The Clinton News Record, 1918-2-7, Page 3I1 PARIS:RAYDE ddV EQy 7 J �Ij�,AIR, • ggtl�•��{{pp pp����11''tt 1Sl�l.y 0•sn'.�LLetRUy' aOU$9aP,V.4D Nadas ars of the World AVAa4a4,041 I'O1`ontc !rob 6 • 1111otto1,,t 1vhc,tt 5N046i 1,1�*uvUu,u $423+ 1'w. 2, an $�,a031 1' r ---^• + ' N°, 3i ao $' 17. No. 4 wheat $2,10 , Cotlsidel'abie Material Da lit a W'<1a Q('ca8ioned- -QInc (aetl'illaill to clays lrnt l \S 1 11au1 it 1utltna 220 tax. n1' is i Manitnhu cats- A0 a (".`R U99o; 119, M11Cltitle. Was Brought, ].�OI1'n, 8 G,i}'., 8631 Nu la oxlro taatlf S4..la; 1\0 1 rood 81 c ; 11'1 plum TCool. 1 llllam,, .American CO3.11—NO, 3 Yelle11 1 810nal. A i!eej xateh from I�urirl saysi--•- make a lanclhpg in Paris, oe account noir inslilto NI! s3 uo: 68' 1011`800.0!9006801111918"1: • Twenty pel'sons were killed anti • 50 of meter trouble, fell, Tho pilot and eceorein1, to .fieeeeh38 ou lame- ivotumcled . in Wednesday night's ail the gunnel' were 11•oultded, Ontlu'lo 11'he(1t-,-i4ew,f'"'2 \\'litter,. $2 22; basis, in oto •c Montreal. raid, it is announced of1ioia ly. One of The rani+ lested :for - about two leas -No, 2, $3,70 to $3.80; 88,l00801018 the Gelman Alec:Lines 1vliich raided ]]ears,' The night was- .mail azld tol1u hems oltlndge�. $1.60 to $1,62, ac- I'aris was brought down. The accept clear and the moon was. bi•illlaiot coittinu to 8101110 01608110, ante 0'f the aeroplane Were made pt'i$- The streets of the city were soon to T4 oi7litsaot $1,18 to 3140; 00000311n8' Oiler. fitted tvt)t et'owds of curious persons, 1tYe-loo. 2, 91,88 to $1,66, rtcecrriing The altein wee given at 11,80 Who watched •tile ralclers and then top4 eighln uQls da\1'ar, quality, $11:10, o'ttiOdt, Bennis Ware thrOII at French antagonists circling aho1'e,and 1'0'0010 irol81160, varied points in Paris and the sub' swooping down now and then. At Teen Lo V i in s; 4var eu84163 010,00, urbs• 'Material damage is reported. intori'a)s fiensts;of machine gun fire) Miii allots, lveredmeal "Several bombs failed ,to explode, were heard. Ifrh o°aulldimei-areal sail; streets, 0e„ $40; middlings, do„ but others'found 'victims, chiefly wo- The French aeropianer carried 846 to 2461game fetal 0081', nor_bag, men and,_ children, 'j Two hospitals'bligitt lights, so that the gunners 22,i12W'--'NO, 1, porton, 015 t0 317; mlxeii, were struck. - $0ver'221 buildings were mannialg the ground defences could $18 to 912 track To,'onto, burned or seriously damaged. distinguish them. The German aviators Stra"'--C 91'.1060, PCC lou, 30,50 too, A 'Some thirty French aeroplanes .eignallecl each other with rapid tlountry Ps'oance-.'W.ltolearua Went to meet tate enemy-ati soon_' as flt0hee, Butler Crran1e13 san(18 lot' 38, 46 the alarm wa ivein. .Several com- Explosions of. shells and bombs oil- to 4681 Mints, not lir„40 to 614 dala'Y, 1 2101'14.,3660870+, bats occurredto the 1101013,in whiel? tinned :intermittently for two hoc s, 181;1;0 -:Cash gathered eggs, 50 to 520; new mild SGo. quo German machine \vas downed, The and then gradually died away, At "2-C,hicicens, 20 to 280; aviators were made prisoner. • One two o'6lock the sirens sii nellejt that fowl, 23 to 20c; iluclta, 28 to 24e; geese, f'reneh machine•, j'i aattemptln ' to all was clear. - 21 0 toe • turkeys, 2s is aro g ,. Pota2oes urke o, 20 t aro payingto newels and country shippers 1'or-llrst- -- "`-' 1 - claim stook 1,018. outside points, ,gg 3.26 to 32,35 for Delawares, and '$2 to 32.10. 0.L SI EVI S 1N SHIPS - fat• Wholesalers 1 \de at at'e selling to the retail USED p�91 --trade at the 1012bW111g prtc9s;-- USED RY� ALLIES (8 toe c; o 181 go, 031 Co 245; twins, .28!1 0 2440, early Cheese, 26 to- 860; largo twin, 26 to 80Ic, Butter -Frost) 001,'3•, choice, 28. to 3901 TAKE KIEV creamery prints, 43 to 49c; solids, 47 ” 1Ydother of, Russian Cities" Cap- Between 600,000 and 700,000 t°4%.3,0„0-29 to 02o. Tons of Enemy Shipping Now 16ggs-Naw raid, 10 cartons, 06 to 700; lured by Lenines' Troops. S' pp g No; 1 storage, 49 to sect "select storage,°RO;' in Allied Service. 52 to 530, E� i A despatch from Louden says:— Dressed poultry -Spring chickens, chickens, `28 Kiev,which for some time act has A dispatch from Washington says: gene - mint -Pod chtokons, so to 23c;00 p ] g fowl, 2¢ to 2Sc; turkeys, 85-- to 400; beer! invested by the Eolsheviki troops,. Secretary Daniels, d1acUS511ig the de- ducks, Suring•, a7 to 300; gee00. 26 to 'who are engaged a against. the Ylltrain- s patehfrom the American..Navy Head- 27°• b 1 Live noultrY-Turlreys, 300.; Spring fans, has surrendered, according to an quarters in France regarding corn- oniokens. 18., 22 to 24e; hens, 22 to 28e; Exchange Telegraph despatch 'from mandeered German ships being used 17 i?cs, Spring, 22 to 280; geese, 15 to Petrograd, to transport American troops abroad, lionev-Comb-Bxtra. fine, 10 0z„ A despatch to the Exchange Tele- disclosed that between 000 000. and St fie• 12 oz„ $3.60: No. 2, $trio to 92,60, p g Strained --Tins, 21'0 anis 6's, 118 to 2.6 0 graph from Petrograd, dated Thurs. 700,000 tons of Armor enemy shipping per lb; 10'0, 132 to 190; 0,0's, 1a to 18tc. Beans -Canadian, hand-pluketl, bush., clay, says:. "Bolsheviki forces enter- nowis actively engaged in augment- $8 to $8.'25; imported bund -picked But.- ' ed IGiev oil Wednesday night. They iug the expeditionary forces and have occupied the arsenal. The town maintaining their supply. surrendered after four shots had been The'Leviathan, formerly the Vater - Kiev, Kiev, capital of the Government of Kiev, lies oil the right bank of the Dnieper; It is called the "Mother of Russian Cities;" iandih 1902 had about 250,000 inhabitants. Recelkt despatches said that many of the Russian nobility, cooking safety from -the Bolsheviki, repair of the Leviathan, 16 was learn - had taken up their residence in Kiev. ed. that alterations made by, American • engineers resulted' in the •incoease . of :15 BRITISH SHIPS several knots in her speed. SUNK: IN .THE PAST WEEK • r Belgians constructing',. a bridge in the flooded district. land, which, -with other vessels, have arrived at Entente ports, is capable of carrying up to ten thousand troops in a single voyage, Mr, Daniels said, but 5,000 Has considered the largest number .Which could be comfortably accommodated. In connection with the AMERICAN TRENCHES A despatch from London sayse-an -Mel ea:ae in British shipping losses is shown in the official summary issued, which reports the destruction of nine vessels of more than 1;600 tons and six of lesser tonnage. The official statement follows:- Arrivals, 2,852; sidings, 2,300,•- British merchantmen, 1,600 tons or ever, sunk by mine or -submarine, 9; under 1,600 tons, 6; ' :fishing vessels, 1; British inei•ohant- " nen unsuccessfully attacked, 8. y. WOODEN UNDERWEAR USED 3N GERMANY. A despatch feem Washington says: Women in Germany are -wearing un- • •derwear made out of wood pulp, but 'these shbstitutes will stand washing not more than five or six times. '1'1te fabric' is utilized for clothing 1' of almost every description, but espe- gram warehouses of the city of Vi- cially for underwear. The use of‘euna are afire and ,enormous damage garments made from this stuff is quite extensive in Germany, accord- ing to the information of the bureau, but it is not allowed to be exported, Complete costumes for women' are made of it. 11,000,000 SOLDIERS TRANSPORTED BY SEA. A' ciespa`1ch front London says: The. Adniiraltj; anitbtinced that since the Mart of the war nine British trans- ports had Ken sunk and 9,000 lives lost. During the same period 11,000,- 000 soldiers !lave.boon transported. OLD SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEREST FROM FIE12 BANKS AND BRAES. What is Going On in, the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld A despatch from Italian headquar- ters in Northern Italy, says: "The bat - Limas. s 1.7 too, Oo.7, 't0. $7; span, $3; - Scotia. tie in the mountains, evest of the Limas. 17 to el c. .36; Oos—Delawares, bug; $2,26 to The Military Medal has been award- Brenta River, during. the past two $9.35; ontr vis, bag, $2.'t6 lo $2.26, ed to Pte. John Riddell, Royal Scots, days has been one of the most decisive ^Provisions-*revisionsKinlnnek, since the new battle,lines Were form- Smotced ineats-OIams, medium, 32 to . 'Phomas Jaffrey has , ,resented the ed. There have been sweeping sue - 46e; do., heavy, 26 to 270: rooked, 44 to cesses for the Italians 46e; 10110, - 23 to 300; brwtk8ast be, on, village of Rudislew Den with a stt•1k- , who, after tak- 40to 42e; backs, plain, 43 to 44o; bone- j,)g turret Cloclt. big three strategic heights, captured less, )45 to 46c,,. Cured meats -Long clear bacon, 25 to Mr. and Mrs. S'Pilson, of Westmpont position of Monte Di 268; clear bellies, 27 10 28 L. street, Glasgow, recently celebrated 1'thettl Belila.rta Lard -dura la.t•cl, Clercs, 285 -to 293}e; - ", tubs, 29 to 283o; pails, 291 to 295c; their golden wedding. The enemy t as driven Fir back compound, tierces, 2680; tubs, 259r;. An aaditional !var -iwnus o'f three frolu 11 0 femme front, with very P'tdls, 200. - heat/ 1 . shillings per week has been granted Y 05005, The prisoners taken by Montreal Markets 60 the Renfrew pollee. the Italians exceed 2,500 men, and Montreal, *Feb. 6—Oats—Canadian -Alfred II. Allen has been appoint -,mora than 100 officers, six cannon, 100 western, No. 3, $1.6.13 to $2.62; extra maeldue guns, No. 1 -reedwhite, 07b, $1.030 to 91.02; Nu, 2 local ed organist 9031 1)hoirnlastet of St. g and several thousand �s Cathedral, Fife, rifles were captured. James Nicoll master baker has A later despatch front Rome rats: ITALIANS TAKE IMPORTANT HEIGHT 2,600 PRISONERS AND SEVERAL GUNS Advance Line North-East of Col Del Rosso in Big Offensive on Brenta Front. r - RAIDED BY •'GERMANS Mao. sNb. log w11ea.t805(pus ofirsts c. l911..60; seconds, $11.,10; st1Ottg blil(ers' 910.90; A despatch from the Amar}Call' goltegt7toag--°Bags, 90' lbs.,' $6.3oo. 13enti Army in Frande, says: -An American $30. shorts -840. Middlings -$48 to position -on a certain section of the 860^ A2otGillie-SGO In $GS, ilgag-No. 2, per ton, car dots, $14.50 t0 $15,60. French front was raided during a Cheese -Finest, westerns, 211e; do., heavy fog' 'shortly after daylight on ej3te4e't1i4$o usteconiwlai96sLr4Ged by a violent le, Wednesday. The attack was preeed- Eggs -Fresh, 68r; selected, 62m. No. 7 a hospital patient sutFering from -- - - - stock, 4Sc; Nn. 2 stock, 45e. Poaloes— rer bag, car lots, $1.90 to $2."-5. trench fever and gas poisoning. - The D.S.U. has been awarded to Winnipeg -Ca - Co. Pickel•ing, Scottish Rifles, son Winnipeg. Fol). /03e; pri�•es:— Dats-No. 2 C.1v., -601e• No. 3 0'.11'„ of Mr9;Pickering, ICihcardine. - -34YC; 9xU•a. Ito, 1 teed, 393 ; ,No. 1•. reed, Afire at the farm of' Ahbotsv]lle, The It121ian5' new position west of the Frenzela 'Valley on the mountain .21011t was improved on Thursday, The line was advanced slightly north-east of. Col Del Rosso. Th text of the statement reads: "In the. plateau zone, on the same scene that witnessed Su the last few days the brilliant deeds of the First army, our detachments !sept up on Thursday their energetic' thrusts south of Asiego. West of the Frenzela Val- ley they }mpr0ved their neW posi- tion,' advancing all the way to the north-east of Col Del Rosso, "Our batteries here kept their are directed behind the enemy's line, in- cessantly shelling troop movements there. been 'appointed convener of Dundee ,--__�� _. -_ .. _. Nine Incorporated Trades. r THE RAT AS A HUN ALLY. Thomas MacRohcrt, a Paisley so= licitor, has been appointecl Clerk of Destroys Al' -Much Food As Ml Other the Peace for Renfrewshire, Injurious Animals Combined. Rev. John S. Ewen, Gamete, is now One of the Worst foes of food am - servation is the rat. 1t destroys enough eatables in the ITnited States alone to feed the entire population of Belgium. The U.S'.JJepartment of Agriculture reckobereffiat one rat evill consume two ounces of wheat or corn per day, and it ruins far more than it eats. if for each horse,.shecp and hog on farm, 057,750 bushels from 2,902,200 acres, in this country the farmer, supports as against 42,770,000 bushels from 1, - one 'ilat the tax levied by the rodent 802,990 acres in 10.1(1, The average pests on cereals will reach 3100,000; yields per acre of these crops are, in 000 per annum, bushels, 88 follows, the corresponding The losses caused by rats fig'tire upjfrgures of 1910 being placed within to a total greater than those due ,to brackets: Wheat,- 15.75 (17.10); oats, all other injurious animals emblem', 30.25 (37.30); barley, 23 (23,"12). 'The This statement, indeed, only -feebly. ex- presses the fact. For it le estimated that the labor of 1,100,000 men colt- tinuously employed is required to re- place'whet the rats of the world de- sti oy, To exterminate them is impossible because of the rapidity with which they breed, .their habit of hiding 'and + The average values per bushel of their ability to live en any kind of , grain crops for all Canada in '191 7, ac - food and under the most advet'se cot- cording to the prices returned by the dations. The female rat begins to crop -reporting correspondents of the breed when only three._months olcl anal; ('ensus end Statistics Office, are higher produces young from three to six' than in any previous year. The total tinges a. year, the av1•nge number to' value of 91,144,035,450 -:for 1017 is a litter being ten. I the highest cit record, aful this is the " Nevertht8less, their numbers niay he. find. time that the value of ..the field greatly reduced and kept clown by(mopsof Canada has exceeded one 'depriving' them of food and shelter. billion, dollars. Ratproofing, ,prope'ly carried out, robs them of both to a large extent, Froin' • 919. corncribs they may be excluded' by I were 1,1.E 84 CONTINUE titles 1 beeh W fide mesh wire net heavy enough to BRITISH LOSSES boast small establishnlents.clesignated TO ROB BELGIUM. resist their teeth. On ]]•barye:; fur thr', .. DURING JANUARY King George the Fifth, Princess Mary, storage of grain and flour compounds; A despatch from Washington says: Lord Kitchener, Cardiff Arnie, the Ave now built with avails of cureugated `.Robbing of Belgium aid destruction of A despatch from London says:- Carlton, and Leicester Lounge. Near iron, nine feet liigll, flaring ouftvard • Belgian industries by the Germans British ca3Ualt1es reported during the an Anzac encampment sprang up ,the at the top. CghtlnUe relentlessly, uccord]ng l:0 de - month of .Tslluary totelic•.i 73,017. Canberra Bel. The Overseas troops Rats cannot increase beyond the, spaichoo to the Belgian 'legation here, Thee, were divided as follows: Killed are no longer- ie. that vicinity; holy- limit. of available foot) su..,.1 , Na ;Lin •u tnul' t a ...cease, a • • b Sn d- n c 1t• t, •c e g t Americans were killed and four wounded. One soldier is missing' and is believed to' have been captured by the enemy. Casualties have been a8CU1•rhig' al- (1.8,;029. -4. $147171'i.ejno'coaa)'-N0�e4 Ni.gg, tenanted by William Forrest, most daily for several days on this $1.26• Flax -No. 1 N.\v.i?., $0.26; No. did damage to the extent of 12,000. sector. The deaths were caused by 2 1 .33., $3.211; No. 3 t".1t,\ $3.06• Sister Mabel Milne, of-Craigie,, shell fire, mostly shrapt3el, Vatted States markets Perth, has died 111 France from wounds etteneapolis, Feb. 6 -Corn• -N". 3 yet inflicted by an enemy aircraft. VIENNA'S GRAIN lore, $1,01 to $1.76. Oats --No, 3 white, Tliealate John Stewart Duff„ WAREHOUSES AFIRE. 241 l0 3619. flour unchanged, T1ran-- $8a.so, Blair- gowrie, ins bequeathed £2,000 to establish bursaries, in Dundee Col- lege. The Amalgamated Society of -Steel and Iron -Workers, -Glasgow, have chosen 01t;en Coyle as their -secretary. Mrs. Combo has been presented with a silver tea'service in recognition of A despatch+from London sus: The Duluth, Feb. 6—Linseed•—On track, 63.66 to 98.66; arrive, $8.54; JanunrY, $3.643 asked; itl'ay, 93.64 asked; July, 93,10 asked; October, 93.16 bid. Live .Stock Markets has been caused, according to a Vienna Toronto, -gee, 5-11xt,•a choice h8avy, despatch fdrwarded from Amsterdam steers, 12 to 912.76; do., good heavy, by the Exchange Telegraph. Revolu- $11 to 9g12;i5cio.,”gee butchers' 3 0 5; tionariea are suspeetetl of having 1198.75nto i s: butchers' s'6bu s choice, 310 her twenty-five years' service as mat - started the fires. to 910.60 db., good bulls, $8.75 to 99.25; r0n of the Bannatyne Home of Rest, Vorwaeets says that the largest doe- indium 116)18 o $O.d0 $7.88; butchers' Dundee. flour mill. in Kaiser-E1Tersdorf, in the cows, choice $9,75 to 910.50; do,, good, -54.7 ---- environs"of Vienna, was burned down $$8.60 to 99,251 d0„ medium, $7.62 to FITTING THE NAME. 97.05; stockers, 97 to 38.60; feeders, Saturday. .Ail the grain, flour 0114193.75 t0 99.60; canners and cutters, 35.60 machinery were destroyed. The dam- to $6,76; lrtilket•s„good to choice, $00 to-E„terplri$ing Restaurant Keepers Change Name to Suit Trade. age is considered irreparable, as the ip-ri ao., 6981. ant molt, lig M 909; prlugers, 990 Lo $140; light eq•es, mill •played at1 important part in pro- $12.20 to $15; sheep, heavy. 96 to 67.30; visioning Vienna. Yearlings, 911.76 to $12.70; lambs; $17,60 g to 910.60; Calves, good to choice, $15 to 016; hogs, fed and flattered, $18.76 • to Mel•ilgtle' should be, put 021 putt- $19.25;1 o., Weighed o he$] 081 0 081'$15913.775 to dings after they are slightly cool. Montreal. loch. 1 -Choice steerg. 912; do., goon, $1L to '$11,60; do., medium, 910 to 010.75; ehnlce butchers' cows, 930.00; good cows, 09,60 t0 $10; choice butchers' hulls, 91.0 to 910.20; de., gouts, $9.60; canners' cattle, 36 to 97; sheen, the war, the sudden change from us - $12 to 312; lambs, $16.90 (0 910.50;- mllk-fell 0alres, 918 ,to 910; grass -fedi, ually Greek hieroglyphics over paltie- 57 to 910; choice select (logo off ears, (31'91' restaurants and bars to British 1 es 1a5 ee 1 astounding. a 00W GREAT LABOR UPHEAVAL INGERMANY WORKING CLASSES DISSATISFIED 500;000 in Berlin on Ntrike—Shipyards and -War Factories All Affected—Authorities Are 1YIininlizing Importance. A despatch from London says; The workers have thrown dollar their tools politie04 and economical situation in and left their jobs. (40rnea11y is the leading topic every- A. later despatch -sus: The broad whore, .Apparently a large part of the country is in the throes of a great labor' 'upheaval, due to dissatisfaction by the working classes over the pro - grew: of the peace negotiations and over• int'elltal political conditions gen- erally, 'Throughout the country thou- sands upon thousands of the working deems -both 111et1 and veneer -have Amok, and many of the great nlane- factories and industries are affected. In Berlin alone, nearly 500,000 per - Moe 8Ceareported on strike, ancl•hourly -Bose who have milt work' are reeeiv- leg reinforcements. Likewise in Kiel, the (Teat shipyards eentres, at the Hamburg Iron 'Works, and in, the Rhenish Westphalian 'mine region features of the news filtering 111 on or • died of wounds -Officers, 358; met, code, and t11e proprietor las gone back foot!, no rat. hence the impod:alu n o'I' t1 can hotels board}u *-houses ant em1- Phursday from Berlin are, first, that 13x({98. Wounder] of missing ---Of- to 111e title, New British Bai•,'which; it , covered receptacles folr' garbage and vents, 31d the B0l 1 )15 11(' not al - the. strike m..oveme`nt undoubtedly 10 ficere, '011; men, 57,756. must be admitted, is more comprehen--... a ( g o t ,`� , of cleaning up and destroying refuse, lowed to have weal in .their possession. extending, and, second, that the Gel'- ,_.._"_.., sive and need not change with the m.an authorities are elldeavonieg to The January cosualtles show a change of troops. ' ' cost of'31 al:Mg it ratproo' is slight cute 103' wool at five cent, • ii )0(3011. ninimize.its importance. • slight falling off from talose tepottcct The long sojotn•ri stere of .gallant compared with` the advantages ° ) 1 Thus foe there has been no news re- in Deeomb�'1, which reached a total of Lancashire troops, ,prior to their ern- Even gained. rati- Thu big electric t pha1L irn been as ” (ppcd garcling the decision of the Minister 79,527. The total for November was bu•kation far Gallipoli, brought about proof au old cellar can ben made rat- rout,"is sacci to have been stripper - of .the, Intei'ior,'1Xra]lraf, at his confer- � 1 proof at sg1a11 cepmnse, and rpt hole. and its machinery placed in the Ger- d epee with Gen, veil Stein, commander of the home forces, as to what afti- tude the Government. will adopt, Among the items of netvs'roceivecl on 'Thursday are that the strike has nolo spread to Munich,`73avai'16, where with' sufficient boiling water (81.Ilout Restaurant'," of one side "ICnghsl1 Tea hottest d° not. allow it to- bion an the big Masser ornament works are ono cu p) to feta a stiff .batter, then Rnon1," .a ad on the other "Bar Flan.. upon iheir nersund 1111 the family say- involved and that some of the print :- 1 mils." " Whenever.any of aur troops are sent to foreign towns unaccustomed to. the sight of Tommy, it is amusing to note holy the local -enterprise tumbles to the occasion, says Mr. ,G. Hurst, df Alexandria, Egypt. Here, in Egypt, since the apeling'of. 1917 FIELD CROPS. The first Year. C-anada's Crepe Ex- ceeded 91,600,000,000. The total yield of wheat for Canada is returned as 233,7.11,805 bushels from 14; 55,450 ;acres, as compared with 2132,781,000 bushels fr0111 15,309,- 709 acres in 1010. Of oats the total yield is 403,009,800 bushels from 13,- 313,400 hares, as -compared with 410,- 211,000 bushels from 10,998,457 acres in 19'16. The yield of barley is 55, - total yields in 1917 of the remaining aCmmps are 118 601101175: rye, 8,857,200 bushels; peas, 8,026,340 • bushels; helms, 1,274,000 bushels; buckwheat, 7,149,400 bushels; nixed grains, 16,- 157,080 bushels; flaxseed, 1,084,000 bushels; corn for husking, 7,762;700 bushels. • • in building a house the additional They are °leered seaweed as a suhsti- 129 089 rofleotulg the severe Ti(rhtuig Liverpool, Bulnlev, Manc lestei;.•and e0t1 be closed `fol keeps" by stopping 111at1 plant known a„ R"tnb0cher on the Cambrai front in that 11011th, East Manchester Bare. However, the ;tllern- wia; ce mixture of sand, cement Butte Hoe Calle-One cup cornmeal, enc piastre from the pockets of 001• }ads and a 'half teaspoons salt and boiling in khaki tams made by the individual water. Mix the cornmeal 1(3(31 salt who boaster! over the door ,"R,ussisn noblest effort to inveigle the humble ttnd glue, Mix the 1tult vrilh sager aiu( butter for a fruit cake anr! it 110311 not settle. When the Realer fire has reached is In -Dutvh Clubma the a-011811 carry until the. dual i:, exhausted, but shut' inn's, !u the shape of heavy t11•aeelel.s, Fran - drop it by spoonfuls on a nnees te- nfi' the draught Irnd tilt' 0"al "ill told iag works engaged in the newspaperis,.of t .c.1, Balte the cakes on 11e answsl ed to the nave of Chart- anlcl8t5 necklaces and even t rOwnS of 11' g the. heat it has made fel. ,1 I ,n ' Lime, trade 1n Berhn;have struck• t l 1 (.old and Silver. both sides, Jambe Papargpu o. -• ' 31. 1 i mat, C -b " a 1„ irfi€ 'Id Tom, 1'6% aogeuc; TO We4i2. ' h NEW GOWN T14I5' e. 16v6141NG, HoW Do t ll yoO Ui6e lY 2 • ; 81J Dogs .Tll'1i. BAG(i - .JUST LooK AL1-RIGl31 A MINUTE. ' 1 1 if �� .. '+ 7 ,{ (��/k/ lbs.' 4 1''t c, .._. . ... g � 1'l .f' f ,'�• 3 '��,it'�,.,. •L,. 'I `,- gal i ilk I ' \ll f... 1 tt it3 , v 1 ;yi,'t} ry� tot4-.;,!:. ' 'il; `• r ... � ')� 'L • k. .. ter ) 7/ ' "1s . - � f•wd+3/ : 54 .- o ^V,11'fitri r Articles Wanted for Gash pfd tTewulloryt Vette: Silveri purl0a4 98tnlatnreat 1'lettt,eest Needlewprltt Zees, Ola 116laat Out 641'9401 praanleutsi Wato11001 31111g,ft 18310 Ware, Write or 00(34 by Zaiwus. t9 410, 24, ib 'F, .7168036x11 i, Y,lnaitea peerec31J18 4 A1..LPIltl3;8 ao arta an oo11e/C0 street, 1l'�rente, pet. NEWS FROM ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL All30)T JOHN DULL AND MB 1'EOPF,E oceurrelees In the Land 'Phar Reigns Supreme in the Commer- cial Wo1111. A. scheme has been prepared for establishing a system of apprentice- ship for the building trades. Brigade -General L. J. Blenkinsop has been gasettod Director -General of Army Veterinary ]Service, It is expected that an increase in pensions will be granted in a 'few weeks to Crimean veterans, • About 13,000 in war savings was raised by 900 pupils in tulle months in a Croyden Council school. A. C. Denham, barrister, was elect- ed a representative for East Islington on the London County Council. Private F. G. Dancox," Worcester Regiment, who was awarded the Vic- toria C3.0ss, has-been,killed in action. The poor of Limehouse contributed 210 in farthings to help provide a motor ambulance for air raid work. No. commanders of armies or of corps in France have been placed on the retired list for the last two years. David Palmer Andrews has been appointed solicitor to the London County -Council at a salary of 21,500. Nautical instruction is to be'recom- mendecl as a permanent feature in the- Rothorbithe elementary schools. The Red Cross Society and the Or- der of St. John have furnished 2,177 motor ambulances and 964 other ve- hicles for army service. The Mayor of Ralnsgate has ar- ranged for special trains Lo Ientish _munition works, to help thk Kronen hit by the war to earn a living. William Hart 'Bennett, C.M.G., Col- onial Secretary to the Bahamas, has been appointed Governor of British Honduras. John Thompson, while digging in his garden at Rotherham, unearthed a glass ear containing 1107 in Banat of England notes. Mr-. Underhill, the oldest magis- trate's clerk in England, resigned his duties at Tipton, Statiordslhira, after forty years' service. Two army lorries are r:nming• on coal gas in London, and if they prove satisfactory the whole fleet of the A.S.C. will be converted. A matinee given in the Shaftesbury Theatre, London, in aid of the North Wales men who have fallen in the war memorial, realized 22,000. Tine Reading Pathological Society, one of the oldest in the United King- dom, has decided to admit lady prac- titioners. In the absence of the registrar, the ,judge of. the Bourne Comity Court permitted a -lady clerk to swear the witnesses. Stephen George Laws Nartin, sea- man on torpedo boat No. 95, has been given the Bronze Medal by the King ,for gallantry in saving Iife_ The Aeroplanes. We are the .Eyes of the Army; We are its Throbbing Thought - We are the Wings of Knowledge on ,the breezes caught! We are the Cry and - the Signal, We are the Warning Breath Whispering to the trenches, Warding off Lurking Death! We are the Midnight Terror; We are the Flash of Light Leading our hosts to battle -- The Spirit of the Fight! We are as bold as eagles - Fleet as the raven's wing; Over both friend and foeman Our daring motors sing. We are the Vigil -keepers, Tireless our eyes and true; We are the Wild Destroyers 1 Dropping from out the blue! iSpanning•the pathless heavens, Following infinite trails; Clouds are our Lone Companions, Our playthings, driving hails! Continents 1u'e otic Playgrounds, Criss-crossed, deftly planned; And high o'er the drifting mazes, Star -fields have we scanned! We, are the Fleet Forerunners Of the cgnrtol1'S crushing blow - The Tongues of Flame we loosen Speak through the guns below! Hovering high and lonely, - Gleaming arid white and free, We are the Empire's Fearless Soul, Guarding the land and seal --Bert Huffman. On "No Man's Land." And so they call it No Man's Land, This blood-soaked sent all torn by shell, Whore grim Death stalks in solitude Along the narrow stretch of Hell On No Alan's Land. 111 trespassing' 011 No Man's Land ft Lakes a Hero's stoutest soul; For of the horde who tempt its liens,' Few reach unscathed the victor's goal 011 No Man's Lapid. e- -•- - - --� This narrow stretch of No Man's Lan(] WHAT ARE z81031J 5AFer'l _ f t1 CER;i084> ET- 1 Ili INK 511 t 9'hiu sltantb1e of TIell's mocking mirth; i:._7"°P-).-r-�T IFS f, MY � r\ ],el' OF `,6OT,-rKe.1.p-A ` 11' No Ate1n's Land, then is it God's spa �.- -'-- DEAR.1 r 1' y,AiISFA-c'r(0 I (.1�AN4 WAS. own :faotstnol, which Ile calls this 1's« ^ r i li _UUT OF "IOU! " S mirth, s l )' • On No Man's Land? • r;. • But oh! seine clay this No Mao's Land Shall twee its bloody title clear, And freed from tresp(rss, spoil anti 2'6p8 God grata that day and hcmr be neat , On Ni* Mini's Land. ' -harry Bryan Owsley, ow Furs ihr:Li NI, SILVER 980 et. *eta lMt, '(3„ 11IoIIi'bal, 12,(1; 20 yeare of rollablo trading 1902elretl00-47elolt f41(, 06 (1130110, exmak+vM,+a,rar:M+w:+«,sa,nnrmNn�w,mwt'' '' -