The Clinton News Record, 1918-2-7, Page 4'cliatus Nowafflecoril February 701, 1918 tatmeensareasellellieseellisele NEW rethodist liyrnn Book New stock now on hand and more expected soon CALL AND SEE THE SAMPLES A. T. Cooper Agent: C.N. Railway G.N.W. lirogrePh Clinton, Ontario RAN TRUNKRSVIrEtr THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE -between-- MONTREAL TORONTO D. 10 T R 0 1 T and 0 27 ICA GO_ Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars ou night trains and parlor Cars on principal day trellis. Fullinformation from any Grand Trunk Ticket -Agent or 0. E, Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor - Oath, Ont. JOHN RANSFORD se SON, Phone 57 Up -town Agents, Clinton Miss Additional Local „News 00301 Isur,Esfra.w,;piV::`,S191), Chiree JerVia,of:Huron street passed another anitestone ouSetur- day last. On Friday evening his ebildren. mid greedcbildren, met„at his home as a little surprise gind to- gether they enjoyed a gond oyster supper. LADY 1100KIE1TS COIVUNC, • The Stratford hockey steam comes UJ on • Tees*, next, to play. the Clinton team, s Miss Margaret Ariel/ of the Stee.tiore team is eonsidered to brfstbe best lady hockey player in Western Oatatio, She Is described DE a "dandy" by those who know her, and as Strats ford is the only, ,teasn that ever de- feated the -Clinton ladies meth in- terest i felt in . this match. The proceeds of the game goes 'to tha Y.L.P,A. so those who attend WI net only see some good sport hut 'will be helping along the worlr of tbe A uxil iary • W.P,S, NOTES; Onioriday next the Women's Pat- riotic Sweaty will have an exhibit in the council chamber of all socks knitted in lhe politest. Socks not in by aeriday afterneon cannot be counted in the contest. The tadieks will serve a ton cent tea, There will also be a variety table of alt kinds of things which we, ask the ladies of 'town and country, to done ate, such as old china, Outures, jew- elry, fancp-work, bags, aprons, fruit, p.m, butter, eggs, poultry and veget- ables. Anything saleable the ladies will endeavor to Sell. TbeSociety gratefully acknowledges the following donations of 'money during December and January : Misses Mountcastle 511,00 County grant 27.00 5$rs, Warren • - • 5.00 Ladies Wesley church tea 25:00 CLINTON ,SISISSCRIBERS. The treasurer of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives desires gratefully to acknowledge the follow- ing -contributions received in Craton by the field secretary of the Nation- al Sanitarium Association W. II. Kerr & Son $2, J. W. Tre- leaven $2, 'P. H, Graham $2, C. W. Cooper $1, Miss M. Sinclair $1, Miss B. Draper $1, Miss L. -Stevens $1, Mins H. 13. Courtice $1, J. 'Harland $1, J, E. Hovey $1, W. II. •Helissar. . $1, R. Roland $1, 21. Wiltse $1,,. W. D. Fair $1, Chas. F. Libby $5, Ge D. McTaggart $2, Miss J. J. Mac- Dougall $2, 0. D. Bouck $2, ass 1'. Varna S. Morgan $1, Miss W. E. Thompson $1, Miss 141`, Wiltse 51, Miss R. Stott - Mary Galbraith has returned dart $1, -Miss J. Wilson $1, H. Ewe to Winnipeg after visiting her bro- ler, 0.11.S., $1, Fred Jackson $1, H. Bertha $1, A. J. 'Walsh $14, F. H. thers andssister lien for few weeks, Sharp $1, Jas. Scott 51 total $39, • DGoodsry Rouse Condi .kt Co. Furnishing PRONE 7-78, Millinery _ and Ready 10 - Wear Garments February Fur Sale 25 per cent off all Furs, Fur Lined and Fur Collared Coats Every Fur .1,Ruff' Muff,Neck Piece, Fur Coats, and Fur Collared Coats will be cleared at 25 per cent discount. HERE never was a more opportune time to buy, probably never again will reli- able furs be offered at these great reductions, We still have an ex. cellent assortment to choose from. Coon setts, Sable setts, Russian litoh setts 2 white Tbibet setts 4 Marmot setts 1 natural Wol r muff 1 black Wolf muff 1 American Fox sett 1 Hudson Seal sett, 2 Grey Lamb setts, 3 Mink setts I Persian Lamb sett, etc, Don't Wait Come Early Ladies Winter Coats Half Price After the largest coat season this store Ins ever had, we are anxious to make a clean sweep of every coat left -only 12 to choose from, all this season's style -blacks included, your choice Saturday Half Priee. •••••••••=dirionwrosnem*.monormer....1.•.611....011.**4iiii.eo Ladies Coats $3.49 Just Ladies Coats, last year st>les, all wool cloth. We do not want to carry these over to another season, values up to $15 for 3,49 soimwii••••*** inongrigoolits, *o.n.o.* 1 People,Von KaOW Mr, W. Jhsikemi goes to Toronto te- r/Res tie Bawden gees to Lonaon to- day. Mr. Wilber lord bat; been in Toron- to this week. Mr. Stay IStanball of. Coded* was in town left Week. , Miss Morrison_ ot Iteneall is the Pest el Stieses Mabel and 21Y0, ClulT, Me, Jacob 'Saylor of Toronto spent e. couple of days in town last week. - Lieut, We. °Owe)) of Howell is spending) a few days will Olintou anti litillett friends this week. Mr. and Mrs.- John May of Toronto were 14 town during the past week, having come up to attend the fnlis crud, of the late Mrs. 011n Os Hoop- kg.r.• George Irving of IVIonipeghes been in town diming the past week, having come to .attend the fennel ot his brother, the late Jellit ving. Mr. G. A. Bradshaw is at Brighton this week attending the 'funeral of his brother, whose death. occurred at Duluth, his home bEillg in De- troit. Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarence Cole.have re- turrted to Kipperi to spend e few days with Mr. and Mrs. Percy, Cole before returning to their home at 8s,412dk?ta'SIVitilQilheY Mrreturned on Fri- day from Londcsboro, where she had been for sonic time assisting in. the nursing of her uncle, the lateJosepli Lyon. Mrs. George Levis and Misses Hats tie and Jilamna nave returned alter spending a few weeks in Toronto. Miss Rossoy of Niagara Falls is Spending a fewweeks vacation at home also. Mr, and Mrs. John McKay and family of *Wolfe, Sasle, who have been visiting relatives - in Ontario since about the first of December, were. the guests last week or Mr, and Mrs. A. 13. Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. P. Plurnsteel • of town. They have also been visiting ths ladles mother, Mrs. Rathiwell of Stanley, and with relatives at Or- , inia and in Muskoka. Ths westprams who came east this winter to escape the rigors of the western winter are rather inclined to 'laugh aQus old we have something of a laugh on, them thls season. • - Death of a Millen Pioneer There passed awayat, his home in Londeshoro on Jan, 29tb, one of the pioneers of Mullett in the person of Mr. Joseph Lyon. The deceased was born in Snitterbr, Lincolnshire, Eng - laud, Jaauary 10th, 1,828. He was monied March 17th, 1852, to Mary Ilewson, who predeccaied •. him by four and a half years. On _April the 8th, 1852, the p set sail for -Canada on a sailing vessel "Fingal" by name, landing in Quebec May 24th, and, came to Cluellh via Montreal, Kingston and Hamilton. It took over seven weeks from the time they left Hull, England, until they reach- ed Guelph. For three years Mr. Lyon lived in the neighborhood of Gimlet] and then carne to Mullett aiict took up a homestead part of lot 25, 000„1.3, where he lived until four years ago. Here he started to clear land and built a shanty.; For thee summers after coining to, Hullett he returned to Guelsh lo emu money in haying and harvest aiid as there were no railroadg at that time,. he walked the distance of about eighty niles, leaving his young wife with two small children in the shanty in the clearing. During the i:est of the year he worked at chopping and clearing the 'land and making a beam. Many were the hardships of piouecr life; one of :them the necessity .of walking to Clinton, a distance of eight miles, to get provisions, and e sometimes carried back with him My pounds of 'flour and other nee- ssttry things. Although ho never took any active mrt*in public life, Mr. Lynn was nown as a good :neighbor, always villing to elo his part in promoting he welfare of thc -Oommunity. In mlitiee he supported the Liberal arty, in religion he was a Method- st, being a member of the Londes- nero Methodist church for a great lumber or years, Mr. Lpsts was the amt survivor of a family or twelve tethers and sifters, Seven of Whom iassed the alloted age or throe score tul ten years. He hintselt was over inety years. Ile and his 'partner in ife were permitted to live together or over sixty' -one years and were lessed with a family of thirteen nildren, three or whom died in in- ancy, the °thee ten growing to lanhood and womanhood.; -George, oseph and .Sue, (Mrs. Isaac; Law- ence of Hullett) and Sarah, (Mrs. On Spindler or Ureltnow) being al - o deceased. _Those living. are: lien Brandon, Man. ; Thomas, Bertram nd of Hullett ; Mary, (Mrs. limas Sampson) ot Londeaboro, and. Ilss .Esther of Lontleaboro, with vhoin he made his home, lle is al - survived bp twentystlirce grand- bildren and nine grealegrandchildrem The funeral service, which was held the Methodist church, Londesboro, as conducted hy the Rev, C. (mine, assisted by Rev, 11. J. Mc- iormielt or Myth -and was 'largely ttereled; Rev. Mr. Keine preached a ery impreasive iiernme, taking, for his est Job 5 : 2y, "Thou shalt Come o thy -grave In a full ago like as a hock of Nem email in his season." 'ho remains Were laid to rest beside hose of his wife in tondesboro, oem- tory, The peillsearere were Mosta, hoinae, Harrison and William Lyons elm Spindler, • William Hiles and Lyon, • CorlOrich Township • The Yining: Ladies' Patriotic So- oioty 070518 ssrt week at the lime W. Wf, WiSe. „As she gook contest eloses on the latic all gooks muss bo rotiiravd:tblemooLinz. tiOrideStibrO. Mrs, AtRinson, Mrs, Wood of Mise -Catley of Woodstopk, Mr, and Mrs, Carter of Seelortb Mul Mr, and Mrs. 5', Campbell of West- field attended the funeral of their uncle, thelate Mr. Js, Lyon. Mrs. Lyman Woodsand two little deughters, Lily ft MI Olive, areepentl-e ing a few days with the, lady'ss sis- ter, Mrs, Thomas Lyon, • Mrs, A, Kerslake of Exeter and Mrs. 111, Ball, Miss 13, Garrett, Miss F, Garrett, Mr, and Mrs. .Stanley, Clinton, and Mr. John Spindler of Lucknow attended the funeral of Mr. Jos. Lyon on Friday Inst. Constance Miss Jean Cook of Goderich town- ship Spoilt 'a week or so with' -her sister, Mrs, Jos, Riley. Mr. Ben Riley' had a wood bee on Orosis are having a con- test between the north and the south., The captains are Mrs. John, Harlock and We. Chas. McGregor. The Ladies' Aill held their meeting last week at Mrs. Wm. McIntosh's. The W.M.S. will hold their meet- ing this Thursday at Mrs. Tudor's, Miss Edna. Love was called home on account of illness in the fenilY• Mr.. Win. McRorie of Forest and Mr. Jos, MeRorie of Provost, Alta., spent a couple of days as the. guests of -the former's slaughter, Mrs. Wm. Button, Auburn The Baptist church held their Mi- nos I business meeting on Tuesday', af- ternoon test when excellent reports were presented by the different de- partments of work. Every depart- ment was. shown to be iu a nurish- ing condition. The officers appointed were as follows : Deacons : Joha Raithby, 111, 111,11, Wm. Davidson ; clerk, Miss L. McKnight. The old trustees were re -appointed with the exception oE Earl Raithbia, Mr. p. Witmer being elected in his place. Financial -Secretary, W, Robertson ; treasurer, 111. Hill', , • Holmesville The members of the Holtnesville Patriotic Society were very, busy people during the stormy month. January. At their meeting- on the 810 they (Moose sides for a,,knetting contest, the losing side to entertain the members and their husbands to a social evening. The captains were Misses Minnie Proctor and C'lara Gliddon and to these young ladies is largely due, thassuccess of the con- test. 23 llama , shirts and • 290 pairs of socks were made ht the four weeks-. The contest was Very close, Miss Proctoe's side winning.by four pairs of socks. The iollowing. is a list of the names of those tak- ing part in the contest and the work accomplished by each Mrs. Geo. Sheppard 1.0 pairs, Clara eltiddon 14, Mrs. S. T. Walter, Myr- tle Trewartha, Emily Proctor, Min- nie Proctor, 11, Hairs each ; Mrs, Ezra Pickard, Mrs. Edgar Trewartha, 10 pairs ; Mrs. Burns, Mrs. II. Sweet, Tillie Colclough, 9 pairs ; Mrs. W. Jenkins, • Mks. Render, Ent - ma Courtice, 8 pairs ; Mrs, Eldred Yeo, Mes. Mulholland, Susie Acheson and Elizabeth Gould 7 pairs ; Mrs. .John Trewartha, Mrs, Courtice, Mrs. Holdswortli„ Elizabeth Ford; Tena Edniceton 0 pairs ; Mrs. Flick, Mrs. John Potter, Mrs. R. Colelough, Mrs, Wm. Rutledge, Mrs. Robt. Mc- Cartney, Mrs, L. Tebbutt, Mrs. M- eech, Ella Colclough, Maggie Ilout- ledge, 5 pairs ; Mrs. C. Williams, Sr., Lottle Levis, 4 pairs ; Mrs. IS Gliddon, Mrs, 0. R. Forster, Sirs, Bert Cox, Mrs. Wm. Finlay, • Mrs. John Tebbi,Lt, Miss Holmes, Katie Frances Potter, 3 ()etre; Mrs. L. Proctor, Mrs. S. Merrill,' Mrs. F. Potter, Aggie Tebbtitt, Elva Proctor, 3 pairs ; MTS. L. Proctor, WS. S, Merrill, Mrs, IP, Potter, Ag- gie Tenbutt, Elva Proctor, 2 pairs ; Mrs. Alf. Jervis, 11 shirt ; Sire, • W. Pickard, 3; Minnie Proctor, 2; Mrs, D. 13urns, 1 ; M'rs l5lick,7; Mrs, N. W. Trewartha, 1 ; Olive Sturdy, 8. Mr, Will Jenkins attended the fun- eral of the late Jobe Pickard at Thedrord on Tuesday, ••' Mr. A. tiourtice has' been laid up with In .grippe for the Iasi; few days. Mr, Jos, Jervis is improving nice- ly and is able to sit 111) ft part of each day now. Mr.- and Mrs. 0. 11. Forster are visiting friends in Toronto.. ,, • Stanley Township The council at ,a recent meeting re- appointed the township officers : Clerk, R, J. Richardson ; treastmer, George "Beatty ; collector, Thomas Wildy ; assessor, 1231 1'. Keys ; mein - bet of board of health, John John- ston ; Sanitary inspectors, Win. Pot- ter, David Tough ; auditors,, W. If. Johnston, R. Ct. Dield. The board or health consists 01.1110 141,11).0„ Rogers, the reeve and clerk and the ono offieer, appointed oath pear by the cowtoil, On Friday evening of lot week a ember of the members DT the Wes- leyan girls' eines, ,Wesley S,S., and their Werner, Miss I), Can- telort, Snowshoed out to the home of Miss Zetta Jackson, A. very pleasant evening was SPOIL in Music and games SsUI alter howls they one joyed a merry sleigh -ride home, •Ituliett Township Mrs. Hindree of Ht. Thomas Is. visiting. her daughter, Mrs, John Shanelfen, Jr„ this week, WES Loretto Flynn 051130 up from Toronto on Saturday and attended the. Ktapny-Barry wedding , at St. C011unban 00 Tuesiley, MOO Minato Reynolds is visiting with friends in Stratford this week, Kippen Mr. Thos. Garry, M.P., ot.-Yorkton, Sok*, is visiting Ms, friends and re- latives in and around Kippen, 11 (5 thirty-five years since Mr. Garry, along with the otheronembere of his family„left bore for the west, He has, prospered greatly, being estimate cid as being .worth 'considerablp over $100,000., He Is a, son of the late Kr. Thos. Garry and a nephew of the late Mrs, Peter Dayman. Mr, Garry has Iron a niember of the Saskatchewan Legislature for the past eleven years. A concert was held in the Presby- terian church on the evening of Jan, 31st in aid of the Armenians, Mr. Robt. 7Ianna of ,London being enter- tainer. Mts. (Dr.) Aitken gave Eh interesting talk on the present day conditions in that country,. The proceeds or the evening were Iltty- eight dollars, Mrs. Wm. Moore was called last week to Detroit owing to the serious of her, deughter, Pearl, Miss Jarrott, who has bent quite 111 with a'iteverel Attorc of hronebitie, is recovering. Mrs, Basil Edwisritu is auppiying for her sit her sawn. Mr. 215. Drake leaves this .week on his return Sourney to 1131 loran bo Naeleigh, Alberta, Mr, Drake is 1 taking a ea load )sea busk with him. Mrs, Drake and liaty wUt ;aura in March. Our rural pint!, Milers DEO some.rather cold experiences iately, Kr. and Mrs. Verne Terry berry Ara 01xpeete4 to return front 'Weir wed- ding trip Vie latter end of thie'week. Addreea a postcard to sts note and receive by return mail copy 01 our sew Illustrated 8O-pge catalogue of Garden, Flower and Field .Seeds, Root Seed, Grains, Bulbs, Small Fruits, Garden Toole, /Stc, SPECIAL -We will also card you IMO a package (polite 154 of °wallow Butterfly Flower This la one of the airiest and daint- iest flowers imaginable, especially adapted to bordering beds of taller flowers and those of a New* grow th. The seeds germinate quickly and come into bloom is a few weeks front sowing. The florescence is such as to completely obscure the foliage, making the plant a veritable pyramid of the most delicate and charming- bloom. The Butterfly Plower make admirable pot plants for the house in late winter and early spring. For this purpose SOW is the autumn. Send or Catalogue aad learn of other valuable premiums ,g DOMINION SEEDS LIMITED, galiAlt.4. DARCH HUNTFEra0 CO. LIMITED • • Ssts.:ties,- ' • • , ess.SSeteslits,SSS 4,Ssese.9eS, .Skakiess.sgiers4Says'i . "Just the Daily Paper a Farmer Needs " Farmers can make real profit from reading The Toronto Daily Star, because -- ft reaches the farmer with all the day's live stock, grain, and produce quotations anywhere from twelve hours to one full day ahead of the next morning's paper -which has only the same quotations in it. You know what it means to you to have market quota- tions quickly! You know how often you have said to yourself: "If I had known earlier just how the market was going, I could have made money. - Half a cent on a few hundred bushels of wheat or oats will more than pay for a year's subscription to The To- ronto Daily Star, and 25c a cwt. on hogs rnay mean dol- lars of profit to you. When you subscribe to The Toronto Daily Star, the edi- tion that will be sent to you each day contains the mar- ket quotations for that day. in many cases it will actually reach you on the night of publication, or by the first mail next morning, whereas you couldn't possibly get the next morning's paper until the afternoon -too late -on the day of publication to take advantage- of the market quotations. The Toronto Daily Star's quotations feature Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago, and Winnipeg market prices. 11 in addition to this service, you get a magnificent daily newspaper, one that will keep you informed upon the war news and every other subject that a good citizen and a man of the world should know about. - Subscribe for It T ay We guarantee that you will thoroughly enjoy it. Send your subscription direct to this office or through the pub- lisher of your local newspaper. The price is $3 a year in advance. You may send this to the publisher of your local paper, to your postmaster, or direct to The Toronto Daily Star. 18 11:ing Street, West 1,..(4; 5M1( 51ii3n3i