The Clinton New Era, 1917-03-15, Page 3;11111/Sday, Mrci I 5 Lie 1 9 1 7 n'nene""e'l er"."6ese- -
Orstekrio's Best Business College
Students may enter our classes at
any time. Commence your course
now and be qualified for a position
by midsummer. During July and
August of hist year we received c1Is
for over 200 office assistants we
could not supply. Our graduates
are In demand. Write of once for
our free catalogue.
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
Don't Worry
About the high price of grain and feed
for your fleck of hens as Eggs and
Poultry are expected to be correspond-
ingly high this coming season.
Now is the time to order your Prairie
State Incubators. Why depend on the
uncertain old hen for hatching when
an Incubator will do the work better
and cheaper? Get your chickens
hatched early and get the big price for
broilers. The early pullets will be
your next winter's layers. Get an In-
cubator and hatch your chicks when
you please.
Giniti-Lallglois & Co., Liitg
The up-to-date Ffrm
Clinton Brancli Phone 990
See aud here our finest
Neer Stylish deSigne of
Doherty -niallOS and
rie.e.e:e end ore -fettle rtedit
r 1.
W, DRarDONlit
ETI3ef0, tTO
Gonneyance, Note/7 Public.
ieominiselorier, eto.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Hamm St„ Clinton,
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Reel Batiste
INSURANCE'. 41.01411T-Ilopresonting 14 Piro In
Burrows ConiPanles,
BlVision Court (Wee.
Plain) Tuning
Mr. James Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that he is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing.
Orders left at W. Doherty's phone
61, will receive prompt attention.
M. G. Cameron, ICC.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc
Office on Albert Street, occupied by
Mr. Hooper, In Clinton on every
Thursday, and on any day for which
appointments are made. Cftice hours
from 9 nem,to 0 p m. A good vault in
connection with the office. Office open
every week clay, Me. Hooper will make
any oppointments for Mr. Cameron,
Physician. Surgeon. nth
moist attention aiveo so diseases oi the
Bye, Bar, Throat and Nose,
Eyoe a ofully sagBnclitt,Aud suitable 5185501
Mao and Residence.
Two doors west of the Commercial Note
Huron St.
Dr. W. Duna, i-.. L. D. 0.8.. DM
Dr. Clunn's °face at residence:nigh Street
Dr J. (I, Candler. E.A. 41.1t,
Oflic8-Outario Street,Olinton,
Night wills at reeldenoe, Rattenburr St,
or at hospital
DR. F. ). AXON
(trona and Bridge Work a Syweiteltyr
Graduate n1 0.C.D.5..:CLica7.n, cud
nay Ilettl 051 1:0111111 11St 31111' 1St 0)0
OH. E!.
oeiette ever O'NETeel t tete.
Bee:del 0s07, 5.11, 70
mons as m1117.,s5 as 4e:;:tsii,10.
41•14,4i15" 141411 • 4'
GOD r_74 P.! tp',
1 .1 1 "
414,,1 r • • ;
1 Plumbi0,n
1 ' Heating
Sanitary Plumbers
I Phone 7.
Tinsnciithing 3
Repairs promptly at-
tended to.
A number of SeCOilli
Hand Beaters in good
Byani it Sutter
Better Pay.
The Price
Don't be tempted to choose cheap
jewelery. Ear better to pay it fair
price and know exactly what you
are getting,
you will never be sorry -for as 5.
matter of money, it is easily the
moat economical.
That bas been said So erten that
everybody by this time should
know it -and yet there is no
scarcity of cheap jewelry ie the
Now to get personal -Tr you would
like to miss that sort:altogether-
If you would like to buy where
nothing but high qualitiee are
dealt in -00M13 HERE
And oven at that, no person ever
said our prices were unfnie
JeWeler and Optician:
BMW of Marriage Licenses
tleee:tele,,t.i in 4' 7.'
' TI•11.1.•"1:1441
Seteeee. Citreele, tee't :Iseetotert
Ose:fel, re
Deo. Neee 're,teeet.
.;i1r:.t.'y 1 lc..
1'11 1••,45.:. 1 ;;, 5'. )10
7'711 ••,.• • - s .f••• • . • •
ae-teeere 11:11e '7%1 7ice e Itee.e
Drafts istated. Interent allowed n
The MeNinop Luton'
Fire Insurance eo.
Perin and Isolated Town PrOve
arty Only Insured.
Ilead 011icc-Scre- forth,
J. Connolly, Goderich, President
Jas Evans, Beechwood, Vice -Pres.
Phos. 33. Hays, Seaforth, Sec.-Treas
Directors -D. F. McGregor, Zee -
forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W.
Rina Seaforth; John Benneweis,
Dublin; F. Evans, Beechwood; M.
MeEwen, Clinton; J. 33. McLean,
Seaforth: 3. Connolly, Goderich:
Robt Barris, Harloek t Geo. Me -
Curtner, Tuckersmith
Agents -Ed'. Rinchley, Seatorth ;
Yeo, of Gotlerich; Alex, Leitch,
Yeo, Tiolinesville; Alex. Leitch,
Clinton; R. S. Jarmuth. Brodhagen
Payments made at Morrish &
Co Clinton,. and Cutit's grocery
store Goderich and Jas. Beide
snare Baylield.
A Carload or Canada,
Portland Cement
Phone us or prices
It will pay you
John Hutton
We're now selling. Timothy Seed
(Government Standard.).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alaike, and Red Clover,
We alwaya have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Pens, Barley and Feed Coen
Efigheat Market Prieee paid for Bay
and Al Grains.
Advises The Use Of "FRUIT.A.TIVES",
The Famous Fruit Medicine.
589 Casgrain St„ Montreal,
April 20th, 1915.
"In my opinion, no other medicine
in the world is so curative for Couslipa-
Hem and Indiges/ion as "Fruitentives".
elevasasu ffererfrom these complaints km
five years., and my sedentary oceupa-
tion, 'Music, brought about a kind. of
Intestinal Paralysis -with nasty Head.
aches, belching gas, drowsiness after
eating, and Pain in the Back. I tried
pills and medicines of physicians, but
nothing helped me. Then I was induced
to try "Fruit-a-tives", and now for
six months They° been entirely well.
I advise any 0110 who suffers from that
horrible trouble -Chronic Constipation
with the resultant indigestion, to by
" .Prted t-a-li yes ", and. you will be
agreeably surprised at; the great benefit
you. will receive". A. ROSENBURG.
We. a box, (1 for $2.50, trial size, 25e.
At ell dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-
a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
011D & MclEOD
1"•_,, 'by Louise Kennedy alabie
(Cosstinue(5irom lase. week)
ae)eld, 111141;1111, if they were of any
"I can remember a tinto when ;tem
were net se chillbee" she 1V4•114 lilt, with
i.111.1my ;s. in her es "The nicht
1 mei .;e5 Alitre."s I itfrirt,-
1.1,,,C.. 177 15,2 t47,rd,"11. '111,2 wa:•,
ci; '•
1 , ,,k; ; •;11,
7.57 1 ,f,111. •,7jj,. 51 ''.4') 1 yo7.
and 55111 1. 1 :it, it
. 11c •
111.1t.i ":11." 1.11.11 3."Seer.,
7.14.7. 1'. 3,12 un.1
57 it '1' 111 .1 15r/ tn. 11 i..ti4.1 1 cm -47,2
15 11,•4• \-7;11111. 1 v 1,/
r•.'.2 Litt' ir11:7-0 • . ; .., 1 , 5
.1 1 ' ,17,‘,1;7“.11;\ „ p
1 171. 1•11'''.1 I, 1' '7'1. • "77
)tqti• f.•"•1111 01,1 ,7; 1,1 3, 1 il, 1 1" . ,•
f;le 1,,f ; leee
17.-',f 1.1
lie was trying to. ntise hese but elm
resisted. • ,
"Stand ho, Mistress Wendell," be
said harshly. It must end bere and
now," lie pulled her to liar feet.
understand me. ;fliere shall 110 no
more of this, You etre nigh out of yoar
mind, and know not what you 5a5'. OnCe
114111 1,' .7485. I do rot love you, 1 meror
did; I never shall. Do you losar Loc?
'Tis kinder O have it over quiekb. Go
back toyour simple hush:old, and thank
God that Pm not as black as I'm so ee-
times painted."
Ile looked into lier eyes, gleandeg
green, ancithot with anger,
"You will rue that speech one day,
Aaron 13urr," she said. "i'll make you
suffer --if 1 die doing it I Dear God, how
1 lette yew"
• "Assuredly," he said soothingly. "I
ape .5t; 5.4515 pone v -nee auntie per op
IS better than an unhealtey love. And
now, pray let us turn towards the town
'Tis already the beginning of at drench -
Ing autumn rain.'
• "There are people who will believe
all evil of you," she went on, with a
strange note in her voice -the note of
one speaking while rapid thoughts bal-
anced one another in the mind. "Nigh
people, and great people -the com-
mander-in-chief, for example."
"No doubt, and rightly so." Ile
spoke as he might to a wilful child who
must be humored, "We will converse
on the way."
She fell silent suddenly, with one of
the abrupt changes of mood that be-
longed to her, and turned towards the
town, walking at a rapid pace. The rain
was falling in driving gusts.
"Would that I had a cloak for you,
171111111111," said Burr. "I fear you will
take harm of our walk."
She stepped on with no answer, and
the man, too, relapsed into silence. He
was most uneasy. There was a good 2
miles to walk to town, and no house
nearer to shelter her. It was W5151 an
immense feeling of relief, upon turning
info the hieli road, that he perceived. a
family carryall logging' in their direc-
tion. A cheerful black face peered from
the driver's seat.
"Mr. Dutcher's William, by all that's
lucky! l'ou Neill not have to walk the
distance. madam."
The man was slopping the horse at
sight ei them, pointing br, adly. ex.
peetant of company 1,11C1:. 111141 11 1.02 at
the end, fed' Colonel Burr ese notere
°use' free-hands:1,
'1111, William, will it rut 7,71 numh
out to :erre ellstre: s wee,sei
;Ver': She is much fatigd,•.1, a21..1
14e1, a trill.. damp,
! tur.I.,1 1,, 757.,
To Lydia E. Pinklum
eine Co.
Women who are well often tisk "Aim
the letters which the Lydia 11, Pinichain
Medicine Co. are continually publishing,
genuine?" "Are they truthful?"
"Why do women write such letters? "
In answer we say that never huve we
published a fictitious letter or name.
Never, knowingly, have we published
an untruthful letter, or one without the
full and written consent of the woman
Who wrote it.
The reason that thousands of women
from all parts of the country write such
grateful letters to the Lydia E, Pink -
ham Medicine Co. is that Lydia E. Pink -
ham 's Vegetable Compound has brought
health and happiness into their lives,
onee burdened with pain and suffering.
It has relieved women from some of
the worst forms of female ills, from dis-
placements, inflammation, ulceration,
irregularities, nervousness, weakness,
stomach troubles and from the blues.
It is impossible for any woman who
is well and who
has never suffered
to realize how these
poor, suffering wo-
men feel when re-
stored to health;
their keen desire to
help other women
who are suffering as
they did.
Canneilan 'Woods.
Not very long ago Lord Shaugb-
flossy announced that so far as pos-
sible Canadian woods only would be
used in connection with tho construc-
tion and interior finish of all Cana-
dian Pacific: buildings, railway cars,
etc., an announcement which was
hailed with great eatisfaction by the
;ember interests of the Dominion,
'rhat snob prograln was possible
was known to the forestry experts
who heve sepelicel to the various Cla-
uadien coeernment ixhibiis in Du-
ro:). and the Pniied 741 51(714 111a4'ilifi-
oon5 7.112) 1'1'' ef hardwoods with
eeeetOoll ereine and lltt7'a7.'ti'l'i' 11115011,
ft w0,03 711 '12' I hat woniis ars
1,,;•.•; t.71,IcUed nuilletz•ntly,
i1, 1111, I:17N11' 11,:1i 11 51, 5.110,4,' 7.51
Will 1l; 'al or, for it,
7:4'','',gIro the minr 1)7' 1151
1. relk,e,
F.,Z147,Prt.71.1 tHroT,
tseJaildiA AI! L'43
.•-•11,1iii..1ti;/11. : die reeet
c•li'"i•t,.. t.l 1111d1141.; 1 111,1
111 • 11 (.1
1.•• 7...,.c 5, 1111.41 1, 1 11," 1
• 1 I. ' 11,1.1
, ii", C 1, t.; LI 1' )e 1, f
‘,7 7,777 277 , ‘t i77 1, 7, 4
,1 11r
'no 11 HIl leee
ele her:- elle was eeee71ne cenvul-
eeilenee, 01,111:lever lltar.
"Vint are not stating facts. 1 theuglit
it the lightest flirtation to Its both -a
thing of bubbles to while .away (11111 mie-
ments in a stagnant town. I could not
tire of what I never cared for. You
force nm to be eruel," he said gently.
"Do not continue thuS. You deceive
yourself. You do not love rne. See I am
but a poor figure of a man, small and
of no beauty. Aly brain, even, is not
remarkable." Ile was trying to speak
lightle', so desperately sorry was he for
her. "You are ter too pretty to humble
yourself so."
558 reached out his haed and took
hers. "Let me take you home," he
Suddenly she slipped down upon her
knees in the dusty lane and laid her
face against him. She was clinging to
him with all her strength.
"Aaron, Aaron," she whispered, "you'
say that 1 am pretty, and you like pretty
people. Only love met I'll do anything
to keep you,, Work for you, scheme for
you, turn traitor for you-"
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief-7Parmartant Cant
Ital. Purely veget-
able-eet swely
'kg red; on
Stop r;fter.
cure inda-
geslion--,improve die complexion -brightest
the eyes. Smelt PA &nal:Dose, Small Prim
Genunis rated bar Signature
-"et, A
"117,-,-,1.•..1. Yr, estre.
1,,011,1 hand the v ,..,1
reeeeved Ili:, 11.11 Aid witeel
eletely. 'Filen 1,7 scUle,i di..., 11
tt J.111,111,1: 1.:1471 4,1.•,•11.
Continued next Week.
Ook's Cotton Root Conipoun&
,f'71 -r'''. In'ajaigeetlifnretf,=T;
•:,• greos of etrength-No. 1, 511
No. 2, $3; No, 3, 55 per hon
7. f:s'iSold by oll drug/WU, or aunt
prepaid on rompt of pries.
Free pamphlet. Address:
"'t TORONTO, ONY. (Formerly Maser,)
The Kansas City Star says:
.A western farmer drove 11110 town
the other day to get an old-fashioned
article -a buggy -and the salesman
at the implement etore showed him
one at $90.
"Talk about the high cost of living,"
the farrier grumbled. "I COO remember
that my father bought a buggy like that
for $60 twenty years ago."
The salesman remembered the sale
too, and he responded quickly:
"Yoer father turned in 300 bushels
of corn to pay for it. Now I'll do bet,
'er by you than 1 did by your father
You bring in your 300 bushels of corn
and I'll let you pick out this list":
And the saiesman wrote down:
One $90 buggy.
0118 $50 wagon.
One $20 suif of clothes.
One $20 'dress.
One $5.00 baby dress.
One $5.00 crib.
One 03.00 box of cigars.:
$2.00 wortk of sugar.
$1.50 550rth of coffee.
$1.00 worth of tea.
$40.00 worth of gasoline.
$2,5 0 worth of lubricating oil.
The total figured $240, the value of
the 300 bushels of corn it had taken
to buy a $60 buggy twenty years lie,
fore. The farmer Climbed back into
his 11101315' car.
I guess 1 haven't gat any kick com-
ing on the high cost of living." he
said, "Send out that $90 buggy.
t •
Children Cry
lee.. neon Inereinte o Teter Sum-
me- Howe. 512 the North.
()et 0, the weird, impenetrable
night 1110 vibrant coll.) of the wild
geeSO ofThle down, as eagerly resolute
as 1511) expanded wings that earn,
them to seeiteled home:: in the vast
welcome of the Keith. Along the
Humber Van oy, their 1111elent course,
they pass with the unerring guidancc
or inherited memory. It is a large
Hoek, and they are flying high,
teaching aviators the benefits of rest-
ful conditions and ste14113, currents
above the 8n -iris and eddies or dis-
turbed levels near the earth's sur-
Those penetrating calls, growing
gradually distant but still clear,
voice the joy of the season of life's
renewal. To mundane ears they
may be without expression, perhaps
merely intended to send word along
the lino, strengthening the assur-
ance of numbers and a common pur-
pose. But it seems almost sacrileg-
lees. to attempt interpretations of a
passing cry from the great enshroud-
ing dome. How strangely deaf city
ears become to these voices from
the invisible heights. They must
hear the reassuring and inspiring
calls, penetrating the dullest hearing.
Yet no face is turned up, with tbe
light of understanding, to the unan-
swering night.
The story to which so many ears
were strangely closed follows the for-
tunes of the passing migrants from
the freedom of southern warmth and
the abundant life of the salt water,
There they telt the imperatine call of
the North, where the youth of their
ra.ce is perpetually renewed.Oreee-
Mrs, S. Walters, Matapedia, Que.,
writes: "I wish to let you know how
much good I have received by taking
your Heart and Nerve Pills. I was
suffering from palpitatioa of the heart
and shortness of breath. The trouble
with my bead was caused by stomach
I had tried all kinds of medicine, both
patent and doctors', but I found noue,
relieve me like Milbanes Heart and
Nerve Pills. I believe anyone suffering
like I did should use them, / only used
four boxes and I now feel like a cliffercht
IVIilbertes Heart rota Nerve Pills have
been on the market for the past twenty-
five. years and have a most woriderful
reputation as a remedy for all heart and
nerve troublee.
Mite e0 4e11ts. per bee, 3 1)035.5 for
11.25, at all ricaler.,,, or mailed (Iliad 011
receipt of price by TIM 1V11413TMI
IrnitiVips l'eth1110, Ont.
Page Thr
lonag under toe 1..1551111111 or o owyer.
sal instinct, they traversed their all-
cestrel estates, following the water -
;movies 51)111, eharni with the rieh
odors of v4.golablo growth Or tempt;
with eatisrying abundence for a day
of ?est 111115 elliee
may 45.15.141411 111,1I de; trey onelent feed-
ime grounds. Riven may he oh-
teetieted Made. repellent With laze
1v3,111 1,03.1.3 and 7.42 )5.1011, 81511Dips
may be drained lulu Elanaum buriod.
An <4•01rY5)1141 el'eeter 111 this:
111.ory f.dis Of a 8111111 !leek reermtly
tee:toted by the early Iistfil of 051,11
15 03.11' in tho Lake Iloogrig• pr,•rre,
Porirttps the eolidity or the er!Jrlo. 55.
Ice 'warred them nealnet eeetooree tee,
Towne No early, for they l'oruf,
eboot for er1W0111 days guther10:;
s, petered groin. from adjacent
Four fell vietitns to innocent NOW,
rimecs, aud the knowledge of Geer
fate quickened the attentive anticipm
non of their observant friends,
Fading calls continue the story YO
the it fauvist] ed breeding grounds,
where the flock scatters and nests are
beilt and guarded. Now they follow
familiar eoursee, but the now broods
will journey over the unknown con-
tinent in the fall with guidance as
unerring as familiar experience.
When the strained and cheated ear
can no longer catch their fading
calls, fancy follows them with eager
delight to the region of protracted
day, -8, T. Wood in The Toronto
Colonel Starke Eritered the Militia
aS a Private in 1886.
Lient.-Colonel 13.. Starke, although
a comparatively young mae, is one
of the oldest and most respected sol-
diers of the Dominion, wearing both
the Long Service Medal, and the Of-
ficers Decoration for Long Service.
Colonel Starke is a soldier who
has risen to his present rank through
his own abilities. Joining the 3r11
Victoria Rifles, Montreal as a private
in 18 8 6, he served in the ranks for
nine years, rising to he sergeant -
major. In 189(1 ho got his commis-
sion as a lieutenant, and, taking the
different ranks In succession, was I
appointed commanding °Meer in
1 907 with the rank of lieutenant- 1
emonei. Al the completion of his '
term, Colonel Starke went on the Re-
FAIT() or °Ulcers, but die not (Iron
his military work. D o Wee appOint-.
ed:Iiriga.110-111ajor of the 12th Infan-
try 11)110204- under Colonel Labelle as
the latter then was, on March 22, 1
e! 2, having his l, 5.111 extended till
:Jere!: 22 of this 3 eer.
Seen after the ouiereak of the
.1 a t'olenel Stu. 1, V'114 'ko,)
'24 2014 of 5,5, .5.111
.1•15 1, '01:1 ill.' 1',
.4.1 1 '1 :l5152' 111 ttnii
•,1 i'• .t 1'
What k,,i1sYou?
Ileve you become run-down, weak;
crantnated, pale after 11, long siege of
_colds? Does the skin show that the
blood is thin and watery? Hpring is
the time when vitality is at its lowest
ebb -clean house now -by lidding the
body of its amsenulated poitions.
fresia the blood with 11, stimulating tonic.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Sovery, free hem 1114101101 (45. narcotics and
extracted from rams and barks with
pure glycerineehrodshee from the blood
all polsone add impure matter, It die.
solves the impure depoeits and carrica
sthkeinm. out, US it dom 1l impurities
through the Liver, Bowels, Kidneys and
i IC you 111111)3 indlgeetion, eleggish liver;
nasal or other catarrh, uneteady nerves or
unsightly skin, get Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery to -day and etare at
once to replace your impure blood with
tho kind that puts energy and ambi-
tion lute you and lxinge back youth
and vigorous action.
All medicine dealers can supply yoit
in either liquid or tablet form or „send
30 cents for trial box of tablets to Dr.
Pieece, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.
• 1 .1 . 57 141.- ' 1
1.• •-•• i • 1. • .71
Portman, 33. C. -"I am so glad of an
opportunity to recommend Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery; 1.11113 cured
me of indigestion and constipation which
I had very bad. A friend gave me a
bottleful and I took it. It helped me so
much that I bought more and continued
using it."-Mns, 0. Wnmemin, General
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets aro the
original little liver pills, first put up 40.
years ago. They regulate and invigorate
stomach, liver and bowels.
Imes last summer organized -ill
trained for four months a business.
men's Home Service battalion of.
1,000 men, a large number or Whom
subsequently joined overseas battle -
His appointment to be Brigadier
of the 12th Infantry Brigade, after
thirty years' military service, is re-
gaa.ded as a fitting reward for his
many labors. 'rho brigade is entirely
made up of Montreal bettalions.
' ir• , .
11 , I
•1;•1•0..1 1.y
1141 11 dozen, ist,,ft;; ,t
411111 pi•ill•ly 1,1111511, :id
money of morthers are 7111
by the eirugele for 1'11t1' 1.2 that
little is domi to advance III0 COMO
Or Christ.
ThQ fact that most communions
opprove exchange of pulpits and
torcommunion, accept 'ono another's
baptisms, ordinations, and letters of
transfer, anti show an increasing
disposition to enter into territorial,
federative, coetperntive, and even
0111011 agreements eloquently testi-
fies to the breakdown of sectarian
feeling. In Making territorial Levi-
eions and readjusting boundary lines
so as to avoid overlapping, nutner-
ous churches have been shifted
bodily from 0110.4 00011)1001051 to an-
other by formal agreement between
the governing bodies. In Korea and
lndia, transfers involving thousands
of Christians have taken place be-
tween Methodists and Presbyterians.
A conference ot representatives of
the Anglican Clients Missionary So-
ciety's Mission and the American
Presbyterian Board's Mission at
Kasgani, India, March 13, 1934,
agreed that the Anglicans should
withdraw from the Etab. District and
that the Presbyterians should with-
draw from an adjacent one, the lie
dian Christians in each case to fall
under the care of the Mission left
in sole possession of the field, Simi-
lar agreements have been made in
numerous iustances in the 'United
eseates, especially between emigre-
gatiomiliste and Presbyterians, and
autherizetl committees are trying W
lessen the evils of ovenchurching
in small communities by 244000105.'
Ing feeble congregations to console.
date, the denominational affiliation
of the oonsolidated chure'3 to be de.
termined by priority at' occupation
or. preponderance of interest. It
such agreements are justifiable in.
mission fields, why are they not jun
'Unable elsewhere? lf it is proper
for foie' denominations to Mike in a
Montana village or an Meta district,
why Is it not proper for them to un-
ite In the country at large?
The necessity for action is not
wanting, but on the contrary is ur-
gently pressing. 'The reply that
"conditions tirb 1101 ripe" for organic
e Careluil
-to keep the stomach well, the
liver and bowels regular, by the
timely and helpful aid 0
Lara,t •
ARTITUTI .7. Peewee
variety of other asset:Melons show'
that Increasing numbers of Chris-
tians are resolved to get together in
coalinrillsotti Rano 'tsvoortlhc,roaungdh the
r cahaurethheGsT.;
they will outside of them The
time has passed when Christian men
can prudently assume an attitude
of indifference or obstruction to.
ward the movement for organic un-
ion, While attempting to avoid what:
they believe to be a danger in union,
a worse thing may befall them and
the Cause at 0(151151-6 churchless
union of laymen who will simply
nOl'e their ecclesiastical guides.
The union of the people of GOC1 15
coming. Too many earnest souls are
praying for it, providential indica-
tions too definitely point toward it,
the words tuid mind of our Lord are
too unmistakable to permit doubt. '
It may or may not come now; but
come it will, sooner or later. "What
Wins and delays must be endured,'
to quote Dr. Henry Van Dyke, "Wbat
obstacles and difficulties overcome.
what long and perilous journey ac-
complished, before the vision is re-
alfzed, God only knows. It may be
that the cohniet with evil must
grow sharper and more bitter before
Christiaes learn that division moans
eefeat. It may be that the shame of
forsaken temples and a vanishing
Sabbath and a system of education
without religion must grow deeper,
to make men see the falai 00050'
(5115114025 of disunion, rivalry. 5011mu-
tual distrust among the disciples of
Christ. lt may be that disaster and
humiliation and weakness must be-
fall the Christian forces and they
must be driven to 805110 dreadful
union confuses the ectors with
battlefield of Armageddon to make
Providence, Conditions have been them stand together against the Mb
ripe for a dozen yeare. It is obiec- 104 powers of darkness and unbe-
tors that are unripe. We may say lie. Or 51 4415.3) be, and clod grant it,
with. 'Shakespeare's Henry V, at that the lesson will be learned in
Agincourt: brighter paths end slowly spelled
"All things are ready, if our minds in syllables of hope, lint whether
be so." by bright wiles or by dark ways,
Suppose the Cburches do not 5.511- whether throu;sh suffering or
ite, what then? Leymen are giving through reencing, (Sod lead us to,
the enswer hi eignifiettnt evnye, 01, ward the censummetion of Christian
ganIzatIons Me the Y.M.C,A., the unity in church toilet; God keep 119
..Y,W.O.A.„ social settlements and a 01)01510111 10 the heavenly vision."