The Clinton New Era, 1918-10-24, Page 4MAGE 4
this afternoon, But achy 40 you ask?„
"Well," tripled iris anonymous quos-
I tjongr, "I want to send illy Atte daugfl-
ter dawn the street for some thread if
You are not,"
Doctor—You must be careful and
follow the right directions for taking
this pill,
Small Invalid— G' wan wid yer,
There's only wan direction fer it to How weathly we would all become
go. if Fortune tried a different plan
And loudly thumped upon each door
Insistent as the instalment man,
To keep meters ticking.
To whip the Hun.
To pull teeth,
To get votes.
To sell mining stock.
To sell oil well stock.
To fill some aldermen,
(Prone the Border Cities Star.)
A little foot race now and then
Is relished by the Kaiser's men,
First Colored Gent:—" 1 don't be-
leive it's constitutional to draft a elan
and make him tight,"
Second Colored Gent:—"Boy, they
make you sight, They 1
you to France, puts you in a trench,
and when the Germans charge at you
they just leaves it to your best judg-
ment whether you better fight oY not!"
A French private who rescued a Red
Cross nurse from a burning building
has married the lady, and now discov-
ers she palaces. is seCanthemovies beat thatf a ? en
We'd give our Very Opant
To France, State Journal
Tlutt is love's snblitnest height --
Though the pants would be too tight,
• "Toledo Blade,
Brave soul! ale proffer's all his riches,
Who gives his only pair of britcheS,
Marton Star,
Personally we are in favor of taxing
heavily every newspaper that has an
excess of war prophets, ,
'Chicago Newspapers "Wanted—A
position as second girl by an honest
and Capable young man,"
Ch..Iciren Cry
In a village lived a doctor noted for
his reckless motor driving, One day
when he answered the telephone a
woman's voice asked him if he were
going out driving that afternoon,
"No, I hardly think I will have time
Co': id Not Lift
Stick of otic d
Would Almost Faint From Severe
Pain in Back — Doctors
Could Not Get the Kid-
neys Set Bight.
A great many people suffer the re-
sults of deranged kidneys and do not
understand the cause of trouble or the
way to obtain cure. The writer of this
letter suffered
ahis pains
thebackand in vain
some reason
oraed to cure him. other his medicines tdid not have
the desired effect.
Mr. Olts' brother was a merchant
selling-, among other medicines, Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, and he
.heard his customers telling about how
they were cured of kidney derange-
ments by their use. This led to Mr.
Olts putting them to the test, with
the splendid results reported in this
Mr. D. C. Olts, Benton, Carleton
County, N. B., writes: "I am glad to
let you know how much your medi-
cine has dond for me. I suffered from
soich at one tie were
bad I kidnecould not lift a sticklof wood
without getting on my knees, and then
would almost faint from the pain in
my back. I consulted a doctor about
it, and he gave me some medicine,
but it did not help me. My brother,
who is a merchant, and carries all
your medicines, advised me to try Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. I g'ot one
box, and they helped me, so I got
another one, and kept on until I had
taken ilve
h cured me. X
h vehad 00 trouble e
with ray back
since, and am never without Dr.
house.Chase's Lastnsummer IPills in also ld
from piles. I dthree boxes ofyour
Ointment and it cured them. Ican
certainly recommend Dr, Chase's Pills
and Ointment."
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, one
pili a dose, 250 a box, 5 for $1.00, at
s11 dealers, or Bdnlanson, Bates & Co..
intoiaccepting ted, na subto.stitute or you1willl
certainly be disappointed.
Thousands of ses Reported
With Many Deaths.
At Lancaster, Herdwill Lever, secre-
tary General Workers' Union, Mor-
cambe, for telegraphing a false state-
ment to secure leave for a soldier
friend and colleague in union matters,
was tellingsthdintElhe was aoie Bench
disgrace to his
The Toronto artillery brigade -67th,
69th, 70th and 71st Depot Batteries at
Petawawa have been partically wip-
ed out following orders to furnish
drafts to the 2nd Canadian Tank Ma-
chine Gun Corps and for the Siberian
Artillery Unit. 1t is stated that the
Brigade that left Toronto in the sum -
new has given
dmthe to other
l aP'
half to the Siberian battery, only
leaving a few men with each battery
and they are mostly N. C. 0,'s. The
brigade will return to Toronto about
October 10111,
Every forty minutes a vessel leaves
an Anlerirul port for Europe. But
the fact is even more impressive that
vessels from North America, loaded
with soldiers, munitions, and supplies
for the sillies, are arriving in Europe
at the rate of one every forty minutes.
During the last four years 9,150
special constables have passed
through the ranks of the London city
police reserve. Of these the majority
have gone into the army. Over 2,000
Still remain o11 active duty,
"FRUIT-A-TIVES"—The Wonderful
Fruit Medicine—Gives the Power
To Resist This Disease,
The epidemic of Spanish Influenza
Which played such havoc in Europe,
has reached this eouttuont. Thou-
sands of eases of the strange malady
have appeared and many deaths are
already reported; Surgeon -General
Blue of the United States Publics
Health Service having stated that
"Spanish inJttenza will probably
spread all over the country in
six weeks"
Practically every ship which
touches our shores from abroad,
brings those infected with the
Surgeon -General Blue urges that
"the individual take all the precau-
tions he can against contracting
the disease by care and personal
hygiene". Plenty of exercise should
be taken ;the dietshouldberegulated,
Spanish Influenza affects most
severely elderly persons and others
whose powers of resistance are
weakened by illness, work or worry,
especially those who are "run -clown"
or "not feeling up to the mark."
The really great danger from the
disease is not so much in the disease
itself, as that it often develops into
What everyone needs now is a
general tonic like 1 rust-a-tives".
This wonderful fruit medicine is not
a germ -killer. It is a body-builder;
a strength -maker; a blood•inu'ifter;
a power in protecting against the
ravages of disease.
" Fruit - a•tives" regulates the.
kidneys and bowels, causing these
organs to eliminate waste regularly
and naturally as nature intended.
"Fruit•a-tives" keeps the skin active,
"Frnd uit-a-tves"urifies and tones
iches tupbloaiii
strengthens the organs of digestion,
insuring food being properly digested
and assimilated.
Everyone can take ordinary pre-
cautions, avoid crowded places, and
use "Fruit -a- tives" regularly to
insure sound digestion, to keep the
bowels and kidneys regular and the
whole system Thenn wo1eresat fe from
"Fruit-a•tives" is sold by dealers
everywhere at 50c a box, ti for 4(2.50,
trial size 25c or sent postpaid ou
receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives
Limited, Ottawa, Ont,
the changes which the last few weeks
had wrought
u; okpiehed and drawn,
strange pallor had replaced the dela
coloring of the olive akin, while her
dark eyes, cold and brilliant as ever,
had ttie look of some wild csentut'e
suddenly brought to bay. She shud-
dered, now, as, from her window, she
saw the cringing form of Hobson a1P-
proaching the building,
"'1'o think," she ex.elalmed to her -
Self. passionately, "that the( creature
well backed with the ducats also, for
learned lsl emit sist the `iawor , E,conomylaying speelat gnsplstris this the word,
"has secured the services of Barton
Barton, and those birds are. too old to
be caught tvilil chaff'; besides, you
know .as well as f the part that ficin ,
has taken in the Mainwaring affairs."
"Parton SrParton? Incredible!
M,glnwlrings lie isleLool 11 hferexpeots
to win."
"Just what l was leading to, Whit-
s the only one to whom 1 can go for ney Is no match even for this Mau,
counsel or a(lvicel I loathe the .very Sutherland, and he will be a mere child
sight 01 hint; fool that i was ever to. In the !rands of the Bartons, Now, the
place myself within his power.) I I gnostic) is, where do we come Ili?
thought 1 could use him as a tool like As you Say, Ralph M7tnwaring'S case
the rest; but •it is like phryldg with is hopeless, unless ---"and he looked;
edged tools; yet I dare not let hunt go." significantly at his client. •
A =Merit later' she heard a steal- "l do not think 1 quite catch the
thy, cart -like tread in the corridor out- drift of your nleauning,'' she answered,
side, followed by a low, peculiar tap
at the door, and Hobson entered,
She crossed the room slowly, keeps
ing her face in the shadow, and, mot -
toning hint to a chair, seated hersel:
opposite, latching hies narrowly,
"You are late,"she said, coldly, in
response to his greeting.
"Admitted, my lady, the replied, in
his usual unctuous tones, "but 1 nat-
urally wished to ascertain all the facts
possible regarding this new deal, autd,
seeing Whitneyosing about on the I propose?"to know it will he to your
g Y within ear' "When Ralph MalnwaIillg has staked byl yourself,ots timeasyou know enough of une
mot 1 decided, 11 remain I
andpick up what f hfprnuatiou 1 1 I his highest v ac blf tlost,Ends
whatthwill the
he inerest to accept my suggestions and between yourself ;old myself,
shot name is irre tans.
could second'hand'" , not give at the Last critical m°ntent fall in tine with mY p
"What did you lean?"
did not see the scornful curl of her I give the half of his kingdom for such
"Nothing very definite, and yet for assistance such as we can furnish Her face was in the sheadow, ;ion asdhe she, RalpheMainwaring will only too gladlyso
enough, perhaps, to give us our cue lin". And your testimony would have
ladyunti, whatat•d cfyou thinks, My dear that end vent?hat "111 she askerse d.ya tinge of remarkedreoldlyistrlva tins words and— much weight with Ralph Matewarose
lady, • do you think of this new in a You are only g
turn of affairs?"
thatain her tone. "Would you deny
os- such a will ever existed in face of time in Yost efforts
intimidate me.
and the ontiuuedand
next with
"Tia whale thing is simply ?rephe-
terous; a piece of the most consum- rwardrinetslsupport?y or would' yhu or You any plans. I have asked ) _—, t
ante audacity 1 ever dreamed of l" partyto the destruction you what you propose to do•" �tl�11Y ,Q✓11 r'�
"Hai 1 lthougharVywouldi' strike
most admit being
' 1 have not time to go into details, 1 FOR FLETCHER'S
as p It the of d I am perfectly ' but briefly stated, 1 propose, when daring
ti and it mustbe d without rioting
particularly y n dear madam, orhmit resents itself, g bit of Lfvention l have seen for "MY
some me; n pretty capable of conducting arid
this affair to our the o right
,"Give it to me,
please. Grand-
"Why Botty9 if
You wait a hit
for it you'll
Clave it to en-
ioY longer!"
"Plop -poo! That's
no argument with
'cause the flavour
lasts. anYwiaY!"
Seated ti:2ht—keat right
slowly. If t can show con -
"Has ft not occurred to you that c
there are not two ptearetolnsexistence hreds the pleasant y d in
Anto ithy d as
here I1 elusively that forgery,
eyorglnal will was acci-
who can so is imp le, be
e 1 ofn this impostor n n b n you and 1? allow to say that it
tdhose j int ed, dentally
iflost, or I happen 17to havelthedorg�al
sch ale
destroy -
There f not a human being living nut -eat sl well for you noty o ions 1 gain my first anyt, Then,
myself who knows the real slnuafions which You are so sfnhds� � in
possession,—under any of t�s'
side of y
Nets give concerning that effectivewill; and who bethrowing n out of erson o of une uivestim a still more m-
1ngive such ardigand eon vain- before, lu ing person elf, lkknowsithe stratthrough your tocally, a , t sshall elled ilei'
ing testimony yourself Harold Main self,
slfhregarding the will. You have portant point, that this so a
wa"Ad s son as Yourself?"
s what do you your awn surmises but they are only' Is a dividuatlextstsnryshlr, that no such m^
"Admitting all this,surmises and you had best keep them
"And for this, you expect ---what?"
"For this 1 shall demand a handsome
remuneration, to be divided, of couand
Thursday, October 24th, 1911
i not only the most economical on account of
its great strength but you have the refreshing
and delicious qualities as well.. a'fsa
Ask your Grocer. In Sealed Metal Packets.
this document flitted CASTORIA
.leverty concocted scheme and pretty mutual satisfaction an •
In spite of the fact that the average
Chinese is fond of using the telephone,
1l hes been found difficult to obtain e-
nough subscribers to support local linos
in that country.
Children Cry
Authorities of West Africa have
been given special attention to the rais-
ing of "ria" t1be,'. While da cannot
talc° the plane of jute 1n the manufac-
ture of various fabrics, il: is good for
rope -making.
in Canada
—After every meal
WAS 'y 'E,A 5(
FROM @#IEAT and fdtRVES.
Mrs. Percy G. McLaughlin, Lawrence
Station, N.B., writes:—"1 am writing to
tell you that 1 have used Milburn's heart
and Nerve Pills, and find since 1 com-
menced to use them that I feel altogether
a different roomy h
I was weak and
run down from my heart and nerves, and
was recommended to try your pills by
Mr: James H. Scott who has taken them
and says if it were not for them lie could
not live. When 1 finish the box 1 am
now taking I will be completely cured.
I wish to thank you for putting up such
a wonderful medicine, and I will gladly
recommend it to one and all."
To all those who suffer in any way from
their heart or nerves, Milburn's Heart
and Nerve Pills will corneas a great boon.
They strengthen and stimulate the weak
heart to pump pure, rich, red blood to
all parts of the body, strengthen the
shattered nerves, and bring a feeling of
contentment over the whole body.
Price 50c. a box at atl,dealers or mailed
direct on receipt of prose by The T. Mil-
burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
* * * * Y: * * * '1
# by A. Maynard, Barbour
(Continued from last Week)
of ilarold Msinwaring's child fully es-
tablished, the will would cut no figure,
one way or another„”
"'That will," said Ralph Mainwaring,
fiercely, turning upon Mr. Whitney
with an expression which the latter
had never seen, "let me tell you, will
cut no figure one way or another in
any , is a
fn ge Y;1and,t. lifanecest sary,111 wilt rprov.
it thetif it last dropkes of my heartlast 's shilling
do it; do you understand.
The attorney understood, and was
more than ever convinced in his own
Mind that the old will filed that day
was genuine.
Meanwhile, in another part of the
city, Mrs. LaGrange sat aone in her
apartments, awaiting the Coming of
Richard liobsoll, it was considerably
past the hour which he had set and
dayyet enough lough ht light stillnremain oto dto show
Thousands upon thousands,
endless thousands, hold their
lives cheap as the price of
Victorious Peace.
And we—as we watch from
afar their heroic efforts—
may we be able to say, that
the little we at home could
dog we have done;
—that in so far as we could
support them, lighten their
burdens, bring them com-
forts, we have done it;
—that we have striven un-
ceasingly to shorten their
stay in the Hun -made Hell;
--=that freely, fervently,
unitedly, wave laid our
humble offeri , gs alongside
their noble sacrific' s on the
alt:. r of Victory----a,nd Peace.
Another opportunity to lend your individual
weight to the blow that will shorten the war
comes with the offering , of Victory Bonds
about to be made. Leunprepared.
nottQteprivilege to
do your share find youp' p e
Issued by Cenede', Victory LOAM Committee
in co-operhn with hennof heoro,d .Finnie