The Clinton New Era, 1918-3-7, Page 4Ana 4
IIUIt11Wll@I e I 10.10101111 1,1101 IN1NpNaaA
0 }anew Nan
..idamvo N'eQMN ovith :dAlle' N
1hOrraliticrfly m'iblontiletliciaelie
Av�¢�SejnhleFtteparptitul fols
drys tiltilating'lhereedby Regula��
tag ihe iotaaettsandIleiyclsnt+',
1�1'lr�.•Idr�?S �'� .'Dat
lei'eltyl'nu ietT/tt csN9
GlteertnitleeSalla et,Coataiol
Iteilleeropitntt, 4oiphine ,
14ineral, OT- NARD0TI s
,JM/tpreraisE '
;!-.corals A
cion :eionvad.Rfor
1Ahelpful emellyfar it
&;clash trtionenifilarrrltoee,
and�Feveelsithesnrsnd ''i
LOSS 4tra Se 4 e l' le
ttEIneehereftoln taints t
sae-Sttmite SI;nato �' cif p
For Infants and Children.
Mothers • Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Tears
Exact Copy of Wrapper. MP.k.,.. " von otrY,
lawn and, Country
Tax 'Victory Loan
Although incomes from the recent
Victory Loa() are not taxable by the
Dominion Government, it is announce'
ed that they are assessable by the
municipalities. Only incomes of $600
are subject to assessment, however,
and � n•
investors s of the loan
tel It
will, therefore, not be affected. •
e `cors rho ocliaa
The Oreat En pdisliCitentedgi,
Tones aotkiovigorates the who!
nervous system, stakes new .filum
in old Vains, bores
'dnneir Mental
eEpito.srnotsof J r=Paltntn uhes
fierrrt, .N`a,iling Memory. Price 31 per bax,.e,x
Tor Sag One will pteaae,. six will o,tra`p:9o)d by alt
3ruggists or mailed to plain pkg, on rnsript of
sine, \'rn: pr wnph.ictmtailyd free 3'15918 WOOD
<Ai+ED3C903G CO..7011ONTO. ON7. CFonserh Winker
Get Out Your Sap Buckets
Farmers and others who have maple
sugar outfits, even if they have not
been in use for years, should put them
to work this year. There is a sugar
shortage, and Canadian maple trees
should be made to produce to the
maximum. So even if you havn't the
most up-to-date equipment, tap all the
trees you can and make the most of
the facilities you have on hand.
There'll be a good market for all the
maple sugar and syrup produced_
"4'' .4 sgfe, rr`dia?rle rep - allot;
..ha'•^a,..; iicinc, 'old ;n oror to
gross of strenga n—No. 1, 1.1
No. 2, 33; 14o. 3, 55 par lox
Sold by nil dr,l slags or s•:nf
•'e rap a uu iese,pt mi n•ie,.
Free pamphlet. Addr,•'»
TDM.538. (hoe* melee
Prayer Fo, Soldiers
The Protestant' e•l'ederation of
France has addressed a letter to the
Protestant churches in Canada, and to
allied countries, requesting thein to
join in a day of prayer for the soldiers
tut March t7, The letter, which is
couched in appealing terms, sacs in
part: "The future of the world is Ne -
in decided on the field of battle, and
there the heroism of the, allied sold-
ier's is equal to their task, But to
maintain that heroism and lead it to
victory it is necessary that God should
he a living, acting forte among our
peoples as he is our unchanging hope.
While Josh ua fought in the plains
Moses prayed on the mount.,
Advance In Soap
The sariods falling off in the ex-
portable supplies of glycerite in the
United States, combined with the
urgent demand from the Allied coun-
tries for the oils essential to the
manufacture of explosives indicates,
in the opinion of well-informed au-
thorities that the price of all soaps
and other fat products are likely to
be increased within the next few
day's. A meeting of manufacturers
Is to be held in Toronto to consider
the most st
conservation of fats andit:fsi pre-
dicted That the proposals to restrict
ciomeetic consumption will nesessi-
s tate the reduction of soap manu-
`actories, and consegneutly force up
j the price at least one cent per pound,
Trainmen Rushed Through
k,:ii;:'gge:rio t'rf; ; h'taeoieeei eee0:`:r u i , >r. tteetel
Are You Tied
Up Indoors?
If so, your whole system
naturallygets tied up too.
A lazy liver and consti-
pated bowels are bad
things,dangerous things.
Exercise as much as you
can --blit keep your liver
and bowels up to the
mark all the time.
Take one pill regularly
—until you are sure you
are all right again.
sr iMEi ..
anulrne beorsi %iiSnef'isr
Colorleaa facile, often show the.
Whams of iron in the Mood.
c itlrteit's Iron Pals
win help Aria condition,
Mr. Jas. Howard of town had a bout
on Monday night last with the Grand
Trunk Railway, in which the big cor-
poration came off second best, Mr.
Cloward was coming home with his
wife and baby from a visit at Hulmes-
ville and had put up the semaphore
and station for at the &he it flag
even evening train,
however, did not stop,=but carte right
through to Goderich, leaving the
would-be passengers stranded in the
freezing weather, Mr. Howard then
gift into communication by telephone
with the G,
T. R„ agent here, inform-
ed him of what had occurred, aed
asserted fashion' that the rights
thetrain lnwent back such vigorous
Hohnesville, and brought hint and his
little family in triumph to Goderich,
11 will probably be some time before
the signals at t•lolmesville are again
disregarded—Goderich Signal.
The year of 101 7 was i year of great
mortality among newspapers. a terse
1 The
c o
i., edition diliu
n n f
News -
raper Annual'and Directory lists
24,582 newspapers. •t decrease of 616
(about 2!•_ percent.) from last year's
list. Only twice before in its history
has the Annual recorded a decrease,
and the two together ltd not amount
to es much 35 one-third of the 1917
loss. Altogether forty new dailies were
ora, the tonal number of dallies was
sixty-two less than last year, indicat-
ing that over a hundred daily papers
gave up the struggle. The chief de-
crease, however, was among the.coun-
try weeklies. They muster this year 569
less than last year, a decrease of 3 1-3
per cent. Sen! -weeklies were 635
strong in 1917. This year the ranks
are thinned to 375, nearly 10 per cent,
less These did not all die, however.
A great than' of them have changed to
This seems to indicate a centrailza.
tion. of newspaper activities in the -
country districts, which is supported
by the fact. that consolidations of two
or more papers numbered somewhere
around 000,' The total number of pith -
fictitious eliminated through this and
other causes was 1,1i59. Over a thous•;,
and just stopped. The same causes
which lad to the suspension of so
aunty publications militated, of course,
against the starting of new ones.
Rev. E. W. Ha'penny Invited To Join
International Sunday School
•Rev. E. W. llalpeuoy, B. 1),, general
secretary of tate Ontario Sundae
School Association has received 3 calf
to the field department of the 'Inter-
national Sunday School Association
as educational promotion superinten-
For about twenty years Mr, Hale
penny has been engaged as secretary
of State or Provincial Sunday School
Associations, beginning in the Pro-
vince of Ontario, where, after five
years' service, he was called to tate
Indiana State Association in' 1903.
The call to Ontario ryas extended in
1909, and Mr. Ilalpenny Inas beenen'
gaged inhis present position over
This is • the' first time in 20 year's,
that shell a PoSiiicti has been offered
to any State or Provincial Association
seceetery. It •is also the first time
ibat e Canadian 1113' been 'thus Wm,.
crudIf Mr, Jlaipenny accents the in-
vitation Inti work Will take Bins all
over the continent in an endeavor 10
raise tate educatibnal standards of the
Sunday ScitenlS,
Relieve the Railt'oads and the Post
Mice of ' the burdelrs al• delivering
small parcels 10 you,
• tittle conserve manpower, coal and
trnasportlttloll 'faculties,,
And ai the Mime tithe 11511, your-
SAVE; 'l'INIB, by getting what ybu'
want when you avant 1t,
'SAVE TROUBLE, by being able to
exchange any purchase more easily.
Be a "Bonne Town Booster,"
(Kingston Whig) •'
'The waste paper basket in a eee's,,
paper office is an unsightly., and unin-
teresting thing. Size is its mot neees
su'y qualification, Yet that seine
was le paper basket, humble and hate-
ful as it appears, serves a great por
pose, 19 Is an uaassuteiug medium
fraught with marvelous possibilities
for good. No eater agency, except
perchance the fear of, the law and -thehereafter, does set much to keep'pelee'
in the family, in the city, and in the
into the capaclOits maw of latus news-
paper waste paper basket •go,.all or
nearly ill—for one occasionally •slips,
by the editor on a busy clay—the mean
and miserable attacks upon this man's
character, that woman's honor, all the
petty Spite someone seeks to spew out
upon a candidate for political prefer-
ment, till the sordid gossip'of a neiglr-
borhoud as retailed over the forged
signature of some respectable citizen,
all the criticisers of men and move-
ments penned by writers whose aim is
Always destructive and never construct-
ive, all the urgent* appeals of those
who seek free publicity for themselves
or for some cause they misrepresent,
all the parish pump proclivities of
certain would-be politicians and all the
thousand and nue attempts to besmirch
the reputation or Injure the business
of a fellow -citizen.
M n A• * * in * * sl * * m
M i4 * 3e tF R* 9f• 4 *
Lace.blouses are returning for usage
under coact suits.
The revival revival of silk poplin appeals to
many women, especially for the new
coat suits of black, beige, brown and
Twelfth wolf h ten ur •
t t tutees lilac cos of
rnail are appearing in Paris, and silver
trimmings and lace are being• revived
for the evening.
Palin Beach has approved of the re-
vival of white flannel for woulel'5 suits,
and smart women say they like it bet-
ter than jersey.
The new short zouave jackets that
show brilliant sashes, aid conserva-
tion of material, and medieval corselets
that wrinkle from hip to neck are part
of new fashions,
Coats are short when they belong to
suits and bout short aviators' crapes
and army capes, that ripple down the
figure when warmth is' heeded, are
seen in Paris.
Pain in Shoulders
A'Jise A, Windsor, Teterboro, Out„
writee:•-"i have been sick for about
fete- ..
years e rs withpains '
luaud and
puns in •my !Moulders which 1 always
thought were caused by working outside
in the sun on the farm.
People told the th,'tt it Wnei my liver
bothering, ane, so '( bo,ughia three vials
of Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills, and
found that they were doing me good.
I continued taking them until now I
am well and strong. 1 ren very thank-
ful to you for my recovery,"
Millburn's Laxa-Livor Pills are a
epecifie for all troubles arising from a
morbid et ate of the liver, eo keep it
active by the use of &bene easy -actin,
non -irritating little pills,
Milhnrri'a Lata -Liver Pills are 25e. a
vial at all dealers or mailed direct on
receipt of price by The T. Milburn Cao.,
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Lesson 10= --first Quarter, March
10, 1918.
THE I.N'9'H)RNA'J.'IONAL 851111175,
Leeson Text, Mark 5:21-4E—Mem-
129 '10 1lIetrt-
ory Verse, John :[O: i.e)--Golden
Text,'A1att. 8:17 titty
'Prepared by Rev. D. AI. Stearns,
The two beeltnts of this lesson
were,•like all others, samples of the
'Kingdom when ChM shall have set
15511 King upon his itole hill of Zion;
when the Icing of tartt•el. Jehovah,
shan he tit the midst of her, and she
shall not see evil env more; when at
King shall reign .in righteousncae ,
it td the work of riph1eonenesa bo
)mace, quietness, and t,5aranett for-
evet (Ps, 2;8; Z3;ih, 3:15; Iea, 33:
a:.1•7). When He brought Israel out
0f Egypt He paid, "1. &•tin rho Lord
(Jehovah) that healed!' i"hee;" "l
*ill take siekttes, away from the
midst cif elect" (lex. 16:28; 23:25).
All those forty ;yearn (rein. Egypt to
(Canaan their raiment waxed not old
emOn 6183,31, 110111iee slid theft feet
swell Itemise or 'their JOurnseelngs
and the heat of the de4orl, (Peiitr43:
3-4)• Notwithstanding all their
gruel bottdege in .ldgypt 53e ltrnught
thorn 8015th With silver and gold, and
there wee not rind) feeble person
among, their triltsa . (Pe. 111E t,
Pala is tale same.. -Lend ,.' Jdtan of
Ti?11ryP1 Alit leogna IOU NS; iea
MI She Tried "Fruit -Alves"
TM --Made From Fruit Juices
112 ()otit9no 5x'„ Sa', Jonx, 14.13,
"I feel .1 must tell you of tate great
benefit T have received from your
wonderful medicine, "I!ruit-a-tubes'.
1lieve bout a sufferer for many
years from Vivien, I/eadar/yes, and
»could get no permanent
Afrlendadviseslnte to take 'Fruit-
• a -tines' and, T did, so with great •
success; I ata entirely' free
of Headaches, .thanks to your
splondld medicine".
150e,a'box,6 for $2,50, trial size 25e.
At all dealer4' or sent Oil receipt of
Klee, postpaid, by b'ruit•a-tives •
Litlaited, Ottawa.
the clays of lila h11:11 111/, es (4.
manifest In the flelah, what over fa
ing•of I.3:ie Kingdom., and showin
samples of Its health and pease an
Prosperity. The healed 0151.s of nu
lesson were i ild:le'.• 1.1, twelve yeert•
old, and It woman who hind Iron f'li
twelve years a sufferer. These -'se twe
twelves letereet tee ver) mime, ne d:
the many twelves of ;',cr 111,1", and
some day in the glory of HisKing-
(10113 we Simla undet'staand. Mean-
time I like to remember that when,
as the Son of Mary, lie was twelve"
Years old, he said, "I mord be a.bont
my Father's busirness" (Luke 2.42.'
49), so we should ee-er be about Hie,
business, here in His stead, seeking
first and always, the coming of His
Kingdom, The visit to the home of
J•airns to heal his little girl was de-
layed by the woman whose life had
been ebbing away for twelve years,
30 we will first consider her healing.
She had been a great sufferer, had
spent all that she had, and was no-
thiug bettered, but rather grew
worse (vs, 26). Luke says that she
had spent all her living upon physi-
cians, anti could not be healed by
any (Luke 8:48), '.Truly her ease
seemed hopeless. Then she heard cf
Jesus. What a blessed day that was
for her; has anyone heard of ,i'esus
through you? How ran they believe
unless they hear (Rom, 10:14)? Aa
aha heard of some ur his wonderful
works, silo believed in Nita, and said.,
"If 1 may touch but Hie clothes, I
ha s
shall ir whole"
(vs. 28). Su with
eager expectancy, in all her weak-
ness, she somehow pressed her way
through the crowd, eonaiug nearer
and nearer to 'Flint 1.111 at last she
stood behind Him end touched the
hem of His garment, and inel.antly
she was healed. What no physician
could do, and no money could Pur-
chase, came to her freely 5n a mo-
ment, from him who is ever this
same J'eaus. Try to imagine it:
twelve ,years a sufferer, end now a
well woman! Olt, bow Fie just laved
to do 11 for her. He knew all about
it, He saw JI' all and felt it all, and
now He would do more than she had
dreamed Of. lie would speak to her
ltemsuually a word of comfort. His
disciples were surprised that Fie
should ask, "Who touched my
(aat.hea?'' for las 1' and the °there
s'let: "Master, the multitude throng 1
.her+ and press thee" (vs. 31: Luke t
':45), frit there is a ,;cent differ-
tnee between touching or beadntz I
tint as the crowd dor,;, and toughing
it hearing hits frtr a definite bless -
01:' fir 111-01,41111;t1 LO cur's 00111 self, An
in 1001,:•,) round about, I.n see the
11»4 ,•:1't had t'tuehed !lite, not that
k• ceded to Ionic, for ire inns, but a
01 ' 8.1131"1 she rran'ittg 31(1(1 (rep) a
ili•:r" 9,'1 down befbre Hint and n
n1:1 i{:n' 011 ,:1:., u•uth (vas, 32, 33).
�..,v herr eller: "Deo gb_nr, be of t
Ord :'o'nfnrl, thy faith bath*" mad0 h
;,11,. n
,ho3e; gn in peace" (vs. ;lel: h
.uke t1: t8). How ea•t•t':)''n„ abund- a
ntly above ail she eutod ask or
link: liould there ',n a happier wo-
IIlalr? Could she ever forget that
tee of Loving contpiessinn, or those
orris? Now we will follow Him to
ne !torus of Jahns; but before we
teach it messengers Como saying to
virus, "Thy daughter Is dead, Why
aublest thou the Master any tar-
ter?" Hut before the hrokee-
earted father had Hine to regret the
May on the road, at 30015 us Jesus
earn the word, He mid to the ruler,
3M not afraid, only believe" (nes,
, 38). How I:hotte five words have
ttaforted the time and again these
any years 1 never can tell. He bas
oken them to my heart SD often,
mong the precioue "'Pear nets" such
Gen, 35:1; Isa, 41:10, 13; Joel
21; and many ethers have been a
comfort, but none more so
an Mark 5:36: eight and not knowing
e power of God, the house was
led with tumult and weeping and
fling, and scorn of lint who said,
by make ,ye this ado, and weep'?"
e put them all ottl:, and with Just
en present, all told, 15tnself, the
her and mother, Peter, J.
e •trots 1
hn .
and the little girl, His wo'ds
ve life and health, tate dear child
oyed •some toed, and once more
re is a happy home. Life said
ace. and joy through Hint wherever
Revenue Recoveries.
Tete revenue recoveries on revenue
d loan accounts for the Rulon of
nth Africa in the month of .April
t total 21,406,783, as against 61,-
1,899 for the corresponding mouth
last year.
Thursday, March' 71t1t, '01 tl :; ° '? .,7"7411
Our New Serial Story
That Mainwaring Affair
by A, Maynard Barbour
• (Continued from lest Week)
"Had ane any Intention of &fleeting
Mr A'latinwaring latter?,,.
"1 know nothing regarding ills im
"Mrs LaGrange," Sa
td the coroner,
after a patuse `"you Were In Mt Maur
watulg's ►fibre y between the hours of
eleven and twelve.11sst night, were you
Ont? '
tier 'face darkened with anger at his
1108(11 of address, "I was In my hus-
band's library al that hour," Site re-
plied. , •
re -
"Hoe; long. were you there?"
"1 • cannot state ex5ctly," site .an-
swered, indifferently; "perhaps half
an hour." •
"Did Mr, Scott,repeat correctly your
words to Mr. Mainwaring?"
"'1 have, HO. doubt that be did. lits
memory on tate subject is much •better'
than mine,"
"'What was the meaning of your
threat to Mr. M;linwarittg, that you
Would make !lime and his friends re-
gretflte day's proceedings?"
"tie understood thy meaning. - lie
knew that 1 could set anide.tlie will, and
could ruin 181111 by .exposing his duplic-
ity and fraud,"
"What rept' did he make?"
"lie altstl'c`red me, as usual, with
sneers; but 1 sat' that he felt somewhat
'apprehensive. I wished to give hint a
llltle time to'reilect upon a proposition
1 had make, and I left the library, in-
tending to return dater; but," she add-
ed, slowly and significantly, "I was
superseded by another visitor,"
"Explain your meaning'," said • the
coroner, briefly. ,
"My husband's private secretary en-
tered the library directly after I left,
Some thirty minutes later I passed
down the corridor towards the library.
and was startled to hear Mr. Mainwar-
ing, in loud and excited tones, deuoline
ung some one as a Bar and an imposter,
'file reply was low, in x voice trembling
with rage, but 1 caught the words,
'You are a liar ,and a thief! if you, had
your deserts, ,you would be in at felon's
cell to-niehl, or transported to the
wilds of Australia'] There was much
more in the saute tone, but so low 1
could 401 distinguish tate words, and !,
thiukimty Mr..Meinwa•ing was likely to
be occupied for some time, 1 immedi-
ately retired to my room."
the 6e
a, voiceof
the sec speaker
and , eak
familiar to you?" inquired hr, lWe.t-
lake, in the breathless silence that fol-
lowed this statement.
A half smile. both cunning and cruel,
played around the lips of the witness,
ars she answered, with peculiar em-
phasis and with a ring of triumph in
her tone,--
'T'he voice was somewhat disguised,
but it was distinctly recognizable as
that of 31,' Scott, the private secretary,
To Scutt himself, these words came
With stunning force, nut so much for
the accusation which they conveyed,
as that her recital of those words
spoken within the library seemed but
the repetition of words which had
rune in his brain the preceding night,
es, alone in his roost, he had, in im-
agination, confronted h'is ernpll•tyer
with the proof of his guilt which that
afternoon's search had brought to
Ight. leis fancy had vividly portrayed
he scene in which he would arraign
laugh Aiatiawaring ars a thief, and would
niutseif, in turn, he denounced as an
npostor until he should have eetah-
isit •51 his claims by the indubitable eel-
len.:e now 1n his possession. Stich a
&:elle lied in reality been enacted,—
those very words had been spoken,—
aid, for an instant, it seemed to Scott
s thougl, he had heel,, ,nconsceously,
ne of the actors.
The general wonder and consterna-
ien with which he was note regarded
y the crowd quickly recalled hint,
ou•ever, to the present situation, and
wakened within hint ;t sudden, tierce
Makes beauty lotion for a few °tants to
remove tan, freckles, Saiilowness.
Your grocer has the lemons and, any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
you wlth,three ounces e:e orchard white
for a few eente. Squeeze the juice of
two fresh 'tenons into a bottle, talon put
in the orchard white and . Melee we11,
This makes a quarter pint of the very
best lemon skin whitener and complexion
beautifier kttowfri. Massage this fra-
grant, arearny .lotion daily into the feat,
heel;, arras and Hands and ,just see blow
freeigles, tan, saliowneee, redness and
roiltbness disappear and Itoiv salad:b;
stiff and rlssr the elan ineorhoa, 'peel;
56 is ltarialesa, arta this beautiful gosltlts
wild allittiso Pill ,
resen'tmeul, though he remained out-
wardly exile.
"At that time," continued the 'cor-
oner, "were you of the opinion that it
was Mr. Scott whom .you heard illus
addtessint M,. Mainwaring?"
"Yes, I had every reason to believe
it was hetied 1 have .now additional
reasons for tate same belief,"
"Are these additional reasons found-
ed on your own personal knowledge, or
on the information of others?"
"Upon information received from
various members of the hiiuseltold,"
"Did you see Mr. Scott leave the lib•
"i did not."
"Can von state about what time you
heard this conversation?"
1tA _u 0
Egli CAN,
and found that it tacked' only
Utes of one"
°Did you hear tiny unusual sounds
"I did not, 1 hoard no one in the
hails; and Mr. ' Mainwaring's apart-
ments were,so remote from the general
sleeping -rooms that no sound frost
1 went immediately to my room, (Continued next week)
tett WNIF
h5l we :4OUr ° militari man"'
against thirst and fa t5sa^.
Keep him supplied i with
i;" I1.)'
,.,t,iy rFjt. }' 1.0 LAS :f4443 ',t9
a�A Q3
v. } s. •'�ra
.0$,iv3' tit'ik.t$i! f'a''rirw, 4tfa
Earbae l l the Wiiir l)e great arah4e
tI iagtri+„ t . ti',sit was tli6CVSOTed uY
tl)�; &?tater slxiies. 130ol1s o:7 the
Warr.. { magazineq arili' �W:,' wt;'�dcorm.
MpotiiYcgice �Z The 13
e "&16:', L'3i(i of lata
use hi; 'tbe. a lied forces -$$dt? com-
fort f56ttl t"e3Slrt?shre°viii` it n3ftTS;sl-t'S .•-
tC[e "" it '
THE FLAVOUR f ,.t" ST . !
MADE ill CANA0i! 44
�'e.,yl,,`J'lt3f rr�ty'�„y
a� .s2�,� . -
A Truck for.: the Farmer
FARM equipment which will effect a time and.labor-
��ll'' saving, and therefore a money -saving, must be care.
fully considered by every good farmer now -a -days.
The farm, wagon, which for years was the most useful
of all farm equipment, is now being replaced on the best
farms by a sturdy, dependable, motor truck. The truck.
will 'haul any farm product—fruit, grain, vegetables,
stock, fertilizer, or wood—around the farms, or to the
town or city many miles distant, in half the time, and
at a much lower cost.'
The Ford One -Ton truck is a rapid, economical and
very serviceable means of transport. One of these on
your farm will save you weeks of time in a single season
and will enable you to pass through a crisis of labor short;
age with less difficulty.
The Ford truck is supplied as a chassis only. This per. '
nits you to select any of the many 'body styles m.
designed for the F yoneslp market.' �► Lord truck and already on the inr��'ktr,.'
Thus you can mount the one which suits your individual
uirements. •
Prlice • 1 ►• IIaQ� g9�� yes ,
Bert Langford, Dealer,