The Clinton News Record, 1916-01-27, Page 7Pert
The Mean Man
'A Nerve Trouble, „Always •Dim to
Weak Watery Blood
, Only those who have bean attacked t
with neuralgia can form the fainteit b
idea of what itS victim e suffer. A
tingling of the tender skin, a sharp
eudden stab from some angry nerve;
then piereing paroxysms of pain—that
is neuralgia. The cause cif the treatble
is disordered nerves, due to weak,
watery bleed. The cure, is Dr. Wil -
Barns' Pink Pilia, which make new,
riela • red blood, and thus sooth and
strengthen the disordered nerves and
cure neuralgia. Mr. Lonis
Mildmey, 04., says :—"I am writing
to let you know the great benefit Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills have been to me.
Two years ago I was a physical wreck.
My nerve's were •all unstrung and I
suffered tortures from neuralgia, in
the head apd throughout the nervous
system generally. I was almost unfit
or work, and only managed to get
Meng With the greatest difficulty. I
doctored for about five months, and in
this time took over forty dollars worth
of medicine without any benefit.
• More, 1as actually. growing worse;
and finally had to take to my bed. My
nerves got so bad that.I could not
turn over in bed without help, and the
pain was something awful. As I am
a farmer, you can easily see that ne-
cessary work was being neglected, so
I sent, for a brother who was in
Alberta .to come and take charge of
the work. When my brother arrived
he at once urged me to try Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, telling me of some
cures that had conic under bis obser-
vation. I got half a dozen boxes, and
before they were all gone there was
no doubt.they were helping me. Alto-
- gether I used nine boxes of the Pills,
and by that time I was a well man,
and it is impossible to say how
thankful I was for my release from
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
from any dealer in medicine or by
mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or
six boxes for P.50, from The Dr. Wil-
liams Medicine Go.; Brockville, Ont.
An English Woman Tells of Some
Inside Secrets.
Caleb Peaelee and Lysander Hyne
at comfortablyupon the 'fence of Mr.
Peaslee's "upper poster," absorbing
he warm Jane sunshine, In the road
elow them a peddler's cart, ,drawn,bar
an emaciated horse, creaked along.,
Caleb Peaslee regarded the horse '
"I don't believe," he observed slow-
ly, "that I've seen a" hoss run down
quite RS bad as that one since the
time Needham Bonsey Sold A hoss to
Wilder Blake for two dollars. You
never knew Needham Bonsey, Lysaa-
der—he died ?fore you ever moved
"There's varyir? degrees of snug-
ness," said Mr. Peaslee, reflectively.
"There's prudent 'and snug and stingy
and downright saison mean. Bonsey
was p'ieon mean. When I tell you he
never weighed within thutty pounds of ,
what he ought to weigh, 'count .of
scantin' Iiimself of victuals, you'll
know that what critters he had in his
barn didn't get fed very heavy. In
times everything Bonsey owned in the
way of animals got so thin you c'd
scarcely see 'em edgeways.
"Bonsey had a hoss that he used to
tote his truck to Bangor with—a
pretty good hoss it was, too, in the be-
.ginnin'; but workin' all the time and
eatin' 'bout the same as never,soon
got him where he wa'n't Much more'n
jest the runnin' gear of a hoss.
'Sonsey was comin' back from Ban-
gor one day, and had got jest about
abreast of Wilder Blake's place, when
all at once the hoss began to weave
from one side of the road to the
other, 'sif he was dizzy, and down he
went in Wilder'dooryard, fiat on his
side, with his eyes shut, and 'parently
with no more life in him than there
would be in a liemloak logl .
"I was workin' for Wilder at the
time, and we both come runnin' dowh
where the hose was; when we saw his
eyes shut and how thin he was, we
both made up our minds he was dead.
"'There,' Bonsey whimpered.
'There's two dollars one! A, man of-
fered me two dollars for the hoss's
hide to -day, and he tol' me the critter
wouldn't live to git me home, but I
didn't blieve him. And now hp's up
and died on me, and it'll- cost me
more'n two dollars to move him off out
of here, and I shan't come out a cent
Most English woman have but a ahead.'
"While he was talkin', Wilder look-
ed at Bonsey seine's you would at a
toad; finly he up and spoke.
" Itather'n have a good, honest
hoss, even if he is dead, b'Iong to you
a minute longer,' he says; 'I'll give
you the two dollars and take care of
him. •That hoss has emit a decent
burial, with his skin on him, and I'm
goin' to see that he gets it. Novr you
get offal my premises till I get kind
of cooled off toward you, or I won't
undertake to say what may happen.'
"Bonsey grabbed the two dollars
and started off up the road. •
faint idea of life in the harem (or ha-
reem, to be correct). The most pre-
valent notion poor over -tired Mrs.
Smith has of it is that, anyway, the
women are net overworked, and that
is true enough. ,
Recently it has beeh my privilege
to have quite a long talk with an Eng-
lish woman W110 has spent several
months as companion' to the wife of
a high personage in India. Many goods
class Indians are educated at our Uni-
versities in these days.. They forin
friendship with Englishmen, and be-
come enamoured of many of our Eng-
lish ways of living, says a writer in
London Answers.
They.cannot -understand the freedom
allowed to our women, but are charm-
ed with the result of such an up-
bringing, and when they return to
their own land they try to introduce
many things to relieve the monotony
a life in the harem.
Trade, Mark
Campliot= Icg)
Soothes and smooths
chapped hands and lips.
Keeps the skin soft. Sold
'in metal boxes and tin tubes
at chemists and general --
stores ,everywhere.
Refuse substitutes.
Free booklet on request.
eat,' -aeeaseteena aselt
1830 Chabot Ave. Montreal
Nine Thousand Million Pounds Per
Annum for Britain.
Nine thousand million pounds a
year! In exact figufes 29,147,900,000,
more than 43 times as much as the
total annual revenue of the United
Kingdom. That is the total direct and
indirect cost of the war, estimated up
to July 31 next, says London Tid-
Bits. Of that amount our share will
be. £1,258,000,600, which covers the
direct expenditure of the Government,
the capitalized value of the loss of hu-
man life and the loss of production.
It is pointed out,however, by Edgar
Cranunond, a recognized authority on
war finance, that the accumulated
wealth and national incOrne of Great
Britain is on such a sound basis that
these have only been slightly affected
by the war. While Germany is utiliz-
ing all her means, only the fringe of
our resources in men, money, food-
stuffs and raw material has been
touched, in spite •of this estimated
vast expenditure to the end of July.
Our bill is leas than that of France,
Russia, Austria or Germany, the total
losis to Belgium, which includes £250,-
000,000—the value of property de-
stroyed—being 852,500,000. Gerinany
suffers most in pocket, and by the end
of July it will have expended 82,775,-
000,000. Germany's loss of production
will amount to at least 2675,000,000 in
the first 12 months of the war, while
she is spending 82,000,000 a day, or at
the rate of 2730,000,000 per annum, on
the upkeep of her army in the field.
France's bill for the maintenance of
her 3,000,000 men now available for
active service and the 1,000,000 in the
Reserve is very heavy. Mr. Cram -
mond puts it at 7s. 6d per man per
day—say 21,500,000 a. day, while vir-
tually the whole of the male pupula-
tion,between 19 and 50 has been with-
drawn from production, the total loss
of 'production amounts to 2625,000,000.
The total cost to France up to July
next is estimated. at 21,686,400,000 a
year, 2286,400,000 more than the total
cost to Russia.
Is the Object of This Free Pre-
scription—Try It If Your
Eyes Give You Trouble.
and then white, but he never said .a
"After a bit, Wilda -says, slow and
thoughtfuLtsif he was weighin' every
word, 'Needham Bonsey, I'm goin' to
do sometliin' that mebbe you won'e.
understand. I paid you two dollare
for this hoss, and I've giVen him the
run of my lower pester ever since,
and fed him 'bout ten dollars' wuth of
grain, and now I've got a boss there
that's wuth a hundred and -twenty-five
dollars of any man's money, and he
stan's me, at the outside, not over
twenty dollars. Now,' says he,
tell you what I'll do.
"'I'll sell you that hoss,' he says,
'for seventy-five dollars, and that's
fifty dollars lessee you can buy one
anywhere near as good. But you've
got to sign an agreement to bring this
hoss to me once a month—I'm a
weigher --and put him on my
scales. If you ever bring him there
and he weighs over fifty pounds less'n
he does this minutes, he ceases to be
your property and becomes my hoss
again, without my payin' you a single
cent! There's the conditions. What've
' you got to say?
h d
She Gives Theca
All the Credit
Says Dodd's Kidney Pills Made
Her WelL
Mies Gertie Newman, After Two
Years' Suffering, Tells How She
Found a Complete Cure.
Boy!s Coa e4e Notre Dame Bay, Nfid.,
Jan. 241h (Special). .--"After two
years of weakness and euffering I am
again in perfect health and I give all
the credit to Dodd's Kidney Pills."
That is the statement made by Miss
Gertie M. Newman, an estimable
young lady living here. She is so
overjoyed at her recovery that she
wants all suffering women to know
"'Well,' Wilder says, after 'Bonsey
left, 'I guess mebbe the boss's as well
off there as anywhere till after sup-
per, and then you'n' I'll make some
disposal of him.' So we left him lay -
in' there in the shad% with the har-
ness on him, and went into the house.
"When we got through supper I
started out a mite ahead of Wilder,
- It seems almost incredible to an When I got round the corner of the
English girl that her little Indian sis- house, where I c'd see down into ,the
ter never sees her husband until after front yard, I let out a hoot that
the marriage ceremony. The parents fetched Wilder rennin'.
'choose the wife for the son of the "Whether it Was that the hoss'd got
-house without consulting either party. rested,. or whether it was the smell of
'Sometimes the bride is as young as that sweet grass there in the yard
fourteen. The child is gorgeously that fecht him to, I don't know, and
dressed, and placed 'on a dais behind never shall, but there he was was On
a sheet; the women of the family 'be- his feet and feedin'. After Wilder
big in attendance. ' had looked at him a minute, he broke
On the other side of the sheet is the out gigglina
bridegroom and many of his young "Jest for the notion of it, Caleb,'
men friends. The groom,keeps throw- said he, 's'posin' we don't tell Bonsey
ing over jewels attached to flowers, that he's sold me a live hoes for two
which the women of the bride's side dollars, 'stead of a dead one—jest let
remove and place in her lap er on him think We hauled the hoss away
her person. 'fore he come back after his wagon.
This first cerearienY is caned the I got a kind of idea that I'd like to
Shahdee, and although a man is al- put that hoss down in my lower pas -
lowed four wives, no other ever holds ter, whae there won't anybody see
the same position as the first chosen him; and mebbe I'll feed him a little
for him. The others are of -little im- grain from time to time, and see what
portance, living their lives more or he looks like in a cOnple of months.
less as servants to the first wife. As What say?"
the first wife gets to middle age she „We took and led the hoss into the.
Is known ag The Begum.
. barn, and the next day Wilder led him
—.I. clown to the back poster, which was all
'I s'pose some men would have a
pride 'nough to refuse, but Bonsey
was too fond of money for that. They
made out the writtings and he took
the hoss and went away with it.
"And," concluded Mr. Peastee, "you
ight not credit it, but from that
me. on I d'know's there was a bet-
r-kep' hoss in this town than the
e Needham Bonsey drove."—Youth's
hat General Foch, the Famous
shut in by trees, and turned him loose.
"When I sew that hos again, 'bout
Just a Statement About Food.
three weeks later. I almost wouldn't
Sometimes a good, healthy commer- have known him. His head was up
cial traveller suffers from poorly se- and his eye was bright, sand he was
lected food and is lucky if he learns kitin' round that pester like a colt.
that Grape -Nuts food will put him I asked Wilder what he was cale'latin'
right. to do with him, but he jest shook his
A travelling man writes: "About a head 'and grinned a little.
year ago my stomach got in a bad "'You wait an' see,' he says. 'I got
way. I had a headache mosteof the
a Plan, mebbe.'
time and suffered misery. For several
"Well, meantime Bonsey'd been
months I ran down until I lost about
huntin' for another hose to take the
.--0-1•70 pounds in weight and finally had to
place of the one that died, as he
give up le good position and go home,
sposed. But hosses was high and
Any food that I might use seemed to
Bonsey hated to pay out money Wilas'n
nauseate me. ' cuttin' off a finger, so he hadn't traded
"My wife, hardly knowing what to
for one, and was hirin' f elks to haul
do, one day brought home a package
his stuff into Bangor for him, and
ef Grape -Nuts food and coaxed me to
blinbout payin'efor it.
try it. I told her it was no use but
Alta it had run on that way for
finally, to humor heie4 tried a little,
'boat three months, Wilder hitehed up
and they just struck Iny taste. It
the hoss one evenin' and drove clown
was the first food that I had eaten in
to the post office, where he knew he'd
nearly a year that did not cause any
find Bonsey. Mebbe there was a dozen
'Suffering. of us settin' out there, and Bonsey
"Web, to make a long story short, I
was among 'ern. I see him eyein' the
began to improve, and stuck to drape-
hoss kind of disbelievin' when Wilder
uts. I went tip from 135 pounds in
lffilted him, and he half riz up and
=ember to 194 pounds the followiags
then settled back akain, 'sif he could -
October. - WI, credit his eyes.
"My brain is clear, blood all right
end appetite too much for any man's "'Quito a boss you've got s there,
pocketbook. L.1 feet, I filn thoroughly Wilder,' says Ben Gullison. 'Some-
}nade over, and We it all to Grape- thin' you've traded for lately?'
Nuts. I talk so much about whah ".'Well,' says 'Wilder, 'it's one I
Grape -n -1"W will do that some of the bought 'bout three months ago, and
tnen on -the road nicknamed me .4.tween you and me, I think lie's wuth
all I give tor him, anyway. Pretty
IGrapeqsluts,' but I atand to -day a,
)tealthir, rosy -choked man—a ett
good hoss for two dollars, I call him.'
good example of what Ithe right kin( "Bonsey cOme up on his feet with a
of food will do. jerk, and he fairly hollered, 'Wilder
' "You can publish this if you „wanIs that neer hoss you'ree Blake!
to. It is a true statement without any drivire?'
frills." '1' 'No, sirl' Wilder mere, 'That aire
Name given by Canadian Postran your hoss—that's a hoss I bought o
00., Windsor, Ont. yell Pr teem dollars, before a witnese '
. :ever read the above lathe? A, new 4,1,11e ,diCin't KW any M01.0 jest then,
Villinimio`.1.tto appears from time to time, 7'11.0 blit satthere lookin' pretty straight
nee gen-name true and full 08 hulltan
French Commander, Says.
In "Behind the Scenes at the Front"
r. George Adam, Paris correspon-
nt of the London Times, tells a
ood deal that is interesting about the
inions of General Foch, who for five
ears lectured on strategy and tactics
the Eddie de Guerre. There he
sed often to quote a saying of Joseph
e Maistre, which summed up the psy-
hological element in defeat: "A battle
st is a battle that you think is lost,
r battles are not lost materially."
To that military summary of the
oetrine of Ohristian Science, General
och added this formula of victory:
Battles are, accordingly, lost moral-
, -and it is, therefore, morally that
attles are gained; and a battle won
a battle in which you refuse to ed-
it yOuraelf beaten."
That is the more convincing since it
omes from a soldier with a scientific
intl. Moreover, on at least one ma -
ion, when he had been forced three
mes to retire, he put his faith into
After each retirement General Foch
efueed to admit defeat. He and the
en under him had the moral
trength, in which science playa no
art, to refuse to know when they
are beaten. Ori the third day the res
irement began early in the morning.
n the course of the day Geneeal Foch
nce more took the offensive, and by
ightfall he had delivered the decisive
low on the centre of the German
rmy that led to its final precipitate
•etreat all along the line
ill Love But Poor.
how she found her cure,
"I had a cold to start with," Miss
Newman continues, "and then things
just seemedto go from bad to worse.
My back ached, I had cramps in my
muscles and I suffered frorn head-
aches. 'My sleep was broken and -an-
refreshing, my eyes were puffed and
swollen and perspired freely with
the least`exertion. I was always irri-
table,and in tlia niornings I had a bit-
ter taste in my mouth.
"Reading of cures by Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills I decided to -give them a
trial. I took a dozen boxes in all, and
you can iee how they helped me. I
recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to all
suffering women."
Dodd's Kidney Pills are suffering
woman's best friend.
More Attention Should Be Paid to
"Locking the barn -door after the
horse has been stolen," is a time-
honored expression; but it applies
with peculiar emphasis to niany of
dur supposedly modern municipal gov-
ernments. Especially is this true in
the matter of the fire loss.
While enormous sums are spent an-
nually in the equipment and upkeep of
fire departments for the purpose of
controlling and extinguishing fires, it
is almost a novelty to find a munici-
pality with a department charged
with the inspection, and with author-
ity to enforce the correction, of condi-
tions favorable to fires. In some of
our larger cities some progress has
been made by the fire departments,
which hale set apart small details of
their staffs, charged with inspection
work. The result of their work is
minimized, however, by the fact that
REVIVING TIIE MONITOR. Your Eouse a Efonne--or
Used Whereeeer Possible in the Pre-
-' ' sent War, -
The ,moaitor, which played such an
important. part in the naval history of
the Amarican Civil Wee, has been re-
vived by the British naval authori-
ties. They have sacceeded in pavane-
ing vessels of that type that tan carry
the heaviest guns and that are. vir-
tually invulnerable to toaliedoes. The
monitors have been particularly ser-
viceable in the shallow waterS off 'that
pert of the coact of Belgium which is
in the hands of lhe Germans, Miami-
ing •the German subnaarine »base at
Zeebrugge. Monitore can be run in
waters that are too shallow for the
subniarine.. Two vosselsdotfhthme moni-
were able to follow the Konigsberg
up the Mali River or.: the easet coast
of Africa and, elthough she was much
more heavily armed and a larger yea-
sel than both of them put together, to
destroy her. Monitors, too, have been
used to support the French and Bri-
tish troops in..the fighting on the Gal-
lipoli Peninsula. Some of these
shallow -draft, heavy -armed craft car- ,meeleesgame'em, e'reeze'em°2'4e
ry 14 -inch guns in the central turret;
others have on 9.2 -inch gun in 'the
bow and a 6 -inch gun an the steria Ala12 -
The 14 -inch guns fire projectiles want to
weighing sixteen' hundred pounds for BrnlY"."' unt•
a distance of fifteen miles. The ves- , errevesma.mas von saa,m,
sels are slow --a quality that does not
matter much, since they are virtually pabtaT-mAKING N'EWS AND 303
invulnerable. towns. The most useful and interestinie
Offices for sale In good Ontario
of all businesses, Pall Information on
application to wiison Publishing Come
pony, 73 Went Adelaide St, Toronto.
Thousands of people suffer from eye
troubles because they do net know what
to do. They know some good home rem-
edy for every other minor ailment, but
710110 for their eye tt.oubles. They neglect
their eyes, beeause the trouble is not
suffielent to drive them to an eye
specialist, who would, anyway, charge
them a 1113L0'Y fee, As a lost resort they
go to an optician or to the five and ten -
relit store, and oftentimes get glasseS
thbeing used few months, do their eyes the inspectors have not sufficient au -
at they do not need, or whicha
, fter
inore injury than good, 5011 Y'
every one should usc: grains Bon- The fire chiefs have it in their
Hera is a 01101510 prescription that
power to advance the fire prevention
tor type, the Sevoin an e ersey,1
is it a collection of brick walls,
carpets, chairs and tapestries?
Make it a home byserving for
,breakfast Shredded Wheat
the food of health And
strength. Being ready -cook-
ed it is so easy to prepare a
delicious meal with Shredded
Wheat in a few minutes.
Contains all the goodness of
the whole wheat -- better
than porridges for children or
grown-ups. Made in Canada.
Opto, 2 ounces water, Ilse three or four
times a day to bathe the eyes. This pre-
sei.iption end the simple Bon -Onto sys-
tem keeps the eyes dean, sharpens the
Aaiun tont quickly overcomes Itillatm
campaign and secure results. If a
fire chief's record depended upon his
keeping down the number of fires, in-
nuttion and irritation: weal:, wateiT, stead of his ability to handle fires af-
""m'ire"' tired "e"mi °LAI" sin"ar ter tiley have broken out there WOIlld
troubles are gi.etttly benefited and often-
times cured by its nee many reports be. greater effort at inspection. Fire
Show that wearers of glasses have dis-
ea ;.1 tC;(1•31-1 07e:nd etintains
no ingredient which 'would injure the
most sensitive eyes of an Infant or the
aged. Tey it, and know for once what
real eye comfort is. H your own dreg -
gist cannot 811 this pretterinMen, send
$1 to the Walnuts Drug Co., Toronto, for
a complete Bon-Opto Home Treatment
outfit- -tablets and alt,
Australia Will Make Shells.
Substantial progress is being made
by Australian manufacturers with
the preparations for thellmaking.
High explosive shells will, it is prob-
able, be turned out in Australia very
soon, and shipments to Europe are
expected to commence about the end
of the year.
A peer young Irish couple wont to
the priest to be married, rich in
love, bet so poor in earthly goods that
they did not even possess the few ne-
cessary silver pence for the weddiag
fee. The priest was relentless in his
dementia. "No money, no eeremeny,"
he declared., "Let Me go home, Rev-
erend Father," begged the girl, "and
I will get the money." She soon re-
turned with the small amount requir-
ed, when the knot was. duly tied to
the entire satisfaction of all con-
cerned. "Could any one now oppose
oar union, Holy Father?" she inquir-
ed. "Nobody, my daughter." "Not
even your own reverence?" she per-
sisted. "Not even I, Catherine!"
"God bless your aeveeence! }lac is
the pawn ticket for your hat and over-
coat, which 1 took from the vestry to
„ ..
:"' ''..' S-•;,... - , •E
•• • •,:,,, ,,:argiltitigthiA,RICKkal;S. Pitt -Of F.
Reduces Bursal Enlargements,
Thickened, Swollen Tissues,
Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore-
ness from Bruises or Strains;
stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain.
Does not blister, remove the hair or
lay up the horse. pm a bottle
at druggists or delivered. ,Book 1 M free.
ABSORBINE, JR., for menkincl—an
antiseptic liniment for bruises, Cuts, wounds,
Strains, painful, swollen veins or glands. It
heals and soothes. $1.00 a bottle at drug-
gists or postpaid. Will tell you more if you
write. Made in the U. S. A. by
VI, F. YOUNG, P, 0, F., 516 Lyman Bldg, Montreal, Can.
..551111 at mot 115 atr 'ocapasnV pus outolosql
NT$, Geo. Huffman, Willington,
Ont., writes :—"I have used Baby's
Own Tablets and can recommend them
as a wonderfel medicine for thilclren,
I am the mother of five and have vtsed
no other medicine for any of ,then.”
Thousands of allele mothers say the
same thing of the Tablets. That is
wlit once si mother has tthed them tor
her little ongs she would else nothing
else. 'The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine (halm or by mail at 25 cents a
box frorn The 35r. Williams Medicine
Co.,. BrOckville, Ont.
A. good place to judge a woman's
beauey and a man's disposition is at
the breakfast table.
Minard's Liniment cillVeg Diphtheria.
The way of the ecfcenner is almost
tee Bonsey. Bonsey turned red at fast, as hard as that of the transgressor.
: V11001 II Iffill0110111110111111111111101011,"
Stays good looking—
and old harness looks
like new when you
give it regular appli-
cations of
Prevents cracking. Puts life
into the harness.
t storto,.ngwil, pliable, Iasi
longer. Otte application l
Dealers llvevutelhere
The Imperial Oil -Company
chiefs should insist upon sufficient
men for inspection work; these, men
should be held responsible for the in-
spection and correction of dangerous
conditions'and, to make their work
effective, the inspectors should be
clothed with fire marshal authority, in
order that any five breaking out in
their inspection districts might be
thoroughly investigated and the cause
definitely assigned. In this way an
inspector's reputation for thorough-
ness would be at stake, and, with the
knowledge that a fire would be invese
tigated by one familiar with the con-
ditions, there would be fewer fires of
a suspicious character or due to care-
Municipalities can well afford to
make generous appropriations for fire -
preventive inspection work. It is an
investment which will yield large re-
turns, not only in reduced fire loss
but in reduction in the cost of upkeep
of fire departments and equipment.
Why Roman Meal is
an ASCE ft, TUMORS. LUhl PS. Nvat7,..
Best for Your Child internal and external, cured with.
o.u.tbminrebiyoeolar theomAtr.trirefirnme,^
„ Limited, Collingw:md. cm.
011,101111110111011111 1111104
The rintestinal muscles must have
waste to properly develon. The 'grewing
muscles and organs must have abundant
nutrition. The teeth o.nd bones, nerves,
muscles, organs, and blood must all
have abundant inorganic salts. Roman
Meal IS filled with branny waste which
gives the lute:4111ml muscles exercise,
preventing constipation and indigestion.
It has more inorganic salts than any
other known food. It's the most nutri-
tious food sold. Aslc your doctor. Do
not stir Roman Meal Porridge At gro-
cers 100 and 20e,
Boman Meal is made by Roman Meal
Co., Toronto, and your grocer can pro-
cure it from any wholesaler.
A Moving Target.
A Highlander with bagpipes entered
the street and commenced his plain-
tive lay, aiid at the same time march-
ing up and down in time-honored fash-
"Why does he move about all the
time he plays?" asked Johnny of Isisl
"I don't know," answered the lad's
father, wearily, "unless it is to pre-
vent me getting the range with the
lalinard'e Liniment Co., Limited.
Sirs,—I have used your MINARD'S
LINIMENT for the past 25 years
and whilst I have occasionally used
other liniments I can safely say that
I have never used any equal to yours.
If rubbed between the hands and
inhaled frequently, it will never fail
to cure cold in the head in 24 hours.
It is also the Best for bruises, sprains,
Yours truly,
Deg Remailes
1300K ON
And How to Feed
Moikd frea to 0e7 address by
the Author
118 West 31et Street, New York
Steam Roller Cracks Eggs.
We have often heard of using a
steam hammer to crack a nut, but
who ever heard of using a steam roll-
er to crack an egg? Millions of bad
eggs intended for human consumption
are seized every year in London,
and the way they are deetroyed is to
tip them out of their cases and run
a steam roller over them.
• —e_..
Canada's Balluice on Fish Trade in
1914-15 About $17,000,000.
In view of the exceptional impor-
tance which at present attaches to a
favorable balance of trade, the unique
position of our fishing industry is
worthy of note. No other branch of
Canadian industry contributes to our
exports so large a proportion of its
total output as the fisheries. During
1914-1915, out of a production valued
at $31,000,000 in round numbers,
Canada exported fith products valued
at more than $19,000,000, or nearly 63
per cent. of the total. As we' imported
about $2,000,000 worth .of fish pro-
ducts, the net balance in our favor on
this branch of trade is about 317,000,-
000. The fisheries must, therefore, be.
regarded. as a valuable national asset.
But it is scarcely open to question
that the fishing industry would be in a
much 'stronger position, and the pros-
perity of those engaged in it more
solidly based, were' it rendered less
dependent upon foreign markets by
the, development of the domestic de-
mand to absorb a large portion of it
; I ,1
V,111E LAIIGE6T flitellOOF 811,59117
'4 I lir 110111.16 1118 weaLe eiNeeP
e Spirit of Anterior" at play.
MaglAtilde and Cheerfulness.
110,1,001. a. W. Mott, Mgr..
BD. 8.
ISSUE 5—'16
The Aeroplane Gunner.
Most of the aeroplanes used in the
great war carry two persons, the pilot
end. the "gunner -observer," who sits
forward and spies out the land or
'handles the machine .gun. When an
aeroplane armed with a machine gun
attacks a hostile aeroplane, the pilot
at once manoeuvres the machine into
position so that his companioh can
bring his gun into action, In firing,
the gunner does not take deliberate
aim, but swings the gun up and down
end round so that a fen -shaped streem
of bullets shall be- sure to fill all the
space through which the opposing,
aeroplane has to travel. When both
aeroplanes arw armed with machine
guns, the most skillful pilot usually
wins the fight, al:hough luck often
plays a part in thremit.
Mrs. Anderson—"I hope you can
come next Thursday. We're having
some Music by my daughter before
supper?" Mr. Jackson—"Oh, yes,
111 cotho. But—er—I may be liter
eetteuere minim- eat OfWes el.ers'et in CONTE
The salesman that works every day
and night during the year. Send for
catalog "W"
R. Z. ST. CLAIR CO., Ltd.,
'27 Toronto Arcade, - 7Voronto
• .„uLlolt KILLS
Till Mites and pt.cyrnitat
Ow re -appearance dui,
Ing the season. Keeps
fowls free from body
Iles. Makes scaly lege
bright and clean. 'Keeps
lard, pastry and sweets
free from ants. Bedbugs
will give no trouble where used. te to-
day for speoial trial price.. Booklet free.
Marshall gs Marshall, Niagara Falls, Ont.
Distributors for Canada.
Mond trip Winter Tourist tickets on
sale daily to California via variable
direct and scenic, routes,
roar fast modern trains leave Chicago
daily from the most modern railway
terminal in the world.
Overland Limited liiixtra Fare) leaVes
7.00 P.M., Los Angeles Limited—direct
to Southern California, --leaves 10,00
P.M,, San Francisco Limited leaves 10.00
P.M., California Mail leaves 10,45 P,M,
Let us hell, iou plan an attractive
trip. Booklets, giving 0011 partfculars,
mailed on application to B. ft Bennett,
0.A,, Chicago & North Western Ry„ 46
longe St., Toronto, Ont.
Temperature night, Day
and Night Saves Fuel.
Starts Fire Before You
Awake. Is Automatic.
Send for Catalog 05,,
27 Toronto Arcade
5022.01050, - ONT.
"Mr. Anderson," said the doctor,. "I
fear your wife's mind is gone!" "That
'doesn't surpriee me," replied Mr. An-
derson. "She has been giving. me "a
piece of it every day for the last ten
Granulated Eyelids;
Or Byes inflamed by expo-
sure to Sue. Dust and Bind
Eyesquickly relieved by Merino
Eye Remedy. No Smarting,
just Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 50e per Bottle. Murine Eye
Salve in Tubes 21e. For Bo ok ol theEye Freeask,
Druggists or Maine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
MinarTs Liniment Cures Colds, Etc.
"How is it," asked the mistress,
"that you say you are a coolc, yet you
have no references?" "Oi'll tell yez
th' troot, mum," replied Bridget. "Oi
wuz always in wan place, mum, till
th' peOple died."
The Ideal Winter Resort
Beautiful DM ,'es, Saddle Rid I rig,
Tennis, Yachting, Fishing
and Sea Bathing, Present Gar-
-rison of the Ottawa (esta) neat-
Princess Vol
is open front 5)5051001:17051 to 'MAT
Situated on the Harbor or
Hamilton. Areoramotlates 400.
Rated : $25 per week and :upward.
Bermuda is reached by the steam-
ers of the Quebec) S 16. Co,,
32 Broadway, New York. '
."How much does that stylith chea-
ter of yours charge?"
_ "Ten dollnrs it visit."
"Gee! How often has he called at
your house this month?"
"Twenty times."
"Gosh. You owe him $200 then?"
"Nene, only $10. He's made the
oeher nineteen calls trying to collect
aliiiareas Liniment Cures Distemper,
Too Bad.
Ralph was going into the third
grade, having successfully passed the
holiday examinations, and his part-
ing with his beloved teacher -tvas
tearful,. ,
"Oh) Miss Rubyl" be wailed. "I
wish you know enough to teach the
third gradea'so you come along an
teach me next year."
54 1
When yone bead is dull and heavy, yaUf tongue furred, anel von fael
done -up aid good for nothing,' without knowing what 10 re'ally the
matte], 'wall you, probably all that is needed to restore you to health and
vigour is a few doses of a reliable.
FON THe digestive tonic and stomachic rem -
STOMACH AN LIVER cely such as Mother Seigel's Syrup.
Take it after each mcal for a few
days and nete how beneficial is as action upon the stomach, liveran d bowels—
aow it restores tone and healthy activity to these important organs, and by
so doing enables you to gain new stores of vigour, vitality :sad health,
• Al
111 •ER
The new1,00 Size contains' three iimcs as much as the trial laze
sold at 500 per bottle. ,