The Clinton News Record, 1918-2-14, Page 1he Clinton
No. 2020 —38th Year
'T1 -JE HO
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'T'o theU.S. or any foreign count(y. $ - 2,00 per year. Subscribe now FOB THE PEOPE3PAPE
ews*Record to any Canadian address is $ 1.50 per year.
9ocket or Wrh$t, I,
Which 2
Whether you prefer a watch to be worn on the wrist, or for
the pr eket—Ton will find it with us at MS best,
,We leave them for man, woman, boy and girl, in
Sold 5illed, Merlinry Jilver or 7(iekle _
all slzes, all prices and all gold time -keepers,
We am particular about one thing, • viz.; " To see any
watch bearing the dame'ETellyar' ehaIl be a credit to us" Ilta l
/mete, and QQpticiart - - - - Clinton
;_�1""—'• .max,
The .Royal • BankOF CANADA. -
Incorporated 1869.
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
Capital Paid-up 12,911,700
Reserve and Undivided Profits 14,564,000
Total Assets • 836,000,000
Head Office, Montreal
950 Branches. With world wide connection.
A general Banking business transacted.
Clinton Branch - R. L MANNING, Manager
• •••• INCORPORATED 1855 '
_ Capital and Reserve $8,800,000
f r
s inCanada.
Branches i
� a
: A General Banking Business Transacted-
. Circular Lbtters .of Credit -
Bank Money Orders.
Savings Bank Department.
`' - Interest allowed at highest current rate,_
:i ii. R. Sharp, Acting Manager, Clinton -Branch
L -'
2 he gloms,' Co.ORDERED
Clothing RLn y
• Credit::
Particulars on
___ . ,
Terms Strictig Cash.
i , THE
°Roe- cirinn, ,J co.
'A Square Deal for Every Man."
Agen CPi R.
a e
16 �"or•Sunclay ornight calls.
The family f '
Mat JI•en
W. Ial
o l Mtn
of Exeter, who went overseas with
the 101st, has received word that Ile
is confined to Prince oft Wales Hos-
pital, h alborough, Eng., cin account
of an injury to his; leg a month ago,
" 1Y11ss Lily Macpherson, silo hat
been employed on the county (:Fats-
trar's staff at Goderinlr for sew i al
}sears past, now ttassumes'the position
of deputy( registrar, t ;Mr. , I)teksom,
who has held the Vosithon for some
time, having resigned. This is an-
other case where a woman is taking
the work of a man while he takes
on what heconsiders more important
work. Mr. Dickson goes into the
work of Greater Producidon, Mire
Mtteplterson is very well known. in
Clinton, having, resided hare for some
Mr, James Snell was last week at-
tending a number of •agricultural and
stock meetings, and it goes without
saying that he took an active part
in most of them. While he is „inter-
ested inthree branches o -Stook
f to
raising, horses,cattle and sheep, his
specialty Is poesibiy the latter, and
there are few, if any, men in Ontario
who have a wider and more enviable
reputation as a breeder of thorobred
sheep, So well is he known in this
connection that he has been called
upon to act as judge at fairs from
the Atlantic to the Pacific, and it is
no figure of speech to say that he
almost spends more time away from
home than he does 'there. Ile is as
well known in the United States as
in his own Province, Such men are
not only a credit to the community,
but they acre -an asset of inestimable
value, because they add to the wealth
and prosperity of the country,
There seems td -be a wide spread
idea an n county councils in On-
tario that a vast amount of money
is being wasted in keeping up gaols,
It atppeers that most of 'the, goals
in the province' are Practically empty,
yet each county has to bear the full
cost of maintaining di` building and a
staff of officials.. At the last session
of the Huron county, council a reso-
lution was. passed instructing the
clerk to eomntimicate With all county
councils in the Province and also
with each local member with a view
to getting the Government to devise
a more economical method. Oxford
and outer counties are taking it up
and probably something definite will
be done: -Huron arid, Bruce want a
children's shelter',- Wlin not use
either one or other of these buildings
fora shelter and the other for the
goal ? A good deal ofmoney would
need bo be spent on 'either one prob-
ably in order to make it stitable for
the purpose hut not more than would
be required to purchase or build a
new one,
k the'u,
Seam of present 'fuel short-
age the other day put 'Ir. W. S.
1-Iariand into a reminiscent mood and
he recalled a couple ofi other occa-
sions When the same difficulties had
to :be met when. the Harland Bros,
were in the coal business.
Early in the century, perhaps '02
or, '03 there was a serious coal
shortage caused by a strike of min-
ers, The dealers were notified early
in the autumn. that a shortage was
sure to follow and tits Messrs. Ilar-
land began to make preparations to
imeet it. They
ng from Mr, Jowett of Bayfield, vhe
lfad been clearing up a piece of land,
about six.hundred cords of good
wood, They also bought a lot on Prin-
cess St, wish tha intention of estab-
a "mood yard, created nsea stable
and boughtht acourIe of Learns an{
re outfit necessary forhaulm the
lie s y g
Wood in. "Aute though we handled
over a thousand cords of wood that
winter we never had as mucl:i as ten
cads .at. a .time in the yards," re-
marked ..NI'r, Harlan(}, Yfiie men
would go out for a load in the
morning and if orriers were in they
would he instrbeted to deliver belore
reporting at the office,. Sometimes
when they had no 'bidets seinebody
Wield meet them dower town and in-
let upon the load being delivered,
while we might
have orders at
orrice which couldn't be filled,"
One car of coal went astray and
ouldn't be located and tva;*missiug
For e weer or so when finally a
traveller going from Clinton to Sea -
forth got word of a stray ear, of
T•Iarlands' coal which was standing on
the siding there, Clinton was Soon
Communicated with anti the coal was
1>I:might up and doled, out in small
lots to 'rine hundred and sone differ
int households. On another orcaei00
a ooc) shortage ocemrred owing to
SNOW blockades,
People Who were m direneed
fact were sometimes a bit antCason-
able, too, and hard to deal witin,
"A. couplo of winters of coal short-
age tired me of the business," said
;Let. Harietini, "1 thought it might
happen often mit the strain was too
great, T have a good deal of spm,,,
hI r l o.''Holloway i t
ILii v for Mr. a feel
MAMA crisis," added MMlrr, Harland,
"for I remember how it woi'rietr inc,"
A 'esldent of town while driving to
f g
the country the other day met a
farmer coming in with ' a load of
wood, ,when -returning in the eveu-
iue he met the same farmer, going
out with a load of coal. I3e slipped
000 over 011 either the coal man or
the Controller,--Kincardtine Review,'
Mr, Wim. Stauley-t received t'ord the
other day .of the death of his broth-
er, Matthew ,Stan16y of Morris, Ivib»,,
which occurred on Fob. lst.
The deceased is survived by hMs•
wile, who was a daughter of . the
late Robert •l,llis of Goderich town -
Min, ,o
ne son and onedu
This was Mr,. Stanley's last sur-
viving brother, there being po!w of
the family', but 'three sisters : Mrs.
Keys of Yale, Mich: Mrs. Jarnles'
Graham of Goderich township ; Mrs.
lVrn. Churchill, Morris, Man., and
The late Me. Stanley was seventy-
one years of age and lied resided in
the west. for a great many years. .
The fo110wingx clipped froin the last
Issue pf The W;ngham Advance, re-
fers to a former Clinton boy, sou of
ItIr, and, Mrs. ...J. Johnson formerly of
this town, The young soldier was a
uephew of.Mr. Ed. Johnson of Clin-
ton; Friends hereabouts will extend
sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Jchason
in the Loss of their son :
"Mr. and ilirs. J. Johnson received
the sad news• that their . eldest son,
William Wilbur, passed away in the
Bath Military hospital, England, on
January 29th, Wilbur, although
yer}r busy with his father in the about a hen which had a record of
harness. shop, heard the call of duty 325 eggs in a year and speaks rather
and enlisted on the 22nd of April, disparagiugly of other hens which -
two years ago, and reached Frau:e
on the 25th of, May. He 'was born
in Clinton twenty-five years ago, and
was well liked by all who knew him.
About twos months ago he received a
.drenching -from which be attributed She's expected• to hustle around,
his staleness. The :sorrowing family scratch her feed -from the- straw
have the sympathy. of everyone in where it's scattered so that she'll
take enough exercise to keep her
from freezing and then is s sl. oder d
ti e
if she doesn't i
s t rotute eggs. Egg
The following item relating -to the production is likely to Pall orf under
marriage of a Clinton-, young lady is the conditions which prevail in the
copied from a recent issue of The majority of hen houses in Canada
Orangeville Sun : this winter—and small blame to the
'The Methodist parsonage, First hell. •-.
avenue, was the scene of a Pleasant ' C1 T.R. DOESN'T FOOL tCITR[i II[.lf,
event at five o'clock Tuesday after-
noon, Jan. 29th, when thms Rev, -.E• Mr. ,las, Tl'oi'ard of town had to
Myerson Youtlg, pastor of the -Meth-. bort an Monday night last with the
,odist church, united in -the holy bonds • Grand 'Trunk Railway in which tine
of•matrimony Mr. William A. :\tch- big corporation sante off second hest,
exon of this town, formerly of Corn- Mr, fio•wnrd was corning home with
wail, and Miss caroliee: E, Steep, I his wife and baby' from a visit at
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'lioltuesriile and had put up the seen -
David Steep of Clinton, Ont., and- aphore and lantern at the 1lolnresvi:lr
niece of Governor Bowleg, Orange- (.lag station for the evening train,
vide, 1 which, however, did not stop, hut
,ler. Atcheson is well known in came right through to Goderich, leas,
town, having last sutuuter been em- ,ing the would-be passengers stranded
pioyed as head mechanic at the in the freezing weather, Mr, Howard
Chevrolet garage. The groom's gift then got into cotnmuaicatlou, by tel -
to the bride was a handsome and un- i e,pltone with the G.T.R. agent ,Isere,
iqub wrist watch, The bride, who informed hien of what hall occurred,
is one of our popular young ladies, 'and asserted his rights inr such cir-
lookcd tieautifui in a taupe suit and ttrosts fashion Chat tiro train event
hat with fur trimmings and, carried a back to .Liohnesvillc and brought tti'm
beautiful bunch of sweetheart roses, I and his little family in triumph i8
The' Sun joins with their many Goderich. It will probably be, some
friends in wishing the happy young time befog the signals at Hnlmes-
coupie a long, prosperous and happy villa are again disregarded.--Goderich
' rfl IS
,toe est through a o g .1if
The annual meeting , of the Huron
Presbyterial, which had to be post-
poner; twice on account' of snow
blockades, was held in Willis cluutmh,•
Clinton, on Tuesday. The atten-
The Thhockey Lt +
4l match which
was to
have been playod off In the ureal rink
on Tuesday evening bet'tvecn the Olin -
tort and Stratford• radios' llouicry
teams had to be postponed on, 011 -
count of the soft ,weather, It will
take place next Tuesday. evening, The
ladles go to • 1Vfftchell on l"riday • of
this week,
Look at the announcement cif frown
debentures for sale in our advertis-
ittg.columns, This Is a chance for a
gilt edge investment at ,a good rate
of interest which our thrifty citlzmts
should not be slow to take advantage
of," They are easily ha"ildlod, being in
denominations of $500,00 and are as
sante as Victory Boners. •
WITI3 l' S., NAVY, .
Mr. J, P. Sheppard, who -is The
News -Record's right hand neighbor,
9hiowed us the other picture of
his son which hebad had'
from a small photo sent him and
which he bad just;itad framed. The
young mean is serving with the Unit-
ed States Navy and is "somewhere"
on the high seas. In• his lastletter
home ho said i • "I would like to tell
you where I am and what I am do-
ing but enunot.; it is against the
rules:" He spoke some time ago of
being around Giberalter. The picture
showed kiln in the uuifdrm - of the
U. S. Haug, Previous to enlisting
Norman had been sailing on the
Great Lakes for about six yearn
An exchange publishes an item
have not "clone likewise," 11 roust
be borne in mired, .however, that this
industrious hen lived in Sunny, Cal-
ifornia. 111 our, sympathies ate
with the Canadian lien this winter,
the time of their bereavement."
,t.MON(l 'TIE C'111-RC11ES,
The pastor's subject at the Baptist
church on Sunday evening next will
be : "The Face of Jesus,"
• *
trance was very encouraging and the At the •League meeting on Monday
reports presented showed the work evening in Wesley church 'Miss Leona
-r .tiv mid
'"' i'•e •gave a ver • lust vc e t
of the diA'erent departments to be 'b,ecl b 1 y
in a durisking state, .
The following oificers were -ap-
pointed t •
Hon.' Presidents, Mrs. Larkin, Sea -
forth Mrs. Kelly, Goderleh.
PresidentMrs, .,las. Hamilton,
G oder role. .
lit Vice, Mrs, J. E, Ilogg,, Clinton.
2ut1 Vice, Mrs. PoppleStone, 131yt1r,
3r0 Viee, Mrs, McDiarmid, Coder -
1111 Vice, Mrs. McConnell, 13etjsnll. '•
Secretary, Miss Graham, 1 eafotth,
'treasurer', Mrs. J, 0. GSreig, Sea -
for tri,
'Mission Band Secretary, Mrs. De
Lacey, Sealer -01a
Supplies SCeretary', Mrs, W, Gunn,
threene Helpers' Secrata
cv, Ars,
Sproat, Kipper,
itcangers' Secretary, Mrs. (Rev,
Dr.) Alimn, Menem
Library Secretary, Mrs, Tlender-
son Carlow,
Press Secretaryi,, Mts. Deily, 'God -
Leaflet .Steretary,
T.eaflet.Sccretary, Miss L. Fer-
guson, Goderich.
'rho treasurer's report 'showed that
during the year $'1000.75 had. been
rtttsod for missionary purposes. There
ate in the Presbyterial sewn Mul-
ched Aexiliaty mr
TVlMaslentined members, and t
treasurer suggested that if each
member would litereasc tier sttbserip-
tiol by tin cents this would matte
quite 0 substantial increase in the
Wings next year.
A.t Iho conclusion of the business
the Mev I T1. Itogg of Willis church �rs r to the stub ret f infs.
ave a
trattelt.o, t i o
Mons which the ladies very ruuell ar-
comprehensive paper - on "Success,"
and Miss Ella Rutledge gave a rrad-
ing. The meeting was in charge of
the literary deiiattment,
On Sunday HVening eat there re wtli
Ur a s)
ttl patriotic sC rite thiss
church, when the pastor will choose
lel appropriate subject, the music
will be of a patriotic nature and
dining the exercises fol. 19, T.
Rance will present to Mr, D. Can-
telon the Military Medal awarded to
his son, the late Pte. I). A, Cantel=
on, and which the Militia Department
,is having presented to the father
A special filtering was taken in
the S S. on ,Sunday last iu aid al
the Armenian • Relief Fund, About
fifty slollat•s' was given.
• • •
The pastor will. preach at both
services iu Ontario street church on
Sunday. In the evening his subject
will be : "The Sins of the Stinnett
On Sunday last 3Ce. A. 1%], Drown,
V.Nr,c.a, secretary, spokeboth
morning and evening end et to sl>ec-
iai session of the 5.8. in the after:
noon. Mr. Brower talked most • in:
teresttngly of the work among the,
soldiers overseas and was listened
„yo with much pleasure, A special
i n' i the
program was 1 C a
musical o
„ .
, "i all day
n, 1 hr offerings
were given fat the V,Sb.V.A, work
among the soldiers.
The missionary department haci
charges of ;the Teague metering in fin-
tario street church on ;Vii nday even-
ing when tine Tlev, ti'., 0. Porde of
the Baptist church Bove - a Very
trrestfng talk of 101104100S,
(irnee Stevenson rendered a solo hn
good voice during file 'evening,.F
Oi•tl)Ii 1 O111tJYED 111;87:,
The meatless days ordered by the
fuel controller were strictly; observed
111 Clinton, •all stores, manttfacturing
establishments and busluess offices.
Whig olosod, with the exception of
the bake shops and groceries, which
Were OPen Saturday and Monday fore-
noons, No doubt mueh coal was
VMS saved throtlgliout the -country
and the hearty co-operation of the
weathet added, greatly to the general
saving el'Ceeted,
Mr, P. Cantelon is in Goderich this
week attending to his duties as audit-
or of the eonnty books.
West lIuron 13oard of Agriculture
will hold meetings at Holtnesrille,
Feb. 181h ; Auburn, !set/. 19th, and
Kint'ail, Feli, 21st.
The Pubic Library observed they
"heatiess" day on Saturday, keeping
cluseil, 'I1re Library has been ob-
serving several heatless days a week
lately, being time but the three
last clays of the week,
'1'h regular, meeting w
The r me t i the W.P.S.
g iL, � 0P
Friday afternoon- at three sharp.
A great deal of, interest was dis-
played in the exhibition of the socks
knitted rn the contest, which was
held in the cannel' chamber last
Friday. The total number of sociis
Was 987, -palms North wards 524
pairs, South wards 403 pairs. Ban-
ner knitter in the .north end; was
Mrs, H. Radford, 20 pairs ; south
end, Mrs. McGarra, 18. The Ex-
ecutive wish; to thank all thpse
who rallied so, splendidly to help
make the total the large one it was.
The tea:and variety sale table event
far to make the afternoon the very
successful ono it was, the proceeds
being $$►1.85,
Supt. Chant of the Public Utilities
called the attention of The News -Rec-
ord the other day to an item in a
daily paper telling ' of a fatal acci-
dent. which befell a man ru Ottawa.
T n extension
This man had taken an a tens on
lamp to go ;town cellar to thaw out
a water pipe, Some defect in the
lamp which he carried, when he came
in contact with the pipes made a
circuit and, the man was electrocuted.
Supt. C'ha'nt says a great many, peo-
ple take heavy risks while handling
extension lights : that they .ought
not especially to be carred to th>
cellar unless they are in perfect con-
dition. Many accidents could be
prevented 1.o• al
.r vent t h• a n wee a of con-
e c n
! y S
d[tiiolis caul by taking 1 to
There tvi11 be no Provincial, election
in Ontario until after the tear and
until the soldiers are home again.
This was, to most people, the wel-
come news which was annouueed on
Friday last. Ontario does n't want
to be stirred up by an election while
It has so many outer things 10 at -
teed to cannot
and the (toter toen t c ta at
take the time from its other impor-
tant duties to conduct an electio.t.
The proposal to extend the lire of
Parliament came from Mr. Witham
0 I dead-
) lovitr it �t't
1 OUdf Ot the new t 11
er, nod, was 11eCfi1)trtl to ia.r
spirit by Premier I:feerst, Tho Prem-
ier' stipulated, however, that the ex-
tension act must be construed as
being a direct mandate from the
people so as to leave the Government
free to meet any legislation consid-
eretl to be neressary in the interest
-Cit the province, All vacancies will
be filled without
electrons par-
ty strife to be laid aside until after
the war,
John- Wesley Mills, ' formerly of
South Dakota, died at the home of
Ids brother-in-law, Mr,T,J Watt t
li.attenbmry street, 00 Saturday last
after fa somewhat prolonged illness,
Tho deceased was a native of Stan-
ley, being a so) of the Otte Mr. and
Mrs. 'Phos. 11. Mills of that town-
ship.' In 1880 be, left the home land
and Went to South. Dakota where he
tools up a homestead and where he
continued to reside until a year ago
"last fall when Mr. and Mrs, Watt
visited hint there and seeing that 1)e
Was in failing health brought him
home with then;. Sitteo that he has
steadily failed, though everythl»g
which could he dote for him was
done. 130 was for 801110 time in the
Toronto (leneral and later spent
some . months in Wingbaan hospital
bet since last July Air, anti Ars,
Watt -have cared for trio) in their:
owls home.
The late Mr, Mills is sur-
vived by four brothers a u d
four sisters : W. .\. and Ernest
Mills of Sioux T"ttlle, 5. Dat. ; 'Thom-
as, Montana Oliver, Manitoba • loris;
C'-lari10, Wimtipeg ; Mrs'. !bondman,
Snell Blue -
:SmiC c )(
a rhervryn
5a51e t
of toWti,
and'Tms Watt
The . fen stall tools place. from the
home or Mr. an.d Mrs. Wntt on Mon-
day afternoon,the sorvices being
coneluetrtl by the Rev. ,\, 11. - ,fortes
Pante ,n• .
and Rev, 0, C , at[nc . of T,c irs
born. The pallhearere were : Wm.
Shipley, Alta, Trude, Wm. and John
0. 0oultis fold bir. Cowen 'tltc.
Mills,1 ,
latter 11 cottsiir of the family; \vh;, 18'
visititt? liere front tete, west.
Dead Soldier Honored
Pte. D. A. Cantelon •
Mr, David Cantelon had a commute.
1catn U
n Pron Lieut. Co-] ]3r
ovn of
Military District No. 1 last week
instructing him that a inilitary, med-
al awarded to his son, Pte. D. A,
Cantelon, who was billed in aetica
last spring was to be presented to
'though this was the first olliciai
word regarding the decoration recoils.
ed Mr.. Cantelon had heard through.
comrades of 'the brave young soldier
that ho was to have been so decorat-
ed. (Comrades of D. A. in Orillia,
-tram which town he had enasted,
Wrote the fancily explaining the deed
which ;von him the distinction. rte a
big battle his company was seprbrat-
00 from the main .Attacking artery.
and gained a forward position which
weals difficult to hold without rein-
forcements. Volunteers were asked
for to carry a message- to the,
main army asking for reinforcements,:
Pte. Cantelon volunteered for ' ileus
perilous .task, successfully carried the
despatch which brought reinforces
ments and probably
saved his com-
pany. -
pany. Ile was im;mediately remise,
mended for the military medal icut
before it was conferred upon frim he
had made the• supreme sacrifice,
LIT'T'LE •FAR1?WELT. C1.L'l'f-fl'7R!\G,
The Walleiug Club spent a very
pleasant few hours at the -home or
ibis.. Treleaven on Tuesday evening,
the object being to have an evening
together with ler, Wilbur T urc! prior
to his departure from town, The
roads 'were not suitable for walking
ea the -company played cards instead
and lead a nice social time. The hall,
ies provided '; refreshments, which
were served before the company dis-
Major Nc'faggart arrived house oa
:Monday after over three years ser-
vice, Major Nic'Taggart, who was a,
ii31.C. boy, went overseas with r
first Canadian coatingent in 1011
until he was wouuleil ; in November
last has been constantly an duty,
He was promoted to the rank o1
captain n c
m •n ci later to that of major
and with his battery has been through
some heavy fighting 1[e was• Klerk
wounded, -twice slightly, the last time
more seriously, and is now enjoying
leave of absence while he recuperates,
lie was recently awarded a D. S, .(1,
'Major McTaggart was given 0
rousing welcome when he alighted
from the train on Monthly, y the band
and a large number of cltikens •seinb
!et the station to meet him.
Thefollowing P
copied -from a recent
issue of Th Springfield The inn geld Sidon has
g ,
ton hClintona of ('1{boy,
younger, son of Mr. ,holm Stephenson
of town. Ile seems to be making
good in his chosen work
"Fred Stephenson, superintendent
of the .Boys' Olub, has hems appoint-
ed director of recreational work at,
Camp Devens Ale t Stephen-
son up to Friday was in charge of
one of the fourteen buts at Camp
Deveus. Itis new position will place
hire in charge of thirty risen and
stake hint responsible for the arrange -
moil of ndail) PtoST
an of
social and general recreational ac-
tivities fot the camp, Mr. Stephen»
sot will be practically • second in
authority of Red 'Triangle Work Sat
Ayer, itrr. Stephenson has been
actively engaged In Y.M'.(':A. work
for the past ten years. As director
of The Boys' Chub he his been a
signal success: .Last September the.
boatrd decided to give him a three
months' leave of absence to eatable(
h'iin to do his bit among the boys;
in camp. . AC the end of the'
three mantled period
voted r an Indefinites extension of Mr,
,Steidle/m.61',t leave as he was tnakiitg
a name Inc itfntsclf in the Red Trian-•
gale ietts at Ayer, Mi'. Stephenson
will probably continue his rvorle at
the camp unl,il the boys leave, 'a data
which is yet teem:t:;itan,"
(ADDITIONAL LOC,A1, i61';A'4at c'iN
PA(Ili; 1''Il'E,)