The Clinton New Era, 1918-1-24, Page 5• 'r3,Xt1saas, Jitliliary 2+14,'17, 1114 1' Wrinkles -E yeaehes and Headaches REMOVED By Wearing GLASSES Scientifically fitted and .Accurately adjarsted by N. Heyar i:WELFR AND OPTICIAN amen 1 THE .CLIN,TON HEW ERA CANADA'S POSTAL HQL.D.UP OP READING FOR . SOLDIERS,Ecz , (Foronto 'relegranL Con.) Postage $1,92 That was the amount a battery 'auxiliary paid yesterday in postage on sixty copies of a weekly magazine lnailed to n "Toronto artillery unit •In France, In England a paper or a weekly or monthly magazine can be left at the nearest post -office and will go to the soldiers free of chirge. In the United States a one -cent stamp will carry a magazine front any Amer- ican post -office to an American, soldier overseas, Canada's Governuaeut is not ashamed to bleed soldiers' relatives for more iu postage on a magazine dont the original cost of the ntagazlne, Canada's army in France is an army of readers, This country's rulers are revealed as a Shy- lock Government in time appalling rates of postage they exact front par- ents, wives and sisters who mail news- papers and magazines to sous, ,hus- bands and brothers at the front, AFTER FEBRUARY 1st., IT WILL BE 3,45c. INSTEAD OF 3c. PER MILE. And Local Agent Will Have To Shout' To •Passsengers To Have Their Tickets Ready. 'Mr, A, 0, Pa t:Isou, time local 0. T. R., agent, is in receipt of a circular, advising of the proposed increase in passenger fates, which comes into effect the first of next month. In- stead of three cents a mile, 3.45 cents will be charged. One that pronmises to give him more embarrassment, comes from the otlice of the superintendent of the Strat- ford ford dtvtsu t mand direct that in order S to have the passengers purchase and present their tickets before enter- ' ing the. trains, Ile shall announce in the waiting room and on the plat- form, "In a distinct and sufficiently loud voice, the following: Please pur- Under • the Auspices of the Ontario Street Methodist Church League, in the Arena On Friday Evening, January 25th >I+ and in Attend. ncte Proceeds will Be Divided Between The League and the Y. L. P. A. .REFRESHMENTS :Everybody come and Siong a good cause. Admission 15 cents Spectators 5 cents 011 BOY'S FACE CURED BY 201.61111 Zam-Bok has been tiled and proved by thousands to he the most sueees5fnl rommcly for eoaema, Mt':, Horgan, of 103 Manning Ave, Toronto, eays: "For Dight menthe by little son's face was covered with eczema, which pained and Irritated him so that he could not sleep. The slighlent 00111 aggro" vated it so that L wet obliged to keep hint in tate house, "As nothing 1 used LHd hint any good, .i took hint to It hospital, but the treatment to received there only made the sores worse, Thou I com- menced using tam-f311k, applying It liberally and regularly. The pain disappeared and the Irritation was ended. Soon huallag began, and as I continued the lam-1'3uk treatment (0e sores herarne less and lees until my boy's skits was entirely free from sores and perfectly clear. and smooth." Zaid-flak should also he used for ulcers, ringworm, abscesses, bolls, ball legs, moulding sores, blond - poisoning, piles, burns, snails, nuts, chapped hand, chilblains and frost bite. All dealers or Zant-f3uk Co„ Toronto, 50c. box, 3 for $1.25. chase your tickets at otlice and have them ready to present when entering train. At the larger stations," it goes on to say, "where station masters 00 station police are employed, they, instead of the agent, wiPI stake the announcement:" Other clauses read: "Conductors and other employee: of trains (whose usual duty is to re- ceive the pasengers) while standing In their usual positions on station platforms, will request pa5seu,gers to present their tickets before they at- tempt to ascend the steps or coaches. If passengers do not present tickets, courteously request them to procure them at the ticket office, and to en- able them to do so, the train IS to be held a reasonable time, if necessary. In stormy weather, the precise oh- sery:ace. of clause B of this tide must not be insisted upon, "At initial starting point of trains, conductors and others employees of trains, whose ditty is to receive passengers, will he ready to receive then thirty minutes before leaving time of the trains. "Ail vestibule doors and traps, ex- cept those used for -receiving and dis- charging passengers, must be kept closed while train remains at stations, except that, according to Law, the rear vestibule of the •last passenger carrying car on train nearest the sta- tion platform, must remain open, "When two or more curs in train are open for use by passengers two or more vestibule doors must be. open for the convenience of passengers. "When trains are approaching junction stations, where passengers must transfer, conductors and other trainmen will request passengers who intend to transfer, to have their tick- et ready to present when entering the 5(mnectfng train." C'hild.ren. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOIRiA 0 0 111 0 :1: PATRIOTIC NOTES , * 0 * 0 el: '1' S: :k Mrs. R. Rowland will be the hostess of a Patriotic tea at her home on high St. Friday afternoon January 25th, from three to six, to which site invites all ladies. Conte and enjoy a pleasant afternoon, 'The tea given by the ladies of Wes- ley chelrch last Friday was a splendid success, notwithstanding the extreme cold, a large number turned out. Pro- ceeds amounted to $25,00 Collections from the Penny Bags on Thursday, Jan. 3 Oth, No meeting in the Board Room this week. Have You Renewed YOUR , Subscription For 1918?.. If not, we ask you to do so this month as We Must Have The Money To Meet Demands ANIIMMINIMMair Iffoopitipoottestioirsoesosorapims witesimio seeeseirsooPro/Abr i District News. KIPPi24, (Intended for Last Week.) Wedding Bells. ---On Wednesday, the 9th fust, at high noon, the home of Mr, Jx11)05 MaClymout was the scene of a very pretty wedding, when Itis eidast daughter, Miss Florence, and Mr. Ver- non Terryberry, of 'Tuckersinfth, were married by the Rev, 3, E, Jones, of Var- na, in the presence of the immediate friends and relatives. The happy ceu- pie left on the afternoon train for a wedding trip to Tilbury, Del11111 and other points, Last Saturday, the 5t11 Inst„ Mr, Alex McKenzie, received tire' sad new that his mother had died time evening belure at Bayfield, Ile and Mrs. hlc1(iiile left at once and returned Wednesday. The old lady had reached the great age of 93 years, She had been a widow for 41 years and her mother had been a widow fur 53 years. The late Mrs. Mc- Kenzie was a woman of great intelli- gence; kindly in disposition, beloved by all and an earnest Christian. Dir and Mrs, Peter Cameron of Kin- dersley, Sask., are home visiting friends here and in Brucelield, Mr, W, W, Cooper •was in Guelph hast week in connection with the Win- ter fair. The bean crop has been somewhat of a disappufutmen1 to fanners the past year. In 1916 prices were so good for at fair'Crop of good quality, that a large acreage was Sown in 1 91 7. Some of the fields had to be re -sown on account of wet weather. frost carte early and late sown beans were ruined. 'filen wet weather Canis just when runny had their crop cut and it Lay on the ground for six weeks, thus resulting in soft and colored hems. Threshing which has been Le.0 :Din l )l lately is s t, •_ ng fair yields. but t❑ account of the inferior quality prices are running from $3.50 to 51.75 with better prices fu" the few crops of rood beans That miss- ed the bad weather, Mr. Walter Fair-; bairn was one of these fortunate ones and his crop bringing over $7,0u ;a bushel, yielded over 51300 for 14 from 5300 to 5500 each. GODERICH TOWNS:IIP Mr, Percy Cole has purchased a Chevrolet Sar from Mr. (Bart Levis It is a new Model Chevrolet. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Cole. of Sal Dusky. Michigan, are visiting will relatives in Coderich 'Township. ,Mir George Danby is back fron the \Vest and is working with Mr. Bet t'a.thwell at present. lie intends yo Mg back to the, West next Stamm:: as he purchased :i farm there, South Fnd Gnderich Towushil Patriotic Society have had a knittin contest `his week and the ladies need les are doing g"nod work. ,lir'. Robert 1;lull had a beast sick this week, lie had to call in th services of a vetinary, Amiss Vena Jervis was called home from 'Toronto 00 account of the serious illness of her father. George Jenkins returned last week from Kinhurll where he had been visit- ing with friends. His visit was sea easarily felgtlidned on account of the storm and bad roads, The road; are very bad in sante places as here sue some terrible pitch - holes, Goderieh •Twp. Council,—l:o0licit met as per statute .tun. 10th 1')13, in Holmes' Ball. I.audeshor", ;and the fol- lowing made the necessary qualificati- ons and declarations of .1311111: W, 11. Lobb. for Peeve; George Holland, D, A. Lindsay, Oswald (lino, George Vander - burg for Councillors. Minutes of last meeting as read were continued. Yin 151011011 of Councillors Vasderbure and Ginn, tate Councillors decided to represent the different polling -div- isions as 1,111'''55—Na I—George Van- derburg; No, Oswi,ld Ginn; No. 3, D. A. Lindsay; Nos, 4 and 0, Geo. Hol- land; No, 5, W. II, Lohh, The follow- ing olhcers were appointed fur the year 1915, Adapt i::utelon, Clerk. Jas. 11, Whitely', Treasurer; B, 11, Lindsay', As- sessor; Roht. (3, Thnn1911011, Collector: Geo, P. Gould and Howard T. Sturdy, Auditors. Board of Health—Dr. J. 6. Whitely, Medical Health Odfcer, John Cox, W. H. Lobb :and Adam 'Caniel011. hence Viewers—Poking 010181011 No. 1 —Isaac Salkeld, Jnu. Suwerby Geo. Laithwalte; No. 2-0eo. 0, Sturdy, W. F. Flick, James Yuiil; No. 3-3110. C. Woods, Alfred Naftel, Jun, Stewart; No. 4 and o—L'. ti, Wise, Guy Hicks, Frank Powell; No, 5—Jos, Watkins, C. W. Williams, Bert Murphy. PoundKeepers —No. 1—Isaac Salkeld; No, 2—W. F. Flick; No, 3—Andrew McGuire; No, 4 —Geo. A. Cooper; No. 5•--J. R. Holme" No, 6— J, Connell. Sheep Valuators-- C. W. Williams, Robt. Cluff and Geo, W. Sturdy. ' Weed Inspector—D. J. Bursts. Pathmasters— Road Division Road. Division 5—Jas, Bell 30—.I. McDonald 6—Geo, Wilson 31-0, Beacom 7—T. M. Woods 3 5—•A, Lovett 8• --Gee, Hastings.. 34---'i', K, Mair • 9—Wm. Hicks 35---L. Jervis 10—Thos, Cox 36 --Bert Cox 11--J. Torrance jr,37—Jas. McDonald 12-15, Townsend 3'8—R.0. Thompson 13—Bruce Hohn1s39—T. McCartney l4—Met, Sturdy 40E-11, Steep, 15.-1i. Alexander 40W—J, Lindsay 16— Jno, 'tludie 4t --F, W(hitmtre 17-11. Trewartlta 42—Robt. Cole 18— Wtia, J. Finlay 43—A. fftiictt 19--Albt. Cantelon44—W. Crich 20--•1 Richardson 45W ---W, Rowden 2t --•-W 11- Graham 45S—A. lazaret 27-H O. Wallis 46—C, Lobb 26—C Williauts sr48---W. Mumiuiugs. 29—Jno. Tebbutt '19---D, Rueger PAM e $ I� You Back,, Urinary to Pains in Martyr Troubles Brick Dust Deposiits, rainfgl Urination, Swollen Janda or any of the various symptoms of 'Kidney 1't!ouble, take where a large congregation assembled to shote their sympathy. Mrs. Mc- lutosh's parents from North Bruce, were present also Mr. McIntosh bro- ther of Rev. Mt', McIntosh, and a nunT- ber from Nairn, Il'0nrwvhere they hate recently came. 'The pallbearers were Messrs, Earl and Ben, Kaiser, Alex, Mustard and Fred Aikenhead, The in- terment took place at Baird's cemetery, Rev, Mr. Johnston, of Varna, Rev, Air. l-iogg, of Clinton •111d Rev, Mr, Aiken, of Kipper, assisted at the services. Geo, Hill has sold his farm in 'fucker smith. 11e expects to move into our village, 11e is a former resident. Mrs. Simpson of our village who has been ill is recovering. ft, Fitzsimons of Clinton shipped hogs livor our station 00 Monday and N. 'Taylor of Stanley shipped on 'rues - day for Toronto, utrnatu �, Entirelysm Gine inter Twenty-seven Years a of Suffering—Swelling and Puffi- ness Has Disappeared — Not a Pain or an Ache Left, • ILL A most astonishing cure of Alen; 5rnatism and eczema has been report- ed here, anis Mrs, Ray is enthusiastic • in telling her many friends how cure 1 : awes effected, 1 1 Rheumatism and eczema frequently go together, and in this case caused - •the most keen distress imaginable. r All the swelling and puffiness result - I ing from many years of rheumatism t have disappeared. and there is not a' v, ; pain or an ache left. Mr. G. II, stay, R.R, No. 1, tClncar- baso, Ont„ ewrites : Mrs. Ray has n using your Kidney -Liver Pills. t She was very had •with rheumatism and eczema, and had had that fearful itch for twenty-seven years. It was simply terrible what she suffered. I i persuaded her to try $1,a0 worth of !Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, She is ! now on the last box, and let me tell you she scarcely knows herself, she is so free from both these diseases. All the swelling and pnfniness caused by 1 the rheumatism has gone away, and ! she }las gone down in weight 3s'•_. Pounds. She never has an ache nor 1 pain, i,ilfousneas nor sick headache all , these months, She often says herself glow' glad I a.m that I know what to do instead of paying doctors so much , t0 Inure me worse.'" There is only nate way that the poisons In the blood ran be cleaned away and the cause of pains and aches removed, and that is by the , healthful action of, the kidneys, liver and bowels, Decan.=n Dr. Chase's Kidney-I:Ayer Pills apt directly and specifically of those orgatns and in- sure their activity they remove 5115 cause of rheumatism and other dread- fully painful and fatal diseases, One 1 p111 a dose, 25 conte a box, all dealers or l:dmanson, }fates & Ca., Limited, Toronta. tool: for the portrait and signature of A, W, Chase, M.D., the famous Receipt :Book author, on the box you buy. The following accounts received the sanction of the 'Board and orders were drawn on the Treasurer for the pay - meats of the same:---Wtu. ProudfPoot, legal advice, $5; Jas. fl, Reed, gravel- ling boundary at Bayfield, $8.75; A. Cantelon, Inspector census, $2,50; W (tuck, gravel, $9.94; H. Miller, posting financial statements, $2.75; 0, M. El- liott, Children'S .Aid, $10, On motion of Couucillors Holland and Ginn, the Council adjourned to meet the 1st day of Monday in February 1918. Adam Cantelon, Clerk, Reeve Lobb is attending 'Co., Cottn- eit at (Joderich this week, BRUCEFIELD. Ottr village and vicinity, were sadden- ed on Solidity by learning of tate death of tittle Marjory McIntosh, only child of Rev, W, and Mrs. McIntosh, at the age of 18 months, Site was sick lout a short time with infamtngtidn of tete lungs, 'l'u'te whole tieighborltood ser - rote with the bereave ilat'eltts, over their 1051, The fnner'at took plate 'o0 Titesdly in the Presbyterian 011u0011, LOST Somewhere between Frederick St. Clinton and Sir. Goldie Graham's limn on the Second of Stanley, a brown purse with $5 and some cirange and veil. Finder will be rewarded by leay. ing it at The New Era Office, HOUSE WANTED About, nine rooms, central, modern conveniences ordered, not essential, and small barn .or otttbflding, suitable for garage. Possession in sprng. Ad- dress with particulars and lowest price, —"Advertiser''—New Era, Office. ' — ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Huron Co. Spring Stock Show will be held in Council Chamber, Clinton, on Saturday San. 261h, at 2 o'clock. All interested in a Spring Show, kindly attend, i. Shanahan, President. A. J. McMurray, Secretary. • FOR SALE. Frame house and 6 acres of land, partly in fruit; Bank barn with stone 'stabling; good well water. Splendid property for a retired farmer, For further particulars apply to Mrs, Argent, Clinton, Ont. HOME WORK. �. Would you like. $1 to $2 daily at Rorie, knitting war socks on auto knit- ters? Experience unnecessary. Send 3 -cent stamp. Department 451 1C: Auto knitter Company, College St., Toronto: • APPLICATIONS FOR OFFICE __ Applications will be received by the Corporation of the 'Town of Clinton up to 6 o'clock p.m, on Friday, Feb, 1st, for the following positions, and at the salaries stated Gltrk ,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, $350' Treason er $1 50 Chief Constable and Tax Collector$500 Night Constable $450 'Cemetery Superintendent $550 Duties to commence on Feb: 15th, 1918 and to continue for one year, or such (1ot11110:' her lints as the Council shalt deter - D. 1.. Macpherson, Clerk, RAW FURS WANTED lligltost prices f)tafd Beet Homey, Clifton, May 1918 bring Peace Happiness and Pro_sPerityr to. an, str,sniraw>R..+�sraerlmU,anamr fir . 4 steel 1,4 o •' c„_J 6t Sattat1 Protits Phone is 5, More llusi/cess THE STORE THAT SELLS FOI2 LESS mrlasnc,nm.IIIIMilittrall Aniei.eePeneneXtVertInalistainneli VaralaaddiaralMilaalaSINNOMMINaik-•villaMw.Nmenaaagamr.ra,,,,.,eu+Mmaw.aerauese;saZ. NOTICE TO 'CRE'DITORS In the Estate of Hannah Riley, Deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all per- sons having claims against the estate of Hannah Riley, late of the village o 1-nndesboro, in the County of Huron deceased, who died on or about the first clay of December 1 91 7, are requir- ed to deliver to the undersigned Ex- ecutors or their solicitor on or before the 5th day of February 1915 a full statement of their chtims together with particulars thereof and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them all duly verified bifficia10 t. AND TAKE N(.)'p10E that after the said last mentioned date the said Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the. estate of the said deceased atnongst the persons entitled therefo hawing regard only to 51151 claims as Ile shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. DA'1'Fi) at Clinton, this 1 nth day of .l.t•tuary. A,D, 11)15. 3011 12 FINGLAND, and WILLIA;11 0. ,IAllt, Executors, BRYD(1Nti, CI14t01, (st, Solicitor for the, Execu*ors, --- FOR SALE House for Sale. Six rooms and Summer kitchen, waterworks, good cellar, centrad and very comfortable, to close an estate. Apply to James S. Miller 1 or W. Brydone FOR SALE 1+a Albert Street, ,t seven roomed cottage. Electric lights, soli and i•. 0.1n twale1 in kitchen. For partie- ularc apply to T. A. GRE1G Calves and Collie Pups for Sale Parties wanting calves please leave your orders. You need not take them if thy do not suit. Good Collie putts for sale, A, E. Matheson, Phone 17 on 136 Clinlou—Setfortl1PCI POTATOES WANTED Delivery any day. highest market price paid on delivery, Bides, Furs bought also any quantity empty sacks. Jas. Steep & Co. P.O. Box •192. Phone 126 MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION WORK. A number of good reliable men can secure steady employment on Munition work. Apply to, The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Seafortll, Ontario. For Sale or to Resat V� The brick house on Raglan street, now occupied by 3, E. Doherty, for :We 01' le rent, Electric light and town water; 2 acres of land, with stable. Ail In good repair, Apply to David Camelot'. .Place four °rigor for seine of our 'Weetorn t tits, which IVO have just received 'tins 'are twill charge yott uo more than if shtoWbf'', Juat the ordinary grade of!bate. If you wish to secure sonto of thee8e Oats glade your order early as they aro going fast. We always have a full stock of Flour atid.Feetl, III Ile tl Pxloes:pslid •Olt' Girt ifl 0 Jert'kuns or kb..t(1t), t iAtiletttslt !. d# Id Barred Rock Cockerels, bred from a Cockerel from Field's No, t pen. 5 cockerel; at 1.50 each; 1 cockerel for .uo; 2 1115km't Is :tt $1.00 each. A- bove ;u ices :u'; gaud fur No weeks, when prices will be raised. , conte and get your cul kern.' now. H. A. HOVEY, Clinton„ Ont. fviORTGACE. 83.01,11 wanted to take up a first mortgage, good security. Interest (i per cent . 54.1101) w:eni.5, :,n i;rst mortgage, good security. I nter:st 1, 1-2 Per Cent W. Brydone ANNUAL MEETING 1115 annual a:,'stint• of the' inemberS of the :ltcKilloi' :M(onal Tire tusur:u'ce Company, .will be held in the '1'.,wn hall, w:afurih, un P11111 fall. tst, 191.5 at 2 act ,.'k p ,''. 'Thr insides of the meetfur will be to reeeiye the animal statement and Auditors report; the electing of three directv.trs and two ;auditors and 011101 business which might be cousiclei•ed of Imenelft to the company, 'i'Ite retiring directors are Malcolm Alclwar, D. F. McGregor and- (:. R, McCartney, 'vitt) are eligible for re-2lectic'n. JAMii.S 5ONNOI.LY, President THOS. L. HAYS, Secretary THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO UNEXCELLED DINING CAR SERVICE Sleeping cars ou night trains and. Parlor cars on principal daY trains. Full inforniaiion from any Grant, -- Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. B, Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, John Ranstord.&S$n, city pee/Bon— gel. and Ticket Agents, phoue 57 1, 0, Partition atm ion agent Had art .Tremble For 5 Years. WOULD GO INTO FITS. 'J'hronir,h one eausd or another a large majority of the pee le:8re troubled, mote or. les. with Some farm of heart, trouble. Little attention is paid to the tiliEjttl weatu(ses until the heart etwrts to ben* irregularly, and they suddenly feel fain red dissy, mid feel aS if they wore smother- On the 'Bret. sign of any weakness of the Heart j dilburq'5 Mart and Nati'ttIa 'should 15e'takany and thus :maitre pt'dtn#7t aiul perivanlut relitsf•, liftn,.lir 3•I ;Ferrier, ltithridc; Out;„ w' it i 'r9f t troubled with my heart rAmr-fi61 iitme5'it'nd tires so bad it Would sedd -`time ttftta'Sjtit'amd aamotliering„ C' coal)/ on iib iFtty' Wavle while T was 'sit, fc6led, bud pfter' "tttklag three bokca of Milbttrn's 1Zeart and iNetva Pill, ," I • hate regained .any health," Milburn's •sad acid Nerve Palk 'are 0d, lite box at it deklere er mailed direct on 1'010 pi, of trine b;� `.The T. ;hien* Co,1Lirn%ted, Totllnte, Out.