The Clinton News Record, 1918-6-13, Page 2D, McTAGG 1I1T
I. D. IleTACI(i<Alt1
McTaggart Brose
,. -- BANK SOS
((LINTON. :_ •
oflie�- Sloan Slob—CLINTON'
aBioe en Albert Street oceapo4 b1
lir. Hooper.
In Clinton on every Thursday.
sad on any day for which ap-
puuatmente are,,m7ade. Office
Sours from 9 ajar to it P•tn-
A good vault in •oonuection with
the office. Office open every
week -day. Mr. Hooper will
make any appointments for Yr,
Office cases at his residence, cor,
High and Kirk streets,
Office Hours:—L80 to 3.30 p.m., 7.30
to 9,00 p.m. Sundays 12.30 to 1.30
Other hours by appointment only.
Office and Residence—Victoria St.
Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Commissioner, Etc.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
'Licensed Auctioneer for Use County
of Huron.
Correspondence preiaptty :answered.
Immediate arrangements eau be
Grade for Salt; Date et The
Hews -Record,. Clinton, nr hie,
miring Phone 171 as 11I'L
Charges moderate and satisfaction
Sole Agent for
Scranton and D. Qts it L. Coal
We are going to give every .person
a load of coal as the names appear on
the order book and must insist on pay-
ment being made for sante imme-
diately after delivery.
This is necessary as deliveries will
be extended well on in to the fall
At Your Service
Box 127, Clinton - Phone 44
asormeriy of Benefield>
Agent for
The Huron & Erie Mortgage Cor-
poration and The Canada
Trust Company
Comm'er N. C. of J., Conveyancer,
Fire and Tornado Insurance,
Notary Public
At Brucetield on Wednesday each
Trains will arrive at and depart
from Clinton Station as follows;
Going east, depart 6.18 a,m.
2.58 p.m,
Going West, ar, 11.10, dp. 11.10 a.m..
ar. 6.08, dp, 0.45 p,m.
w « 11.18
Going South, ar. 7.33, dp, 7.50 aan.
rr er
4.15 p.m,
Going North, depart 6.40
10,30, 11.11 a.m,
The McKillop
Fire Insurance Company
Head once, Seaforth, Ont,
President, Jamas Connolly, Goderich;
Vice„ Jamas Evans, Beechwood;
Seo. -Treasurer, Thos. E. hays, Sea,
Directors; George McCartney, See.
forth; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; J.
CiAiwa, Welton; lBina Sea,
or n bI. ire t veii, OIintoli; Robert
seri f, Trarloek' John Ilennewelr,
reellageni Jas, Connolly, Goderich,
LCett si Alex Leitch, Clinton; J, W.
Yeo, Goderich, Ed. I;linehley, Seaforth;
W, Chesney, Egmbndville; It, 0, Jar.
meth, Bredlragett,
Any money to boaid ro may be
paid to lvloorish Clothier, Co, Clinton'
or at Cat's/Cat's/ce
Grory, Co lef•1:h,
Partios (Moberg to effect insurance
or transact °thee business will be
promptly attended to on application to
any of the above oilticere addroased to
their respective pest aniso. tosses
irercried by the rireelok who Wag
dearest this Rerlt9 .... . ' xi •1 :t
Dy Agronomist..
of 7'hie. Department to for the use of our farm reodere who Want the eatlou
le Of suffflcient penrt on gialelntaneet, ItdWl�l beiapedanswerQd th�ouph thie ete. If eour oolumn. it
stamped and addressed envelope le enclosed with your letter, a compiotp
enabler wilt be mailed toou. Address Agronomist, care of Wilson Pubhghinfl.
Co, Ltd.. 78 Adelaide St.yW,, Toronto.
"Blue Lights" in Dairying
We have been aceustomed to speak
of the "blue lights" in stock breeding,
meaning thereby how to attain the
highest merit - in the individual's
career. In dairying there are two
ways of obtaining high, potential
value in the young breeding herd.
Of course, there are really throe
ways, hitt only two are practical for
the breeder of small means. The
breeder who has considerable money
to start with often goes into the dairy
cattle business, not because he needs
the money, but because he either wants
a pastime or wants to leave some
monument for himself which is very
enduring and it is true that there is
no more enduring monument than to
establish a superb herd of dairy
animals because with such an estab-
lishment it is a fact that many of
these animals will become a matter of
history and their offspring will march
down through the ages as long as
dairy cattle aro kept, whioh will be as
long as the civilization of man is in
the progressive phase, One of the
quickest ways to attain the blue with
the breeding herd is to buy a bull with
individuality and excellent breeding
that may be placed at the head of the
herd. It has been said by. old breed-
ers who realize the value of quality in
the products they have to sell, that a
man can put as much into a herd head-
er as the combined Value of all his
cows, This advice is given out by so
many good breeders of proven ability
that the young breeder can do no-
thing better than to take the advice
at its face vlue and invest in a bull
whose quality cannot be questioned.
Another way which is some slower
but just as effective, however, is for
two or three breeders to combine and
take the very best cows or heifers
they have, at least two, and send
them to a bull of unquestioned super-
iority for breeding. It is true that
the service fees are sometimes very
high, but this wry of getting extra
fine individuals is much lessexpen-
sive than to try to buy males with
the breeding and individuality that
the young stock will have. Of course,
the idea in sending these cows away
is to secure, if possible, a male that
can be placed at the head of hoth
herds and the sending of two cows Will
in throe times out of every four make
it possible to secure the male, 'I'ltese`
two methods of. securing- extra good
stock to continue operations with are
both of them practical and have, re-
ceived the sanction of a ember of
practical breeders.
There are a good many registered
scrubs In breeding herds all over the
country and I have observed that the
man who keeps only registered stuff
is -not likely to show progress mate-
rially better than the man who keeps
only good grade stuff. It is not en-
ough to keep stuff that is registered,
it is imperative to keep the best of
registered stuff. The surplus animals
produced from a herd kept on this
basis are always in demand while the
surplus animals from a herd -kept on
the basis of registry alone very often
drug and even opiate the market,
Many people say, "If your registered
stuff is all like that, quality grade
stuff is plenty good enough for me
and I would much rather have it. In
this way the market for pedigreed
animals is usually discounted for the
poor registered breeders by the good
grade breeders.
It is necessary sooner or later in
order to have one's efforts crowned
with success to get into the blue by
securing a fine individual to place at
the head of the breeding establish-
ment. Progress secured through in-
troduction of high-class females is
pretty likely to be slow, especially if
the herd header is not in the same
class with the females that are
brought in. Nothing is truer than
that the herd' header is the index to
the value of the herd and this being
true, one of superior quality must be
secured either by outright purchase
or indirectly by sending the cretrm of
the females to a superior bull and de-
pending upon getting a son of this
bull as a herd header. Either one of
the last two schemes are practical but
the last one is the least expensive of
the two and is probably best fitted for
use among small breeders of small
finances, especially if there are two Cr
more living in close proximity to each
In a recent article, Margaret De -
Land discusses the absence of fear in
travellers passing through the dan-
ger zone. This she attributes to the
psychological fact that "no single hu-
man mind can experience two emo-
tions at the same time; it can not be
both angry and afraid." Therefore,
the voyagers, being filled with anger
at the Hen have no room in their
minds to fear the submarine.
It is probably the psychological
fact that no two emotions can pos-
sess us at the same time, but I doubt
if the ruling emotion is anger. It
is hardly possible that the boys go-
ing over to the trenches, the girls
going over to the canteens and hos-
pitals, are so intensely angry they are
unconscious of any other emotion.. It
is more probable that the conscious-
ness of doing something, the knowl-
edge that they are activity engaged
in whipping the Hun, the intense in-
terest intheir work so fills their mind
that every other emotion is crowded
out, even anger, as well as fear.
It works out that way on this side.
Haven you noticed that the folks who
are hard at work to help win the wok
are contented and at peace? You
all know that woman who, before the
war was a bundle of nerves and worry.
Her one mission in life seemed to be
to fret and stew and worry over
everything. She was always filled
with apprehension and thinking up
Terns of subscription—$1.50 per year,
in advance to Canadian addresses;
$2,00 to the U,S. or other foreign
countries. No paper, discontinued
until all arrears are paid unless at
the option of the publisher. Tho
date to which every subscription is
paid is denoted on the label.
Advertising rates—Transient adver-
tisenonts, 10 cents per nonpareil
lino for first insertion and 5 cents
per line for each subsequent irises -
tion. Small advertisements not to
exceed one inch, such as "Lost,"
"Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., insert-
ed once for 35 cents, and each snbse-
quept insertion 10 cents.
Communications intended for publica-
tion must, as a guarantee of good
faith, be accompanied he,' Vic name of
the writer.
things which might happen to her
family. Her boy enlisted and yen said
right away:
"Well, Mary will just naturally lie
down and die. This will certainly kin
her. She's worried about nothing all
her life and now that something really
has happened it will be the end of
But did Mary die? Not a bit of it,
She got better right away. You went
over to see her and sympathize with
her and to try to reason her into see-
ing the justice of the war and the op-
portunity for her to help democracy,
and what did you lind?
You found Mary, if she was at
hone, busily knitting socks for her
boy, and she told you with a smile, al-
though it might be a bit quavery, how
proud she was of him and how fine he
looked when he marched away, ever
so much trimmer and handsomer than
any of the other lad's, and what a
glorious thing it was to have a son so
brave. More likely you didn't find
her at home at all. She was_ down
at the Red Cross sewing away on
pajamas and robes or folding gauze
or giving knitting lessons. And her
face wore a calm, contented look, for
the first time since het babyhood.
Her mind is filled at last with real
things, and as it can not experience
two emotions at once, of course the
trifles which once occupied it are wip-
ed out. Life is at last something
more to.her than a round of meals and
crisp-wasiiing and keeping thing's
"picked up." It is something big
and noble, a gift to he prized highly
and experienced, not simply moaned
And the faultfinders who aro still
with us. Have you ever gone into
their lives? If, you have, you've
found out they are the ones who are
not helping. You'll fed, if you in-
vestigate, that beyond spending a dol-
lar to join the Red Cross and giving
another hey to the Y, M.C,. 1 that en 't
"If you suffer from Backache, Itbemna.
tlstn, Brick Dust Deposits, Urinary and
Bladder Troubles, or Swollen Joints,
write for free sample of Gin Pills to
Tho National Drug and Chemical Co.
of Canada, limited, Toronto
Soot is usod along the rows of Teta-
toes after they aro up, at intervals,
about three times during the season,
by gardeners in England, The soot
used is that of soft coal, swept down
from chimneys, and is black and light
in weight.
Plowing with :a Tractor,
After I had been.,joIowini. With a
tractor for 'a while I notice'd that I
was not finishing up the corners of
my fields n very nod shape,
Of Louise I plowed the Bain part of
my field by lands, but I was leaving
a good-sized headland,,' and when the
strip on each side of the field was
the 'sonic width as the headland's, I
plowed around the field,' throwing the
flirt in toward the plowed field,
At first I would plow up to the cor,
ner while making these rounds, raise
my plow as soon as I had them, even
with the last furrow, turn around,
and drop them on a lino with the fur.
row last plowed, and so on around the
field,just as I had been used to doing
with a team and siilky plow.
By ;plowing a shbrt' distance past
the last furrow on the corner I found
that I was altle to make corners with
no triangles of unplowed land as had
previously been the trouble,—ICH,C.
Hundreds of Vancouver men, 40
years and' over, have rushed to take.
advantage of the low rail rates to
the prairies for the summer farm
By Andrew F. Currier, M,D.
Dr. Currier wilt answer all signed letters pertaining to liealtb. It your
oaestion is of general interest it will be answered through these coiumns7
if lot, it will be answered personally if stamped, addressed envelope is em
closed. Dr, Currier will not prescribe for individual cases or make diagnosis.
Address Dr. Andrew P. Currier. care of Wildon Publishing Co, 78 Adelaide
Bt. West. Toronto
M. E.—Will' you please explain
nerve trouble? low does it affect a
person? Does it affect the heart?
Answer—Nervousness may be an
evidence of diseased organs and tis-
sues; or that the psychic part of the
individual, the will, desires, emotions,
senses, are out of joint and have gone
on strike. -
This term is clear to the heart of
those who are nervous, and few of
them would be willing to give it up for
any other.
With doctors the condition is known
under such terms as nervous excite-
ment, neurasthenia, hysteria and
It is perhaps best expressed by the
term "nervous excitement."
Nervousness from real disease, or
from an impending event of serious-
ness and great importance, is easily
understood, and it would be a rare
person who did not suffer from ner-
vous excitement under such conditions,
even if he did not cry out and make
a great time about it.
Again, a child with scarlet fever,
with parched mouth and heated body,
with unbalanced mind and uncontroll-
able restlessness, masrhave his ner-
vousness or nervous excitement as a
direct product of disease.
Or a child of high-strung parents
and excitable temperament is denied a
toy, or compelled to go to bed when
things worse and give you a drug
habit, besides.
Asafoetida is not a pleasant smell-
ing drug, but a five grain pill will
often cure an attack of nerves, and I
never heard of its fortning an asafoet-
ida -habit.
Useful, also, are infusions of chamo-
mile; pennyroyal, catnip, and other
herb teas dear to our grandmothers.
It would be well if we went back
to these 'harmless remedies, gathering
and drying herbs as our forebears
did; and substitute them for the whole
array of patent medicines.
Neurasthenia, called by foreigners
the American sickness, is not a dis-
ease at all, strictly speaking, but only
a collection of very uncomfortable
symptoms, though it often leads to
real diseases or may accompany them.
It was first brought to notice by Dr,
George M. Beard in 1860.
It belongs to the intense period of
life, particularly in men, is essential-
ly nerve exhaustion and is thought to
be due to a deficiency of oxygen in the
blood. A neurasthenic is always tired,
always afraid something terrible is
go to happen. Everything fatigues
him or makes him dizzy or gives him
a'Iteadache, and he is unable to con-
centrate his mind upon anything apart
from his own misery. Frequently he
looks well except for a constantly
he prefers to sit up, whereupon he anxious expression, and he may have
cries and stamps his feet or breaks fits of uncontrollable trembling. He
dishes or throws things at his moth- is forgetful and irritable, troubled
er's head. ,. with in:cmnia, or if he sleeps has bad
This, also, is neiwous excitement or dreams. His skin tingles, he has
flashes of heat, his extremities are
cold, his heart is weak and palpitates
uncomfortably, his arteries throb, his
vision is bad, his ears ring and he is
nervousness, but .has •no direct rela-
tion to disease.
Or a woman cries or laughs im-
moderately perhaps over .trifles, or is
unable to keep quiet or has a fore- annoyed subjectively by unpleasant
boding of evil, scolds, or finds fault tastes and smells. His digestive ap-
continually, and we are compelled to paratus is constantly upset and he is
say this woman is laboring under ' always on,the lookout for some new
strong nervous excitement or simply ache or all.
that she is hysterical. I Many causes may contribute to this
When nervousness proceeds from condition which is based upon a
disease, we must cure the causative weak nervous system. Among them
disease to get rid of the nervousness, are worry, grief, intense hurry to get
and we cannot prevent it except as we rich, excesses of all kinds, atmosph4
prevent the exciting cause. eric extremes, and unhealthful occupa-
It may be an indication of insanity tions, Indoor work favors it, and
and show that mind and body require nervous, 'highly organized people are
certain remedies, whether they are especially sensitive to it. It may last
suitable hygiene or food or medicines, indefinitely but it never kills except
When nervousness is unassociated as it Leads up to some fatal disease.
with disease, the great thing is to "A change in surroundings may be all
train the will; to determine persistent- that is necessary to throw it off. Too
ly not to give way until victory or often the wilt power is insufficient to
death results. fight it successfully.
Such a task is• all the harder if the The only medicines which are suit -
will was not brought under some mea- able in treating it are cathartics to re-
gulate the bowels, and simple tonics.
One who has it should breathe deeply,
stay out of doors as much as possible,
exercise moderately, sleep as much as
possible by day as well as by night
work hard, day by day, than in those and eat only simple food. Massage,
who have been brought up in Iuxury baths, and sunlight are all helpful.
and idleness and who spend their time Cheerful company, wholesale amuse -
in frivolity or in tasks which are of no ntent, and change and occupation are
consequence. useful measufes of treatment, One
Children have it so often that it be- should neither ridicule tor pamper a
comes it reflection on their batt in- neurasthenic; lie is really sick, but
hesitance or their bad bringing up, not so sick as he thinks he is. A good
The patent medicine makers deluge doctor or nurse who can win his con -
the market with all sorts of nostrums fidcnce and guide hiTtr' intelligently
and kindly will serve as the best pos-
sible tonic for restoring his debilitated
sure of control in early life:
Nervousness may come to anybody,
but it is far more common in women
and children than in men.
It is less common in women who
done a thing but'gruntble about the for nervousness.
high prices. They may have bought (lye them as wide a hert;t 1-8 pos-
one bond, but if they have it was only sible; they are very apt to make
one, and that of the smallest denomin-
ation, They have no part in the war,
they are doing nothing, end that is
why they aro grumbling at the hard-
ships they've bad to endure.
Wo don't find fault with a work we
are interested in. No sacrifice is too
great to make to insure its ultimate
success.. We count "these light ,af-
illations as but for a moment, for
they work for us a far more exceeding
and eternal weight of glory,"
You'll find it isn't fire folks who are
"giving until it hurbe' that are.wail-
ing at the bard times and the sub-
stitutes. It's the shirkers and slack-
ers, the ones who will neither fight nor
give nor go without, that are com-
plaining., If they would get into the
game and help fight their hirci would
have no room for carping.
'i.4d4tt T1'
9 RIV"'m:�
.42312.21C3174021... 511..10.1
Por.o Paew.enp,
here "sn't a member of the family need euffee front indigestion, sick
ea a apes, biliousness, fermented stomach, ete., if bo of she will takeCha�pbiorlaie's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach
and jipreels and stimulate the healthy activityand tone ep the
who o systont. Take ono at night at d you're RIGHT in the morning.
Ail amides, 7,i,arbymall too ChnmherInit MediotneCompany Toronto, 11,
it le went 1a father's deet,
o!f the lee cel down aril theft-::,
.,, ROO 1411110111,tir,' All xQntlYrt$ 10.0
The horse's stomach is small, there,
fora if it la to eat but three times
daily, and has a large amount of labor
to perform, his food should be eoneen•
Crated, Tile amount of roughage the
horse ls.eble to take depends largely
upon custom, however, better results
will be secured and the Animal will
'keep healthier and last longer if per,.
milted to eat lightly of roughage and
liberally of grain,
But what grain shall we feed? This
in an important question, and the an-
swer will depend upon circumstances,
If we have oats we may as well feed
them, if we are fortunate enough to
possess corn and have no oats we need,
not buy them to mix with the cora in'
order to make a suitable ration. The
old notion that a horse must have oats
in order to do his hest work must go,
because there aro a number of careful "
experiments which prove that if the
horse is fed either ear cornror oats in
equal quantities there will be practic-'
ally no difference in results.
The ration adapted to the needs of
the horse differs from that required
by the cow. The cow must make
milk from her, ration and to do this
requires a large amount of protein.,
Protein builds the body, and carbohyd
rates furnish heat and energy. The
waste of the body of the horse must be
repaired and some protein is needed,
but the great demand is for food that
will furnish energy. This is where
corn excels. Barley will practically
take the place of corn. Wheat bran
may be given in small quantities with
either of these grains, with good re-
Bells of Rheims.
Oh, bells of Rheims! How oft you
In times of peace and golden hours!
In silver dawn your music flung,
Above the world, and lofty towers,
Where bells have rung a thousand
Still, o'er the streams and circling
Your music swelled—nor ceased with
Shed for your anguished country's
You marked each prayer by day—by
And chimed your notes to reach the
With consolation from your height—"
For silent grief—of hope a part,
The roseate hour of matins' song,
Comes in the world—nor fades
A threnody swells full and strong,
Thro' treasured chimes from an-
cient days.
A Hero's Deeds.
The London Gazette announces the
award of five new Victoria Crosses,
says a despatch of June 4th. Two of
the recipients are dead. The stories
as usual reveal almost superhuman
Lieut. E. S. Dougall, of the Field
Artillery, subsequently killed, un-
doubtedly averted a , serious breach
in the British line by his personality
and skilful leadership throughout the
day. Lieut. Dougall rallied and or-
ganized the infantry, whom the en-
emy had pressed back to a level with
his battery, supplied them with Lewis
guns, armed all the gunners he could
spare with rifles, and with them form-
ed a line in front of his battery,
which meanwhile was harassing the
advancing enemy wait rapid fire.
German "Man Trap."
The latest German barbarity con-
sists of a man -trap similar to a bear
trap, discovered in No Man's Land
by Corporal Leonardo Manses and
Sergt. Victor L. Vaupel, United States
Engineers, says a Paris correspond-
ent, The contrivance, which is chain-
ed to stakes in the ground, is three
feet long and has jaws 18 inches wide,
with teeth two inches long. It is de-
signed to give the victim great pain
and make him call for help. This at-
tracts his comrades, who become tar-
gets for a German machine gun fusil-
lade, which results in the annhilation
of the entire party. The trap is in
the Paris Y.M.C,A,, where it has been
exatninecl by a number of Americans,
who were astonished at the horror of
the device. It will be shipped to
America as a trophy,
Urgent Cace.
The young wife gazed upon the
sleeping -form of her young husband
with the tender eyes of youth, As a
matter of fact, hubby had got a cold,
and he found it conducive to sleepless.
ness at night. It seemed a pity to
disturb his repose; but her affection
was equal to the task, and, shaking
him gently by the shoulder, she said:
"Wake up, Georgie; the doctor's
just sent your sleeping draught!"
Post offices were first established in
The production of farmyard ma
use in Great Britain is estimated at
87,000,000 tons annually, valued at
19,250,000, compared with an annual
consumption of 16,500,000 worth of
Purify your blood b taking
Hoed's Sarsaparilla, This mecli-
eine has been and still is rho people's
mediein° because of Iia reliable
Character and its wonderful sumo
In the temitinent of the eoriunon dis-
eases ,and ailments --scrofula, ea -
tenth, rheumatism, dyspepsia, lose
of appetite, that tired feeling,
general dsbihty.
Hood's Sarsaparilla has been
tested forty years. Get it today.
Every hog that is killed in transit,
due to overcrowding or mishandling,
means u loss, at present prices, of
probably more than 180 to tate shipper
as wellas a waste of meat needed by
the nation. Mortality in transit or
after arrival at the central market can
be lessened greatly in hot weather by
the practice of. the following simple
precaution on the part of shippers
and dealers:
1. When hogs are very hot, during
or after a drive, never pour cold wa-
ter over their backs,
2. Before loading, clean mit each
car and bed it with sand which, dur-
ing dry, hot weather, should be wet-
ted down thoroughly, Hogs in tran-
sit during the night only are not sol(—"
likely to be lost from overheating as
are the animals shipped in the day-
time. With day shipments in hot
weather it is highly advisable to sus-
pend burlap sacks of ice from the ceil-
ing in various parts of the ear in order
to reduce the temperature, and incid-
entally, to sprinkle the animals with
cool water, The ice sometimes is
placed in sacks on the floor, but the
animals are likely to pile and crowd
around the cakes so that only those
close to the ice are beneflter. The ice
should be sufficient to last to the des-
3. Do not overload. Crowding hogs
in a car during warm weather is a
prolific source of mortality.
4. The feeding of corn, because of
its heating effect, before and during
shipment in hot weather should be re-
duced to a minimum. Oats are pre-
ferable where a grain feed is neces-
sary. The maximum maintenance
requirement of hogs in transit for
twenty-four hours is one pound of
grain a hundredweight, or approxim-
ately three bushels of corn to a car.
Do You Guess Or Know?
One man says that one reason many
farriers are not more prosperous is
because they have the habit of guess-
ing about matters of which they
should have positive knowledge. He
says many a farmer "guesses at
everything at the tonnage of his hay
crop, never accurately known unless
hay is sold; at the cost of fencing,
stone picking, plowing, cultivating,
manure spreading, and the amount of -ti _
fertilizer used on given fields; at the
amount of and cost of feed per cow,
and at the weight of milk returned; at
the acreage devoted to certain crops,
and at the expense of time and cash
such crops represent; at the cost of
equipment, repairs, and at the extent
and actual value of stock and tools at
annual periods. To such a farmer's
mind an accurate inventory• of pro-
perty is only useful as preparation
for an auction sale, and to debit and
credit the crops he raises, for pur-
poses of comparison and study, he
considers a waste of time, plus fool-
Farming is a business and the only
way to make an assured success in it
is to conduct it on the same business
principles known to be successful in
other lines. One must learn to do
his work "conspicuously well" and
know that he is doing it at a profit.
Flower seeds, particularly annuals,
are cheap and a beautiful flower gar-
den may be had at a trifling cost by
purchasing a few packets of seeds of
annuals and sowing them now in well
prepared bed's in the open ground.
cfi < a n tits rs t,
%,liminatas all guess
Maker ligh
e•' 6 wholesome Stead,
roll, etc., without
trouble, Saver flour
and help, conserve
rhe Nations food
Convcnicnt. quick
and clean—hands
h. do not touch dough.
Delivered all charges
paid to your home, or
through your dealer—
lour loaf size 52.75;
o151!t loaf siva r 93.25.
A Vital Necessity
Pea.ce or War
"" 131±; operations of Hydro -Electric and
Public 'Utility Companies are a vital
necessity to the industrial and social wel-
fare o Canada, and are as essential in
times of peace as in war,
This i3 Avis Of the reasons we recant -
mend the Bonds of well-managed Hydro,.
Electric and Public 'Utility Companies
serving growing'
Send for list af, fly'dro-l8lectric and Pub -
Rs utility Bonds yielding 8% to 8%.
N, s lif7'r, Th. ;MSON
investment Pcsnk rs
Mercantile x'ttlfit Bldg.-
222 Striuuos Street '
,a Hamilton
Mont real
'+snscos N1KMM!rPhi. avirt lured'Osumlricu'nn.+:+wawawosesoo `.a,aw o. :?004,,