The Clinton New Era, 1918-1-31, Page 2PAGl3 2
�,WE��•, "1'Jl,rt'stiltu, Jttintliu'v•11t11, 1915.
.Ready to
Dry Coeds
and House
Big January Salt
To be continued
one week longer on
account of the stormy
weather for the bene-
fit of those who could
not take advantage of
this January sale. We
still have enormous
quantities of high
grade merchandise to
sell and the selections
are practically as good
as ever. 25 to 50 per
cent discount off all
goods advertised.
Your choice of tiny L:ldies, Misses
and children's coats at exactly' % Re-
gular price. A good Selection yet to
choose front.
Sale ends Saturday, Feb, 2,1918
Your choice of any Ladies and
Misses Suit at exactly ed regular
Npw is sou time to save mone1•
on high 111505 Furs.
Several good setts to choose
6 only Grey Raincoats, rubber
lined, would be good value at
56.50. Sale price • $2,49
35 yards of Cotton Eiderdown
color, Mauve, Regular 50c. Sale
price a yard 25c
t doz. Ladies pailelte silk
waists; colors black and Navy.
Values up to 54; Sale pl'iee$1.49
• WOOL BATTS 74c each
1 doz. Ladies Voiile Waists,
White only, Values up to 52.00
Sale price $1.19
1.)I E,S\ 1300.0.5..5.4,c .1 Yd. -
150 yds dress goods; serge
38 itches wide; colors, Copen,
Tan. Black and Navy. Reg. 51
a yard. Sale price 64c
400 yards Flannelette, 36 in.
wide. Regular 20 c. Sale
price a yd. 14c
Linen Toweling reg 20c S.P14c
Linen Towels reg 50c S, P. 35c
Bath Towels reg. 75c S. P, 50c
Wool Toques reg 85c S,P, 39c
Boys Suiting reg 25c S. P. 16c
Flowers and wings, values up to
$1.50, Sale price 39c
hats, values up to
et.50;sale price 49c
Edward Robb. a "best man" at the as many as ,originally contemplated.
•weddding of Williams Roue', will be Secretary Baker would only say that
charged at Chatham with beating up many difficulties had been surmount -
ring and marriage license. 'i here ed,
was a pre -nuptial celebration.
Bofeaa•geon has erected a memor-
ial war shrine to keep constantly be. The next frosty morning you have
fore the hinds of citizens the names to cel out and .hovel same and the
of men who have gone to fight in de- stn'w persists in sticking to tate shovel
fence of tine Empire. gently pour some machine oil on the
George and William Thompson. s loose of the shovel and then go hack
brothers, of Marlborough Township, ..t 111.1 Slot-, It will be found that the
Wellington County, were convicted of S 110 will slide off the shovel in grand
having failed to report under the style,
Military Service ,Act. but given a How would'yau like the job of rural
chance, Major Osborne said that it mail carrier during January and Feb.
had been necessary to carry the men (11.)i •,
from their father's farm. It may be depended on that those
The statement is attributed to guilty of such an outrageous wasle•of
President Wilson that Antetican sol- water are not using it for washing
Biers abroad next June will be twice purposes,
Or r
ant ..r
rR, Sault Ste, Marie.
t P an author can be palet to he the
Iprecinct of any n'rticular d1s t!i+t.
-and Why not, lust as 1110011 on a
variety of flower, or fruit, or grain"
-Alan Sullivan, the distinguished
Canadian poet and novelist, should be
moat properly identified with Algoma,
tilat curiously shaped county of On•
tarfo, whirl stretches from the cities
and settlements of the shores 01 Lake
Huron and Lake Superior, up through
the 2,000 square miles of the allissis'
sattga Per„ct Reserve, to the great
furtradi1g; territories three hundred
anif etxty utiles north, where it is
bonded by, the Albany River, the
chief tribdtary of Jamas Bay, The
"nai.hern shores of this county were
colonized some thirty years ago at
n 11 del b•
the instance of C. P. agents. g y
1 h e' mono.
hardy pioneers %ton the old 1 n
ties of Kincardine anti Bruce, but, the
city of Sault Ste, Marie has its roote
in the remoter pant, as it Was a twat
ing post for the OG,laf/curs, who Het
for the'furtradot's of Montreal
into the fat' Ween. Man Sullivan,
I Whose father was Bishop of the Al
Attu, . tat l i vaat.
the hunters, the nail retrieve, the
Indian agents, and the trappers have
gonia Diocese, was at ane time engf- provided rich materiel for Alan Bullis
neer of the worst of construction and ; van's stories, soma of the beat of
ballasting the Algoma branch of the
G. 1?. ,11, between Sudbury and tile.
Saida Ste. Marie, and uses the local
color' in several of his short stories,
"It was fascinating," he says, In
those days to watch the psychological
Client of the arrival of the trach; or
even of the snrVey party on the ai+t-
tlare: s,Tltey brightened up, and look'
led, at their farms with nen. ogee,
, vf'hety Were'111 tonoh withetlte world
;that Airotolore: had seeineit • so Ale-
testi' Flits bush Eros, the minora, H.
which have been eohcctcd !n the vol-
ume called "The Passing of
Bid," Moro p'roro recentlyby leas enlaced..,
his field, and in his latest volume
'rho Inner Door," hb takes for ate
inosphore the labor movement in a
small industrial town,! 13ut the town '
is still in Oltarlol a fact that ,makes
it all the more interesting to the
Canadian reader; who takes an tn-
teroat'in the Mint riittld growth et a
ditatnetave Canadian literature.
Egj Y"y j"Z, t Miss Mary AieKee, in while with blue
Miss Gr ciao MS" pane to teaeh" embroldery, The br'ide's going veil
suit was .a tailor -tirade of Bark blue
in a'•Missicu School 'Vitt Nonce)' A" eiuth, Wilk Hits silo wore a bronze
join 111 wishing her euicess Inher new straw tial end lovely fox flu's. Mr,
splints of labii. told Mrs Oleliwaul left for New York,
All regret .to hear that MS's, Wttt,' Ativltie Baty, And Plliltldelpht;L, On
ivisnn who .is spendlug the winter their return they will dee at 1lensalh
with her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.htr) ,
Biu'nby in Luca), isn't at all well.
We hope to sae her back amongst GODERICH TOWNSHIP
us in the ,Sp.ring. Nearly alt the schools were closed
T, Dr, n 1Uu-
oil Monday owing to the storm.
tracedhe lecture cinAitkltrulygave ap last Fridasy The Unity Club are loving a knittthg
night in the Presbyterian Church, contest this month, The Wooten of the
If was greatly enjoyed. Base Line against those of the 16th
Concession. Anyone who Mattes to
parlieipitle may were yarn from 1'l01.
BAYEIELD. W. Stevens, and thus help in a good
L. 0, L• No, 189 will hold a !Sox
social in their lodge room on Friday
evening, Feb, 15th, Doors will open at
5 o'clock, part of proceeds go for
patriotic work,
A'luch regret was felt in the cum).
try at the news of the death of Mrs.
Taunter, wife of Mr, J. W. Hunter,
of the Lake Shore, Colborne, which
occurred on the 15th inst., after an
illness of several months. Mrs, limi-
ter, whose maiden name was Jean
Proudfoot Kerr, was horn in Guderich,
a daughter of the late William Kerr,
After her marriage to Nlr. Hunter
she went to live on the well-known
Hunter farm on the Huron Road,
Goderich Township, and twenty
yeclrs ago they removed to the farm
in Colborne which had since been
their home. Besides her husband,
Mrs, bunter leaves one daughter,
Miss Kate, and two sons, Irving and
Terence, Mrs, W. Rhynas, of Gode-
WROXETER rich is a sister. The funeral services
Reports presented at the Annual on Thursday last were conducted 1'v
meeting of the Wroxeter Rtu'al Tele- Callon hill and Rev, Jas. Hamilton,
phone Company showed that the the interutent being made in Maitland
company is in a fiorisliing condition
and is giving good service. The for-
mer officers were re-elected, but ow-
ing to the resignation of Matthew
Sanderson as director, John Mulvey,
of Turnberry was appointed,
C. U. Simpson, late of Loring, (int.,
has taken ,a pn;ition in the hardware
store of John Douglas.
The funeral of Willian, Willis, who
died at his home near Jamestown, took
place to the Wroxeter 'Cemetery, Mr.
Willis had fainted in this district for
35 years. Ile was married twice,
both wives having predeceased hint.
Ile is survived by two sons, Law-
rence on the homestead, and Albert
of Saskatchewan, and one daughter,
Mrs. Nickel of Carrick Township,
Mrs, M, Moss has returned from a
visit to Buffalo;
Mr; Aldrich, of Port Dover; . has
been here for the purpose of securing
his supply of ice for the summer,
The Patricide '`At Monte" was fair-
ly well attended.: notwithstanding the
unpleasant evening,
We are pleased to hear that Mr,
Herb Johnstone and the two children
are on their way to recovery from
their recent severe illness. The
doctors attending were Dr, Gunn, of
Clinton, Dr. Campbell, of Zurich and
Dr. Metcalf, of this phase,
Grave fears are being entertained
for the safety of the tug Edna K.
which stands below;the bridge with
but little protection from the great
ice jams that are likely to conte with
the Spring freshet,
Rev. Mr, Moore, of Stratltroy,
preached in our village on Sunday
llugh, Walker underwent an oper-
ation 00 Friday last, Dr, Ross and
Dr. Barrow's, of Seaforth, operated.
It was a serious operation- 110 is at
present doing well.
Mrs. McDougal, of Tiverton, is
visiting her parents, Mr, and Airs.
John Walker,
Mrs, McGilvray, of North Bruce.
is the guest of Mrs. McIntosh of the
;Miss Marks had the ntispirtunt to
fall on Thursday of last week, break-
ine, her arm near the wrist, Dr. Roes,
of Seaforth set 0. ',IVe trust the in-
jured arta will soon recover.
'11ss Edna Irene V11Kee, c1:ri,hter
of tate late Mr. John A, it h'e and
Mrs. 31,'Kee, of 'i'c'onto, was m.)rrned
on Saturday afternoon to 11,, Ilarvoy
Andrew blcl.iw:ut, tIamla•'er of Steric,
Bank at lleos:tll. The bride, who 111 1
unattended, wore a charnllne pate link
short Georgette frock with tom.; eleeves
embroidered in the sante shat,te :',nd
trimmed ,pith exquisite rase Plant lace
Her veil was a tory pink utile with a
little wreath of orange h!'s;onc, Her
banquet was of sweethe,rl "oses a'td
lilies of the valley. 'I'Ite Venerable
Cody, udy, of St. Pall's church
, tl,ciated, Miss Betty Greene, played
the wedding music, and during the
signing of the register Miss Ruth Smith
sang the bridal music, After tate
ceremony the guests adiourneci to the
billiard room for refreshments. The
table clernrations we're daffodils, free-
sia and pussy willow, Archdeacon
Cody proposed the health of the bride
Airs, -McKee, mother of the bride,
wore a handsome gown of black
chanteuse with hunt -embroidery
and a corsage of orchids, Mrs. Norton
of,. Detroit, sister of the bride, was
smartly gowned in taupe cloth trim-
med with moleskin. Miss Marguerite
A1cKee was in white Georgette. and
You should never neglect a cold,, how-
ever slight. If you de not teent it in
time it will, in all possibility, d'vrlop
into bronchitis, pneumonia, test.hma, nr
come other serious Huoat or lungs tl'oublc.
On the first sign of a cold or cough it is
advisable to cart: it at once, enol nae let
it run ori for an indefinite peeled,
For this purpose there is nothing to
equal 1)r. Wood' 1 Y.enely a, r Sy,•ul',
a remedy that 11:A been utty rsdly
used by that -wands 111 over tw ater-five
You do not experiment when you buy
Mrs. W. r.
Pl1tat,Smith's }a. 1l1
n -Ont,, wlfra--"1 nos wul
grippe, I ctaugltt told, and n enc ee ,1 i',
11111111,1W sick tura viral Ment hs. i io"14
three bottles of II:, Wood's Norway
'Pine Syrup, and before 1 finished. the
last ono 1 51111.1 entirely cured. .1 would
not have any other rough medirlite: in
the house.
11'also'0uaM my baby, who was very
sick with bronchitis. She had the doc-
tor three times, and he.recommended
Dr. Wood e. I highly recommend it
to those who need a quick cure,
!See til^.t yott get Dr, Wood's Norway
Eine "Syrup When yott'ask for it. Do not,
aceept a stibef:iiette. It is put tip In a
yellow ,wrapper; three pine trees the
trade meek; Trice'Me, and. Sala.; miens -
featured only by Iho.T.'Milburn (t"o.)
Liwitedt ToronU,,
cemetery. The pallbearers were
Aiessrs, John W., Isaac and H. L. Salk-
eld, Geo. Andrews, Chas, J. Wallis
and Rees Jenkins,
Aiessrs, Dickson, of Walton, who
sold their fine farm a short time ago
have purchased a home in Blyth.
Our townsman Mr, John Emfgh has
been confined to his home through
Mrs, Dr. Wilford and daughter Mur.
lel, are visiting friends in Owen
Air. Wm White, son of Mr. and 51rs. It is ,Monday mnruing and .Monday
George White, has signed up for active at home. Is geuertly a busy clay, but
service and is entraining at London. here in this work things are different.
The Annual meeting of the Agri cul- Saturday and S,nulite are two of the
Lural Society was held here Saturday busiest days of the Week with Mooch"
day afternoon January f'1th. The as a sort of rest day. Ilad a busy day
following are the officers for the en- yesterday, We are speculating on
suing year:—President, Mr , Wnt, getting; colonial soldiers in 1ouch with
P' 11, 11; Vice -President. Mr, Wm. private homes here in London while on
(,rav; Secretary -Treasurer,. Mr, .lames leave, and so penin¢ them to see the
(lununing. A meet!ne tit the direr- English people at their best. It is
tors later on will he held to decide p1 01111g quit,. Yesterday we
matters in crnalectiun with the field had parties varying 111 S.
from 2 to 7
crop competition in 7 different horn,:., Most of the 11nvs
conte back and report that they have
HULLETT not had such alt '010511,1e time since.
they joined the army. Such a 5enli-
Last Friday night, despite the run'eh ni' i ,III tend"; to cement illy good
weather over lou people fathered at leeline Iteteeee the ei s and the
the home of Mr, .and Mrs, Morrell, in au,' h ..'.In thi:lk it s::,rk of
aid ,.f the Summerhill Ped Oros, Soc- !hoard';,'.,,r. t wen, ,at yesterdat
to I''. 1sold., . r ,ti, : iii,. ort,•' :att-
i1ri•.• A program Was presented h„ tY'
.iant0s Sell, avian was shairetan. a , t"1 a li' r,s, 10-1 '. t r, :oil so: -,0 Africans
lua, —Solo, 31 Farquhar: resil.ui 'n all t ;1. tir• 11 and y''u
by Air. Townsend; song i'v 31r. Lan. sh"r,.t hue seem n :':+n ettio them -
Weir ::ad children; reading by .'•U.:. T. ray-;, It is a rolint •.I2 -r baron
;':hhi,'c•. Mitring rho eyen!ul a11r, 1n 1,111.' 101'' tm':,ths t" 'et
were Played and at a rano enebli h t:ur ' inte reel 11 r peen. t h011''
tl: 'erred t i'. et 24 'y:, 1. b 1, r' i liter who
,. �•.,: ,:1 n ,'o ,,. „ r', 1 1- 1!:e -b.',' amid ed. .US, 1. :1lceriru lite t!. -
c' 1st•• L.ct'f.a;ar: ;.t L"nd al I now
icirnt of the , umnterhill Pad I.t-,: I
Society and ,1lrs, a y her is the„!qn o, it ,• ! „ ; nt
.. rho
,'eleLln'v• Y h t.':L ,.,. tt:tta oat It iS:L
0urtis-',hurcit, Hallett, and Knox pie .re 1 t',': 1,1:01 wi,'1 •.,1)110
church, Londesboro, held their emigre- 'very 11 161 'slut car:: s, ' )ne t't the
gational meetings on \Viduvstiity and h11111sl I't'.'l !, a : v, hive to deal with
rs :•venin 1)1 Inst , eek. Lon- is with , .":,
Thursday lg>
tv ,. I the attendant) v.h, ... h,; 11 Ant 1.051',:d• ,lf
•,idarim; aha "•t r0:�. e,.
•o ,011 ten‘ its i, :h_': 11:11 IJ in ,t
tris t .tvl and the rt�p"rt; of the tar,. ac
t•. sensr it 1• .,.. 1141'• ri r!,'. 11.)11 what
deparlu'•eols Henri cen'y' h:Ur;taeGn'v. ,!
Whit • loth con "rr.,il ,ns did ,llSlJer 1 ole 1 ,n ^!t,t
able improvements during the year, Sl"" of '9•t .tn.”l! 'e price „f
there ws :, however' a good balance „n a 1_ I .r heti. I i. very hard to turn
hand, with which 10 start the year of i 1h011n 11• .1)1. m., 11 'hut, fa hack to
1915. At the close 01 the business 111m 4 "r 1.1%,“:•1 ' 1•n' !1l04 Pre..'iou,
part ,.f the meeting retreshntents were ten ,lays lea n '.,,'. that leave that
served and a social hour spent by bee been mo 1111 , r,alin,t, of course
these present. Burns' church erected llaney tee O ,a'O; .r' ' en line. 1 all
a new addition, thus adding a new yes- gen 0,1:1, ht ,. .. ,,r 2 (111es a tar. 1
trv, library and reception roust, wltleh gi1a very Mlle r 1!' )01, but have wt....irk-
were much needed and Knnx installed
a new Esrey organ, ;old painted the ex-
terior of the church, and made outer
minor improvements. The year was a
veru satisfactory one for both congre-
Miss Dorothy, the brig!•t little
daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Harry 1.1110e,
returned haute on Saturday from an
enjoyable three weeks visit with Tor-
onto friends,
Mr. Fred 1011113:160 spent Sunday at
his home here,
Miss flora I tlglgtid. Spent the week
end, with her parents,
Mr, Harold Holmes Spam Sendai
Will his mother 1n 4aibton.
A baby !toy arrived at the home of
Mr, Ve, 11, Lyon, 011 Saturday 1110ln-
Miss Lillie ' Lee and her grandmottl-
er, visited at 1111 home of. Mr. 'Phos.
hillier, on Sunday., '
We are glad to !tear that Miss
Ii+ Ml ing, o has been for
clays, is improving,
A Red Cross meeting is to be held
this (Fritisy) 1 eb, 1at, al the home' of
Mrs, J. Cartwright. A large atten-
dance Is requested its there has been
1. o
a drawback ,tek 011 account of sh at to "e of
On Tuesday night death claimed
Joseph Lyon, an old and respected res-
ident of Londesboro, Ile was aged 90
years and 1 day's, The funeral will
take place on Friday with service in
the Methodist church, Londesboro, at
2 put, followed by interment in lite
Londesboro Cemetery. Obituary not -
lee will appear next issue,
The Methodist church Sabbath
School, did exceptionally well in con-
tributing 537,00 to the Armenian Re-
lief Fund last Sunday.
Mr, 11, Fl. Robertson took In the
"At Home" held in the Normal School
al Stratford lust week,
Mr. Wnt, Armstrong, who is home
from the west, with his sister, Mrs.
Vanstote, of Benntiller, visited at the
hone of ;Sir. C. A. Howson, last Mon-
Mr, George Densledl, our local coal
dealer rece104d two cars of. coal hast
week, It was soon picked up anti wits
very much appreciated its 11 1•3 the 1
first coal unloaded here this w1114r.
'I'id naultlt supply u o
1 1 bt f ads mule
1 3 1,
by the Auburn brilnCh of the. Red,'
Cross Circle was baled ne Friday lust
and consisletiof 144 pairs of sock
72 day shirts told 12 snits 'of pyjamas,
35 pairs tt 1111.5ocias Were Se111 dil•ect
by mall,
Minor L a
n a ata
I'Itchholes now add variety 10 some
sectrlgliit,ons of the gravel road,
Ofd. Khlg Coal has lite people ' of
Canada on their Marrowbones all
When every energy is required to
ceoserv,1 all our -utilities, the shrieking
waste of town water conies as a most
unpleasant surprise, It is another
proof of a well known fact, that,
despite all admonitions, a great num-
ber of people have to be figuratively
clubbed into obeying latus ordained
for the welfare of the whole com-
In the four years, 1912-15 seven
hundred and eighty-nine people were.
burned to death in Canada, and 711
per cent of those were ,Women and
children. Over 350 lives were lost
in burning buildings. As alight 1,e
expected, the majority of the fires
were caused by criminal carelessness,
fits is especiallly true in regard to
the kindling of fires with kerosene
and gasolene, and permitting chil-
dren to play with matches, Such
disregard of the safety of human
life constitutes a forceable indict-
Early Pullet
Lays the Early Egg
And the early egg --say late Novem-
ber and through December -corn.
mends the top price of the year.
Start a
yy�B���U•a+qC�g�;;�'�g YTOER
in March or early April; raise the
many chicks you'll hatch in acoal-
burnt ng Standard Colony Brooder,
and lilts good monoy is yours.
We know the Burkeye Incubator and
lire Standard Colour 13roo,lcr pal do
exactly what we say. We guarantee it.
and our guarani au is banked bar the mane-
, Snctorsr, Everybody, gets n •rluare deal.
Nothing heals the Buckeyn,' and the
Standard Colony Brooder has no equal.
Come is and sea them.
- ITASI1lf EIMEISIM'ttii "i "�,• ESIMI AYdt'
Inert of the entire Canadian attitude
towards the danger of fire.
The Y. 1 a C. A. Work in England
The following very i,tteresting let.
ters from the pen of Capt. Will, son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Fi,tgland, of Lon-
desboro, who is engaged in Y. M. 0. A.
work in 1'nela nd. The letters give a
fair insight into work being done in
this branch 01 our greet military sys-
tem which is the uloid perfect the
world has ever known.
The "Tivoli 'v. 3i. C A,
The StrImd, Loud'at V/, C:, 2, Eng-
Dear Hunt,: Fcdi:sr-
The annual meeting of the Seaforth
Agricultural Society was held in the
Commercial lintel on friday afternoon
last with a large attendance of.direc-
tors and others interested in the
Society present, The auditors state•
meat showed tine affalrs of the Societv
to' be 011 an 'exceptionally sound finaut-
eial bests, their being 5 balance in
the treasury of 5429, an riicrease of
over 5200 frolll the Previous year.
It is the intention of the directors
before the next Fall Fair to have the
agricultural hail on the grounds re-
modelled and improved, the list reviS-
.ed and to make every effort to stake
the Seaforth Fair, already the best in
the County, both in point of attend-
ance and prize stoney afforded, big-
ger and better than ever, The Soc-
iety wilLnhla hold a spring stock show,
the date o1 which will be announced.
Tater, and the Pali fair, will be held
On Thursday and Friday, September
19th and 20"11 The following offi-
cers were electe I l'i'e tdent, IJ -1'ot-
i `Yilt It l
a Vice
President, G
111 f1
tc 4
VcK( n ,( Vi
1 tl 1
Evans; Secretary, Brodeiick 1
urer, R. M. ,tones; dire tots-- T'u k' -r -
smith, Alex; Wright, tnhn Dale, Robt,
Droadfoot; liullett, Wm 1211111, Thomas
Livingstone; McKillop, Harm
Russel Dorrnncee John Scott; Seaorth,
Mayor Stewart, Dr. Grieve, The field
crop rompetitlln this year will be in
white oafs, the entry to be not Jess
then 5 acres,
'The regular monthly meeting of
the Women's Institute will be, held in
tate Fnrrestel's' Hall, Thursday, Feb.
111,-1!"Liteteture of To -day" arta
")Books For the Bente Library." by
Nis, Wm, Lyme 1t Is requested all
those having sock; rot' shirts, ;10 bring
11111111 in on or befel% the meeting,
ed out a 2>stent 'Metal') t give a man
a ticket to get e meal or bed at certain
Maces and I par,• ,aiterwards. We also
farther in a 1,-.1 of lien in different
watt's, Thi: i .:hi t;, A,. work In i -un -
dun Inas many side., and it is 1051' and
interesting and I like it vary much.
The city also is full of interest, 'i am things "Made in Canada." Both pan -
planning to attend sante courses of cels arrived In gaud condition and not
lectures on such things as Commerce, a cake was broken or cltrushed. I have
Social Life, Economics, Religion, etc, ,heel treating my friends to a taste and
in connection with the University of eiyou should hear the kind and compli-
Lundun which has one of the best ntentary reentries. l have been kept
blains in the English speaking world. very busy, in fact getting busier all
it is a great education to hear them, the time as the work here is increits-
fhe !louse of Parli:un'nt is in secs- trig. We have started to build :t new
ion :out 1 hope to be able 12, go there Y. M. CA., for ',:auadians which is
sometimes—it is gond to !tear such ,
sten as Lloyd George, Donal* Law (a to be a large two story structure with
Canadian), Asquith, eta The people eating and sleeping accumodation for
here have a great appreciation of thebeautlou men at n time, right in the heart
tainty of London on one of the busiest
aiggiven them some lovely spots in theme and God has sets
and they' seen to appreciate Iles gifts l thoroughfares ""1Ile Strand", Anoth--
iu this lav, and 1 think f ant catching cr ran, Capt. Summers, is looking
, r have something of their apprecia-
tion atter the erection and equipment while of beauty in nature :1151 art—the
world seems far fuller as a result and , 1 continue on my own particular work,
afar Letter place in which to live. 1 . that of looking after sten in the city
owe a great deal to a Mr. (:unpbell, an 1
1who are on leave, then getting e
ltd bachelor of 57, in wham 1 have touch with houses of private people,,
arranging fur outings, meeting men
found a fine friend Ile is giving all i al stations„ flet'„ them up at club
his 0111 and energy do voluntary war;. 1 hotels., etc., advising them what to
for colonial soldiers and is a wonder- I see during their leave, providing
funs,keen and chaer• man. 1 have ! 1110111 with euides who give their
been staving with him in tlf5 15.1 i tithe 106e, 011'si'af them where 10 take
bachelor rooms iur a week. He keeps •
a sort of open house all the time and i trips cult of L11 111. o111 11111 trips for
Ts a creat re,uler and very well in-, e- l:n1, txkiu; caro ut ileo who and
formed tui a thorough t:hlisttau We i
ei,uuk irr dot 0d „r robbed G111y
have some long chats tngethe", e'rl'v dayn•et` c u: to L.., have
n, l with there nl!,forlt10 t 551110.5 and the
! stirriiiie 1, ;1 ,rt0:into, read ,1.11- ce11(1,! y i cases hr deal
i , .,.ort Ulr to ul sh, rasa li ra. 1Veh
e ,
,. with. It 10 n hlf r -f money h, carry
t -e pinch on this w, 1's, rut :y:• don't f;vc rite
though t dirties', to g:1 to _ar, tea
'boy :r, 0 ' , 1. d ch ur ; 11) 14l"1111111,e-111ralar rn, ny ,r thrule but pity htr,
f lir I''!I110bed lh ,1,'IsI 't A„
,.1:.!;t,•t'r- .,, r.• ;•-.ill le,,,,,-: hovrl m n'lar .luh:.t•• ,e.. hate ar
n\droolsa ircnm 9at
ttI !• �
1, nl, 1: 1" 1' 111, 1 0111 Worl<luf in
,1 '•tela Seareet'.311'! y41. II ,Ip t„
' l,eerle1t7en-,d,1 1, save • t an!
"d :'.l:+t • , 1 ev .•Y•• n av, I'm there
▪ ,ins 1 ' h, ,t 71.1 short r It is
'• .iia I,. d., 5 'r
V, tt-er 'Tarr :end ' Lie of the !'.st
,.n - lou' i, 1.1 p1' ...1t1c;
I.-.- d o' 1!'. a ' tire titmeet of
her d',i,., tan that 4,r401, 11:end
„teeth:r '+. watt ,:r 10_! iia'11l,ons. !'he
. -1 1, ,1 ,i '11 t:! and Wen
NI!,,, onrsek n' he tint sure of
!.nl - '1-Iteld aro, great influences
▪ i t rl I. lh iviterniti and r tern,il, I
1.1,1 1 :het wi10 a ettinz
Al c.\Abrar by name. who had just es-
caped loin a (2ernlant ),noun carol, Ile
115 the reopk aro seting very short
of d in that e'''mir. Ile ,urs hunt
rear Kilbride, 1Vanlw,rih County. ,and
lived for a tint) near Winghant and
w"ts taken P0351 11er to St, sullen in
the Sprint of 1'1)5, but is looking
well and fit,
(Another letter a month later)
^.Luny thanks for the parcels from
home. it was good to get a taste of
the later. air n!' llosrit alit'. League
of the Y. Al.1' A.. wit 1,11 111e311s that
1 ha„• t„ ti`.1 '^'til al! .t'tiers as they
and of -,,.211 7 C.aladiatlt so
I . , ,'1. , a!ion with Y.
!n 1 ,hr. 1'i:, and find
m�n'' men.
' 1:1' of In' '. ,r't t..nt,r: - of t'`s loll
is the night work -nod the f^.ct that it
is seven 2111:1'.' , 'ell. we .are plan-
ing to [have .t day oat each week So
1 went out of the ,'t' about ltventy
mile; 10 at quaint little old tillage
whose church dales back to 1.00.
Several Lunilies in a (tired( line have
lived in the place tar 300 or '1110
years, I stayed in the inn which is
500 years el(. .a queer rambling quaint
old spot. The village is situated in a
beautiful valley—an ideal spot for a
i axpect t0 go 1'n Bransh"it and
Witiev and will see lr:unk. Had a.
letter from Ainrr:tv a few *days ago. He
was well and hack at the. base I an:
fee!in5 fine and h'q,e all at 110111,1 are
>3E black bear oama . rtl1ttfiibng
down tho mountain side through
tate tallboy timber, pausing here
and there to turn neer a rotten log in
seaa'dh, of grubs.' It was summer and
Mho fend wan nod. ' 146 was quite well
sat , 4ted with the world. He lead
found a very good field for Investi-
gation in ;the new territory he had
just taken up, In the tangle ofthe
lanrnL” and 'then trees he we.' sure
vll staples• of life, .and .dawn on the
edge of the river beside the trail he
!often discovered rare titbits left by
camping parties. '
A hoarse whistle booming up from
over the shoulder of the mountain on
this left scarce caused him to pause
for it was a section of his every day
life. Ever since his youngest cub
days he had heard the roar, far or
elbee, on one side or another. Some-
times he crossed the steel bars on
which ' the roaring monsters slid
,down or rolled up out and, into Field,
He was a British Columbia bear, and
the Canadian Paoftie main lino was up blankets, he wallowed against the
its much a part of his life as the camp stove, be ripped the tent walls
mountains were, with his frantic ic a
aws and fondlyonl
n 1
' ilei' and spied own fur, t puponr
Ile drifted ttt'ifted d him in a t
bra' ht all down
a tent It looked tempting and ha g
ed wreck, Ply,htigg madly he worh-
onuffed close. There was no one ed free and dashed to the river
around, and he thrust alt ingedeitive where he plmngod madly into the
nose within. Strange sights and wen- .flood lust as Sim simpsou, a guido
>derful smells greeted hint. Ile made and humor, rounded the trail and
a tentative sweep at a bat; with one saw the ruin wrought.
armed paw' and a snowy mass of aSimpeou looked at the damage and
sugar rolled out. I'Ie ate. Then he swore, he pulled the canvas from the
od rho bacon aux! found d X, te tangled mass of camp paraphanatia
searched, far a desfort an unci. and distni'bod a fine dust. Ile aneez-
*1)n. This was held firmly to hie ed. He ionised further, Ped. nrtr-
;ipawe wh11e be bit. a.t , the tbp. It 'ttoles arose in little elouds when lie
4saiCia , and the onanteats , looised mound any oracle, Ile picked up the
tied anal delimerat. Boing a cautious con wl,I h caused the trouble, a'®d be
5Sear ire laveetlgated' ftirIbor 07 tauphod, It wwqq6s cayenne 9011966.
ietieg hie xeee tato, tlpru ,.e17en#i1t& . Out he thoutlht the bear was prove
*trail elealt tF lni►tw4kr hetag a nut
. aianoer me he rotIle tett 11111V
'Ctal vioientii and a Cloud et par to Ws winter camp and brought beta
pit nreke , ltneeeg; ghee at n ata net • bageehewed beat' fano. had Sae /let
rttleaall W _ •,tlT( . s 1reI rieet 'o nal ot� n haat in the thfrek
total+ 7Y,ie ttiruep4�. aiiwrrt. '8e tete t6�blttRdMptlonlfi,>sAf SrSls' io!rsten
ot ,'s.•,.+Y a 's ",c1;r5rr',' IyfMwnaa a .e,,:«3
logs on the edge of the down timber-;
for be knew the habits of beats.
When the next dawn painted th
peaks he started out with his rill
and his Radek.
Mott who
hunt in tit
Canadian Pacific Rockies for that
'twinge have realized that the camot'a^
eye Is as much of a money -getter a
the bullet, When the bright mornin
sun peered warmly and cheerily eve
the low shoulder that reached cu
into the broad valley of the Bow' h
was looking down front a mass o
Jumbled timber on the trapped bear
and the latter wan looking at him
Its paw WAS clamped in the Jan'
teeth of the trap and the latter eir
fixed immoveably in the, tangled logo
The camera, clinked on the liven
animal Just about thirty seeottda 1t
fare the dile meottanipm shit a, bi
cartsidg'e from magazine to` barrel
Then another Mewls vandal had gots
''ever the ntountaind," 4 Ia V. I.C. it