The Clinton News Record, 1916-01-20, Page 2G:D. MCTAGG.IRT" M.. D. MCTAGGART McTaggart ` Bros. --=11,1NitHES 21 GENERAL .BANKUNO,f3Ufi1. NESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE- POSITS. 'SALE ` NOTES ruR• CHASED. ; il. 01'. fi.1NCE - • NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE ANT) FTRF, ,iNSth- ANO'E' AGENT. REPRESENT- ING' 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION COURT OFFICE, CLINTON. W. fIIYDONE, BA RRISTER, SOLICITOR,: NOTARY PUBLIC, ETO. Office- Sloan Block -CLINTON 91. G. CAMERON K.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, ETC. Office on ' Albert Street ned ed by Mr. Hooper. In• Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which ap- pointments are made, Office hours .from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week -day. Mr. Hooper will make any appointments for Mr. Cameron. cIT.timps n. ILtLE. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Eta. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, - CLINTON ORS. GUNN & GANDTER Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L:11. C.B., Edin. Dr. J. C. :bendier, B.A,, M.B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calla at residence, Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. DR. J. W. SHAW •- OFFICE BATTE NBU RY ST. EAST.; -CLINTON DR. C. W. 'THOMPSON PHSYIO`AN, SURGEON, ETO. Special attention given to.die- easen of the Eye, Ear, 'Nese and Threat. Eyes carefully examined and suite able glasses prescribed: Office and residence : e doors west of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St, DR. F. A. AXON - DENTIST -.. Specialist in Crown find Bridge Work. Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and R.O.D.13., To- t '+onto.. Bayfield on Mondays from May to December; GEOR(;P1 ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer tor the County of Heron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date. , at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 13 on 157, Chargea moderate and satisfaction lrnaranteed There0 1s Cold Day Coming Why not prepare for it by ordering your winter supply of Lehigh Valley Coal. None. Letter in the -world., House Phone 12. Office Phone 40. A. J. HOLLOWAY E' 0LDE F1RM.E It takes longer to build a Heintzman Co. Piano Than it does an ordinary piano, bu t i t is so thoroughly built that when once com- pleted•it will last a life time, Every piano is built as though for a special order, Bran;h WNareroa,rls 88 Ontario 8t, STRATFORD' !Fertilizer We carry a Complete Stock o! Stone's- Natural Fertilizer. No better on the market. , Hay We pay at all seasons the highest market prices for Hay for baling: Seeds AV American Feed . Corn, Red Clo ver, Aliike, Timothy and Alfalfa. FORD & m'eLi;OD CLINTON. ALL KINDS OF COAL, WOOD,: TILE BRICK TO ORDER. All kinds of Coal on Banda CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL COAL 'FURNACE COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD a5% in., 3 in. and- 4 in. Tile of -the Best Quality. M. & M f0RBES Opposite the' G. T. R. Station. Phone 59. Ho* is Your Cutlery Supply ? You know that Jewelry Store Cutlery is out of the COM - mon class. At least, OURS is. It carries a distinctiveness - 'an air of superiority, that comer frombeing made with the greatest care end ut- most skill from the highest - priced materials. If you can use some of this Cutlery in your home. yon will be proud of it every time you see it on the table. Carvers, cased, $3.00 up. Knives, Forks and Spoons, $1.00 doz. up. • Knives and Forks, steel, white handles, '$3.00-doz. up. Let us show you our Cutlery line. Let us tell you more about why it is the most desirable that .you can put your money int, , W. R. COUNTER J'EW.ELji1 and .ISSUEli of MARRIAGE LICENSES. NEWS -RECORD'S NEW CLUBBING RATES FOR 1916 WEERLIES. Newe•Itccord and Man a 3 l-plre ....$t.6% News -Record and Globe, Newe•Reeord and Family herald'true 1.Gr Weekly Star........................ 1.65. Nows-Record and Canadian Countryman 110 Newt•Itecord. and. Weekly Sun .... ,1.35 Newe•Record and .Farmer's Advocate2.36 hove -Record and Farm. & Dairy 1.65 Newe-Record and Canadian Farm •1.65 News•Record-and Weekly Witness 1.65 News -Record and Northern, Messenger 1.60 Newe•ltecord and Free Prete . Newe•Record and Advertiser ""' 1.6f News -Record and Saturday Night8.50 Newe,Record And Youth's Companion.- 3.25 Newe•Reeord and Fruit Grower and Farmer . . .,....,,.,.1.00 MONTHLIES. News -Record and Canadian Sports man 53.23 lt Neeeocord •s and LlppIocotte Maga. aloe -. .,.r.: .............. 3.25 DAILIES. Newa•Recordand World News.Record and Globe News -Record and Matt & iimptre5.60 News•Record and Advertiser •.:6,65 Newe•Record.and Morning rree'P eee3.55 Newe•Record and Evening Free Prose2.66. Newe•Record and Toronto Star2.35 Newaltecord and Toronto News 6.65 If what youwant fa not in this Ilei let or know about It. We can supply yon es ices than It would emit tau to eond direct. In remitting planet) -do so by post -Dolce Order Postal Note, Entrees Order or t'eg• tstered letter and Address, W. J. MITCHELL, Publlsher News -Record CLINTON. ONTARIO CIinioin News -Record CLINT ON; O N TAItIO Terms of subscription-ellper year, in advance ; $1.50 may he charged If not so paid. No paper discos• tinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the pub. licher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label, Advertising Rates -- Transient ad• vertisements, 10 ` cents per nom pareil line for first insertion and 4 cents per liuo for each autism gnent insertion. Small advertise. merits' not to exceed one inch such as "Lost," ' or "Stolen," ote,, inserted once for 05 cents, and each aubeeelueut in. lection 10 ornate.: Communications intended for pub. lination ,must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of tae writer, W. M 3,' . ITCPIELh. Editor and Proprietor SEERS SEE VICTORY FOR TIIE • ALLIES Dril' ftiolt." Of War Is Subject of Disiigreeritellt, But 1Wa ji i ity Pre- dict ,tbe End' Will Conine On May 22, The war will end on or before 22nd of'May,'1916. In their -forecast of what will h pen during 1916 the seers, proph and 'astrologers differ widely over Clair• tion 01'the world war, altho the majority profess to sedan e ending' with the allies victorious.- thronement of. the Kaiser •is also p dieted. Among the almanacs ,compiled leading prophets and, astrologers the setting,' 'This seems to presignify the terrible l'os'ses df the German ap- Austrian armies and the suffering ets the civilians will compel their ru the to sue for peace." A further augury for an early p is to be found'in the horoscope the King of Belgium, ,whose fo first solar revolution (birthda.y). April 8, 1916, shows'Venus, the pla Of peace; close,to the upper me'ridi are and the sun nearly, in, conjunct ael with Jupiter and in trine with M he A good direction of .the ascendan de the major`benefic is due very sho. 'de after. The Czar also has ` an, 'IC phecies pecially favorable aspect -for pe er (sun in conjunction with Venn ve coming up with the summer month t • Germany .Doomed. It is going to be a very bad ye that and Doomed. of ler pe of` for first ugh ally: De- re - by those of Prof, Zadkiel, Prof. Ranh and "Old Moore" of London, T5i ual annual published by Madame Thebes of Paris is delayed, Mme. -Thebes, howevez, - is ' uttering phecies concerning. the future. in h usual '• picturesque and impressi manner, Remarkable Prediction. net an, ion ars. t .t0 xtly,. es- ace s j'; s ar Perhaps the .most remarkable a definite prediction regarding the w is that it will come to an ' end, May 22. Prof. Raphael. says that -'t passage of Jupiter to Aries and h trine aspect to the platlet Mars is, strong indication of success to th arms of the allies in April." One -prophet :finds that the heave foreshadow either 'ill -health,' aceide trouble for General Joffre, fro May to July. This is apparently th" astrologer's way of predicting that the victorious general. will pass awa not later than July. Sue for Peace.. Venus and Jupiter enter Aries England's ruling sign, on Februaz 13, and Jupiter remains in this. sig until the middle of the year. 4 not able confirmation of the indication of peace is found by studying thi diagram -of the winter solstice a Berlin, which rules -the first three months of 1916. Prof. Zadkiel divines from this that: "The last deeanate of Virgo as- cends and the moon and Saturn are in the tenth mansion and Jupiter is nd ' for Germany; according tonearly air the astrologers, and the climax w on come in September, a disaster ev he more serious than defeat in war. is, "On_the 18th of September," sa a . one noted astrologer, t'Satuln reach e the opposition of the place of the s . , at the foundation of .the German e ns pire in 2870, and this.' transit ''w ant complete the `disruption of the • em m pire." e Kaiser to Lose Throne. The eaven' sm ae hanti January >f' p cu Y larly ominous.` for the Emperors o i Germany and Austria. The dethrone ment of the Kaiser is scheduled b one prophet for the beginning o y February. Prof. - Zadkiel says th n Kaiser's career will tie' ended in Jui el Earthquakes are promised for Mex s ico, Constantinople and China i s March. In July Italy is to have a t earthquake lasting five days. i "Old Moore" predicts a terrible epi demic of plague in France, brough about by the war. This will continue in various countries,` including Gee - many, even after the war. Holland will suffer` from floods in May. 1 Zadkiel says Ireland will 'get home all 111 en ys es un m - i11 5, f f e y n t WANTED NOW ri ' RE ,IAI3LIS SALESMAN TO AOT AS AGENT IN HURON COUNTY. PAY WEEKLY. Quint free, exclusive territory. and: money snaking specialties. Our agencies are the best 10 the busi- ness for we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guarantee deliveries in first class. condition. Nursery stock is. selling well this year and good money can be made in this dis- trict. 'Por particulars write same Manager, PELHAM. NURSERY CO. - Toronto, - - .Ontario,./ 1 •A L,W" .4.sYrST1' ... -TIME TABLE. - Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICU DIV. Going East, depart 7.33 a.m. " `• 3.03m. 11 of a.. 5,15 3.03p en. West, ar. 11.00, dp, 11.07 a.m. " " depart 1.85 p.m. " " ar 6.82, dp. 6.45 p.m. departs 11.18 p.m. LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV. Going South, ar. 7.23, dp. 8.05 p.m, " " departs 4.15 Going North, ar. 10.30, dp. 11.00 a.m. The McKi llo Mutualp yule in August, and that Poland and Persia will .realize their national as- pirations about the same time Seer's Gloomy View. In January, we are told, there will he a great disaster to English ship- ping. A great strike will nearly cripple England. We may expect serious reverses and a terrible blow. An attempt on the life of the King of England is foretold. To make up for the misfortunes of England, the French army will win a great vic- tory. ti • Upset for British Governments Other predictions of the astrologers ly CANADIAN HIGHLANDERS IN FRANCE ' Whin happy looking outfit N is a detachment of Canadian Scottish on the way.=from the base in France to the trenches. until 1944, this will not be:the last conflict of the nations of the world.' FORESTRY March 1 and",Tune will. be memorable AND �'"�� months in the United States because of internal troubles as well as exter- nal dangers: Germanymay'suffer adverse condi- tions in January and March. Death of a person of_rank, 'possibly. a member of the royal family, is indicated. Air Raids on England. England should expect peril from Air raids' from February 3 to Febru- ary '7. Personal' danger for the King or one of his sons in March. Italy has a forecast of alternate vic- tories and reverses. Trouble for a member of the cabinet in May STOCK INDUS PURE. BLOOD MAKES HEALTHY PEOPLE Mood's Sarsaparilla surely and . ef- fectively removes scrofula, boils` and other blood diseases because it. drives out of the hlood all the humors that cause these diseases. They cannot be successfully heatedinanyother way, External applications for their re- moval have proven. almost tisclese, because they cannot drive out the impurities that are in the blood. • flood s Sarsaparilla makes pure vie]) blood, perfects the digestion, and build', up the whole system The skin becomes smooth, . clean and healthy. yhis'gl'eal blood remedy has stood the Ltsi.oi' forty years. Insist on Baying Hood's, for nothing else' acts like it. There is no :reel substitute. Get it today. Sold by all druggists. The more accessible grazing holds of the Dominion forest reserves will always be used .for domestic cattle, horses and sheep, while the rough or more northerly portions of the pre... -,�,. _, - sent forest reserve areas and northern lends, which will eventually be in- cluded in the forest reserves, may be used in the production of wild meats. In the Forestry Branch the animal industry has a valuable ally;, Non- ogrieultural lands once in the.. forest reserves are safe from homesteaders,.. nesters or squatters.. The rancher with a Dominion Forest Reserve graze' ing parmit'is protected from the no - medic herder, scrub male animals, and in part from diseases common to stock da the range. Permittees are assured TRYTRYof grazing, g g, not for one season, but for all time: When the Canadian rancher knows that' he can secure' a grazing permit from the . forest affi car at I a nominal fee of 25c. per. head for cattle OR , IN f or horses for the season, or.'Sc. per (head for shoep,-and enjoy the many ,advantages given by forest reserve management, he will think of the Do- minion Forest Service as his brother. age of I rancher in the United States thinks of• stry :the Forest Service in that country, i "that it is the best thing that ever ihappened the animal industry in the WHAT WE MAY LOOK F THE NEAR FUTURE. Stockmen Are Taking Advent Protection Offered by Fore Branch. The area of the Dominion Reserves at the present time Belgium has little hope of'escaping776 sq. mi es; add to this 7,92 g P from its overshadowing cloud of cal -;miles contained in the National amities until 1918 or 1919. France ma.y suffer reverses in' March and: April, followed by heavy losses in July and August. President Poincare should safeguard his life. Russia will uncover a long train of treachery. Personal injury to the Czar is probable. April will be • un- lucky, with adverse direction until Augttst. Invasion of Holland. Forest ;far west." is 35,- 0. sq. CUTTING OUT WASTE. Parks ,I th of ! Britain Will Save $5,000,000 a Day • Sensational divorce case in British aristocracy. Serious nus ftn ancial Panic anic in New York, Landoll and other financial centres. British Government to be upset in October. Revolutions in Spain and Hungary in November. Hungary to gain inde- pendence. + • Austrian empire will be completely. wrecked. Attempt will be made to assassin- ate Alphonso of Spain. Pirates to commit many outrages on coast of China. Serious rioting in Ronne dieing the winter. Widespread epidemic of disease in. Prussia. Famine in Two Lands. Famines' in Holland and Switzer- land. Serious dispute between Britain Fire Insurance an aril United Stat es, II urance Company Plague o£ locusts in India• p �� Head office, Seaforth, 0nt,, DIRECTORY Officers: J. 13. McLean, Scadorth, President; .1. Co'n nolly. Goderrolt, Vice -President; Thor E. Hays. Seatorth, Sec.-Treas, Dtiootors. D F. McGregor, seal'orth: .4, G. Grieve, Winthrop; Wm. Itinn, sea. forth; John Bennowele, Dublin; J. Evans; Beeohwood; A. Mcl'swen, Brueefold• J. B, McLean Settortt; J. Connolly, Goderlch: Robert Ferris, Harlock. Agents: Ed. Uinchioy, Seaforth; %V. Cheeuey,. Egmondvillo, J. W. Yeo, Holmes, wills; :Alex Leitch, Clinton; R. S. Jar. math. Brodhagen: Any money to be paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or at Catt'a Grocery, Goderich. - Parties desirous. to effect Insurance at. transact othe,. bueinees will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above ufficere addreeaed to thein reenact:, toe post -offices. Teases inspected by the director who lives nearest the seen THECHILDREN D OF TD DAY just as they are -in their in- door play, or at their outdoor la - the P y y are Constantly of- fering temptations for the KODAK Let it keep them for yon 0.6 they aro now. Let it keep many other hap- penings' that are ,a 'source of pleasure; to you.. BROWNIES, $2 TO $12; KOleAiis, $7-10 $25. Also full' stock of Films and Supplies. Wo do Developing and Printing,, Remember' to pleats', T2-lE EXALL STORE United States will go to war wi Japan or some .other country dirt 'the summer. Failure of wheat crop and fanzine le Australia in July. and the immense territory nor the North Saskatchewan Rive east of the Mackenzie River; w form some idea of the immens that will have •its best use in f and the animal industry, write L. Stevenson in Canadian Farm The grass and forage of the reserve areas in Canada will b ized largely by domestic cattle, and horses until such time as th Holland has the forecast of much , an1mal industry is thoroughly f enable and possible invasion, (ed, At the present time stool The United States mayexpect ct manyboth rancher and farmer, are t orprising events that ill affect both advantage of the protection o r andean re on War Expenditures. e area l Great Britain is spending about ears , $25,000,000 a day on the war, and it s Mr. i is estimated by experts that about $5,000,000 of this is avoidable waste• forest i There is much more waste that is un- , avoidable in war conditions, taking shoe �rnto consideration the' fact that Eng-_ e weld' land was not a military nation and Dene- I was not organized for'raising, feeding, olas transporting and generally, providing eking for armies that are counted in .the g is chiefly millions, rather ffered e whoThe avoidable waste business and political conclttions. 13y the Forestry Branch 'to those Strikes and riots, with great loss (care to secure grazing permits. In of property, are prognosticated. Saskatchewan and Alberta last year, There will be sharp rises and de- forest officers directed the grazing on clines in the money market.ll - Col reserve lands, beingcare- clines that Death overgrazing will r n e 104� etvvas 1 o finernot later ra - s atc Ip times of critical crises, one in Jana. treed, and that scrub male animals nr'y and one in July, were kept off the forest reserves. Live Great naval activity is predicted for stook associations have been, and are the autumn, being, formed by ranchmen and farm- A stormy national election in the` ere, that n union of efforts may lead U.S. is prophesied. Hitter personal- ities, unexpected political complica- tions, and a party split of far-reach- ingeeffect are foretold, President Wilson has the augury that 1916 will be the most active year of his lite. New international prob- lems will multiply, political treachery may he:revealed. Halley's Comet Blamed. The astrologers point out that ever , future. Few people are aware that since the return of Halley's Comet in 1 we have buffalo herds. which total up 1910 wars and disasters have fallenl. oven 1,600 head. These buffalo are upon Europe. This is what their "ser-}! running on the Dominion Parks in Al - once" wouldlead us to expect, as the bolts. They have been faer1y sit o greater results, and that all enjoy the protection given by a or co-operative association to hand in hand with the forest re authorities. Factor in Canada's Meat Trad The development of . the wild mal industry in the United S and Alaska is a criterion of what may look for in Canada in the in the buying departments • and is clue to the system of buying which, so far, has ignored the g' trained business man; and left this most important branch of national economy in the hands of officials, whose appointment is due to their having attained a certain dcg'ree of excellence at school and university, and passed a civil service examination on literary subjects that have no pos- sible bearing on their duties. masm ay After sixteen months of war the stoil, nation has waked up and at last has called its great business men into serve council. An informal committee is • being organized which will advise the e, army. authorities on the proper orga- nization of its supply and purchasing' ane- departments, and will generally super- fates vise the national expenditure. Tho we members will not be paid and will hold ar no official appointments, but they ' 'appearance of the great cornet in ful as a breeding proposition; s •th Aries was said by ancient astrologers 230 calvesewere born•and reared lig to presignify "evil and detriment to i ing the past . season, Buffalo r the Eastern part; sorrows teethe peo- � and buffalo meat are valuable, an Ales under Aries; the clash of 01151 our herds increase at the same rate and bloodshed; death or dethronement , as they have done, which is 15% `er of some king." Since the comet ap- annum, we will have in' 25 years' t' peered two local wars have occurred 46,8988 buffalo in the Dominion Parks es in the 'Balkans, Italy has been at war , and forest reserves. If we were to 01 with Turkey; King Edward VIL, the carry this rate of increase for 50 leading monarch pf Europe, has died, years, would give us 1,489,600 head. the and now the greatest war of all time If a buffalo herd of this size could, be, ns. is raging. •Imaintained ion the non-agricultural in The astrologers'asseet that they1lands, it would give 195,450 animals ed gain their foreknowledge of coming per year for slauglite • Such ould events by studying the heavens from mean 117,2e0,000 Itis. of . w many different points of view. The ; reckon each annealbeef, producing 0w0 as cosof 600 e• position of the sun with regard to the � lbs. What effect on the cost. of lev- uP planets and stars is the most import- ing would 58,635 tons of buffalo beef 'ant heavenly influence on human ac- per annum have, ave, ii marketed between lions and earthly occurrences. The I August and December of each year? position of the ninon, owing to its ' Figures similar to those that i have e nearness to us, and the important I applied to the buffalo, could be -ap- gi avitaational influence it exerts upon 'plied to the breeching of moose elk or e om a'rouhle for U. S. Trouble between the United Stat and Canada leading to the verge tutu•. New race to be discovered in unexplored partofthe Arctic regio Wonsan leader' will appear Mexico. Earthquake in Southern Unit States. New York slay scraper to collaps British battleship to be blown off the southern coast. Gold strike in Montana. Montreal's Portion. Meteor to fall 111 Montreal an do great damage. Grand Opera prima donna to b murdered in Chicago. porta' IVolcanic, eruption in Canada,'. Sea serpent to appear in the I3ace- fic. . have placed themselves unreservedly at the service of the government. Among the first members of this new • committee are Sir Wm. Lever, the om great soap manufacturer; Sir George e Gfbb the 're . at railway g arhva y manager; er d •- , ixr ober Lord Cowdrey, head of Paarsons, Limited, the biggest contracting firm d 11 in the world; Sir Robert Hadfield a leads and bodies, is Tett in em- caribou. It is weer evident that much fence. of out north land is best suited for " - the production of buffalo, moose, elk; caribou and reindeer, and that these animals will some day be a big Tee - tor. it Canada's meat track. A Valuable Ally. We have the foundation animals nowe w have the ran and 'tn(1 t hs country suited to then:, all we noel to. do is to remove those factors which tend to destroy or prevent the in- crease of the herds. These animals are the product of the wild, and adapted to the environment in which they will live, and increase greatly if given the same careful management that has made domestic animal breed- ing profitable. Forest fires. ie Canada. - . Island to appear in the Atetie- Sea. Flight Across Pacific. Aeroplane will make flights across the Paciiie ocean. Chin I ase• snutere ' st is to get mess- age from Mars. 1 Di oaditil elegise to -break out in Germany,: Japan to have Women suffia,ge. Kith Amari cats women n m`. a . to marry ,AYghav, ' Great steamship to be sunk. Creat: Naval Victory. England to win great naval and air victory, Queen Wilhclniino Of - die. 'King of Sweden divorces the Queen. Convicts to revolt in Siberia,,:r Shah of Persia to be driven from his throne, Old Arabian Kingdom restored, • King of Slant will dismiss his iharem. Human sacrifice in China and devil worship in India. ' Kaiser May Dic. The chief points of Gabriel ldcith's forecast are as follows:- War, ollows:- r Vl u, probably will continuo Until 1018 although March; 1918, may bring strong hopes, of peace, As the sub -cycle of Mars continues TUR1KISI{ GiRL SNIPERS. One -Shot Seven Soldiers at the Dar- ' dandles. From two officers, who have just returned to London £r omth eDardan- elles, separate .stories of gill snipers are 101(1. In oleo ease a girl vi to could aaot• been � more than oigltteen was ;found.in a marvellously prepared and concealed "dugout," with water, am- munition ami food "to hold on for ave ." - Inek t$te other ease the platoon com- mander fount} that his eaten were being shob in the back. "It took hours to locate' the spot whence the, bullets came, and elle brad got rid of: seven of my men, She -was so well hidden that it was more or less by chance that we sighted her from twenty yards. She had 3;000 rounds of ammunition. "She }vas as quiet as a lamb when we took her. She was one of, the bravest erroatuees I ha¢e met. I shook hands with her and had her sent no prisoner to our base." Clear Profit. elf, 1 could get someone to invest ahor .nd t as'a tl dollars in11 • 1 at scheme of Mine I could make some money." "How much could you make?" "Why, a tltousandsdolIa,s." great iroumaster, and Richard 13ur- bage, the manager of Harrod's Stores, one of the biggest London res tail dry goods houses. TO THE KAISER, Dance, since yore dancing, William, Dance up and doon; Set.to your partners Wiliia m �I We'll play the trial See, make a bow to Paris! Here's Antwerp toon; ' Off to the Gulf of Riga, . Back to Verdoon; Aye, but I'm thinkin', laddie Ye'll use your sheen! Dance, since ye're dancing William, Dance up and doon; Set' to your partners, 'William- --1�-- - We'll play the tune! What? Wail ye stop the piper's? Nay, 'tie over soon! . Dance, since ye're dancin; William, Dance, ye pair loon! Dance till ye're dizzy, Willeam! Dance till ye swoon; Dance till ye're dead, my 'addle, --- We'll play the tune! • , So far 'as is known the greatest age attained by an insect is that reached by a queen ant which was nearly fif- i teen years old when it diets_ Many women with disfigured complexions" never seem to think that they need an occasional l eatn gganaido as well as outside. Yet neglect of this interna bathing shows itself in spotty, and sallow complexions --as well as in dreadful• headaches and biliousness. It's because I the liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates which Nature cannot remove without assistance The best uu.'.-xr S. a Rm'a*,xara",s,,a=av' 0i( 44, ol remedremedy is Chtu'nin'.e Stomach �• eacw,.�..:z,wx,ax ams,¢ emednbcrl at mach andtiveeTablets, which ethelivertohealthyactivity rmoveform en t tio, gently oatte the stomach ti"ic" c 1, i and bowels and torso tl n whole at t digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable.Take • alight and you feel blight and sunny it the a ;.e 2511t . Chamberlain's today -druggists • r 'to morning. Get Y ggists 25c, or'by marl from tr C,lta nbet1ain 'Medicine' Company/ Toronto 13