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The Clinton News Record, 1918-2-7, Page 7
%ah - y Yott s'""Not .I?aag. � ` `. . �' 'TZDER�EN • �i��++ ` of Maas, 11Wi�A ' She is a wall A S page! A �� 1 not ass! You shall not 1 a Y ;ball t p Spring up like summer grass, Surge at her, masa op mass, Still shilll you rbreede like glass, Spliet:er r1n, . break" l glass; )ass, You shall nae p`iss), ea God's band has wrltton on the wall of Metes - severe. severe. Her own ,health trials anll You shall not pass! YOU not pass!. bee children's welfare exact hea `i` o valleys at,'e`c(tta}Ciaig, at Can Only be Maintained ,by Neel/keg' and MOO cj b 1 "Ilio shattered MAY PROVE TO BE A SECOND Pure, � � ALASKA. The woman et home, deep inhouse- But I ' a "hold duties and the cares of mother- hood needs occasional help to keep lSeel;'i. theIll Qd )<tie1 NO MAN'S LAND Iter tr good`ltealtlt, The deneands UP - en a mother's health urea man • y and Germman you -shall not, shall not Pass! 'toils, wl la hurried meals, tolwea e T 1e torn hills are shakiing, •• "rand much ihcloor lit tend to weaken The earth and the slay seem break- "bd. consij.t'tion, No wonder that the ing T woman:a'Weake is .aftosa lndisposec, But unbroken, undoubting; a wonder !;hrollgh weakness, headache, backbra kegs t ached and nervousness. 'Too ',menet. Sllo'stancis, Prance sttxls, and still women have grown to accept these holds to the line, eisitatioTls as a part of the lot of scou Its het' he ed and her dead; motherhood: But many. and varied 00 ShYou e shall .not pass! her health, are, the caul o s her teeth,slt he is e Vows her head; and rho care at hand, WhenShe sat well, it is the woman's•- good blood •You shall not pass! thatkeeps her well; when ill she mast Till the' lest soul in the fierce line has make her blooc}}% richt to'reneev her fled health, The e ifnesing mother more You shall not pass! than any other woman in the world Help France?- Help France? needs rich blood and plenty of it. Who would fiat, thanking God far this There is one always unfailing way to gnat,shissice, get this go id'Ulood so neeesyary to Stretch out his hands and run to sue - perfect health,, alul `that' is through car iia tee? tate use of -Dr/Williams' Pink Pills. -Harold Begbie. ' These pills make new blood abundant- ------ , --1 ly,' d through their use thousands Clean Hands. • of weak, ailing wives and • mothers The law. of 1125505, still Uinding on ]an, 770; Swedish, 445; Russian, 80; have been madeubright, cheerful lily devout Jews, was ages before its time anti German, 23. In addition ,the Scot - tired, If you are ailing, easily in many of its regulations, and not tisk• Spitzbergen Syndicate, Ltd.; of tired, or depressed, it is a_duty you sse least with respect to diet and cleanli- Peliitbungh, lays claim to td., o f owe Williams' e _Pith; your ; a jairtttial. nese. - One recalls especially_ its DoE Land, known also el the Sasser Bay ' aeS n 1Ai '1 tbinm a fairfrequent was •r'ct co ills fue is 1 2 Pink Pe cl i' ` nlthe fn This 'tial n q la Dr. sistence oPeninsula. .1stPon or <Ie f an done a bac What this medicine. has hands, which in later times rug I2.1. •Ir. +Western Woman Steaks. With EntKsiasn 1VIrs. li.'Ecitford rreits of mode's Kidney fills. 5130 Says They Are "All Right." and 's Her Reasons VIA' Saying>So-'- � I G1YU a End of Ricanus '. Prairies.• ' Rich _Country. Spe en virtual!, the only "No Lealiev'ille, Alta., Feb'y 4th Sps nd , virtually Man's Land" of any value left on the sial.)-Xt is E'.tlEc�eotrd, of ntbe- ihil earth promises to present an import- eiasm the war ends. Jut- place, gives'her opinion of Dockl's ant question after thew e t Kidney Pills, g up I wish to In t the War Witt See a hush to Why Ther Are Popular oan the Esta Ci t This tin • from one of Earope'a 'Inop ,�: inform you. that Dodd's northerly Points toward the regions, o. i e S itgbergGn received Kidney Pills aro all right," says Mrs, perpetual c , p Eekford, little attention ' r "I have 1 t t' f om world powers, only taken two boxes, and. even those neer by, until its •Impart• backais fine. Of course I will keep ant omer;il resources -were revealed, mythem whenever I think my 13y some it is• said the country will on taking " Prove to be a second,Alaska in t1 a kidneys rarenet just rigt" Pills are surprises awaiting its complete ex- da "id too," Mrs, Ee Dinner P- ,.added, plorgtionand study,: „ y, Coal in apparently unlimited roan- I keep them in the house, and take titles, easily mined .without shafting, one occasionally as required," abounds in, gpitzbergon. Besides there What strikes one most on the deposits of lion ore,marble, prairies is the warm praise the people are found Ppyrites, give Dodd's Kidney Pills. They are copper ore,,iron and copper de ' ' need for all kideey"troubles, including otheriminerals. Lena, zinc blonde and t, ba'cltache, rhe>unat{sm, lumbago, heart mineram. disease, diabetes, and .cfiopse and do Areasl claimed 11 the five gdefeare;rent Bright's disease, and their popularity nationals , 74lnng r Spitzbergen rN o eg: is proof of tote good work they are British 3,G7k square miles; NorWeg do'sng. Dodd's KidneyPillsare the standard Canadian kidney remedy others it will surely do for you. Mrs, W.'H• Alberry,'- Mallorytown, Ont., says: -"T was very much run„- down and suffered from weakness and nee-, vousness. At times I, did not know - what to do, as I would 'shake all over, and would leave to go' and lie down. __I -was t'reate'd by several doctors, who said the trouble was bad blood and. weak nerves, but they did not do inc a bit of good, I' was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and they Made. me feel like a new woman. Latere when I was nursing my baby, I t run down, anc1 again- took the pills, and my baby at six months weighed thirty-five pounds. It was this medi- cine that gave me the strength to myself' nurse him, and both baby and .myse • • greatly benefited by it I hope every suffering woman will give Dr. Wil- iiame' Pink Pills a fail trial as I did, for',I have proved their wonderful merit." • • You can get these pills through-nY mededine dealer or by mail postpaid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams'-Meclicine Co., Brockville, .Ont.- SHIPBUILDING nt - SHIPBUILDING IN BRITISH - COLUMBIA. • If history can be relied upon it is just one hundred and thirty-one years since the first •ship •was built on the ' Pacific Coast of Canada. A century • and•a quarter passed without bringing the industry to any immense propor- tions, but within the last few years shipbuilding advanced' -in British Col- umbia as if by magic. In the summer of 1916 thele was .one ship to be valu- ed at half a million dollars in process of construction in the province. -At present the industry represents an in- vestment of $80,000,000. Nine -large vessels the product of British Co1un7- bian enterprise, are now sailing the Vessels, the product of British Colum - which are of steel construction, are either being built or have been con- tracted for. - The incen'ti'ves for these gigantic strides in British Columbian shipbuild- ing have been the demand for ocean tonnage created brthe German sub- •marines, and the many extraordinary facilities which the geographical situ- ation of British Columbia and her for- eft resorts offer for the ship- building trade. It was for - these . reasons that the Imperial Munitions Board selected British Columbia to build twenty-five vessels. - British Columbian shipbuilding is carried on mainly at Vancouver and Victoria, but New Westminster has a yard of considerable proportions at Poplar Island, where four of the ships ordered by the Munitions. Board are being constructed. The classes of ship§ being built are divided into schooners and steamers. The majority are built mainly of wood, but several are made principally of steel. At pre- sent the shipyards Of Victoria, Van- couver anti New Westminster are en- gaged in building fifty'of these ves- sels, which will have a gross tonnage of 115,980, and a deadweight• capacity of 185,000 tone: The cost of the material' alone that must be applied for the completion of these ships is estimated at $1.,700,000. In order to finance the shipbuilding undertakings, actual and contemplat- ed, the British Columbian Menefee - threes' Association is endeavoring` to secure a "Shipbuilding Loan" iron} the Dominion Government. , There is a bright prospect before the. shipbuilders of Britieh Columbia. It is possible that the yards there will be making ships for the A.ustrae iieu7 Government in the near future. Negotiations aro now being carried on by the shipbuilders of British Colum- bia with the Government of the Cont- • lnonwealth with a view to securing or- p..•• to Malec a creamy beauty 1ul.ion dwell; tiers. ,., f t, fecal 1.1n'ns 1• sort of fetish. The Bible makes clean hands amine rally a '.`clean heart," and there, is store in the association than meets the eye, for clean -hands often mean free dom from disease or the means of communicating it; and the medical faculty washes its hands oftener- and • longer and more thoroughly than any This war has revealed 071 egg can be added, but the original more than ere advantageprofession theand cre lling deposits of coal, 105a5077. ,. In certain hospitals they have a set metals and oil, which fele for It iamb a one-third of the total claims and in - tpotential out DIAMOND -CU t'TING INDUSTUT Ideal Occupation For Maimed Solders, Says Londoil'apei'r ., -. Baked Corn Pone. f • Pour two cups Sf•boilillg water over has been . cal .that u of cone m • o cups tw P eludes five -sixths of the - mixed , vith one teaspoon of salt.Mi:_ put -of the Swedish coal company. Af- well and allow shallow. n't,tureto has•boon ter the war these two claimants of Spread in 1.h bacon1 ii pork fat been one property promise to make a hard grease d Aght. for what. each believe is its pour over the pone two tablespoons rights. • " •Extensive Mineral Resources. P44, nn .lir ♦. ' qµ•.-wnrw+ ' m••ww+.m«..r.+1 Value+ of Peewit.. srreexiz. waNtiteela i' tothe Cent t 's Gate I tits 'Ood )1 wnrtc rent uuy `lie peanut is a substaittfal YoA(ii y sullen 'YAWA-f Ty eta.) faealN P and lgbt H(•fvtag at hna)0, wn.c nr a0t+01'( ing 34 Cell -ae LloneT 1 e 1510 me, •h . Atte, six ounces of sheliedoe •pea'buta be 1ai et idatylrrtrffSNational t'z�atl:new niuring Tho old proverb about diamond cut ink said to possess a food *aloe of (Company, mono eat. x .2.8 'ounces .of round steak, 5 ounce$ "- -' -"' --- dlan)ond used to sa Lunt, but i f,day a =codfish,. ;1 onne° viae, 4.'2 entices rye - . _• 7Yl11;t01:tr,AtL)77''lollfs thintals can absawn ppthrarr re rbevolving a 'bread, 136,5 ounces spinacll,.,CF,O Oun0ee lI LI, T,INI Li'i'I'dl N10W,VIThl'lilf% disc of phosphor-oopp0z revolving.. �! r,tra fah 1n•Int gal phlld m l'tue,tern about three thousand times Iminute,' APltles' or. `0 ounces baron. The pea -'i cintarh,. fur�11'prin•c+tirr,1d 1 l I i' 11`111 Formany .years all clfatnonds had to 31),3t Si risk in fat•, and also has minora] i 1v4.34/4'‘°411 3'3 200tlf i (Iu ,t3( soli'. 11)•3 ti o, 05' I , salts Imp9rtant iia the diet such as , he sent to Amsterdam, where the Jews 1)os horns lima sulphur and holt. i rnt103030, Alrliolt30, I,uat1'a, i ae., had a Irionoiioly of the trade of 'iia- ,p P P intsknal and external, nosed with.. g. Even the Cullinan dia., ----^--r cut lratn by our h mu treatment. 1 1: mond was gent there to be '"cleft" M Money Orders. two, says a London weekly. .,,Dominion Exeresss Molloy Orders But there was a time when a iiia,i:aite on sale in five thousand offices Mond could be eflieiently'eut in Eng- throughout Canada. land and Fho time is wining when it more of the hot melted fat. Bake about one hour in a hot oven until it is •!s i and brown. If desired, a beat - Spitz - would of rules dor hand-vvaly -t which it enough to cause a se 0rinard's ininlent; Cures Distemper. wonkl be well to apply -to all and Uergen with its extensive resources. �' ._.._-.. .. •' has Strictly enforce. a ore operations novel anal practical Plan to use strict t lat'ons prescribe four been accredited to Russia as a resuli B f Spitzbergen at various times kion t these . 1'le Yoeees 1 hashing processes of five minute, of annexation,faleo but as itis cohtor ae school boys to assist in keeping pigs each. they failed to follow up any formal and thus to help in the campaign for For the first five minutes the sur- action of the kind-ifit ever a sitar- anclhog production eigCanada geon. is supposed to .wash his hands in en -the Russians wouldhas been taken upproduction uc oll in ioa the ordinary way with soap and warm time to convince other nationals of has been ton Board of heaCo Water, and then carefully to clean his title to the land. Especially is this finger -nails. When he. has 'leisurely the- ease in regard to Great Britain in his nails he goes to the pail 'view f t developments in Raise PRO Granulated Eyelids; cleaned ' , 1 1 v o recent, he Boys Can He jf. s' will, again be possible, Mr, John Dr, Zavitz, ;of the O,A.Q,, says that Hodge, the British Pensions. Minister, .sixty varieties of potatoes are grown, has it m his list, 'es the song„says;' In Ontario. fo't he regards diamond.ciz$tfrig as an ideal occupation for legless men. It ie a much larger trade than'•anyone out tide, has any conceptionof; for not only ,is the cutting of a diamond a slow task, but the number of ['Amend(' which require cutting is very large, . The machinery is intricate, and used to be -driven by steam; but now elec tricity has superseded steam. Thus does war bring some compensattdns in giving a profitable occupation to our maimed heroes., 3aivares Xdnliueut Oures'C+arget in 00Ws. Finish' grapevine pruning in cold weather before the�sap,starts to• flow inythe early „spring. Late prurimg ci,])7,ees,:,bleeding,” which weakens the plants and - reduces the size of the fruit. , ' ,�yry�z,.^E-,d- Sore B es, Eyes Inflamed be again for another. five minutes, still 515. � '1300 . San, Haar and Ise. T quickly warm water. More than 300 years ago, in 16.14, FOR '' rnaeved by Murinn. Try It in. With soap and r-,Mj,r��'° Your Eyes and in Bob3's Eyes. The third five minutes •is occupied in James I. of England formally claim- eV 1.614, /NoSlnartiug,JustEyeComfort washing his hands irees alcohol, and the n Spitzbergen. a concehern, n, vas orde ed MurineEyeRerctedYAtl 9geer oilja RM'^'b° with wash the process of ubli ate.on piny, hoBritish C , ,�". -t r sew., in Mo.0, For 11,00 of,,,, L0,''—Frn. with a wa claim also was allowed to lapse in the - Wring Linen by Hand. 9 same apse,, in which the Russianif you put your table linen through N claim lapsed, the Britons interested in, ses the country say. which are hard to remove when irony With the end of the waa^ alit data n by hand, smboth- sh of Corrosive sublimate. "to uphold the king's right KEE P LITTLE NES til• p3 2 .mak Marine Eye Remedy C0., CIf caro a hergen" by an Order in Council. That FL N VI1NT tl the wringer you will base .crea will,be dug up, with records of cam- 'ing Rathei, wring 1 th1 on the hue,' Do Winter it ti dangerous season s,for paratively recent times, to bolster• the ing when putting g the little ones. The clays are so contentions of the various claimants, not use starch. Iron'with -hot irons changeable -ono bright, the next cold as Spitzbergen is sure -to occupy a while the linen is still quite wet. and stormy, that the mother -is afraid prominent place in north Ein•opean af- to take' the children out for the fresh fairs.. air and exercise they need so much. In consequence they are often cooped o--o--o-o-o-o--o-moo up hi overheated, badly ventilated rooms and are soon seized with colds ° YES t MAGICALLY ! 1 grippe.What i5 needed t1e, keep - or the little ones well is Baby's Own Tab- o CORNS LIFT OUT lets, They will regulate the stomach I WITH FINGERS , and bowels and drive out colds and by i y their use the baby will be able to get over the winter season in perfect safe- '1 -o -o -o -o --n- -0-d-O-O-p 'O ty The Tablets are sold by medicine niail at 25 cents a box You say to -the drug store man, from rThe s lD . Williams' Medicine Co., ``Give me a small bottle of freezone." Brockville, Ont. This will cost 'Very little but will posi- _ tively remove every hard or soft corn TOO WHICH GOVERNIIENT. or callus from one's feet. _ A few drops -of this new ether cone - Fou eon Houses of Parliament For a pound applied directly upon a tender, aching. corn relieves the soreness he - entire corn or Is Population of 5,000,000. .. stantly, and soon the • 'How many people in Canada fully callus, root -and all, dries up and can realize to what extent AusLl'ltlia is be lifted •oft'. with the fingers. - over -governed? For .a small popula-- This new way to rid one's feet of tion of ;lust over five millions the corns was introduced by a Cincinnati are a Governor-General, six State man, 'tvho says that froezone dries in -U�ovetnors, two Federal Houses of a moment, and simply shrivels up the parliament -the Senate out:! House of corn or callus without irritating• the Representatives -and, twelve State surrounding skin. Houses of Parliament. That is a total, Don't let father die of Infection or of seven Governors and fourteen rloclejaw from- whittling at his corhs, Houses of Parliament for five millions but clip this out and make him try it. of people! If your druggist leasit't any freo�zone - Each householde=r has therefore 00 tell him to order a small bottle Trom vete for candidates for four Houses. his wholesale drug house for you. At the Federal elections he has to vote 4 for the House of Representatives 'and The Little Ghosts. also for the Senate, which is the Up- He shat] see many ghosts before he per k]buset , dies! The House of Repveseritatives has The ravished and the murdered atilt sixty-five Members, who are elected The Nova Scotia "Lumber King" says: consider MUNARD'S LINIMENT the best LINIMENT in ase. I got my loot badly jammed lately. I bathed it well with MINARD'S LINIMENT and it was its well as ever next day. •- Yours very truly, T. G. McMULLISN. f threewhilst those slain • l elected ore a State basis -six Senators and main • And •1 about fora tenure 0 years, 10 1 in torten e, shall ,arise . from Members of the Uppe7: House are from each State -thus making thirty- An Lose hint, mute and shad - six Senators. Each State has its own owwise; Parliamclhb, consisting of the Legisla- And ever first and foreniest to hie Restored to Health by Lydia E. tive Assembly arfd the Legislative eyes Upper House, From the red . trcet0 and from th r C The. reader has only to think over sea's vast 110111 1` long the above statements to, realize ea The little ch!ldren shall route' bark I suffered3031from a afeinaMrSOV louble,owtth again- -' severe lot 1 Ill my What d 01101 Australia is over -govern. The Frail cttished blossoms of 1.110 sac- it ir, back and sides until 501 and the abound Government ,f'f • rifice. • t 3 1 j I; I'becaine so weak E facials tllttt nbottnd everywhe3e, could hardly walk -Z---• And in their eyes no fear will be, not rdb n from chair to chair, • GIRLS! LEMON JUIC=E • ”' wrath, s••-> � ,�, a; and got Ao nervous Is SICIN 1T'l1I I1 NI'al.: Only a child's beevilderinonl at hate, 0"' andgo11umiiatthe 'Anil ill their hands aro lifted menace 1 j ` r ; slighteat noise., 1 was entirely unlit - to do my house - worst, I, was giving up hope of ever be- ing well, when inY The movement in England looking toward the adoption of the decimal system for currency; -which has the backing of the Associated. Chambers of Commerce of the United Kingdom, is gaining -ground. nigh Prices Being Paid for Syrup and Sug v' 1'ure.Sy 'up conlmands'a high pries: Maple Grove r owners using our 'Champion" Evaporator Have been limning good"moneyon arlsing mar-. ket for years. You Can do the some by ordering your machine now in readiness for next season's crop. Write for E'ree Booklet THE GRIMM MNFG.ICO., Limited 55 Wellington St., Montreal, Gee, milli 01111S Pinkhana's Vegetable Compound. Time In the army. everything Must be done on schedule. -You can save time and appear on parade looking, smarter if you have shaved with an AutoStrop Safety Razor. lis smooth shaving qualities are succi that no rough places are left nor is there .any after -shaving un- pleasantness. n- n ness. please t The only razor,tiiat sharp- ens its own blades automati- cally. Guaranteed to Satisfy • Completd Outfit $5.00 AT ALL STORES AutoStrop Safety Razor Co., Lilnited 83-87 Duke 5t., Toronto, Ont. i for a few L10n{s• Yet ,these shadows shall ()betru8, The great ships 0.P the Canadian The {trice u wo b e ns fiat t, sti alined into a bottle explaining three And at, the last, or be it Fenn or late, .. ogee 1''acific, Ocean Servieea, naw plying F:- =:Yu between Vancouver, Vic•t,01110 and 331113303 01' orchard white •mattes tt ';I'twee. helples.t hands shall posh hir3 sister asked ane to roantries of the East, whet) they have whole quarter pint of the most ro' iota i e try Lydian. Pnel 1 am'sVegetable Com - markable lemon stein beaei ifcer at • - 7htodosia (,arrispa.t. po nd. 1000ka'1 bottles and today 1 about the cost one must pay for a ,, ten healthy woman able to do my own " °" housework. I with every suffering small i of the ordinary cold ermine, Italy's 1917 wheat• crop' was 13,810,- woman would try Lydia E. Pink -fumes Gare should be taken to strain i;he 200 m0l;rie tolnsr con3])ar30CI with •1,8n l,- Vegetable Competence and find out for lemon juice th ough e fine cloth so no 40(1 metric 'totes in 1.91.0, themselves how good itis.'' -Mrs, Cath; 1 pulp gets in then this Melon e laved their allotted time and done their appointed work, may be re- placed by other liners, jest as mag- nificent, that will be built do the shipyards of the Canadian :Pacific ' Coast, Fot' it hi not likely that indus- trious British Columbia will ever re- lax its hold on an utldertalting Abet to bleat: are lies begun so 00211ieiouylT, alk Witea4 and tan and is ed by dissolving one heaping teaspoon- 'Necking the as x I hot water and soaking the slats far n bcau4illal�� treatment 6i, female ails. . M lemon $ , Krnso,.505 Need) Ave., Aurora, Ill. will- keep .fresh for, months, :i5veri ' esioateet rrlattmm�t 1apea )311111t)lerbt. The, grail number of ems01ieitc5 tes- w0m013 knows .that lemon lance is used lemonale on file at the Pinklealn Lab- 1 nCtna00 such bie'rvusl1es C. orae and tett Stains can be emetic- oratory, many of which are from time to limo published by prrtuission, are proof of the value of ,l ydia, E. Titbit-, T'an'g Vegetable. Compound, in the "...n.-. ns , s 1 fn of socia (belting scalaYin n tint 0,2 {ecptng Oi1 SlveCi. f Ideal loin saftclicr, whi{cltcr and ' l ih ) E if lump sugar is 1u11e l to olive oil .Iugt try it! Gel duras 11111/01 of 'row, ntinutn w.'sss, � , Dyes?. tains woman to Canada is , •,.two lumps of the auger to, 8 quart orchard White nt any dreg store and , �.° f l r di ; h,t •3 re q-- 11 two lemon; from the grocer end mala,, up a quarter p1nt.OP this eweetly"fee- grant: legion lotion tutu massage , it da11,V into the fare, nark, 101'm3 'and hands, 0 of. oil --it will not become raniud, If. the oil . COMM i11 a. can, olnpty'ao +0071 es opened into a, bottle Or preserve ;lar' and put in alto sugar.: It will be ]`opt In perfect condition to the last droll,- cordial y invited to Writs to the Lydia' iI Pinicllntn,Medlcilte Go, (eonfldent',la!), Lynn, Mass., for special advice. It is free, will bring you health and niay save your life._ I8141:fi. ;a1o, (i--'1it. 46-1-18 Reg - t' , - i:ff• • o rel l melt. 11'Plte us boro1'e too' late l'ST. Hellman Medloal Co., Limited Callingwood Ont When buying your Nano insist on. having an ,sets TO , HIG'. Ln ;> tV OI iON Minaret's Liniuteat Onres 051115, EGO. I ry �u 0'1.1 'i 'e t'hftt' would hand Syria ' 1 r;Iho`pejc Y and Armenia back to the Turks would apeman thrf peace of death for, multi-� ?El(i(liitiilliilll(tlrliiilip@lis:111Ill) WHIM ieSdhaViselille• � CI Soorcely aaytliing pleases a woman P w more �in to come to ill. Cit t0 shon.'there are so many Li stores ✓ with such endless variety and 11 choice of everything. • Still there is just that little draw bn.k eboLit where to sbny.4F'lsa • Weiker House solve.? Chit problem Itis a herne 'for you while in the • • city, endefeo tem have•ail your pur- a chases sent dlrocr"'th._ca where • there are spect11facilities for loop 111 'a ft I '4;71-c, I • moral 1 3rrLE <r• 'NUa•Ste 5o -day los our bid F&°.EiEa A'rAE,OG1JJE showing our frill lilies of nleyeles for risen and Wom•-n,1i,ys and Girls, moven C A CLOG ---"%1107151,1 ATTACHMENTS Tires Co. titer Makes, WC,Ileel,, Lima Tubes, tomes, hells, Cyelolueter», Saddles, i:yulp- wont noel writs of Itieycl»o You eon buy your:uil'plles fTOu1 ns'at whoiasnla prialta. T. W. BOYD .ex SON, 27 Notre Demo Strout V:, '-;t. Montreal. a_ {a, SFr' .'7.c(..cYP G�'ti3� from a ]iota+: Spttviel, kens; Ilene, Splint, Curb, saute Bone, or similar r sound. , It ' -e horse t ' Ic is trouble .0 f R 6 1'rkl told ' butch : 'ic,l tf .. It eels 1 Y b 1 Y `1r;dts are lasting. 13005 not blister or -remove the heir and hors: can bee1vil.d;05, page 17 In pamphlet with • c tel, 1.,til'e'iell•, stow. 22.00 a bottle dz ii txel. I:a:se-t3ook 9•5S free. Ai3SORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, redness Painful Swellings, Ian, tinged Glands, „rens, Bruisss,Varieu a Veins; heals Sores. Allays Pain, Will tell you ▪ ing c_fter your parcels. r. M; more 3f you write,,, $,1 turd 382 a bulbs at w Colne to the city to shop and stray at 3""53,,1 , of leliv,Il31 IJLer., alai t.om0 For 100 !tamp„ ," w. F. YO5N6, P. B, F., 516 Lymans Bldg., !Antral. Gan, • The1''%aII-'ci, 1 fouyse a.om�ue anu tl010.n,. d... aro made ie CaabAO i d'l f/ (/ L ea r� n ea', 1311'1 a iF.5` i° ti r rr - The; House f Plenty • TORONTO, ONT. P.S.-Special attention given to SI • ladies and children travelling with- M • oute.en !omen escorts. gentlemen e f illilli11i611Ilii(1111113011111111fl19(Ii11i1i1071i Doctor's Be( oitilEi eef oe9n��4�i'(9 kr. the Eyes •.. "Physicians and eye specialists pre- scribe Bon-OAt0 as a safe 110315,a•emerly In the treatment of eye troubles mono strengthen eyesight. Nnl,1 under trioni1Y refund guaranty by all druggists. 9 , Cause 61 Eaey 01(1 Age 0 The celebrated Dr. Michenhoff, ®1 an authority on early old age, (7 says that it is "caused by poisons generated in the intectircl" • VJhenyouratomnchdigests fcod m • properly it so absorbed without d • forming poisonous matter. Poi- 9 ii• sons bring on early old age and premature death. 15 to 30 drops 3j el of "Seigel's Syrup" after meals 3 makes your digestion sound. is r,,,•car,•9•�sG•�.•©.�•�©r'Cr0'dO^y'O' i�;• 3 FWJB ES Tho Soap to i7loanse Ointirlent to Heal Nothing better, pf i °i ----w quicker, safer, surer 'at any Price r -skin ....445Q1\... fo troubles of young or old that itch, burn, -crust, scale, torture or disfig- ure. Besides, you niay try them before you buy them. Sample Each . Fr'ee by Moil With 32-p. Skin Tiook. Address nose. card: "Cuticura, Dept. N, Boston, U. S. Ai" So!d throughout the world. • Fete Those Broad hte;svc5 31,t np a Pomo shat tont 1051 n Iiia mm�—a Ponro 031,3 can'1 ung0r brook 1300,0 333will10(1oµ31a138,20-3L,th,tx' 0no•t no,o 3, loanimals m that ran trnet—nf0neu hhnta!�uola ng1N..nga Ire oelmnls0r non0308a 13 to r t 1. Prn1t331 S rail l:l WItr,,F4,1rh g 3, n to, 0t ItTer n 11,;,80, Stool 33311 ,11th 013 01, lettere..n not and n a tr oc,l a 0 h. na l f , r• e • e T wra m,•„n, r TI suet rr salla nuutlrnranmi oaterp Inalnott. Mnnit h 7- This Book will help you t M p theLeaks Profits. Vire on a farm usually rizeanS, total lossbecause of the lack of water -Pressure. Concrete cannot burn -another leak stopped. Disease among your, stock is, usually due to unsanitary cone ditions. These conditions. can be entirely remedied by ,building the wells, water tanks, septic tankasnd barn floors of Conprete, There's a type of. waste that is peculiar to the fae�e�ntn•that is built of old-stylematerlatls. For instance, he pavingd. was 'afeeedinIntended lot d guild your feeding floor of Concrete, and"there will not be a single kernel lost. Do you neat this bgok that makes it easy for you to Ilene .., - ii your PPr;tn E'VE called it "What the Former can do with{ Con- ; - exactly • title thatY - cr ie"- a describes 11, but does not give any idea of how vital its help is to you. To realize this you've got to under- stand that Concrete is a big factor in successful farming. just consider the common leaks your farm is subject to, and how Concrete stops 3110 se leaks 'Wooden Buildings rot under the stress of time and weather. Repairs cost money Concrete f'on't rot. Rats are another source of leak- age—they gnaw their way through all lcinds of buildings -except Con- _ crete, which 10 tat proof, mimm what you went infonaaiaon about oA 0l HOUSES BARNS react P0530 ROOT CELLARS ROADS Moons CONCRETE BLOCK - SILOS GARAGES! TR0110a1 AND TAtilt "•What t"Parmer can do with a,aer\rrtti' sysmeetamcgtesee.7Y' s iremisememsase"r Canada Cement Comply, Limited 803 1i36t/4 !MOO., MONTREAL your farm Tliie Bookie Write for It. sects .5�' Wyk.▪ = ��••� w rsl'i en ail Out COnerete•J cads thrr01O.1o1v e03511cdoste, ]rco Oq�e�oetip tot 0118g0503y300 5f vyo�id 1Nx' 353 1YTS'stai4Cly'tt03,113 cono1'Cle uy113Otefil ne-,- 4li ttllndlt raeeep cortearetonote + Oetweettn e exclorepa3re, noleuOnitteqbbe 3eeRtat a of oo, `rel a euxees i1 tent pn1Y oteetter ntager 4 f01 ears notee,ent totl�hulk 1n(t. ore b'b li1eu 5PSrmarffan&T'ltele we 8 3 Conetete Oen ihn ming yj hbs 35�5n3t8f ser o3�' ddrppve Id08 quiet I gleam ltit5130( itis. 1,1