The Clinton New Era, 1917-05-24, Page 4rTti cL.FINTON, NaEW 'FRA. Page Throe 'win'l vu, oiaYluUxlid SUCCESS OF A NEW REMEDY FOR etllttSTIOIi tiOLIOPEOB NOTARY aACKACHE, KKICHEYS, R WNEUIOATiSEh PUB lefO, O o1afN t oN ;Dear Arr. Bai or—I suffered for years eWAR1.QS $ Nat -la Oanneyanoe, Notary k'ubjlo, Oonimiesioeer, etc, QAl'a ESTATE AND 1N8111i,ANCLr Issuer of Marriage I;4ieenees, 'Huron st., OlintQn, H: T. RANCE otary Publio, Conveyancer, Financia, and Real Nlstate ISURANOP AG 111-e ds • eu anus Companies, lDivibiOII Court OQifee. Piano Tuning Mr, James Doherty wishes to in - Um the public that he is ,pre- ared to do fine piano tuning, one regulating, and repairing. irdere heft at W. Doherty's phone l., will receive prompt attention, -- M. G. Cameron, li..C. larrister, Solicitor, Oouveyancer, Etc Ol'iine on Albert Street, occupied ty r. Hooper, In. Clinton on every hursday, and on any day for which pointments are made. Cttice hours 'om A a.m. to 0 p in. A good vatilt iii nnection witla the office. e y week day, Mr. HoopeOffice will make ny oppoinbmentsi'or. Mr. (Wilier ]. Medit,ai. DR rt. W. THOAiit'SeN Physielan. Surgeon, Eto eneoiai attention given to diseases 0f the Eye. Bar. Throat, and Nose, Yes a dully s00o i oibdd suitable glasses °Mee and Residence, we doors west of tree Commercial Vista Enron t. J)JIS. ()l' U% and GASIIIEIt; Dr. W. Gunn, L. 6. C, P.. L. 16.0.S.. fid! t, Dr, Goon's o0too at residence High Street IIr .1. C. (ander. B.A. M.lr. , Office-Ontorto Street,Olintou. 'atght Calle at resideooe, Battenbne, 51. or at hospital OR. P. ft. AXON Dt)ATIST Crown and Bridge Work u Sperlaltyt raduato of C.O.D.S... Mew, and B4O,D.t Toronto. nage ei,) on laonelays, Env est 10 11 H. FOWLER, ertrir. A s1C. Offices over O'NEIL'a store. epeeist once taken to make dental trent meet as 11,61111m es oosaible. With backache, Last leo trice "Untie" and have used this new kid- ney medicine recently discovered by Dr, Pierce, and it was wonderful the way it wised the pain and gave me relief several medicines, tbut "Anuri-have "" is the only one that gave satisfaction, IAfeel r c Tgo ab eke"tantrecommendo yoneWhet uftere THOMAS GUNORY Live stork and general Auction wee GODERIOH .ONT 0-nE stone antes n apeman). (news it New ERA. mime, Clinton, Pt •,.,t 11 to, Terms reasonable, Farmers' sale dircountedl as I did, ( Signed) MeS. MeneA11ET E. Stumm. tT4ai1 ab our own'Tioniei3,"— Mrs, J. A, Maceolhale was re-elected PI'eeidellt 01 tee AS000l0l04 and Mrs, Margaret Hyslop was appointee. Or- ganizing :,eeretary, Or. lltiebaul Merle gave a echolariy Well illapleingatddress on the war wi4il •rtiferonolia aloe to the tariff, Ma Row elt In aritl[tion to discussing problemntl relating to the weir,- ramrod to the race trach evil, quoted from Detroit papers showing how Detroit deplored the going of their young mer. across Lee rivar to Windsor .to 'gamble at the reee meetings, . NOmn: Folks in town and adjoining REVIVING INTEREST counties are delighted with the results IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS theyhave obtained byusing 4NUItIQ, I Dr.Pierce . - _ __ the newest discovery of i , who 817EGIOAT, IN/err/TeX, in Buffalo, N. Y. is head of the INVALIDSHOU ra and Those who started the day with a bask- 11011811058 arising from the war or a ache, stiff lege, arms and musolee, and revived interest in public affairs, ow - an aching head (worn out before the Lng to Women. Suffrage, or a combine - day began because they were in and out . tion 01 these and other causes, a of bed half a dozen times at night) are � political trant•.fol•nlatinll s g appreciating the perfect rest, comfort in Toronto, evil fn bel particularly hero and new strength they obtained from change i Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets, To prove e'or a number of years the Liberal that this is a certain uric acid solvent , Party locally ili as apital talrwasbie fist - and cconquers headache, kidney and ' er g nor bladder diseases and rheumatism, if should have been. Within the last you've never used the "Anuric,e ant Yew months, however, evidence is ac - this out and send ten Cents to Doctor , cumulating that citizens, men and wo- Pierce for a large sample package. This men alike, of the very highest type, Will prove to you that "Anuric" is I are commencing to take an interest thirty -seven times more active than In practical public affairs as applied Lithia in eliminating uric acid—and the in Toronto City Riding Associations. most perfect kidney and bladder Dor- 1 The latest sign of this stimulating rector. If you are a sufferer, go to your development is the election and ac - best druggist You d ruk n no risk for Dr. formed r a 60 -cent leox oParkdale as fdProvincial ent of o,Riding Pierce's good name stands behind this Association of Mr. S. J. Moore. Mr. wonderful new discovery as it has for Mooio is an outstanding business the past half century for his ',Golden , man; one who has been •a. leader iu Medical Discovery," a general tonin ' all movements, social, economic and ,made from roots with pure glycerine religious, for the good of the oommun- which makes the blood pure, his "Fa- ity. Mr. Mark Brulin, another gentle- vorite Prescription" for weak women man of the highest type, is President and "Pleasant Pellets" for liver f11e. of the new North East Toronto Pro- vincial Liberal Association, and for the South West Riding there is Mr. G. G. S. Lindsey, also one of the lead- ing citizens of Toronto. Associated O 006000000000000000000000O0 with these leaders are large groups • 8 1 of men and women representing var- ied interests in the city, all co-operat- ing in public affairs and exercising their responsibilities of citizenship, A rr-v AIR p R (1 particularly in these critical times o4 �J"tlg 1p•/ J[�j'�.Yi3 IJ\ ® the war when every man slid womaat, b In some capacity, should servo the •••••••••••••••••64:4•••••• state. 6000000 At the Parkdale meeting Mr. Row - Whether It is increased public ser - Werk to chief aee0llcteet in a big New York firm, That Mrs, Mary Fels, widow of the Wealthy single tie advocate,, has just Opened e new bureau in NOW York to condect t(ie educational work of the single tax movement, Digs. Geo, at; M. E. WIlit';4'y osteopathic lll1y. Spec'ialieta in Women's and • CChildrem's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye. .Bar, .Nose. and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office=Eikttun eery- Rotel. p.m. uesday end Friday,_ , D. Mclttggart M, 1). Mo'raggat • WTa � arE Bio;,. ONTARIO Chu.Fcdren Cry FOR FI.ETCHER S 'CASTOIUA BRUSSELS The salary of Constable Oliver lute been increased IBG ocr month by 1110 Coun U tante was cleared for the 11,ed Cross' at Wroxeter by the presentation of the comedy, 'The New Minister" by Bruss- els talent, the party_ was conveyed in ten automobiles to Wroxeter, a distance of ten miles. The Patriotic Celebration that was to beheld on May 2.4th has been postponed on account of the backward season, intik ing it a difficult task to secure ball teams, etc. Alex. Cloake,y, et well to-do farmerof Morris Township, and Mies lfthel Carter, of 'Auburn, were married last Wednesday evening, and will take up residence on the groom's fine 200 acre farm. Captain Barclay was here and inspect- ed the school cadets, They were put through their manoeuvres by Company Commander Cardiff Best, assisted by Ralf Company Commanders I-1. Currie and 0. Hemingway. The inspector Was pleased with the work and said it com- pared favorably with the larger Collegi- ates. Principal Scott takes a great in- terest in this work, as does Rev. (Lieut.) R. E. Page, Anglican clergyman. A Belgian wedding was solemnized in St. Ambrose Church here by Rev. Fr. Fallon, The principals were Griel Ver huye and Miss Angil Versnnentann. They will live out the Fraser farm in Grey Township, which they have rented. It was a pleasing coincidence that the ceremony yens performed in Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Canada seven and four years s respecti ely. WOMEN CONVENE IN BANKERS 143EET ST',, CLINTON eaeireeemi Bettering Bttaminnsiati tr mnsa'eted ee0TES DISCOHNTBD Drates fsaued. ' Intgrest allowed n 12 asoo0it's, . '. Ile Mc.ECaiiop: , 1A t1R[tti Fire fl lsuraat'9'cc .chic urea Band 1°)1il t0d, Tneert.• Prove erty' Only' tnatired.; , ell took rather a serious view of the war situation; deplored the apathy of •the Ottawa Government and declared IMPORTANT MEETING that wftereas in other countries gov- ernments have used the best brains of all political parties, here the gov- ernment has not attompted to use the best brains of even its own party. Sato. Carter, M.P.P., assailed the Pat- ronage evil and favored a most getter - out treatment of returned and disabled soldiers. Mrs. Margaret Hyslop sold site had been brought up on the Short - et Catechism, porridge and Liberalism and that they were all good things, Mrs, Plunkett Megann read a report Of the work of the Toronto Women's Liberal Association with its record of war -service. Ontario Women's Liberal Association Holds Provincial Convention—Dis- cuss Much and Work Hard These are days of new things and a new sort of political convention was the gathering of Liberal women from all parts of the province in Toronto. 'on May 11th, for the annual meeting of the Ontario Women's Liberal Asso- ciation. There was no sign of ama- teurishness or inexperience either in !the executive handling of the sessions 'nor in the range and depth of the sub- )focts discussed. Woman's training in other societies is standing her 1n good stead in these larger responsibilities that have been placed upon her. The morning session was dovotied [o" business and to the discussion of puled lic problems, and a Luncheon at noon was followed by a public meeting with Newton Rowell and Dr. Michael Mr. Clark, ILP., from Red Deer, as the ' chief speakers. Ahtiong the places rep - t tl roofer 1,U#OI Root Compos! M. A safe, reliaf'le rt",r t t +' n,e,t(cnie, Sold to She a . Lt0�1 rroee of stronath—Ne 1 Si: No. 2, Sal No. 3, 9.' prr h Sold by all druridat tr sew. t Prepaid on receipt of p01 Free pamphlet. Ade.r.ro-. THE COOK MEDICMNE 00. • 7050570, 007. (Formerly Wieser.) resented by delegates a to v once were: .Paris, Brampton, Cale. Il ,chat! from TQSeI arIgsby dome, North Bay, Kitchener, Welling- �tl g �g g� @i�l� E t� toll, Lindsay, Picton, Hamilton, Dunn -,1 ville, Bealusville,' Guelph, Strathroe,'. BOwmanville, London, Collingwoud, March loth Drunbo, Woodstock, and a number a.• llear. Dad:—'1'hc last month has been Blend Oliaci;-&matfort11 ,O,IIG • 'Officers •. J. Connolly,,Goderich, President; JaS. Evans, Beecit\ltood, Vice -President; Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, 'Secretary - Treasurer. , Agents Alex. Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward I-fincjtley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- mondville; J. W. Yeo, Goderich; R. G. Jarmuth, Brodhagen. others. - . Among the topics discussed in Lite morning were, "Alter the War, What?"' and "Productioh." Mrs. Henry Clnr-'� pentet' said, "L'et us adopt the slogan 'Stene behind the flag with the hae,'" Mrs. Davits Williams of Collingeteed proposed that women should stop us- ing calco. Mrs. Robert Glasgow referred to the Patronage ardent, as "The •stalk on which grew the. beautiful blossoms of rrtft_;' "Too many representatives," h11 said, "are so much afraid of their Part, and of their constituents that they,don't.spealt of the highest things that, are..iit.titeir mind. Let us show them, that' +ve, will be behind theta if they develef statesmanship" Mrs. George' Law of Drumbo explained the motives tLat ;led to the organization of Liberal women in that village. "Drunibo I'.ibei'al women," she said, "organized to study and to learn how Directors Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben - newels, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beech- wood; M. McEwan, Clintdn; J.a'mes Connelly, Goderich; D. F. McGregor, 14o. 3, Seaforth; J. 3. Grieve, No, 4, Walton; Robert Ferris,, Harlock; Geo. McCertne, No. 3, Seaforth. A Q)pii•ioadi of t;salltt,ltia ed sty POMO UMW t1 )3,➢II+L` lid 3t)l' prices it will pay you John utt n LONDES BORO S k8' y z d ol chi Ask Your Druggist for o .ieslL, See You Get This Box � �BB ,rem Olt THE K1LYS eine' Road 14.3. 1+iay int, 18111., "Aly proublo was gravel 10 the Aladdar, MY Oslo Was very serious and my death WO daily expected, No suffering could to wareo Mut 1 had.. to endure. T beg you to publish triy letter se that people Alit/ iyneow what Gin Pills had done for ma, The first bot relievedano a great deal, Bight bens woes sitaloient to are me entirely and to bring 1110 b0e1c to perfect health, Isadore ''ihomaa'„ Your drhtggist sells Gin Pills—ties, a box„ or 6 boxes for 66.S0. Sample free If you write to NATIONAL, P20930 & onemecAi 00, 0r OAITADA, mamma) Toronto, Ont. 02 U', S, Addrese—Na,Drs-Ge, Inc. 292 Main St„ Buffalo, N.Y. ht planning nourishing and inexpen- sive food, do not forget whole hominy dried lima beans; split peas, dried corn and other dried vegetables that can be made Into soups or creamed. To keep milk sweet in hot weather stand the jug or bowl of milk in 0 large basin of water to which a hand- ful of salt has been added. A tiny pinch of soda also helps to counteract the acidity, 1r+,a a and 's musness, CIJS1SD BY MIL4w'It RN'S (LANA -LEVER FELLS. HEALTHY MEN dere or decorations awarded them, the next of kin should be communicated with by the ori ecr in charge of the records In order to ascertain whether they desire that the order should be sent to then privately or'presenled ora parade. Nearly 400 Libraries. There etre now 395 public libraries it) the province, 199 of which have reading rooms furnished with periodi- cals and newspapers. The expenditure by public libraries has increased 350% in ten years and the iiuube,r of public library books read by the people per year has increased 3% tines Mace i906; 5,000,000 books were borrowed from the public libraries of Ontario last year. One Reason for Dear Food. A subscriber requests the publics - ion of the subjoined clipping: "Flour is selling at $10 a barrel and it is ntv wonder bread is up. The Ogilive Milt- ing Co, announces profits of three- quarters of a million for the year and the Lake of The Woods Milling Co. of half a million. Here is one phrase of the high cost of living where Govern- ment interference should be invoked, No industrail concern should be allowed. to accumulate such profits at the ex- pense of the people, and in especially in war times. If the profits from these two milling companies were taking Kaiser 13111 style, and applied to patriotic purposes, along with those from all similar profit staking industries, the t ordinary man would be relieved of muck d contribution giving."—Chesney Enter - It is natural for little ones to be kept and with care every baby well. The main thing towards keeping little ones well is to keep their little stomach sweet and their bowels regu- lar. Baby's Own Tablets will do this. Thousands of mothers keep the Tablets in the house as they find them an effi- cient guard against illness Concern- ing them Mrs. Hilaire Desnutrais, St. Joseph de Sorel, Que., verities; 1 be- lieve Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine in the world for children. My baby was terribly constipated but the Tablets promptly cured lune and now he is a big healthy child." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box front The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Mrs. Willard Tower, Hillsboro, N.B., writes: "I have sulfered something awful with sick headache. At times I would become bilious, and would have severe pains in my stomach after seting, and have a bad taste in my mouth every morning. I told some of my friends about it and I was advise1 to use Ilia burn's Laxa-Liver fills, This I did and and they cured maw' When the liver becomes sluggish and inactive, the bowels become constipated, the tongue becomes orated, the inetnach foul and sick and bilious headaches occur. Milburn's Laza-Liver fills clean the foul coated tongue and stomach and banish the disagreeable headaches. Milburn's Lara-L:vcl• Pills are .21c, per vi 1, +i vial^ for ."1,1.0, at all dzalcrs, or malted direct un,reecipt of price by T111( T. Mien wee L'u., Ln.trriv, Toronto, Out. one of considerable expectancy upon our part, for with each wcelc the tension has tightened. No doubt in the course of the next month or two things will conic to a mead, if they ever do , who can tell, how, ever ? ' • The Genitans- continue to send mit their U boats and are greatly perturbed because theyeion'tconme back., Sixteen out of fifty in the first two weeks wasn't too bad. What overteoi: the remainder will come out some day. I rather judge the last'snmsh will be on the sea, It wquld do a lot of good, and clear the air of any doubt regarding wit, s boss when it comes to fighting. Our leave is postp0ned'for a couple of months, all of which is for. reasons, I ,judge. April Sth. Just a few lines to let you know things are about as usual with us, and we still wait the impending smash, when the whole force of Britain swoops down upon the Huns and wipes them off the sea. I. to vote and how to be of service to Nov the Yankees are in I 0uppuse the cotnm1iii1ty. We want the cotllitry things will move along at Maly rani,! to be better because we are there." pace, for then they will realize what Mrs. Rowell thought that whether wo` tvsr is mgain. The Civil War is Inst on THE OLD GARDNER ,-SAY$ Medals To Next of Kin. Instructors have been given tha in all cases of Canadian oflicers an men who die before they receive or- prise. .- • Having in Mind the, admonition of 1 Miele Steil tfa -' make' every 'inch of ground ,count this. season, the garden maker should plan . for a steady suc- cession el vegetables, throughout the! season. liemot, -for example, follow the early beets with late cabbage. The onion sets and -early' lettuce can be sue= seeded by tomatoes. Celery pi:feted in July may take the place of the early Pens or early beans. Turnips will na- ture if planted up to the first of Au- gust, anti therefore .can be used to 9111 in, all vacant rows at .twat time. Of course, these, are only suggestions but they 'hiit'at the mariner 111 Which the garden may be'occupied up to the very end of summer, Melt were Liberals or Cons they must all have a 3001'O serious purpose now than ever before. "If the women would stand behind the best things the success of the best would be assurred." Mrs. J. M. God- frey, in discussing the work of the Association, said that true Liberalism meant the liberation of spiritual en- ergy. "Surely," she said, "we should ,thrive to malty tiro political arena as Just glance at your label and see what it says. If you have not renewed, we'll be pleased to have you do se. tee firC+�/oMESffr--'EPCyER� ^s�' a, X O 0.,U I'9 S i G tl N S the present generation. This one, if it lasts tong enough, will show then, some- thing. Leave is as far off as ever. I think we are only waiting to see how the cat will ,jump. (Postcard), London, April lath). I ant on my way to see Walter at 1'lramstlott Camp. Got special leave on the eve of scrap, I think. With lore, TED Children Cry �o FOR FLETCHER'Sv� weAS..d 0 RA A '9 :1 :1 0 0 a: '0 e m DO YOU KNOW? e df '1>H J' 0' 9,0 '1 * a t. amu. a �x >{I b �rer+a' -• ' 'm°'�1°�" That djersaliurs is a new wide wa'i¢ jersey. That not every waist will stated one of those gaudy girdles. That husbands may well despair since newest boots button in two rows down the back. That the new silver bloom for sum- mer suits is nothing more nor less than the old-fashioned mohair. That the long skirt is so modish for evening wear [hat the latest ones bare garter straps attached to thein, or gaiters, through which the foot slips. That Philadelphia glass workers will' toil an additional bons each Sat- urday, and get double pay, which they Will give to the Belgian Baby fund. That a curious effect of the war Olt r a t -. 1 brides' veils is that the newest fir- 7. L that 1 v ' yid tt ti.471t, t'... lean einem in Paris is a cap effect ' "�' ' .essf s' lis uncannily suggestive of widows' Int, r,ostfon !eone W, Jackson, ClintohI,velei'tat intelligent curiosity is the best or W. D. Hard, owDistrict Passengerllthirt9 a woman can bring to her job Agent) Toronto, (Says a woman w 0 fg1AY .itis O OBTOSER 3hkth Every TUESDAY "ALL RAIL" - also by ELEtlI!3;SEIMPS STEAMER "Great Lakes Routes" (Season ldavivationl Your Future Is in the West The fertile prairies have put Western Canada on the map. Thorn aro still thousands 0f awe wai het for theman ad01,131 g 9 home [dates and travel viako Canadian Pacific Although splineli • is, perhaps the most popular of all greens it does not thrive in amid -Sumner, A very good substitute may be .provided, however, by planting what is called New Zealand spinach, although it is not truly a spin- ach at all. This vegetable luxuriates in hot weather, and if -only five or six inches are removed from the tips of the leaves as they mature, new growth will quickly form. This stakes the New Zealand sphe back ecial t 0 one short row will sup - hot the mid -summer ly the u r.eas?n. e Rather moretrroom should be given than for tite common kind of spinach. I HOUSEH,OLD HINTS TOW Y`AN AWA +hesr,,U . J,67Y Add a pinch of baking powder to the pie crust. Carrots and peas mixed make a very good dish. Beans that are to be baked should Terse be parboiled. Good broths can be made front left- over bits of meat, The water that is generally poured off the dried beans after they are boil- ed will Drake it good addition to the stock pot. Fish that is to be boiled will be im- proved if it is placed in a dish con- taining melted butter for an hour be- fore, boiling. Scrambled eggs and onions is made iifrying onions, thee turn- ing the eggs into the anstirg as usual. Sour milk should never be wasted— it can be used in biscuits and ginger- bread, or for "Dutch cheese," or for griddle cakes. Ilave on your pantry shelf several buns of condensed ma, and if the milkman dove. not 0111 you arc not with- uut mat(amigos are more economical hLentoo (amigos titan small untie, because half of a large orange 15 enough to serve one person at htraklasi. A pont l pl t'tl nrakdti 1 very pretty cent1eplee ort dining tabie, but if in I the plant in healthy you wt/., j condition it 1,1(1)11111 speed a third of its 1 time in a sunny whitlow, UN ON and .€ ' ® pE I ATlO Rev. J. D. BRYNES.'North Bay FEW years ago we spoke of %et,East as Last, and West as West, and New Ontario as "No Alan's Land," separating 'the one from the other, but the incaleulalile wealth of wooded hill and Monied ntountalli attracted a' large and ever- intt'easritg population. Among these new -centers are wren of almost every tribe and nation—Russians, Aust.ri-. ens, Germans, .sews, Finlanders, Nor 13egians. Sw'edes', l'oles, Icelanders, Turks, ltndus, Roumanians, Ruth- eninns, Chinese, and many others, as is seen from the fact that in one. small town of four thousand'people, twenty-three (21) different languages' are spoken, To meet this situation the Church in the North has endeavored to unify 1810 work along different lines, es- pecially by an extensive system of co-operation. A survey of the whole land was made and the newer sec- tions equitably divided. In some of the older localities the Methodists withdrew from one place and the Presbyterians from ant`,' er. Indeed, for a while we hoped tn..l co-opera- tion would sch•e the problem but ex- perience taught us differently. It taught us that to meet an emergency or as a stepping -stone towards union co-operation is a gond scheme, but es .a permanent policy it is aa1 absolute Vulture. It 15 a failure bsca.nse it is unfair in principle and anything that is unfair in principle cannot be of permanent value in the policies of Oburch or nation. Union, on the other hand, enables the people to meet half way and to meet on a "basis" that preserves the highest and best In their respective churches. True, it will not solve every problem, but It nwtll consolidate Ube armies of the Church and equip thein to more Rev. J. D. Btynes, the people believe that union will hs, finally consummated in the near fil-• tu•e, (3) because rho legislation pro- vided permits the re -organization off, congregations along the lines pre- scribed for local churches in "the, basis of union of the United Chem!!, of Canacla." That the people of this district want union is seen 111 the number ofe requests and sutgeatlone that Come to ns along the lines of the tailoring letter: "We have read with much interest of your meeting re co-operation ant* union, and would 11110 you to t m.der- stand that we are heartily in favor of the movement, but at the same successfully Meet the forces of evil'time may we suggest that 1Il a 0030 so strongly entrenched In this and munity like it would be very, unwise to ask either church to with- draw. i4, however, your propositica, is amen, there will be no trouble. every 11810 land. In harmony with the action of the Assembly and following the sugges- tions ce the Joint Union Coiunlittee the for we are reply." Methodtete and Presbyterians have The people are anxious for union, agreed upon a policy and adopted a because we have 102 preaching peaces, plan that will practically et'lmluate vacant, many of which have no Prn, overlapping in the whole North laud. testant service of any kind. To leave This will mean tt saving of much so many places vacant in times like money (approximately (31,000.00 per these is disastrous. To leave them year), but what Is much more tm- vacant when in other centres two err portant, thirty-eight men will be three men are working a community liberated for tt larger service In more tvbdch one one coitltl serve. IS eritlx needy centres, -' ins1. Wo Want (11000 because it ari1T, This great forward movement is help and help mightily to build ,a0 Such a religious, civic and nationar life that New Orderer instead of he - dug a barrier sepal'nttng eastern dirt - Bretton from western pro:?rets wile be the great golden link Marling east and west, thus consolidating andunl-, Congregational 0lterci1es, (2) ba- tying trine Canada that Is and the Case cause in the light of that legislation Oa that IS to be. possible, and possible only (1) be - rause the assembly in harmony with the eepre00 1 -0114111 01 the members, Sr-est/me and I'i'eebyterfes of our Ohur•ab definitely deckled to enter Sete erdon with the Methodist and