The Clinton News Record, 1916-01-06, Page 4Clinton News -Record January 8th, 1916 Stanley Township Glad to report that Mr. Alex. par -h p sons, who was .so seriously ill in the . ; , erieh has recovered hospital at Godof sufficiently to return home and a } ] 1 Y• .- able. to move around a littlerteeveshi Mr: and Mrs, Richard Peck and u rage oh edon wh? daughter, Cr fL :� spent over the holidays at tile hem of AI> . Peck's parents, retrain do sday East',. ed home li Wednesday y Mt. Wellington Elliott has our- Chased a new piano.'' theOtt,evening of llecentbex 29th ' little sch ol-house of S.S.No. ]., the the it ritelt Staple was filled to • its utmost Stanley, e two hundred and -tiff capacity when. v y people from. the vicinity assembled .. to fierce to a patriotic entertain- Wal prepared by the young people 69 the locality. To. Mrs, J. Innis, directed the musical portion ofr• who i >' t hefwas due much of t performance,nt, the credit for .its success. The pro- d " the "Songhe i was cpeuc by 6 T i " i e 'ed oh rus:Mrs. gncn by a mn e o Later .in the evening this, chorus far' eared the audience With another eel- „ , cation, "We must fight, for King and Country." During the entertain -you meet several solos we -e beautifully rendered by Mrs. 1'. • Saunders o f ,Cioderich, who was a pupil of • thisOrangeman cIiool toward the close j of Mr. Baird's half century of- instruction, , j i s Several of Mrs. ,sunders selection. -Mary of .Ar le Annie Laurie .and y Argyle, Angus Macdonald --were Scotch and uentl appreciated by the Stanley Township hits. John Herd and Master Npuan ,, •year's Dat at the .home da spout New t Mrs. Flerd's latents, nlr, and Scarcely Eagleson , ' Mrs, Wm. Eagleson of Barfield. . that Mrs, Latimer of Goderich sped Naw hears at the home of her • ` 'Durand, near Drys-- father, Ah. Peter D a , , Y dalc. Florence' .0 tin . teacher Lor ^ ce L al l Miss returned No. 3 returned and terIumep het Burros on Monday last.86 i ' i� 'ss aura Mrs.- ,J..4,. Reid and ATt . L wad were visitin • friends in Gbda- i for 0 short tune, returned home, on Friday last,in y• Mies.Mabel Stars, who spent, her , ro t pn holidays under the parental o , Mar k- the Goshen Line, le tuined to ,1, raleto resume Iter iluttes as teach- - • _ 1r. and Mrs. Laltvard • Johnstone Mr. family spent New Year's Day at' K ., horns o[ Mr, Nelson eYs . , wh ,has Jamos Stephenson, o een spender a, few da s with g i , y friends in C,oderich, returned on Monday last. Mr. Thos. 1lrownett and'sister Susan, who were called to the home .Glen - oI IV-- George Barclay, . near ellen- toe; ou account of tbo death cf hisMr. wife, returned home last week.. Mr, and Mrs, Reid from Saskatche-1 .tvan are visiting at the home of the ' , Mr,' and Mrs, W. L.on latter -s ita.rcnts,,. Keys- Goderich Township- Holmesv lle election an Mon- bit, George I oliand went oast andand• Tie Vote as see g , • was small in some divisions secured another bunch -of cows 1! ut. of,A more than fif y peace _ which' he will dispose of by auction, available. The result gaveWe understand that Mr. Wm. Stan-ess,. as'follotvs Mr. Lobb tike. p, ley has decided to •remofi' to Clin- Lobb Hudie ten to the near . • future. He has . 1 36 . 19 been suffering acutelyfrom 'rheum- 25 •tism 'for some months p ast and -finds. 2 30 t? tar- 2 . it-impossib►'e to attend to his tar- . 3 3 7h 4 it 53 sous fines of business. It is with 5 r cutch,re ret that the neighbor's a Sthe . of the intended departure of Mr. and 0. 11 17 - Mrs, Stanley from FIplstiesvLilo. Mr. _--ass- 2d2- 102 Stanley is elle the oldest settle}s, The anima meeting. of Croderfch this village and has always been ready and willin • to assist in District L-O.L. will be, held in the S any room of ;No. 306,13ayeleld' Litre enterprise which would promote the lodge -, welfare of the community. He has on Tuesday next at two p.nt. Che y t at- as well taken a lively interest in invitation to the brethren o the affairs of the Methodist church, tend is most cordial. tend where he will bo very much missed. The following esolution was du Th wishes fall will accotn-tMessrs. thebrethren of L:O:L. N°o. a best wis es p t ectedby alt this worthy couple of their 189 to be sent to the widow an;l p y, y family of their late brother., Walter new hone 'and .it is hoped that ;, healthand happiness will be their Weston : Dear Mad -W the •home tenibers of LO.L: No, 1'48 •m' lodge portion. ug assembled, take this way of assuring Mr. and Mrs: L. O. Lashbrook of Mitchell came u? before Christmas that you have our heartfelt synm- 1 >ath in the loss of your loving- and will visit until Monday next at 1 y the lady's to husband and kind father. As an y . parental home that of we always found him. . and Mrs. Ezra. Piekard. of the Order, •I']ie rain wlidch fell friday eight the Zurich Mr, riLrs. Roswell O'BrienO Brien of Mather . Man; are spending p g . sonto time visiting friends hereabouts. Mr. O'BrienO Breen resided on the Saublo Line •: thutg until about thirteen years ago when the he went west; . Mr. A. F. Flees visfte'd friends at extras, South Bend, Ind, Burin the hslida g Y losing season. rift. George Innis of Moose Jaw, task:, has been renewing acquatntan- sells ccs about here, 1Vlr. and Mrs. Andrew 'Thiel' woro at Sebringville last week attendingthe g the funeral of a'relative. Mrs.: E. ]bhnes fell on an ,ic, ,walk y go, while leavingthe Evangelical church.: on Sunday week and fractured her hip. She has been. laid up since and will be for some time it is feared, riff rd Bertram Brown Wilford and a am of Toronto spent the holiday: period at the home of their parents Rev. and Mrs. Brown,, Mr. John-T'ruemner of PLlmaulto' Mich,, formerly of the. 14th .- conees- sion of Hap township, has been here visiting old friends and relatives. Mrs. S. Dietz and Mrs. Reichert are' visiting ;friends at Elkhart, Ind, •Thorn The Newspaper. • r (1 tom An l,xchange.) peculiarity of thin newspaper .hits says ft gives rho public, scare- for nothutg i1 mueii, so that publishers papersClinUon, p sh sof daily v, uch during the war have issued humorousy have found that-theywere' money, and the more c .zLras they i sued the isote they lost; qe- be - cause the price for Which the paper pays ,for only a fraction of the east of producing it. There is iio institution which 'does 'so much for community' as, the press, and , sometimes some people would like, 0,o adci to its funetionsi; making Lt, da in effect, constabl detective, mag- terse an d moral reLormer, all Free of reward', but should there be auy loss of revenue from an•y stand the paper may take, these samq, peuplo silt uL : g Paper should bearythemiburdena.t Insall pat- riotic, ,philanthrpptc and progrps ive sttovenents a newspaper 1 is • expected to •do and"doesgive a lar a auaount We Are Getting 91c For Our Wheat. Morse, Sask•, pee. 0th, 1915 IVIr. W.:J: ,Mitchell, Ont, Dear Sit, Enclosed y& will'Rud my subscription to ,The News -Record; We have just completed our thresh- ing and. have had most beautiful. weather all fall, The early part' of tall we had plenty of elevator room and teat numbers 1 carsev- g t b cry day, but the past three weeks the six elevators we have here are over taxed and hundreds of. wagons are standing• loaded from day to day, waiting for, a chance to get unloaded w ticl1 is clone by numbering each wagosi as they ponce •to the elevat- ors. Prices are good here now 91c m the elevators. and pi:ospects of go- I. higher, };e have had no snow and farmers are n on the land. Threshini is tiearl all finished' in .g.yNational, this district. -E. G-. Eagleson. gLater of publicity without charge. Y g Dungannon. They Were Surprised. are a cumber of leo to in p Clinton and the adjacent township t'110 will read the following para- graph from Ilio ITamilton Spoetator With not a little amused . surprise for "Tommy" Handsley was toles- ably well known about here : Many tales of adventure are heard at the, armories these days. The men are coming to Hamilton from all corners of the continent to enlist with the local quotas. It. is • Mr, J. Walkom of St. Marys, a former esteemed resident, was in town last week callinon old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Salter and Children of Cottharit were visitors at the old home. of Mr. S. Pentland during the holiday season.. Mr. and Mrs. Ro57 Willis and little Miss Beth of Toranto were guests at the home of the lady's_paroets, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Crawford, dor- ing the vacation time, - tine to principles ever ready to support and maintain and Saturday lust took off consider-• 'the , Protestant religion, and a able snow but :the sleighing . still black- roues thou li the villa e-blaelr-' thorough British subject, and a o t g g " u :on smith has a Busy tfmis keeping the strong supporter of t -e constit t and laws of the. Association. And horses feet in condition for safe travelling, tains the feel tht loss bo 'sus g tained not only to the lodge but to Seaforth. uoty- riIr. ail' Mrs. Barbour pE Snow- flake, Man., are guests at the Home. of bit. John Scott, Roxboro. Miss on ya Walker is home from consequentlymuch conse q Y Highland majority sweetest ohs. asse ve 'bl songs, Thatsa,"was a'l love sons "A'h t Rosary," also well S 1 3:Mrs, received. The musical tiobanquet was augmented by the selection ''0 Can-' g ads" given by a male chorus. 'Bien 1b - a decfdedl t novel and patriotic scarf y diilh woe bxflliantly, executed by ,bfushin debutantes of the - eighteeng e•ns of in- tereSt were Other' it. iciest titers a recitation, "A evicre -n Church" by Miss Isabel Sinclair i u '"Venting Tonight," 'with a tableau, I gSGoderlcband musical accompaniment, and a' error- us,"Knitting,"- by several girls ac-' really engaged in that important oc- tupatioir. The predominating fea- gspeeding Lure of the eveiiing,ltotvover, was a theatrical farce in one act, entitled, "Old Home Day at Plunket." The consisted entirely oil local talent capably directed by Miss l tokerd. The loadin ,part teasHorner well , taken by Mr. G. McGregor, who acted as president of the village. bit, P. Moffat ably represented the oldest inhabitant of Plunket and re ceived the coni St tokens of ap- preeiation from the audience. The military band managed by Mr. W. Moffat, and the male quartette led Varna. flies Jennie, Austro of Blyth, who lead been spending, Chastmas end ' New t'ear's at her brother s, Mr,' Alfred' Austin, returned home on Monday 'evening. Y g Mr, J. 'L'• Reid returned just before Christmas from his homestead at Prussia, Saskatchewan, and may re- main for the winter, perhaps longer. ' He looks as if' foaming 011 the broad prairies agrees well with him. Aqr, llnrvev 110111 who is attending the Dental ('ollege in, Toronto is the holidays at bis sten- g i .. til home. rilx. Chas. 5telck spent Christ tits his brother near T-Iillnd hI'• Mr, and Mrs, A, Ins and Me. A. C ri tma at lho hrm;e spent h s s their parents in-FIay;, _ • Messrs. Thomas and Fred Reid left for Seaforth on Monday where tl ey are engaged m making shells. A large erotvtl attended the ni.•t orations held on Monday nben the topics of the day' were widely Bis- cussed. the Association at large, we know our loss is small; indeed, compared Porter's Hill to yours in losing a loving husband • and kind and indulgent parent. We Mrs. D. W. Gibson and Mrs. Al- hope and pray that the All Wise bort T+'lynn, after a few days' visit Providence who saw fit to separate among friends hereabouts, returned you will give you the wisdom and to their homes in Detroit on mon- strength required in this, the . time day, q of your bereavement,=Signed in be- Reginar.on a visit. C: Layton and children are e- visiting the lady's mother in De- trott. At the annual meeting of court gof- Sherwood, A.O.I,., the following o g finers were appointed : C.R. J. F- Fell ; P.G.R., W. D. Hoag ' S.C.R., g' James Sleeth ; Secretary, C. L. 00131; S. W., only the newcomers who hate had the thrilling had experiences, but several of the returned men also. Recruiting Sergt. Thomas Handsley, who went .through the battles at .Neave Chapelle, Lal3assee and Arras, was later invalided home suffer. ing from nervous shook, has had an interesting life. His parents Brod while he was quhte young and when a little fellow he`was left 'an orphan in the west, He was a cow -puncher in Texas,. having met many of the celebrated riders of his day. I[e isti'ith note boarding with: Bugler Harry O'Neil, and like ;that other Texasp3, rider ]mew Al Jeunfn s intimate) When the war was declared Sergt. liandsleywas in Mexico fighting Dr. New Uof Macdonald's Naltous Book ix half of Lodge : George' Cantelon, W. -' hi. Walter Emmerson, R. S., Adam Cantelon, P. W. M. Tho marriage took place on Wed- Box ; Treasurer, L•.i. Alex. Stobie ; J. W. W. McCauley ; S.B„ ,john Habkirk ; .7.8., Herb, Box ; 'Prnstees, Dr. J. G, Scott, W. J. T. Fell Auditors, Summerhill •.. A very quiet but pretty " Wedding was solemnized at the hypnic of Mr, and biers. Godsall, Bold St., Hamil- tort, when ?efiss Pearl Wright, young- ,riit. ost dau titer -of A'lr. JoSn� }tri ht, formerly of the Base Line, became the bride of iVIr:"IIarry God 11 The bride, who was unattended, •was znar- incl in her travelling dress of plum colored velour and, carried a .power bouquet of white narcissus and maid- 9 enhafr. tern, 1'ho •ceremony, ty the took place in the presence of the immediate friends of the ,contract ing parties, was performed by the Rev, C. J. Toney, D.D., of Stanley Ave. Baptist church, The wedding march was beautiful- ly rendered,by: Mrs. Hugh Syming- ton. After the ceremony the patty sat down to a sumptttocs repase, When the guests had partaken of the goad things provided the bride and gloom lefts amidshowers of tun- fetid and good wishes for • a short wedding tour. 1.1500 their return they will reside in Hamilton, nesday of last week at Knox church of Miss L"+' it "N. iVlcGreath, young- 'and' ea: of Mr. and Mrs. Wni. McCreath, ,to Malcolm R. McLean of Cleveland, Ohio. Alter a ._host 'honetmoon trip Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Lean will reside in Cleveland. The brtdo was a pepnlar out ladyand is followed to her new home 1 1 the •hearty goal wishes •of a large cit- ole; of friends;, Mr. Ray Rumbali, local manager of the Bell Telephone Company, was the winner of the sewing machine •given lig' Mrs, L. B. 'Pape to the one guessing the correct number of bel- lots in a jar 111 the window, Mr. Runiball's was the only correct guess,' several coming' within one of it. The churches o[ rho different de- • nominations in town are observing this as the week of prayers holding union meetin s in the several cher- thee, g Mr. Chas. Kidd of Montreal was home for the holiday Mr. Carman of Shrine has been appointed organist of St, t George's church and takes charge on Sunday noxi. D. D Hoag and ; W. Bristow, H. Jeffrey and John Irenclt. Mr. and ribs. Hottop and fanny of Port Tdopc were gusts for a few days last ween of Mr, and Mrs. •J,performance C. Greig. Creorge Sproat of Swiit Cur- rent, Sask„ is' renewing old friend- ships in town. It is fifteen years since Mr. Sproat went west- Art. Burness Isydd of Sidney, N.B., a former member of the Bank of Commerce staff here, pard . a flying visit to town last weeks He was on his wayto 'New Mexico. Word was received hero last week of the death of hots. AIlen„Bond. of lVinnipcg, eldest daughter 01 Mr. and Mrs. James Beattie of Seaforth. Tier husband and ayoung -daughter survivr'• r Miss C. Everitt, who has been in Cam bellford for some months per' and who was at Smith's Palls for Christmas, came home last week. Air.James es Alurray . of Portland,refused Ore., and Mr. L. Murray of Regina, Sask., were here during the holiday time with their mother, $ire, P Mint's. Beattie and Mrs, ribs, with General Villa, and informed a Spectator reporter that be had fought under the rebel leader for g over six years. When ho heard of the real war he immediately made lox Canada, It is a long railway ride, and as the soldier was not "in funds" ho rode nosily, all the way on a Pullman -having a seat under - g heath the car. For three days he rode without 'food, being afraid to leave his food, seat on the er „ t rods in case some other travel- might get ft, Ire was invalid- ed home some weeks ago, but re id- ]feted last Friday. IIs, was later permission to return to the front and is getting physically fit men to 611 his and other places on the firing litre." A. CANADIAN __ These luminous chapters all asemn of the tea[ all thee praise of the writer, and ail the the man of prophetic Pelee $1,25 post paid, For sale by A5T5 VIEW disciplined eom'ief mission. have stator, of • ��g�yyyy le f.9 Y Ue b}� Mr. W. Sinclair, were ludicrous, bat the best feature of the play was a vaudeville stunt presented to the villagers by Miss A. Stewart and Mr. L. Glen. The acting of .all the ladies ryas superb but the play- was. of such a nature that almost • all the parts were : of equal importance, filch gave ,little opportunity for the display of extraordinary talent. The evening's entertainment was fittingly closed by all rising and ,coining in the singing of the National Anthem. Hensall, Lieut. W. B. Wilson of the officers' training camp, London was horn for p' the vacatLOu time. Mrs. Robert D. Bell .has purchased from Mr. R. Cudmoro the Rue , reel- den�e he has est completed, j p Mr. Norman Cook has returueci af- ter spending a fortnight or 50 in Montreal, " M FARM SEED SUPPLTI:S Field and garden seed supplies are ptacticaily, assured for the 1.!lf, • Gl INTO N. Bonfield• The following is the •report 'f-, •• the , senior room of Daysetd L ublfcbadly }While employed in shell -malting at the 'Doty,C'oinpany, Tom Telford on Friday suffered a serious injury to his hand. An eighty-lioutid shell fell on 1 ,crushing it. Though b g not be necessary, it .James Smith of Peterboro went to 'Winni- peg last week on learning of the serious illness of the Cortner s daughter, the late Airs. Aden Rind. (ppr�pg° it j p t ei @ Dryy Goods r urni hin Furnishings planting. There is a scarcity in Aur t �� ��Rs.� ( school. fit December : 2nd Foray -.1.0 Lai 312- Nesbitt Woods '230, l•tliel Potvlie 212, Lulu Baker 2033 Agnes McDonald see, 1st Perm -'Poral 312-Tietia Met- ter 211, Lucy renc,els 195, N74, Treitel 778; Flounce i;('atli 17.1, , + 'fling 700, Like i Catling :L11, Beulah Beulah rarlms 112, lith Gracie (Sr) -Total 2190 -Greta Baker 15:1, Iritic C'atlLug 108, Mary Currie 71, bola, Blair (absent), Jr: lilt -•Harry Batter 103, Shirley King 101, Mae Howard Ji, Harold }Weston 54, 'orich (absent.), Sr.3rd-.Poral 250-Reta HarrisonFriday 1d3,, Eth l Jotrrett 125 Leslie reel Nott 124, Jean Woods 117, Allred Copeland 100, l l hel Gonda tiara 102, Frank Erwin 103 George Blair AO James C, g '3'3, Norval G inin- hardt 76, Roland Reid 52, Lola Til- tine 00, Chas. remhmiartlt 50, :Real- rine Brown b0, -V. I": Stevens, Principal, amputation will will be some tiuno before the injury heals. Tom Carrick was also fin- jilted at the Doty,C'ompanywhen his hand was caught in a dado machine. Air. S. B. (lenient of North Bay was here for spate days visiting his sister., Mrs. i-. E, Hot1 ens, g Mr. Wm. it - De Long of Magrath, Alta., is home on a visit to bis par- cuts alter an absenoc 0f Rve years' The Funeral of the late Mrs. .Ar -here thur Curzon, whose death occurred after an- illness of sonic }weeks, took place from St, George's church ai afternoon of last week, Her parents, Mr, and Mrs• Radcliffe, her 'Husband and one daughter survive. Mr, Walter Sharman; who .waswho spending the holiday periost with friends in Detroit, was taken sad- denly with appendicitis' and for a fewd days was seriously i11, Rvethig indicate that he is now re::pt'ering cicely. Mr. Chas. Washington of Regina, Dungatlil®n Miss Janie •Stothors of Leamington 1 the vacation period at her home here. Mr. Reeves was lit Toronto last week' ri'Jx. David Barkley Limerick, Saslt,, home rota visit, Alrs. J. M. Wilson of Elora was last wee): [or a tete da s visit- Y • ing her mother: spent Afiss Lthe[ Case od 'lost h le the mid -win ltolidasrs at her tome Mr, and Mrs, Huh Davidson of, Neptune,Sask., and ilii. Walter Day- Ideon of Toronto, spent a tete days during the holiday period with tela- fives here: air. and Mrs, I tech, Ross spent a days with :lntberley friends ire -Preston eentl •, } ' �u/ /►Ar l' • [j/ rr Ir0•1/ihiirrlOi tit 1.ri;"P/01$01,00,t ! P P/ 61PIti�; ! i r of , r /,Pr " t „ if• : y .. , • / } 0 10 IhoAj AO ; i,pi r r riot, Ps'r „.„ O1 /•.; ____ 'is > 014 R. � =t , / I tr+I0I��t'i i 9r�' P P ��I' i pro Pr!%r• r r '+, FF S• '1. � ,P '' dr ijit 1/,r ter I, a r /13+ II irP'illl ��r01,-,,, s• G'trtdirefi•a-is d ,e' n 11 E. a3"�r� a�; ass d3 ILL Ian 'y'i, lig „••e ride'; i%i;"rs °c'' lint'?rig, f w..: ,d' e+ : hhis•es• ! t. ads ciKa,,p, ci! ' 7G Ali. ccct•strri •,, rr ¢r ts - T F s _ y a "Me`ls. _ye!` ' �'t( -,i: �;w rsr^ _��few a ran K sniE;isa A"-iGI ssE GI 1, seep ::eeRi y r -,,is,.', )1 n mil' c,t l-a=^I t. % y ria a1 y : Ih� 1; r , ,I ,,,R 1 rs+"- , iJil - - 0, { 'stent a4 �, any ea as , ' �dpr,. gr „��c if nrr �a� .a• ,' iii al sly iii :. a I niwork- s tt ;1a I; � r°"'s•y a,ANEW llif• s! J •a 1 shere, s`; !' erican grown crops including teens, onions, and to a'lesste extent sweet t cora. Amongst the importer! stocks, swede titruips are rather short, also spinach and salsify and some varlets fes of carrots, Red Clover and ."-t- falfa are unusually short and shots y an advance in price from 30 to 75 percent. Other kinds that might be used as a clover substitute, as alsIke, aro higher in price than the supply would otherwise warrant. We1L-es- tablLshed Canadian seed ,houses with contracts made two or three years in advance will have no serious trouble this season in taking care. of their regular: trade. Seed merchants depend from year to year on the surplus stocks that may be oF- Cered, may have less assurance as to the character of their supplies. -Seed Branch Ottawa:' r Good Morning , Are .you a Newt- Record Subscriber 3, -... i Uc:...n., • -WINTER Asheville Citarlestou, L3oU 5prin*s 1,lorida'Points r New Rail tinction) Chicago. I3ERML Mount IDlieh• Further to e t Special Long Sprfugs, Ind• Orleans, (or steamer OTIII R Clemens,, ; St. Springs, Grand Round Limit tend FIpt S, ,C.. T, or via DA AND HEALTH Catharines particulars Trunk e.,, 1, 1-1.Min s .... R ] SORTS ,, Trip fates, -Stopovers. Springs, X.C. ; Nassau, N. P• ; Arlt. ; Preach Liolr Jacksouvflle and all ; IIavana, (Jtba attd a., via New York and du- according to des - Buffalo Detroit or NEST INDIES, RESORTS, Mich. ; Dattle Creek, Well Ont. • Ont. ' on application Agents, McKillop Township•in Chtistutas Day was ushered in with a violent snow storm •bat the weather moderated Tn the afternoon, Adam -Holl res, who was killed in railway, collision on the G 1 ,Fl., re- sided a short distance west of Lead- bury for many years. Yl r. ane► Dtrs, 5 .J. Bel] spent part of Christmas Dayin Mitchell, Sask., is visiting his sister, Miss Washington,_ and other relatives liereahouts, Mrs. Lorne McDonald and daugrtter of Barham Man, are u g ests at Uhe Home of ribs. John McDonald. Mr. Jack Iinpx of Wakiville, Sask., is home on a visht• 1VIiss Robertson of Windsor sl?cut the vacation period at her home her• e, ITas it occurred to you that the farm is a business proposi g p p tion, and, that you are handicapping }'ourself and losing money by eat strbsetibing for :a farm business pap- mita or. We recommend the Farmers Weekly Sun, Toronto, to our read- ers. It is the steadfast fried and fearless advocate of the farmer, and always places his interests first. 'Pile one dollar you invest will never- ,,,�.,�,,. . _s_. ISSUE . of the lir % ' LADIES' thelargestcoatsefton rtyLadles' o matter what r choice at one-half r!,!1 V \ �s„ \�� at theefot 11� app li CLOTH CLOTH former price. . this Store meclear at price 1 \ • .COATS. has exactly was, ,� �.� c lyd, Saturday m r c- one- ,t� i W e� Telephone • Directory Daniel Regley,- who has represented division three in the Council for a couple of years, is again in the held and Es deserving of re-election, Blyth y &Iles Lily Ploodyr o[ Iiaileybury be regretted. Start the rear right g a y t !? by sending 1n your s bsettpttlt, or loaning it at this office, �� �. ` rf \ - / ie now being prepared; and additions and: °harm -./ 1 / sr for it should be reported to our Local Manager ' at once. r Hare you a telephone? Those who have _ will ton you that it in the moat preoroue of modern oonvaniencas, whynetordorto•dayand limoyonr nnma ra the new direotary' 11tt The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada • Y .• a,,,• Mrs. Dempsey, and daughter Mimiie visited in Mitchell one day last week, Weregret to say that Mr. John is getting; poor health. lle `was one of the earliest settlers in the northern part of McKillop, was a guest at the home of Mr. - D. Ploody during the holiday, period. Mr. and Mrs. Moore of near War- ton visited at the borne 'of the former's brother, Mr. Wnt. Moore of town; for a few'' days miring the Christmas vacation. Hensall' ••� What might have been a seri0uS accident occurred last weelr, As Mr. James Green and wife. were driving up street in a cutter their fright " Seaforth. Mr. H. •Cresswell of Calgary, Al- herta, was a holiday visitor in town. Mr. W.A. McKay of Halifax- was ini town for the holiday .time and on his return to his eastern home last week was son, accompanied hd bb his end- and little son, who had been spend- ing soiree weeks at; the home of .the lady's parents, Air. and Mrs. Jolty Dodds, Cul. Wilson, hits. Wilson aitd daVisitors were here a fewpa dayrs last week. weelr, 'The Col, accompanied the re- "tains of the late Major Becher from Quebec to London, whore the sol- lien was given a military funeral, Miss McNair of Vancouver, ,B,, C„ visited friends in town xocently. Mr. G. C. Barrows of Milk River, Alta., a formerresident of McL{Ll-. lop, itis been renewing old friend-' ships hereabouts, for the week pastduring or so, . IIs has his famil down With y • him and they intend retraining . ,for some time. Mrs. Bean of Clinton was here with friends for the holidays. Miss Edythe Gidley of West. Tor - onto was home for a few days dur- ing the holiday, period. Mrs. John 1'iclret of Maple .Greek task„ •is Here on a visit to her sister, M'rs, John Memos, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sloan aro go- ing to Toronto and other. points to spend=a few weeks. Misses Annie Taylor .of Windsor and Ena Taylor of Toronto were ho11da31 with their mother. Mrs, J, 13. Taylor', bit. and Mrs, Prank 1]. Elliott and two children of Listowel were guests last wook at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. J•o J.•R. neholElliott. - e, Y Denholm of•the Dental College, Chicago, was home for the vacation. Mrs. MacNeil of Sarnia was home the Christmas vacation; , Miss Lillie M, Carr of the D'eacon- ness School, Toronto, was hOme for the mid -winter' vacation, horse took and ran away, turning the corner next ,the Post office the animal took to the side - walk and ,the cutter struck a tree - or pole and upset throwing the octal- .pants out 'With great force. Fortun- ately neither suffered more serious injury; than' a bad shaking up. The cutter shafts and crossbar ,The broken, but. no serious damage i'e- silted. A number of the leading men of Hensel' met and organized a re- cruitiatg league, for the purpose of assistingrecruiting in Hensall and g district, 1 hey propose holding some good cousin recruitingmeet- g lugs. Lieut. -Cala -Combo and Major Shaw of Clinton. and At H. Mus-' grow, IVI. .P., of Wi stirring awngham ere dresses. The committee is as fol- lows . A. Murdock, President ; 1 . Rannie, W. McISay, A. Whiteside, D, Canteitn,'(1. C, Petty, Donald Lir- quhart. Frod Smallacombe, Rov, J, 4 I'' ht, Rov. la Mc g h. Smith. Reeve ltludson, (Lieut: Flait, aecte- tans . s f Children s Coats $2 99 c r ve Children's Coats to clear, made of good q,ua1- this season's styles. Sizes 4, 0, 8 and 10 yearn, $7.00,' Your choice Saturday $2'00. � • Cg TRATII'j'i R RUGS FURNITURE 1 r • lJ RE S AND l tINOLEIJMS - We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are going to furnish your home, or if yon only want some odd • pieces you will find it to your advantage to inspect our stock and see the bargains we ar • giving. We also carry a good line of violins, pianos and organs. Our undertaking is up-to-date in every re - g departmentp. cocci and we'guarantee the best of satisfaction. , Ladies' ! ha'dieS Hlgh=Class.. Fil'r �. p•c. off. 5 sale Saturday all Furs and Fur -lined Garments t,diaconnt, including Mink, Lamb, Wolf, This Opposutri, Etc, ' time to lie Pure at a low rice. y 1? JAS. i T D JAS• D V NFOR Undertaker and Funeral Director, Night and Sunda calls answered at residence ovEr g store, 28 Phone ' 28 • ®nw