The Clinton News Record, 1918-5-16, Page 71it�? iG.
You Can y►ri I Your '<utldings
is the protection that good paint guarantees. Fire Insurance does
not prevent fire—it only partly reimburses you for loss sustained,
should fire destroy your property.
Fire may never happen.
On the other hand, the use of good paint actually prevents a loss
from decay which is not just a possibility, but an absolute certainty.
The destructive effects of weather, upon buildings that lack proper
paint protection, go on every second of the day and night.
ee 09% PURE" PAINT
is the greatest known protector of all building material against
time and weather, because it is made only of pure White Lead,
Pure Zino Oxide, and Pure Linseed Oil.
You would not think of letting your Fire Insurance Policies lapse
in order to save the yearly premiums. It would be even poorer
economy to let your Paint Protection Policy lapse by neglecting
to repaint your increasingly valuable buildings this season.
When you do paint use Martin Senour "100% Pure" Paint. It
spreads easier,covers more surface, and protects longer than
most other maes.
Write for "Farmer's Color Set" and "Town and Country Homes". 123
Just what you'll need in planning your painting. Mailed free.
.,fie PTINoSENI R Go
Yu : W.Ya tiy :�:t Z. Y•tP FA 1. 'eft Y'± 'C_�.•+�',j ei*ee.;CC:: v µC yh M1i i1i ti4 ',� M1v .•{• L� `s:4f4'i.'•:::t•{: rYi
inn Si a i3 ? lase d ''s rv3ieev ie eiesi"'<•"r: ; . iiet:.wesike o:,r''.• e ;::',,., .lei x? .tiiiiee + . ,:t ..Neese:i:t.
Industrialists Want a Nation Self -
Sufficient in All Supplies, Welded
In Solid Block.
A self-sumoient Germany, a "Mit-
teleuropa" independent of all fordlgn
sources of supply, and an empire dif-
fering from the British only in being
welded into one solid block, an empire
even independent of a fleet to safe-
guard its existence, is the aim of the
economists and industrialists of Ger-
many. An interesting interpretation
of the German dreams is given in the
current issue of the Americas, under
the caption "The Resources of an In-
dustrial Empire in Mitteleuropa."
The acquisition of western Russia
and a large part of the Balkans, al-
ready practically accomplished, is
only a part of the German plan, ac-
cording to the author, But while the
German plans for a great intercolon-
ial empire are to be checked, the im-
portant economic advantages that
have accrued to Germany as a result
of her temporary control of the re-
gions mentioned are interesting to ex -
a*aieWMI Zssaswrainniregi as
is all right -
1'',y.` MICE
is better.
is an econorny
drink — absolutei,U
no waste. Besides,
it is conveniei'1t,
saves fuel1fa
sudet; and leaves
ntothind to be
desired in the
way of flavor .
flwA CUP!
Ik1SUJi No. R 18
amine. The writer in the Americas
says in part:
Ukradnian Products.
"By far the most valuable region
of Russia from an economic stand-
point is that lying between Poland
and the Sea of Azov, comprising the
valleys of the rivers flowing into the
Black Sea. This is the region recent-
ly erected into the new state of
Ukrainia, nominally independent.
"The Ukraine region includes agri-
cultural, industrial and mining dis-
tricts, and includes among its pro-
ducts foodstuffs such as grain, sugar,
grapes and tobacco; textile materials
such as hemp and wool; ores such as
iron, manganese and phosphates, as
well as coal, both anthracite and bi-
tuminotis. The industries include iron
and steel manufacture, textile spin-
ning and weaving, and sugar refining,
"Should German enterprise under-
take to develop this region, applying
scientific methods, it might be pas-
sible to increase the crops so as to go
tar toward supplying the needs of
Germany. German imports of wheat
before the war (in'1918) were 73,766,-
000 bushels.
"The mineral resources of the
Ukraine are also of very great econo-
mic importance. The iron mines of
Krivoi Rog, in the provinces of Eka-
terinoslav and Kherson; are among
the richest in Europe, and are stra-
tegically situated within a short dis-
tance of the great coal mining area
of the Donetz basin, They are also
within easy reach of the Black Sea,
More Mineral Resources.
"A scarcely lees valuable region
thanithe Ukraine from the standpoint
of the planners of a Mitteleuropa
economic empire is that assigned to
Turkey as her share of the spoils,
which includes a large part of the
Caucasus and the peninsula of the
Crimea. The Caucaeian mountain
chain is rich in minerals and oil,
while the valleys of Transcaucasia
along the shores of the Black Sen,
have a climate mild enough for certain
semi -tropical agricultural products.
The Russian Imperial Government
was actively 'engaged In promoting
the industries of this region, and at
the time of the revolution was engag-
ed in the construction of an extensive
railroad system, radiating about the
main line already existing from Baku
to Betum,
"The oil wells of the Baky district,
in 1018 produced 7,717,000 tons of pe-
troleum. The output of these wells
had been decreasing for a decade, and
it is believed that they are becoming
slowly exhausted. New oil fields
opened within the past few years at
.points further north have served,
however, to increase the total produc-
tion 0f the Caspian basin. As exports
Were.,out off et the,,putllrealc o$ rho
WO o a
war --
g reeei've bee -Beall s Bee'tl a8muih.rt
fated. There are very largo eteettl'o
facilities in the '1'ranscnuenslan re-
gion, It is not unlikely that the Ten -
tone will snake an &fort to obtain
control of these reserves of oilimme-
German Gains .in Poland,
x'011 Is one of Germany's greeleet
swede. The wells in Galicia and Mi -
1 mania aro almost the only large
spume within the present boundaries
of Teutonic power, as the native Ger-
Man production IA stnull, In 1912
Germany imported 1,013,728 tons of
petroleum. The Caspian Sea region,
however, could supply many times the
amount needed by the Central Powers,
even without further development.
Poland is an industrial and manu-
facturing region, with a relatively
dense population and several large
cities. The Germans have been in
possession of Poland since 1915, and
so have been taking advantage of its
resources for two and a half years.
The cotton factories of Poland con-
tain over 1,000,000 spindles and turn
out 90,000,000 pounds of yarn annual-
ly. The largest factories are at Lodz
and at Warsaw. The woollen indus-
try is also well developed in these
cities, utilizing both native and im-
ported wool, and turning out chiefly
thin voiles and similar fabrics. Many
of the Russian silk factories are also
in Poland. Other manufactured pro-
ducts are chemicals, iron and steel
products and machinery.
Need of Tropical Products.
"The main lack of the economic em-
pire as at present developed by Ger-
many appears to be that it nowhere
enters the tropics, and that therefore
Germany Is entirely cut off from tro-
pical products. One of the most im-
portant groups of these products is
that of the gums and resins, including
rubber, gutta percha, gutta-jbolatong
and other,kindred juices. Germany in
1912.imported 15,632 tons of rubber
This is a splendid play rarit for the
boy. McCall Pattern No. 7710, Boy's
One -Piece Blouse. In 4 sizes;. 2 to 8
years. No. 6990, Boy's Knee Trousers.
In 8 sizes; 2 to 14 years. Price, 10
cents each.
Foulards are proving very popular
this season. McCall Pattern No. 8071,
Ladies' Overdress. in 6 sizes; 34 to
44 butt. Price, 20 cents.
These patterns may be obtained
from your ]Deal McCall deader, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Dept. W. -
o—o—o—O--o-.o— 0—0—O—O-0—O•-0
You say to the drug store man,
"Give -me a small bottle of freezone."
This will cost very little But will
positively remove every bard or soft
corn or callus from one's feet.
A few drops of this new ether com-
pound applied directly upon a tender,
aching corn relieves the soreness in-
stantly, and soon the entire corn or
callus, root and all, dries up and can
be lifted off with the fingers.
This new way to rid one's feet of
corns was introduced by a Cincinnati
man, who says that freezone dries in
a moment, and simply shrivels up the
corn or callus without irritating the
surrounding skin,
Don't let father die of infection or
lockjaw from whittling at his corns,
but clip this out and make him try it.
If your druggist hasn't any free -
zone tell him to order a small bottle
from his wholesale drug house for
alone and 104,860 tons of resins. Syn- you,
thetic rubber would appear to be the 4 ---------
only possible source of this comic,- GERMAN PUBLIC OPINION.
dity within the German Empire. ---
"It is thus obvious that a German One Thing Entirely Lacking in the
empire comprising only the regions al- Empire of the Kaiser.
ready under German control falls
short in severe] respects of being eco- Every appeal to the Germanpee-
nomically self-sufficient. There is a Ple over the heads of its leaders,
direction, however, in which German every attempt to impress it with the
effort already shows signs of turning, good faith and disinterestedness of
which might lead to a completion of its opponents in this war, every 55 -
the economic structure. This is the suranee that we are fighting, not for
road to India, which leads to supplies the extermination of the Gorman
of cotton, wool, vegetable oils, rubber, people, but for their right to de-
hides and skins, and many other pro- velop their great virtues and mani-
ducts now lacking in the Garman fest genius in the humane forms in -
scheme." mired alone under the influence of
froo inatitutiona, pre -suppose in Ger-
many the existence of at least a ker-
nel of the sort of thought which we
describe by the phrase "public opin-
ion." But no one who has been long -
and intimately familiar with the in-
side of German institutions, with the
Tho parish ehul ch of Lullington, ways of thinking in typical Gerniun
Sussex, proudly boasts of being the circles, whether liberal or conserve..
smallest one in England. tive so -Called, with the whole politi-
The population of this parish is six- cal atmosphere breathed by radical
teen in number and is contained in or reactionary within the borders of
two cottages. There is a certain pie- the German empire, can hesitate to
termitic sense of proportion in this say that there never has been in
number, for the church is 16 feet Germany any such thing as public
square; so each soul has his foot's opinion,
solace wherein, to annex salvet on for' es------
himself. The church just holds four It 4s olainect that the stolid and
lek+s, li font, a pulpit, and a hormone tolerant aharact,er of the British is
ila bosidlee the gale ci nlmunlen due to much eating d beef.
Rending 16 Feet Square Serves a
Parish of 18 People. •
tab o sllilrlo n ed •
t of
� � s
I tronas,
t na is i
tit xis
rrnout r s y Y
co a sin ha Ten C
ilaina e
t o manili nts
g m no
ah t eo rival arms, with G.IZ, to koop move little chickens from
the ilon and unico•n Company, Ab Do not 1 H
one slde a row o:7 pegs no doubt roe house to house except when ft is ab -
presents the vestry, and 0verhaad a hneury, as muvinp, rwtsuds
piece of sticking dopa its lost to stop hsa01Y giukelyoxorh,ss
a hale in the roof.
An excellent soup is mads• wi41.
milk, sliced pntntoos and onions, turd
seatwning of parsley mid celery loaves,
;Mop 14 1,00,141,0 Lininteist 18 the bottom
Cream Wanted
We supply sans, pay express Charges
ad remit daily,
Our price next week fifty-two oents
Mutual Dalry and Creamery 00,
743-5 Stag 1 t. West - Toronto
A Good Rowel,
Tehoher: "Why are you so'l to?"
Bost "Please, miss, I started late,"
Teacher. "WhY didn't you start
Boy: "Please, mess,'it was too late
to 'siert early,"
I cured a horse of the Mange with
I cured a horse, badly torn by a
pitch f ork, with MINARD'S LINI-
St, Peter's, C.B. EDW. LINLIEF,
I cured a horse of a bad swelling
Bathurst, N,B. THOS, W, PAYNE.
British Army Surgeon's Invention,
Dees Away With "Glassy Stare,"
To make the artificial eye practical-
ly indistinguishable is the aim of a
British army surgeon who is experi-
menting with a ball made of cartilage
as a substitute for a metal or glass
ono, A sphere of such construction
when put in place establishes connec-
tions witheblood-vessels and the sur-
rounding tissues, When thus fixed in
the cavity it is supposed to be capable
of movement corresponding to that of
a normal eye and furthermore fills the
space so that there is no depression,
as is invariably the case when a shell
is used. Although time must yet
prove the practicability of tlio scheme
there is reason to expect that the war
has brought forth another triumph in
plastic surgery.
•0• -----
Make this beauty lotion for a few
cents and 'see for yourself.
What girl or woman hasn't heard of
lemon juice to . remove complexion
blemishes; to whiten the skin and to 1
bring out the roses, the freshness and
the hidden beauty? But lemon juice
alone is acid, therefore irritating, and
should be mixed with orchard white
this way. Strain through a fine cloth
the juice of two fresh lemons into a
bottle containing about three ounces
of orchard white, then shake well
and you have a whole quarter pint of
skin and complexion lotion at about
the cost one usually pays for a small
jar of ordinary cold cream. Be sure
to strain the lemon juice so no pulp
gets into the bottle, then this lotion
will remain pure and fresh for
months. When applied daily to the
face, neck, arms and hands it should
help to bleach, clear, smoothen and
beautify the skin.
Any druggist will supply three
ounces of orchard white at very little
cost and the grocer has the lemons.
If there is any doubt about the
freshness of the eggs to be preserved
put them in a pan of fresh water. If
an egg sinks it is reasonably fresh.
Ask fdr Minaret's and take no other.
Wherever there is space, along back
fences and around the outbuildings
and out of the way spots that are not
utilized, grow mammoth sunflowers
seed for poultry feed.
'qRY 3tI-lW;4e
Nothing bettor is made
OE "' "y''>' A
N0thinti better can k made
3 3£1 'Femeie intileMeieMei
A Qire for
Bad Breath
"Bad breath is a sign of decayed
teeth, foul stomach or unclean
bowel." If your tenth are good,
look to your digestive organs at
once. Got Seigel's Curative Syrup
at druggists. 15 to 30 drops
after meals, clean up your food
passage e a
ifl stop
bad br
odor. 50e. and $1,00 Bottles.
Do not buy substitutes. Get
the genuine. 6
Old hens, young pullets and chicks
should nut be allowed to run togeth-
er, as the smaller ones will not be
able to get sufficient feed and will suf-
fer in consequence.
Buy your out-of-town supplies with
Dominion Express Money Orders.
Five Dollars costs three cents.
Eggs from water glass .solution will
usually remain good for two weeks
after being removed from the pre-
Minaret's Liniment e
ar t Lunr U rmaa'9 Elland.
Reltiresi farmers are numerous in
Canada. They can perform a na-
tional service by selling their experi-
ence and assistance to farmers in
order to relieve the farm labor shorb-
Mining, Chemical Civil, Mechanical and
Electrical Engineering.
Arts Course by correspondence. Uegsee
with one year's altendeace or Soto
summer sessions.
Summer School Navigation School
July wad Anstalt December to April
19 CEO. Y. CHOWN, Ragutrar
PAIN eleter
Don't Suffer Pain—,
Buy Hirst's
and' In prepared against wrack, of rhra-
m.tkm, lumbago, neuralgia, setae. and
all similar painful aliments. For oro, e0
stars a lamlly Iricnd, Das'LI
t exptrlment
1,y H(rn's—.I dialers, of wine ns.
Ilamilton, Cann.
MUST'S Famllr Setae, (50d, fid,'
HIII11'5 Pectoral Spur of Moro- •
hound and Eler.mpant, (31s) BOTTLE
T645t NARK,A(G U $.PA1, 9FF.
will reduce Inflamed, swollen
Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft
Bunches; Heats Boils, - Poll
Evil, Quittor, Fistula an
infected sores qulckl
las it is a positive antiseptic
and germicide. Pleasant tee
use' dose not blister or resole
the hair, and you can work thq{terldri
62.50 per bottle, detivcred..'
Book 7 R tree.,
JsBSOABINE, Mote antiseptic liniment for eianklmtl
seduces Palntul, Swollen Veins. Wens, Sushi. Bruise*
.tope pain and Inflammation. Price 51.21 per bottle nes
dealer. or delivered. Will. telt you more 0 you adKri
Liberal Trial Battle toilet ie prom
W. F. YOUNG. P. 0. F..516 Lrmans Bldg.,tlontetal, CRN,
46sorbine sod Absorbine, h.: ata mode le Ceoada.,
05rri0015 ta,r0011010 a.
,nam MAA
eIl l l i 111l1l l l 111111111111111111111I1111111I l l lilt
Shopping �.`
So Bad Could Nof Sleep.
Red With Water Blisters
and Burning.
a'3 had eczema so 'bad 1 could not
sleep. It first started on my arm, then
1 bad it on my body so that I could
hardly wear my clothes, andada o
etay In bed. My flesh woede
with water blisters, and burning and
"Everything I tried seemed to make
me worse, and I had the trouble for
nearly two yeate. I read about Ceti -
Dura Soap and Olntnnont, and 1 got
them. They did me good right
away, and now I sit entirely healed."
(Signed) Mrs. Potee McIntosh, French
River, Ent., April 10, 1917,
I•low often Such dtstreseing, Meng -
wing skin troubles might be prevented
by everyday as of Ctttieura Soap and
Ointment for all toilet pusposoe.
Por Free Sample Each by Mail ad -
firms post-cerdo "Cnticura, Dept' ,
Boston, U. S. A." Soldevotywh'
Scarcel anything pleases a woman
more than to come to the city to
shop. There aro eo many big stores
with such endless variety Led
choice of everything.
PO there is just that little dr; are
back about where to stay. The
Walker House selves that problem.
It is a home for you while in the
city,end you Men have all
your mire
ohms tont direct theta, whore
there are special facilities for lonk-
Ing after your parcels.
Come to the city to shop and sty c'
The WalkerHouse
Tho house of Plenty
• !?,5,- Special attention given to es
ai ladies aid children travelling withfe
• gentlemen escorts. E.
tliltillllllnl111!111I1lIlIlf lllltiltIII 11Ul1i
x'on OA7ra
yW EIOIrr.y NltW1W4PIaR IN tYL:3T-
ern Ontario, Donaa good bus
nese,Death of owner places 0t Wes,
masket. A great chance for 1man wh
Dash`Apply fax 6a, Wison lthlei
Co.. Ln tdd,
and .job nrintlnit newt In Plaslerpp
On arts. Insurance carried 51,600, W tl
g o $1,200
quickLtd.. ontG9,
• ilson I lhingoToro•
Jr tossers wanted, Write (leo. M: Paul,
160 Victoria St„ Sarnia,
LUMPS, ih.:l eernal,curwt
out pain by our home treatment, Write
us before ltaud CollIngwood, Ont. Mcdlcal,
In order to get our justly high grades
piano in each town, village or town.
ship throughout Ontario, we shall
offer ane instrument, and only oue, in,
each place, at faotory price, as fait
,r',.n be done consistently, Tlreatf
pianos are ttr...,; in Canada and have
been beton'. the Caneeeen publics foe
over tweutyfive years, and rue., n'4
on a straight guarantee,
Per further information apply to
Eliminates ell gum
p, i6, & Makes ligld,
o i wholesome bread.
rolls, etc., without
t ' trouble, Saves Rour
and helps 000smve
,Ihs Nation'stool
1 .aPPIY.
Convenient, quirk
end clean—bend.
J`vr� do sol touch dough.
Delivered all charges
paid to your home. or
through Sour dealer—
tO e4s four lost size 12.75
eight loaf size 13.25.
' r HAcM- ON r ��
l4l 't;
A Quick, Clean,
Conlfortab!e Shaw
Every soldier e1i yes
under difficulties
cold water, chilling
attnosphore and a
time allowance of
about three minutes
for the whole yob.
The AutoStrop Safety
Razor overcomes all
shaving difficulties—
it is the only razor
that is always ready
for use—that always has
a keen edge because it
sharpens its own blades
automatically. Strops —
ehavos— cleans --without
removing blade.
Give bias au AutoStroa—•lite
gift of the hour.
S res Safety
Razor Co.
63.57 Delo St., Tomato, Oso,
h efi
May be Ovtereorae by Lydia
E. Pinkhantn'a Vegetable
Connpo11nd —This
Letter Proves It.
West Philadelphia, Pa.•—"Dgriag the
thirty years I have been married, I have
bean in bad health
and had several at -
Melee of nervosa
prostration until it
seemed as if the
organs in my whole
body were worn
out. I was finals
persuaded to ti'
I,ydiaE. Plnkhan es.
Vegotablo Com-.•
paled and it made
a well Woman 0
1110. 10022 now do
eeeee all my Itsus.•Woris
and advise all a ling wont: n to try'
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vep'etrtnle Corn.'
ound and I will guarantor they will
carive great benefit from it."---Mrs.l
n 26
N. 4
Fleeter; great
1vttA1. Street,'
West Philadelphia, lea.
Than aro thousands of woman every.,
where in Mrs. Fitzgera d's condition,'
suffering from riervouseeee. baelsache,
ho'adacbee, and other sy ntptonus of a
fuurtiontel alts agement It was n
graft' fulspirit for healthto toren which
led her to write fide levee se, 'seatother
women -nay benefit from Ir. r experience
and find health 58 she hu>l 11000,
Tor w,l, €1eeticng hi ',venni to yon. eon- '
ditlon verltt Lydia lie. Peed, ale iViedirin0
LyirtieRiess ":' l Toe remit of {bele
40 years eepci ience. is et yon. A .vice,