het' realm in awe; The humblest peasant should com- mand The shelter of her righteous late. In vain her lion port was braved! Her pennant streamed o'er ev'ry sea, And wheresoe'er her ensign waved All fetters fell and Man wee free. To -day be all her faults forgot— The errors of her' nascent prime, Or wily politician's plot, Or blunder that was almost crime. Po.day, when desperate tyrants Strain -- By Greed, and Fear, and irate co- blued- To blast her power and rend her. reign, She fights the fight of all mankind. Site lights for us—for this fair clime, Our home belo'd, where freemen dwell, Columbia, grandest born of Time, That Teuton malice burns to quell. My England! should the hope he crest In 'which she taught the world to strive, Then all of Virtue would be lest And naught of Manhood left alive. But 'tis not in the Book 01 Doom That Justice, Honor, Truth should fail; That earth be made a living tomb, And only brutal Wrong prevail. It 430110t be the human race„ f Long struggling up to Freedom's' Sita, Is destined to the ahjeet place . Of vassal to the mute -your Hund In ev'1Y laird that knows s the ills Of Bondage, and has borne its aches, The deathless pulse of Freedom thrills A,nd Reason's noble rage awakes,•; See splendid- Italy advance, And grimly issuing from his lair at15ns to make sure that obstru are' not placed in Danish terri iyORLD'S CEREAL YIELD IN EXCESS OF NT A despatch from Rome says: world's cereal yield, including as the war countries of Europe and their probable requirements, is,' cording to the ,ieport of the Int Hence „Institute of Agriculture 1015-15, in excess of the ave yearly tequirenments during the years period proceeding the war, allowances have been made for creases in population, The evhea cess is 141,000,000 quintals, oats, 000,000 and maize, 28,000,000. torial fare in the interests of humanity; and , as to a pacific as opposed to a military - �o yptt.o: rivilizatiti,t, Fre aomparrr the British and German attitude on each EEDS. of these principles. Continuing, he says: The Government for the People. at of "Our English ideal for the future also is of a world in which every people ac- shall have within its own borders a errata- free national government resting on for anis conforming to the general will of rage its citizens, a government able to de - five vote its efforts to improving the eon - after dition of the people without encroach- in- ing on its neighbors or being disturb. t ex- ed by the fear of an attack from en- 21,- envies abroad. Legislators and admin- istrators have already tasks sufffcient- Iy diffieuit in reconciling the claims of different classes, in adjusting the ON. interests of capital and labor, in pro- moting health and diffusing education The and enlightenment, without the arida yen- tion of those tasks and dangers which ibi- arise from the terror of foreign war. tion "I cannot believe that the German an people, as I have hitherto known them, on, ever since I studied'at a -German inmi- ilets" versify more than 50 years ago, could ace ers, possibly approve of the action of their gs, Government if their Government suf- gots, fered them to know'the facts relating tes to the origin and conduct of the war in as those faeta'areeknown to the rest cap of the world. We have had no hatred nt. of the German people. We did not grudge them their prosperity. Neither have we any wish to break up Ger- many, destroying her national unity, R or to interfere in any wily with 'her internal parities. .BRITAIN' PROHIBITS THE ' EXPORT OF PIG"I11 A despatch from London says: British Government on Friday e ing proclaimed an absolute peels tion of time export to any destine. of all kinds of pig iron aria nearly kinds of. steel. The prohibition steel, applies especially to tate var used by railroads and shipbuild including wails, sleepers, • sprin wheels,' axles, tubes, girders, in bare angles and rods and of pia more than an eighth of an ineh thickness. The exportation of s containing more than one per ce of glycerine is prohibited: RUSSIANS BEEF '.EURICS IN SIX-DAY BATTL A despatch 'From .Petrograd say The following official statement issked on Fridoy:-- "Caucasus front --Fighting con binues 'west of Erzerunt. Turkish a tacks agaihst the centre of the Ca cases army, which lasted six day were all repulsed. The enemy sus tained heavy losses, and everywher is falling back. in disorder, energetic al},v pursued by our troops." 'l'raitl Youths of 18 Years. A despatch t from London tion sa s: y Th Daily News Parliamentary corre spondent states that the Cabinet i wain' n • against general compulsory military service and will recommend the imine diate training of youths of the age o eighteen. Where ltufus'Stood. Rusty 'Rufus (pitching tale about To .grasp the hand of glorious France, the part he had taken in. the war).— Stalk forth til intrepid Russialt boar! Wot a fight it was, too. Look at the odds. Ten,to one! ltiy England! Patient, valiant, true! Sceptical Listener.—Wag you one of Nor foes witheat, nor frauds within the ten? Will shake her purpose to subdue Rusty Rufus—No, 1 wasn't. Ipwas The cohorts of embattled sin. one of the' one! The swinish horde, the gilded beasts, was Fight Till Victory- Ie Won. "Our quarrel is with the German Government. We think it a danger to t- every peaceful country and believe u- that in fighting against its doctrine, s, its ambitions, its methods of warfare, we and our Allies aro virtually light - e ing the battle of all peace -loving neu- - ural nations as well as our own. "We must fight on till victory is won, for a government which scorns treaties and wages an inhuman war- efare againstinnocent noncombatants cannot be suffered to prevail by such s methods. A triumphant and aggress sivee G rmany, mistress of the seas ap well as of the land, would' be a men - f ace to every nation, even to those of the Western Hemisphere."• Lord Bryce concludes with a plea for a league of peace, "The obstacles in the way of creating such a league are many and obvious," he says, "but whateverelse may come out of the--yt:' war, we in England hope' that one res suit of'it will be the creation of some machinery calculated to avert the re- currence of so awful a calamity as that from which mankind' is now sun'- fering," In whom no touch of rani survives Who ravish women, murder priestsGE . 'MANS PARING And strew the sea with infant lives, The lords of War, olio hill and mains, Exultant, while their people groan Paris Paper Says. Enemy Is Weakening Other Fronts To Strengthen Arm .at Verdun, Steeling themselves ha crime and shame, To keep a despot on his throne. 'filet pigmy, to whose 'wilderetl brain Flimself an Attila ' appegrs,' Who tapes the name of God in vain Ant! drowns the earth in bleed and tears! 11ty Englmind, stri}cel Droop not, nor • pause, Till triumph on your banners shine! Then tape a. grateful world's ,ap- piause--- M,inioes at hearts that beast like Mine, -Wrn. Winter, in New York Times, Most people have ,lost more by row»1g';than they would by wait FOR ANOTHER ER ATTACK A despatch from Paris :says: After an lmprecedented struggle of 52' days the first battle of yerchut may be considered ended, in the opinion of French military critics, These crltics Also agree that the next phase of the (=ermail assault is being:reared with the utmost deliberation, p The continued bombardment of bile Frenglt lines to the west of Hilt No. 804, 4 small attach on Thursday night ,south ea Donaument, on .the east aide of ,the. Meuse, and •iwe artillery. eng'agement's in the region of Mort I•tomme on Friday are looked upon. as only an interlude. As showing the extent 0:l' the Ger- The Petit Platelet) isuthor a t3ty fqy the 50ate,nent that seven liew Germal divisions arrives at the Verden fi'o4 A last Sunday,of ivo tlreso divis' (100 on 000 mend were immnodi , ) n 2 %13 thrown into battle, while the crit. .t two were used later. The net result of all these effects Was time eaptinlo 500 yards of trenches 051 the alert i 0 re of s Dead Man I 1 ca m ill t- r 1NIct Homme) at 1110 cost of 80,000 seen, , The Echo de Parte says that tt•o0p5 which were fom'merler facing the Brit- ish have lneolm telt to 'orchil, I1 is certaliai" sae's this paapely "that' the Germaps ate now oyoalceyla . inn; other farts of thele,! ' line o strengthen ' lte!n tele' ' » Man preparations for the next attack gt is front at, 'y'eldele