The Clinton News Record, 1918-2-7, Page 5February 7 th, 1918 Clinton N a -'Record 1011000. xt lLOvey'$ Ding store) • n0 8.17.17, t'Et1JNE i9. , " London Boa[, Mr, M Jos Shipl0 has been ill with but is now thought to be on the mend, •• Ii'esbrs, W, J. Uwlcolier and 1MCrvia wore la GxetOr1 on 'Tuesday a,tt0ndii '.into, ynntlai meptin frL S, � � HanleyJACKSON 1L L. 0. J:, ALM ure sues. 1 (1 a.(1$ Pelt,Seurls, with' Mr. anti 57r9. G. I3. Manley:• , ,' Thp 15'Olntli of The Ataaa kava 1i111tt d tits i)'`SCl'Ol't pa(rS of SOOl1,s tar tbo contest Jn ,C 1Lton olid de- livered them on Wednesday. 1:'llis is Pretty good for the ladies of this (immunity a$ -they all ilhYo • many other' duties. Several o[ them hp- long to the Unity) Chtb and are send- ing in their knitting through It, ",. Dlt''(' -, TUE KISSES l.is+SJM'AT iJyCl G, _ .,. , 11 - 113 valentine !t aleintine Te • n'i'''PlI ,SALvATfON AhMY • . Maio bnoandi 'l iOTibolYin tkt �tlke ir •s- hones e11 Cutter str0ut. 2fi- 2 I:JARAIAC1TCS h rda,heb I4., � Y " - by tine Ciisls" Patrlotif - Auxiliary alid the Sal- IeJLA1Vtl+, BUILDING, T"O1' SALE-, •Dtliidinl, 115 x • ?4, aJl taken dolst, ait(1 in. fust pl£ps5 4f111(11G1.t?R, I� pl partieulals apply Bert Nott, L?,.. un tlpsborr� 1',Q. tbone 28 1$ llPubh Central. 2G -2 a 0 Q l 11 r vation Army n aid 'of rile ,T'T,0(l �i'1:05$•Fuid. ll vox.ybody is iuvite(1 to.eomo and have a cup of tea from • k to „ GO'r 1 AGl rola SAL1 J -ON EAT- tClll)llr)' Sir et,. WC , 6 40011)S and pantry, i orad etstern, town W iter, ;lud electrw. Jhts. Good stable and garden. -Apply to W,'t`.Ilenry, Gu„top, -aG 'lave ()q n y ever tried llZaerll`oni 11l bulk ? • Large beautiful 6, :' „ HOUSE FOlt SALE--.7-ROOMED house on Maple street, town water, quality , Y, ' tondo 1n Italy DR'GUNN-OJJ'FTCIM OASES AT Ian residence, corner high and Kirk. streets, Clinton, also house and lot on 50111 street. For particulars apply' to' Ge0r�eIi. Taylor, 25 •.- ' Old by the pound -1t Marriages +. ACIlESON--,5A'LE„I'-At into MetltU(Ir ist parsonage, Orangeville, on ,Jan. 29th, by the Ater, E, R, Young, Caroline 'E.,, eldest dangly ter, of Mr, and, Mrs, David Steep, Clinton, to William Aphesou of Orangeville. THIEL -WEBER -At. Zurich, on Jan. 30th, by Rev. LI. Renlbp; Eva, Weber of Zurich,' to Hugh 'Thiel of ler con., ich,'y. • Bi•rths 1II;STON.-,in Stanley, on Feb. 1st, Mr, and M1s Carl Huston, a daughter, "IV11eRAE--Tn Brussels, on Jan. 27th, to- 13'. T. T. and Mrs. McRae', a son. , TELFEI4 In Winghaha, on, January 27th to Mr. and Mrs. M, W. Tel- ' , " ler, a daughter, Deaths 13AIRT)-In Stanley: township, on Feb. 4t1i, George Bairn, aged 76 years. JO�INSO\'-du Goderich, on Feb. 3rd, Jenny A'ewmarcli; wife of Mr. Oliver Johnson; forni,erl)> of C'liu- -ton, aged 56 years, FARROW -In Goderich, - on January 28th, Asher Farrow, aged 77 years, 9 months Fuld 12 'lays. SMIPHERS-In Seatorth, on ,Jan, 28th, yAary Ann Piercy,, wife 0f Mr. George Smithers, REID-In Seaforth, on January 24th, Isabella KnOx, widow of the late W, O. Reid. 7APIrabe,,Jan 24.0LIMITED. Mary Elizabeth 7apfe, aged 76 years and 4 months, EILBER-At Crediton, o¢ Jan, 21,st, C. F, Eilber, aged 94 years, 4 and 12 days, This still. in Full A straight . and above board preparatory to This season L L !! • . up in price ! a luxury our more! �- means than y before. before - - • r N OTE TH E PR I -^^-•-----^^ $5.00 Ladies' Bell quality 4.50 Ladies' high-grade 4.00 Ladies vici kid 3.50 Ladles patent 6.0 Men's Russian �q y 6.00 Men's box calf, M.en's shoes a , ----_ SHOES WITH A w THE TERIYES^rARE ALLOWED ED Fashionable footwear Young men's Shoes that pay Shoes that show • GET . - l+ . .u. -0, a s 6• ,¢, . ^(tr. a e it ' e a d • - y7 }. U IJ . clearance moving. when and good CLEARANCE y� • it. • G tS AND THE G button Bluchers calf, lace calf, lace lace mixed FINE CASH. APPROVAL for women shoes dividends their THEM ' ak flu a'�” S - bale 1 r e,- and out, Open sale/ • • �� shoes are shoes are Sate m pts e Y er meant EAT SAViNGmonths - shoes at . $2.90 - shoes 2.75 - a_ t 2.25 - - at 2.35. at 3.98 • of 3.98 v D + lot at Half Price a REPUTATION_ �r ��pNO GOODS a f fashion : with Pep ! in comfort superiority " -� ' A.� • _ e' has ;e i. ;p ,pt" Yrt„'•,.o ' 9 h o e a , -27 • - FOR SALE ON ALBI7I,T STREET will not last lora � FARMS FOR, SALE --CONSISTING of two lots, No. 25 ti seven roomed, cottage, Electric lights ; soil, rand bow)- water in. on the 14th concession, containing 80 acres, and S.E. hal[ of .No, 80 'on the kitchen, For particulars apply to T. A. Greig. -1g , 1M'altland- Con., CioderiFehr township, eotttahhing 40 acres, Frame house' goon lank bar¢, sheep and Pigs Pen and drive shed on first -mentioned faun Both places well supplied With water Apply ou: particulars FARM FOR SALE. -LOT ;25, IIUR,- on Road, Tuckers -LO containing g 98 acres, with bufidings.• For par- ticulars apply to R. W. GJbbings, R. R. No 4 Clinton, -07 The Hub Grocery 1 tis W,il. Nlumungs, 1•olmesville P. 0., Phone 14 on 160:'' _�; YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE- paired and Pressed and at the HOUSE FOR ' SALE, -;B R I C K house shortest possible ,notice: Both Lad- Lad- les' and Gentlemen's clothes, We with all modern conveniences; also goo(, stable, corner Rai;ten- bury and William streets, For liar- buarantee to do goon work. T am Prepared to French Dry Clean Iadfes Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds CREAM* WANTED t ticulars apply to Mrs: J, Twitchell on th0 premises. -26 of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc, All orders promptly, at- — - We will buy your cream and guar- - mace your L. 0, L. N0. 189 WILL HOLD A box. social at their Lodge rooms, tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jewelry, Store. -Wm. J.. Jago. -00 3ITGIIES`L' PItTCL''S ACCURATE REOORD, FROMPT RE'1 URa�IS lith con. Goderich township, ; on Friday evening, Feb, 15th. Doors open sharp t 8 o'clock. Part- of Proceeds will go for patriotic eras -GIRLS Poses, 26-2 WANTED ENTIft:E SATISFACTION Write us fo,^ coos. We supply them. Pay express chags. Pap you for the cream You 8 P twice each month: Carefully weigh HOUSE FOR SALE -ONE Ob' THE most desirable residential proper- ties. in the town•of Clinton„lnlown as the Taylor cottage. Applyl to Geo. MacLennan. -26 ��� .,, WE CAN GIVEi EMPLOYMENT TO Al FEW MORE KNIT, sam- Plc and test each can and send yeti a statement. Write today, prices are h,gTi, 'gents : Walton -W, G. Neal Kiuburn-Hall & Co, • • TERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE, - Clinton Knitting Co. Varna -Beatty Bros. THE Seaforth Creamery Co. Box 48d SEAFORTII, ONT. sharp°NOTE ~ While you g�] R], Byam & Plumbers and P h o u • �� Wait, Sutter Electricians e 7 . r Selected Potatoes Wanted• for immediate: delivery We take them.any day. Highest market price Paid, We want them before cold spell comes. JAS• STEEP �? CO. Box 192 •- Phone 126 LO G GS WANTED We are `• • again prepared, to 'Pay; the highest spot cash prices for all kinds of timber, either in bulk or by, the thousand, and either is the bush or delivered in our have anything to offeracall •up the old reliable -market -(1•Y: L45), We a=e getting oat some e>, ons home grown Hemlock which is better and' cheaper, than the freighted stuff, so ff contemplating"'any new huitd- Grocery Stores y� 1n Town Will` be open Friday evening, and Satur- day and Monday un- tin 12 o'clock noon. THE _ hugs, or repairing, let us help you your work. Our services are KiddiesTHE r Try, our: Edwardsburg Just the same as only you are net pails. Bring your, , Like It Corn Syrup, you buy in pails Paying for the own Pail or jar R GOBNER STORE"of ---- Live and Let Live ` free, We also have in stock all kinds Dressed Lumber, McNair Brand Shingles, Fer1'ltanada Cement, and But - �� J� B. MUSTARD BRUCEFIELD. —� FART5J FUR S<\.LL.-f,OT 77, IdAL'f- land Con., Coderich township, con- tanning, 55 acres of clay loam, suit- able for agriculture or grass, 5. acres 0f choice hardwood bush. Never failing springcreek running g through, 15 acres of olo�eiug done. Possession can be had at once, -Apply to Wm, Becton, R,it, No, 2 Clinton. Phone L2 on. 11:3, -27 andwe will fill it at 1.0 cents per _ - qr r SPECIALS Good cooking beans 1'Idnpe meat I d 2 lbs, Glauber cattle salts 0taly hand a(ie(topcieardar each, lvlarlfet baskets a HIGHEST PRICES 'm 16c.per lb. for 36c, ia4 5e Per 111. ex - tubs 61,76Fancy 25c each, FOR PRODUCE WE SJ1LI. 11,E THE BREALiFAST EOODS, ALL TTIE DINNER AND SUP- PER MOODS, ALSO ALL THE BrTWEEN MEAL ' FOODS, FR0U, 1: , :UTS, CONFECTION, ECC,tern,townwaterapdcleetiJeghts.^” 5 PELT ri - - - - -1 - tZtiAT�i;1i CO'- FLAKES 3 Pnclt, 7 .,1 ]1 25 Crs', `,� t'`% A (j G for strictly, our poultry eggs to cash, ' N • Ql��ll al prices now plant. us and LIVE �� T E D ] j� �j` Lggs are being Paid laifl eggs at `Bring your •get the ready, HOUSE FOR SALE -OWN' CORNER of Townsend and Birk streets, sew- en' roomed house, also Pantry and;-' summer kitchen ; soft water cis- -Apply tUL.Stong,Clinton-273 I7IZ: TOWN COLTvCII; IVILL RE- move and place upon thf streets all ashes free from tins or other • refuse, without charge, !f left con- venientlyfor removal, Citizens are. also warned not to' deposit any ashes on the reads while snow is .;Johnson on the ground, Feb. 61�h, 191.8-D. L. MaePliused, Clerk. 57-2 — The Store of Phone orders promptly PHONE & Co. Quality, cared tor. 111, WHILE THEY LAST. , --- Butter and, eggs wanted -highest prices cash or trade, �T Puultr Ara�t� Jy highest prices will be paid. for large quantities of live that • Vv1T1LE PHi'J4T IS SLEIGHING IT will be, 1-1E,Rar in case of fire, to ) have the Inose sleigh drawn by a, of horses. The town council will pay for the first team arriving�. at the fire hall after an alarm the Sum of $3.00 if the team is used, and $2.00 if not used, Feb 5th, 1918.-D, L. Macpherson, Clerk. 27-2 r *T Eteam E. E. HUNN1-FORD poultry will be required to meet • the increasing de- : L - mend due to meatless daps. - �~ Poultry' talion the first three _ •• days of each Ween during the• winter J (/ EAi ' f — �' II ? o , i,.. 1 �1� i II i ° .1,4,+1,,.. ^ r4jj ,y,% !' 4,ili =