The Clinton News Record, 1918-4-18, Page 8British. recutController Says Food Supply is up to Canada, Time Never Wee a 'Dime When, Food Was More Needed and the flee , Depend to a Vital Ji<xteitt Upon the Dominion, . The followleg •message addressed to the Organization of Resources Com- mittee has lust been received f London, April 5th, 1018 "In 'these stern days it is inpir ing $q learn that Ontario is tackling the food problem with redoubled en- ergy, • The terrific pressure on our military front makes it all tfio,nioro Imperative that those behind i,he lin- es shall strain every nerve to defeat eneniy'd ''vowed object of des- troying the I3ritish Empire, Ger- many hoped first to starve the old country by the submarine campaign - and then to smash her land forces, She has failed to starve es and she will fail to smash' us, but wo cannot achieve victory without, food. There Lever wile a time when It was MOM uoe(lod, 7'11e Catla'dltin (manor. and Canadian farmhand now Itevq the op+ portunity to snake oii'olfeotiVet reply to the enemy's present Onslaught by, bonding their utitlividvet energies to the increased production of tlioso food supplies for which wo depend to such vital extent upon your great Dominion,'! (:sgd,) Rhondda, 13111th 'rho Protestant oherches united in a speelal meeting for prayer on Thurs- dayy evening last, The Rev. W. B. Hawkins of Trinity ehuroh was the speal(er, 1Milss Margaret Ross has returned from the west on account of the in- disposition of her mother, Mrs. J. 0, Ross. Mr. J. 1-i. Leitch has purchased Mr. Ed, IIaggitt's residence on the bouts_ dary apd has taken possession. MILLINERY Having opened a "millinery parlor in the Normandie Block, we invite the ladies of this vicinity to come and see our display. A share of your patron- age solicited. ILA BAWDEN Women's Love liee1 Boots The New, Low Military Heel Walking Boot will be one of the most popular models in our entire line of Women's Spring Footwear. Leathers of Pecan Brown Calf, Nut Brown Calf, Brown'Vici, and Black Iiid with high tops $6, $7.00 10 $9.50 The Low Heel Walking _Boot is designed and made for the express purpose of protecting the foot— making walking easy—and looking neat and trim. It is just the sort of a boot a woman *ill want to wear with a short skirt. FRED. JACKSON "THE PRACTICAL SHOE MAN" 1 Special Order Clothing Our new set of samples for Ordered Clothing for spring is now here, and in spite of war conditions is one of the finest selections of High-grade woolens we have ever shown. Our styles are the latest and our prices are very moderate. Come and look them -over and get one of our new Style Books. We are also showing some new natty styles in Men's and Women's Boots, Men's Hats, Ties and Shirts See our table of rTen's Boots at $3,50 a pair Plumsteel Bros. TIIE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 28 AGENTS—SEMI-READY CLOTHING. NEW IDEA PATTERNS. .�111111111>tttw_�. Ile YOU ADMIRE FINE FURNITURE you certainly will appreciate the beauty of the articles con- tained in our display of china closets, sideboards, dining tab- les, chairs, etc. They are de- cidedly unconventional in de- sign. and will give a distinct individuality to the dining room they adorn, See the dis- play and you'll marvel at the prices. JAS. DUNPORD Undertaker and Funeral .Director. 28 eVitt Phone tom" 28 • l t0. i Clinton News.ieco rd Send hint a Feun- tarn Pen. It will * bo a great eonven- * ienoe for him when writing to you.. *.s * * * r * Tile W. D. Fair Co. !`Often the Cheapest Always the Best." Mrs. H. Kennedys has been visiting friends at Stella. Miss Marion Gunn has gone to Tor- onto to take a position, Mrs. Gagen of Winghan was a visit- or in Clinton yesterday. Mrs. Will Tebbutt of Goderich was a visitor in town ,this week, Mrs, (Dr,). McEwan of Aylmer is the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. R. Sharp., Mrs, Richards of Centralia has been the guest of Mrs. F, French during the past week, Mrs. Jas. Steep was visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. F. Collyer, in London this week. Miss Florence Fowlie of Seaforth has been visiting at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. George Burnett. Mrs, H. B. Chant left Monday morn- ing for ('bath= to visit her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Floody. Airs, Thos, Dunbar and child of Sar- nia are visiting at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Burnett. Mrs. Close and Miss Gillispie of Sea - forth were guests at the hoarse of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dtutford over the week -end. Rev. J. E. Hogg addressed the con- gregation of Egmondville Presby- terian church ontThursday last on the occasion of the induction of their new pastor. Mr. and Mrs, Melville Torrance and children returned to Toronto yes- terday after visiting the, home of the former's parents, Mr. and MYIrs. J. Torrance of town, Miss Gladys"Cantelon left yesterday to spend a few days in Toronto. She will be accompanied home by her mother, who has been in the city since Easter. Major J. W. Shaw, medical officer of the 181st battalion, arrived in Halifax on Monday and is expected hoarse this week. Mrs. Shaw and Miss Madelon wont to Toronto to meet him. Mrs. Snell and Mrs. Couites of Blue - vale returned home last,Friday af- ter spending a couple of weeks with Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Watt ,of town and Mr. and Mrs. C. IL Couitis of the Huron Road.; Rev, Dr. and Mrs. Stewart of Toron- to arrived in town last week and are spending a few weeks here. Dr. Stewart has just, recovered frau a somewhat severe illness but: he is looking very well, indeed. Mr, J. W. Irwin of London was in town' on Tuesday, being the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cuninghame. ldr, Irwhr never fails to attend the Clinton Spring Show as he meets many old friends here on these oc- casions. Miss Nellie Watt of Woodstock is vis- iting at the home of her brother, Mr. 'P. J. Watt of Rattenbury street. Mr. Watt has 'been for sev- eral weeks and still is very ill but it is .,thought that he is beginning to amend, Rev. R. 13. Stevenson of Toronto vis- ited at the home of his sister, Mrs, W, S. Downs, on Monday last. !1e expects to be moving his headquar- ters in connection with .the Lord's Day Alliance to Stratford about the and .of the month, Mr. David Forrester, Jr., who has been one of the 'not courteous and' obliging ticket agents in the up- • town office of the Grand Trunk Railway, Toronto, has, we under- stand, tendered his resignation in cider. Haat he may help the "groat- er production" movement by work- ing on his father's farm near town, t, MARKET 'Y011'R M'API.13 SUGAR, There is a big market for maple sugar and reaPle syrup in Canada', the United States and in England, Farmers who ain't fled local markets should write to )ilontreal of lorolt- April l8th icti8 SERE `" 5 Snappy, Stylish, Serviceable FADELESS INDIGO SERGES are in' the SPOTLIGHT of POPULARITY for men's and women's suits. They are made of only the finest . uitralian wool in the hands of only skilled and competent crafts- men. They are SOFT and PLIANT ---yet FIRM and STRONG. They are rick in feel and ustre and will never grow "shim{" with use, nor fade, They are the result of years of experience in the weaver's art. INCIDENTALLY—We stock " INDIGO SERGE " in all weights and prices. If you like blue serge clothing --do not hesitate because your last:one faded or got shiny. "BUY A FADELESS INDIGO SERGE" because we are behind it with an absolute guarantee. Our stock of GUARANTEED INDIGO SERGES is one of the largest in Canada. Come in and see them. WOMEN'S STORE Dry, Goods, house Furnishings phone 09 Next to Royal Bank ROWN'B MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) Men's Furnishings Opposite Public Library, Bagfield Owing to the change made by the recent Daylight Saving Act the hours of service of the churches on the Bayfield Circuit of the Methodist Church will be as follows, commenc- ing next Sunday and until further notice : Bayfield, 12 o'clock a. m- ; Sharon, 3.30 pm. ; Bethel, 8 p,m. ; and the following Sunday, Bethel 11 a.m. ; Sharon 3.30 p,m, ; Bayfield, 8 p.m, Sunday school at Sharon and Baylleld one hour earlier, Rev, R. C. McDermid of Goderich will occupy the pulpit of St. An- drew's church on Sunday next, Mts. Clarke of London is the guest of Mrs. Brandon this week. Mh'. Robt. Orr of the Sauble Line, Stanley, purchased the business of Mr. ,James Johnston S, Son and has taken possession this week. Miss Josie Stirling is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. McLaren, at Port Elgin, • Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Evans., who sold their household effects - by auction last week expecting to leave the vi11 loge, have decided to remain and will occupy Mrs. McDougall's cottage on Keith Crescent, Mr. and Mrs, J, IV, Stewart and Mr, G. M, Holman, county clerk, were the guests of Mrs. Stewart's parents, Mr, and bIrs. John Pollock on Sunday. Mr. and Miss Darr and Miss Geddes of Londesliere were the guests of the foriner's sister, Mrs, George King, on Sunday last. Messrs. IJ, Lippert and F, Filsinger of Kitchener called on Mr, 1i. W, Erwin on Sunday last, Stanley Township Mr. John Deihl of Stanley has in- vested in a tractor, an ;eight -horse power coal oil engine, and has been busy this last week or ten days cul- tivating his land and getting it ready for the seed. Mr, Deihl Inas Grade use of a small engine for some time, using it for the driving power for many things . aboilt his farm and buildings, het he has not used it .for field work before, He believes it will be a great boon in saving time and labor and thus assisting in the great work of production, Varna. Hallett Township Mr. 11I. 13. Morrison one evening last week entertained a number of his friends in honor of his niece, Miss Helen Morrison,, teacher at Oakdale, who was home on vacation. Mr. Mor- rison exerted himself to entertain his guests and proved himself to be a capable and successful host, The ev- ening was very plea'santly spent in music, .,games and dancing, The lad- ies served a nice luneb, and all en- joyed the evening. On Friday evening last a large number of the friends and neighbors gathered at .the home of i'drs. E, Tasker to say farewell to her prior to her departure from the neighbor- hood and to spend an hour or so ill friendly intercourse, During the course of the evening Mr. Lou Pea- cock, on behalf of the company, read a short and appreciative address to Mrs, Tasker and Mrs. Peacock and Mrs, Frank Glee, presented her with a handsome leather chair and a jar- diniere stand, Mrs. Tasker thanked her friends very warmly for their kindness and for the handsome gifts and assured them that she would not soon forget her associations with them. Tho remainder of the evening was pleasantly. spent in music, games and dancing, the company expressing be- fore their departure their hope that Mrs. Tasker and family would find happiness in their new hone, Mrs. Tasker has already moved notch of her household effects to Clinton and intends making her home there for the present, Following is a copy of the address read "Dear Mrs. 'Paster,—As the time of your intended departure is draw- ing near, we, as friends and neigh- bors, desire to express our sincere regret at your. removal from our neighborhood. We ask you to ac- cept scept this chair and this jardiniere stand as a slight token of the esteem in which you have been held during the many yca'ts you have resided among us.. And now that you are retiring from the more arduous dut- ies of life, we lope you may long be spared, to enjoy health and happiness in your new lone.—Signed on behalf of the friends and neighbors," Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs, 'T'h'os. Atchison of Gowanstown spent a 1(4' days at the home of Mr, Tiros. Millar. Mrs Frank Lee and little daughter The April shipment of the Varna of 'Exeter a>,.e visiting with their Patriotic ,5ocfetyv consisted or : Six grandmother, 'Mrs. John Len, shirts, two suits of pyjamas and The regular meeting of the lied thirty-one liodr socks Besides six; Cross Society will be held 00 friday shirts and,elevice pair of socks sent of this week at the lrontn of Mrs. to their own boys at the front, Abrey, • Holanesville Rev, T. R. C'ourtice of Oil City, Pa,, was a visitor from Friday until Tuesday at the, parental home, that of Mr. and Mrs, A. J, Cnuxtire. He came over to see his 'other, who has been quite ill during the past couple of weeks, It is thought that she 'is now beginning to amend, On Sunday next the Mission Cir- cle 'of the Methodist church is hav- ing a special rally and appeal when the Rev. A. E. Jones of Wesley church, Clinton, will preach both morning and evening. Seeding is going on apace, the ground brow being in very good shape in certain locations, Kippen Mr, and Mrs. A. Noakes of Sea - forth have become resident, of our village. We welcome them and hope they will enjoy their stay amongst us. We have heard of the death of Mrs. John Steacy which occurred at her home in Hensell on Tuesday Horning. Mrs. Steacy was a kind friend and her taking away which came very suddenly is a ,sad loss to her husband and two suns, her eldest son Ernest is serving his country and Is at present in France. The trews of his another's death will be a shock to him. Mrs. A... McKenzie spent last week with relatives at Goderich, Auburn and Londesboro. Mrs. W. I3, Johnston is not in the best of health at present but her many friends hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr. W, French is assisting Dir, F. Upshall with his seeding. The weath- er is ideal for getting in the erop. Dr. and Mrs. Aitken and daughter are spending the week with the fornt- er's parents at Courtwrigirt. Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Monteith have returned home after a very pleasant visit of four months iii—the South with relatives, They enjoyed their holiday amongst the orange groves and vineyards. of that salubrious clime. Mr, and Mrs. Verne Terryberry, ac- companied by Miss Nettie, were guests at Sunday with Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. McCiymont, Rev, J. E. Jones preached an ed- ucational sermon on Sunday last. Mr. anti Mrs. Wesley French spent the week,'et>d with Mr, and Mrs. Wankle of Sectiortlt, They were Weeds at Tort Elgin before coning to this section of the reentry. Mr. and Mrs, lWtlikle had the sad news of the loss or a SOU in prance. 'Phey have two other soma serving in the army, Wingbam. Mrs. Carson is visiting her daugh- ler, bIrs. Ted. Elliott of Detroit. Mr, Ezra Pocock of the staff of the Dominion Bank has been transferred to Huntsville and left last week for the northern town, Mrs. A. Buttery is visiting with. her daughter in London. Miss Bertha Blackali has gone to Toronto to take a position as sten- ographer tcnographer with the Royal -lir Ser- vice. Mr. W. J, King and Miss :erne; S. Merkiey„daughter of .:lir, and Mrs. Merkloy of near i3elmore, were quiet- ly married by' the Rev. E. F. Arm- strong at the Methodist parsonage on April third. The Women's Patriotic Society held their semi-annual meeting recent- ly and elected the following officers : President, Mrs. C. G. Vanstone 1st Vice, Mrs. Mc- Kibben liaRibbon ; second Vice, Mrs, J, Wil- son ; Secretary, Mrs. Willis ; Treas- urer, Mrs, Greer, lli Enem An extra uiee Vitagraph 7 -reel drams featuring Charles Kent, Evart; Overton and Dainty Peggy Hyland also a 1.reel Bobby Conuelly, in Bobby's Country Adventure. at Princess Theatre Friday and Saturday April 26 and 27' Evenings 8.15 sharp, ADMISSION 7c 1.5c 20e - (Proceeds Part Patriotic,) ElectrieWirin and up-to'date Fixtures of all ]sisds Plumbing, Roofing, Troughing and Furnace: Work Estimates Cheerfully Given . & Sut ter Plumbers and Eleetrleians Phone 7